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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Is there a chance that Sonny is gonna let Morgan in on the fact that he killed AJ? Otherwise, as much as I like Morgan snarking on Sonny, I don't see the point of another "Morgan is about to soften up on Ava but whoops she went to Sonny's island/Sonny went to talk with her on the island/she's moving in with Sonny" scene.


Okay, thank goodness Olivia took everything back about what she said because a) it's bullshit that Dante and Lulu would want or insist on Sonny coming to a party Olivia was hosting, especially Lulu, and b) how dumb could she be? Also lol at Olivia's delivery of "and don't you dare bring that putana with you!"


I get why Michelle Stafford is doing the little girl voice, but it's giving me douchechills.


Another day where I just stare at my screen in bewilderment, wondering what the hell they're trying to achieve with Franco. Ahahaha, he sold his paintings to visually impaired teens. ahahahahaha. ahahaha. ha?


Carly gave up on trying to talk with her distraught son in favor of her whiny, mooching, mocking-blind-children-ex-serial-boyfriend. And I thought it was bad when Carly put Jason first.


So how soon are Morgan/Kiki going to wait till the have sex? It seems inevitable that they are going down that route again. Unfortunately.


The sad thing is compared to Michael/Kiki their chemistry is scorching.


Michelle Stafford and Kristen Alderson look alike.

Edited by ulkis
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I've been on the barge for awhile, so today was my first introduction to the kangaroo wig known as Levi. My thoughts are, OMG kill it, kill it with fire, kill it with an 18-wheeler, kill it with a grenade, a SCUD missile, a Patriot missile, I don't care, just kill it!! How the hell has Maxie not laughed in this guy's face and punched him in the balls yet?? Michelle Stafford is already getting on my nerves as Nina.  When she tries to play demure and sweet it just comes off creepy as hell. Morgan needs to write off both his parents because Sonny is a disgusting asshat, even more so than usual, and Carly is suddenly a middle aged teenager in the most hideous "romance" ever.  I love Julian and loved them all together as a family at Kelly's, but he really needed to dial it back a notch today.  I don't even think doing a rail of blow will make Rafe interesting.  Why did I bother tuning back in? 

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So many train wrecks happening all at the same time...yet I couldn't look away.


Max is allowed out of the closet to waste time hauling Ava's useless ass around. Olivia was thinking about giving Sonny another chance, she is a waste of skin and yet a car bomb hasn't finally taken her out and that is a rather large shame in my book. She and Morgan may as well hook up now, how much lower can either of them go at this point.


I did like how annoyed Julian was about the Nina interrupting Danny's birthday party and he was allowed to pay a little attention to Sam. Yep, his life is going to be going down the tubes sooner than later.


The Nina is like a festering boil on the ass of GH that Ron has so "lovingly" been showcasing.


The Rafe actor just cannot act, imo, he keeps getting worse.


I can't even get into it about Morgan and Kiki, where's an apartment fire when you need one. And they're supposed to be the future of GH...what a joke.


And he actually wants to give Ava another chance to ruin his already pretty pathetic, empty, life so well then good, at this point I just want the kid to hurt, constantly, since he has no brain or self respect or dignity, just like his father, and mother, and brother. If only that whole sorry ass lot could be killed off, what a happy day that'd be. 


I may have not seen Roger as Todd in over a decade abouts but I don't recall him being nearly as bad then, or maybe I just blocked it out, but for the goodness of chicken gravy whoever he seems to think, or doesn't care, that he's playing I want the character shot and quartered.

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a) it's bullshit that Dante and Lulu would want or insist on Sonny coming to a party Olivia was hosting, especially Lulu,

Lulu gave Sonny a World's Best Grandpa mug, remember? They're buddies now, alas. Do Dante and Lulu know about Crypt!Sex? They don't know Ava is pregnant.


I get why Michelle Stafford is doing the little girl voice, but it's giving me douchechills.


Nutmeg's Dad compared Nina's situation to the movie 13 Going on 30, which kind of works except that Nina was in her mid to late twenties when she went into a coma. If she had that voice when she met Silas, I'm surprised he didn't put her in the coma himself, it's so annoying. It's the thing I hate most about Nina, as well as her wide-eyed fake innocence and constant "Things have changed so much/we're still the same" refrain. I did kind of get a kick out of Rafe and Lauren popping up and Silas having to explain why they lived at his place. Why yes, Nina, things do change in twenty years.

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I've been on the barge for awhile, so today was my first introduction to the kangaroo wig known as Levi




 I noticed today that he grew out some very unfortunate lip whiskers as well.


What is it about the males on this show sporting such unbecoming facial hair choices? Is it some kind of silent protest they're all partaking in or something, I've no clue, but there are far too many mirrors they surely pass by before going on set to excuse not getting themselves trimmed up properly.


It makes me think that Carlos has surely grown out a Rapunzel length beard and is plotting his escape to return to "Sabrinnnaaa" any day now. Good lord when he finds out about the baby that is going to be one spectacle...I wonder if he'll do an interpretive dance to show his pain or dig the grave with his own two bare hands.

Edited by CPP83
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I think it's sadly, depressingly normal for some men and women to be disinterested in the children their partner has with someone else, but Levi is a sick, narcissistic freak to interfere so aggressively with Maxie having any sort of relationship whatsoever with her infant daughter. In fact the only reason I question whether Maxie is doing the right thing in establishing her place in her daughter's life is she is remaining in a relationship with a man who is openly disapproving towards her doing so and masks his hostility behind manipulative talk like "I thought we agreed...." When most people, including myself say "I thought we agreed" it is when someone bulldozed their own viewpoint and assumed agreement or there was a difference of opinion and the other person gave in but changed their mind, it's not something said when there was a true agreement.. 

Edited by yuggapukka
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MSquared.....you asked and I'm in a mood today ;-).


Levi....ohhh hell no.  I love Aussies (I have an e-mail pal in Melboune with the same name as me) but he's creepy.  I don't see what Maxie sees in him.  I loved Mac giving him shade this week.  He could kick Levi's ass so I hope he does.  I know Levi's up to something.  Jerry Jax, Victor C, Stavros...pick one.  He's working for someone.  Also, he's too interested in Felicia and the Aztec thing.  I still say the necklace is going to show up again.


Solivia....just no.  Sonny ruins everything.  And I like Olivia for the most part.


Kiki and Morgan....he deserves better.


Cranco......I like LW and RoHo (he was perfect as Todd but he knows he's got shit writing here) but has been stated before by many...how could Carly sleep with the guy who set up her son's rape.  Just don't make sense and I don't see the chemistry.

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Michelle Stafford and Kristen Alderson look alike



They do, and I kind of want the show to go there with Lauren turning out to be the coma-baby. At the very least, it stops TPTB from introducing a new character as coma baby or giving a worse character like Levi a new reason to cling to Port Charles like patchouli stink in a head-shop.

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MSquared.....you asked and I'm in a mood today ;-).


Levi....ohhh hell no.  I love Aussies (I have an e-mail pal in Melboune with the same name as me) but he's creepy.  I don't see what Maxie sees in him.  I loved Mac giving him shade this week.  He could kick Levi's ass so I hope he does.  I know Levi's up to something.  Jerry Jax, Victor C, Stavros...pick one.  He's working for someone.  Also, he's too interested in Felicia and the Aztec thing.  I still say the necklace is going to show up again.


Solivia....just no.  Sonny ruins everything.  And I like Olivia for the most part.


Kiki and Morgan....he deserves better.


Cranco......I like LW and RoHo (he was perfect as Todd but he knows he's got shit writing here) but has been stated before by many...how could Carly sleep with the guy who set up her son's rape.  Just don't make sense and I don't see the chemistry.

I was never a big fan of LW (although I did enjoy Cassie and, was it Richard on GL?  But I can't stand her right now as the lobotimized slagbeast.  And I am rapidly not becoming a fan of RH's.  From what I saw on ATWT, he was tolerable there, but he's shit under Ron's pen.  And as Franco, the worst.

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It's good to have this site, for the continued Snark and so I can figure out when I want to see GH! :) The Patrick-Liz scenes (for me) hold the power for feeling the loss of baby Gabriel. Becky did a great job conveying Liz's heartbreak for her friend Patrick, and there's far more of a emotional connect/ obvious bonding over this loss as they remember how Patrick and Robin tried to save little Jake's life. Elizabeth is the right person to lend support to Patrick in his grief and help him tell Emma her baby brother died. I think Felix taking Sabrina back to their apartment, and Elizabeth staying with Patrick, was the appropriate way to go w/those scenes. 


I wonder if Sonny will actually get this line for a scene with Dante and Lulu: "Ava is pregnant with either my child or my grandchild."  Their WTF faces would probably amuse me. 

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Huge Danny made me happy today.  He's one of the best actors on this show.  


I get that Nina has been in a coma for 20 years and still trying to feel her way around a changed world, but is she also maybe a little slow in the head?  

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It was torture today. Levi - ugh. Just horrible. Stop talking.

Nathan looked all oiled up in that towel. I approve!

Cranco were gross. I love RoHo and hate that he has no character, no arc, nothing. However, I was amused by all the random strangers in the park. And, apparently, he had some success before Olivia grabbed his cash.

I'm going to have to start ff-ing Nina/Silas. Boring, boring, boring.

I enjoyed the freak-out that Olivia had over Sonny/Ava and Morgan/LKJ aka KeeKee, although I was not a fan of the flailing arms.

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Michelle Stafford is already getting on my nerves as Nina.  When she tries to play demure and sweet it just comes off creepy as hell. 

There was a time period during YandR several years ago where Phyllis got together with Nick and her personality changed from Phyllis, to sickeningly sweet and syrupy, with a big grin on her face and those coy flirtatious glances.  It looks like that is the character MS is channelling for returned from a coma Nina.  However, Nina also seems to be frighteningly crazy and needy.  She is barely out of the coma and she is setting up scenarios for her to be hugging Silas on the couch.  I just don't think this is the Nina Silas described to us before of course MS was cast.


Any second now Nina is going to develop a penchant for triple-repeating words and phrases--we could blame the coma but YandR watchers know better.

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So let me get this straight. Ron has all the time in the world to give to the two worthless pieces of shit Sonny and Ava so they can have another worthless conversation where Sonny threatens to murder her. RH gets yet another opportunity to show off how little of a fuck he gives about his acting career. Nina and Silas get scenes where absolutely nothing is accomplished. Maxie continues to act like a dumbass and gets manipulated by the gutter trash Levi. But Sam, Alexis, Julian, and Danny only get to interact for like five minutes? Fuck everything. This show is complete garbage.

Edited by LeftPhalange
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Poor Olivia -- where are her psychic visions for anything useful?  Guess the LSD wore off.


Ifeel bad for the actress who plays Sabrrrrinaaaa having to do this storyline when pregnant.  Don't know that I'd want my mind going there.


Morgan and Detective Plywood should team up.  They could trade parent stories while tossing back beers and join forces to bring down the mob.  Maybe Dante would join them.  But I'd trust Joss before Dante when it comes to Sonny.

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Did Sonny seriously say "broad" today??  Is this 1950?


I blacked out after seeing Nathan all wet in that towel.  I must be shallower than I thought (and I thought I was pretty shallow).  I do wonder how the writers justify that...."Hmm, how do we get Nathan in a towel for the 800th time?  Mention the fact that he is OC about cleanliness and showers 18 times a day?"   I'll say one thing, they sure know their demo audience.


I did manage to come to for the sweet Julian/Sam cheek kiss.  Love it.  And Sam is wearing another pretty outfit today.  Loved the shirt.

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I have more hate than is healthy for Nina and Levi.



The line forms to the right....


It makes me think that Carlos has surely grown out a Rapunzel length beard and is plotting his escape to return to "Sabrinnnaaa" any day now. Good lord when he finds out about the baby that is going to be one spectacle...I wonder if he'll do an interpretive dance to show his pain or dig the grave with his own two bare hands.



I just spewed vodka and cranberry all over my screen!  Interpretive dance--I'm DYIN' here!!


I blacked out after seeing Nathan all wet in that towel.  I must be shallower than I thought (and I thought I was pretty shallow).



My I join you in the shallow pool?  Detective Plywood sure brings the pretty!

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I did manage to come to for the sweet Julian/Sam cheek kiss.  Love it.  And Sam is wearing another pretty outfit today.  Loved the shirt.


Best scenes of the day were the ones with the Davis-Jerome family of 4. Of course, those are the only scenes I've watched so far because I don't much care about Nina.

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I completely disagree. Not that Ron is making mistakes. Oh, boy, is he making mistakes. I disagree that the new characters are brought on with no ties to vets. Sabrina was immediately infatuated with Patrick, a vet. Lauren was immediately connected to Morgan, a (semi-)vet. Franco is connected to Jason, the vettiest vet who ever vetted (in terms of who the show thinks is important). Did that make them more interesting? Not to me. In fact, I resented them being shoved into stories with people without earning their place.


Nina's problem isn't that she isn't connected to a vet, it's that she's a nobody no matter what. You can't expect an audience to care about somebody they've never heard of. Connecting her to a vet wouldn't change that. She'd still be someone who appeared after twenty years in a coma.


Also, what Sake614 wrote. We have to care about a character. Connections don't do that. Good writing does.

Perhaps it's more accurate for me to say that newbies shouldn't dominate a storyline over a vet, which RC tends to do with GH.  Sabrina had a crush on Patrick, but it was not Patrick's story.  It was all about Sabrina (and Felix).  I would say that 90% of Sabrina's storyline was about her and her crush and very little had to do with Patrick.  She got a ton of airtime for a new character, and it sidelined even Elizabeth, a vet (and I don't even care about her).  Kiki was Morgan's girlfriend and then a week later was falling for Michael.  I still know absolutely nothing about the girl, and she's been on GH for over a year.  She doesn't have a job or friends or ambition or prospects.  She has no purpose,and the only reason she is still on the show is because RC likes KA.  Michael is unfortunately saddled with her.  Finally, Franco - this version of Franco - was NEVER connected to Jason.  RC simply wanted to "make" Franco Jason's brother until no one was believing it.  Then he made Kiki Franco's daughter until he realized he couldn't pair her with Michael.  So he de-Quartermained both of them and they are both still horrible characters tied to no one.  Does Franco really ever spend time with Scotty?  Does Kiki ever spend time with Silas?  These are new characters who were brought on, given major stories and airtime, and still have no purpose.  Sabrina has at least gelled into the storylines, but Franco and Kiki are still failures.  


Nina is tied to Silas.  Two newbies that the audience doesn't care about.  I still don't know much about Silas, although I don't hate him.  He's just boring.  I am liking Nathan more and more, and I think he's getting more comfortable in his role.  Actually, Nathan IS working because he came on as a cop and he was paired with Dante, a GH vet.  Then he moved into Maxie's apartment, another GH vet.  Then he had interactions with Sam and Silas, and at least Sam is a GH vet.  I got to know him through the vets.  For me, that's how you introduce a new character.  Also, Nathan isn't getting a front burner storyline.  He was part of other people's stories. They are not doing that with Nina, and they didn't do that with Sabrina or Franco or Kiki.  RC just wanted to bring Starr and Todd Manning back.  So he just reinvented them as Franco and Kiki.  Sabrina had major story for months while Patrick was clueless.  Now Nina has a major storyline, but who cares that she's back? 


Connecting Nina to a vet would get the vet character interested in this person, which would make me interested in that person, but what bothers me more is the amount of airtime that I know she's going to get.  If I don't care about her, I don't want to see her all.the.time.  I agree that good writing certainly is most important, but I would be far more interested in Nina if she was related to a vet, and we had the vets talking about her over time.   Having Silas, a character I hardly know, go on and on about a character I never met and is tied to no one, makes me less interested in Nina or their relationship.  Serena Baldwin hasn't been around in ages.  Heck, she was a kid when she left, but I would care more about her because I know who her parents are, and I know about her through them.  I feel every new character should be tied to a vet in some way and without the newbie getting the main focus of the storyline.  Ava is another one who is eating GH alive - although I like her as a character.  I expect Nina to start eating the show now too.

Edited by Bishop
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Uner Guza's regime, I was aware that we were supposed to truly believe that Jason only killed people who needed killing.  And everybody should just get off his back about it, okay?  But this Sonny/Ava/Carly thing is even worse.


See, I actually think it's refreshing that this regime is painting Sonny and Carly as the self-absorbed jerks they are. Doesn't mean they aren't main characters, but at least their warts are exposed. How many people have expressed their horror at Carly dating Franco at this point? A lot. And even Sonny knows his actions have been despicable.

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The sad thing is compared to Michael/Kiki their chemistry is scorching.



Morgan and Kiki worked much better than Michael and Kiki, and RC should have left well enough alone.  Morgan and Kiki are a lot alike, both are emotional, act before they think, are loud, and are moochers.  They make much more sense to me than Michael and Kiki ever did.  In fact, they never did.  I think RC just wanted to put Michael back with Starr Manning as soon as possible.  It's the only explanation as to Kiki's personality change from an obnoxious, bratty girl to a Starr Manning redux.  As much as I dislike Kiki, putting her back in Morgan's orbit makes better sense than keeping her with Michael, although Morgan doesn't deserve that punishment.

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Color me confused. Donna mills is 73. Michelle stafford is 48. How does that make DM too young to be her mother?

I'm being mean and saying that I don't think that MS is attractive enough to be DM daughter.

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Now Nina has a major storyline, but who cares that she's back?




I feel every new character should be tied to a vet in some way and without the newbie getting the main focus of the storyline.


I agree, mostly. You can't just dump a newbie onscreen without tying him to someone. Remember when Emily's doppelgänger, Rebecca, was skulking around the GH corridors for weeks on end doing and saying nothing? All we knew is that she looked like Emily. She didn't talk to anyone. It was so stupid. She got all this focus for doing absolutely nothing. She was a gimmick from the start, which is something that Franco shares with her, and I think that's a big reason he's going nowhere. It doesn't help that RoHo is completely unengaged.


But I don't think connecting a newbie to a vet is necessarily the answer. Nina was talked about by three different newbies, and for me the problem wasn't the newbies, but that she was talked about constantly yet I still had no idea who she was. Ron kept changing the bloody story, probably thinking it was oooh, twisty, but instead it just made me care even less. If he couldn't figure out what was going on with her—she's alive; she was moved; no, she's dead; no, she's really alive—why should I? 


As you wrote, Nathan's integration has been fairly successful, because he wasn't shoved in our faces. The pacing for him has been pretty good, I think, especially on the Ron scale. Levi is connected to Maxi, a vet, but he's being shoved in our faces as her great savior. No, he's a psychologically abusive creep, and he's terrible. If this is intentional, I need to know why.


Most of the problems come down to pacing, I think. The writing will always be a problem, too, of course. I think there are some decent writers on the staff; they just aren't the ones responsible for moving the stories along. Ron gets infatuated with certain actors and characters and drags things out way too long, and other characters and stories suffer because of that.


Kiki's personality change from an obnoxious, bratty girl


That's still how I'd describe Lauren. 

Edited by dubbel zout
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Bishop, you make some good points but I'd like to address one:



Finally, Franco - this version of Franco - was NEVER connected to Jason.  RC simply wanted to "make" Franco Jason's brother until no one was believing it.  Then he made Kiki Franco's daughter until he realized he couldn't pair her with Michael.  So he de-Quartermained both of them and they are both still horrible characters tied to no one.  Does Franco really ever spend time with Scotty?  Does Kiki ever spend time with Silas?  These are new characters who were brought on, given major stories and airtime, and still have no purpose.  Sabrina has at least gelled into the storylines, but Franco and Kiki are still failures.


The only reason RH and KA were made Franco and Kiki was they wanted to mine the chem those two have built up over years, having played Todd and Starr.  And they only reason they had to put Kiki and Michael together is because KA and CD are a couple in real life.  Then, yes, they went through the whole, stupid convoluted process of de-Qing the both of them.  But they made them those characters with the past in mind.  


Though I agree with whoever it is that part of the reason RH is Franco is punishment for going back and doing OL.  

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But Sam, Alexis, Julian, and Danny only get to interact for like five minutes?


Ron knows what we want.


They're just a boring family trying to build their relationship, celebrating a little boy's birthday that was only made possible because of his grandpa, who is trying to figure out how to be a good dad to Sam, willing to make mistakes and apologize and be a bit of an overprotective jerk because he just wants her to be happy and to protect her from the bad boys of the world who might/have hurt her, wishing he could have back all those years they've missed together and trying not to impose himself too much on her because of that. Learning how to be a caring dad but not a controlling one, letting things happen naturally. 


But really, who wants to see all of that carried on at a decent pace when we can see Sonny choking on his own tongue because Ava and Ava's very shiny shirt is wrecking balling his life as Olivia decides to scrape up a smidgen of pride and leave him, until she returns of course when no one else will have her but Sonny's son, a pouting, immature kid who still thinks "love will keep us together" and won't just go out and make a goddamn friend already to hug or have a sleepover with that can show him what normalcy looks and feels like, while across town Franco is terrorizing park goers with his ranting/raving Godzilla act over losing his ability to paint, or function as an actual human being while Carly talks abut them boning every night and sticking her tongue down his throat to inspire him or engage his gagging reflect, god knows it did mine, oh, and how touching was it to watch clingy coma wife the Nina keep Silas cornered like some caged animal looking for any avenue of escape while she marveled at his teeny iPhone and reminded him every other second that she had lost over 20 years of life like some nutter put on repeat who then got an eyeful of Silas' daughter Kiki, and for once her look of growing, queasy horror actually seemed understandable, and lastly who wouldn't find it just riveting that Maxie is still shroud in ugly ass clothing while dealing with Levi, a man whose hair on his head and face make him look like a renegade muppet, while Nathan continued to try and seem emotional about Nina.


Ron just gets us, you know?

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Can we use that Kickstarter thing to raise money for a stylist to show up on set? Levi, Morgan, Rafe, and Silas all need a major overhaul. They are what we in the South call a double bagger. If your "acting" isn't up to soap standards then at least bring the pretty or provide some distraction like Nathan and the low hanging towel.

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Ron knows what we want.


They're just a boring family trying to build their relationship, celebrating a little boy's birthday that was only made possible because of his grandpa, who is trying to figure out how to be a good dad to Sam, willing to make mistakes and apologize and be a bit of an overprotective jerk because he just wants her to be happy and to protect her from the bad boys of the world who might/have hurt her, wishing he could have back all those years they've missed together and trying not to impose himself too much on her because of that. Learning how to be a caring dad but not a controlling one, letting things happen naturally. 


But really, who wants to see all of that carried on at a decent pace when we can see Sonny choking on his own tongue because Ava and Ava's very shiny shirt is wrecking balling his life as Olivia decides to scrape up a smidgen of pride and leave him, until she returns of course when no one else will have her but Sonny's son, a pouting, immature kid who still thinks "love will keep us together" and won't just go out and make a goddamn friend already to hug or have a sleepover with that can show him what normalcy looks and feels like, while across town Franco is terrorizing park goers with his ranting/raving Godzilla act over losing his ability to paint, or function as an actual human being while Carly talks abut them boning every night and sticking her tongue down his throat to inspire him or engage his gagging reflect, god knows it did mine, oh, and how touching was it to watch clingy coma wife the Nina keep Silas cornered like some caged animal looking for any avenue of escape while she marveled at his teeny iPhone and reminded him every other second that she had lost over 20 years of life like some nutter put on repeat who then got an eyeful of Silas' daughter Kiki, and for once her look of growing, queasy horror actually seemed understandable, and lastly who wouldn't find it just riveting that Maxie is still shroud in ugly ass clothing while dealing with Levi, a man whose hair on his head and face make him look like a renegade muppet, while Nathan continued to try and seem emotional about Nina.


Ron just gets us, you know?

Funny enough, Ron and SID were getting into it on this very topic today, mundane everyday life vs Ron's usual shit.

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Was the show preempted on the east coast? Or in NYC? Oddly (mercifully?) it didn't record on my TiVo. It thought maybe D-Day ceremonies interrupted it, but Y&R was on, and it airs at 12:30.

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As you wrote, Nathan's integration has been fairly successful, because he wasn't shoved in our faces. The pacing for him has been pretty good, I think, especially on the Ron scale.


I think it was actually to Nathan's benefit that his destined romantic partner (Maxie) was off the canvas for a while while he got his feet wet.  Unlike, say, early Sabrina and Britt, who just popped up out of nowhere all, "Hi, you've never met us before, but we're both super in love with Patrick for...reasons."

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I hate Ryan Paevey; id become an honest to god Sonny fan in exchange for getting abs like that.


Other than that, all i can add is there is No Upper Limit on either Levi or Nina hate.  Seriously, why is Nina?  Why is Levi?   Who do i pay membership dues to to join their hate clubs?

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Morgan and Detective Plywood should team up.  They could trade parent stories while tossing back beers and join forces to bring down the mob.  Maybe Dante would join them.  But I'd trust Joss before Dante when it comes to Sonny.


Oh man, what I wouldn't give for this. Those are my two faves! (Judge me all you want!) And honestly they both need a friend. The show itself needs more friendships.


Olivia was fun today. See show, everyone is better when they hate Sonny. And when they hate Franco.


I don't really want the inevitable return to Morgan/Kiki, but honestly I do like them as friends and the only times I've marginally liked Kiki are when she was with Morgan.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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My Tivo didn't record either. Maybe it knew about the "renegade Muppet" being on and just said no.

In the GH in my head, Carlos and Nathan are doing interpretive dance (heeeee) over a deathly ill Sonny while Olivia and Nina have a flailing arms and jazz hands and heaving breasts silent movie moment.

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I don't really want the inevitable return to Morgan/Kiki, but honestly I do like them as friends and the only times I've marginally liked Kiki are when she was with Morgan.



The good thing is, if there is an inevitable return to them there is an even more inevitable return to Michael/Kiki. Now if only there were an inevitable return to Kiki/cliff.


Morgan and Kiki worked much better than Michael and Kiki, and RC should have left well enough alone.



Oh, I thought they were pretty much as horrible in the beginning as Michael and Kiki are now, but after BC settled in a bit, and KA resettled a little, and exposure to the crappy instalove that is MiKaka, Morgan and Kiki have improved. It's a little scary how much they have improved together. But that's because they were that bad at the beginning, I must stress.

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I think KA is even worse now. Her acting talent is really disintegrating. I feel so much second-hand embarrassment when I watch most of her scenes lately.


I forgot to talk about how amazing the scene of Rafe buying drugs was. The smile on his face was so damn hilarious. I watched it multiple times.

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The sad thing is compared to Michael/Kiki their chemistry is scorching.


Compared to Michael/Kiki, the chemistry between Epiphany and a dead cat is scorching.


I don't want Morgan back with that lameass twit. He escaped her orbit once, and he improved immensely. I guess I can be okay with them as friends, but she just really needs to go make friends with an electric fence and a thunderstorm.


Pretty boring episode except for a few small parts. Way too much Nina, and Nina being too breathy. Get to the psycho bitch part already.


There are not enough words for the sickness that is Cranco. I guess Carly, Franco, Bobbie, Lucas, Morgan, and Joss will all just be one happy family living under the same roof.



I forgot to talk about how amazing the scene of Rafe buying drugs was. The smile on his face was so damn hilarious. I watched it multiple times.


I cannot WAIT for the UCG that Druggie!Rafe will bring. Hee hee hee. I'm giggling already.

Edited by tvgoddess
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There are not enough words for the sickness that is Cranco. I guess Carly, Franco, Bobbie, Lucas, Morgan, and Joss will all just be one happy family living under the same roof.


I kinda want to see scenes of them all together in the same house. But just once and then I never want to see it again.


I cannot WAIT for the UCG that Druggie!Rafe will bring. Hee hee hee. I'm giggling already.


I can not even express how excited I am about the Druggie!Rafe storyline. They better deliver on the UCG I'm expecting!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I think KA is even worse now. Her acting talent is really disintegrating. I feel so much second-hand embarrassment when I watch most of her scenes lately.



I should clarify, I think she "settled in a bit" with regards to chemistry. I think having her hair be brown helped a bit. I honestly think if her hair was blonde still she would look crappy with Morgan still.


 There are not enough words for the sickness that is Cranco. I guess Carly, Franco, Bobbie, Lucas, Morgan, and Joss will all just be one happy family living under the same roof.



I'm glad Morgan called him a psycho today. I hope Franco doesn't win the kids over to his side, but he probably will. If we have to be subjugated to juvenile antics, I hope Joss and Morgan put flaming dog poop in his bed. 

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I should clarify, I think she "settled in a bit" with regards to chemistry. I think having her hair be brown helped a bit. I honestly think if her hair was blonde still she would look crappy with Morgan still.


I LOLed over her hair being a factor at first, but then I was like damn you are right. Which honestly just tells you how bad she is at acting.


If we have to be subjugated to juvenile antics, I hope Joss and Morgan put flaming dog poop in his bed.


This needs to happen. Also, the thought of this made me want Morgan/Joss scenes. Hey, Morgan, there's a family member you don't have to worry about sleeping with your girlfriend! For now, at least.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I forgot to talk about how amazing the scene of Rafe buying drugs was. The smile on his face was so damn hilarious. I watched it multiple times.

The skeevey drug-peddler was hotter than half the male cast and I don't even particularly like scrawny guys with lank hair, but at least he's not fug.

Edited by yuggapukka
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It's the same presumptuousness that made the show believe viewers would go wild at the sight of the OLTL 3 in new roles. 



It's not presumptuousness if it works, and, from where FV and RC are sitting, what they are doing is working.  Look at the sweeps period just ended.  I thought it was one of the worst, most boring sweeps periods this show has ever had, but when the ratings came out, lo and behold GH had pulled down the best ratings it had scored in 7 years.  Last year's Nurses Ball was widely panned on TWoP, but it too pulled in high ratings.  Whatever RC is putting out there, and whatever actors FV is hiring, a substantial number of viewers are tuning in to see.  We may not like it, but there it is.  FV and RC have got no reason to change anything.




I am liking Nathan more and more, and I think he's getting more comfortable in his role.  Actually, Nathan IS working because he came on as a cop and he was paired with Dante, a GH vet.  Then he moved into Maxie's apartment, another GH vet.  Then he had interactions with Sam and Silas, and at least Sam is a GH vet.  I got to know him through the vets


I partially agree and partially disagree with this sentiment.  I think the key phrase here is , "I got to know him".  I think the way to introduce a newbie is to slowly establish them on the canvas and don't give them any major story for at at least 6 months after they are introduced.  You don't necessarily have to staple them to the hip of this vet or that vet (this is where I disagree), just establish them on the canvas and let the viewers get to know them a bit and get used to them being on the canvas before you give them major story.  (This can also be useful as a way to conduct some chem tests).  This doesn't seem to happen any more - it's like two seconds after someone sets foot in POrt Charles, they're front and center in some uber-major storyline.  I don't think people who resent newbies in major storylines nearly as much if they just had a chance to get acclimated to them first.

Edited by yowsah1
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I LOLed over her hair being a factor at first, but then I was like damn you are right. Which honestly just tells you how bad she is at acting.



Well she is that bad at acting but the hair was that bad. GOOD HAIR CAN WORK MIRACLES. I came across an old clip and it was like a punch in the face how bad her hair was. Mismatched her eyebrows, it looked so limp . . . it's so much shinier and thicker looking now.

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It's not presumptuousness if it works, and, from where FV and RC are sitting, what they are doing is working.  Look at the sweeps period just ended.  I thought it was one of the worst, most boring sweeps periods this show has ever had, but when the ratings came out, lo and behold GH had pulled down the best ratings it had scored in 7 years.  Last year's Nurses Ball was widely panned on TWoP, but it too pulled in high ratings.  Whatever RC is putting out there, and whatever actors FV is hiring, a substantial number of viewers are tuning in to see.  We may not like it, but there it is.  FV and RC have got no reason to change anything.


It's presumptuousness if they assume the improved ratings are based on the OLTL 3. The ratings at the point in time that these three were most heavily featured as the new characters weren't that good at all. Only with a diminished role for Kiki and Franco and a dog and pony show surrounding Silas (as he himself is a complete afterthought in the storyline) have the ratings improved.


Given that ABC may be replacing them with Tyra Banks' new talk show, I'd say they have incentive to sort out their mess. I doubt they will, as they are too busy sneering at fans to care about what people want.


My I join you in the shallow pool?  Detective Plywood sure brings the pretty!


When I see guys all oiled up like that it just reminds me of one of those greasy slides that some people put on the ground in their backyard. Paevey is much better looking when they aren't trying so hard. Generally everything about him improves when they don't really try (which for me means less scenes of him having non-chemistry with Maxie and more of him just reacting to his family, or to his job).


That's one of the reasons I can't really praise Ron and Frank for "success" with him. Most of what they've actually tried to do with him has been a huge mess resulting in the actor looking confused. What works is what has happened unintentionally.

Edited by PeteMartell
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I don't think people who resent newbies in major storylines nearly as much if they just had a chance to get acclimated to them first.


This. It seems like this is one lesson that would have been learned from the Eckert years. One of the reasons people disliked them was because one day they were suddenly front and center, and because there was a line or two that established their relationship to the Spencers, it was thought they'd be embraced by the audience. Not. 


I do think Nathan is getting better. I think he is trying to learn how to act, and for that I give him credit. I think that looking to the side he was doing when he first began was a "tell" -- he'd memorized his lines and was trying to remember them rather than speak them, if that makes sense. 

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