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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm interested in the reactions of Olivia and Dante to the news of who killed Connie and that Sonny knew for months and has been lying to Olivia's face.  Will Olivia actually get to be angry or will she just think about poor Sonny and the weight it must have been on him?   (Gag, I can really see that happening.  We already have Morgan and Bobbie beginning that shit with Sonny and Carly).

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So Heather is holding a gun on Carly at the docks?

How awesome would it be if Heather shot Carly and then kicked her body into the water exactly as Faison did Jason .

I caught my self saying "Please Heather. Please!" Glad no one heard me begging the t.v.!


Poor Ava, she is having a very, very bad day. She was forced to give birth, her baby stolen and then to top it off, she opens the door and there is Sonny. My question, is will he shoot her before or after she tells him that Nina took her daughter?

At least she can drink again. 


No carly doesn't know that shawn and sonny where involved and I doubt she will find out which kinda pisses me off because there just as responsable for Heather roaming around as franco is.

Aren't they plain old responsible? They busted her out ; Franco planned to, but they'd beat him to it, so his ( Franco) hands are technically clean on that one. 


Yeah, it's gross that all Bobbie cares about is her daughter being implicated - no signs of concern at all for her heartbroken grandson, no signs of sadness/pain/guilt that her child has helped cover up the murder of her dear friend Monica's child, also Michael's grandma.  Bobbie is utterly useless now - I had hoped (re: Michael) to see a return of the woman who was kind and compassionate to young Elizabeth Webber in the aftermath of rape. Also, if Bobbie didn't know before that Michael's a rape victim because of Franco and being 'raised' by Jason/Sonny, she does now - yet no reaction?! Ughhhhh

This Bobbie isn't the one we know and love. Barely even resembles her. 

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Yeah, it's gross that all Bobbie cares about is her daughter being implicated - no signs of concern at all for her heartbroken grandson, no signs of sadness/pain/guilt that her child has helped cover up the murder of her dear friend Monica's child, also Michael's grandma.  Bobbie is utterly useless now - I had hoped (re: Michael) to see a return of the woman who was kind and compassionate to young Elizabeth Webber in the aftermath of rape. Also, if Bobbie didn't know before that Michael's a rape victim because of Franco and being 'raised' by Jason/Sonny, she does now - yet no reaction?! Ughhhhh




This Bobbie isn't the one we know and love. Barely even resembles her. 



I'm going to give them time for Bobbie to have a more developed reaction. I doubt they will give her one, but there definitely wasn't time for her to express all that in this episode. They barely give the main players time to express nuanced reactions, let alone poor Bobbie.


I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm interested in the reactions of Olivia and Dante to the news of who killed Connie and that Sonny knew for months and has been lying to Olivia's face.  Will Olivia actually get to be angry or will she just think about poor Sonny and the weight it must have been on him?


Probably. Excuse me while I vomit. Stupid Olivia. At least she was smart enough to get rid of him as a boyfriend though.

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I'm going to give them time for Bobbie to have a more developed reaction. I doubt they will give her one, but there definitely wasn't time for her to express all that in this episode. They barely give the main players time to express nuanced reactions, let alone poor Bobbie.


I'm not counting on it.  Based on the previews, it looks like she heads over to the Floating Rib instead of going after Carly or Michael or even checking in with Lucas and Joss and, thus, gets mixed up in whatever this Lucy/Duke nonsense is.


At this point, I'd really like a scene between Monica and Bobbie where Monica gets to berate Bobbie for all her daughter has taken from her.

Edited by TeeVee329
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I wouldn't call the Qs functional. Edward loved pitting the men against each other and playing favorites. That's not a healthy environment. It's better than being around the mob, yes, but Michael wouldn't be unscathed had he been raised by AJ and the Qs. He'd have a different set of issues.





The Qs put the "functional" in "dysfunctional", heh, they are a nutty bunch. *sighs* I do miss Edward though. And Alan...oh Alan...how is he dead while slime balls like Sonny, Franco, and Shawn get to run around town.




I do think it will be meant to contrast with Morgan and everyone else in Michael's family but Dante is barely involved in the family nowadays. I'm sure if he were more involved they probably would have had him keep the secret too.




One of the biggest contrasts for me is that Dante's an adult while Morgan's an adult in age only, his behavior has been completely child like, imho. Morgan is the immature baby brother, his actions reflect that. 

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One of the biggest contrasts for me is that Dante's an adult while Morgan's an adult in age only, his behavior has been completely child like, imho. Morgan is the immature baby brother, his actions reflect that. 


Well, yes they have been childish. But I don't think Morgan is especially immature for his age. IMO that's typical. Maybe I have low expectations but I think most 20/21 year old/college-aged kids are immature. Especially the men. Sorry, men-folk of the board! I say this as someone who is not especially mature herself so I'm not judgin'.

Edited by ulkis
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Well, no. But I don't think Morgan is especially immature for his age. IMO that's typical. Maybe I have low expectations but I think most 20/21 year old/college-aged kids are immature. Especially the men. Sorry, men-folk of the board! I say this as someone who is not especially mature herself so I'm not judgin'.





I actually think he is far more immature than the average kid his age because he isn't just making bad or stupid decisions that he can learn from later on in life, he's offering up his former lover/maybe baby mama to his father on a silver platter because it might finally earn him the #1 son status he's been craving.


It's as if he isn't comprehending that she is going to die directly because of his actions, but it's okay because Sonny has explained to him why she deserves to die and her baby gets to grow up without a mother. For him to think so simplistically about something so serious and life altering to me is what takes him a step beyond the "usual" or the "norm".


That is the sort of thinking I'd expect from one Spencer or Emma or Joss' age, that total tunnel vision of a child that can be so dangerous because they haven't developed proper reasoning skills due to being so young and inexperienced, but Morgan is old enough to know better then this, to know it isn't just a snap of the fingers' decision when it's life and death and right and wrong, but that isn't how he is behaving or thinking.

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I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm interested in the reactions of Olivia and Dante to the news of who killed Connie and that Sonny knew for months and has been lying to Olivia's face.  Will Olivia actually get to be angry or will she just think about poor Sonny and the weight it must have been on him?   (Gag, I can really see that happening.  We already have Morgan and Bobbie beginning that shit with Sonny and Carly).


To be fair Sonny wants to kill Ava to avenge Connie and has only waited b/c she is pregnant. I don't see why Olivia would be too mad at Sonny when his goal has been Ava's death. Now Dante being mad is a given b/c as cop he'd want to see Ava in prison rather than dead.

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I keep waiting for Sonny to place some of the blame for all of this on Connie.  I'm picturing something along the lines of "She should have written 'Ava'!  It's just one or two more letters!  She had to know that if she wrote 'AJ,' I'd go after AJ Quartermaine!  If she would have just written the right name in blood, I wouldn't have shot AJ or banged Ava on his grave!"  


(And, yes, I know it's only one more letter, but I'm assuming that's math Sonny would have a hard time computing on the spot.) 

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I'm not counting on it.  Based on the previews, it looks like she heads over to the Floating Rib instead of going after Carly or Michael or even checking in with Lucas and Joss and, thus, gets mixed up in whatever this Lucy/Duke nonsense is.


At this point, I'd really like a scene between Monica and Bobbie where Monica gets to berate Bobbie for all her daughter has taken from her.


this reminds me, in the series of "scenes that will never happen except in my head", I have one where Sonny berates Dante and tells him he doesn't understand what it's like to have a child where another parent shows up and tried to take him away and Dante replies that yeah, actually, Lulu and Dante had to give up Georgie and no use of meat hooks were involved.


Of course, Sonny would probably just whine that that meant they didn't love the baby enough.

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Sonny already has too many scapegoats to count: Ava, Franco, Carlos, Julian will get blamed because Connie was killed over his secret, Anna will be on the hook for running the department that pointed the finger at AJ just as much, therefore confusing Sonny further which is never hard to do.

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Sonny already has too many scapegoats to count: Ava, Franco, Carlos, Julian will get blamed because Connie was killed over his secret, Anna will be on the hook for running the department that pointed the finger at AJ just as much, therefore confusing Sonny further which is never hard to do.


Morgan for having the secret about Kiki's paternity that caused Sonny and Connie to fight, Olivia for being so tempting as to lure Sonny's wang away from Connie, Jax just because, etc.

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Wait - whatever happened to Sonny's plan to kill Franco? Did Heather send him a text from Shawn's phone saying it's all done? Cause otherwise, shouldn't he be going to go check on Franco and Heather?

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Wait - whatever happened to Sonny's plan to kill Franco? Did Heather send him a text from Shawn's phone saying it's all done? Cause otherwise, shouldn't he be going to go check on Franco and Heather?


Yeah, she did text him saying that "It's done -- Franco is dead."

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Probably. Excuse me while I vomit. Stupid Olivia. At least she was smart enough to get rid of him as a boyfriend though.


With any luck, Dullivia will fall face first into a vat of her "sauce" when she hears about all this and drown.  A more useless character than her didn't exist - until they brought on Kiki, Silas and Franco.  And Felix.  And Sabrina.  And Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarlos.  


But even though she's no longer the worst one I still can't stand her Mama Celeste imitation.  Abbondonza indeed.

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Wait - whatever happened to Sonny's plan to kill Franco? Did Heather send him a text from Shawn's phone saying it's all done? Cause otherwise, shouldn't he be going to go check on Franco and Heather?

Sonnys too busy plotting to kill the mother of his child or grandchild.Sonny's an idiot.So thrilled his plan totally backfired on him.

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Wait - whatever happened to Sonny's plan to kill Franco? Did Heather send him a text from Shawn's phone saying it's all done? Cause otherwise, shouldn't he be going to go check on Franco and Heather?


Exactly! Right now Sonny is operating under the delusion that Franco is dead. 

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I am all a-giggle over the idea of scum bucket Sonny finally getting to embrace his claustrophobia in Pentonville.  It's just one of those impossible dreams coming true.  Too, too many people know right now, the proof is out there - and the bastard is on his way to commit the murder (or at least torture) of the mother of his child or grandchild, even as he is being sought for murder of his son's biofather by the police.  Said police who FINALLY have proof of something against oh so slippery Sonny. Scott is not going to be the only one gloating, and I for one am hoping to watch Anna slap on the cuffs.


Show could not have made the mini-moobster look worse this week.  I will forever treasure the view of not so sexy Sonny posturing for the camera.  Franco's video was indeed an artistic accomplishment...not only did it deliver the proof of a crime from the perp's own lips, it stripped years of lies and manipulation bare in front of Michael.    It made both Sonny and Carly look like the vapid asses that they are.  Sad to say, Michael was always going to be hurt by this.  Franco took the bandaid approach.  Ultimately, he was being cruel to be kind to Michael and relishing punishing his parents.  Franco's motives are twisted in a fundamental way, but there is no denying that you can't take back Michael's raped innocent trust in his folks.  It's gone forever.  Now there will be consequences that are unavoidable.  We have to go there.


Franco is a sociopath and serial killer.  No tumor can change that.  But I honestly think that only a Franco could have taken down the dynasty of Sonny, Carly, and the gummy bear mob.  And I for one am grateful.


I'm also delighted he ratted out Kiki, who is gonna pay for it...

Edited by Reo
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At this point, I'd really like a scene between Monica and Bobbie where Monica gets to berate Bobbie for all her daughter has taken from her.


I hate these kinds of scenes. The only person who deserves blame for what Carly has taken away from Monica is Carly and Carly alone. Bobbie is not responsible in any way for her adult (...) child's actions, especially since she didn't raise Carly.


I was pretty surprised Sonny didn't berate Ghost!Connie for exactly that the other day.


I know. Doesn't Ghost!Connie know how hard things have been for Sonny? Ava goaded him into thinking that AJ killed Connie because Connie was dumb enough not to use the blood draining out of her and write "Ava" instead of "AJ." What else could Sonny do BUT shoot AJ? It's really Connie's fault that AJ died.

Edited by dubbel zout
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I hate these kinds of scenes. The only person who deserves blame for what Carly has taken away from Monica is Carly and Carly alone. Full stop.




I know. Doesn't Ghost!Connie know how hard things have been for Sonny? Ava goaded him into thinking that AJ killed Connie because Connie was dumb enough not to use the blood draining out of her and write "Ava" instead of "AJ." What else could Sonny do BUT shoot AJ? It's really Connie's fault that AJ died.


Maybe she gave up half way through the "V" after starting it on the right side of the letter. Work with me here.

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But I honestly think that only a Franco could have taken down the dynasty of Sonny, Carly, and the gummy bear mob




I don't. There have been tons of previous chances but the show never bothered to follow through because they are leads and they still are. They aren't going anywhere, not unless the actors leave. Sonny getting locked away for any real stint of time is as likely as him using a condom.

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I actually think he is far more immature than the average kid his age because he isn't just making bad or stupid decisions that he can learn from later on in life, he's offering up his former lover/maybe baby mama to his father on a silver platter because it might finally earn him the #1 son status he's been craving.


To be fair to Morgan, and because I hate Scummy just that much, the way he behaves is just one more example of what crackerjack parents Sonny and Carly aren't.

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To be fair to Morgan, and because I hate Scummy just that much, the way he behaves is just one more example of what crackerjack parents Sonny and Carly aren't.




I'd also say a big part of it is the brain damage stemming from his birth. But regardless the boy isn't right in the head and I'd say it's both due to nature and nurture or lack thereof.

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You know, if Sonny complained about that, I might actually have to agree with him on that front. It was just one more damn letter Connie!


All she had to do was finish the 'J' and make it a 'V'.


Of course, had that happened I would not have been shocked if Sonny and Shawn then went on to hunt down the Port Charles University A.V. Club.

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Sonny already has too many scapegoats to count: Ava, Franco, Carlos, Julian will get blamed because Connie was killed over his secret, Anna will be on the hook for running the department that pointed the finger at AJ just as much, therefore confusing Sonny further which is never hard to do.


You forgot AJ, clearly this is all his fault for not being dead the first time.  Had he not come back from the dead, Sonny wouldn't have ended up killing him.  I guess we can throw Monica on the list, too, for hiding him and eventually bringing him back to town. I'm sure Deke is somehow at fault, too.  Oh, and Johnny, because everyone knows that Johnny's guys would have told him who killed Connie right as it happened.  He could have let Sonny know before he killed AJ.  


He can blame Connie's parents, too.  If they didn't have her, she never would have been killed.  

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How could I have left out AJ? If only he hadn't wasted so much time begging Sonny not to shoot him and had told him Ava was the guilty culprit. Now it makes complete sense why Sonny keeps calling him an "idiot"...

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I'd also say a big part of it is the brain damage stemming from his birth. But regardless the boy isn't right in the head and I'd say it's both due to nature and nurture or lack thereof.


Well, maybe, but the only reason Michael has his head even halfway screwed on right is because Carly and Sonny have been better at pretending to give a crap about him, at least until Franco took his blinders off. I have yet to see either of them even really try to pretend with this iteration of Morgan.

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I always laugh when Sonny and Carly start howling about "that bastard A.J." They have absolutely zero self-awareness about his killing an innocent man, they act like he jumped in front of the bullet or was going after them. It just cracks me up, it's so tone-deaf.

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Well, maybe, but the only reason Michael has his head even halfway screwed on right is because Carly and Sonny have been better at pretending to give a crap about him, at least until Franco took his blinders off. I have yet to see either of them even really try to pretend with this iteration of Morgan.


I think now we're just supposed to take it that Michael just has some innate goodness that would have beaten out Heather Webber and Helena Cassadine's rearing - and I'm not being sarcastic about that. But if I were to give credit to anyone, it would probably be Jason and Dante and prison. Michael was a total jerk until pretty much he went to prison and then lived with Dante afterwards. And I think we're supposed to take it that Jason was a calming influence on him or whatever.

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I hope that Dante is the one who puts the cuffs on Sonny while Anna reads him is rights. Will Alexis defend him? Will he remember he fired her? I think that she may be done with Sonny because she told Julian that if he banks his bone marrow, Sonny WILL kill him.


Then there is Diane. She might sign on to defend him because she is all about the money.

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I hate these kinds of scenes. The only person who deserves blame for what Carly has taken away from Monica is Carly and Carly alone. Bobbie is not responsible in any way for her adult (...) child's actions, especially since she didn't raise Carly

Monica absolutely should get to berate Bobbie for adding insult to many years of injuries courtesy of that child by trying to persuade Scott not to share with the police that Sonny and Carly truth-telling video - at the expense of justice for the cold-blooded murder of her son and their mutual grandson. I hope she finds out from Scott that Bobbie wanted that video withheld to protect her treacherous daughter. By her actions, Bobbie might as well have said who cares about AJ's death or Michael's suffering. And she can't use the excuse that Carly's kids need their mom. The boys clearly don't, and Joss would do much better being raised by Jax - the parent who actually cares about her.

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I hope that Dante is the one who puts the cuffs on Sonny while Anna reads him is rights. Will Alexis defend him? Will he remember he fired her? I think that she may be done with Sonny because she told Julian that if he banks his bone marrow, Sonny WILL kill him.


Then there is Diane. She might sign on to defend him because she is all about the money.


I thought of Diane, but then I wondered if the whole point of Max getting shot would be to give her a reason to turn down Sonny if he goes to her.  

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A little late to the party but do we know what happened in the last part of TFGH? We had the not-wonderful interruption yesterday and I can't seem to find it on youtube.

Because Ron and Sonny aren't the only ones to ruin everything, ABCD news interruptions are as bad as they are.


On topic; go Michael go! Get your hate on for all of us!

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Today was like some awful nightmare. Holy hell...


Why didn't anyone jump on the SERIAL KILLER? The man's barely as big as Carly ffs.


Too many people in this town need to die, they really do.

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Sonny truly surpasses Morgan as an utter moron.  Bobbie is joining their ranks, and her daughter's, by just wanting to have a drink and blaming Scott for the possibility that Carly would go to jail. Truly hope Michael disowns her, too.


Vaguely amused by Duke's "Oh, shit!" face. Hope he goes down. Lucy should just not speak.


Anna being awesome, Ava's snark about Shawn, Felicia looking beautiful and Michael stopping Sonny from shooting Ava are the highlights.  Sonny's WTF??? face at seeing Michael with a gun is GLORIOUS. 

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I have been withholding comment because this week was intended to be seen as a 5 day arc, and this is only day 4.


However, I have to break for one reason.


Shut Up, Kiki! STHU!


Either Ron hates the character, or the actress does, or the actress sucks so bad she makes us hate the character.

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So Franco's character has been reset again, and the process gave Carly some semblance of a brain?


Morgan is as stupid as his piece of shit father.  So now Michael or Monica can kill Sonny because he killed AJ, Kiki can kill Morgan since he's just as culpable in Ava's death as Sonny, and on and on it goes.


Sonny is the worst.  Haaaaaaate.

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Morgan: do you see how sick Franco is now - 

Kiki: Why don't you stop thinking about Franco and think about your BROTHER!!!


No bitch! No! You don't get to fucking deflect! I utterly despise how she acts like she's the only one who thinks of Michael's well-being


Good for her, I say grudgingly, for pointing out to Morgan that he didn't have to tell Sonny where Ava was


Dante: Michael has a temper he tries to hide, but it's there


:smokes cigarette: Thank you, Dante. There's a part of his soul that's still Redrum's, heh


What did Anna and Dante ever do to Scott? He was such a jerk to them. And I was pissed at them for not mentioning that Franco is also a fucking accessory


Good, roboDuke is going down. Hey, maybe HE'S Nathan's dad!


You know, I've been entertained by Sonny the past couple of months, but days like today really ignited the old visceral hate. "Your daughter will want for nothing." uh, yeah, except for a mother and a family that doesn't have a vile misogynistic pig like him occupying it.


Speaking of misogynist pigs! This is all I heard from Franco:


wah wah wah Carly you're just like every other girl in my life who threw my love note I passed them in study hall in the garbage wah wah 


All the scene needed was Spinelli to complete the Nice Guy pity fest.


Heather did crack me up a few times, like when she said "despicable!" when Franco mentioned Carly cheating.

Edited by ulkis
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