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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I watched today and skipped over half of the show.  I watch and think -what show is this?  I know, the dumbass Ron says this is the new kind of soap.  Who are these people?  Why are their relationships so convoluted? Nina, Sabrina, Robin returns looking like an asexual lab technician, Dr. Silas looks checked out and on and on.  I really do not care about the men in bed or their relationships because they aren't attractive, their acting sucks and I don't want to see any more dead children.


What is up with Carlivati?  Where does he get his pompous ego from and who is going to take him down?  And then I had a good laugh thinking about The Balkan storyline and how horribly bad that one was and it doesn't matter who wrote it.   Nobody can write a hospital based romantic drama anymore or is that just antiquated?

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  On 8/28/2014 at 7:14 PM, TeeVee329 said:

Go Liz indeed!  How surprising that Nik's explanation of "Yes, I almost slept with a woman you hate, but in all fairness, I told her I still had feelings for you first, so we're all good, right?" didn't go over well.  Douche.

Well considering that Liz has consistently chosen other guys over Nikolas and has actually slept with them, she doesn't have a leg to stand on.  Does she really think that he's just going to wait around until she's good and ready to deign him with her presence?  She said it herself, she doesn't chase men.  She doesn't put the effort in.  She wants Nikolas ready and waiting for her when she decides to give him the time of day, and he better be available or he's dead to her.  Nikolas actually was in love with Britt, and so almost having sex with her makes sense to me.  Elizabeth didn't love Ric or AJ, but she found the time to have sex with them - but never with Nikolas.  Niz is a horrible pairing, and I am so tired of Nikolas begging for scrapes from Elizabeth with her nose in the air.  Nikolas always has to fight for Elizabeth, but she won't lift a finger to get him back.  She just wants him available when she decides "Yeah, okay, I'm alone, maybe I'll give him a shot now."

Edited by Bishop
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  On 8/29/2014 at 12:48 PM, Bishop said:

Well considering that Liz has consistently chosen other guys over Nikolas and has actually slept with them, she doesn't have a leg to stand on.  Does she really think that he's just going to wait around until she's good and ready to deign him with her presence?  She said it herself, she doesn't chase men.  She doesn't put the effort in.  She wants Nikolas ready and waiting for her when she decides to give him the time of day, and he better be available or he's dead to her.  Nikolas actually was in love with Britt, and so almost having sex with her makes sense to me.  Elizabeth didn't love Ric or AJ, but she found the time to have sex with them - but never with Nikolas.  Niz is a horrible pairing, and I am so tired of Nikolas begging for scrapes from Elizabeth with her nose in the air.  Nikolas always has to fight for Elizabeth, but she won't lift a finger to get him back.  She just wants him available when she decides "Yeah, okay, I'm alone, maybe I'll give him a shot now."


Oh yeah, Nikolas has to beg for scraps, considering he was panting after her, being aggressive with her when she was engaged to Lucky, his brother. Then going after her when she was in the beginnings of a relationship with AJ. Oh, poor, poor, downtrodden Nikolas, who always goes after women who are not free. Stupid ass dog in the manger attitude and all.


They were never set up as any kind of couple. Sure, when the recast Nikolas was around, he had feelings for Liz (around the time that Lucky was "dead"), but they've always been friends.  Liz always looked so disgusted after each and every time she and Nik fucked the first time around. She's never lead him on or anything in their past. It was gross the first time, it's gross now.  I'm not optimistic that Liz will stick to her guns about not wanting him.


And as for not loving AJ when she had sex with him. Prior to that, it had been well over 3 years since she was in a sexual relationship with anyone. God forbid Liz get to have a sex life. Is it written somewhere that I missed that Liz must be in love with that person? People have sex with people that they're not in love with. It's not a requirement.  I don't think the hosebeast was in love with THE SERIAL KILLER when she fucked him, or with Todd, or even with the midgety moobster. Morgan wasn't in love with Ava or vice versa, the first time those two got it on.  Seems to me that Liz is always held to higher moral standard.



Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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Liz's attitude has been bugging me a bit during this story (which sucks because I do overall like Liz), but Nikolas is far and away the douche in this scenario.


If he has any feelings/love for Liz, he shouldn't almost sleep with a woman she hates and then expect her to be placated when he reveals he was basically just using Britt for sex and really loves Liz.


If he has any feelings/love for Britt, he should be a big enough man to have control of his hormones and not sleep with her while proclaiming that his feelings for another woman hold more weight.


He's gross, end of.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Even if Liz didn't love AJ (which the writers never gave them any kind of fair shot -bastards), they were dating at the time and it wasn't like they did it on the second date.  It was months before they had sex and when they did it was all a plot point in the destruction of AJ.  Liz has only had sex twice in so many years and both times they were just plot points for the guys she was with at the time (although Ric got a better deal with that - at least he's not dead.) 


I don't know how anyone can be fans of Liz and Nick.  They do have a disgusting past but at this point I don't think the writers have any intention of giving their fans any sort of payoff.  I bet this merry go round goes on until one of them leaves. 

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I remain convinced that the minute Liz and Nikolas actually become a couple, it'll only be because Ron is ready to bring back Lucky.



Yup or TC is leaving - one or the other IMO.  That's the way its been for Liz these past couple of years.  They really have zero interest in the character.

Edited by ch1
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I remain convinced that the minute Liz and Nikolas actually become a couple, it'll only be because Ron is ready to bring back Lucky.

Or maybe Ric. They'll find someway to NOT put Liz in any sort of stable relationship. That seems to be her lot on GH.


I also don't understand how the writers think what's going on with Liz/Nik/Britt is watchable. Nik is disgusting, and the women look like fools for wanting to be with him. Especially when everyone knows what's going on. This is not romantic or funny or dramatic. It's  gross and dumb.

  • Love 5
Elizabeth didn't love Ric or AJ, but she found the time to have sex with them - but never with Nikolas.



I'd counter that she did love Ric, and she certainly cared enough about AJ to be dating him for a while before they had sex.  (And their relationship not succeeding is due to the character destruction of AJ Ron decided to engage in, so who knows what could have happened there if Ron hadn't gotten bored with having SK back).  She hasn't been in a relationship with Nik to have sex with him.  However, she recently made it clear to him that she was interested in having that relationship, and he was deciding between her and Britt.  So then he basically said "well, I choose you, but who was I to turn down the offer of one for the road when Britt was standing right there?  But, did I mention, I choose you?  It would have meant nothing beyond getting my rocks off with the woman I was previously engaged to who stole my sister's baby.  So, how about it?" 


I'm going to take a pass on feeling bad that Liz hasn't flopped on to her back for poor Nik yet. 

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  On 8/29/2014 at 4:03 PM, ulkis said:

Wrong Scorpiosrule! Carly and Franco lay together in the shining light of their true love! How could you not have committed that scene to memory!! ;)


She was overwhelmed with twoo wuv forever for him after he oh-so-nobly plugged his nose and jumped in to save Michael from nearly drowning in that hot tub frozen tundra off the docks!

  • Love 3


I'm very confused.


I find myself liking Short Hair Yelly Angry Levi. Maxie and Lulu give me a headache as well, and I have been wanting to throw something at one of them. And I agreed with everything he said about Felicia, too. If only he had said, "And shut up about having a damn baby, Lulu! Maxie you ruined your chances with your daughter, you moron, by lying in the first place!"


I am sorry, but....I like a truth teller.


  So do I-when they're not evil, lying, hypocritical and homicidal assholes who have no right to judge. Felicia and Maxie have made plenty of mistakes and Lulu's baby rabies bugs me too, but Levi or whatever his name is, has not only lied to Maxie from the start, he cost her Georgie, shot Mac, and kidnapped Maxie and Lulu. And don't even get me started on all the shit he's done to Nathan. A haircut doesn't change who Levi is nor what he's done. Maxie, Lulu and Felicia aren't my favorite characters either, but they shouldn't be judged by someone who's much worse.

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  On 8/29/2014 at 4:31 PM, dubbel zout said:

What cracks me up about Levi's righteous anger here is that it's about stuff that happened long before anyone in the cabin was born. Obviously Levi is a "sins of the father" type of guy.


I think he'd be the perfect guy for Felix.  He talks as much, judges as much, and annoys me almost as much.  It would be a marriage made in heaven.  Although I suspect after a date with Felix, Levi would be pushing for a three-way with Sabrina.


Ron C. creates such WONDERFUL characters, doesn't he?  And such GRIPPING storylines, too!  

(I think i hate him almost as much as Felix, Levi and Sabrina).

  • Love 4
  On 8/29/2014 at 2:33 PM, KerleyQ said:


I'm going to take a pass on feeling bad that Liz hasn't flopped on to her back for poor Nik yet. 

Oh, I don't want them together at all.  That's my point.  Her irate behavior that Nikolas dares to be with another woman when she has told him many times that she doesn't want him is a bit ridiculous. He's equally stupid for thinking that he could almost bed one woman and then go back to Liz and say "But I love you."  Niz is a horrible, horrible pairing.  That's the bottom line, and the more RC tries to tell me that they are in love with each other, the more I am going to say that's BS.  Nikolas doesn't owe her anything, and she doesn't owe him.  They should just move on because together they are toxic, not to mention boring.  Even Rocco couldn't stay away for their scenes.

  • Love 5

So The Nina really wants an insta-verification from Britt that she's pregnant. I'll admit I laughed at "What are your symptoms?" "I made love to my husband last night."  "I guess crazy runs in the family."  Pretty sure that menopause news means she's going to steal Britt's baby-stealing idea and then be like "Thanks cous!!!" and Britt will be WTH?!?! Have fun with your cousin, Britt. LOL.



I kept thinking, "Silas, punch NotTodd!Franco" in the face. 


Confirming for you all that Nikolas does just want Elizabeth to gloss over the fact he would have slept with Britt that night if she hadn't called about Lulu getting kidnapped. The important thing is never stopped loving her. "I'm not indifferent to Britt." Good Lord. Love that she called him out about feeling sex-deprived and said she has more self-respect than Britt does.  I wanna slap Nik on Elizabeth's behalf! Love that his feelings for/attraction to Britt mean she will not consider sex/a relationship with him.  


Ava's dress is pretty. 

  • Love 3

So the Nina is in early menopause, there is a god. Though she is going to steal a baby/fake a pregnancy without question now.


The rest of today sucked the big one.


I just wanted notLevi to put one of those dumb blondes away.


Was I being trolled today by Ron? Ava referred to notLuke as "notLuke" during her scenes with Julian.


Did Ava's belly grow a couple of sizes in the preview for Tuesday?

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  On 8/29/2014 at 7:01 PM, CPP83 said:

So the Nina is in early menopause, there is a god. Though she is going to steal a baby/fake a pregnancy without question now.


This was my first thought, as well.  My second thought was "oh, crap, like that means anything on this show."  She'll probably be pregnant by year's end. 


Still enjoying short-haired yelly Levi with his not-entirely-convincing American accent. 


I liked today.  The only thing I ffed was Silas and Franco.  I watched while cleaning house and wasn't looking at the screen most of the time.  Did Dante look as bored and unconcerned as he sounded?

  • Love 1
Still enjoying short-haired yelly Levi with his not-entirely-convincing American accent.




The way he pronounced "fortune" was a dead give away during his dialog today. I don't know why they had to try and make him an American, he could have been raised in Aussie land and that would have easily explained his accent. In fact it would have been an even better cover really for his cons considering he would actually be from American parents, at least an American father and perhaps his mum was an Aussie.




This was my first thought, as well.  My second thought was "oh, crap, like that means anything on this show."  She'll probably be pregnant by year's end.




I'm hoping beyond hope she'll be dead or back in a coma, they can give her the Laura treatment even, I just want her gone. Silas doesn't need or want anymore kids, and the Nina isn't stable enough to raise a Furby.


I see that they forced Silas into another scene with Kiki, can't they see he doesn't like her very much? Could I be projecting, maybe...but really, who would want her for a daughter?

Edited by CPP83
  • Love 4
  On 8/29/2014 at 7:39 PM, CPP83 said:

The way he pronounced "fortune" was a dead give away during his dialog today. I don't know why they had to try and make him an American, he could have been raised in Aussie land and that would have easily explained his accent. In fact it would have been an even better cover really for his cons considering he would actually be from American parents, at least an American father and perhaps his mum was an Aussie.

He's Mel Gibson?!


All the more reason to hate him.

Actually I'd say Mel had a far better grasp of an Aussie accent being an American than this actor has shown he can master an American accent being an Aussie.


And also his fringe bangs are horrid, who did that to him? What is with this trend of shaving down the sides and back of the head but leaving stupid ass poofs or bangs in the front? Who decided that was a good look? Why did everyone else seem dumb enough to believe that person? So many questions, so little time.


I also still refuse to believe that notLevi really would have put up with Lulu and Maxie pestering him for so long, you shoot them both and dump their bodies in the lake, easy peasy squeeze the lemon.

  • Love 2
  On 8/29/2014 at 7:39 PM, CPP83 said:

I see that they forced Silas into another scene with Kiki, can't they see he doesn't like her very much? Could I be projecting, maybe...but really, who would want her for a daughter?


I'm honestly curious sometimes whether ME is receiving terrible direction or whether he's a terrible actor.  Silas looks like Nina has cooties, and I can't tell he's supposed to look like that or not.  He looks slightly less repulsed by Kiki, but I don't see any warm affection there either.


I often wonder the same thing with RoHo.  He often just looks like this whole thing is ridiculous, and it's similarly unclear whether that's in the script or not.   

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I hate to say it, but Michael Easton seems to have been playing himself (maybe minus Port Charles) since he arrived on the soap scene as Tanner Scofield on Days all the way back in '92. (Although his pairing with Shannon Sturges' Molly was kinda, sorta cutesy.)


But Tanner was John McBain was Silas, blah, blah. All low voice, all low key. But it worked in the beginning because, I admit it, he was younger and WAS sort of cute back then. Not so much now. Not ragging on him. We ALL age. But in soap land, once you do, have the talent to make up for fading physical attributes.


I understand ME has some comic book side gig or something. So at least he can do other things if it comes down to it.

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The only character I loved Michael playing was Caleb, every other role has been either okay or I had no interest in. For his work on ABC McBain being the one I never found interesting, and Silas is okay but Ron decided to give him Kiki and the Nina, that's like putting two weights around a character's neck.


I do think he isn't thrilled with his character's direction right now, I know I'm not. I really wish the actors would just revolt against all this nonsense Ron keeps putting their characters through, and I am talking about everyone from Jane for Tracy to Kim for Robin. He's doing so much damage right now, imo, and so quickly. I mean Guza at least took about a decade to really start wrecking the show, Ron's bested him by seven, eight years at this point.

Edited by CPP83
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It can ALWAYS get worse. I thought Bob Guza/JFP were the bottom of the barrel. But Ron and Frank proved the bottom gets ever lower by the day...




Isn't that the truth? I really thought at the very least Ron might be as bad as Guza but not worse but how wrong, so very wrong, I was.


When he isn't re-writing well known history for no good ass reason, he's writing old characters completely out of character, he's writing new characters in the shittiest ways possible, he's using the most stale, boring, mundane, and tiresome ideas to create story lines that drag on for months and months and months, and just when I think it can't get much worse, it just can't, it isn't humanly possible he proves me wrong.


I'm just waiting for the day he decides to really let the kids take over the show and we have to watch Spencer stalking Emma while Joss plots against her and takes the training wheels off her bike so she'll have an accident, and Cameron will just stand there and look young since he can't do much else.

Edited by CPP83
  • Love 8

The mobification of the show and over-exposure of Sonny under Guza really started us down the road to hell, but under the new regime it's gotten beyond the pale. It's become a bizarre cartoon with unappealing characters. And we're still stuck with the damn mob wars and Sonny all the time!

It helps if I don't think of it as GH, but a spinoff called "Port Charles: the Alternative Hell Dimension". Kind of like how Port Charles the show had vampires, but they somehow avoided the GH characters and didn't impact the real GH ...

Edited by SlovakPrincess
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I guess the writer of today's episode didn't know what the set would look like, since Lulu says there's nothing descriptive about where they are. Uh, Lulu? It's a log cabin, there's a fireplace, you can count the windows . . . . what color door . . . . so stupid.





Well Maxie did say that they had been driving for about an hour, so obviously Lulu figured that Dante just needed to know they were in a house like structure, that way all the PCPD had to do was find a house like structure that was about an hour's drive, give or take, away from where they found the stupid fake agent. Simple! How many house like structures could there really be in that unknown location?



Did Silas ever make any effort to find out whatever happened to his coma baby?




I think as a doctor he's assumed, as everyone else has, that it didn't survive. The Nina wasn't even far enough long to begin showing yet, she was going to tell Silas she had found out about the pregnancy when her mum botched the drugging plan, so it would seem the baby would have been a very underdeveloped fetus incapable of surviving, though that's if one goes by the regular brand of medical science.


Ron is perfectly fine having frozen almost dead people resurrected so who knows really what his plan is at this point, but the baby really should have died.

Edited by CPP83
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  On 8/29/2014 at 7:55 PM, WendyCR72 said:

I hate to say it, but Michael Easton seems to have been playing himself (maybe minus Port Charles) since he arrived on the soap scene as Tanner Scofield on Days all the way back in '92. (Although his pairing with Shannon Sturges' Molly was kinda, sorta cutesy.)


I can't think of many people on this show who are playing vastly different characters than the ones they've always played.  It's not Shakespeare, and no one one this show is really blessed with something I would call extraordinary range.  The best of the lot (Patrick... um.... Patrick) have maybe 3-4 characters they play well.  The average (almost everyone including ME, Ava, Maxie) have 1-2.  The worst (Sonny, Nathan, Sonny, Kiki, Sonny) have 0.  And of course people have varying levels of proficiency even within their narrow bands, but almost no one is competent outside it. 


I wish the writers would learn to work with what they have instead of forcing people to play against type.  I don't care if Silas is McBain in scrubs.  That's better than whatever the hell is going on now.  I also don't need Nik snotting up my screen with his feewings or Britt trying to play a sexy vamp.  It just doesn't work, and it's confusing to the audience because the bad acting is making it hard to understand even what we're supposed to think is going on.

  • Love 2
  On 8/29/2014 at 6:45 PM, Bishop said:

Oh, I don't want them together at all.  That's my point.  Her irate behavior that Nikolas dares to be with another woman when she has told him many times that she doesn't want him is a bit ridiculous. 


That's not what I saw this time around.  She did want him, and he was aware of that, so he was "deciding" between her and Britt.  She's irate because he came to her and said "well, I chose you, but, since Britt got there first, I was going to let her have a goodbye fuck.  It seemed like the gentlemanly thing to do, but, it didn't completely happen, since your call interrupted it, sooooo.....want to make out?"   Any woman with an ounce of self-respect would be pissed at that.  (Which leaves Britt out.) 

Edited by KerleyQ
  • Love 8


The Nina wasn't even far enough long to begin showing yet, she was going to tell Silas she had found out about the pregnancy when her mum botched the drugging plan, so it would seem the baby would have been a very underdeveloped fetus incapable of surviving, though that's if one goes by the regular brand of medical science.


If we accept that Nina lost the pregnancy as a direct consequence of the drugging by Madeleine, sure, but i think the suggestion is that she didn't. Silas seems to have been prevented from seeing Nina from the time she went into the coma or not long after, so the possibility exists that she could have carried her child to term or at least until it was viable and he would not have known anything about the situation. Madeleine claims what she did was out of a twisted overprotective love for her daughter, but it keeps circling back to the money Nina inherited from her father to the exclusion of Madeleine with the consequence of her wanting control over her daughter and that money. It's entirely possible that once Nina was comatose and Silas was barred from seeing his wife, her mother no longer "needed" to end the pregnancy, but did give away the child away once it was born.

  • Love 1

Nice to see Carlos.



Ah, yes, my sex on a stick is back with the twinkle in his eye while mooning over Sobbrina.


For some strange reason I laughed my ass off when Britt came in and told Nutty Nina she's in menopause. It tickled my funnybone.


I really loved Ava's dress.


That's all I got from today's shitfest. 



Edited by One More Time
  • Love 3


so obviously Lulu figured that Dante just needed to know they were in a house like structure, that way all the PCPD had to do was find a house like structure that was about an hour's drive, give or take, away from where they found the stupid fake agent. Simple! How many house like structures could there really be in that unknown location?


Well, despite her desperate situation, Lulu's baby rabies still controlled her mind. Pretty much the first thing she said to Dante was "How's Rocco?" (yeah, I know what you're going to say, but if my husband were a cop, I'd tell him I was fine and then start giving him as much information as I could about where I was being held.)


The PCPD only had to find a structure that was an hour's drive away from a house/cabin that was on an island in the middle of the lake where the boat went down. I guess even the PCPD can find an island that big. But having direct transport by wormhole does help. And props to Nathan for getting someone to trace the call, although both of them should have thought of it a little quicker than they did. 


Edited by rur
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