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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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2 minutes ago, NutmegsDad said:

Once I put two-and-two together, is it wrong for me to think, "But Kristina could do better!" ?

Eh?  I mean, Amy 2.0 sucks, but so does Kristina as she's currently written.

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1 hour ago, Harmony233 said:

Speaking of the nurses ball I feel like FV has ruined what it's supposed to be about.Maybe it's because I just watched the Ryan white movie but it seems like HIV/AIDS are hardly mentioned.I still have the robins diary book.I mean I don't expect it to be a big PSA but when it first started they had people who had the  disease in real life.Now it feels like FV uses it for his campy shows.

I think the last time they mentioned HIV was when Patrick thought Robin was dead, but it was the Sah-breeeeeeeee-nah Showcase.

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1 minute ago, NutmegsDad said:

I think the last time they mentioned HIV was when Patrick thought Robin was dead, but it was the Sah-breeeeeeeee-nah Showcase.

Robin had a speech last NB, but of course it was super short so Sabrina could sing for us one last time. 

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50 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I think Sam should have kept the focus on Jake. Its none of her business who Elizabeth sees. Jake isn't really her business either, for that matter, but since he's her stepson, it's not entirely out of line for her to discuss him with Jason.

I dunno . . . if it were any other guy in the world besides the one that used to stalk them and pretended to rape her, I'd say it isn't . . . but I think this may be an exception. At the very least, I can understand why she would comment on it business or no business. From their point of view it's understandable to wonder if it's a deliberate passive-aggressive move on Elizabeth's part.

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1 hour ago, mostlylurking said:

However as a person who once kidnapped Liz's kid maybe dial back the self righteousness a tad.

Sam never kidnapped Liz's kid, that was Franco


46 minutes ago, ulkis said:

From their point of view it's understandable to wonder if it's a deliberate passive-aggressive move on Elizabeth's part.

I'm assuming they both fantasize about Jason when having Teh Sex

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It really made me angry to see Sonny in the ELQ offices today, it's the same way I feel whenever he waltzes into the Quartermaine manse.  If he and Michael needed to have this expositional conversation (which, they didn't), it should have taken place anywhere else, like Sonny's living room or Dunkin' Corinthos.

I know we're supposed to find it endearing, but I really find Franco's fixation on Jake unintentionally creepy.

Nelle asking Lulu about Michael...when's the last time Lulu even talked to Michael?

Kevin and Laura were sweet per usu.

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24 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

I know we're supposed to find it endearing, but I really find Franco's fixation on Jake unintentionally creepy.

I find it hard to believe Franco still isn't obsessed with Jason when half of his proposal to Liz involved talking about Jason.

Valentin immediately wants to know everything Nelle and Lulu talked about and tells Nelle that Lulu can't be trusted. Because he is so trustworthy.

Edited by LexieLily
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My head hurts from being bludgeoned with the fact that everyone can be Charlotte's bestie except for lonely, left out Lulu. It's way past the point of ridiculous. It's also ridiculous that Lulu is putting so much effort into undermining Valentin, when she should be focusing on using her visits with Charlotte to forge a true bond between them. Getting Charlotte to like her and trust her will be much more helpful to her case than playing games with Valentin.

Lol, Sonny thought Michael would care that he and Carly have split. When you've been down that road five times before, no one's surprised you're doing it again, Sonny.

Nelle went from staring creepily at her music box to staring fixedly at her ugly keychain. That's really a lateral move. Can't believe that keychain moment warranted a flashback. I still see zero chemistry between her and Michael.

So Jason is out chasing scarecrows like he's in a fucked up version of The Wizard of Oz, and Alexis is reenacting "The Raven," answering phantom knocking and mourning her departed lover. Someone tell the writers to stop cribbing from superior works.

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31 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

I find it hard to believe Franco still isn't obsessed with Jason when half of his proposal to Liz involved talking about Jason.

And the other half was peppered with " me . . .  me . . . me."

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53 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

It really made me angry to see Sonny in the ELQ offices today, it's the same way I feel whenever he waltzes into the Quartermaine manse.  If he and Michael needed to have this expositional conversation (which, they didn't), it should have taken place anywhere else, like Sonny's living room or Dunkin' Corinthos.

YES!  Seeing Sonny in his house or office  annoys me to the Nth degree.  However, when I see that scumbag at ELQ or in the Quartermaine manse I become enraged.  After all the damage he has done to the Quartermaines how dare he.  To add insult to injury, today he was looking over Michael's shoulder as he was taking care of ELQ business.  Edward must have rolled over in his crypt.  

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That may have been the lamest cliffhanger in a while.

Just imagine, we could have had months of Tracy/Laura scenes instead of Tracy cheering on Hayden and Finn.  Which, I didn't hate that per se, but there's no reason we couldn't have both.

I liked Lulu's "idiot" look at Nelle's back, but otherwise, someone please call me when Lulu has a scene that is not about the insta-kid. (I kind of wish they would have some tension between Lulu and Valentin, as in physical, but I don't see that happening unless they give MSt and FH new love interests.)

Michael gave Nelle an ice skates charm? They're terrible, man. 

lol at Sonny saying "you don't sound like you're sorry." What, does he want Michael to cry over their fiftieth divorce? And this:

Michael: I just feel bad for Joss and Avery.

Sonny: Do you know how terrible it makes me feel? How I feel bad when I hurt the people I love?

Michael should have just been like, I don't have time for this bullshit.

I was about to say, I wondered why they bothered to bust out the outer office set and then I remembered the previews.


Oh, and this:

Liz: I do choose you over everyone else. 

pfft. Lucky ain't in town.

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I really wish Jax would team up with Michael and Tracy for business type things.  I dgaf about Joss, kidneys, Sonny pain, dead baby angel Morgan, stupid boring Nellie, embryos, Franco, Franco's man pain, or stupid coffee truck.  I wish a Quartermaine ghost would knock a shelf on Sonny.  

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Michael: I just feel bad for Joss and Avery.

AVERY IS NOT CARLY'S KID!  There is no reason to feel for her when the stepmother she sees once a week won't be around anymore.  

And, tbf, Joss has been off the "Uncle Sonny is so cool" train for awhile now, so doubt she gives two shits.

Edited by Cheyanne11
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5 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

And, tbf, Joss has been off the "Uncle Sonny is so cool" train for awhile now, so doubt she gives two shits.

She still seemed sympathetic to him until Carly told her about Nelle. I'm sure in her scenes she'll be bummed Carly and Sonny are getting a divorce, because someone has to seem like they give a crap.

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On 3/30/2017 at 0:24 PM, Linny said:

What an odd choice to have an auditory flashback during the robbery, as if we wouldn't remember the significance of the pill bottle without that bit. Typical Ava, though, thinking only of covering her ass at all times.

The corpse of Nina and Franco's relationship is completely dead and festered, so why am I being forced to watch these two awkwardly interact? You don't know how much I wanted Valentin to show up and drag Franco in his calm, ultra polite tone of voice. 

Olivia was rattling off the things she wouldn't have if she didn't have Ned, and I kept thinking how she wouldn't have LEO if it wasn't for Ned. She and Julian only had drunken sex because Ned was with Alexis.

Kiki needs a big cup of shut the fuck up today. She came across as such an airhead, cheerleading for Franco at all costs. Jake isn't only Liz's son; Jason has an active role as his father and if he thinks Franco is detrimental to Jake's wellbeing, he has every right to try to protect his child. 

I loved Sam today. She's absolutely right, Liz has blinders on when it comes to Franco because she doesn't want to admit she was wrong about him. She'd rather join up with Kiki and be co-conspirators of the Everyone Love Franco (he's different now, we swear) campaign.

Elizabeth has ALWAYS been this way when it came to her friends, Jason, Jake Doe, AJ, Ric, Lucky, Zander, Ewen, etc and why shit always blows up in her face.  Elizabeth will defend the people that she cares for and suffers being made a fool in the end.

Franco should have remained dead!

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5 hours ago, ulkis said:

I dunno . . . if it were any other guy in the world besides the one that used to stalk them and pretended to rape her, I'd say it isn't . . . but I think this may be an exception. At the very least, I can understand why she would comment on it business or no business. From their point of view it's understandable to wonder if it's a deliberate passive-aggressive move on Elizabeth's part.

She can talk crap about Franco all she wants. That doesn't bother me. What does bother me is when she starts talking about his relationship with Elizabeth. It's none of her business. And Franco's influence over Jake isn't something she has any authority over. Sam should just tell Jason she wants Jake to deal with the Cassadine stuff and get healthy. Taking shots at Liz and Franco seems like stirring up the fan bases. I'm so tired of that.

2 hours ago, ulkis said:

Sonny: Do you know how terrible it makes me feel? How I feel bad when I hurt the people I love?

Michael should have just been like, I don't have time for this bullshit.

Seriously. Or he should have told Sonny to think before he acts; maybe then he wouldn't do idiotic stuff in the first place. As much as I enjoy Sonny's hilarious ability to blame everyone but himself for his actions, this flip side drives me nuts. Then he pulls his sad sack passive-aggressive "Sorry I interrupted you when you were busy" act. Gah.

I loved Michael's somewhat "whatever, Dad" reaction to Sonny's announcement that he and Carly had split. His exasperation was probably the right emotion.

I loved the (inadvertent?) shade Nelle threw at Lulu when she said she thought scones with cranberries reminded Charlotte of her mom. Hee. 

Isn't Jake a little young to be texting?

As glad as I am to see Jax, I dread the bus he's inevitably going to be crushed by.

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4 hours ago, Linny said:

Lol, Sonny thought Michael would care that he and Carly have split.

Sonny: "Listen son, I have something very upsetting to tell you.....<long dramatic pause>...... your mother and I........split up"

Michael:  "Divorce?"

Sonny:  "Well no, not yet....

Michael:  "Eh, shit happens.  It's a day that ends in a Y"

Sonny, "what?  Wait.  This is terrible...for me...."

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4 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

AVERY IS NOT CARLY'S KID!  There is no reason to feel for her when the stepmother she sees once a week won't be around anymore.  

And, tbf, Joss has been off the "Uncle Sonny is so cool" train for awhile now, so doubt she gives two shits.

Dammit, Micheal.  Your logic is non-existent.  Don't feel sorry for the child your kidnapper stole from your brother that was conceived before the two murdering murderers killed your father and had sex on his grave.   Also,  all children need to never be around a freaking abusive monster.  Gah!  

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Sonny to Michael, after Michael had brought up Avery and Josslyn: "Do you have any idea how...how...how terrible this is for me?" 

I don't think a more quintessentially "General Hospital in the 21st century" line could be written. Subtract every story from the last 20 years in which "how terrible things are for Sonny" wasn't a (or "the") theme,  and there's very little left.  

Of course, Mo stammered on it to give it that special flourish.  

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8 hours ago, ulkis said:

She still seemed sympathetic to him until Carly told her about Nelle. I'm sure in her scenes she'll be bummed Carly and Sonny are getting a divorce, because someone has to seem like they give a crap.

That's what Kristina is for

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16 hours ago, lor said:

when did amy move in with kristina? they must have met offscreen.    lucy blackmailing ava is disgusting.  lucy is using a good cause to get funding.

does the nurses ball  episodes get big ratings? who will perform?  i never understood why they have  red carpet show. the people at the show are not celebrities.

what is with perks?  they have no employees. that guy who worked there completely disapeared

Do anyone believe Kristina actually works? I worked as a barista briefly. Can't see it as a job Kristina's lazy ass would do. 

The red carpet at the Nurse's Ball is as ridiculous as that TMZ like show following giving a crap about Alexis. Or the readers of Crimson giving a damn about the real women of Port Charles when it's supposed to be a renowned fashion magazine. 

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Well, and if they're going to make us think that in the reality of the show, these characters are national newsmakers, they should be consistent about it. Alexis allegedly was a late-'90s download/pinup sensation as "Eddie's Angel," and more recently was a big enough deal to excite "TMI" with viral video of her publicly arguing with her daughter. Where they are for the really juicy stuff going on with her now: a spiral into alcoholism and the apparent death of her mobbed-up husband? It comes and goes. Very plot-pointy.  

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11 hours ago, Linny said:

It's also ridiculous that Lulu is putting so much effort into undermining Valentin, when she should be focusing on using her visits with Charlotte to forge a true bond between them. Getting Charlotte to like her and trust her will be much more helpful to her case than playing games with Valentin.

Valentin lives to play games with women, cutting off true communication with women. He can't have a conversation with a woman character without teasing and mind-fucking her. Women like Lulu, Nina, and Anna fall immediately into his frustrating, fruitless game. (He even gaslights Anna because she is so vulnerable to this tactic.) Even with Charlotte he falls into French, a kind of intimate tactic where he sounds seductive and can call her pet French names that people who do not speak French don't recognize. More than a dozen times he has spoken in French when a third party is present, effectively keeping their communication private in an entre-nous conspiratorial way. (Charlotte herself has never, to my recollection, initiated a conversation in French with him or anyone else.)  

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
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Freako is giving me a lot of unpleasant creepy feelings too when proposing to Liez and talking about how happy he would be as a father to her boys. My "stranger danger" radar went off loud and clear when I heard him talk about that--I've heard some real-life stories about women who desperately wanted father figures for their kids and picked guys who molested their children, especially when the women were at work and their lovers/husbands were babysitting or just watching over latchkey kids. It's amazing how blind some mothers are.

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Franco has a hardon for Jake and Jason, while Elizabeth is his means to stay in their lives.  My girl is going to have to live with the fact that she should have kicked Franco to the curb last year!

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15 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

I loved Michael's somewhat "whatever, Dad" reaction to Sonny's announcement that he and Carly had split. His exasperation was probably the right emotion.

And Sonny wouldn't let it go.  He kept hanging around asking Michael if he was sure he was OK.   It's like he cannot believe that the world is continuing to spin with the tragic news that, FOR THE FIFTH TIME,  he and Carly are on the rocks.

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Sam has no self awareness at all. Darling, every single thing you said about Liez applies to you even more, because you've married, remarried and had two kids with a hitman. Oh, and Jason? You're a psycho too. You just have better hygiene and grooming than Freako.

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The problem is, Sam is the wrong person to get in Liz'a face about truths regarding Franco. It shouldn't be an active Jason/Sonny supporter. Liz would possibly take it more seriously if it came from Felicia, or Epiphany, or her former SIL Lulu (who Franco strapped to a bomb). Since Lulu has become a parent, she's more than capable of righteous mother mode and it's totally in character right now - for example, "How can you be with the man who kidnapped your newborn son?! My brother made it his mission to bring Aiden home safely, and this is what you do? You're a disgrace as a mother! Rocco and Charlotte will NOT be spending time with their cousins as long as that monster is around!" (I think L&D haven't had Rocco around Sonny in a while now?)

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On 3/31/2017 at 1:51 PM, Oracle42 said:
On 3/31/2017 at 0:24 PM, mostlylurking said:

However as a person who once kidnapped Liz's kid maybe dial back the self righteousness a tad.

Sam never kidnapped Liz's kid, that was Franco

That's right Sam didn't actually kidnap him, but didn't she see someone take him and didn't say anything??  It was something like that.  I definitely agree with her and get why she feels the way she does.  But it doesn't really mean anything coming from her given her own choice in men.

Edited by mostlylurking
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No one is going to talk bad about Franco to Liz's face. They had Laura basically tell Liz to go after Franco after everything he did to Lulu and her grandchildren. Epiphany was gushing over him during the nurse's strike. Hell they had Monica asking Jasam to suck it up at Christmas to keep the peace.

I basically don't want Sam to give a fuck about Liz's life nor that pain in the ass kid but I don't get nice things.

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1 hour ago, mostlylurking said:

That's right Sam didn't actually kidnap him, but didn't she see someone take him and didn't say anything??  It was something like that.  I definitely agree with her and get why she feels the way she does.  But it doesn't really mean anything coming from her given her own choice in men.

I believe it's called being an accessory to kidnapping after the fact, and yes, she did. Bottom line for all four of them: pot, kettle. Sam and Jason just THINK they're better. They ain't.

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2 hours ago, dr. gailey said:

I basically don't want Sam to give a fuck about Liz's life nor that pain in the ass kid but I don't get nice things.

The thing is, Sam doesn't have to care. Jake is Jason's problem, not hers. She can be supportive without getting more involved. But we'll never get the end of Sam/Jason/Elizabeth.

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5 hours ago, Bringonthedrama said:

The problem is, Sam is the wrong person to get in Liz'a face about truths regarding Franco. It shouldn't be an active Jason/Sonny supporter. Liz would possibly take it more seriously if it came from Felicia, or Epiphany, or her former SIL Lulu (who Franco strapped to a bomb). 

I wanted this too, but I just realized that it would actually probably be worse. If any of those people who have every right to take Liz to task for her relationship with Franco actually did it Liz would just double down on her whining and "he's a good man now!" shit and it would be even more annoying.

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6 hours ago, Bringonthedrama said:

The problem is, Sam is the wrong person to get in Liz'a face about truths regarding Franco. It shouldn't be an active Jason/Sonny supporter. Liz would possibly take it more seriously if it came from Felicia, or Epiphany, or her former SIL Lulu (who Franco strapped to a bomb).

I feel like Laura would also have been a good choice for this role, that she would support Liz at the end of the day, but would have some legitimate concerns and ask some tough questions about Franco being with Liz (who's she's cared about for a long time) and around her grandchildren.

But instead, we had Laura signing off with no reservations.  Boooooo.

Edited by TeeVee329
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5 hours ago, Bringonthedrama said:

The problem is, Sam is the wrong person to get in Liz'a face about truths regarding Franco. It shouldn't be an active Jason/Sonny supporter.

Why? Liz is an active Jason/Sonny supporter. And Franco has specifically and repeatedly targeted Sam. I'm not particularly interested in seeing Sam/Liz talk about it but Jason was talking to his wife about his son

Anyway, so long as Sam and her kids don't have to be around him, NewZenSam will probably ignore him instead of repeatedly attempting to murder him*.

*Which is a continuing disappointment


2 hours ago, IWantCandy71 said:

Bottom line for all four of them: pot, kettle. Sam and Jason just THINK they're better. They ain't.

Than Franco? Sure, they are - that was the entire point of Franco. Guza created a character that was worse that Jason to victimize Jason.  That's why Franco was a serial-killing rapist who targeted women and children. 


I believe it's called being an accessory to kidnapping after the fact, and yes, she did.

I don't think so. I'm pretty sure you have to actively assist to be an accessory. Failing to stop the kidnapping and failing/refusing to tell the police aren't illegal. Now - if she lied to the police afterwards to keep the kidnapper from getting caught? Then she's an accessory.

But it was heinous regardless of legality - she's lucky that Liz apparently doesn't mind people kidnapping her babies anymore.

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I'm also afraid that if Liez caves in and lets Freako be around her boys either as her lover or her husband Freako is going to be graced by the writers with saving Jake at least (maybe Sam too) from some heinous post-Helena curse or a Helena henchman. It will be another rinse/repeat of Sonny's save of the boat. Then as a hero Freako will have "earned" a place in Liez's family right in the center of her boys, and Jason will be won over too if Jake is the "saved" one.

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I  feel like Laura would also have been a good choice for this role, that she would support Liz at the end of the day, but would have some legitimate concerns and ask some tough questions about Franco being with Liz (who's she's cared about for a long time) and around her grandchildren.

But instead, we had Laura signing off with no reservations.  Boooooo

Of course, there's also Laura's own body count to consider. Maybe that's what makes her sympathetic. In a real-life situation, I wouldn't want kids getting anywhere near someone with her history of rage-induced killings and wig-on-a-stick institutionalization. I know they retconned away the Rick Webber one about five years later, but that still leaves David Hamilton and Theresa Carter, at the very least.

Edited by Asp Burger
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I don't think there's a place for Olivia in the long run, but I think that story could have had more time. I wish Olivia hadn't been connected to Morgan's death. It let Sonny off the hook way too easily.

@dubbel zout I think I don't mind they connected Olivia to it. They should have never had Sonny think he was responsible if they weren't going to follow through, but if he had been the cause and he was just walking around like usual after killing Morgan accidentally it would have been too ridiculous.

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3 hours ago, Oracle42 said:

Why? Liz is an active Jason/Sonny supporter. And Franco has specifically and repeatedly targeted Sam. I'm not particularly interested in seeing Sam/Liz talk about it but Jason was talking to his wife about his son

I disagree; I can't remember the last time Liz had a conversation with Sonny or praised him. When Jason came back as 'Jake Doe,' she didn't want him in Sonny's world, and tensed up when he talked about unexpectedly being involved in a violent situation/shooting. She was a supporter of him turning his back on his professional life, and devoting himself to her and her kids.  Liz was always at least somewhat in denial about what Jason did for a living and what that said about him as a person. Sonny has a history of calling Franco 'Freako'. Jason hates Franco for reasons well- known by his family, and S&C.  What I mean is, Liz is more likely to be open to someone's anti-Franco perspective, if their opinion of Franco hasn't been at least somewhat influenced by their closeness to Jason or Sonny. Sam has legit reasons for hating Franco after what he put her through, but she also listens to Jason and Sonny, and her reactions to situations have been greatly influenced by Jason's feelings and behavior. I used Lulu as an example because she was a victim of Franco's but isn't close to Jason or Sonny right now, could bring up L&L2's son (hit with the mother guilt) and her brother being the hero after Franco's crime, and make a reference to the safety of the children. 

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16 hours ago, Bringonthedrama said:

(I think L&D haven't had Rocco around Sonny in a while now?)

I don't think he's been around him ever, actually.

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That might require Lulu to spend time over at Casa Corinthos. But it is weird that Lulu hasn't been over there more often. Since the show had Lulu act like Carly was her big sister for years. Lulu marries Carly's stepson and now nothing. Dante is over there plenty of times, but Lulu is rarely mention going over there. 

When did Michael legally go back to Corinthos? What a god damn slap in the face of his grandmother. Taking back the name of her son's murderer. While running the murder victim's family company. I wish the show had written Michael tells Monica that bullshit. And have Monica truthfully tell him how badly that would hurt her. But, no. We are treated to JaSam, Friz, Julexis and Nell crap storylines.

Question, why hasn't anyone asked Laura (who spent several years on Cassadine island) about the scarecrow?  And perhaps Alexis? Perhaps show Laura and Alexis the creepy book? They might have a bit of insight on Helena's story. 

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5 hours ago, Vyk said:

I don't think he's been around him ever, actually.

Back when Lulu returned from the 'Lulu and Dillon try to help L&L save Lucky adventure,' Carly dropped by and I thought there was a mention of Rocco being at Sonny and Carly's place while she was out of town (so Dante could cheat on Lulu with her cousin and then have it out with Lulu about their marriage being over because she had 'cheated with Dillon'). I remember Carly snarking at Lulu about running off with her ex. 

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