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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Also, trying to think of a plausible way for Anna and Dante to hook up, because even if Lulu dumped him flat I think Anna would feel weird hooking up with him. But no reason there can't be a couple of moments of tension.

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5 hours ago, Perkie said:

 I also thought "hey idiot, your wife just had a baby and you're going to put yourself in danger this way, idiot".  But again, my feelings for that character may cloud my judgement a wee bit.  

No, your judgment isn't clouded. I think Jason is going too far into danger and is bound to upset his ailing wife and newborn. He needs to think of his family. If he is killed or injured, Sam will have to raise those two young kids alone; the burden will fall on her to be both parents. But Jason doesn't seem to get the emotional stress he is causing. When this is over, if all survive, Jason and Sam need some marriage therapy. And it would help if they moved to a quiet smaller town where they could live on Jason's money and he could pretend to be a farmer or retired cop.

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They need to STOP pretending that Jason doesn't want back into mob life. He absolutely does. He's already killed with zero reflection, he has zero problem intimidating and harassing people on behalf of Sonny, he easily overlooks all the shitty things he's done (and Sonny and Sam and Carly) in his past (and now very clearly is continuing in the present), he gladly lives off the blood money earned in the mob.  And Sam clearly has zero issues with it either. The only time she cares is if HER life is jeopardized. Hurting others? Totally fine.  So, they get off on the old ways.  They have never ONCE reflected on the damage they've done or the lives they've ruined. They don't have those conversations so obviously, it's not an issue for either of them. Stop pretending show!  Give him his gun back, let Sam fix his drink and moon over her man like he's the greatest thing she's ever known. Stop stalling!

Edited by Vella
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8 hours ago, Oracle42 said:

I think I would find Ava more tolerable if it weren't for Kiki and Avery and worthless ass Julian. I kinda enjoy Olivia as a short term villain 


I think Olivia J as a villain is precisely why she works for me and Ava doesn't. (Let us not talk about Sonny-I fast forward through his scenes). Watch it:  if they try to make OJ more main stream like Dr.O, she will work just as well. But almost from the jump they tried to make Ava woobified. 

Edited by Ambrosefolly
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1 hour ago, Oracle42 said:

I hope they actually let them have an argument about this but I have zero faith in these writers

They really should. He could have been blown up. And for what? Some chick visiting PC for a few weeks?*

*I'm sorry, I had to.

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Hmm. I somewhat disagree with Joe West. I don't think anything is being done to make Olivia Jerome look "good."  She's a short-stay character. Things are being done to keep the story going for as long as they want it to go, and some of the things are more plausible than others, which is why a lot is taking place offscreen.

If anything, Ava is the one being made to look good, or at least better. Olivia Jerome is being portrayed as the most destructive and villainous of the Jerome siblings, and this is taking some of the spotlight off of the many onscreen misdeeds of Ava and Julian. Ava will still be standing when it's all over, and she will still be viable as a gray character. Manny Ruiz was worse than Sonny and Alcazar. Anthony Zacchara was worse than Johnny or Claudia Zacchara, or (again) Sonny. The Balkan was worse than Whoever. Et cetera.  

Also, getting away from the tweet of Joe West, I can understand feeling like an addiction story is boring, but how many soap tropes are there? Addiction has been done to death (and we are getting it x2 now, with Alexis's alcoholism and Finn's shooting up). Custody cases have been done to death; we're getting that one now with Charlotte. Back-from-the-dead has been done to death. Struggles for control of businesses have been done to death. Mob wars have been done to death. Paternity mysteries been done to death. High-risk pregnancy has been done to death. Cheating on one's partner/spouse has been done to death. Amnesia has been done to death. Grave illnesses have been done to death. Kidnapping/hostage situations have been done to death. Sentences that end with "...done to death" have been done to death, in this post alone.   

Watching a soap means seeing things that have been done to death. Even some of the wacky devices like aliens and underground cities have been around more than once (anyone who watched DOOL for any length of time got them all at least once). Caring about Finn's addiction and Hayden's response to it probably means liking those characters or those actors, individually or together. It sure isn't going to be the novelty of the material. And it's rare to like all the characters/actors equally on a big show. I didn't care about Sam and Jason finally having a daughter, but it's not really an issue I have with baby stories. I just don't like that couple, or her in any circumstance.  

Edited by Asp Burger
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10 hours ago, HeatLifer said:

They really should. He could have been blown up. And for what? Some chick visiting PC for a few weeks?*

But that's the thing that means it could/shoukd be a legit argument. If he'd just been pulling his usual savior bullshit, he'd be completely in the wrong because he just promised Sam that he'd let the cops do their jobs and he would take care of her and their baby. But, because it's Robin there are competing priorities and loyalties because Sam lost him once already

Edited by Oracle42
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15 hours ago, Perkie said:

But I don't know if that's the way it came across.  It didn't for me, until after I came here and read other people's perspective on the scene.  

To me, the scene played out that Jason, again the saviour, traded places with Robin, because this show always wants Jason (or Sonny or Franco nowadays) to be the hero(es).  Jordan was sidelined by stupidity and a crack to the head, Anna was sidelined by a disease she was given five minutes ago for the sole purpose of keeping her away from helping, Robin is pregnant and strapped to the bomb, even Sam is recently recovering from a difficult delivery and post surgery.  Dante the cop, only job was to call the bomb squad, Nathan's MIA and Valerie has girl parts so she's not helping.  So Saint Jasus to the rescue, again.  



14 hours ago, HeatLifer said:

Because they don't have any emotional connection to Robin. Jason does. 

The writers don't have to play a history beat with Jason and Robin. It's always there if you're a viewer who has watched the show for whatever amount of years. A viewer doesn't forget what Robin did for Jason. That's why most people are referring to it now and making that connection.



8 hours ago, P3pp3rb1rd said:

No, your judgment isn't clouded. I think Jason is going too far into danger and is bound to upset his ailing wife and newborn. He needs to think of his family. If he is killed or injured, Sam will have to raise those two young kids alone; the burden will fall on her to be both parents. But Jason doesn't seem to get the emotional stress he is causing. When this is over, if all survive, Jason and Sam need some marriage therapy. And it would help if they moved to a quiet smaller town where they could live on Jason's money and he could pretend to be a farmer or retired cop.


The writing needs to make it more clear that Jason is paying the huge debt he owes to Robin not Jason the Hero troupe. Robin was declared dead getting whatever cure for Jason, and Jason gambled that sacrifice and got himself shot by Cesar Faison and kicked into the harbor, and Robin then goes and saves his ass again, abandoning Emma after being away from her for 2 years and being held hostage by Helena. As others have said, Anna doesn't owe him jack. Instead of "that's just what Jason does" also make it clear that he doesn't want Robin and Emma to lose her cancer stricken mother (again!) as well.

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11 hours ago, Oracle42 said:

She's Sonny in a skirt, and just like Sonny

Not at first.  If I remember correctly, the first time we see Ava is after she takes a shot at Franco from the Metrocourt window, and misses and gets Olivia instead.  She was bad ass, take no prisoner, proper villain at first, played by an excellent actress who could pull it off.  Then they remembered that Sonny can never lose, and they did a 180 on her personality, turned her into a female Sonny, to justify his actions than they turned Ava into this simpering "girl" who would allow Carly to raise her daughter rather than punch Sonny in the face and take full custody of Avery.  

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9 hours ago, P3pp3rb1rd said:

No, your judgment isn't clouded. I think Jason is going too far into danger and is bound to upset his ailing wife and newborn. He needs to think of his family. If he is killed or injured, Sam will have to raise those two young kids alone; the burden will fall on her to be both parents. But Jason doesn't seem to get the emotional stress he is causing. When this is over, if all survive, Jason and Sam need some marriage therapy. And it would help if they moved to a quiet smaller town where they could live on Jason's money and he could pretend to be a farmer or retired cop.

But this is nothing new for J/S.  They have been selfish bints about bringing kids into their lifestyle going back to Jason taking Sonny's pregnant sloppy seconds off Sonny's hands to protect Sonny/Carly.  Jason and the pregnant sloppy were totes okay with making a "fahmily" all the way back in 2004.  I read countless posts where Sam accepts everything Jason is and was totally okay with bringing children into it.  

If Jason needs to retire to think of Sam and the "kids" now?  Then why did some bitch about Jason and Elizabeth being together with kids? 

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I was thinking about this yesterday: I don't truly like any character/actor right now. Like not in a "Well, I'm just glad they're on screen I don't care about their shitty story!" way. Honestly I don't really give a shit about most of the characters.  I don't even hate them, they just mean absolutely nothing to me. Although then I tried to think back on past characters or ships that I loved and I realized that I don't even really care about them anymore either. I think in general I'm just kinda over it all. So why can't I stop watching, dammit?!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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10 hours ago, Oracle42 said:

I kinda enjoy Olivia as a short term villain 

I'm definitely enjoying her as a short-term villain. Here's hoping the writers don't fall in love with her and force her onto the canvas for longer. 

It's sweet that Joe West defended his mom, but it was also dumb. He's not going to change things for her.

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I've been behind for months and only read the boards when I get caught up, so apologies if you've talked about any of this, but I have questions.

Did Nelle have sex with Sonny or no? I thought she just drugged him and then got into bed with him, making him think they'd done the deed. But even during that couple of minutes when she tried to undo her scheme, she didn't say they didn't sleep together. You'd think she would have blurted it out to Bobbie, at least. Part of the problem is that she doesn't have a confidante; she doesn't even talk out loud to her dead dad, the way a normal ineffectual evil schemer would.

Why would Jax ask Frank Benson for Nelle's kidney when Nelle and Joss aren't related? If he's going to buy a kidney, then he could buy it from anyone. If it doesn't turn out that Nelle and Carly are actually sisters or mother and daughter and Jax and Frank, but no one else, knew, then this story is even dumber than it already is.

Does Valentin know what Nina did to Ava and Avery? The guy is former WSB; you'd think he'd run a background check on the woman he's sham-marrying to make it look like Charlotte has a stable family.

Why did Olivia need to buy the hospital to have access to Helena's old laboratory when apparently anyone can just walk right into it? Related: Is Duke, like, really good in bed or something because the level of devotion women have to him is puzzling, frankly.

24 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I don't truly like any character/actor right now. Like not in a "Well, I'm just glad they're on screen I don't care about their shitty story!" way. Honestly I don't really give a shit about most of the characters.

I feel this way about almost every character except for Valentin. I liked him all along but grew to love him when it turned out he used to be the Elephant Man. I'm also really interested in his past history with Anna and why she tried to have him killed, although no one has mentioned that in weeks, so I'm starting to worry that the writers will just LA LA LA WE NEVER SAID THAT when they can't figure out how to finish the story. And as much as I don't like Nina, I don't mind her with Valentin and Charlotte; she becomes far less hyperkinetic with them. But, yeah, I don't care much about anyone else right now. And all the other storylines are so nonsensical that I can't get invested at all, but the only one I actively FF though is Franco and Liz. They are seriously the most disgusting couple I've ever seen on this show.

Edited by fishcakes
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10 minutes ago, fishcakes said:

I feel this way about almost every character except for Valentin. I liked him all along but grew to love him when it turned out he used to be the Elephant Man. I'm also really interested in his past history with Anna and why she tried to have him killed, although no one has mentioned that in weeks, so I'm started to worry that the writers will just LA LA LA WE NEVER SAID THAT when they can't figure out how to finish the story. And as much as I don't like Nina, I don't mind her with Valentin and Charlotte; she becomes far less hyperkinetic with them. 

I was really into Valentin, Valentin/Anna, and Valentin/Nina for awhile, but I've kinda stopped caring. I was really interested in what was going on with Anna/Valentin, but it's all been so dumb up until now for me and I too am kinda afraid they forgot about that whole thing. Maybe they'll get around to what exactly happened with them next year, but by then I'm pretty sure no one will care anymore. The pacing, gah!

Also, yes, Franco/Liz are the most disgusting couple I've seen on the show as well. I fast forward virtually every scene with them and they still gross me out.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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10 hours ago, P3pp3rb1rd said:

No, your judgment isn't clouded. I think Jason is going too far into danger and is bound to upset his ailing wife and newborn. He needs to think of his family. If he is killed or injured, Sam will have to raise those two young kids alone; the burden will fall on her to be both parents. 

Meh, she's an idiot, too, as she wanted to go in search of him, thus leaving two young kids parentless.  Between the two of them they don't have enough brain cells to operate a microwave, nevermind raise two kids.

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10 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Meh, she's an idiot, too, as she wanted to go in search of him, thus leaving two young kids parentless.  Between the two of them they don't have enough brain cells to operate a microwave, nevermind raise two kids.

LMAO! Yea, I found Sam wanting to fork off baby to Alexis and seemingly not even thinking about Danny hilarious. Jason and San really do deserve each other.

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3 hours ago, Oracle42 said:

If he'd just been trying to be a hero he'd be completely in the wrong because he just promised Sam that he'd let the cops do their jobs and he would take care of her and their baby but, because it's Robin there are competing priorities and loyalties

Correct. He's told Sonny multiple times that he doesn't want to be in the business anymore because his family is more important. He told Sam her and the kids come first. Remember when he got his memory back and he imagined Robin, who basically told him that when you risk your life, you better have a good reason? NuJason is not OGJason anymore who put his life in danger and everyone just has to accept it. The show, amazingly, actually made that clear. 

Which means, Jason would not step on that pressure plate for ANYONE to play hero a day after his daughter was born. That's not what I saw. But to each their own.

Edited by HeatLifer
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1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

I'm definitely enjoying her as a short-term villain. Here's hoping the writers don't fall in love with her and force her onto the canvas for longer. 

It's sweet that Joe West defended his mom, but it was also dumb. He's not going to change things for her.

I don't think he was intending to change anything, he's just voicing his opinion as a viewer. He watches every day, just like the few of us that are still watching for whatever idiotic reasons we do.

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7 hours ago, Asp Burger said:

Addiction has been done to death (and we are getting it x2 now, with Alexis's alcoholism and Finn's shooting up).

What's annoying about Dr. Michael Easton's drug addiction is that that's all there is to him, that and his now cured SUPER DUDLY DISEASE.  Why are we supposed to care if this character kicks his habit?  Because Rebecca Budig cares?  Not.

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On ‎3‎/‎12‎/‎2017 at 0:01 AM, P3pp3rb1rd said:

I was surprised to learn that Liv had abandoned Ava at the condo and presumably left. When she finds out that Griffin stayed in the building with a patient, will she rush back in? I don't see how  they can afford to have a bomb explosion at GH, since they'd have to rebuild sets. If they move the bomb up to the roof and out of the elevator, maybe the explosion can be somewhat controlled or contained by the bomb squad, saving the lower floors.   

Nah, bombs in PC don't destroy anything.  Remember when the bomb in basement of Luke's childhood home exploded and it didn't do any damage?  lol  Which reminds me.....that was the same exact house that Liz's rapist brother was in when Liz went to talk to him.  Must've got it for a steal  lol  Wait....now that reminds me of something else...wasn't the whole house story based on the fact that Michael wanted the house for his clinic and went to Bobbie for keys to it?  wth happened to that whole story??

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3 minutes ago, Cupcake04 said:

Liz's rapist brother

I know the time change is making me extra tired, but I saw this and thought since when does Liz have a brother? I realize who you meant though.

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8 minutes ago, tvgoddess said:

I know the time change is making me extra tired, but I saw this and thought since when does Liz have a brother? I realize who you meant though.

lol  sorry...forgetting the 's on rapist really changes the meaning!  I can't for the life of me remember either of their names...and that was not too long ago...tells you what a memorable story that was! 

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2 hours ago, fishcakes said:

Why would Jax ask Frank Benson for Nelle's kidney when Nelle and Joss aren't related? If he's going to buy a kidney, then he could buy it from anyone. If it doesn't turn out that Nelle and Carly are actually sisters or mother and daughter and Jax and Frank, but no one else, knew, then this story is even dumber than it already is.

Thank you!  I was thinking exact same thing and wondering if I was missing something or had the "family tree" wrong but they keep saying Carly's adoptive father, so they aren't blood related, so what are the chances that his real daughter would be a match for his adoptive daughter's daughter?  Wait...who is Carly's bio father?  Has he been on?  Are we gonna find out that adoptive dad is really her bio dad??

Question:  We had a bad storm here last Wednesday and news broke in for about 10 min....it went from Nelle quoting Carly's letter calling Nellie a brat, and when show came back on Carly was leaving Nelle's apt.  What was Carly's defense about calling her a brat?

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Why didn't they just put a heavy object on the plate instead of Saint Jasus?  I get it, it's all for the DRAMA, but it's tough to even pretend this is dramatic when such a simple solution could have been utilized instead.

That said, Curtis and Jason are my new favorite couple on this show!  I think they have a great friendship chemistry, although I pretty much like Curtis with everyone.

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2 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

LMAO! Yea, I found Sam wanting to fork off baby to Alexis and seemingly not even thinking about Danny hilarious. Jason and San really do deserve each other.

Guza actually did Sam a service by writing her baby maker off with a bullet.  But then he decided to off Jake so the bint could get her baby maker miracle cure and Jason totes okay again with bringing kids into his life.  His life didn't cause Jake's demise, that was all Elizabeth's fault (Jason just never said it out loud that she was to blame.)  

Jason should have finished Sam off with the death threat, since he was such a champion of "kids."  Except that didn't fit the J/S narrative.  So it was simply foreplay talk.  Disgusting.  

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It's extra dumb that they're pushing the family angle with Nelle, because it's not like kidney donations never come from strangers. Yeah, you probably have a better chance of a match from a relative, but you can also do just fine with a stranger's. Which, genetically, is what Nelle is to Joss. Unless we're going to get a giant retcon of who exactly Carly's bio father is. I'd love to hear how they explain Bobbie not knowing.

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Franco (to Sam, after she a) rightly tells him to not touch her and b) throws his history with bombs in his face): I know what I’ve done to you and your family but that’s ancient history.


Because, there it is again - Franco doesn't actually feel sorry for anything he's done, he - and, by the extension, the show - just wants people to shut up about it.

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26 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

Because, there it is again - Franco doesn't actually feel sorry for anything he's done, he - and, by the extension, the show - just wants people to shut up about it.

Just like Sonny. Ugh.

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"Sleeping with Nelle was the biggest mistake of my life." Shut up, Sonny, that is patently untrue. Off the top of my head I'd say that shooting Dante, killing AJ, fucking Ava in AJ's crypt, and fucking Carly on Michael's couch were all worse than being in bed with Nelle.

You'd think that in a life or death situation Sam would cling to her newborn, but no, Epiphany's got this. But I guess it's easier to scream at Franco without holding a baby. I hate how they force Sam and Franco into scenes together, because he never listens or learns from what she tells him. 

They're really getting their money's worth out of that bridge set. And if a pregnant Sam can survive a tumble over the edge, surely Julian can.

After back to back visits from Liv and Carly, Ava's probably wishing she was still in jail. I can't take Carly serious when she's trying to be intimidating and threatening. Carly is all bark and no bite, Liv could take her down without breaking a sweat.

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Anytime Sam gets to actually ream Freako out is nice. 

Fuck his ancient history comment though. He didnt think what Tom did to Liez was ancient history when he was putting him in a cage and shocking him.

The bomb stuff was so anticlimactic today. Jeez.

I hate Liez but I thought Hayden hugging her today was kinda cute. 

Edited by backhometome
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7 hours ago, coffee drinker said:

But this is nothing new for J/S.  They have been selfish bints about bringing kids into their lifestyle going back to Jason taking Sonny's pregnant sloppy seconds off Sonny's hands to protect Sonny/Carly.  Jason and the pregnant sloppy were totes okay with making a "fahmily" all the way back in 2004.  I read countless posts where Sam accepts everything Jason is and was totally okay with bringing children into it.  

If Jason needs to retire to think of Sam and the "kids" now?  Then why did some bitch about Jason and Elizabeth being together with kids? 

This!  I never understood why it was okey dokey for JaSam to have a family, but not Liason when GH is filled with killers.

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1 minute ago, Linny said:

 I hate how they force Sam and Franco into scenes together, because he never listens or learns from what she tells him. 

Seriously, why does he keep putting his hands on Jason and Sam? 

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I have questions about Liz today:

1) Didn't she stay behind to help Griffin with a patient who couldn't be moved?  So why was she just hanging around the halls with Dante and Jordan?

2) I really don't understand where Liz and Rebecca Budig are supposed to be in their relationship since the show has put no time into it on-screen.  I mean, didn't Liz call Rebecca Budig a bitch who wanted to fire her not too long ago?  So I'm not sure how I'm supposed to feel about their hug. 

3) Liz agrees to keep Dr. Michael Easton's SUPER DRUG SEKRIT.  Except...both Griffin and Brad already know he was practicing medicine while on drugs/in withdrawal.

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43 minutes ago, Linny said:

And if a pregnant Sam can survive a tumble over the edge, surely Julian can.

Even though that looks and likely is the EXACT same bridge, ten bucks says this one will have water at the bottom and Julian will not be found, becuase he'll have "drowned".  


43 minutes ago, Linny said:

Carly is all bark and no bite, Liv could take her down without breaking a sweat.

I don't know, LIv's cuckoo for cocoa puffs, but I have no doubt Carly can and will play dirty.  I want to see Carly lose her shit on Liv, cuz my money's on Carly.  


42 minutes ago, backhometome said:

The bomb stuff was so anticlimactic today. Jeez.

Right?  What exactly exploded, because there was an explosion?  And then everyone is going about their business like something didn't just explode.  


27 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

Didn't she stay behind to help Griffin with a patient who couldn't be moved?  So why was she just hanging around the halls with Dante and Jordan

No, he told her he was staying but wanted her to leave since she has 3 boys (no really she has THREE!!).  She told Dante and Jordan that she left, but others asked her to go back in and find out what was happening.  It was all a plot point so that Dante could tell her that Jason was standing on the bomb, which led to nothing and so that she could be inside when Franco came to find her, all worried .  


Why didn't Sam question where the hell Alexis went?  Mom went to get the car and never came back while there's a crazy woman related to Mom's ex husband and she doesn't even wonder?  Way to miss a beat there, show.  

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46 minutes ago, backhometome said:

The bomb stuff was so anticlimactic today. Jeez.

I'll say. I thought it was hilarious that the bomb guys were like, "Okay, we'll just stand back while you guys disarm this thing." And yeah, what was that poof we heard? No one got hurt, so was it the bomb?

I get why Sam might not want to breast-feed in front of Sonny, but why was Jason not in the room? The writing for Sam and Jason as parents is so contradictory. Nothing is more important than family, then Sam can hand over the baby to Pip, Jason can go diffuse a bomb, etc. 

Why didn't Julian shoot Olivia? Or pistol-whip her into unconsciousness?

Edited by dubbel zout
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2 minutes ago, Perkie said:

No, he told her he was staying but wanted her to leave since she has 3 boys (no really she has THREE!!).  She told Dante and Jordan that she left, but others asked her to go back in and find out what was happening.  It was all a plot point so that Dante could tell her that Jason was standing on the bomb, which led to nothing and so that she could be inside when Franco came to find her, all worried.

Gawd, that's so stupid.  Why not show her being a dedicated nurse who takes her oath seriously instead of an idiot who just wanders around a building with a bomb in it.

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8 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

The writing for Sam and Jason as parents is so contradictory. Nothing is more important than family, then Sam can hand over the baby to Pip, Jason can go diffuse a bomb, etc. 

Well, Jason didn't go and defuse a bomb. Anna told him Robin was missing, they went looking for her and found her on the pressure plate, Jason took her place, and Curtis did the rest. I could be wrong (and @ulkis let me know because you know it all :P), but the writers will never allow Sam to say a word about this. Because in doing so, it would become a conversation about Robin, and the show is not going to make that an issue. She did kind of have a weird look on her face when Sonny said, "Thank God Robin is alive", though, LOL.

Edited by HeatLifer
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38 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

Except...both Griffin and Brad already know he was practicing medicine while on drugs/in withdrawal.

But Griffin would keep the secret if he knew Finn was getting help.  Brad, who knows, depends what plot point they're writing for him at the time.  Or he's met his limit and we won't see Brad again for another two months.  


8 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Why didn't Julian shoot Olivia?

Right?  She gave him the freakin' gun.  I did appreciate that he shot the cuffs off of Alexis and told her to run, but then turn around and shoot Liv in the face.  Like what the heck man.  He's been so wussy (with a P) through this whole thing.  

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You just know if Michael had died, Sonny and Carly would have sprung for a tall-ass monument.

Ew at the imagery of Finn puking in a bucket. I don't understand why they keep putting him in these gross situations like licking the floor and talking about puking and making ridiculous sweaty faces.

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I get why Sam might not want to breast-feed in front of Sonny, but why was Jason not in the room?

I thought it was just Jason waiting with Sonny so he (Sonny) wasn't awkwardly waiting around by himself outside the room. 

I didnt see any weird look from Sam about Robin. She asked about her on Friday. 

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4 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

Well, Jason didn't go and defuse a bomb. Anna told him Robin was missing, they went looking for her and found her on the pressure plate, Jason took her place, and Curtis did the rest. I could be wrong (and @ulkis let me know because you know it all :P)

This time I will definitely not make any wagers. :)

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  • Quote

    You just know if Michael had died, Sonny and Carly would have sprung for a tall-ass monument.

    Michael got a playground built and named after him the last time he died.

Edited by ciarra
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11 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

Previews...screw you and your baby rabies, Lulu, trying to get Kevin to violate his professional ethics for you because he's dating your mom.

Laura should know better. Not only is Kevin dating Laura but he was shot and almost killed by Valentin. Any good lawyer would tear him up on the stand for his lack of objectivity.

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