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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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From what I remember, which I admit is hardly much at all, Olivia hid the pregnancy from Sonny because he was just getting going in the business and it scared her, trying to raise a baby around the mob and all the danger they'd be in. So I think Sonny was supposed to be around sixteen/seventeen back then, a minor himself still.


I thought the whole thing was completely unintentional.  As I understand it, Sonny had, as usual, put on too much Coppertone and Olivia was on her way to make a Novena to pray that all the moobsters in her neighborhood got low-cost access to government-supplied manzieres,  carrying a pan of ziti in one hand, a statue of St. Rita in the other and her rosary in her mouth, when she literally ran into Sonny.  As they both started to slide on the tanning-lotion slicked streets of Bensonhurst, Olivia's rosary got hooked in the zipper of Sonny's sharkskin cutoffs, opening them while the ziti flipped up in the air and landed right in his mouth, muffling him completely.  Olivia felt the tiniest, teeniest little nudge but thought she had been stabbed by the halo on the St. Rita statue.  

Struggling to get up, Olivia accidentally stepped on "it", causing Sonny to swallow all the ziti, making him unable to tell her that he had FINALLY had sex.  Of course, Olivia didn't notice anything at all.

Later, after her mother explained that all her weight gain was NOT from chewing and swallowing her own hair, the entire Falconeri clan put their collective noggins together and decided that is was A MIRACLE and that Olivia was actually going to give birth to the Sacred Son Of Boyardee, foretold by the prophecy of Mama Celeste.

They didn't know it was actually Sonny's kid until it slid out of her with an insta-tan, a pack of cigarettes and little baby shoes that already had lifts put in them.


At least that's what I remember.....

Edited by boes
  • Love 16

Does anyone know how old Sonny was when he knocked up a 14-15 year old Olivia?  Didn't she get pregnant in the back seat of Sonny's car at Jones Beach? If that really happened Sonny would have to be over 18 to get a driver's license. Stat. rape anyone?


I thought it was canon that Sonny was held back in high school 9 times before he finally dropped out. At least, it's been canon to me for a long time now.  


Let me add my name to the list of people going "wtf" about Coleman being revealed as the ringleader of this horrible Aztec jewelry storyline. Being somewhat shady is a hell of a lot different than being the ringleader of this convoluted and drawn out heist. Let me get this straight, instead of overcharging for watered drinks, Coleman decides to enlist some kid to hunt Maxie down (who fronted the cash for that?), meet up with her, have her fall in love with him, and then somehow use that to his advantage to get her mother's jewels? Oceans 11, 12 and 13, combined, has less moving components.  What could possibly go wrong with that plan?


Props to whomever mentioned this is the biggest out of nowhere, tacked on ending since Liz's rapist was revealed. I had no doubt at that time that they were setting it up to be Tony Jones (No, not Tony!), but then chickened out at the end and pinned it on some random guy. Yeah, what ever could go wrong with that plan? Aside from losing goodwill with viewers in terms of satisfying pay off.

Edited by Francie
  • Love 2

In "the board makes an appearance in my real life" news... Today, I almost said 3x, "Explain it to me like I am Sonny" at work.  #smh

Whew! I thought I was the only one to do that!

Although depending on who I'm talking to, it's either "explain it to me like I'm a 3 year old" unless it's my husband, who has seen the show on occasion, then I say "explain it to me like I'm Sonny" and he knows exactly what I mean.

Mr TVeyeonyou wants to know how it is that nobody in Port Charles can shoot straight and why nobody has killed Sonny yet. I told him it's Carly's magical glittery hoo-ha-dust of protection, it gets in everyone's eyes so nobody can see anything, and since Sonny's always up in Carly's glittery hoo-ha he's got extra protection.


I just grossed my own self out. Just ewww.

  • Love 6


Coleman decides to enlist some kid to hunt Maxie down (who fronted the cash for that?), meet up with her, have her fall in love with him, and then somehow use that to his advantage to get her mother's jewels? Oceans 11, 12 and 13, combined, has less moving components.  What could possibly go wrong with that plan?

How I understood it was the Coleman decided to get back into the fencing game.  He doesn't seek out the crimes, he facilitates the fencing of them.  It's not clear to me if someone comes to him and says "I want rare Aztec jewelry" and he gets it.  Or if someone comes to him and says "I have rare Aztec jewelry" and he tries to sell it.  But then I don't pay that much attention.

Does anyone know how old Sonny was when he knocked up a 14-15 year old Olivia?  Didn't she get pregnant in the back seat of Sonny's car at Jones Beach? If that really happened Sonny would have to be over 18 to get a driver's license. Stat. rape anyone?

I don't know how old Sonny is supposed to be but I think he could be 16 or 17 back in the 50s 60s or 70s and drive a car.  How old were the high school students in Grease?

  • Love 2


How I understood it was the Coleman decided to get back into the fencing game.  He doesn't seek out the crimes, he facilitates the fencing of them.


That's what I took away from yesterday's episode, too, Lola16. IIRC, Coleman said he had been working as a fence when he was contacted about being able to fence the Aztec jewels. When Olivia pointed out that Felicia was someone he knew, and that he'd be hurting a friend, that's when he shrugged it off with the comment about her not ever wearing them. He didn't create the plan to steal them. He just agreed to fence them. 


(And, this has been bothering me ever since the new backstory of the gems surfaced: I could be willing to believe that Felicia would be allowed by the Mexican government to keep some of the jewels, since they'd been in her family and this is a soap. But what I can't believe is that she was "allowed" to keep the scepter and that she then vacuously turned it in to jewelry. It would have made far more sense, since the story was being retconned anyway, for Felicia to say that she'd been allowed to keep a ring, a necklace, and a set of earrings.)

Edited by rur
  • Love 2


I had no doubt at that time that they were setting it up to be Tony Jones (No, not Tony!), but then chickened out at the end and pinned it on some random guy.

Wait, what?!?!  They were setting up Tony to be Liz's rapist?!?!  Oh, poor Tony!



I think they actually admitted it in an interview. I don't think it was THAT obvious on-screen, but I hadn't been watching long at the time, so wasn't quite familiar with Guza's craziness at the time.


Props to whomever mentioned this is the biggest out of nowhere, tacked on ending since Liz's rapist was revealed. I had no doubt at that time that they were setting it up to be Tony Jones (No, not Tony!), but then chickened out at the end and pinned it on some random guy. Yeah, what ever could go wrong with that plan? Aside from losing goodwill with viewers in terms of satisfying pay off.



I'm replying to the rest of this in the history thread.

Edited by ulkis

Wait, what?!?!  They were setting up Tony to be Liz's rapist?!?!  Oh, poor Tony!

I don't know that there was ever an official admission of such -- though I do recall someone commenting on it, long after the storyline had ended, very matter of factly.


The night of Liz's rape was also the night of Carly's epic take down of Tony, where she decimated, obliterated, and then gutted him while he was still standing.  We later saw Tony shaving his head and going all Taxi Driver in the mirror.


Then, later in the evening, Tony was picked up by the police for being passed out, drunk in the park. 


I liked Tony and was, by and large, grateful that they didn't have it be him. Because even just as far back as the late 1990s, no character could be as dark as that and come back.* Not that anyone should want a character to "come back" from such a horrendous act.  They would have had to have written him out, and on such a negative note.  But there was clearly an intended storyline, whomever it was going to be (or even if it was a stranger) and it got ripped up at the last minute because TPTB chickened out with its very lame "Scooby Doo vs. the Rapist" climax. There's no doubt in my mind that it was an out-of-left field, tacked on at the last minute ending.


*I'll leave the discussion for another day how very different Todd on OLTL's situation was and how that could even possibly be palatable to the viewing audience.

  • Love 4

I will just say that Ron is a petty puissant little fuckwit for ruining so many characters, Coleman included, because I hate him oh so much. BUUUUT...Coleman started out as a shady guy...who blackmailed SWSNBN because...why? AJ crashed into his bar so she had to strip instead of telling AJ....or something...and he had a sleazy kind of charm. So, color me not surprised. Because Coleman is not his character.


And Coleman was much more sleazy. He was suppose to be stalking SWSNBN and AJ was suppose to rescue her (stop laughing! they were serious!), until Frons wanted her with SBu, and thus AJ was the villian once again.



The guy playing Scribner, Levi's partner, is TERRIBLE. Just awful. I'm waiting for him to twirl his mustache.


In my mind, he's being played by Jeffery Wright. Yeah, that's it. He's actually undercover CIA working to get Fluke through Levi: "It appears we are at an impasse. What shall we do, Mister Dunkleman.... what shall we do?"


The less I have to watch Maxie and Lulu remain hostages the better. I'll just pop in my "Avengers" DVD/Blu Ray and FF to the Black Widow Hostage scene for a pallette cleanser.

  • Love 2

The one thing about the Maxie/Lulu hostage situation that doesn't annoy me too much is that at least they're doing more than sitting there cowering and sobbing. Their escape attempts may be epically inept, but they're trying. And there haven't been any leering rape threats. (Yet. If Sam were there, that would have been the first thing.)


They won't rescue themselves, but this is GH.

  • Love 1
Coleman as the fence is WTF to me because he hasn't been onscreen and there's been no mention of him until yesterday. Yesterday was also the first time we learned the jewels were going to be sold.


Exactly. It really isn't out of the realm of possibility with him, but we haven't seen him in a long while and now he pops up all of the sudden to be a heavy in RC stupid story. To me he is the perfect recurring character: I think he brings enough color to the canvas that he makes the show more vibrant and makes General Hospital feel like a community. However, this story isn't as stupid as when AJ stalked Copkilla, so thats something.  

 And there haven't been any leering rape threats. (Yet. If Sam were there, that would have been the first thing.)



Actually I thought that's what they were alluding to when Lulu said "you don't even want us," and Levi responded with "I don't know," then smirked and reminded Maxie that they'd had their "fun" in the bedroom. 

Coleman is still a sleaze, he always has been. I don't have a problem with his being involved, other than that as usual, Ron has trotted out a sub-tertiary player to service a very abrupt story where their character is on the line. This one doesn't bother me that much, though; I can believe Coleman would do this, personally, and he didn't know how far they'd go so that's probably their out to use the character again. Ron loves to put those little trap doors in to save a character after he's already put them in the mix, although often it isn't enough. What bothers me more is Ron using the same old twist.

  • Love 3

No; the minimum age in NYS is 16.


Coleman as the fence is WTF to me because he hasn't been onscreen and there's been no mention of him until yesterday. Yesterday was also the

first time we learned the jewels were going to be sold.

The way Sonny worked for the mob, broke the law, then allowed Stone and Robin to borrow his car under age . His driving under age is nothing. Think he thought he needed a license ? He's Sonny .he does as he pleases. Coleman had a hand in Sonny's daughter in-law being kidnapped  ? Oh My he is dead. If Shawn can manage to hit him that is. TIIC are even bigger idiots than I gave them credit for. I can't  the stupid is running rampant !

  • Love 1

Connie thought the world of Coleman? Really? I think Coleman was a lot of fun for Kate and vice versa, and that's it.


I think they showed/implied that they were pretty serious about each other towards the end of Megan Ward's run, even if we didn't see them much. That's one of the many reasons the recast was so annoying - when she came on, I think she had this random episode where she just totally dissed Coleman needlessly and ended it out of the blue so she could teach Sonny to play the tuba or the trumpet or whatever it was, again.


Coleman had a hand in Sonny's daughter in-law being kidnapped  ? Oh My he is dead.



IMO, agreeing to fence stolen goods is different than having a hand in something, which I think would suggest the planning and plotting beforehand, as opposed to just sitting around and being willing to illegally move whatever fell into one's lap.


 Sonny was pretty clear yesterday that since the fencing business didn't interfere with his business, he had no interest in it. I think he would absolutely understand Coleman's outlook. (And  Coleman's "She didn't wear them!" rationale was really pretty Sonny-esque, if you think about it)  And besides that, we are talking about two women who were kidnapped. Since neither is in Sonny's beddable female target demographic, his only interest in the case would be him doing a bankable favor for his son, the policeman, who came to him for help. Sonny might terrorize Coleman a little for show, but I think that'd be about it. 

Edited by rur
  • Love 1
Actually I thought that's what they were alluding to when Lulu said "you don't even want us," and Levi responded with "I don't know," then smirked and reminded Maxie that they'd had their "fun" in the bedroom.

I didn't see that as rapey as much as Levi trying to recover from Maxie's (lame) line that he wasn't fun in bed. But MMV.

  • Love 1

IMO, agreeing to fence stolen goods is different than having a hand in something, which I think would suggest the planning and plotting beforehand, as opposed to just sitting around and being willing to illegally move whatever fell into one's lap.


 Sonny was pretty clear yesterday that since the fencing business didn't interfere with his business, he had no interest in it. I think he would absolutely understand Coleman's outlook. (And  Coleman's "She didn't wear them!" rationale was really pretty Sonny-esque, if you think about it)  And besides that, we are talking about a two women who were kidnapped. Since neither is in Sonny's beddable female target demographic, 


Oh, padawan. Did you see his last  . . . er, well, fiancee, I guess? Kate Howard/Connie Falconeri looked like Maxie and Lulu's triplet. Not to mention the horror that was Soily. There are no women outside of Sonny's beddable demographic.

  • Love 5

I didn't see that as rapey as much as Levi trying to recover from Maxie's (lame) line that he wasn't fun in bed. But MMV.

Thought that Maxie said she didn't have "fun" in bed with him, that he was below average, in response. As in, don't you dare touch me, you disgust me. Also Maxie would say that to head off his potential sexual aggression toward them by making him doubt his 'manhood.' 

  • Love 1

I was thinking that since one was a daughter-in-law and the other was kind of like a daughter-in-law, what with the surrogacy and all, that Sonny would have ruled them out. 

(Now, if Dante and Lulu were to divorce, . . .)


No way. Sonny would tap that, married to his son or not married to his son, if desperate. However, I really don't see Lulu giving in to him, even if they were trapped in the catacombs. Well, maybe unless Sonny told her he could impregnate her. Sonny finds Maxie annoying so she wouldn't be the first thing he would hit on, but again, if they were trapped somewhere together, he'd probably give in.

  • Love 2

No way. Sonny would tap that, married to his son or not married to his son, if desperate. However, I really don't see Lulu giving in to him, even if they were trapped in the catacombs. Well, maybe unless Sonny told her he could impregnate her. Sonny finds Maxie annoying so she wouldn't be the first thing he would hit on, but again, if they were trapped somewhere together, he'd probably give in.


20 minutes after being trapped:


Sonny smiles. Full display of the dimples:  How you doin?

Maxie looks behind her. Nope. She's still the only other person there: Are you ... are you trying to flirt with me?

Sonny:  Well, we have been trapped here nearly an hour. A man has needs.


Well, that's the scripted version. It'll air like this:


Sonny smiles. Full flaring of the dimples:  Howydoin?

Maxie looks behind her: Are you ... are you trying to flirt with me?

Sonny:  Well, wehufftipperrrrrurrr.  Aminhaz


[another pause]

[third pause]



Sonny flashes a smile again.

  • Love 12

Hey, Lucy!  And she and Scotty mentioned Serena again!  But ugh, it annoys me what an afterthought this "triangle" with Bobbie is.  And really, they were just there to, per usual, push Franco's story along.  Boooooooo boo!


So Franco's idea of "using his own resources" is to go bother his daddy?  Oh biiig man!


The idea that Fluke sexually harassing stupid Kiki might be his downfall annoys me.


R.I.P. chocolate mousse.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 1
So Franco's idea of "using his own resources" is to go bother his daddy?  Oh biiig man!



His scenes with Scotty always fill me with awkwardness.


What was the point of Olivia calling Sonny?


lmao at Scribner's "Help! Please" No bueno.


Nathan is still wooden and DZ is unfortunately flagging, so these scenes have no urgency. At least they're pretty I guess.


Poor maxie, everyone is just wondering about BambiLu.


Oh lordy, if Scotty ends up dumping Bobbie and picking Lucy because Bobbie lied to Franco, I will punch this show in the face.



I mean, Scott didn't sound all that friendly to him today, but who knows.

Edited by ulkis

Poor maxie, everyone is just wondering about BambiLu.


I guess Lucy was supposed to be representing Mac and Felicia, but like I mentioned, she (and Scotty) were really just there to shove Franco story along.


Maybe the "We have to contact Frisco!" cliffhanger would have had some weight if we knew there was a snowball's chance in hell we were actually going to see him.

Edited by TeeVee329
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