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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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3 hours ago, TVbitch said:

I've never been pregnant, does it render you unable to shout "Yo, down here babe!"?

I have never been pregnant either, however I have witnessed childbirth.  So, believe me when I tell you the obvious, a woman who is in labor ability to yell is more than loud enough to get the attention of people in the next state.  Sam should not be having any difficulty in getting her beloved hitman's attention.  

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5 hours ago, Aurora2 said:

Good point. But this particular episode was just illogical/nonsensical/boring/trite/etc. from start to finish. It was astonishing!

Bbbbbuutt...they REVEALED stuff to us! </sarcasm> At long last, Bobbie told Carly about Sonny's affair, and implicated Nelle! And Julian and Alexis uncovered that Liv was alive and acting as Alexis's own AA sponsor! And they showed that GH was sold to the developers, thanks to the perfidy of Dr O!

Golly, they gave us surprising, awesome plot twists</sarcasm; irony>. The writers want a break or attaboys/girls.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
aurora2: no offense intended by choosing your quote
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wasn't it first thing in the morning when Sam woke up/Jason was talking to Alexis in Friday's episode?  And now it's pitch black outside when Jason gets to the bridge? 

Maybe Jason had things to do first, errands to run.  Netflix.

It's not any sillier than Julian sitting there with clearly enough give on the handcuff chain to pull the bag off his head.   

Am I supposed to buy Nelly's tears and change of heart?

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17 minutes ago, ciarra said:

Am I supposed to buy Nelly's tears and change of heart?

Oy. Did they ever bother to reveal why Nelle targeted Sonny and/or Carly in the first place? It wasn't just generic "I grew up poor!" whining, was it? Because if so, WEAK. And if not, the pacing of this story is even more fucked than I thought.

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Hopefully, Nell will will explain the reason to Carly for the non sex with Sonny. I know that's too much to ask from GH but one can hope. I did appreciate the cliffhanger. It was very 1980/1990's soap stuff. I'm also confused why Sam couldn't scream. Did she break her vocal chords during the fall down the slide? I must have blacked out last Friday.  I have no recollection of Julian being kidnapped and with his head being covered with the black hood. 

Totally radom and nothing to do with the plot but Nell's front teeth (tooth) bothers the heck out of me. Can't the actress fix it? Doesn't ABC/GH have a dental plan? Just asking.......

1 hour ago, ulkis said:

Isn't it beautiful of Sonny to want to renew his vows for the sixth time?

Because he respects the traditions of the Catholic Church.  HE SAID THIS WITH A STRAIGHT FACE.  I can't...

Another 'can't' is I could only make out every other sentence Sam was whispering to Scout.  Whispering as in that's how she always talks.  I'm guessing Jason is going to deliver this baby in the snow and both Sam and baby will be fine, despite a fall that would kill anyone else and being out in freezing temps for over 24 hours.  This awful, awful show.

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24 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Because he respects the traditions of the Catholic Church.  HE SAID THIS WITH A STRAIGHT FACE.  I can't...

Another 'can't' is I could only make out every other sentence Sam was whispering to Scout.  Whispering as in that's how she always talks.  I'm guessing Jason is going to deliver this baby in the snow and both Sam and baby will be fine, despite a fall that would kill anyone else and being out in freezing temps for over 24 hours.  This awful, awful show.

How far along is Sam? Didn't t she just have a sonogram?

1 hour ago, Cheyanne11 said:

I'm guessing Jason is going to deliver this baby in the snow and both Sam and baby will be fine, despite a fall that would kill anyone else and being out in freezing temps for over 24 hours.  This awful, awful show.

Yes it looks like Jason is going to have to rescue Sam and Scout,  since Franco hasn't ridden to their rescue. Maybe he's washing his hair.

It's too late now, but why didn't Jason put out an APB via Jordan since he was pretty sure Sam and the baby had been kidnapped ?

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
1 hour ago, Melgaypet said:

Oy. Did they ever bother to reveal why Nelle targeted Sonny and/or Carly in the first place? It wasn't just generic "I grew up poor!" whining, was it? Because if so, WEAK. And if not, the pacing of this story is even more fucked than I thought.

Well there's still the silver rattle with "Caroline" on it. So I don't think it was only the generic whining. Seems like there must be some family connection between Carly and Nelle that is driving Nelle's story..

  • Love 1

This is a soap, right? So instead of Sam losing consciousness just as Jason reaches the bridge, suffering from hypothermia by the time she's found  with both her and the baby in distress  - requiring Jason to make a difficult and soapy decision about the life and health of his wife and child  - she's hoarse and he can't hear her? 

How is this a soap?

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 3
6 hours ago, Oracle42 said:

This is a soap, right? So instead of Sam losing consciousness just as Jason reaches the bridge, suffering from hypothermia by the time she's found  with both her and the baby in distress  - requiring Jason to make a difficult and soapy decision about the life and health of his wife and child  - she's hoarse and he can't hear her? 

I. Can't. 

OMG! That is too funny and quite plausible.

How does Carly have a key to Nelle's apartment? I understand Nelle having access to Carly's house because she's a personal assistant. But other than the plot contrivance of Carly seeing 'Sonny audio file deleted' on the laptop, why does she think it's perfectly fine to just waltz into someone else's home? Even if she's paying the rent, it still isn't her home!

I still love Tanja Walker. The woman can spin straw into gold and is playing Olivia perfectly. This is an accomplished soap actress who knows the show is utter camp.

I'm surprised lightning didn't strike Sonny down when he said he respects the traditions of the  Catholic Church. Then again, if it hasn't happened after all the time he spends in church bargaining with God, I suppose it never will. Pity because that's something I'd pay to see :)

The whole Sam stuff is too stupid for words. Jason sees a picture of a charm on Liv's windshield and immediately knows the photo was taken on the bridge? Did I miss something?

I suppose Finn is now going to sign the contract after all, and then use his newfound wealth to save the hospital? Has anyone who's trying to put up money to buy the hospital actually figured out what it will cost to keep it in the black? You know, operating expenses? Lots of hospitals are going under these days, and just coming up with money to 'save' it doesn't do anything to keep it open. Changes need to be made and that likely includes cutting staff and entire departments. Start with Finn's research lab. That has to be eating into the operating budget. It's just so stupid.

  • Love 3
9 hours ago, ulkis said:

I've been wondering that about LW and BH though, to be honest.

Thank you! I'm sorry, but I don't understand why LW and BH don't have their teeth fixed. They're on TV for fuck's sake! And we're not talking about an interesting little gap or crooked teeth, they're teeth are distractingly bad. Don't @ me, Liz fans! This show makes me such a mean person lol. 

1 hour ago, Sake614 said:

How does Carly have a key to Nelle's apartment?

She doesn't, it was under the welcome mat.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Just now, Sake614 said:

Of course she still shouldn't be letting herself into someone else's home, but that's never stopped Carly or anyone else on this show.

Hey, at least she's in character! It's almost oddly comforting that Carly doesn't just let herself into the rooms in the hotel she owns, she'll even invade people's apartments.

The Nelle story is honestly just so enraging. Like this can not be what they planned on doing. Every single thing, LITERALLY, has been done wrong. I just can't.

  • Love 6
11 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:
12 hours ago, ulkis said:

Isn't it beautiful of Sonny to want to renew his vows for the sixth time?

Because he respects the traditions of the Catholic Church.  HE SAID THIS WITH A STRAIGHT FACE.  I can't...

It's entirely in character for Sonny. Of course he thinks he's a good Catholic.

I'm glad Griffin brought up Sonny thinking he slept with Nelle. As usual Sonny batted it away, but I loved his sour-lemon face when he heard that.

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If a melodramatic episode of GH airs and there's no forum to use to complain about it, was it really so bad? Yes, yes it was. 

So much of this episode was a reel devoted to Nelle. I know she's awful, you don't need to give me fifteen minutes of flashbacks to prove it. 

It kind of looked like Sam didn't take her pants off to give birth. And it sucks to give birth at the bottom of a bridge, but hey, it only took five minutes for her to deliver a remarkably clean baby. Like they didn't even try to make that look remotely natural.

There is zero tension in the Julian and Liv scenes. He looks bored as fuck. If he doesn't care that she's threatening his life, why should I?

  • Love 9

"Nobody wants to know you Nelle!" Hee. Although, honestly, I kinda thought "okay, tone down the self-righteousness just a wee bit" when Bobbie was ranting.

What was with the "aaaah" music when Finn came in the board room, like Finn was doing this amazing thing. 

Frank must have really bit the bullet for all those extras. They probably won't show another extra till the Nurses Ball.

lmao at Jason asking for a sign. And Sam's flop backwards.

This is so dumb. Carly's gonna yell, and then they're gonna find out Nelle drugged him and she'll be begging for his forgiveness. bleh.

Alright, Olivia J, either kill or shut up with the exposition.

2 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

LOL at there only being 3 comments about this ep this far into the day. 

The board was down for a couple of hours.

10 minutes ago, Perkie said:

So basically, Sam gave birth while still wearing her pants.  O. Kay.

Jason's meatmitts ripped through the material. Also, can we talk about how unsanitary Jason's hands must have been?

Edited by ulkis
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The good:  Bobbie confronting Nelle and giving her what for.  Was I supposed to feel bad for teary eyed Nelle as her tricks are being discovered?  Because.  No.

The medium:  Carly hearing the recording, then being all passive aggressive with Sonny, then telling him she knows he slept with Nelle.  Soapy goodness.  

The bad:  Everything JaSam.  From her being able to yell "ow" repeatedly, but him not hearing it, then her not being able to call out to him.  The him asking for a sign, then the moonlight allowing him to see her (really show).  then him delivering the baby, despite her being fully clothed.  The giant baby having a spoonful of jam on her forehead to show that she's newly born to him breathing for her, breathe damnit.  To Sam passing out once the baby is fine.  Ugh.  Just ugh.

The bad Part Deux;  Liv, LIv, LIv shut up already.  Boo hoo, you don't treat me like family.  Plus you killed Duke.  If I was Julian, I'd kill myself, just to end the misery and take away her power.  

The bad Part Trios:  The whole board vote thing.  "We've voted against."  "Look a shiny object over here".  "Ok we're changing out vote".  Huh?

  • Love 5
13 minutes ago, Linny said:

It kind of looked like Sam didn't take her pants off to give birth. And it sucks to give birth at the bottom of a bridge, but hey, it only took five minutes for her to deliver a remarkably clean baby. Like they didn't even try to make that look remotely natural.

There is zero tension in the Julian and Liv scenes. He looks bored as fuck. If he doesn't care that she's threatening his life, why should I?

Well, they did try with the bit of blood on the baby's head. And Jason's arms were covered in it too, bleh. But if the best you can muster up is a smudge, they really shouldn't have even bothered.

When Olivia told Julian about the GH vote at the end of the episode, I swear it looked like Julian was smiling. But then I realized that was WdV's attempt to look nervous.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 2
12 minutes ago, Linny said:

fifteen minutes of flashbacks

I KNOW. Was a block taping ruined, and this is how they filled the time?

12 minutes ago, Perkie said:

So basically, Sam gave birth while still wearing her pants.  O. Kay.

I kept wondering how on earth that child emerged. Hee. And I died laughing watching Billy Miller fake CPR on a doll. Oh, Show!

3 minutes ago, Perkie said:

The medium:  Carly hearing the recording, then being all passive aggressive with Sonny, then telling him she knows he slept with Nelle.  Soapy goodness.  

This was tremendous. I love it when Carly does this to Sonny. It doesn't happen nearly often enough. And all Sonny can do is stand there and look idiotic.

Speaking of Sonny, his face when Michael said he and Nelle had gotten close was great. MB usually falls back on the duh face, and here we got an actual expression.

  • Love 7
2 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Best part of the ep tbh.

The flop was an unexpected treat.

1 minute ago, Perkie said:

And I really don't want to know what he cut the umbilical cord with.  

Oh yeah, I would like to know whose idea it was to have Jason give the baby mouth to mouth. It's like they want people to make jokes about Jason's teeth.

but still, if you like Jasam, at least they were together and they had some nice moments. I definitely thought that Franco was maybe gonna help Sam give birth.

  • Love 3
3 minutes ago, Perkie said:

Everything JaSam

The lack of screentime was glaring and made everything feel quick as hell. Not only that, but the cheeeeese of it all. "We're gonna RISE together, Sam!" Lawd. What exactly has Sam had to rise and overcome? Being the girlfriend of a mobster's foolish helper, so she spent her adult life running from crazies? 

  • Love 4

Where the F was the ambulance that Jason called?  Wish someone had told me I could give birth without taking off my pants, only takes 5 min and 2 pushes, no blood except for a glob of strawberry jam on baby head, and the cord magically cuts itself....I would've had a dozen babies! And where did he get whatever he had baby wrapped in??? Is scout a unisex name or will we be subjected to the feminine version of it?. What is the female Scout?. lol

I normally like/don't mind BM but he couldn't have been any more emotionless!. Holy crap that was bad!

  • Love 3
Just now, Cupcake04 said:

Where the F was the ambulance that Jason called?  Wish someone had told me I could give birth without taking off my pants, only takes 5 min and 2 pushes, no blood except for a glob of strawberry jam on baby head, and the cord magically cuts itself....I would've had a dozen babies! And where did he get whatever he had baby wrapped in??? Is scout a unisex name or will we be subjected to the feminine version of it?. What is the female Scout?. lol

I normally like/don't mind BM but he couldn't have been any more emotionless!. Holy crap that was bad!

It was Sam's giant scarf.

I thought BM was fine today, which I am mentioning only cause I usually am not a fan of his performances. 

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15 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

The lack of screentime was glaring and made everything feel quick as hell. Not only that, but the cheeeeese of it all. "We're gonna RISE together, Sam!" Lawd. What exactly has Sam had to rise and overcome? Being the girlfriend of a mobster's foolish helper, so she spent her adult life running from crazies? 

oh dear. That's not a good line. (I skipped a bunch of stuff in the middle.)

The moon thing wasn't as cheesy as I expected but Jason shouldn't have been asking for signs in the first place. He would have sniffed Sam out, because he is Jason!

  • Love 2
14 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Also liked: Carly's assistant that Nelle talked to yesterday who clearly gave no fucks about Bobbie, Carly, or Nelle.

More of him, please. Loved him never looking up from his phone while Nelle panicked. 

Was Finn able to save the hospital because it's assumed the patent will provide a steady stream of cash, while the Qs' contribution was more of a one-time thing? I'm a little fuzzy on that.

3 minutes ago, ulkis said:

The moon thing

That was some amazing cheese right there.

Edited by dubbel zout
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3 minutes ago, ulkis said:

I thought BM was fine today, which I am mentioning only cause I usually am not a fan of his performances. 

I think Kels outperformed him, but he was OK for what it was. It helps when I don't think of him as Jason, though. 

2 minutes ago, ulkis said:

The moon thing wasn't as cheesy as I expected but Jason shouldn't have been asking for signs in the first place. He would have sniffed Sam out, because he is Jason!

I think Billy's delivery sometimes makes it more cheesy. There's something about the way he says "honey" repeatedly.

  • Love 4
1 minute ago, HeatLifer said:

I think Kels outperformed him, but he was OK for what it was. It helps when I don't think of him as Jason, though. 

I did too, but I always think she does, so. 

I think Billy's delivery sometimes makes it more cheesy. There's something about the way he says "honey" repeatedly.

Yeah. I was going to say, while I thought for once BM gave a solid effort, there is something about the way he reassured Sam - and he's done this other times with other people though - it makes it feel like he's talking to a child, not an adult. Like "buck up, camper!"

  • Love 5
2 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Yeah. I was going to say, while I thought for once BM gave a solid effort, there is something about the way he reassured Sam - and he's done this other times with other people though - it makes it feel like he's talking to a child, not an adult. Like "buck up, camper!"

Yeah, I see that, too. And he just doesn't connect or know the history, so when he was screaming, "You're my Phoenix!" it just looked like he was saying words as opposed to feeling it.

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