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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

I kinda love that Amy got the nurses to strike and then went behind their backs to get her job back. I mean that is a whole other level and I thought it was hilarious.


I really hope it bites her in the ass.  What did any of those women ever do to her? If one of them loses her shit and accidentally kills Amy or seriously hurts her, it will be karma. It was less clever and more evil. Besides, Michael and Carly were at the hospital, not to mention Hayden regularly talks to Tracy, so sooner or later it will get back to the original conniving bitch, Bobbie Jean Spencer.

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8 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I don't think Amy scheming to get her job back was all that devious. She was looking out for herself. I hope Rebecca Budig is the one who tells the other nurses what Amy did.


It was absolutely devious because she helped convinced all the other nurses to take part in the protest, shamed Liz when she voiced an objection and shows up to work to make a deal with Hayden. This is more than some scab hired after people go on strike, because the scab probably wasn't one of the strike leader or even knew any of the people that are striking. Amy regularly works them and she pulled a stunt like that. 

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1 hour ago, Ambrosefolly said:

Amy regularly works them and she pulled a stunt like that. 

I get that part of it, but it felt more like she was having second thoughts. The before and after scenes don't hold together enough for me to find the actions deliberately devious. The writing and the acting of all that was too weak, IMO.

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1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

I get that part of it, but it felt more like she was having second thoughts. The before and after scenes don't hold together enough for me to find the actions deliberately devious. The writing and the acting of all that was too weak, IMO.


Unless we find out in the next few days that she called Epiphany or Bobbie about having second thoughts...never mind, she agreed to a strike, she tried to shame Liz to go along with them then the first night of the strike, she shows up to work when it seems the strike hasn't been called off. You don't cross the picket line, especially if you are one of the most vocal people calling for a strike in the first place. At worst it makes her a calculating bitch that tried to improve her own chances of staying employed and maybe getting a promotion, at best an opportunistic bitch that got cold feet at the last second and decided to take advantage of the fact everyone else was going through with the strike.  Didn't seem like there were any other nurses there, so she decided to screw everyone else over. That's the whole point of a strike: solidarity.  Garin Wolf  got shit for other writers, even if he went through more legitimate channels to keep writing during the Writer's Strike. 

I didn't write anything when Amy made that catty comment to Liz about only thinking about herself, even though Liz does have 3 sons she is solely responsible for, but now that Amy has proven herself a gigantic hypocrite I will call a self serving bitch a self serving bitch.  

Edited by Ambrosefolly
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Thank God for Liz and Franco. They are the best written, most interesting pair on this show. They are fascinating and flawed and just keep me wanting to see what comes next for them. I love Billy Miller and not even he could keep me watching this show if the Friz story didn't exist. Whoever the brave, creative mind was who thought of putting these two together instead of another stale pairing deserves a raise. I hope the writers keep Franco human. Let him get occasionally jealous, make mistakes, struggle and conqueror his insecurities, have reservations about passing on bad genes, etc. That, as well as more romance and stories with depth for Liz, is what I want to see. I have not been this interested in a storyline in years.

Especially since Felicia's offer to redecorate was so out of the blue, and she wasn't subtle about asking questions regarding Nelle's background.

Poor Felicia. It's the most she has had to do in years, and they made her so bad at it. Some of the problem was the fast-forward writing ("Hi! Remember me? I met you at some event recently. Let me redecorate your bedroom. How is it working for Carly? Bobbie is a bitch. So who is this man in your life?"), but KW's limitations did not help. The big surprise to me is that it took Nelle a few air days to catch on.  

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13 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:
14 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Instead of getting all teary, Nelle should have dropped the act and doubled down on Sonny then and there.

True, it would have been great if she had turned steely, played him the tape of him talking about them "sleeping together", and told him she had copies all over town that would be exposed if he touched a hair on her head.  That would have been soapy as fuck, so of course, didn't happen.

That would mean, first and foremost, Sonny being on the losing end of a confrontation and having to tuck tail and run. That option does not exist on this show.

That would also mean someone else being as S-M-R-T as Carly and being able to make multiple copies to the Cloud on a whim.

That said, Nelle going nuclear without caring what happens to her would have been great. I don't know if Sonny ever met someone who had a Dead Man's Switch scenario which Jason, Carly, Max, Diane could not clean up because Reasons.

Nelle is either going to go away, or we will find out a reason for her to stay around and not have Sonny bump her off because Reason (or, Genetics). If she is the twin of Michael, she's also a Q, and gets a piece of the ELQ relish jar.

  • Love 3
16 hours ago, Perkie said:

This!  I know we've been complaining about Sonny threatening first Ava then Nelle and the mysoginy that comes with that, but why the eff is Julian allowing Liv to do what she's doing?  It's beyond not making sense.  

Liv has resources to reach out and hurt/kill Julian's family, because she DGAF, but no one had brought up what would happen if Liv was taken out. Do her Minions become free agents and just hustle away, or does someone else ride up in the ranks?

I just realized Liv has the Dead Man's Nuclear Scenario over Julian that Sonny has never faced. Again, Reasons/Helena/Commercial Break, Sonny Always Wins, and Sonny Ruins Everything.

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14 minutes ago, NutmegsDad said:

That would mean, first and foremost, Sonny being on the losing end of a confrontation and having to tuck tail and run. That option does not exist on this show.

Which, of course, is one reason why the show sucks. I don't know why we never see Sonny lose, ever. He suffers setbacks, but always triumphs, and worse, it's as if those setbacks never happened. Kannie dies, but Carly slides right back into his life. He uses Kannie's death now to hold over Ava more than to mourn a lost love.

18 minutes ago, NutmegsDad said:

That said, Nelle going nuclear without caring what happens to her would have been great.

The writers have no nerve to write this. 

  • Love 3

I didn't think Amy came off devious. She came off selfishly opportunistic. She was in on the strike thing, but then she got fired. The next day she realizes that she can probably get her job back if she breaks the strike and goes to work. I would've rather it been more devious though because then it'd be more interesting.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

Which, of course, is one reason why the show sucks. I don't know why we never see Sonny lose, ever. He suffers setbacks, but always triumphs

That's why his storylines are so boring and frustrating.  We all know in the end he'll come out on top, to the detriment of every character in his orbit.  

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, NutmegsDad said:

Liv has resources to reach out and hurt/kill Julian's family,

HOw does Liv have resources?  Where has she been for the past 27 years?  Why is she only now taking revenge on Julian?  I think Original Recipe Julian "killed" her last time for far less motivation than now, so it makes less than zero sense as to why he hasn't done something about her now.  

  • Love 4
14 hours ago, Oracle42 said:
16 hours ago, Perkie said:

When he first showed up in town, when he was pretending to be Derek Wells?

Wasn't he supposedly working for Fluke at the time?

According to Wikepedia, Derek Wells showed up in town in July 2013.   During 2013 LUke was dealing with the polonium poisoning and TG was off screen for a bit.  When he came back onscreen (Feb 2014) he was at Miscavige and the Fluke/DID stuff started.  Around that time is when we find out that Fluke has been running the Jerome organization.  

Personally, I don't beleive Fluke was running the show when Derek/Julian first showed up.  It was retconned almost a year later, for whatever lame reason.  

12 minutes ago, Oracle42 said:

They need to stop resurrecting members of this pointless family

Someone elsewhere made the point that while no one should suspect Olivia being alive, that they should wonder if there are other Jeromes out there.  Victor was like Sonny in that he slept with anything that moved, so, like Ava, showing up years later, as the illegitimate daughter, theree could be more.  Why has no one thought of that?  

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

I didn't think Amy came off devious. She came off selfishly opportunistic. She was in on the strike thing, but then she got fired. The next day she realizes that she can probably get her job back if she breaks the strike and goes to work. I would've rather it been more devious though because then it'd be more interesting.


Wait, I missed a day, did Amy get official fired or did she just want to ensure she wasn't part of the thirty percent to leave? Was there an episode where Amy was called in alone and laid off? Still makes her a skank ass bitch if she didn't go to someone like Pip or Bobbie first. 

@comosedice. Okay, fine I am sure Friz has their fans. I don't find them facinating. All I see is Liz having whatever remaining light taken away from Franco's benefit. If Franco had just stayed out of it, no one would have been put in danger, and no one is calling out Franco for making Tom Baker all about him and not Liz. I see a woman with such low self worth that she is dating another violent killer, this time one that stalked her for months and used her middle son to get into her good graces. What pisses me off the most that the show didn't seem to put in half the energy into AJ as to making this guy work, which if swapped out for Franco would make all the storylines 90-100% less douchey. Now some doctor randomly and unexpectly shows up at Liz's house, he gets incredibly possessives and Liz, once again is worried more about his fragile feelings than her own. Though considering what Franco ended up doing to both Carly, Ava and his own mother, that might be a form of self preservation. 

Edited by Ambrosefolly
  • Love 1

I don't think anyone has been fired yet; the nurses strike was a preemptive move to show how necessary nurses are. Amy was negotiating to not be part of the 30 percent who are supposed to be fired. (Though really it's more of a layoff, as the nurses aren't being terminated for cause.)

17 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

I find Amy 2.0 so terminally pointless, I can't get worked up about any of this.

And there's this. She's there to be a gossip; there are other characters who can serve that function.

  • Love 1
13 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I don't think anyone has been fired yet; the nurses strike was a preemptive move to show how necessary nurses are. Amy was negotiating to not be part of the 30 percent who are supposed to be fired. (Though really it's more of a layoff, as the nurses aren't being terminated for cause.)

And there's this. She's there to be a gossip; there are other characters who can serve that function.


So my earlier points are correct: she is an opportunistic, self serving bitch because she talks out of both sides of her mouth. It is a huge betrayal what she is doing considering she instigated the strike in the first place and admonished anyone that voiced caution in calling a strike. If someone doesn't slap her and call her out in public, I will be pissed.  I wouldn't hold what she is doing against if she had supported Liz when she made the comment about not wanting to strike and sat quietly during the entire meeting, but she did the exact opposite.

Edited by Ambrosefolly

Anna has amazing fortitude. When I have a migraine it ends with my head in the toilet before collapsing in bed, and Anna's out there breaking and entering.

Dillon comforts Kiki about Morgan, round 337. Yawn.

Ava can continue to cool her heels in jail. Much like Sonny, she's gotten away with so much shit, and she deserves to sweat it out in jail for a while.

The problem with this show is that it constantly makes me straddle the line between being bored and being enraged. And today I didn't care about anything.

  • Love 4

Sue me, I still think Dillon and Kiki are kinda cute.  But ugh, Morgan doing his best to cock block them from beyond the grave.  Can't we get one measly day without someone mentioning him?

Scotty and Ava were also kinda fun, I loved him pulling out a flask, heh.

So are we veering back towards Anna and Andre?  I'm kinda over it.

  • Love 6
27 minutes ago, Perkie said:

Amy was fired.  After the meeting at the Rib she went back to work and Hayden said she needed to speak to her.  Assumptions were that she was fired though we didn't physically see the scene.  When she spoke with Hayden yesterday,  something was said like, "so i"m being reinstated?" and Hayden said yes.  


But I am guessing it was through the first round of layoffs. I really hope Pip beats her ass. 

12 minutes ago, Ambrosefolly said:

But I am guessing it was through the first round of layoffs

I think she was the only one that was laid off because it happened right after the meeting at the bar, then the next day, they had the mini strike.  

I hate Amy with the heat of a thousand suns, but her finagling her way back into  a job was actually genius on her part.  

  • Love 2
33 minutes ago, Perkie said:

When she spoke with Hayden yesterday

Ah, then I messed up the time line. I didn't realize Hayden was already starting to let nurses go. (Which kind of negates the purpose of the strike in the first place, but never mind.)

Lulu acknowledges that Valentin is "lying in wait for [her] to make a mistake," and she still forces herself into Charlotte's life. This is why I have no sympathy for her. 

6 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

So are we veering back towards Anna and Andre?  I'm kinda over it.

Same here. That train sailed. Plus, there's still a blurring of professional/personal lines with them, as there were with Andre and Jordan.

  • Love 1
22 minutes ago, Perkie said:

I think she was the only one that was laid off because it happened right after the meeting at the bar, then the next day, they had the mini strike.  

I hate Amy with the heat of a thousand suns, but her finagling her way back into  a job was actually genius on her part.  


I guess evil does bump up the IQ a point or two. Kind like in the Harry Potter books when Wormtail became Lily's and Jame's secret keeper and used it to save his own skin and then framed Sirisus Black screaming about him betraying the Potters, killing a bunch of people and turning himself into a rat. Or a real life example, the brother that sold out his sister to the US Government (thereby orphaning his nephews) to save his own neck, because the brother in law just wasn't enough. 

It is also easily discoverable and could backfire on her, and I hope it does. And the reason no one else would do it is not because they are stupid, but because they have scruples. I wouldn't want some like that as my nurse. She could make a mistake and pin it on someone else.

Edited by Ambrosefolly

I like Nina's dress.

I will always have an affectionate spot for Liz probably, but I can understand those that hate her. WHY is she making that sucking a lemon face at Epiphany and Bree's best friend in the previews?? 

Wait, what? Were Lulu and Dante supposed to be at the hotel or their house, since supposedly they were taking a taxi home?

Maxie looks less gaunt, but her hair is a fright.

Meh, they've taken all the charisma out of Valentin. They made him too vulnerable, too fast.

If I were Dillon, if I heard Morgan's name one more time I'd want to stab myself in the face.

  • Love 4
53 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

Well "next week" in Port Charles time probably won't be until March. 

Heh. You're probably right.

37 minutes ago, ulkis said:

If I were Dillon, if I heard Morgan's name one more time I'd want to stab myself in the face.

All he does is give Lauren space to get over that dope. Give it up.

25 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

In other news, what is with this new Darby-esque chick they've decided to slide in between Jordan and Curtis?

Did they bother to give her a name, or is she just someone he did coke with back in the day? I laughed at the scene at Jake's where Jordan was getting ready to go over to Curtis's table and then this lady snakes her. What was Jordan expecting? She and Curtis are dunzo, by her choice. Gah. I hate this.

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, ulkis said:

I like Nina's dress.

I will always have an affectionate spot for Liz probably, but I can understand those that hate her. WHY is she making that sucking a lemon face at Epiphany and Bree's best friend in the previews?? 

Wait, what? Were Lulu and Dante supposed to be at the hotel or their house, since supposedly they were taking a taxi home?

Maxie looks less gaunt, but her hair is a fright.

Meh, they've taken all the charisma out of Valentin. They made him too vulnerable, too fast.

If I were Dillon, if I heard Morgan's name one more time I'd want to stab myself in the face.

Elizabeth is about to defend that greasy ass freak and has done it repeatedly with whatever "fill in the blank" man that is in her life.  If there was another popular character/ actor on this show that FV could dump Franco on, I would cheer in a heartbeat!

There are actual Friz fans that think Franco treats Elizabeth better than ANY man ever!  Sheesh.

  • Love 1
43 minutes ago, WendyCR72 said:

So...the usual GH episode, then?

This episode was so useless I couldn't even come up with any commentary. I don't care about Maxie/Tree, Lulu/Dante are blah, I like Jordan alright but I don't give a shit about Andre or whatever is going on with Curtis and that girl, an expired jar of mayonnaise is more exciting than Kiki/Dillon, I don't care about Anna's stupid migraines or her obsession with Valentin, I sorta liked Valentin/Nina but he's all whiny and hunchbacky and that stupid embryo is getting too much screen time. 

  • Love 2

Charlotte seems to adore Valentin. Anna should've realized that curtailing her gumshoe activities would be wise, since she's liable to pass out and lose her cover at any time.

I hope Anna doesn't have some brain tumor. Griffin is a neurosurgeon, amiright? He'd be the one to operate on her I suppose.

I liked the rock that Valentin is giving Nina to seal their wedding, but since he might be after her fortune, she might find out someday that it is cubic zirconia. Better check it out immediately with a jeweler, Girlfriend.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
10 hours ago, Ambrosefolly said:

@comosedice. Okay, fine I am sure Friz has their fans. I don't find them facinating. All I see is Liz having whatever remaining light taken away from Franco's benefit. If Franco had just stayed out of it, no one would have been put in danger, and no one is calling out Franco for making Tom Baker all about him and not Liz. I see a woman with such low self worth that she is dating another violent killer, this time one that stalked her for months and used her middle son to get into her good graces. What pisses me off the most that the show didn't seem to put in half the energy into AJ as to making this guy work, which if swapped out for Franco would make all the storylines 90-100% less douchey. Now some doctor randomly and unexpectly shows up at Liz's house, he gets incredibly possessives and Liz, once again is worried more about his fragile feelings than her own. Though considering what Franco ended up doing to both Carly, Ava and his own mother, that might be a form of self preservation. 

We obviously do not have the same perception of this couple because I see none of what you are seeing. I am trying my best to be as open as possible observing this relationship. Liz is stronger and more assertive than I have ever seen her before, so I don't know what you're talking about when you say her self-worth is low. I see Franco as being very deliberate in making sure Liz feels empowered in the relationship. She actually holds the reins and can step away from the town pariah whenever she wants, but she is choosing to stay. Of course Franco is a little insecure and gets jealous of men he perceives as more acceptable and deserving of Liz. He doesn't see himself as worthy of the affections of a woman like Liz and thinks he will lose her to a "better" man. It will take time and love to get over that. This is realistic storytelling. Try watching without prejudice. This duo is holding my attention.

  • Love 5
5 hours ago, Oracle42 said:

He isn't. Liz at her absolute worst deserves better than that. The only character that deserves to be stuck with the murderhobo is Nina

Exactly. I mean, we've already been through this with both Carly and Nina. They supposedly also made him want to be a 'better man', so Liez really ain't all that special. Did folks forget about those relationships already? He'll try for a while like he did with Carly and then when he sees Liez in some compromising situation with Dr. Priest, he'll go all Hallowedding on her. Lather, rinse, repeat. The dirty murderhobo has literally said the exact same things to 2 other women. I loathe Liez with the heat of a thousand fiery nuns, but even I think it's time for this woman to love herself. Which is why Nina is still his best pairing, they're contained into one ball of crazy.

Forgot to add, this show is called GENERAL HOSPITAL - how come there aren't doctors and nurses and other staff getting freaky in the supply closets??

Edited by Badsamaritan
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