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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I guess it must just be me, but when something doesn't happen I just don't see how it can be held against the person like it did.


But she drugged him in preparation of raping him, the crime was already in progress.


And didn't she get blocked here, by Sam's arrival?  It's not like she was all, "Oops, not going to rape you after all!" and brought Silas some coffee or water or something to help sober him up.

Edited by TeeVee329
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I realize if she would have followed throught it would be rape, but it was almost like she had this ill conceived plan to trick him and it didn't work out. I never got the feeling she really meant to rape him b/c she still could have had sex with him after Sam left but it was like her heart wasn't in sexing up a passed out man. It was like she thought it would just loosen him up and got more than she bargined for. I never really felt she meant to rape him b/c she never followed through despite it still being an option. He just went to his room she could have followed if she truely meant to rape him. So I still say it was more just shenanigans on her part.


It's not just one "Rape-Y" moment, but so many other things with this character.  She spies on people for her own benefit with no qualms, she treat her "nurse/accomplice" like crap and talks down to her.  She uses that freaking baby voice to appear more innocent than she really is; she has lied about having money, she has lied about knowing what her mother did, she has lied and lied and lied.   

She is not just some poor innocent coma victim come back to life - she is a scheming bitch.  Period.  Its not about love, it's about getting even...getting even.  {Wildly waving hands}

Basically, she is pointless and takes up too much of my General Hospital - I want love in the afternoon again.

Edited by devonshiredeb
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I don't think Nina is normal by any stretch, but she has mental problems which to me could be expected coming from a 20 yr coma. I am still not convienced that Rosalie isn't pulling her strings somehow and working for Victor since she came from the place Victor has his popcycles and Victor said Nina "got awayf from him" or some such nonsense.


My orginal point is I just don't see her as evil. She has some loose screws to be sure but all indications are before the coma she was a normal person who was depressed so somehow being in a coma or being manipulated by someone else is causing her craziness.


Compaired to most people in PC she just doesn't seem that bad to me and it makes Sam look a little imbalanced herself to keep freaking out like Nina is the evilest who ever eviled given who her father and husband are.


So she is pretending she can't walk to stay close to her husband and hopefully get him to fall in love with her again. So what. It is a stupid plot and I just want to get her out of that damn wheelchair b/c it is annoying and the whole plot is silly to be going on this long.

Edited by Cattitude

I think the disconnect is that the audience knows Nina's a creepy weirdo with misguided revenge plans - but Sam wouldn't necessarily know that. She has suspicions, but she also basically dumped Silas ... so is she fighting for him or not? If not, why does she care what Nina does?

And she might hook up with Patrick anyway. Like everything else in Sam's stories, the whole thing is a muddle. I like the actress, but I have never enjoyed any of Sam's plots - though I admit I missed her first years on the show.

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Nina's a creepy weirdo with misguided revenge plans


It would help a lot if we knew what Nina's plans were, besides "get my revenge and cross those names off My List." Why are the villains so passive on this show? Victor is the only one who seems to have a specific plan, a timetable to get it done, and the force to make it happen. Fake!Luke hurts people, but nothing seems to bring him closer to taking down Sonny, if that's still his goal. Julian just sits around and shrugs. Does Obrecht even have a grand plan anymore?

Edited by dubbel zout
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I don’t think poor dead Alison would appreciate Sam’s assertion that Rafe viewed her and Silas as his parents.


There’s now this additional gross undercurrent to the Carly/Franco relationship that she’s basically stuck with this SERIAL KILLER, that any indiscretion on her part will lead to Franco spilling the beans about Sonny and AJ.  How dreeeamy!


Also, Carly is tripping if she thinks Sonny is set on sleeping with her out of some altruistic desire to drive Franco away, for her good and the good of their sons.  He’s horny, Carls, that’s his motive.


So Patrick can tell Sabrina the Robin/Jason secret, but not, oh I dunno, Anna or Mac, especially since he’s decided he’s done with Robin?  And heh, how the times have changed, Sabrina having to stand and listen to Patrick go on and on about another woman.


And there's Kiki AGAIN commenting on a relationship (Sonny/Carly) she has no idea about.  Keep your snout OUT!


Shut up, Nina.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Holy recap city.


Sobby getting Patrick to recap the whole freaking drama history, and Ron trying (with little success but I blame him, not the actress) to set this reveal up as waving the starter flag for the Patrick triangle. TeCa is acting, JT is tanking. He really is a jerk. Just recast his role and move on.


Carly recapping, and Ron giving Sonny a chance for some clothes ripping fun. Yuck.


Nina and whatever her Igor Nurses name is recapping, and Nina spinning off into mad dog baby rabies. (I know her name is Rosalie, but I was being funny) The sad part is, Nina is supposed to be totally cray cray, but she is only about 25% worse with the rabies than Lulu.


Not sure what purpose the Sam recapping was for, because the same important info (I saw you couch kissing Nina) should have been done in a more emotional scene, and the rest was filler.


Julian monologing. Yep, recap.


Franco hosting a recap storm circle. At least this one had some angry heat (some).


The only actions this whole 40 minutes were Carly getting her blouse opened, Nina confirming she is going for Franco's sperm, and Dark Sam and Light Sabrina lining up at a literal starting line facing him to start the race for Patrick's penis. The final two were crammed into the last three minutes of the show.


Do you think they ran out of script with the Luke story derailing so they were playing for time?

Edited by Happyshooter
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Sabrina said that Patrick is normally honest...it'd be laughable if everything wasn't so obvious and stupid and shitty.


Sam, you broke up with Silas, remember? Stop acting like Carly...dear god I can't take it. I did like Silas' line, that having a less than ideal relationship with the Nina is all he has.


Silas is trying to give his wackoff wife lady person the benefit of the doubt, he's at least trying to support her and get her back on her feet, and yet Patrick whines to Sabina about how Robin doesn't "wuv" he and Emma anymore, despite the fact that he should know his wife better than this, that he should just know his wife period...gah.


So apparently Rafe had a picture of "mummy and daddy" together on his phone? Not a stalker shot of Molly from behind a shrub? Please.


So they put Morgan, Michael, Kiki, and Frano together and someone believed that to be a good idea. I want that person hung by their finger nails.


Carly and Sonny, yet again, continue to turn my stomach. Why couldn't that window have just given way and put a end to those sleazemongers.


The Nina being her frantic flailing self is just so old and stale of an act now.


I liked how straightforward Julian was with Ava, he never flinches at the risks of the lifestyle or the price one must pay at times, he just deals with it, unlike apparently everyone else who's supposedly "mob" on this show.

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There’s now this additional gross undercurrent to the Carly/Franco relationship that she’s basically stuck with this SERIAL KILLER, that any indiscretion on her part will lead to Franco spilling the beans about Sonny and AJ.


ENTIRELY her doing. Carly was the one who told Franco about Sonny killing AJ in the first place. No sympathy whatsoever on my part that now she's stuck with a SERIAL KILLER. (I love that we refer to him in all caps, btw. Hee.)


Do you think they ran out of script with the Luke story derailing so they were playing for time?


I do; I wrote as much yesterday. I think the scripts have caught up with what was supposed to be TG's return date, and now we're seeing them kill time while they rewrite for his actual return date, which is supposedly October.

Edited by dubbel zout
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So.... um don't eat the food at Ava's. Got it. I'll just have drinks. Ava is already a better parent than half the cast. She's going to go after MyKill to keep her useless kid safe. That's love. Sure, it can't be killed nor contained, but that's love.

So....Fluke is a sociopath. ...is Fluke the real Franco and this dude, George is a brainwashed guy, since we have no actual date, just a vague timeline. And Franco was rich. Stalking is expensive.

Shut up, Micheal. Go eat at Ava's. Do you even remember AJ? SLS.

And Omg Nina will anger bang George? Yes. Thanks Ron. What the hell did Roger do to you? Free Roger! He's being held hostage!

Oh and um, Levi probably sold Lulu to Stavros.

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Julian's blasé attitude about Luke being locked away is yet another reason why I find him completely unrootable.  They can't get around to killing him fast enough. Too bad they completely neutered Duke and locked him away in the attic so that he can't get a little satisfaction and be the one to shoot him and drop kick him in the lake.

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Carly: You and the boys hate Franco that much you would sleep with me to get rid of him??




Morgan's face was so adorable and mischievous when he said "you sure about that?" mumblemumblehe'ssocute


See, this is the stuff that turns  me against Sabrina when I'm usually neutral about her. "Patrick, you forget how well I know you. And you've been nothing but good to Sam." You've been here for two seconds!!! You don't know Patrick that well, let alone his relationship with Sam. Shut it, lady.


Why does Michael stick with Kiki? Why is he sparing her feelings regarding Franco. For God's sakes man, just rip into him with your brother and have fun. Forget about stupid Kiki.


Ava knows Fluke is not Luke. One step closer to her tragic demise, probably.


Nina's scenes wouldn't be so annoying if we didn't have to hear Stafford improv for 5 minutes. ugh. Shut up shut up shut up Nina. God help us if she and Lulu ever have an encounter. Nathan lied to us! He said Nina liked to dance and laugh and ride horses! BUT SHE ONLY LIKES TO COMPLAIN.


Sonny locking Carly inside the office was pretty rape-y. Carly knows how to pick them, eh.


I really don't care about the kidnapping plot at all, which is pretty sad considering Dante is still my favorite, but watching everyone run around wondering where poor Maxie and Lulu are makes me roll my eyes. The only way I'll really like this is if everyone else gets trapped somehow and THEY rescue everyone else

Edited by ulkis
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Why does Michael stick with Kiki? Why is he sparing her feelings regarding Franco. For God's sakes man, just rip into him with your brother and have fun. Forget about stupid Kiki.


Seriously. Franco and Lauren aren't even related. So what if they're friends? Franco is a SERIAL KILLER WHO FACILITATED MICHAEL'S RAPE. I think Michael is entitled to slag him for eternity.

  • Love 6

Who is this show trying to fool?  We all know Rafe's home screen would have been a picture of Justin Beiber & Selene Gonzalez.  


I did like that we finally some insight into and motivation from Nina, but MSt needs to stop repeating almost every single line.  She is starting to border on NL levels of awful now.  When Nina was doing whatever. She was doing with Rosalie's hands, I was so distracted by whatever it was that I couldn't pay attention to the dialogue.   I cant blieve they gave this hack a two-year contract.


The crew did a terrible job at hiding BC's bald spot.  Making his hair messy only draws attention to it.  That said, I did enjoy Morgan snarking at Freakco.  If Ron is desperate for filler, I am for all for Morgan going around town on a snark tour.  


Could the anvil have fallen any bigger today that Keeks is Neens daughter?  I'm just glad she won't be related to Julian, Ava, Sam, and Lucas anymore.  Those four have suffered enough without having to be related to that snippy, know-it-all mooch.

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See, this is the stuff that turns  me against Sabrina when I'm usually neutral about her. "Patrick, you forget how well I know you. And you've been nothing but good to Sam." You've been here for two seconds!!! You don't know Patrick that well, let alone his relationship with Sam. Shut it, lady.



It's not cute or endearing when she says crap like that. I don't hate the character overall, most of my issue comes from how badly written her attachment to Patrick has been, statements like that are exhibit A as to why. It's smug, not sweet.

  • Love 4

ENTIRELY her doing. Carly was the one who told Franco about Sonny killing AJ in the first place. No sympathy whatsoever on my part that now she's stuck with a SERIAL KILLER. (I love that we refer to him in all caps, btw. Hee.)


Oh, it's entirely Carly's fault, for trusting a SERIAL KILLER (I love the all caps, too!) who's been nothing but unstable in the years she's known him with such a monumental secret.  But the show has been trying to get us to root in this relationship.  Making Carly out to be stuck with him seems to be the antithesis of that.

Edited by TeeVee329
Julian's blasé attitude about Luke being locked away is yet another reason why I find him completely unrootable




It makes perfect sense to me given the fact that Julian is well aware that exposing real Luke would cause notLuke to go bananas, and bananas isn't good, meaning everyone that means anything to Julian would be mowed down, and that'd be for starters. He's well aware crossing notLuke means someone in his life could die. He already has almost lost his son, Alexis, Molly, and Danny, it's why he put the truth to Ava in simple terms, she has to pick which life will have to be lost to save the other, will it be Michael's end or Kiki's, for he's done the same. 


Also I didn't see him as being carefree about the decision to keep mum, he's just being matter of fact, he can't change the fact that notLuke is a unhinged crazed psycho and that has forced him to make some less than ideal decisions.



See, this is the stuff that turns  me against Sabrina when I'm usually neutral about her. "Patrick, you forget how well I know you. And you've been nothing but good to Sam." You've been here for two seconds!!! You don't know Patrick that well, let alone his relationship with Sam. Shut it, lady.




But Sabrina knows just how honest and amazing and good and loving and sweet and kind and totally trustworthy and like rad Patrick is. He's the bestest at everything and of course she's telling him to keep the truth from Sam for her own good because that's just the sort of "honest friend" Patrick is, yeah, sure, okay. 

Edited by CPP83
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Wait, what? Patrick told Sabrina about Jason? Sabrina. Not Sam, Anna, Mac ... but Sabrina.

I'm sorry, Patrick needs to be kicked repeatedly in the head and balls.

Here's how Sam can become a character I love - if she finds out, rips Patrick a new one, then bursts into Anna's office, all "you gotta go save Jason and Robin! And I'm coming with you!" It'd never happen, and I don't want Jason back at all. But it would be more satisfying than most of this show right now!

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Ok , clearly I missed why she put it on in the first place, because I now am totally freaked out by the sight of Nina wearing one rubber glove. All Ii could think was she was about to go, ahem, harvest some DNA.


I looked up from checking my email in time to see that, too. All I could figure was that it was some twisted homage to the scene in On the Waterfront where Marlon Brando plays with Eva Marie Saint's glove. Or, now that I think about it, maybe she was reflecting on hiring Michael Jackson's doctor. 



I do have to say though, Sabrina made a point. Jason is dead (as far as they know). Why tell someone NOW that he might not have been dead before but now he definitely is. Duh, Patrick. 

Edited by rur
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Do the writers not get that Patrick's behavior right now - even in this bizarre, contrived situation - is patently insane?

First, contrary to all sense and reason, and the evidence that Robin is working in a lab that is creepy, dangerous and heavily guarded, he apparently decides Robin just woke up one morning and decided to be a bitch. Nope, couldn't possibly be some other explanation!

He then avoids telling Robin's family and Sam what's going on, but he'll tell Sabrina?

Edited by SlovakPrincess
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Today's show was brought to you by The Seven Dirty Words

Today was another horrible day. I'm the idiot because I keep watching it.

I'll let GHScorpiosRule, point out how the douchecanoe asshat Ron is attempting to re-write his own damn story regarding why Robin left. It wasn't her choice & it was to protect her family. Scorpios will do a much better job than me. I just kept yelling Bulshit at the screen.

Also WTH, was Patrick telling Sabrina everything Jason & Robin. Patrick's dumbass hasn't told Anna, Mac or Robert but he tells Sabrina? Did she even know Jason? Robin better not still want his sorry dumb ass.

I think Patrick & Sabrina may be in the friendzone. Nothing about their conversation or interaction portrayed ex-lovers, ex-fiance.

Can we stop with the Carson hookups now. It's disgusting.

What's the fuck!!! Was MSt doing today. Absolutely horrible! I couldn't take it & started FF her repetitive praying mantis ass.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
  • Love 4

Wait, what? Patrick told Sabrina about Jason? Sabrina. Not Sam, Anna, Mac ... but Sabrina.

I'm sorry, Patrick needs to be kicked repeatedly in the head and balls.

Here's how Sam can become a character I love - if she finds out, rips Patrick a new one, then bursts into Anna's office, all "you gotta go save Jason and Robin! And I'm coming with you!" It'd never happen, and I don't want Jason back at all. But it would be more satisfying than most of this show right now!

Sabrina the charcter would be totally saved for me if 1) she high fived Patrick and gave him a (for TV purposes implied) blowie after Sam leaves for brain killing Rafe, and 2) after Patrick leaves calls her handler at the freezing lab to report Patrick fell for it.


I know that isn't Ron's story, but I would be her biggest cheerleader if it was. That would be a Patrick triangle to remember, Sabrina playing Angel of Light while Sam stumbles closer to the truth.

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What's the fuck!!! Was MSt doing today. Absolutely horrible! I couldn't take it & started FF her repetitive praying mantis ass.

I genuinely want to hear from an MSt fan and read their defense of her acting.   I've never been so constantly baffled by a performers' acting choices before.  In every scene, with the delivery of every line, with the delivery of every line, her choices are just bizarre.  
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But Sabrina knows just how honest and amazing and good and loving and sweet and kind and totally trustworthy and like rad Patrick is. He's the bestest at everything and of course she's telling him to keep the truth from Sam for her own good because that's just the sort of "honest friend" Patrick is, yeah, sure, okay. 

Hee! In some ways it's like Pat-dick is the male version of Carly, he's brave and strong and loves with his whole heart and puts everyone he loves before him and- oh hell, I can't even fake it anymore with this show.


And thank you Happyshooter, I'll just FF to the end and watch the last four minutes :D


eta: Coleman?!?!? Thank you BestestAuntEver ! Now that's something to look forward to! ;)

Edited by tveyeonyou
  • Love 1

The crew did a terrible job at hiding BC's bald spot.  Making his hair messy only draws attention to it. 


nooo, this is way better than them trying to comb it over like they did for months.


I forgot to add, I did love martyr Franco saying, "you two are just determined to hate me" and Michael and Morgan being all YUP. This is the relationship they should have established before all the events of last fall happened. Now if stupid Kiki pulls them apart again I'm going to be sad. (That said, ugh, can't believe I'm saying this, but if my choices for Morgan are Rosalie or Kiki I think I choose Kiki? She's kinda looking like a hot mess lately - Rosalie - and the actress doesn't snark well.)

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Omg don't remind me of the glove.

Why do you think I demanded the freedom of Roger?

What has he done to you, Ronald?

Did you find out I liked George/Nina, so you had to ruin it?

Why do you hate me? Was it because in 2008, I called you dumb? I'm sorry! Just. ...free Roger and end this. Okay? I'm the orange cat. Damn it, I'm the girl behind the cat!


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Could one of you kind ladies fill me in on what happened the last 15 minutes today? I had to leave on a semi-emergency vet visit with my cat. Did Julian spill the beans about FLuke? Thank you in advance for any info.


yeah but there was nothing to spill, Julian doesn't know who Fluke really is either. He just told Ava it's definitely NOT Luke Spencer.

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No beans were spilled. We learned that Julian met Fluke when he was in the Witness Protection Program. He gave him much moneys and much power. But then became Teh Evul. Julian said Ava you haz to kill MyKill or Lauren gets Teh Death. Ava loves her kid, unlike most of PC, so she invited Lauren/MyKill for dinner.

Sabrina/Patrick talked about Dead Jason and how he is so Dead and Robin sucks for daring to leave to save lives and stuffs. Sabrina listens to him say talking about Robin not saving Jason (haha Patrick she DID asshole!) Would totes mcgote hurt Sam. And we can't do that.

Apartment of boredom. SIAM can't be a couple thanks to Nina. They're sad.

GH. Nina wants a baby. She don't need Silas . just sperm. Hi Franco.

Micheal wants CarSon because he's dumb. Too dumb to comprehend that his fake daddy hated his real daddy and hung him by a meathook while he was alive so....OH NO HE COULD NOT HAVE KILLED HIM?!!! and Mommy couldn't have helped? Yes, Stupid Little Shit. Never change.

End Scene.

Previews....Britt remembers she has a brother, the kidnappers hate Lulu too, and more Sonny hijinx

  • Love 5

I thought I saw Coleman! Oh Coleman...


Patrick told Sabrina what's been going on because she would be on his side, as usual. He wants people to feel for him, to feel his pain, to support him. Liz, for example, would have been all over him if she knew what Robin was really up to. She would have demanded to know why Robin would choose to stay away if Jason was truly dead, she'd challenge Patrick over thinking Robin would pick research over him or Emma, especially Emma. if she did indeed have a choice in the matter.


I am not a Liz fan but if she was being written in character she would have had at Patrick for getting so caught up in his self pity party that he missed all the signs that something about Robin's stay is way off and not like her at all, especially if the cray crazy Cassadines are involved.


But instead he lets it all go with Sabrina, his little chica champion who speaks of his noble honesty and what an amazing friend he is and blah, blah, bs.

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Micheal wants CarSon because he's dumb. Too dumb to comprehend that his fake daddy hated his real daddy and hung him by a meathook while he was alive so....OH NO HE COULD NOT HAVE KILLED HIM?!!! and Mommy couldn't have helped? Yes, Stupid Little Shit. Never change.



Is it that shocking that Michael would prefer Carly with Sonny over the SERIAL KILLER who engineered his rape?

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Liz would be like "Jason? Alive? Yeah, um Nik, about that second chance....."

Insert running. Liason was one of my fav couples next to Robin/Jason. I don't blame Liz, Borg and all. Sam has Silas.

I think Micheal may not like CarSon when he learns that Sonny killed AJ and Carly covered it up.

Oh and that his protection deal brokered with the Zacarras was broken by Daddy Sonny.

Edited by Grrpants09
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