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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Nina has been married to psychos twice since coming out a f her coma, I hate Lulu but I am on her side anytime against Nina. I don't know who the hell thought people want to see a woman whose eggs were stolen and fertilized with a man's sperm that killed her brother, fight his ass for custody over another useless child. End this mess already and call it a day.

  • Love 4
On December 28, 2016 at 7:54 PM, Perkie said:


If the baby rattle was Carly's and Nelle has it , is it possible that Carly is Nelle's half sister somehow, rather than her daughter?  Like,  Carly's dad was Corbin Bernsen, so he's also Nelle's dad, but for whatever reason she was given to whoever and grew up poor whereas Carly grew up less poor and is now rich.  

I'm just trying to find a way for Nelle to be pissed at Carly without her being Michael's sister.  

Are the parents who raised Carly dead?  It seems they would be the original owners of baby Caroline's rattle.  Could Nelle be the bio child or another adopted child of their's?  Then they were technically sisters with no bio connection between Nelle and Michael. 

  • Love 1

Carly's adopted mother, Virginia, died the night Carly told Bobbie she was her daughter.  I think it was at a New Years party and half of Port Charles was there as witnesses.  It was at this point Virginia was informed what Carly/Caroline had been up to since she moved to town, stealing her Bobbie's husband, getting pregnant and lying about who the father was and hooking up with the mob were among the highlights.  Poor Virginia had and stroke and died,  

  • Love 2

Gee, I'm so glad Sonny is able to sleep at night again, now that he thinks he's not responsible for Morgan's death, in any way.  That's quite the load off, because, of course, there are no other murders or crimes that should trouble his sleep.

Dear Show,

What is wrong with portraying your central bad guy as your central bad guy?  You'd have a much better show if you did.  Trust me.  And my blood pressure might normalize.

Please consider.

Yours, ever so...

  • Love 16

It was nice seeing Monica at GH enjoying Christmas with the children, esp. her little grandsons, after all the family she's lost.  Show let all 3 of Liz's sons appear - I'm shocked. The boys looked cute in their hats. I don't care for Monica giving Liz and Franco's 'relationship' any kind of credibility, but Jason can have *all* the seats rather than give Monica attitude or looks about backing off/not harming Franco. Jason has gone back to being BFF w/his brother's/Monica's son's murderer ... not to mention the woman who helped cover it up. Also, Franco was originally drawn to Jason mostly because he's a killer, too.

 I want Liz to hit Franco, hard, over the head with a bedpan to shut him up.

  • Love 7
13 hours ago, LexieLily said:

Show of hands for who didn't call it that Nina and Valentin would hijack the now-defunct Maxie/Nathan wedding to get married and better help Valentin's fight for sole custody of Charlotte. (Don't you need witnesses to get married?) It would probably matter more to me if I cared one bit about Nina or Valentin. None of the adults except Dante and Laura are thinking about what's best for Charlotte.


13 hours ago, ulkis said:

I don't get how in the world Valentin marrying Nina, a woman who kidnapped a baby and dated an ex-serial killer, can remotely help his case. oh well, GH custody court case logic I suppose, where dating a cop is a negative point for one's case.

My pure speculation on this subject: I'm still going with this whole bullshit crapfest plot is going to turn out to be a ploy to enrage Spencers and to fill Cassadine family coffers with Nina's family fortune.  The fun part is deciding if Griffin is an operative for Valentin all this time. Lulu has been close to the nuts sides of her family over the years. She has been kidnapped, had her embryos stolen, been close to death, rob of a year of Rocco's life, cheated on and is pretty possessive over her turf. SO why not shake a red flag at a raging bull if you want an over the top reaction? Lulu eagerly does just that. Since Nina has been out of her coma, she has wanted a child. not exactly quietly yearning for one either. Here is cute Charlotte, loving her father, being stuck with a possessive, overbearing "mother" who is not putting Charlotte first. Gee, sounds a lot like Nina's family situation with her parents. Nina instantly wants to protect Charlotte and foolishly jumps at marrying Valentin. Without a prenuptial contract or anything. 

I still think that Lulu is going to lose and be tormented. Nina is going to lose her fortune. And Valentin will have Charlotte and the money. Charlotte will still be Claudette's kid. Valentin should've had a long term plan. Griffin being a secret minion would be fun. Since Valentin has made it clear that Anna also is in his plans. He could be setting all this up to destroy the people who have hit Cassadine interests/reputations/whatever. 

If Valentin wanted to ensure custody, he could've just left the country. Or he could have found a way to get Liz as his insta bride (either by blackmail, threats or hell, with this Franco shit, romance her). She would a hell of a lot better in court beside him than Nina. But Nina has money and has always been pretty easy to manipulate in the past.

  • Love 6
8 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

So was this supposed to be Dillon and Kiki finally getting together, a random smattering of scenes leading into a kiss on a fuckin' bus?  More weak story payoff.

I'm sure there will be another obstacle keeping them apart. They're a younger version of Maxie and Tree, and possibly even more forced.

  • Love 2
9 hours ago, Oracle42 said:

I don't get it. When Sam thought Danny had been stillborn because Jason sent someone to beat up McBain, she went completely scorched earth and filed for divorce. WTF is she insisting that Carly crawl back into Sonny's bed?

Didn't ole Sam once tell Em to suck it up about her rape and give it to Dik?    This is in't new advice in the dunce Sam's history.  Or lining up the stripper/hooker Abby for Michael.

This is totally in Sam's wheelhouse of advice.  

  • Love 1
17 hours ago, Vella said:

Sam? Jason is not a cop. He's not a fire fighter or part of a search and rescue crew. He's not a soldier and he's not living with a life altering disease or condition. So STOP prattling on about 'living in the moment' and 'Jason being taken away at any moment' like he's something GOOD.

Carly: I can't go back to Sonny. Someone I love might get hurt from his business.

Sam: Carly, you have to live in the moment.

Me: And what about all of the people Carly cares about, Sam? Do they have to live in the moment too?

Self-absorbed is self-absorbed.

  • Love 8
14 hours ago, Perkie said:

Is Nelle's plan to string Michael along until he falls for her than reveal that she's really his half sister/half aunt/half whatever and he'll be devestated the writers figure out what the fuck they want to do with Nell?  Because I'm having a hard time following where the writers want me to go here.

Fixed that.

As far as the wedding, I'm willing to believe Valentin orchestrated hijacking it with BabyRabies Nina. He did his SpyderFindering on her and her family, and I agree he's in it for the money. He's also using Nina as Bad Cop against Lulu to keep the Lante StavLu ValLu Charlotte. I also believe he kept Claudette from signing the divorce papers to keep him away from Nina/Charlotte. I wouldn't put it past him that he gave Maxie the flu as a double whammy.

I do like Griffin as a Valentin plant, especially since it mindfucks with Anna as #Justice4Duke. I would like to see that he's in league with Julian's Big Bad Boss as a new Duo of Doom, since he and Jason defeated Valentin in 10 seconds.

Oh, {UO} where was Dr. O for her son's wedding? {/UO}

  • Love 3
17 hours ago, Vella said:

Sam? Jason is not a cop. He's not a fire fighter or part of a search and rescue crew. He's not a soldier and he's not living with a life altering disease or condition. So STOP prattling on about 'living in the moment' and 'Jason being taken away at any moment' like he's something GOOD. He's a fucking serial killer. He killed people for money and power and just because he felt like it. He did it many, MANY times and never stopped until someone stopped HIM.

Interesting...they've retained that kind of writing from the Guza days. There was a scene back then with the Tamara Braun Carly and the Dylan Cash version of Michael , who was just getting old enough to start asking questions (but not yet ordering hits). Carly actually used the word "soldier" in explaining to him what Sonny did, in other words that he only hurt people because it was justified. It pissed a lot of people off. This was when Alcazar Version One was on the show, because I remember someone writing a Carly parody speech in which Sonny killed Alcazar, and Carly's version for Michael was that Daddy had sent Mr. Alcazar to be in heaven.  

  • Love 1

 Could Nelle be the bio child or another adopted child of their's?  Then they were technically sisters with no bio connection between Nelle and Michael



Carly's adopted mother, Virginia, died the night Carly told Bobbie she was her daughter. 



The mother is. I don't know about the dad. He left Carly and her mother but I forget if she ever found out what happened to him.

Ok, so is it possible that Virginia had/adopted Nelle after Carly moved out, which would explain why Carly doesn't know her, since she didn't grow uup with her.  Than Nelle blames Carly for Virginia's death and decides to avenge her death (twenty years later)

  • Love 1

So because I heard some good things about the Hayden/Tracy/Finn stuff the past few weeks, I tried tuning in. Hulu didn't have some of the episodes, but from what I watched-I actually enjoyed some of it.

The Tracy/Finn/Hayden stuff was mostly unremarkable. Poor Jane Elliot. Really, show? *sigh* But I stopped to watch the Valentin/Lulu/Nina stuff. And I kinda like it. I think Nina and Valentin have more chemistry and spark than JaSam. But then again, cold instant mashed potatoes have more chemistry or spark than JaSam.

No, really. I liked them.  I liked Valentin. It's mostly because his character is fresh and new, but it's also because he's obviously supposed to be someone I'm not supposed to like. I think. Anyway, I tend to like those most that the other characters don't, so. I like him. Not enough to make me watch every day. There is nothing, and no one, sadly, left, to make me do that. Used to be the Q's. What Q's? Exactly.

But I might pop in from time to time if JE or JPS get something juicy. I also sadly saw two minutes of JuLexis and the Franco stuff.  I need brain bleach for that.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Asp Burger said:
18 hours ago, Vella said:

Sam? Jason is not a cop. He's not a fire fighter or part of a search and rescue crew. He's not a soldier and he's not living with a life altering disease or condition. So STOP prattling on about 'living in the moment' and 'Jason being taken away at any moment' like he's something GOOD. He's a fucking serial killer. He killed people for money and power and just because he felt like it. He did it many, MANY times and never stopped until someone stopped HIM.

Interesting...they've retained that kind of writing from the Guza days. There was a scene back then with the Tamara Braun Carly and the Dylan Cash version of Michael , who was just getting old enough to start asking questions (but not yet ordering hits). Carly actually used the word "soldier" in explaining to him what Sonny did, in other words that he only hurt people because it was justified. It pissed a lot of people off. This was when Alcazar Version One was on the show, because I remember someone writing a Carly parody speech in which Sonny killed Alcazar, and Carly's version for Michael was that Daddy had sent Mr. Alcazar to be in heaven.  

Michael in his tween years. He was just old enough to realize his "father" was a murderer yet too young to order his own hits.  The mafia version of The Wonder Years.

  • Love 5
9 hours ago, Fellaway said:

Gee, I'm so glad Sonny is able to sleep at night again, now that he thinks he's not responsible for Morgan's death, in any way.  That's quite the load off, because, of course, there are no other murders or crimes that should trouble his sleep.


Right?  Plus, he acts like he never ordered a hit on Julian specifically or that his "business" and lifestyle haven't directly caused his family pain and suffering, to say the least.  I mean, I guess if Kristina can forget he almost blew her up and Dante is all bygones about getting shot point-blank in the chest, then Sonny should practically get a medal from the Governor for not being directly responsible for Morgan's death.

This damn show...

Also, lord, Sam has been totally lobotomized.  Her talk to Carly yesterday was cringe-worthy--and KeMo's passive, lethargic delivery didn't  help any.  She could have just as easily been saying "I simply must have this recipe or I'll just die!" /Stepford Wives shout-out

Also, part two, I know I'm supposed to be rooting for Lulu--and logically I get that (legacy character, eggs stolen, blah blah blah)--but she's so insufferable with her bug-eyed baby rabies that I hope IF she gets Charlotte the kid goes all bad seed on her.

Edited by Cheyanne11
  • Love 11
14 hours ago, HeatLifer said:

[BM's] so on/off for me. Some days it's OK and then others he looks like he hates the acting profession.

My fave days are when he looks like he hates the acting profession because it is fucking hilarious to watch!

11 hours ago, ciarra said:

Is Andre shopping at Claire's?  'Cause that was one cheap-looking necklace he gave Jordan. 

I saw that exact necklace on some other show and it cracked me up. I think it might've been Project Runway Junior. So, yes, he's shopping at Claire's!

1 hour ago, NutmegsDad said:

I do like Griffin as a Valentin plant, especially since it mindfucks with Anna as #Justice4Duke. 

I love this idea. 

2 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Also, lord, Sam has been totally lobotomized.  Her talk to Carly yesterday was cringe-worthy--and KeMo's passive, lethargic delivery didn't  help any.  She could have just as easily been saying "I simply must have this recipe or I'll just die!" /Stepford Wives shout-out

Right! I can not stand StepfordWife!Sam at all.


I hope IF she [Lulu] gets Charlotte the kid goes all bad seed on her.

This is what I want, too. I love that Charlotte is not about Lulu at all. It's hilarious!

  • Love 8
31 minutes ago, IWantCandy71 said:

No, really. I liked them.  I liked Valentin. It's mostly because his character is fresh and new, but it's also because he's obviously supposed to be someone I'm not supposed to like. I think. Anyway, I tend to like those most that the other characters don't, so. I like him. Not enough to make me watch every day. There is nothing, and no one, sadly, left, to make me do that. Used to be the Q's. What Q's? Exactly.

But I might pop in from time to time if JE or JPS get something juicy. I also sadly saw two minutes of JuLexis and the Franco stuff.  I need brain bleach for that.

I think we're supposed to enjoy his ambiguity. At least I do, and I like all the characters who hate him.

  • Love 8

I do like Griffin as a Valentin plant

Griffin as Valentin and Olivia Jerome's son, FTW ! Why not? I mean, the last thing this show needs is another stinking Jerome, but meh. Half Cassadine/Half Jerome? Valentin could be the TRUE resident anti-hero/maybe villain that this show needs so badly.



I think we're supposed to enjoy his ambiguity. At least I do, and I like all the characters who hate him.


I think so, too. And while I like Lulu-and I also like that for the first time in YEARS, ER is showing fire and spark in her scenes-I am torn on who to root for. Those instances have the potential to be the best stories, IMO. Where there may not be clear cut good or bad. Those are my favorite.

  • Love 5

I think if we weren't supposed to be rooting for Valentin the writing for Lulu would be a little more even-handed and nuanced. I like the actor playing Valentin but I loathe Nina and her presence in this story feels like more of FV's continuing determination to keep his bad hires at all costs.

I'm sympathetic to Lulu's situation but the writing for the character has been pretty crappy and there hasn't really been any acknowledgment of the degree of injury that he's dealt to Lulu so her reaction feels insane and over the top

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 3
50 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

I hope IF she gets Charlotte the kid goes all bad seed on her.

I don't get why the show doesn't do this more often with the younger kids. A little goes a long way, so it's not as if the kid actors have to be on all the time. (Something Ron didn't learn with Nicholas Bechtel.) Instead we get adult kids coming back to wreak havoc, and by that point it's stupid, as the parent usually had a decent reason to give the kid up or whatever chip the kid has. I'm fairly certain it's better not to be raised by a teen hooker mom, for instance. Or an abusive father.

46 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

My fave days are when he looks like he hates the acting profession because it is fucking hilarious to watch!

He probably rues the day he signed on to GH. Heh.

18 minutes ago, ulkis said:

I think we're supposed to enjoy his ambiguity.

Is Valentin really an ambiguous character? He's definitely a villain, IMO. He's smart enough to present himself as reasonable, because he knows that will enrage his enemies. It's very Sun Tzu, which I always appreciate. To a certain extent he DGAF, and that's one of the reasons I originally liked Julian. Someone's going to sue him/reveal his true name? Who cares? Go ahead!

I'm sympathetic to Lulu's situation but the writing for the character has been pretty crappy and there hasn't really been any acknowledgment of the degree of injury that he's dealt to Lulu.

I'd be sympathetic to Lulu if the writing could have her acknowledge that she's thinking only of herself. She's at Sonny levels of possessiveness with Charlotte. It's gross. Joint custody, especially when Charlotte barely knows Lulu and Dante, is a decent compromise. Let the kid get accustomed to her new family situation, then go for broke. But no, Lulu is willing to make things terrible for Charlotte simply because Lulu can't think past her own wants. There's absolutely no nuance to Lulu in this story, and that makes her pretty awful to sympathize with, IMO.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 9
4 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Is Valentin really an ambiguous character? He's definitely a villain, IMO. He's smart enough to present himself as reasonable, because he knows that will enrage his enemies. It's very Sun Tzu, which I always appreciate. To a certain extent he DGAF, and that's one of the reasons I originally liked Julian. Someone's going to sue him/reveal his true name? Who cares? Go ahead!

I get the impression that Valentin is supposed to be a grey character, maybe a hard grey, but still grey. He's a murderer, but so are a lot of people on this show and I don't think we're supposed to think of most of them as villains. We're not even supposed to consider rapist serial killer Freako as a villain. 

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, LeftPhalange said:

I get the impression that Valentin is supposed to be a grey character, maybe a hard grey, but still grey. He's a murderer, but so are a lot of people on this show and I don't think we're supposed to think of most of them as villains. We're not even supposed to consider rapist serial killer Freako as a villain. 

Yup. I refuse to buy the whole he is a bad guy because he has killed people! So what? Sonny and Jason both have either killed scores of human beings by their own hand or ordered their deaths for DECADES now. And they are this show's beloved heroes. Franco? Serial Killer. 

  • Love 1
23 hours ago, HeatLifer said:

And the writers acted like Sam and Robin were besties and catching up. They were squeeing and hugging. 

So strange to see, but I guess the alternative line: "Sorry I was banging your husband while you were a prisoner after saving mine" would have been awkward. Still, I'm irritated that Sam doesn't take a moment of opportunity (as Robin compliments her/sees she is clearly pregnant) either in front of Jason or just between the two of them, to say THANK YOU for all you did for Jason - we wouldn't be anticipating this miracle baby and Danny never would have gotten his father back if not for your hard work and sacrifice. 

Robin deserves that minimal acknowledgement. 

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Bringonthedrama said:

So strange to see, but I guess the alternative line: "Sorry I was banging your husband while you were a prisoner after saving mine" would have been awkward. Still, I'm irritated that Sam doesn't take a moment of opportunity (as Robin compliments her/sees she is clearly pregnant) either in front of Jason or just between the two of them, to say THANK YOU for all you did for Jason - we wouldn't be anticipating this miracle baby and Danny never would have gotten his father back if not for your hard work and sacrifice. 

Robin deserves that minimal acknowledgement. 

I'm glad Robin doesn't give a flying fuck about Sam's irrelevant "relationship" with her husband. That's not why I think the hugging and oohing and ahhing was weird. And, yes, an acknowledgment from Sam about Robin saving Jason would be nice.

But my issue is still the choice to have Jason standing in the corner and saying two throwaway lines to Robin. They should have had actual scenes about Sonny, Morgan, Sam and the baby, etc. But these writers don't actually care about relationships if it's not advancing a story.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Bringonthedrama said:

 I'm irritated that Sam doesn't take a moment of opportunity (as Robin compliments her/sees she is clearly pregnant) either in front of Jason or just between the two of them, to say THANK YOU for all you did for Jason -

Maybe Robin will have a hallucination and Sam will be allowed to have a reaction to something again.

It's bizarre though that Carly has been the only one allowed to thank Robin. I know KMc's time is limited but she never had a scene with Liz about Jason either. I appreciate that TIIC have to prioritize, and I know Robin/Sonny go way back, but I would love to trade  the Robin tells Sonny he's not shitty speeches for other interactions with other characters

  • Love 8
7 hours ago, IWantCandy71 said:

Griffin as Valentin and Olivia Jerome's son, FTW ! Why not? I mean, the last thing this show needs is another stinking Jerome, but meh. Half Cassadine/Half Jerome? Valentin could be the TRUE resident anti-hero/maybe villain that this show needs so badly.

I think so, too. And while I like Lulu-and I also like that for the first time in YEARS, ER is showing fire and spark in her scenes-I am torn on who to root for. Those instances have the potential to be the best stories, IMO. Where there may not be clear cut good or bad. Those are my favorite.

Griffin as Olivia and Duke's son would be a killer storyline, but we all know the show does not have the balls or history to write the story.  The so called "nun" could have been Olivia and Griffin is shocked to find out his mother lied about Duke.

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, ulkis said:

@dubbel zout, I do think Valentin is a villain too but I do think we're supposed to be fairly torn about whether he should keep Charlotte or not.

Epic fail, as least as far as trying to tear me. I could feel torn if Lulu weren't written as a baby-crazed nut job, but neither the writing nor ER is giving me anything else.

1 hour ago, ciarra said:

Valentin is the new Derek Wells/Julian Jerome.  A mysterious man who is teh evil.

Too bad WdV's Julian was never that. He had some mysterious boss at the very beginning of his tenure, remember? Someone else was pulling the strings, as is the case now, too. We've had to watch this story way too many times.

48 minutes ago, Oracle42 said:

I appreciate that TIIC have to prioritize

They are prioritizing wrong, as usual. 

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 4
6 hours ago, Oracle42 said:

I think if we weren't supposed to be rooting for Valentin the writing for Lulu would be a little more even-handed and nuanced. I do like the actor but I loathe Nina and her presence in this story feels like more of FV's continuing determination to keep his bad hires at all costs.

I'm sympathetic to Lulu's situation but the writing for the character has been pretty crappy and there hasn't really been any acknowledgment of the degree of injury that he's dealt to Lulu so her reaction feels insane and over the top

True, it does seem that Valentin will be Lulu's "victim". But thus far, I don't think most of the audience will blame her even if she gets down and dirty. It would be hard to say he didn't deserve every bit of it.

I don't really care that much about Nina-normally I'm apathetic to her. I liked the spark with MS and JPS, though. However, liking her or not-I actually think Nina being able to sniff out a single father even before she KNEW he was a single father, and then zeroing in on the kid like a she wolf-is totally IC for everything we've seen about her so far. It's probably the ONE consistent thing about her personality-that obsession with having a kid. Considering the other character with consistent baby rabies still on canvas, is Lulu-it actually makes perfect sense that these two women would come against each other. They are equally determined to be Charlotte's mommy. Adding in the fact that Charlotte is warm with Nina and cold to her actual mother, and we know how cray cray on a stick Nina can be....it could be an entertaining story.

By the way.....little Charlotte seems like the kind of kid that gets sent away for "accidentally" doing something awful. Cute, but with the potential to be sociopathically creepy.  The little actress is already better at playing a Cassadine than ANY of the actors playing Alexis's kids.

dubble zout-wasn't Julian's mystery boss Fluke? I agree-Valentin, Julian-not that different. Except, JPS can infuse layers into his performance. And he is related to Alexis, so we don't have to worry about them hooking up. No incest, please. No thankee.


Griffin as Olivia and Duke's son would be a killer storyline, but we all know the show does not have the balls or history to write the story

Well he could be Olivia and Duke's, but Olivia and Valentin's, being made by one or both parents to gain Anna's confidence....either way. I do think Valentin and Olivia are associates, somehow. I think that's where Valentin got the pic of Anna. Just a guess.

Edited by IWantCandy71
  • Love 4
29 minutes ago, IWantCandy71 said:

dubble zout-wasn't Julian's mystery boss Fluke?

Yep. Julian wasn't a bad person, he was forced to do bad things in order to save his family! Or whatever the lame reason was. I don't understand why these stories don't have the blackmailed person try harder to turn the tables on the blackmailer. That's a lot more interesting to me than watching the blackmailee make one dumb excuse after another.

25 minutes ago, ulkis said:
54 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Epic fail, as least as far as trying to tear me.

I couldn't tell. ;)

So you're telling me I'm as subtle as this show? Hee.

  • Love 3

Yep. Julian wasn't a bad person, he was forced to do bad things in order to save his family! Or whatever the lame reason was.

Yes, I remember, Fluke shot Lucas, or had Lucas shot, to keep Julian "in line".  *yawn*

And that's one way I think Valentin will differ. From the brief parts I saw-Valentin kind of looks like the guy that unapologetically LIKES being bad from time to time. Sonny, Julian, Jason, Franco-them and their emo boxes of pain...it's so 1998.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, Oracle42 said:

Maybe Robin will have a hallucination and Sam will be allowed to have a reaction to something again.

I loled.


I would love to trade  the Robin tells Sonny he's not shitty speeches for other interactions with other characters

I would trade Robin telling Sonny she's proud of him for, like, another Franco scene tbqh. 

1 hour ago, IWantCandy71 said:

By the way.....little Charlotte seems like the kind of kid that gets sent away for "accidentally" doing something awful. Cute, but with the potential to be sociopathically creepy.  The little actress is already better at playing a Cassadine than ANY of the actors playing Alexis's kids.

I agree. I actually really enjoy the little girl playing Charlotte. I think she's got something interesting about her for a child. And unlike original Jake she doesn't appear to be actually sociopathic. :)

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

I agree. I actually really enjoy the little girl playing Charlotte. I think she's got something interesting about her for a child. And unlike original Jake she doesn't appear to be actually sociopathic. :)

At this point, I wouldn't even be mad if she and Jake teamed up to burn the whole damn town down.  

  • Love 10
13 hours ago, Perkie said:



Ok, so is it possible that Virginia had/adopted Nelle after Carly moved out, which would explain why Carly doesn't know her, since she didn't grow uup with her.  Than Nelle blames Carly for Virginia's death and decides to avenge her death (twenty years later)

And Nelle's kidney being a match for Joss is a coincidence? What are the odds?

Wasn't there a scene where Jax was talking about Nelle on the phone with someone, or did I imagine that?

On ‎12‎/‎29‎/‎2016 at 2:14 PM, TeeVee329 said:

Robin said she was "proud" of Sonny?  For what?

Robin has a habit of visiting Port Charles, overreacting and bubbling over with joy just because she is there. Robin could have been saying she was proud of Sonny for his past support of her boyfriend with AIDS, Stone. That ticket was cashed a long, long time ago, however, and a lot of water has gone under the bridge in Port Chuck since then. Robin was just gushing over Sonny, and she really had no excuse to do so. It's just going to make him proud of himself again--the flawed little orange T_ _ _.

  • Love 3
14 hours ago, IWantCandy71 said:

And that's one way I think Valentin will differ. From the brief parts I saw-Valentin kind of looks like the guy that unapologetically LIKES being bad from time to time.

Or if he doesn't exactly like being bad, he realizes it's necessary and will do it to further his agenda and not whine about it. I hope.

9 hours ago, BunnyFooFoo said:

Wasn't there a scene where Jax was talking about Nelle on the phone with someone, or did I imagine that?

You did not imagine it. It's never been revealed who Jax was talking to, though, or how he tracked down Nelle. That's one reason this story is so dumb: If Nelle should go after anyone for losing a kidney, it's Jax, not Carly. Not that I'm not glad to see Carly get some comeuppance, but it should be done for the right reason. Ugh, this show.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 4

Since no one had any interest in explaining how DNAJ turned up alive I don't know why they bothered to revisit this organ donation story. Also, it still amazes me that Liez can't be bothered to find out what happened to her child during the four years he was dead or why the hospital told her his organs were donated when they obviously weren't. 

Edited by LeftPhalange
  • Love 6

We don't know if Nelle is even missing a kidney. She has a scar and a story. Carly was satisfied with that. I'd love to see if Nelle's "meds" are real and not just fakes.

I want to know who the hell is in "Jake's" grave. And what Helena was doing with Jake all that time. Who was the boy living with? Why would Helena be interested in him? He isn't family. He isn't a Spencer. Luke was more concerned about himself and how mad Lucky was. Luke never considered Jake family. So it isn't like Luke was tormented by his death or even his responsibility for "killing" Jake. 

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1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

Or if he doesn't exactly like being bad, he realizes it's necessary and will do it to further his agenda and not whine about it. I hope.

You did not imagine it. It's never been revealed who Jax was talking to, though, or how he tracked down Nelle. That's one reason this story is so dumb: If Nelle should go after anyone for losing a kidney, it's Jax, not Carly. Not that I'm not glad to see Carly get some comeuppance, but it should be done for the right reason. Ugh, this show.


He whined all the time about how he grew up poor and not raised as a Cassadine, just like that other whiner Carly did with Bobbie,even though he was spared the horror that was Alexis's childhood. That fucking contract he got Nikolas to sign mere moments before Nik died should be voided or at least tied up in the courts being contested. I am scratching my head as to why Helena was so frightened of Valentin when Stefan never evoked the same type of fear. Maybe she thought that Stefan wouldn't kill her because she was his mother, even though she publicly hated and he in turn kept her prison for years. But then why not kill Valentin? Woman survived being thrown off a cliff (and came back impeccable dressed without a visible scratch a few months later), I am sure she could have shot and killed him.   He also doesn't seem to be that smart, it is just the writers keep going "reasons!" as to why he isn't in jail for killing Nikolas, holding a group of people at gunpoint or shooting Kevin. Of course if does manage to push someone like Kevin or Laura to the edge, I am sure the writers will defang both of them, and let them roll over and take it, instead of either of them losing their shit and either killing Valentin or putting the guy in traction.

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And Nelle's kidney being a match for Joss is a coincidence? What are the odds?

About the same as Jake's kidney originally being thought to be a match, I guess.  


Wasn't there a scene where Jax was talking about Nelle on the phone with someone, or did I imagine that?

It happened.  But that was when the writers had no idea who they were attaching Nelle to or why.  So we have Jax reacting to her.  Than we have her potentially going after Sonny.  Then potentially going after Carly for something she did, and now to potentianlly going after Carly because of her childhood.  Dontcha love the writing that isn't begining, middle, end but rather let's toss a bunch of stuff at the wall and see if anything sticks.

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