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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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5 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

I know I'm a broken record about this but, really, they're not going to do anything more with Liz and Rebecca Budig being sisters?  I didn't see yesterday, but it sounds like separate stories for both of them and their swains are being teed up.  WTF!

FV wanted to cement HateChel to the show and does not give a flying fuck about Elizabeth Webber.

  • Love 4
On 11/8/2016 at 2:43 PM, ulkis said:

They are actually going to try to build up Franco using the rape re-visit story. Someone hold me pls.

I could be reaching here, but .... I'm wondering if there is a connection between this story idea and the campaign of the now president-elect in this country (USA).  I am not starting any kind of political debate here, fyi. Viewers/citizens - including women - listened to him in recent months, and voted for him, despite a 'no big deal' attitude about inappropriate behavior toward women, assault, etc....so maybe the writers figured some time ago this could appeal to viewers who like these actors (or, at the very least, they think it's not socially unacceptable to write stuff like this for a rape victim and a character who's hurt so many people).  The timing of this stands out to me.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, LexieLily said:

Alexis, if you have to Google "do I have a drinking problem?", you have a drinking problem.

Alexis, if you pass out from drink while babysitting your grandson, you have a drinking problem.

That violin music when Grffin and Sonny were talking was ridiculous.  Try as hard as you want to make me feel sorry for Sonny, Show, but it ain't working.

Seriously, if Valentin had a copy of Mikkos' will (notarized, natch) that makes him the Cassadine heir, not Nicholas or Spencer, why did he need that signed document from Nicholas?  That whole storyline on CI was just pointless, wasn't it?

  • Love 5
7 minutes ago, Fellaway said:

Seriously, if Valentin had a copy of Mikkos' will (notarized, natch) that makes him the Cassadine heir, not Nicholas or Spencer, why did he need that signed document from Nicholas?  That whole storyline on CI was just pointless, wasn't it?

And naturally, Valentin carries Mikkos' will around with him.

  • Love 2

Carly-who has a private talk to God and calls the parents who raised her by their first names? Frank was a deadbeat, but Virginia did her best and worked her butt off to raise Carly. And Carly is still a brat about her.

HayChel-only a moron walks into a lab and just starts mucking up strange liquids from broken medical equipment.

Laura-Yay for your outrage over the sheer stupidity of Nik's "death". What a bunch of hooey.

And writers?  I'm pretty sure that family trusts can't be changed willy nilly. Mikkos didn't originate the Cassadine trust. He can't change it. Just as it was made clear that Valentin and Alexis had no claim to any of the fortune. You have to be legitimate. Unless Mikkos went to hassle to make Valentin legitimate. Which wouldn't make much sense, as he already had 2 heirs. And then, with Nik being "dead" it would make sense for Valentin want Nik dead. And show up with whatever papers from a Greek Orthodox Church showing that Mikkos had him declared legitimate. Spencer will never inherit, Valentin only needs Nik dead. He gets everything, outside of Nik's personal fortune. Stupid plot crap.

Sonny? Don't give a shit about his guilty feelings. He ORDERED A HIT ON A MAN, this is a bad thing. And this wasn't the first time. Why the fuck is a priest coddling him? So glad that the church so easily forgives the unrepentant murderer, who has never really even tried to change his actual evil ways.

  • Love 5
28 minutes ago, Fellaway said:
2 hours ago, LexieLily said:

Alexis, if you have to Google "do I have a drinking problem?", you have a drinking problem.

Alexis, if you pass out from drink while babysitting your grandson, you have a drinking problem.

It takes 12–15 minutes to bake cookies, even from frozen dough. Alexis, if you pass out in that time, you have a drinking problem.

28 minutes ago, Fellaway said:

Seriously, if Valentin had a copy of Mikkos' will (notarized, natch) that makes him the Cassadine heir, not Nicholas or Spencer, why did he need that signed document from Nicholas?  That whole storyline on CI was just pointless, wasn't it?

I can see Valentin wanting to humiliate Nik, given the size of the chip on Valentin's shoulder. But why wait this long? There's barely a Cassadine estate to inherit. Bad planning, Val.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 4
3 hours ago, NutmegsDad said:

Robin was in one the time she "died" and went on her vacation to Paris with her three-meals-a-day at Helena's behest. Then again, this is Finn, who probably thought, "NO ONE should DARE to COME into MY LAB and handle MY flasks with contagion, so WHY should I have safety barriers and gloves!!!!"

But pointing out that it's Finn, just makes it even more silly there would be no extra precaution taken. The man is: #1 paranoid, and #2 OCD/neurotic, and #3 an apparent germaphobe. He'd lock the lock that locked the lock. Silly that he'd leave anything vulnerable to contamination.

I might actually watch the show if Hayden died and Finn started growing gills or something because of his experiments. Because, cool.

  • Love 4
3 minutes ago, IWantCandy71 said:

I might actually watch the show if Hayden died and Finn started growing gills or something because of his experiments. Because, cool.

I wouldn't mind if Hayden recovers but wakes up one day with half of her hair blonde. Or starts adding "bator!" to the end of a sentence. But this show has no intentional sense of humor.

  • Love 4

Today on Paraphrase Hospital:

Hayden:  Doop de doop de doop, let me go into the lab, even though there is a danger sign on the door and Brad just told me that Finn is playing with dangerous chemicals.  I'm totally not going to notice the broken glass and orange liquid on the ground.  Finn's not here, but let me walk even more into the room in case he's hiding over here behind a beaker.  Oh no, I stepped in the orange liquid, let me touch it with my bare hands to save my precious shoes.

Finn:  Hayden, why are you in my unlocked lab touching my dangerous chemicals that i have just laying right there for anyone to come across.  You're going to die, but let me pour a bottle of peroxide on your hands and give you some random antibiotics I have lying around.  

Hayden:  I'm going to head back to Windemere, even though the writers had me move out a month ago, and pass out.  

Carly:  Sonny ordered the hit.

Griffin:  But Carly, he called to cancel it, I heard him and according to the bible that allows me to sleep with married women while wearing a collar, you can totally receive redemption if you called off the hit after the fact.  

Nelle:  Oh Jax is back.  Let me look at him evilly to make it look like I don't like him for whatever reason that the writers haven't figured out yet.   

Danny:  Let me stand in the kitchen while the stove is on fire and the alarm is ringing and wait for Alexis to come in and get me.  

Alexis:  Valentin had a new will from Mikos

Laura:  Then why was Nikolas shot and killed?

Alexis:  I dont' question the writers anymore.  Heck they have me being a drunk because my husband tried to kill me.  

Maxie:  Oh look, we've received a letter from Claudette's mother, because she would totally know my address.  

Nathan:  It says Claudette was supposed to call her everyday and it's been three days since she checked in.   So instead of calling  the local police to report her missing, Mom wrote a long letter on lovely stationary and had it sent to me.  

  • Love 13
11 minutes ago, IWantCandy71 said:

But pointing out that it's Finn, just makes it even more silly there would be no extra precaution taken. The man is: #1 paranoid, and #2 OCD/neurotic, and #3 an apparent germaphobe. He'd lock the lock that locked the lock. Silly that he'd leave anything vulnerable to contamination.

I haven't watched yesterday so I dunno if they tried to explain this, but yeah, it was weird to me today that his SUPER DUDLY DUSEASE stuff was just laying around a normal lab, the lab Brad and Ella work(ed) in running blood panels and stuff, with very little precautionary measures.

This SUPER DUDLY DUSEASE... I didn't care that Dr. Michael Easton has it, I certainly don't care that Rebecca Budig has it.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 2
4 minutes ago, Perkie said:

Nathan:  It says Claudette was supposed to call her everyday and it's been three days since she checked in.   So instead of calling  the local police to report her missing, Mom wrote a long letter on lovely stationary and had it sent to me.  

Relatedly, Nelle's EVUL DADDY sent her a letter?  No no no, these things would be in people's e-mail inboxes.

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, ulkis said:

Jax? :slight spark of interest: At least Ingo will look rugged and handsome.

He didn't tbh. But still, I love Jax so it was worth it.

1 hour ago, dr. gailey said:

The only thing I liked today was Danny with his grandma. So cute counting and then the cuddles on the couch.

Danny was adorable today. Him and Alexis cuddling on the couch made me feel ok for a couple minutes and that was nice since I've been on and off crying all day.

  • Love 4

Wow, eavesdropping on Carly's prayer, Sonny? Klassy. Also, shut up, Griffin.

How enraging that Michael says it's his fault Morgan was sent to military school. Michael got shot because of Sonny and sent into a coma. 

I'm so tired to listening to Sonny alternately play the martyr and try to justify his actions to God. He does this every time something terrible happens, but he never changes. Ugh.

I'm kind of surprised Carly didn't tell Nelle to keep an eye on Michael. She loves having other people be responsible for her sons.

Why aren't Laura and Alexis better friends? Is it mostly because GF wasn't around for a long time?

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, Perkie said:

Today on Paraphrase Hospital:

Hayden:  Doop de doop de doop, let me go into the lab, even though there is a danger sign on the door and Brad just told me that Finn is playing with dangerous chemicals.  I'm totally not going to notice the broken glass and orange liquid on the ground.  Finn's not here, but let me walk even more into the room in case he's hiding over here behind a beaker.  Oh no, I stepped in the orange liquid, let me touch it with my bare hands to save my precious shoes.

Finn:  Hayden, why are you in my unlocked lab touching my dangerous chemicals that i have just laying right there for anyone to come across.  You're going to die, but let me pour a bottle of peroxide on your hands and give you some random antibiotics I have lying around.  

Hayden:  I'm going to head back to Windemere, even though the writers had me move out a month ago, and pass out.  

Carly:  Sonny ordered the hit.

Griffin:  But Carly, he called to cancel it, I heard him and according to the bible that allows me to sleep with married women while wearing a collar, you can totally receive redemption if you called off the hit after the fact.  

Nelle:  Oh Jax is back.  Let me look at him evilly to make it look like I don't like him for whatever reason that the writers haven't figured out yet.   

Danny:  Let me stand in the kitchen while the stove is on fire and the alarm is ringing and wait for Alexis to come in and get me.  

Alexis:  Valentin had a new will from Mikos

Laura:  Then why was Nikolas shot and killed?

Alexis:  I dont' question the writers anymore.  Heck they have me being a drunk because my husband tried to kill me.  

Maxie:  Oh look, we've received a letter from Claudette's mother, because she would totally know my address.  

Nathan:  It says Claudette was supposed to call her everyday and it's been three days since she checked in.   So instead of calling  the local police to report her missing, Mom wrote a long letter on lovely stationary and had it sent to me.  

Can this be a regular thing?   It's way better than actually watching.   Like, give this person a thread, three hots, and a cot. 

Also, is it too much to hope for that Claudette has died?  I'd rather see Ghost Claudette than live Claudette, as ghost versions of characters tend to be better than the original ones.   Except for AJ.  He has merit to live.  

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, Lillybee said:

I hate Michael blaming himself for Morgan's death. It is your parents fault. Most of the time Morgan was in military school, you were in a coma because your father allowed him to be shot instead of the bedwarmer of the month.

There was also that time Michael was in prison and was raped.  And when he had a girlfriend who got crushed by a crane, and then his next girlfriend left him for a zombie.   And then he met his biological father and found out his entire life was a lie and all of the trouble that happened to him- being shot, committing manslaughter, going to prison, getting raped- was definitely avoidable- if only his mother had decided she didn't want a Quartermaine to be his father, but rather a mobster.  That kind of took up Michael's time.  Morgan was okay, safe, and meeting Kiki. 

  • Love 9

Have we ever ONCE seen Sonny teaching the kids anything about religion? I don't even think any of his kids have had the requisite hospital chapel scene. Only Dante seems kinda religious, and he pretty much comes across as a cafeteria Catholic.  And Olivia was the one who taught him that anyway.

GF way overplayed that "thank God!" when Alexis told her the document was invalid. Take it down, take it down. 

Jax/Sonny were nice, but Michael/Nelle, Sonny/Griffin oh my God zzzzzzz.

Wasn't Laura already moving out?

Can Nelle cut her hair? I really think that's like the cause of half her boringness.

47 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Why aren't Laura and Alexis better friends? Is it mostly because GF wasn't around for a long time?

Yeah. Plus Alexis kind of didn't really like her because of Nikolas.

  • Love 5
5 hours ago, Fellaway said:

Seriously, if Valentin had a copy of Mikkos' will (notarized, natch) that makes him the Cassadine heir, not Nicholas or Spencer, why did he need that signed document from Nicholas?  That whole storyline on CI was just pointless, wasn't it?

I'm gonna guess that Valentin didn't get the copy of the will until after Nikolas died.  Or "died."  It's always possible, after all.  Easy explanation Jean and Shelly could give, though I don't see them being smart enough to do so.

  • Love 1

I guess this nonsense could make sense if Mikkos had included a codicil that designated Valentin as the heir in the event that all legitimate heirs predecease him. Of course, that really should have included a proviso that Valentin wasn't allowed to murder the legitimate heirs - but, popping up with another will 30 years later? No. Dumb.

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 8

Sam knows Alexis has been struggling with drinking.  How about when Grandma Cardiologist is unable to continue babysitting YOUR child, you stop playing footsies and go, I don't know, pick him up and parent him?  As usual they're wrapped up with Sonny's family rather than their own - by choice.  Soon they will be saddling the grandmas with two kids. 

6 hours ago, LexieLily said:

And naturally, Valentin carries Mikkos' will around with him.

And  Charlotte's birth certificate. 

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, ulkis said:

Have we ever ONCE seen Sonny teaching the kids anything about religion? I don't even think any of his kids have had the requisite hospital chapel scene. Only Dante seems kinda religious, and he pretty much comes across as a cafeteria Catholic.  And Olivia was the one who taught him that anyway.

Well, he donates blood money to his parish. And he had his kids at least baptized in the Roman Catholic faith. Including Kristina, against her Greek Orthodox mother's wishes. Which is still crazy to me. I don't recall if Molly has ever been baptized Greek Orthodox or whatever religion Ric Lansing was raised in.

1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

Alexis told Laura that it was because of Helena. 

Because,  of course! Who else? I swear that has to be a shout-out to us.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, Chairperson Meow said:
6 hours ago, Lillybee said:

I hate Michael blaming himself for Morgan's death. It is your parents fault. Most of the time Morgan was in military school, you were in a coma because your father allowed him to be shot instead of the bedwarmer of the month.

There was also that time Michael was in prison and was raped.  And when he had a girlfriend who got crushed by a crane, and then his next girlfriend left him for a zombie.   And then he met his biological father and found out his entire life was a lie and all of the trouble that happened to him- being shot, committing manslaughter, going to prison, getting raped- was definitely avoidable- if only his mother had decided she didn't want a Quartermaine to be his father, but rather a mobster.  That kind of took up Michael's time.  Morgan was okay, safe, and meeting Kiki. 

Exactly! Poor Michael is Jason's Second in Command when it comes to cleaning up the Corrinthos' messes.  He was Morgan and Kristina's caretaker their whole lives.  Because of Carly and Sonny's selfishness Michael never had a chance to be a child.  Sonny and Carly ruin everything and everyone.

  • Love 3
1 minute ago, movingtargetgal said:

Exactly! Poor Michael is Jason's Second in Command when it comes to cleaning up the Corrinthos' messes.  He was Morgan and Kristina's caretaker their whole lives.  Because of Carly and Sonny's selfishness Michael never had a chance to be a child.  Sonny and Carly ruin everything and everyone.

Not quite, poor dead Leticia was the main childcare provider for Michael and later Corinthos offspring. After they brutally murdered her off, they dragged in her cousin Mercedes to finish raising the pre-SORASed spawn.

  • Love 2

Of course Jelly are so ridiculous that they don't realize or care that having rapist serial killer Freako be the one to comfort Liez is disgusting.

I'm fine with Julian randomly being involved with the financial troubles at the hospital if it somehow leads to him being killed. Even better if Ava, Kiki, and Sonny are killed as well. 

There's no reason why Jelly can't have Sam and Jason involved in this car explosion investigation AND spend time with their child. It doesn't have to be either/or. 

I'm glad Carly didn't give in to Griffin and walked out on Sonny. Also, STFU Griffin.

STFU Nelly. She's annoying even when she doesn't say anything. 

I guess Claud's mother is as worthless as she is if she sends a letter to a dumb tree and his dumb fiance instead of going to the cops.

Too many people are talking about Charlotte and this whole thing is getting too much screen time.

This Cassadine estate story is stupid and I don't want it. 

Did Hayden end up getting any money from Nik's estate?

LMAO so Finn tells Hayden she's infected with some mysterious fatal disease and she just decides to wander off like it's no big deal? K. Jelly are stupid.

  • Love 7
50 minutes ago, LeftPhalange said:

I'm glad Carly didn't give in to Griffin and walked out on Sonny. Also, STFU Griffin.

I guess Claud's mother is as worthless as she is if she sends a letter to a dumb tree and his dumb fiance instead of going to the cops.

Too many people are talking about Charlotte and this whole thing is getting too much screen time.

This Cassadine estate story is stupid and I don't want it. 

Did Hayden end up getting any money from Nik's estate?

LMAO so Finn tells Hayden she's infected with some mysterious fatal disease and she just decides to wander off like it's no big deal? K. Jelly are stupid.

I don't know why Griffin needs to be shoe horned into this stupid Poor Sonny and having killed his kid while trying to murder Julian crap. God forbid Sonny feel bad for ORDERING A HIT.

Do you really want to see Claudette's mother? And I guess we should also assume that Claud gave her mom Tree and Maxie's address. Why just go with an e-mail or text is beyond me. 

Charlotte is going to be the new toy for Nina, Tree and probably Anna and Griffin to get evolved with the Valentin crap.

I doubt if Nik's estate has too much. And if Nik didn't leave her anything in his will, she probably gets nothing. But the show has dropped that storyline so far.

HeyChel has never claimed to be that smart, I suppose. Geez, what a stupid story. My 9 yr old step niece can come up with better stories than this junk.

14 hours ago, dubbel zout said:
14 hours ago, Fellaway said:
16 hours ago, LexieLily said:

Alexis, if you have to Google "do I have a drinking problem?", you have a drinking problem.

Alexis, if you pass out from drink while babysitting your grandson, you have a drinking problem.

It takes 12–15 minutes to bake cookies, even from frozen dough. Alexis, if you pass out in that time, you have a drinking problem.

If you are watching TFGH, you have a drinking problem.

  • Love 12
15 hours ago, Bringonthedrama said:

I could be reaching here, but .... I'm wondering if there is a connection between this story idea and the campaign of the now president-elect in this country (USA).  I am not starting any kind of political debate here, fyi. Viewers/citizens - including women - listened to him in recent months, and voted for him, despite a 'no big deal' attitude about inappropriate behavior toward women, assault, etc....so maybe the writers figured some time ago this could appeal to viewers who like these actors (or, at the very least, they think it's not socially unacceptable to write stuff like this for a rape victim and a character who's hurt so many people).  The timing of this stands out to me.

And there you have it.

14 hours ago, Perkie said:

Today on Paraphrase Hospital:

Hayden:  Doop de doop de doop, let me go into the lab, even though there is a danger sign on the door and Brad just told me that Finn is playing with dangerous chemicals.  I'm totally not going to notice the broken glass and orange liquid on the ground.  Finn's not here, but let me walk even more into the room in case he's hiding over here behind a beaker.  Oh no, I stepped in the orange liquid, let me touch it with my bare hands to save my precious shoes.

Finn:  Hayden, why are you in my unlocked lab touching my dangerous chemicals that i have just laying right there for anyone to come across.  You're going to die, but let me pour a bottle of peroxide on your hands and give you some random antibiotics I have lying around.  

Hayden:  I'm going to head back to Windemere, even though the writers had me move out a month ago, and pass out.  

Carly:  Sonny ordered the hit.

Griffin:  But Carly, he called to cancel it, I heard him and according to the bible that allows me to sleep with married women while wearing a collar, you can totally receive redemption if you called off the hit after the fact.  

Nelle:  Oh Jax is back.  Let me look at him evilly to make it look like I don't like him for whatever reason that the writers haven't figured out yet.   

Danny:  Let me stand in the kitchen while the stove is on fire and the alarm is ringing and wait for Alexis to come in and get me.  

Alexis:  Valentin had a new will from Mikos

Laura:  Then why was Nikolas shot and killed?

Alexis:  I dont' question the writers anymore.  Heck they have me being a drunk because my husband tried to kill me.  

Maxie:  Oh look, we've received a letter from Claudette's mother, because she would totally know my address.  

Nathan:  It says Claudette was supposed to call her everyday and it's been three days since she checked in.   So instead of calling  the local police to report her missing, Mom wrote a long letter on lovely stationary and had it sent to me.  

I tend to *like* GH a little bit more than some, but let me tell you, I like this post way more than any GH episode in recent memory!  Please keep it up! 

  • Love 1
9 hours ago, stlbf said:

Well, he donates blood money to his parish. And he had his kids at least baptized in the Roman Catholic faith. Including Kristina, against her Greek Orthodox mother's wishes. Which is still crazy to me. I don't recall if Molly has ever been baptized Greek Orthodox or whatever religion Ric Lansing was raised in.

Because,  of course! Who else? I swear that has to be a shout-out to us.

Well, there was that one time he traveled to Puerto Rico and got into a shoot out with Carrlos who was dressed as a priest and prayed before a religious statue before Carrlos was going to shoot him before Sonny over powered him with his superpowers of "good" and escaped or something.   I don't remember.   There was too much of JVP being hot and a lot of Sabrina crying in that episode for me to file it away forever.   Also, there was the time Sonny miraculously rose from his wheelchair to defeat a gunman at the Julexis wedding.   Yeah I know, he was *gasp* lying about not being able to walk, but it was for our own good. /sarcasm.  And Sonny has all those great talks with God all the time in the chapel.  They're bff. 

10 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

Sam knows Alexis has been struggling with drinking.

But Sam also thinks Alexis has stopped drinking for Sam's pregnancy. I'm not disputing the stupidity of it, but I think it's fair that Sam takes Alexis at her word for the time being. (Until today, that is.)

8 hours ago, LeftPhalange said:

STFU Nelly. She's annoying even when she doesn't say anything.

She really is. I wish they'd start her story instead of having her butt in where she has no business being.

2 hours ago, NutmegsDad said:

If you are watching TFGH, you have a drinking problem.

You have a drinking problem if you aren't drinking while watching GH. Hee.

Let's not forget that Good Friday shootout in the church. Yes, Sonny is definitely down with religion.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

You have a drinking problem if you aren't drinking while watching GH. Hee.

Let's not forget that Good Friday shootout in the church. Yes, Sonny is definitely down with religion.

Ain't that the truth.

Meh, Sonny likes to drape the trappings of a forgiving religion on himself. He sure as shit isn't following the fucking basic tenets of said religion.  Thou Shall Not Kill coming right to mind.

I'm a lapsed Catholic,  but I'm still pretty sure that you can't keep going to Confession /Reconciliation confessing his criminal enterprise's sins week after week and not bothering to actually fucking change his evil ways. Saying 2 rosaries and a few Acts isn't going to clear your soul after committing fraud, prostitution, illegal weapons deals, drugs, tax evasion, and oh, murder amount other sins. Week after week.

  • Love 9
7 minutes ago, stlbf said:

Sonny likes to drape the trappings of a forgiving religion on himself.

He definitely uses those trappings as a way to justify his actions. I'd love a hallucination where Sonny imagines himself at the Pearly Gates, and St. Peter says, "Uh, yeah. No way. You're headed on the down escalator, dude."

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Let's not forget that Good Friday shootout in the church. Yes, Sonny is definitely down with religion.

My problem was the notion that Sonny teaching his faith to the kids, which Carly said he did. I can buy Sonny being religious in his own Sonny-esque way, and we've seen him praying, but we've never once seen a scene of Sonny talking about his faith to one of the kids or sharing it with them, post-getting them baptized.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 1
4 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

But Sam also thinks Alexis has stopped drinking for Sam's pregnancy. I'm not disputing the stupidity of it, but I think it's fair that Sam takes Alexis at her word for the time being. (Until today, that is.)

Exactly. Plus, Alexis doesn't have a history of addiction or alcohol abuse and she and Sam don't really lie to each other.

If Danny's going to be on-screen it'd be nice if he was with his actual parents but I'm desperate for any family interaction

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 8
39 minutes ago, ulkis said:

we've never once seen a scene of Sonny talking about his faith to one of the kids or sharing it with them, post-getting them baptized.

That could be an interesting conversation, especially if the kids are allowed to challenge him on how he can reconcile his beliefs with the fact that he's broken nearly every Commandment at least once.

1 minute ago, Oracle42 said:

If Danny's going to be on-screen it'd be nice if he was with his actual parents but I'm desperate for any family interaction

I liked seeing him with Alexis, given how often we hear he's at the Qs and never see it. I don't really like the recast—he's a little too close to Moppet!Jake for my taste—and I hate how he's being used as a plot point, but a) all the younger kids are, and b) he's not completely obnoxious.

  • Love 2
21 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

I wouldn't mind if Hayden recovers but wakes up one day with half of her hair blonde. Or starts adding "bator!" to the end of a sentence. But this show has no intentional sense of humor.

I think Hayden is a perfect example of how they can take a character with some potential, and kill it with fire. I think, if they are going to mess with her hair, I'd rather see a Cruella De Ville-type streak right down the middle. THAT would rock.

  • Love 1

I desperately need a distraction from grief, so I watched a little bit today. Now I feel worse.

Why? A)Because I got to see Liz (with moist eyes) tell Franco - not Laura, or Lulu or even Epiphany - that the parole board read her victim statement and let Tom get out anyway.

B) Because I got to see Kristina be a snot to Carly about bringing Jax to Morgan's funeral, and thereby making things worse for Sonny. Someone needs to sit that brat down and remind her that just a few years ago, he almost killed her with a car bomb, she told her father off for trying to murder Jax by disabling his plane, and that Jax as stepdad was more of a father to Morgan than Sonny ever was.

The only good moment was that last Jax line: "You brought a gun to a funeral?"

Of course Sonny doesn't even say Thank you to Jax's very gracious condolence statement.  

  • Love 12
9 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

Because I got to see Kristina be a snot to Carly about bringing Jax to Morgan's funeral, and thereby making things worse for Sonny.

And it's more than a little rich when you remember that Kristina invited Sonny to Alexis and Julian's wedding with no forewarning or thought to how they might feel about that.

In other words, shut.  Up.  Kristina.

  • Love 14
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