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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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For realsies. If Mac can support Maxie in all her stupidity, he sure as hell can support and stand for Robin, who is being forced to unfreeze those murdering Cassadines. But even though he's unaware of that part of it, he knows Robin is doing something for the good. I would throw a party if I could see Mac just coldcock that selfish, narcissistic motherfucker. Sure as hell Anna won't do it.

And raise Emma himself.

Yes to this.

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Victor isn't even a fun villain to watch


And I think part of it is that we JUST saw this, a super villain threatening Robin with death if she doesn't finish a medical cure blah blah blah. 


Wake me up when Victor heads back to Port Charles and starts wooing Dr. O with earnest.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Exactly Dante should have been hell no & went about his day. Stop saying yes to everything Lulu asks of you.

All I got to say is Patrick is a petty bitch. I can't believe he told Emma & made her cry. Asshole. Anna & Mac should kick his ass.


No, but see that's why it's annoying, because I don't think Lulu would have cared either if Dante didn't go. You didn't see him at Blanket's memorial, did you? Lucky guy.


What the hell is up with the way Felicia talks? The weird slurring was gone for a while but now it's back. "Nobody is goooing to be jyoyous if yoo don't gyet into yoor tuux!" ack.

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If a woman has been in a particularly long, dry spell and one who is just her type comes along giving those I-want-you eyes....well it takes a better woman than Alexis to say pass

So bang him like a screen door in a hurricane. Bang him all day long. Just don't bug him to leave the mob when there's been ample evidence a) he's not the boss, so leaving isn't easy, b) she's not willing to cut her ties to the mob.

  • Love 10
I hope that the powers that be are not planning on tormenting us this week by making us watch the kiddies singing at camp.​


I often enjoy the kiddie scene, certainly more than a lot of you guys, but even I have to say a big fat NO to kiddie camp karaoke.  Too far.  


Is it really possible that this Maxie/ Levi wedding might actually not happen and/or some of this Levi stuff might actually be moving forward??  And people might really be getting wise to him and catching him in some of his BS?  

Because it more-or-less effectively blocks said actor from returning to the show.

You would think that but this is the production team that created the two Todd's story and the network that revelled in the "return of the Real Greenlee . Sadly I bet this is the one way Ron can finally have his Two Todd's storyline and instead of a crazy mother we can have a villainous Robin who sent back the wrong Jason so she could keep the real one for herself...


 On topic I adore Mac and refuse to accept that Alexis would prefer to be with men who routinely put her children in danger rather that a man who has consistently sacrificed himself for other men's children.

  • Love 1
I adore Mac and refuse to accept that Alexis would prefer to be with men who routinely put her children in danger rather that a man who has consistently sacrificed himself for other men's children.


Neither Mac nor Alexis were romantically interested in each other. They tried, but there was no spark. I like that they're friends. There isn't enough of that. We barely get same-sex friendship, let alone man-woman friendship.

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If the kids sing "We Are the World" I will not be responsible for the vengeance I will rain down upon the earth and all whom dwell within it.


Am I supposed to believe Nathan, a cop, isn't armed? And really, Levi would think nothing of shooting him surrounded by witnesses, one of whom is another cop? I know he's a few shrimps short of a barbie but even that waste of skin should know better.


If I hear one more time about Felicia's Aztec heritage I'll start whittling a spear...

Edited by CPP83

If the kids sing "We Are the World" I will not be responsible for the vengeance I will rain down upon the earth and all whom dwell within it.


Am I supposed to believe Nathan, a cop, isn't armed? And really, Levi would think nothing of shooting him surrounded by witnesses, one of whom is another cop? I know he's a few shrimps short of a barbie but even that waste of skin should know better.




Remember when said other cop went to arrest his unknown-to-him father without a gun? Yeah. Or maybe Anna's started implementing a British no-guns style over there.

Edited by ulkis
Nathan was armed, his sidearm was in it's holster while he picked up the necklace.




I was picking at the preview showing Nathan charging Levi like some sort of rogue warrior, but I suppose somehow his shirt will get ripped off, maybe his pants, this is Ron after all.



Remember when said other cop went to arrest his unknown-to-him father without a gun?




You couldn't possibly be talking about that time when he also confronted him without a bloody bulletproof vest on even? Because, you know, it's not like Sonny's the type to shoot an unarmed cop in the chest or anything of the kind...

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Was it just me, or did it seem weird to anyone else to see Dante defend Maxie so vehemently? I know Lulu and Maxie are totes BFF's again, but it still seems weird that they're just all bygones about everything. I buy it more from Lulu, I guess. But Dante usually doesn't go out of his way for anyone else besides his family, and sometimes not even them. I guess what I'm saying is, when did this happen, this re-bonding with Dante and Maxie? I know the answer to this one, sadly. Yeah, offscreen.


Too bad, because I could have enjoyed Dante falling for Maxie while she was surrogating their baby. I would have enjoyed that much more than the story we actually got.


I still like Samtrick. Sue me. You'll be wasting your time though, because I'm pretty much broke. Sam looked pretty today.


I was all for Naxie, but Maxie's acting so stupid it's hard to justify it. They should have put Nathan and Sam together. Oh, the pretty would be too much.


Counting the days until Ava's on again. It's just way too boring for me without her.

I guess what I'm saying is, when did this happen, this re-bonding with Dante and Maxie?


I think it's more about Dante hating Levi than Dante rebonding with Maxie. And it's not as if Lulu would be crushed for Maxie if Maxie and Levi broke up, so Dante isn't trying to like Levi for Lulu's sake. No one but Felicia seems to genuinely like him. That should tell you all you need to know.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 4
I'm saying is, when did this happen, this re-bonding with Dante and Maxie? I know the answer to this one, sadly. Yeah, offscreen.



Off-screen GH, where all the good stuff happens, dammit. Although honestly I can't picture Dante wanting to be around this brain-dead version of Maxie for more than two seconds.


I do admit Naxie remind me of a low-rent version of what Maxie and Dante could have been though. I re-pictured those handcuff scenes in my head with Dante instead and wondered what that would have been like on-screen.


Or hell, I'd still be willing to see what Maxie would be like with Sonny's other two sons. Both more interesting options than Nathan. Well, maybe. Michael's relative dullness might not be able to overcome his relative lack of pretty.

Edited by ulkis

Felicia was utterly annoying today. Looked fabulous, but she needs to just shut her mouth. \


I think Dante showed up because who else is even there for this wedding as guests? Mac, Felicia, Lante, who else? That should say something to Maxie too. I know it was a quickie wedding, but still. Maybe that's why she's wearing such a shitty ass dress.



Or hell, I'd still be willing to see what Maxie would be like with Sonny's other two sons. Both more interesting options than Nathan. Well, maybe. Michael's relative dullness might not be able to overcome his relative lack of pretty.


I don't think anything can overcome Michael's dullness. Nathan is on the bland side yes, but prettier to look at than Michael, plus he's a cop. Everyone complains about the lack of doctors when I'd rather see the police force built up than the hospital. I wouldn't even say they have to solve that many crimes. At this point, one would be a stretch.

Edited by tvgoddess
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I can't stop laughing. This thread is way more entertaining than the show.

If Levi shoots or knocks Nathan out and he conveniently gets amnesia so nobody knows about the robbery, I'm going to really choke a bitch.

Speaking of...shut up Patrick. You really need to divorce Robin when Emma feels like she's already lost her mom?

ME did look very yummy today.

  • Love 1
Anyway, i half jokingly thought that maybe the interns put this episode together while the crew was at lunch because we got forward plot movement, while dialogue, lighting, wardrobe, and hair were all great for once.



If figures that this was an episode that my DVR failed to record despite it being on a regularly M-F recording schedule.  My television is probably pissed off at me for screaming not so nice things at it.

  • Love 1

I'm just hoping that we're seeing the end of the shitty shitty Dunkleman storyline (and yes, when Mac picked up the Aztec book, I shouted, "I KNEW I wasn't imaging it!!"). Pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease.


At this point, the only thing that would save the Jason reveal is if a) he was played by Michael Mulvey, b) he started to sing RHPS or "Putting on the Ritz", or c) it's Tom Bergeron plugging this season's DWTS.

Edited by NutmegsDad
  • Love 4
You mean "You're Not Alone", the Hymn of the Sabweeeeeena.




Oh god...I'd forgotten all about that. Now I have a vision of the kids surrounding Alice's hospital bed as she feels her new heart beating and Kiki will be standing by attempting to feel and be in the moment and cry and fails miserably as she always does.


I know they often tried to paint the judge in Maxie's custody hearings as being rather hard on her, but the way she's behaving now just...she shouldn't parent a Chia Pet at this point.

  • Love 3


If this in incorrect then someone please feel free to shoot me, kick me off the docks into Lake Ontario, freeze me, and then stick me in an egg.


Fixed that for you.



I wonder why Levi packed a gun in his tux's pocket. Was he expecting trouble? Or does the zen peacenik Levi always carry?


And where has the gun been up until now - hidden in his tank top or yoga pants?

  • Love 1

I missed all but ten plus minutes of today's show and I realized I missed nothing because Levi obviously handed Nathan his ass before going off to marry Maxie, Sam and Patrick are still disgusting to me, and Robin got duped again because of course she did.


The previews look so awful I just can't even be bothered.

Edited by CPP83

Okay, I would like everyone to know that I wrote to someone, "Dante looks like he wishes he was at home sitting on his toilet readings the sports page" during the wedding. And then next scene he's walking along the hall. Okay, sure, we were probably supposed to interpret his look as "where's Nathan?" but I like mine better.


I hate Maxie. She deserves Levi. Lulu babbling about how Maxie didn't do anything wrong, just a mistake with love, last year? What the fuck ever. Shut up, Lulu. Go skate with Sonny, Maxie. I was ready to throw both overboard. If anything, just to get Maxie's dress out of my sight.


Levi was 100 times more interesting with his American accent being outright evil. He still needs to die quickly, mind you.


lol at Mac and Dante's looks of WTF when Felicia was talking about how Maxie and Levi were in love.


Didn't this show used to have good actors? 99% of the cast acted like they had no souls today. I'm sorry, Kim McC was bad. She got a little better towards the end, but that's just cause she was so bad when the guys first grabbed her arms and she was just all, "no. no. not. Ja. son."


Also, Robin is dumb. Did she really think Victor wouldn't double cross her? 


Victor wants Jason to be his metrosexual hitman. The battle between Sonny and Victor for Jason's soul will be epic, I'm sure. Sonny stuttering, Victor flailing his hands . . . it will bring tears to the eyes.


Lovely montage of Nathan and Maxie's four month relationship, in which they've shared maybe 4 one-on-one scenes because Levi is in 80% of their scenes. I mean, coincidental that it was DANTE who went after him and rescued him? I THINK NOT. We all know the real love story here.

Nathan got pummeled and bloodied up by Levi.  That shouldn't have happened to a tall and muscular cop who exercises the way Nathan does and has had training in defense techniques at the police academy.  I hate to be blunt, but Levi fucked him up.


I'm pretty sure he's also a robot though, so maybe Levi was just asking him conundrums or something and it fucked up his wiring.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 5
Victor wants Jason to be his metrosexual hitman. The battle between Sonny and Victor for Jason's soul will be epic, I'm sure. Sonny stuttering, Victor flailing his hands . . . it will bring tears to the eyes.




I feel like I'm watching a very, very, very cheap idea based on Robo-Cop. How can we make Jason that much more of a robotic, emotionless hired gun. This is going to suck ass, straight up ass, without question.


We all know the real love story here





Well Dante wasn't exactly rushing to untie Nathan when he found him and he did seem to be giving him a little bit of a look on top of it.

  • Love 1

He was just in relieved shock, CPP83. ;) And maybe just admiring his butt.


I feel like I'm watching a very, very, very cheap idea based on Robo-Cop. How can we make Jason that much more of a robotic, emotionless hired gun. This is going to suck ass, straight up ass, without question.



Fear not. Jason will never give in to his dastardly ways. He is pure of heart.


ETA: I missed the part where Dante told Lulu she looked fertile. Oh jeez.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 2
He was just in relieved shock, CPP83. ;) And maybe just admiring his butt.




Well Dante is a mere human unlike some, heh, how could he resist.




Fear not. Jason will never give in to his dastardly ways. He is pure of heart.


ETA: I missed the part where Dante told Lulu she looked fertile. Oh jeez




I want him to short circuit; I want someone to stake his undead ass.


You know Dante just can't wait to be a dad again, and when Lulu is pregnant it'll be easier for him to outrun her and escape that teeny tiny Hobbit apartment of theirs.


Can someone please explain to me like I'm Sonny about Sam's reaction was when Patrick left her apartment? It looked to me like "Thank goodness, he's finally gone!" Did I read that right? If not, I need some 'splainin'. If I did, then WTF?




I think it was supposed to imply that she's now feeling  "conflicted"... *crickets chirping* I don't buy a single bit of this supposed growing "attraction" between them, it's laughably forced and bad, imho, and ultimately pointless.

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Well, the Dunkleman story line has to be ending right? I can buy that Levi got the best of Nathan in a fight because Levi had the gun and he obviously is not the nature-loving peacenik that he pretends to be. However, I don't understand Levi's plan. Did he plan to rip the earrings off Felicia today? He didn't kill Nathan or throw him overboard -- did he expect Nathan to die in the room? What? He also left Nathan in HIS stateroom so even if Nathan did die there, what? Nathan went to see Levi, Levi admits that Nathan came to his room, but now Nathan's body is tied up in his stateroom. This plan of Levi's does not buy him much time -- he would have been better off taking the necklace he did have and running after he tied Nathan up. There is no way that he can inconspicuously steal Felicia's gear now. Even if silly Maxie doesn't believe him, Mac will and Levi won't be allowed within 50 feet of Felicia.


As for Robin, my girl is a brilliant physician but damn. She is not a master criminal. She's surprised that Jason is not going to be allowed to just return home. Really?  I have friends that I went to med school with who I would not trust with a pet because they lacked common sense but Robin with her background should be better than this. I know it's the writing but she's smarter than this.

Edited by SoapDoc
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"Dante looks like he wishes he was at home sitting on his toilet readings the sports page" during the wedding. And then next scene he's walking along the hall. Okay, sure, we were probably supposed to interpret his look as "where's Nathan?" but I like mine better.



Ha!  I said to my husband that Dante looks like he wants to go visit the bathroom. 



Nathan got pummelled and bloodied up by Levi.  That shouldn't have happened to a tall and muscular cop who exercises the way Nathan does and has had training in defence techniques at the police academy.  I hate to be blunt, but Levi fucked him up.



Orangutans are strong. Even more so if they are GMO hybrids with kangaroos and the human clothes they've been forced to wear are making them irritable.

Edited by yuggapukka
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