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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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2 minutes ago, Oracle42 said:

So, it's just pregnancy? This is the third time she's been pregnant and she managed to stay upright, despite her ridiculous shoes, both of the previous times

It's because of Helena's curse.  Matter of fact, the baby will be the reincarnation of her.  He or she will come out wearing a silk suit with appropriately matching accessories and holding a dagger.

  • Love 8
6 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

It's because of Helena's curse.  Matter of fact, the baby will be the reincarnation of her.  He or she will come out wearing a silk suit with appropriately matching accessories and holding a dagger.

And the baby will utter some trigger word that puts Jason back under her spell.  Bonus points if she sneers derisively every time Sonny's in the room. 

  • Love 8

I loved Hayden today. If Sam isn't allowed to tell Liz some truths, at least someone is. Liz is just as responsible for the events leading to Nik's death (the one on Cassidine Island and the fake one) because it all goes back to The Lie and what Jason and Sam had to do to get their lives back.

Who is Liz to talk about Hayden's regret keeping her up at night?

Edited by LexieLily
  • Love 6

That was some story Nelle spun about her "parents" (c'mon, you know those quotes belong there) basically selling her for parts.  She's obviously not on the up-and-up.  Also, now I'm not sure that she's related to Carly because they do seem to be chem testing her a bit with Michael.  So yeah, the story's stupid, but I'm still liking Chloe Lanier.

I am beyond over Liz and Rebecca Budig sniping at each other, but I had to side with Rebecca Budig today.  Liz blaming Rebecca Budig for Nikolas having to fake his death - like she held a gun to his cowardly head - and thus getting "killed for real" was ridiculous so I'm glad Rebecca Budig reminded her that it all stems from the Jason lie Liz and Nikolas conspired to keep together, including HAVING REBECCA BUDIG SHOT!

Of course we all know CarrrrJoe is probably in Port Charles to win Sabrina back, but I enjoyed his refutting her conceited questioning of him.

  • Love 9
12 minutes ago, Harmony233 said:

I never thought Nellie was going to end up being carlys since the guys in her age group are Michael and Morgan lol.

Yeah, there's that.  But they did make a big point of inserting Nelle right into Carly's lane, showing up at Bobbie's birthday party, right as Carly is giving some big speech about how her relationship with Bobbie has progressed over the years.  That still doesn't seem accidental.

  • Love 2

I love how snotty Sonny got that Nelle was in his house when it was his security and his son who let her in in the first place. 

TeCa looked gorgeous today. I don't like the voice JVP is using for CarrrJoe, though.

It's gross that no one chastises the guys for not wearing a condom when they find out about the STI. No, it's all on those unclean women.

Ugh, I despise asshole Jason with his "I'm too macho for the hospital" attitude. I really want him to not see a doctor until it's too late, and he ends up dying from his own stupidity and pride.

52 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

I am beyond over Liz and Rebecca Budig sniping at each other, but I had to side with Rebecca Budig today.

Ugh. I cannot deal with yet another round of "It's your fault!/No, it's yours!" They both need to STFU.

Lulu's one to talk about Laura going on a "strange, wild goose chase."

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 7

I never thought Nellie was going to end up being carlys

Would they do that though?  Don't we all know everything there is to know (or would ever want to) about Carly that we're now going to find out she had a baby girl that she gave up at some point?  Plus, maybe it's just me, but she looks younger than Michael.  '


Dr. Finn thinks they have malaria? Because of a fever.

Plus because they were just "in that part of the world".  I didn't realize Greece was a hotbed for Malaria, but what do I know.


Didn't baby Teddy get sick on July 4th (the night that would never end)?  And didn't Finn cure him almost instantly?  So why is he only being released from the hospital today?  Also, Joe needs to shave, so that he doens't look like Sabrina's father, if they're thinking of going there with those two.  Although I do appreciate that he seems to shower, unlike his dearly departed brother.  

Edited by Perkie
  • Love 2

I don't know why they had to be so specific before the testing was complete. Finn could have just said that being in Greece recently could mean any number of infections, and he's not comfortable speculating.

I'm thinking Jason might have what Finn has, and since the Town Savior is now afflicted, Finn will get his lab and research back so he can find a cure pronto.

I still think Nelle is a Spencer someway, somehow. If not as Carly's daughter, then some other way, though I'm still leaning towards her being Carly's child. There's something about her that makes me believe that underneath that mousy, girl-next-door demeanor, she's really very naughty. That look that she gave through the window upon spying Carly/Jax/Sonny discussing her, said a lot. Watch the writers give her the "Lucy Coe" treatment. Introduce her as a mousy plain Jane, then dress her up in tight skirts, high heels, lipstick, etc. Then add a devious twinkle to her eye. She'll be positioned and ready to give Carly the hell that she gave Bobbie all those years ago.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

Yeah, there's that.  But they did make a big point of inserting Nelle right into Carly's lane, showing up at Bobbie's birthday party, right as Carly is giving some big speech about how her relationship with Bobbie has progressed over the years.  That still doesn't seem accidental.

When was Carly supposed to have her? The wrench has been onscreen consistently since 96/97? Wasn't Carly in her early 20s when she came to town? I know math & logic isn't this show strong suit but if Nelle is in her 20s & Carly was no more than between early 20s to 30 when she came on then this is the biggest insult to the audience intelligence since Ron & his Maxie miscarry & ends up pregnant the same night Bullshit.

I don't understand why Chloe Lainer couldn't be cast as Serena or Christina Baldwin. That way we got a Legacy character who is female In the 20s set, Lucy & Scott get a story & airtime & Michael gets a new love interest. Last thing this show needs is another Carly spawn.

  • Love 4
1 minute ago, NiqueAlexis said:

When was Carly supposed to have her? The wrench has been onscreen consistently since 96/97? Wasn't Carly in her early 20s when she came to town? I know math & logic isn't this show strong suit but if Nelle is in her 20s & Carly was no more than between early 20s to 30 when she came on then this is the biggest insult to the audience intelligence since Ron & his Maxie miscarry & ends up pregnant the same night Bullshit.

She first came to PC in '96, so that's already 20 years ago.  Given they've already aged Michael up (he was born in Dec '97 on the show) it's easy to believe she had Nelle as a teen in Florida right before she showed up in town.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

Yeah, there's that.  But they did make a big point of inserting Nelle right into Carly's lane, showing up at Bobbie's birthday party, right as Carly is giving some big speech about how her relationship with Bobbie has progressed over the years.  That still doesn't seem accidental.

Not to mention the fact that LW played CL's mother already in the anniversary episode. I would actually be shocked if Nelle isn't Carly's daughter. The stuff with her and Michael kinda makes me wonder though.

This episode was actually pretty good imo. I skipped the Hayden/Liz, Liz/Jason, and Jason/Sam scenes though so that helped.

So Sam's pregnant, which is stupid and not needed, and now there's going to be complications, which is stupider and even more not needed. Fuck me.

ETA: I forgot to say that JE looked beautiful today.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 1
8 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

She first came to PC in '96, so that's already 20 years ago.  Given they've already aged Michael up (he was born in Dec '97 on the show) it's easy to believe she had Nelle as a teen in Florida right before she showed up in town.

Okay that's pauseable if she was in her late teens/early 20s when she left Florida. Real time how old is Carly supposed to be? 40-45

The Resse Father mess did he rape her or did Carly have an affair with him? I ask cause I saw something pertaining this upwards in the thread.

10 minutes ago, NiqueAlexis said:

Okay that's pauseable if she was in her late teens/early 20s when she left Florida. Real time how old is Carly supposed to be? 40-45

The Resse Father mess did he rape her or did Carly have an affair with him? I ask cause I saw something pertaining this upwards in the thread.

Carly was 22 when she came to town.

If Nelle turns out to be Carly's daughter, then I think the scenes with her and Michael are because they're actually fraternal twins separated at birth. They'll wank it so that it turns out Heather sold her somehow. We haven't had a surprise twin story since, well, since Joe showed up last month as Carlos's surprise twin. We're way overdue.

6 minutes ago, NiqueAlexis said:

The Resse Father mess did he rape her or did Carly have an affair with him?

Carly consented, but she was just a teenager. Possibly old enough for it to not be statutory rape, but, eh, close enough.

  • Love 6

I am liking the easy chemistry between Michael and Nelle.  I think Chad and Chloe have chemistry and potential.  I am hoping that Nelle is actually someone with not-so-good intentions.  Michael needs a more exciting storyline than taking care of another baby, and it looks like the writers are already moving Sabrina in Joe's direction while putting Michael in Nelle's orbit.  

I have to hope and believe that Nelle is NOT going to be Carly's daughter.  The last thing Carly needs is ANOTHER child.  What does a daughter do for Carly that Joss doesn't from a character standpoint?  Nelle would bring nothing to Carly's storyline to make her her daughter, and why have Nelle be a daughter if it ends up sidelining screen time for Josslyn?  It just doesn't make sense.  Also, Michael needs a woman on the show that he is not related to since he is tied to all the main core families.  

  • Love 2
6 hours ago, Oracle42 said:


Sonny/Jason have been "legally" cleared of their crimes repeatedly. That doesn't change the fact that they are career criminals. So, what is cured supposed to mean? The removal of the tumor cured Franco of his murderous impulses, the manipulative, sociopathic behavior and the obsession with Jason?

RC never dealt with any of that and Franco has committed: attempted murder, blackmail, extortion, assault and stalking - all since the tumor was removed, and his laser focus on Jake still reads as an obsession with Jason. Jason is objecting to the obsession  part of the list because that is the thing that has harmed people he cares about.

And the show has also never dealt with the pain and horror that Jason and Sonny have inflicted on others either. It drives me nuts at the writers hypocrisy when it comes to "Bad guys" like Franco and "Good mobsters" like Sonny and Jason. To have Sonny or Jason pontificate their moral values over anyone is punch to the writers' throat worthy in my view. So Jason can cram his concern over Franco. He has no right to fucking complain about anyone's behaviors and relationships. Until he goes to the authorities and confesses too all of his crimes, he can't say shit. Fuck, let "good" Jason confess and put Sonny in deep shit and just give him immunity. Even better, stick him and Sam in witness protection.  Until Sonny saves another politician's stupid kid awhile on yet another prison escape. And all will be forgiven. 

As for Jake, I wouldn't call Franco's time with the kid an obsession. Not even close. I think that he honestly sees himself in Jake. And he could see that Liz and Jason were just ignoring the signs that the kid is troubled. Which they were. The damn doctors at GH recommended Franco. Franco's big issue, IMHO, is his lack of boundaries and respect of boundaries. Like some of the stuff with Liz and damn near any interactions with Sam. He and Jason hate each other.  And Jason makes it fun for Franco to get under the man's skin. And Jason just isn't bright enough to figure that one out.

  • Love 11

She'll be positioned and ready to give Carly the hell that she gave Bobbie all those years ago 

It's All About Eve, GH style.  I hope this new bitch tries to fuck Sonny and steal the Metrocourt.  I will never let go of my Carly Hate, no matter how long her whitewashing has gone.  I remember the beginning, the middle, and the AJ.  

  • Love 12
2 hours ago, stlbf said:

As for Jake, I wouldn't call Franco's time with the kid an obsession. Not even close. 

Liz's 9 year old, long presumed dead, missing for years child disappeared from the hospital and reappeared at Franco's house. Instead of notifying the child's parent, he decided to sit down and color. He constantly oversteps boundaries and he does not seem to have any other interests, aside from his new feelings for Jake's mother. 


2 hours ago, stlbf said:

To have Sonny or Jason pontificate their moral values over anyone is punch to the writers' throat worthy in my view. So Jason can cram his concern over Franco. He has no right to fucking complain about anyone's behaviors and relationships.

It' s not an argument of moral absolutes or even moral relativity. It's the same argument Liz was entitled to make regarding Sam/Jake  - Does previous experience with this person indicate that s/he is a danger to my child. For Jason, the answer (reasonably) with Franco, is yes.  And Franco already spent yeeeears planning out ways to hurt Jason by using Jason's friends/family - that he is doing the same thing with Jake is a perfectly reasonable assumption and Liz should be making it herself 

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 9
1 hour ago, Oracle42 said:

Liz's 9 year old, long presumed dead, missing for years child disappeared from the hospital and reappeared at Franco's house. Instead of notifying the child's parent, he decided to sit down and color. He constantly oversteps boundaries and he does not seem to have any other interests, aside from his new feelings for Jake's mother. 


It' s not an argument of moral absolutes or even moral relativity. It's the same argument Liz was entitled to make regarding Sam/Jake  - Does previous experience with this person indicate that s/he is a danger to my child. For Jason, the answer (reasonably) with Franco, is yes.  And Franco already spent yeeeears planning out ways to hurt Jason by using Jason's friends/family - that he is doing the same thing with Jake is a perfectly reasonable assumption and Liz should be making it herself 

1) Is a sign of immaturity and that he does have major boundary issues. Who would disagree with that? As for his interests, when does this show ever show anything but what is the character's current driving story? When was the last time Liz painted or had a friend outside of work, love interest or Nik? The old Emily days? Maybe Robin/Patrick? When have we seen or heard about Morgan going boating? Something that he loved to do with Jax. Or Maxie and Lulu just hanging out? Not being forced to room together thanks to drama?

2)Yeah, the old Franco did spend years obsessed with hitman Jason. But then again, he was literally a different person. Since his "cure" Franco has shown plenty of Jason distain. But when has he done something to physically harm Jason or tried to kill him, since the "cure"? In the realm of TFGH, he has been fairly decent. He has helped Nina. He has been around to help care for Lauren. Jake is something along the same lines. So it pisses me off that fucking Sonny, who WAS CONVICTED OF MURDER TOO, isn't treated like how Franco is. It is fine and dandy for Sonny to toss a bomb off a boat after killing an innocent man and running a crime family . But he is still a good guy. Same with Jason. If they want to treat Franco as a dangerous man, fine. But Sonny and Jason need the same treatment from the townsfolk. Franco has at least put as much effort in putting his life onto a better path as Sonny and Jason. 

  • Love 9

So it pisses me off that fucking Sonny, who WAS CONVICTED OF MURDER TOO, isn't treated like how Franco is. 

The show would be so much better if they just lived in the reality of what Sonny did, killed AJ and essentially got away with it.  It's a soap, they can do it, but instead we have Michael being all chill and going by Corinthos again.  I FF most of the show, so it's unclear to me if he really changed his name back.  I think this is why Michael has no story, or at least, no good story.  It would require Frank and his shit writers to acknowledge that Sonny actually did something wrong and that Michael and other characters should have a problem with it, while still being able to coexist in their world.  Some arguments, distance, whatever.  The show would benefit if these morally fucked up characters, most of them, would just acknowledge the truth of that, while still having the stories.  

Acknowledgment is Sonny paying to me, because that's the best you can hope for in this world, and it's more interesting, anyway.  Instead, Julian And Franco are like horrific, while Sonny is some sort of humanitarian walking through the town telling other people how to live their lives.  Even though, I do appreciate the Alexis/Sonny interactions.  

Edited by sunflower
  • Love 3
1 hour ago, jsbt said:

The reason Lanier isn't playing Serena or Christina is because the show has no interest in writing major material for Lucy, Kevin or Scott. That's all.

Speaking of people who know Heather, yeah, what is the deal with her and the money?

While that's true LH said she wouldn't come back without a actual story. When it was announced that Lainer was coming back I assumed it would be Serena or Christina cause of that. I don't consider Lucy being a Realtor a story.

  • Love 3

I clearly need to catch up on some clips. Lucy is a realtor?? Last I saw Scott was begging her for a job!

I would not be shocked if Frank had just given her happy talk about a storyline to come back. He does that often.

I hate to say it but the little I've seen of Carlos-Joe is much more attractive and appealing than Dead-ass Carlos. When he's not OTT, shaggy and howling from the rafters Parise is reasonably enjoyable. Still doesn't mean he needs to be back on the show.

OTOH, if you must have him here go HAM! Make Dr. Joe wildly, flagrantly bisexual! Make him the Oberyn Martell of the hospital and have him seduce Lucas. JVP would play it!

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 3
27 minutes ago, NiqueAlexis said:

While that's true LH said she wouldn't come back without a actual story. When it was announced that Lainer was coming back I assumed it would be Serena or Christina cause of that. I don't consider Lucy being a Realtor a story.

I think we're supposed to think the Lucy/Scotty/Kevin/Laura story is a quad or something.Why in the heck Lucy and Scotty aren't scheming to get there money back that Raymond Berlin stole is beyond me but like someone mentioned earlier they don't care about those characters.They care more about making there creations stick.

  • Love 1

Thanks to Guza and his mob fixation, the Port Charles pool has been throughly polluted. Instead of having sociopathic operators trying to jockey for power, money and/or love (without murder as their first go to) we have a bunch of murderers somehow having the moral high ground and all of them being excused for their various crimes. I thought Alexis losing her license to practice law now was a long time coming after she filed the paper work that allowed Sonny to steal AJ's parental rights.

Franco is being completely inappropriate and unprofessional and anyone with any dealings with mental health industry would know that. Nor do I think Franco is a completely different person. I got chills when he cornered Liz in that elevator, unbutton his over shirt and covered the camera, that isn't normal behavior, no matter what signals Liz is giving him. He might not have the urge to kill people anymore, but has no real issue with hurting people mentally or physically if it serves him some way, and that behavior is post tumor. As someone who is in therapy and does a therapeutic type of charity, one of the first things I was told is to have little to no interaction with my therapist/patients outside of official meetings. (My therapist even said he would ignore me if he spotted me in public). Instead we have Franco seeking out Jake and Liz, coming over to their house, giving them toasters, puppies and money, and getting her to date him, all of which are huge no-no's, which is what you get when hire a former serial killer/uninspiring artist instead of one of the many qualified people that would have applied for the art therapist job. The key world in art therapy is therapy, not art. GH has to push these boundaries a bit, but at least with Kevin or Andre Maddox,  they try to give some semblance of professionalism with their patients. 

  • Love 2
14 hours ago, Oracle42 said:

It's not about high ground. Even if Franco hadn't been a serial killer, he was still obsessed to the point of destruction with Jason, and now he's obsessed with Jason's son. Jake/Franco is not a remotely healthy relationship and it should be disturbing to Liz that a guy who broke up with his girlfriend because he doesn't want children is determined to spend to spend time with one of her children, but only Jason's son.

Jason shouldn't have to have this conversation because Liz should have been completely freaked out. And it's not like Lucky, Jake's other father, would be okay with this horseshit.  Franco sat Lulu on top of a bomb, terrorized her and planned to murder her as part of a game and he kidnapped NotJake#2 when he was a newborn. 

Sure, Franco never harmed Jake - because Jake was dead when Franco hit town. If he hadn't been, Franco absolutely would've hurt him just to hurt Jason, and that Liz is willfully ignoring that is ridiculous.

Elizabeth has to ignore everything Franco related, because FV is bound and determined to make the serial killer relevant on this show.   

  • Love 5
4 hours ago, fishcakes said:

If Nelle turns out to be Carly's daughter, then I think the scenes with her and Michael are because they're actually fraternal twins separated at birth.

I had the same wandering thought.  If Ron was still writing, that definitely would be what was going on.  Ron loooved himself a retroactive twin.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 2
1 hour ago, jsbt said:

I clearly need to catch up on some clips. Lucy is a realtor?? Last I saw Scott was begging her for a job!

I would not be shocked if Frank had just given her happy talk about a storyline to come back. He does that often.

I hate to say it but the little I've seen of Carlos-Joe is much more attractive and appealing than Dead-ass Carlos. When he's not OTT, shaggy and howling from the rafters Parise is reasonably enjoyable. Still doesn't mean he needs to be back on the show.

OTOH, if you must have him here go HAM! Make Dr. Joe wildly, flagrantly bisexual! Make him the Oberyn Martell of the hospital and have him seduce Lucas. JVP would play it!

Yeah it's strange as hell. Morgan dumbass had Lucy as his surprise for Kiki a house/apartment for them without even asking or talking to Kiki or getting her premission. Where ever the STI Quad be hanging out Is Where Lucy was waiting for them at to surprise Kiki about there new place. A waste of LH talent. 

25 minutes ago, Auntie Velvet said:

I still like the idea of Nelle being Pat's. Then Michael can go through that whole, "I'm attracted to my cousin! Oy vey!" thing again.

Relatedly, this is a case where I'd be slightly amused by a "You look kinda familiar, do we know each other?" meta remark if Valerie ever lays eyes on Nelle.

  • Love 3

Liez thought she had the right to violate Sam's  - her patient- wishes because? Sam was conscious and fully functioning and could've have told Jason herself if she wanted to so I can't think of any valid reasons. 

Liez's alleged best friend is dead again but all she cares about is flashing bitch face at Hayden. Nik and Hayden were't divorced so Wyndemere is hers, right? If so, she needs to order security to treat Liez as an intruder and shoot her on sight the next time she shows up.

It feels like this is the first time Lulu and Tracy have had scenes in like a year. 

Can Jax make it anymore obvious that he's hiding something. 

I forgot that Carlos 2.0 is still a thing that's happening.

  • Love 4
5 hours ago, twoods said:

Great- another great character comes back just to get thrown under the bus. First, Ric comes along and lies to Liez. Now Jax is being all fishy. Why do these guys get to be character assassinated while the Moobster has done much worse and everyone keeps kissing his ass? Stupid show.

I know Ingo lives in Hawaii, has a semi-steady gig on Five-O, and has a great relationship with the show. If it looks like Jax paid for an illegal kidney (and I'm suuuuuuuuuurrrrreeeee Sonny would *never* do that for his daughter), why would he go on if it means his character will get trashed from here to Cassadine Island?

  • Love 3

Jackie Z looked amazing. She was looking bizzare for years and yesterday she looked fantastic. I hope she keeps it up...or down....or whatever she is doing. I don't really buy the chemestry between her and Laura Wright but it's nice to see her. Too bad they don't have Bobbi interact with Scotty and Laura more. I like the actress who is playing Nelle. Of course, I liked her last time, too. She really had "it" and I'm sure the writers will ruin "it" now that she's in Sonny's world. LOL!!!

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