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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Franco's art studio was a combination of Liz's old studio, Felix/Sabrina's appartment and Lante's appartment.  It was weird to see all of that mish mash together


Whenever Curtis and Andre have a conversation, I expect Andre to say he's not falling for a banana in the tailpipe

This made me laugh so hard because I can picture it and because I loved that scene.  

Here's a question why does Curtis call Jordan "Miss Jordan" when referring to her in the scene with Andre?  Did he decide he's auditioning for a Driving Miss Daisy redo?  

I loved that shirt on Ava, when I saw it on her 87656 days ago, but now I really really need her and Sam to find new clothes somewhere and change because oy, it's annoying already.  

Well hello Mr Jasper Jackes.  Looking fine as usual, although i could do without the scruff.  Here's hoping you don't get run over by the Sonny bus.  

  • Love 4
53 minutes ago, Perkie said:

Franco's art studio was a combination of Liz's old studio, Felix/Sabrina's apartment and Lante's apartment.  It was weird to see all of that mish mash together

So is that where Franco lives now, the art studio?  He obviously can't be staying at Nina's anymore.

And would Kiki continue to live at Nina's with her (gag) surrogate dad ousted from there? 

They are pushing Franco so hard as the hospital killer that there's no way he is. Even if Franco were played by someone other than RoHo. That won't stop him from being wrongly arrested and charged, of course.

The staging of the plane crash wouldn't be so terrible if the writing were even slightly better. Why didn't anyone build a fire?

Poor Kevin, shoved behind a rock. At least Laura is checking on him.

40 minutes ago, Sake614 said:

Did he call her Miss Jordan?

He called her that when he was talking to Andre.

  • Love 2
6 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

Gawd, this show even managed to make a plane crash boring.  Obviously, the actual crash was going to be off-screen.  And obviously, no one was going to die.  But none of these people are even injured or wet or dirty or look like their hair is mussed, AFTER SURVIVING A PLANE CRASH?!?! 

And then they stick poor Kevin behind a rock so they don't have to pay poor Jon Lindstrom? 

You mean we didn't even get a Holy Hitman head injury?  

5 hours ago, ulkis said:

Franco drew his old murder graffiti over his doorway? Um.

The coccyx is back?  

I may have to fire up the DVR just to see Jax.  You're too good for this shit, Ingo.  

  • Love 2

It's amazing to me that after loving Sam for a decade, I can barely stand her.  So many reasons, but to start - the exposed cleavage, regardless of circumstance, ridiculously high heels, again regardless of circumstance, and the single-minded obsession with all things Jason.  I actually hate the name "Jason" because I can hear her shrilly calling it.  And lastly, the inconsistency of Sam, brilliant P.I., holding a gun with authority, transposed with ignorant bimbo Sam, shrieking "Jason" as she runs into the jungle at the sound of rustling - endangering everyone.  I wouldn't have minded if they pulled an Airplane - Laura, Lulu, Ava, and even Kevin, standing in line taking turns to stop her hysteria.  

Edited by RedheadZombie
  • Love 8
1 hour ago, mybabyaidan said:

Just remember they share a sister AND a brother.   Just....no.  Plus Jason already has dibs.

Jason would get super jealous bc he loves Dante.


I actually hate the name "Jason" because I can hear her shrilly calling it.

She does have this way of screaming his name that always cracked me up. Like, "JAYSUUUN!"

Edited by HeatLifer
  • Love 7
5 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

The coccyx is back?  

Lol yes. Which, perhaps this is extreme of me, feels like someone painting a hate sign and being like, oh hey, I'm painting it as a representation for what it meant before that hate group got to it. Except in this case, Franco didn't even get it from somewhere else, he just made his murder tag on his own and made it a murder signal from the start

Poor BH must have had second hand embarassment from that painting. Whatever did she ever do to you, props people.

Amy's hair looks like a wig to me.

Why did they have Dante tackle Sam off screen? 

Oh no, will poor Franco be falsely accused by the police AGAIN?

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 5

Hey, Jax had V. And he threw that away. And Alexis was too into Ned. Not much fresh blood in this town. Darby? Lauren? Valerie? God forbid. There is Olivia or Nina if you please. Dr. O or Amy, nosey nurse/possible serial killer? Jordan, joke of a police commissioner? 

If fucking CARLY and SAM were considered good enough for Jax, then so could Liz. She sure as fuck deserves better than the creepy reformed(?)serial killer.

Edited by stlbf
  • Love 4
2 hours ago, stlbf said:

Hey, Jax had V. And he threw that away. And Alexis was too into Ned. Not much fresh blood in this town. Darby? Lauren? Valerie? God forbid. There is Olivia or Nina if you please. Dr. O or Amy, nosey nurse/possible serial killer? Jordan, joke of a police commissioner? 

If fucking CARLY and SAM were considered good enough for Jax, then so could Liz. She sure as fuck deserves better than the creepy reformed(?)serial killer.

Not for nothing, but better than Franco includes just about everyone in Port Charles with the possible exception of Sonny, and having to choose between Franco and Sonny would be like having to choose being shot or airlocked. I wouldn't mind her getting with Jax, but if all you're looking for is a step up from what she's got right now, the list would be pretty long.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, stlbf said:

It kind of looked like Liz's old artist studio to me, too.

Jax looks great. At least he has that, when this terrible show throws him under that speeding oncoming bus. 

Wait, why can't Liz have the great, good looking billionaire who has generally been a decent man, as a romantic partner?

Didn't the show flirt with that idea when Elizabeth was going to be Jax and Courtney's surrogate?  And didn't IR and RH hook up back in the day? I remember being horrified because I thought she was so much younger than him.  Turns out there's only a six year difference, but she always looked so young.

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, ulkis said:

Because you want me to know what it's like to have Dante in the purple bedroom under the circle thing listen to Sam talk about Jason, and then whip out a guitar he totally always knew how to play! 

Sam: Happy birthday, Dante! I got you a guitar!

Dante: Wow. Cool. Are these tear stains and a resignation letter on the strings?

Sam: ......

  • Love 6
3 minutes ago, Lillybee said:

I wish that TPTB would sign Jax on contract. This show really needs a basic good guy.

Ingo is living in Hawaii and recurs on Hawaii 5-0. He is doing better than this show and he'd only be decimated into dust against Jason and Sonny. So Jax can stay in Australia. (Unless I can have Jaxis. Otherwise, what I said!)

  • Love 3

Jad should die, to keep him away from that loud mouth beast Carly. 

And no Jax does not deserve Liz she is right with who she belongs with: a serial killing, rapist, loser who has the personality and emotional level of a child. 

Sam needs to die to, death is better than what she's stuck in. 

Edited by Jazzy24

Because you want me to know what it's like to have Dante in the purple bedroom under the circle thing listen to Sam talk about Jason, and then whip out a guitar he totally always knew how to play! 


The staging of the plane crash wouldn't be so terrible if the writing were even slightly better. Why didn't anyone build a fire?

And they could make smores which would be more interesting to watch than this failed 'adventure' story.   Ava's facial expressions are the only reason that I hesitate to push the FF button to the highest speed during the island scenes. 

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, Jazzy24 said:

Jad should die, to keep him away from that loud mouth beast Carly. 

And no Jax does not deserve Liz she is right with who she belongs with: a serial killing, rapist, loser who has the personality and emotional level of a child. 

Sam needs to die to, death is better than what she's stuck in. 

Disagree about Liz. On paper,  I do think Jax can do better. In the real world, someone like Jax could date and marry a supermodel with little problem, but even the things she has done, she is still too good for a man whose first interaction with her involved kidnapping her newborn son from his hospital crib. Maybe a divorced EMT could date her.

  • Love 3
8 hours ago, Ambrosefolly said:

I always felt that Jax could do better than Liz (and Carly). I would just like someone relatively normal at this point.

I said this in the spoiler thread, and it may be unpopular, but I'm #teamskye.  She's the only woman in his life who's never chosen someone else, particularly Sonny, over him.  I truly believe that he's the one that got away for Skye.

I am dreeeading how the show is going to shove him under the bus in this story.  I am going to have to watch through my fingers.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 1

I've been away for a little while and am mostly caught up now - except I did kind of fall asleep watching yesterday's show last night...yawn. 

My god, the show is just so bad. The production values are a colossal joke. Here's what I was thinking during that outside island stuff:

Frank (walking through already): Hey, mind if we use your backyard?

  • Love 3

So they introduce a Big Bad Cassadine villain and their first priority is having him fuck Nina?  Ooookkkayyyyy?  The whole thing reminded me of Stavros/Lucien Cain and Chloe Morgan.  Maybe he'll end up leaping out from behind some curtains and strangling Nina?

And the Cassadine Island story comes to a completely anticlimactic end, after poor Kevin spent another episode stuck behind a rock.

Shut up with this throwing Jax under the bus, Show.

  • Love 8

What the hell is that blouse looking shirt Franco is wearing under his jacket? He's an artist again, we get it. His greasy hair hair needs to be completely lopped off. UGH. So gross. How is he on contract and JAX isn't?!!!

Liz/Franco is not appealing. Worst date ever. She is so pathetic. Can't she just be single? Doing nurse things at the hospital, caring for her boys, showing that she cares about poor departed Nik...

Why have they aged up Joss and not Spencer? I hate random SORAS. Age them all or none at all. It is so stupid to have one in kids camp and the other looking like she is going into high school in the fall.

Kristina is ridiculous. If that's not love you don't know what it is. Lust? Infatuation? A good lay and good chemistry don't equate to love. She is too old to be this stupid.

Nina and Valentin? I'm OK with this if they promise not to show them sucking face or in bed together ever again.

Sonny being suspicious of Jax, of course his instincts are going to be spot on. Jax as the shady one or coming off as the big bad in this situation is so not something I want to see. Do these writers want to piss off their remaining viewers? Who are they writing this for? I am so pissed. Screw you show.

  • Love 3

Crimson's only been around for 10 years or so. How could Valentin have grown up with it? And how come that lie didn't give Nina any second thoughts about lounging provocatively in her hotel room while a stranger had control of the doorway?  Sheesh, show. 

The way Jax muttered to Sonny about his unexpected arrival, I suspect we're going to find out that Sonny and Jax together know something about the obtaining the kidney. 

Most boring island rescue ever.  But I sure did love Jax telling Carly the truth about herself.

Edited by rur
20 minutes ago, Vella said:

Again with the "Dad knew so many GAYS growing up in New York!" bit.  And it falls, humiliated, like it should.

Nobody is buying it GH. NOBODY is buying Sonny knew GAYS unless he was shrinking back in horror, or punching one in the face and being a big man in front of his boys.

Stop. Just stop.

I want this to lead to a "Sonny is bi" story.   Mo has had all the ladies.  Give him the guys now too.  Sonny/Tree/Nina triangle.  I ship it.

  • Love 3
19 minutes ago, Chairperson Meow said:

I want this to lead to a "Sonny is bi" story.   Mo has had all the ladies.  Give him the guys now too.  Sonny/Tree/Nina triangle.  I ship it.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!  Sonny has already tarnished the women of Port Charles.   I don't want the male half of Port Charles tarnished as well.  Let's just have Sonny neutered and call it a day.  He has done enough damage.

  • Love 8
13 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

Didn't the show flirt with that idea when Elizabeth was going to be Jax and Courtney's surrogate?  And didn't IR and RH hook up back in the day? I remember being horrified because I thought she was so much younger than him.  Turns out there's only a six year difference, but she always looked so young.

Sort of. They decided to stick with notLucky and Liz and have them get into a custody fight with Jax after SkipperBitch couldn't keep her hands off Nik and couldn't handle the baby not being hers biologically. Or some such bullshit. But Carly's shitty driving killed the baby. Then SkipperBitch got her miracle baby with Nik. Which brought about the stupidity of Jax claiming the baby and Carly helping him steal baby Spencer for some dumb reason. Giving us the hell of CarJax.

I think that IR dated RH's sister for a time. 

Fucking Sonny. Because Sonny, a fucking mobster, needs to right 100% of the time about 'shady' Jax. 

Since I haven't seen today's show yet, how the hell did Joss suddenly not know that Jax and Sonny hate each other? She used to spout off about it all the time as a little kid. Even blackmailing Carly over it a couple of times, IIRC. Stupid fucking show.

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