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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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7 minutes ago, coffee drinker said:

Why would Robin/Anna have been okay with Emma being around Sam?  Cause she's Cassadine "fahmily".  

Just saying.  

Speaking of, I'm so glad I haven't had to see a fake ass Sam and Emma scene. I love when things I called to be plot points are 100% proven to be so. 

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36 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

I do think it's sad that Jason and Sam can come up with a whole theory and presumably solve the whole case in two days with a pad of paper and post it notes and the PCPD can't or doesn't seem to want to do anything else but blame Jason because he was there.

They're not blaming Jason solely cause he was there. That's why Dante told Sam he was grateful to Jason for saving his life* - he was making it clear he wasn't trying to railroad Jason.

*which is pretty freaking nice of him considering the several times Jason threatened to kill him**

**although considering he's cool with Sonny it's understandable that he gives Jason a pass. I was going to snark about Sam re: her "and I never lost [my memory]" line, if she remembered the time she dressed like a hooker to steal the gun away that Sonny used to shot Dante, but hey, Dante would probably be grateful for that now so whateverrrrr. But I remember it writers! Like I also remember Alexis and Nikolas are closely related!

1 hour ago, LexieLily said:

I know no couple can be happy on this show for long, but...is there a reason for the abrupt destruction of Julexis? They got married and were happy a MONTH ago

Best guess is, the executive producer doesn't like the actor and was only keeping him around at the behest of I have no idea who. Audience/some other person at ABC/take your pick.

1 hour ago, HeatLifer said:

"When I thought my mommy was gone forever, I was sad all the time." IT TOOK YEARS FOR ME TO GET THIS LINE. YEARS. This show, man. Always late in the game. Always.

But they brought up the elephant in the room with that line. Everyone was all, "he's in denial!" He's sitting right next to the girl who is proof that he's not in denial, necessarily. I may have missed a line admittedly where someone acknowledged this.

Okay, I get the weird foundation on Maxie, but why were they putting it on her lips too?

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2 minutes ago, ulkis said:

But they brought up the elephant in the room with that line. Everyone was all, "he's in denial!" He's sitting right next to the girl who is proof that he's not in denial, necessarily. I may have missed a line admittedly where someone acknowledged this.

Then they'd all have to say out loud that it was the Cassadines that took away her mother for years and that would mean no more scenes with the Emmy-nominated BS and NB!!!!!!!!!!! 

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3 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Well. I guess Robin wouldn't mind Emma hanging out with Spencer with Laura supervising.

I mean, I know they're only kids now and only randomly appear, but don't you think this is another example of the show deflating actual....drama? Or even FUTURE drama, if the show is still on the air? This is the family who took away her mother. There's so much material there.

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Just now, TeeVee329 said:

Spencer should worship Robin.  If it wasn't for her, he'd have grown up thinking he was a townie and not the heir to the Cassadine throne.

LOL. Well, he'd have grown up with Jax's riches and mob wife Carly.

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I dunno if Jax's parenting would have been enough to counteract the combination of the Prince of Douchey Tides and SWSNBN's DNA, plus the presence of Carly during his formative years.

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Okay, I get the weird foundation on Maxie, but why were they putting it on her lips too?

I think because the foundation is so pale, that they think any colour on her lips would just emphasize the palor of the skin.  But it just looks creepy.

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2 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

I dunno if Jax's parenting would have been enough to counteract the combination of the Prince of Douchey Tides and SWSNBN's DNA, plus the presence of Carly during his formative years.

Yup. And let us not forget JOSS.

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I love Liz and I had to laugh at her "lets have a truce but only for the next 18 minutes than it's back AWN"

At no time did Spencer say that his father was dead.  Someone needs to pick up on that, like my man Dante.  Everytime he spoke about Nik was to say that he'll never be back in that house or he's in a better place.  There's no mention of death, so methinks Spencer is in on the ruse.  

So Spencer found one of the diamonds and shoved it in, I don't know what that was, and gave it to Emma?  I'm pretty sure Spencer Cassadine would know what a diamond was.  

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Poor KSt. These are supposed to be PROFESSIONAL makeup artists, and they can't do better than ghost white foundation to cover her skin issues? 

I don't understand why no one is questioning Spencer on why he's absolutely, 100% certain Nik is never coming back. That's not denial. As others have said, he is definitely in on whatever scam Nik is pulling.

And Jason is just standing there not five feet away from Emma and Spencer, with his reflection clearly shown in the mirror, listening to them talk? Well okay then.

Has it really been only a day since Lucas was in a coma? And yet he's not only up and walking, he's been released from the hospital and is getting married tonight. At Julian's house. The invitation must have come while Julian was crying by Lucas' bedside, or in the chapel praying for Lucas' recovery. All of which happened off screen and were recounted by Alexis while she explained why she didn't turn in Julian.

Just when I think this show can't make my head spin anymore, it succeeds in doing just that. 

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1 hour ago, ulkis said:

Best guess is, the executive producer doesn't like the actor and was only keeping him around at the behest of I have no idea who. Audience/some other person at ABC/take your pick.

If they were going to write him out they would have done it already.  The writers appear to honestly believe that Julian will be a viable character after this.

Given that Sonny shot a unarmed man in cold blood and is walking around as free as a bird, that's not a bad bet to make.

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28 minutes ago, yowsah1 said:

If they were going to write him out they would have done it already.  The writers appear to honestly believe that Julian will be a viable character after this.

Given that Sonny shot a unarmed man in cold blood and is walking around as free as a bird, that's not a bad bet to make.

They made Julian really, really (I know, I sound like I'm 5 years old) unrootable when they had him have an innocent witness killed in cold blood. And the way he taunted Carlos when he killed him? He was sociopathic.

I just don't get this show.

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1 hour ago, Perkie said:

Also, she has to vacuum since she's hosting a wedding in seven minutes that will be completely offscreen until the prerequisite scene that will be something like this:

Carly:  What a lovely wedding Lucas and Brad had offscreen,   Alexis let me take my tongue out of the good mobster's throat to tell you that you're a hypocrite for being married to the bad mobster

Sonny:  Julian,  I'm finished threatening your sister for the day, so now I'm going to whisper tell you that I'm going to kill you.  Also Alexis, let me whisper tell you that you mean nothing to me.  Mozel Tov to the happy couple who are already on their honeymoon, offscreen.  

How'd you get a hold of the script?!

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Oh also I just still don't get why people are SO up in arms over Griffin not telling them he's a priest. Like are people supposed to tell everyone they meet their entire life story? And I mean maybe he and Lucas were bffs but it doesn't come off that way so stfu Lucas tbh.

I thought NLG was actually pretty great today. Except for when she was like sobbing and sliding out the chair. But other than that she didn't got ott and she was kinda fantastic imo.

Today was ok. Nothing made me rage so that's nice. Well, I had a mini #rageembolism when Hayden gave that nonsense speech about Nik being kind and then told her mother it was all true. I can't really work up the energy to have full on rage blackouts over that shit anymore.

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The waitress who brings drinks and snacks to the vets and minorities while they play cards off-screen.  

Vets and minorities are allowed out of the closet to play cards?

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Why were Laura, Hayden, and Sam the only ones appropriately dressed? Liz in hot pink and Lulu in that dress? Like, OK?

Dante and Sam randomly amused me. And then I was mad at myself bc I hate Dante.

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23 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Oh also I just still don't get why people are SO up in arms over Griffin not telling them he's a priest.

I don't get why it's something Griffin says he doesn't talk about. He's not a secret monk or something. (Or is he? The Illuminati hit PC!) I get why it's not the very first thing he mentions, but when someone asks about his schooling or other background info, that's the time to mention it.

2 hours ago, Perkie said:

At no time did Spencer say that his father was dead.  Someone needs to pick up on that, like my man Dante.

Dante sort of picked up on it: He told Spencer there was no evidence to suggest Nik wouldn't be coming back, but Spencer said he didn't want to have to grieve twice. 

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5 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

Dante and Sam randomly amused me. And then I was mad at myself bc I hate Dante.

That's cause you don't actually hate him!! :p 

I liked Dante and Sam's prickliness with each other, because everyone on the show generically gets along these days. Another way of interaction between two people besides love, hate, or generic camaraderie. Would you look at that.


Why were Laura, Hayden, and Sam the only ones appropriately dressed? Liz in hot pink and Lulu in that dress? Like, OK?

Dante was one inch away from sticking his hand in his pants in this left hand picture. And I know he's a schlub but he couldn't at least throw on that white polo he has?

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@ulkis You're right. I hate what they DID to him.

Exactly. And I don't care what anyone says. Sam is interesting when she has attitude. KeMo is not the actress to do the Goody Goody act. It's a waste of her. Ugh. Wake up, Frank.

Edited by HeatLifer
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Did I miss the "prayers" that were expected for inclusion in the "Prayer Service" that Laura organized? Why wasn't a clergy person included in the "Prayer Service"?

Oh Laura asked for a "moment of silence"? [eye roll].

Laura should have insisted that the kiddies stay. They were exempted even from a "moment of silence"?

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
rewatched show
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1 hour ago, HeatLifer said:

Why were Laura, Hayden, and Sam the only ones appropriately dressed? Liz in hot pink and Lulu in that dress? Like, OK?

Dante and Sam randomly amused me. And then I was mad at myself bc I hate Dante.

The show films in California. I live in Ca. and was shocked to see people show up for their mom's funeral in their good jeans.

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Another thought on who was or wasn't at the memorial service - why no Kevin?  He's Laura's friend and maybe more, he's been supporting her during this trying time, he wouldn't come to this? 

And one thing I appreciated today was Griffin's seeming annoyance at Nathan and Maxie both running to him with their problems.  

Edited by TeeVee329
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Lucas's ignorant and rude insults to the Catholic church, voiced to Griffin Monroe about his clergy background, were uncalled for. In certain Protestant churches outside the United States, for example, marriages between gays are also unrecognized. Griffin responded with a half-true/half-false defense, saying that "Gay priests in the [Catholic] church don't agree" with the church's stance on same-sex relationships.  As I understand it, the Catholic church does not negatively judge homosexual people who are members or not members of the church. Gay members, including priests, who practice celibate lives can be recognized as active priests or regular parishoners.  The Pope has even said "Who am I to judge?" from appearances alone.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
add Griffin's last name
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6 hours ago, LexieLily said:

I guess that's just par for the course with Sam these days, sadly. She doesn't get to chew out or literally punch out Franco for taunting her about Danny or inviting her out for coffee or calling her a barn animal (or talking to her at all, honestly), she got a grand total of five minutes to yell at Nik even though Nik blames her every chance he gets for ELQ, Liz blamed her constantly for stealing Jason away and manipulated her son to do the same...


At least she got to make this expression while Liz was talking to her about Jason 

Honestly, sometimes KeMo's facial expressions when reacting to nonsensical shit are the only thing I get to enjoy on my soap.

Though, TBF, Dante has become one of the things I get to enjoy again - that haircut helped

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I haven't watched this show in months and randomly decided to watch it tonight. And both Spinelli and Spencer appeared within the first 5 minutes, ugh. This is going to test my fortitude. I may just go back to older episodes in the hopes I might catch one with Kevin and Laura and I can pretend the show is still decent. 

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When Jason was eavesdropping on Spencer and Emma I amused myself by thinking he was actually IN the mirror.  He is a magical unicorn, after all, and leaves no hiding place unturned.

I randomly got annoyed at how stupid Julian was being for burning the bloody shirt in a public garbage can where fibers could be found...but then I remembered it's the PCPD that's in charge and Dante seems to be the only one with a brain and he's on another case. 

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58 minutes ago, P3pp3rb1rd said:

Lucas's ignorant and rude insults to the Catholic church, voiced to Griffin Monroe about his clergy background, were uncalled for. In certain Protestant churches outside the United States, for example, marriages between gays are also unrecognized. Griffin responded with a half-true/half-false defense, saying that "Gay priests in the [Catholic] church don't agree" with the church's stance on same-sex relationships.  As I understand it, the Catholic church does not negatively judge homosexual people who are members or not members of the church. Gay members, including priests, who practice celibate lives can be recognized as active priests or regular parishoners.  The Pope has even said "Who am I to judge?" from appearances alone.

The priest at the Catholic Church on campus at the college I attend is gay.  Yes, we've been protested by Fred Phelps's um people a few times.  It was hard to get to class.  I know about the priest because I'm a non practicing Catholic and because they have awesome bake sales.  Modern Catholics don't judge.  It's more so the Evangelicals that will judge you for everything.  They have their own gathering place on campus too.  Their bake sales suck.  I'm not paying for dried out brownies to be told I'm going to hell for wearing sweatpants.  Do they know me?  Sweatpants are at the bottom of the Lord's concern.  So, yeah.  The writers are very lacking in their knowledge of even the simple fact that being a priest requires going to a university, and that Catholics aren't evil.  

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4 hours ago, Francie said:

They made Julian really, really (I know, I sound like I'm 5 years old) unrootable when they had him have an innocent witness killed in cold blood. And the way he taunted Carlos when he killed him? He was sociopathic.

I just don't get this show.

I think I'm desensitized after watching this show for so long.  Maybe I need to rewatch Vampire Diaries so I can feel some feels again because I actually kinda was okay with Julian on everything he did.  It's like he got his balls out of Alexis's purse and came alive.  I didn't find his killing of Carlos more sociopathic than Sonny's murder of AJ because Julian can and does admit he did it.  He knows he killed him and has to cover his ass.  It's more sociopathic to murder a man in cold blood and then act like nothing happened forever and still blame him for everything ever in life.  Seriously, as long as Sonny walks, I will always be Team Other Guy.  

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I keep getting the uneasy feeling that Alexis is being too frank with husband Julian. He killed Carlos so coolly, without remorse, at a moment when Carlos was off guard and trusted him. Couldn't he do the same to Alexis (or arrange an "accident"), if she doesn't cooperate with him?

There's something disturbing and crazy about Julian's insistence that he killed Carlos "to protect us"--his marriage and relationship with Alexis. He could be lying, or he could irrationally believe it.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
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Loved Elizabeth fiddling with her phone in the background at the prayer service for her very best friend forever.  Way to show concern there, Elizabeth, and presence in the moment.

All this angst and drama over Julian's bloodstained shirt.  Have they all forgotten the knife residing in yet another living room cabinet?  And if the writers Julian thinks wiping it down with a cloth is sufficient to make it useless as evidence in a murder case, they're he's stupider than I thought.

Edited by Fellaway
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Why the hell would Patrick and Robin let Liez anywhere near Emma when she can;t even be bothered to take care of her own kids. What are they going to do when Emma gets hit by a car twice right outside of Liez's house?

I wonder if Lucas is able to drive the day after waking up from a coma or if he took an Uber to Alexis' house.

Maxie and tree are annoying and need to STFU. 

I liked seeing Spin. I don't care.

I don't really know what was going on in the Sam/Dante scenes but I approve. 

If this were a normal show Liez would never have the audacity to say Jason's name in front of Sam or even approach her. 

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Why the hell would Patrick and Robin let Liez anywhere near Emma when she can;t even be bothered to take care of her own kids. What are they going to do when Emma gets hit by a car twice right outside of Liez's house?

*spits up* Operate on the wrong child and then find her later being raised by a 125-year-old Helena, who is still miraculously very, very menacing and scary?

But Robin let Emma stay a few extra days with Anna. Ghost!Dewq! must have arrived earlier than usual to say Final Goodbye 27775547865 bc Emma planned this little trip with Liz on her own. 

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3 hours ago, Fellaway said:

Loved Elizabeth fiddling with her phone in the background at the prayer service for her very best friend forever.  Way to show concern there, Elizabeth, and presence in the moment.

All this angst and drama over Julian's bloodstained shirt.  Have they all forgotten the knife residing in yet another living room cabinet?  And if the writers Julian thinks wiping it down with a cloth is sufficient to make it useless as evidence in a murder case, they're he's stupider than I thought.

Eh.  This is the same show that has infinite number of recordings of the murder of a woman no one cared about that spelled her killer's name out, yet the town and police went to the other guy.  Because reasons.  Jules will be okay.  He just needs to blame the fattest, drunkest person in town.  It was dumb of him to not burn it himself.  Dude, you just killed someone for screwing you over.  Not the time to tempt fate.  

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On 6/8/2016 at 10:01 PM, Bill C. said:

Just making sure I'm still not missing anything: Julian never actually said how he found his shirt, right?

I legit lol'd at this because I legit thought it was a joke about how often Julian is shirtless. 


....figured it out a few minutes later.

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I don't mind Spinelli as much when he just pops in once in a while, and Bradford Anderson looked better than I've ever seen him on this show. He has filled out nicely. They were almost writing his dialogue as if he were a plausible human being, too. Believe it or not, I enjoyed him the most of anyone in that crummy apartment today. But, I mean, look who the competition was. The Talking Tree and Ghostface Filler.  

(Too mean? Nothing but sympathy for KS and her skin issues, but the makeup department's "fix" is awful.) 

I can tell that this Hayden/Naomi/Liz story is going to be slower than weight loss. Just spit it out, whatever it is. She didn't appear to react either way when Liz mentioned a sister, but she obviously has some kind of interest.  

The Lucas/Griffin scene was written pretty well, and I liked the actors, but I don't see where all this drama is coming from with "OMG, Griffin was a priest! He never told us!" It's not as though the guy has been in town for years and years and these people are so close to him that they're entitled to know about all of his prior career paths. In their position, I'd probably just find it something colorful and interesting.   

NLG must want to get another Daytime Emmy while they're still there to get. The weepy hysteria is over the top. If she were doing that because she's married to someone who did that to his hair, then maybe.  

Edited by Asp Burger
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What bugs me with Sam essentially having to be nice to Liz is that most times when they interact, Liz is being rude and condescending to her, like Sam was the one who knew Liz's husband was alive and kept it from her. Yeah, she was okay on this episode, but that has not been par for the course. It's one of the things that bugs me most about this show right now. The victims are essentially treated like crap, while the person who has done them wrong runs around tearing into them and not apologizing for crap.

Remember the Valerie/Dante/Lulu crapfest? Lulu was the one who had to apologize to them, and they were the ones who cheated. Sam has to essentially sit there and let Liz throw her looks and manipulate situations and listen to Liz's snark. She's the one who has to listen to her once believed rapist call her a barn animal, tell her to say hello to her kid, and then some. God, it's just horrible. I don't want to watch shows where there's no payoff. People do horrible things and then go around acting like it's the victim's fault they did something bad. And no one calls them out on anything. Robin should've gotten at least one scene to lay into Liz. Patrick should've at least gotten one. One of them should've at least gotten something, cause she screwed with their lives too, but nope, they just smile at her and hug her, and let her watch their kid. Maxie should've been ripping into Valerie and cheering Lulu on in her revenge, but she was telling Lulu to get over it. Horrible writing!

Edited by NetflixandChill
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Lulu was the one who had to apologize to them, and they were the ones who cheated.

Well, yeah, but Lulu did things that could very well have gotten her ass thrown in jail. She got off pretty lightly. I didn't think she was apologizing to them for things involving cheating or marriage, but for siccing Johnny on Valerie and lying to Dante about hiding him.  

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