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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Michael is the favorite only after Sonny himself.


So true.  That's the one consistent trait that Sonny has always had - everything is always about him.  Hell, that's the one consistent trait that ANY character on this show has had. 


Again, the writing, shitty and all over the place.


I am shocked, SHOCKED!, that any regular watcher of this show would think that...


They should just keep the gag going for years to come [of Morgan's relatives stealing his girlfriends]


That would be amazing.  Some of the ladies could even make the full rounds - from Morgan to Michael, back to Morgan, then to Dante, back to Morgan, then to Sonny.  Just think of all the Morgan rage, as he forgave each person, only to be beeeetraaayed all over again! 


Robin is basically trying to cure being dead.


Thank you!  Why has this not been discussed on the show?  It's not like they had cancer and were frozen while still alive to wait for a cure.  Freezing a dead body is not cryogenics - it is .. well, it's just freezing a dead body.


I'm still not hating Patrick.  I know I'm probably putting more thought in to this than the writers have, but I think of it like this - his wife died a sudden and gruesome death.  He struggled with losing her, and with comforting his young daughter.  He "fell in love" with a new woman, was going to marry her, and dead wife suddenly reappeared.  New girl is pregnant.  Now not-dead wife decides to leave him and his traumatized young daughter again (because as far as he knows, she did decide).  New girl's baby dies.  While husband and daughter are struggling with yet another untimely death, wife can't be bothered (from his perspective) to even show up for funeral.  He suddenly runs in to wife just an hour away, and she refuses to tell him what is going on or why she won't come home.  Admittedly, he could be more perceptive about what is really going on, but that's a whole lot of stress and emotional trauma to go through, and I'm willing to accept that it could make a person a little blind and more than a little angry.  Not saying Robin is wrong in all of this, as it's overall a crappy situation, but I am saying that I don't think Patrick is 100% wrong either.  

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he's publicly admitted to weeping over her scenes with the baby and so forth.


Good grief. I thought TeCa tried, but she's still a pretty limited actor. And there was so much demanding me to feel bad (the terrible music, the staging) that it backfired for me. Not to mention that the baby was such a plot point to begin with.


Not saying Robin is wrong in all of this, as it's overall a crappy situation, but I am saying that I don't think Patrick is 100% wrong either.


I can't hate either of them, uh, either, because the writing has been so terrible and contradictory.

Edited by dubbel zout
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I can't hate either of them. I'm too weary of Ron, who livetweets the show most damn days and forcibly attempts to create his own hashtags and social media sensations while going after that poor guy from Soaps in Depth with a bar of soap in a sock. Meanwhile, the actual show continues to sink into a morass of look-at-me gags, slapdash plotting, largely two-dimensional characters and the immortal Kristen Alderson.


The problem is that someone told Ron back in 2008 that he was the future of soaps (it might have been me) and he believed it.

Edited by jsbt
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I can't hate either of them. I'm too weary of Ron, who livetweets the show most damn days and forcibly attempts to create his own hashtags and social media sensations while going after that poor guy from Soaps in Depth with a bar of soap in a sock.


I could see Ron scribbling down, "Oooh, a slock!" while watching "Orange Is the New Black".


What I realized about his tweeting is that now he seems to just be tweeting lines of dialogue word-for-word, often with visual aids ready to roll.  Now, other creators (Shonda Rhimes springs to mind) have absolutely used Twitter to reach out to fans, promote their shows, etc.  But I'm not seeing anyone else literally tweeting their own dialogue each day/week and chuckling at its brilliance.  It's...bizzare.


In other news, #1 Sabrina fan Michael Fairman could not be loving the Robin/Patrick breakup more, having posted about both days' scenes.



Edited by TeeVee329
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I can't hate either of them, uh, either, because the writing has been so terrible and contradictory.


I think mostly my hate comes from Patrick's horrible combover, beard, and why does that damn goose tattoo seem more prominent every day? When I'm watching their scenes I'm thinking, "hey, Patrick, considering you're a SERIAL KILLER, you might wanna not judge - oh, oh wait, you merely look like one, not actually are one. My bad!"


And that damn blanket that Ron is insisting was some sort of actual character. I've tried putting Gabriel, Rafe, and Alice in order of their irrelevance and I just can't decide which character is in fact the least relevant.

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I keep thinking this whole Big Alice story has to be, indeed, a cover for the aborted Lucy/Kevin/Scott/etc. material that was to air. Who else would blow weeks and weeks on this? It's mind-numbing. You know it's rough when Ned and Olivia's insta-pairing is one of the only things making it bearable (yes, they and the writer assigned to them have won me over, I give up).

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And that damn blanket that Ron is insisting was some sort of actual character. I've tried putting Gabriel, Rafe, and Alice in order of their irrelevance and I just can't decide which character is in fact the least relevant.


Going from most irrelevant to least: Gabriel, Rafe, Alice. At least Alice had been established onscreen for longer than the other two. Gabriel was pure plot point, and I think Rafe could have been more, but he lost his shininess to Ron and got backburnered.

Edited by dubbel zout
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I keep thinking this whole Big Alice story has to be, indeed, a cover for the aborted Lucy/Kevin/Scott/etc. material that was to air. Who else would blow weeks and weeks on this? It's mind-numbing. You know it's rough when Ned and Olivia's insta-pairing is one of the only things making it bearable (yes, they and the writer assigned to them have won me over, I give up).


What aborted Lucy/Kevin/Scott material?

Poor delusional Michael spouting to Morgan what a good father Sonny is. Can't wait for him to find out about AJ so he can eat crow.



And then, poor Morgan will be like "he doesn't even love me enough to kill my father!"  We all wish he loved you that much, Morgan.  We all do. 


She should ask her former stepfather David Hayward to consult.



One of the worst parts of the PP/ABC mess is that inability to do just that.  The whole clinic for the undead just screams David Hayward.  He should be the Chief of Staff. 

So.... if Robin reviving the undead. ..is she like god?

Is god a woman? And that's why Patrick is so mad?



Makes sense.  I mean, look at how pissy he was when she was briefly in charge at the hospital. His fragile little ego definitely couldn't handle her being god. 


How I wish, but you know Ron would just have Dr. O pop up and hold Robin hostage until she brought him back from the dead.



That's why Robin doesn't do it, she knows it would just be more work for her. 

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That alarm at the clinic sounded very wimpy and not nearly loud enough to alert very many.


If there is one thing more tiresome than this story line about Alice it's all those horrible wrestling puns. So many people in that room irk me but at least it was easy enough to skip over all that crap.


Carly and Sonny are unequaled as perhaps the shittiest parents in PC currently. And that kiss...sickening. And of course the Nina was privy to it all, joy. And having Sonny be responsible for the heart transplant...Ron you are so unoriginal it should be illegal. this guy is shameless beyond words.


Julian is one sexy BAMF, seeing him in action was so nice, so very nice. Now that is how you make your way down to the floor, yowza. For one second I wondered if they were going to linger on Julian kneeling out of frame with Alexis gasping on camera. Damn you, Ron, this is the one adult coupling I like and of course you just have to go and fuck it all to pieces.


I just couldn't bring myself to care one way or another about the other scenes, nothing but filler about crap I don't give a damn about.

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Really, show, going back to the Sonny/Carly well?  A triangle with them and Franco, maybe even a quad with Nina?  Vomitous, vomitous all.  And how suuuper dreamy of Sonny to dismiss Carly saying she's not interested with his remark about her not knowing what she needed.  Why is everything so gross?


And hey, Victor IS threatening Robin's family and DID arrange for Patrick and Emma's accident.  What a super surprise that an international criminal and a Cassadine would stoop to such diabolical means!  What a shock that Robin was actually lying to Patrick about choosing work over family!  Knock me over with a feather!  I am slightly amused that Victor dangled Alison being alive in front of stupid Rafe to get him to do his bidding, though.


I'm actually kinda shocked the show let Alexis figure out for herself that Julian was still in the mob.  I figured Sonny or Shawn would smugly inform her at some point.


Is Sonny arranging for Alice's heart transplant supposed to absolve him of killing AJ and fucking Morgan's girlfriend IN A CRYPT?  Not so much, show.


Tracy thanking Kiki for being there for the Quartermaines made me wish I was drinking something so I could do an epic spit-take.  Oh yeah, she's been a big help.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Everyone close your eyes at the halfway point today. Do not look or you will wish you went blind.

You're welcome.

That will not be enough -- the ears need to be plugged as well. Hearing the conversation or lack of between Sonny and Carly was nausea-inducing.


Finally, we have evidence that Robin is not just hanging out in the lab -- that her family is being threatened and she is afraid for them. 

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Yeah tveyesonyou, I thought "damn I have good timing" upon realizing I had just missed that kiss.  


All the Q Family & Alice stuff is just so.....UGH. Kiki is NOT part of that family, and the only one with working brain cells in that room right now is Ned. Also, he still has a great smile. 


"it's only fair that my daughter turns out to be just like me?!" Absolutely, you Slagbeast.


Ron having Cassadine put an addicted, emotionally damaged teenager up to a hit and run accident is as dumb as this frozen corpses-back-to-life storyline. 


The Julexis heat - yowza! And NLG is always amazing at playing Alexis as torn up inside. 


Not one is appealing about those previews...shocker.


Hated Robin's monologue. 

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Er, I guess that was nice of Sonny. Unless the real Mickey's family comes along. Anyway, if things don't work out with Carly, I think she should be his next love interest.


Woohoo, No Ordinary Love is back! They're gonna show us what real love is! . . .  But seriously, S&C were the most entertaining thing about today, not gonna lie. Laughing when Carly said she loves Franco. Asking her if she had fun delivering his messages. I would never want them to be paired completely back together but they're more interesting when there's tension like this.


So it's been three months since Sonny last had sex and so he goes in for the kiss. And Carly had to remind him he's in love with Olivia. Yeah, he's totally in love.


Robin needs JASON'S help to take the Cassadines down once and for all? Fuck that. No. I'm gonna ignore that was said.


I actually finally felt bad for poor dolt Rafe when Victor said he dangled his mom being alive in front of him. And I thought he was gonna say he dangled drugs in front of Rafe. Forgive me Rafe. Forgive me.

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I don't understand why Victor would even need Rafe's assistance.  Didn't he have a bevy of minions?  Why couldn't one of them have run Patrick and Emma off the road?


Also, Carly's dismissing what Sonny did to Morgan is super annoying, but I would give it a rest with my complaints for a whole day if she said something like, "Hey, I slept with my mom's husband and broke up their marriage, but she totally forgave me!"

Edited by TeeVee329
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What aborted Lucy/Kevin/Scott material?


@tvfanatic13, go see the backstage and spoilers threads for that. 


And how suuuper dreamy of Sonny to dismiss Carly saying she's not interested with his remark about her not knowing what she needed.  Why is everything so gross?



It was gross of Sonny (especially her not knowing what she needed), but she obviously is interested in Sonny, right now and really at all times, especially now that Jax and Jason aren't around - she kissed him back and I think she doesn't mind reviving something sexual now and then just to keep herself relevant to Sonny in case she needs him.

Really, show, going back to the Sonny/Carly well?  A triangle with them and Franco, maybe even a quad with Nina?



I won't lie. I want a Sonny/Nina coupling to be the result of this mess.  


So Victor is apparently stupid?  Because if he can't see the myriad of ways his Rafe plan would have gone wrong...  You kind of lose your leverage over Robin if Rafe's accident ends up killing Patrick and Emma.  But I'm totally sure that when you want to stage an accident that merely shakes everyone up and puts a scare in someone, that your best hire for the job would be a teen who's relatively new to driving.  Smart call, Vic.  

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He may have offed one Quartermaine, but hey, he saved another!  He's all square now and it's safe for him to be the hero of the show again, dontcha know.


My eyeballs hurt from rolling all the way back into my head.


I don't know, I'm thinking Mickey's real family comes along and sues the Quartermaines or something. And everyone will be mad at him but said music will play that poor Sonny was just trying to do something ncie and fucked it up again.

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I loved Carson today, IDGAF!

Yeah, some of my love may be out of sheer gratefullness that someone is driving a wedge between the shit smelling nastiness of Cranco, but I actually enjoyed their scenes. The LW/MB chemistry remains as great as ever. I've never been a Carson fangirl, but they are like the Little Black Dress, a classic that never goes out of style and is very convenient to dig out of the closet  every once in a while.

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I don't know, I'm thinking Mickey's real family comes along and sues the Quartermaines or something. And everyone will be mad at him but said music will play that poor Sonny was just trying to do something ncie and fucked it up again.


I'm thinking, after Sonny's part in AJ's death is finally revealed, someone (Carly?) will tell Michael and Morgan that Sonny arranged for Alice's transplant and it will thaw their hatred.  Preemptive booooooo to that!


And hey, how exactly is Tracy going to be able to hang this heart over Alice's head?  She had nothing to do with it.

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fuck it all to pieces.


Okay THIS and Julian in the same sentence....yooowwsa phew is it getting Hott in here? M-E-O-W!


And hey, Victor IS threatening Robin's family and DID arrange for Patrick and Emma's accident.  What a super surprise that an international criminal and a Cassadine would stoop to such diabolical means!  What a shock that Robin was actually lying to Patrick about choosing work over family!  Knock me over with a feather!  I am slightly amused that Victor dangled Alison being alive in front of stupid Rafe to get him to do his bidding, though.


Word! Considering I've only been watching since April and I figure this out in one scene. Just reinforces what a douchedick Patrick is. Does Ron really think that would be shocking?

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You kind of lose your leverage over Robin if Rafe's accident ends up killing Patrick and Emma.


I assume Victor would have been all, "So Patrick and Emma are dead.  But there's still your mom and your dad.  There's still Duke and Mac and Felicia and Maxie."


What's weird is that I figured Robin did something to displease Victor and that's why he arranged the accident, but from what she said, Robin was already doing what he wanted.

Edited by TeeVee329

I'm thinking, after Sonny's part in AJ's death is finally revealed, someone (Carly?) will tell Michael and Morgan that Sonny arranged for Alice's transplant and it will thaw their hatred.  Preemptive booooooo to that!



Yup.  Screw that.  Finding a heart for Alice doesn't bring AJ back from the dead so NOTHING should thaw Michael's hate - if this show bothers to have him hate Sonny for five minutes and not just hand wave what he did away.

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NLG is always amazing at playing Alexis as torn up inside.


This maybe should go in the UO thread, but I'm tired of Alexis demanding her beaux get out of the mob when she's the lawyer for (ostensibly) the biggest thug of all. There's no reason Alexis needs to be involved with Sonny in any way except as a co-parent. Kristina seems to be doing just fine in L.A. with Trey, so that involvement can be minimal.


I actually finally felt bad for poor dolt Rafe when Victor said he dangled his mom being alive in front of him.


I will never feel bad for poor dolt Rafe. JD played him as such a whiny sad sack, and that's my absolute least favorite character. I don't care who it is.


I think she doesn't mind reviving something sexual now and then just to keep herself relevant to Sonny in case she needs him.


That's Carly for ya. She knows she and Sonny shouldn't be together (as does he, most likely), but they're always willing fuck buddies if necessary. Given that Carly often tells Sonny she knows him better than anyone, I can't get upset when he tells her she doesn't know what she needs. Sauce for the goose, and all that.

Edited by dubbel zout
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Oh, right. Heh. Well, whatever Kristina's doing and wherever she is, she's fine. I admit to not paying much attention to any mentions of Kristina.


I see from her Wiki page that Kristina is at Wesleyan. She's out of PC, so there's no reason for Sonny and Alexis to have much contact. About that I stand firm.

Edited by dubbel zout
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I have to admit, I liked the Sonny/heart twist (ducks barware) -- for a minute or two because I didn't see it coming, unlike so many other big reveals that the regular viewers can call months in advance.  Then the dayplayer's comments made it obvious that he was doing it to buy back Morgan's affection. Dammit, Ron! Why'd you have to stick the line about Morgan in there? I'm not a Sonny shipper, but for just a second there, we got a glimpse of the "old" Sonny who had some shades of gray to him. 


For the rest of the time he was onscreen Sonny was just . . . ugh: telling Carly he was "letting" her deceive herself, kissing her then telling her that he'd seen Olivia kissing Ned . . . just ugh.


I thought Somnambulent Silas seemed more alive today in his brief scenes with Nina than he ever has with Sam. I think I even detected expression in his voice a couple of times. 

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This maybe should go in the UO thread, but I'm tired of Alexis demanding her beaux get out of the mob when she's the lawyer for (ostensibly) the biggest thug of all. There's no reason Alexis needs to be involved with Sonny in any way except as a co-parent. Kristina seems to be doing just fine in L.A. with Trey, so that involvement can be minimal.



I don't mind Alexis having stricter standards for her love life than who she'd take on as a client in general.  But her being Sonny's lawyer, specifically, bugs the hell out of me. 

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Suzanne Flynn, today's script writer, owes me lunch because I threw mine up when 

Tracy not only thanked but apologized to Keeks.   And everything else from Sonny being painted as a hero to Robin saying she needs Jason just made me nauseous. 



Is the barge still out there?  Second star to the left and straight on till morning?  Oh wait, that's Neverland.  The way to the barge is 12 shots of tay-keeey-yaaah and a bullet of love while sitting in a tree, right?

Edited by Tiger
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This maybe should go in the UO thread, but I'm tired of Alexis demanding her beaux get out of the mob when she's the lawyer for (ostensibly) the biggest thug of all.



I'm sick of it in general, even if she weren't Sonny's lawyer. She likes being a mob moll/villain moll in general. She needs to get over it and accept it if she's just going to keep dating them. She would probably dump Julian in a few months if he was on the straight and narrow.


Why did Victor say that Sam can never know Jason is alive? Does he want Jason to be his own personal cyborg assassin?

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Sooo ... Sonny is eating the show again. The never ending mob wars are back. Sonny and Carly are maybe a thing again. Jason is apparently going to have to save the day - eventually. And Robin is back in captivity, for all intents and purposes.

We've essentially gotten nowhere in the last two years, then. Ron, I award you no points, and may the writing gods have mercy on your soul.

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