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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Previews...it grosses me out that that random woman at the hospital asked if they were the Quartermaine family and it cut to a shot with Kiki in it.  I know, I know, she's legitimately there as Michael's girlfriend, but her being associated with the Quartermaines en masse really bugs me because of her attitude towards them, both when she thought she was one and more recently when she snarked with Franco about being relieved she wasn't.


Shut up, Kiki.

Edited by TeeVee329
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So now it's Robin's fault that Jason is dead?




If I thought he was really dead, I'd like Robin even more for it. 



I guess I didn't pick up on her being scared or whatever. Maybe if the showed Victor threatening her then it would be different. Which I hope they do for Robin fans because this story is doing nothing for her character. 


We already saw him subtly threatening her when he originally requested her assistance in unfreezing Cassadine popsicles. He made it clear to her that he could get to her family at any time back then.  I don't think he was implying he was planning on throwing them surprise parties with ice cream, cake, and ponies, if she didn't go along with him. 



He could also mention that she escaped in a helicoptor and that he only didn't shoot it down because her baby might be his...I mean, might be his OR Morgan's.


It's so weird to me how divorced Morgan is from the Ava being pregnant angle of the story.  He's sitting around all super worried about Alice.  Dude, maybe you should worry that you might be a dad in a few months.


"And I didn't shoot it down because it might be my baby she's carrying!"  "Um...Dad?  You do know it's mine if it's not yours, right?"  


How come no one is mentioning the "I'd rather you fatten something else" line that the guard used on Sam? I mean, ew.



Sadly, that's probably still the best romantic prospect Sam has had since GV's Lucky. 


I get why Mikey is defending Sonny, after all he is the one who ORIGINALLY fucked over Morgan by stealing his wife.  So of course he doesn't get why Morgan is upset that now HIS FATHER banged his girlfriend.  Morgan has the shittiest family.


When you really think of the whole sequence of events, it's so wrong.  Morgan gets married, his brother steals his wife. Morgan hooks up with and falls for that wife's mother.  His father screws her, and now they don't know whose baby she's carrying.  Does Morgan have to move on to Delia now? 


And Sonny?  Well Sonny managed to pull off the trifecta with one boink - He screwed the girlfriend of his youngest son in the crypt of his middle son's father (who he killed), cheating on the mother of his oldest son in the process.  If Kristina was still in town, he probably would have ordered Shawn to kill whoever she was dating, and she'd have gotten shot, because, well, Shawn.  

  • Love 10
"And I didn't shoot it down because it might be my baby she's carrying!"  "Um...Dad?  You do know it's mine if it's not yours, right?"



And then Sonny will reply . . . . "yeah, well . . . she's a WHORE!"


When you really think of the whole sequence of events, it's so wrong.  Morgan gets married, his brother steals his wife. Morgan hooks up with and falls for that wife's mother.  His father screws her, and now they don't know whose baby she's carrying.  Does Morgan have to move on to Delia now? 


Ron will bring back Mike just so Morgan can see him swoop in and reclaim his old life/wife.

Edited by ulkis
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I have nothing to add to what has already been said, other than LLo looked fantastic today.   That said, it looks VA is the latest victim of the hair dept.  


ETA: I didn't have a per se problem with the 'fatten' line.  It could have come across flirty, but the actor's delivery made it really skeevy.  And that disappointed me because up until then I was really liking the character.

Edited by Tiger

"I appreciate loyalty." Sonny shows that in funny ways. Morgan's disgust for Sonny was a delight to watch. 


LOL that Sonny rolls his eyes at Olivia's platitudes to Ned, but he ate it up when Olivia spewed them to him. The face he made when he saw Ned and Olivia kiss was pretty classic Sonny.


Michael's defense of Sonny was laughable. Like it's some great thing Sonny's doing to allow Morgan to be mad at him. So noble.


Today would have left me in a rage blackout, but luckily I drank bourbon while watching, and it helped take the edge off.

Edited by dubbel zout
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It's that Sonny thinks it makes him such a good, generous person. "I think it's nuts, but my son is still mad at me for sleeping with his girlfriend and maybe getting her pregnant. So I'll let him be mad at me because I'm such a good father." Ugh. 


I wish Morgan had asked Michael when, exactly, Sonny had crawled over grass for him (Morgan).

  • Love 3

It's that Sonny thinks it makes him such a good, generous person. "I think it's nuts, but my son is still mad at me for sleeping with his girlfriend and maybe getting her pregnant. So I'll let him be mad at me because I'm such a good father." Ugh. 


I wish Morgan had asked Michael when, exactly, Sonny had crawled over grass for him (Morgan).


Why, just then, when he came to take Morgan dishing it out to him and just keeps taking it every time. "It" being sarcastic remarks from Morgan before Sonny sighs and leaves after a couple of minutes. Yeah, he's really walking through the gates of hell here.

  • Love 4

It's that Sonny thinks it makes him such a good, generous person. "I think it's nuts, but my son is still mad at me for sleeping with his girlfriend and maybe getting her pregnant. So I'll let him be mad at me because I'm such a good father." Ugh. 


I wish Morgan had asked Michael when, exactly, Sonny had crawled over grass for him (Morgan).



Has Sonny even walked across a carpeted room for Morgan?  Sonny has ignored Morgan since forever. He really does favor Michael.


At least Dante is'nt  begging Morgan to forgive Sonny?

Edited by Lillybee
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Previews...it grosses me out that that random woman at the hospital asked if they were the Quartermaine family and it cut to a shot with Kiki in it.  


I know.  That line in your post about a shot with Kiki makes me wish that they'd done the right thing and had Kiki be Alice's donor.  Even now I'd be fine with someone just casually walking up and ripping her heart out while she stood there with those bug eyes and her mouth hanging open.  Only problem is, Alice needs a HUMAN heart, not a potato.


Couple that with poor Jordan, who couldn't resist giving into her passion for the hypocritical douchebag who's been giving her shit nonstop since she came to town.  How dreeeamy.


I'm figuring that Shawn/Jordan scene isn't going to end well.  Considering how bad an aim Shawn is with a gun, I can't imagine he's much better with his......

Poor Jordan will have to have the walls of the gallery repainted, I'm guessing, after his attempt(s) miss the mark. Otherwise, all those holes poked in the plaster will lose her the security deposit.


"I appreciate loyalty." Sonny shows that in funny ways. Morgan's disgust for Sonny was a delight to watch. 


Michael's defense of Sonny was laughable. Like it's some great thing Sonny's doing to allow Morgan to be mad at him. So noble.


Today would have left me in a rage blackout, but luckily I drank bourbon while watching, and it helped take the edge off.


Did you throw your barware too?  If so, I see that BevMo has a great bargain on cocktail glasses right now.  Hmmmm,,,,,is it really a coincidence that the liquor store is named BevMO??


Yeah, that Sonny is a great dad AND a real Scoutmaster, too.  In his troop you can win badges for loyalty, making guns out of popsicle sticks, and sexing up the partners of close family members.  Awards night must be a real treat for all.


If Morgan ends up back as one of Sonny's sockpuppets, I will really miss this current snarky version.  

Edited by boes
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Has Sonny even walked across a carpeted room for Morgan?  Sonny has ignored Morgan since forever. He really does favor Michael.



What I find funny is that Michael is the favorite and yet when there was a bullet in the warehouse meant for Sonny who did Sonny try to protect?  Connie.


When Michael was sent to prison who went to keep him safe?  Jason.


Michael is the favorite only after Sonny himself.

Edited by ch1
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As my favorite hashtag on Twitter says, #SonnyIsTheWorst.



That angle of the story makes sense to me actually. He did mention it today, so he thinks about it, but for the most part he's repressing it and in denial. He wanted her to get an abortion, and then she refused, and then Sonny sequestered her in his house, so it was easy for him to be all out-of-sight-out-of-mind about it, especially when he didn't want to think about it anyway. I think he's trying not to think about it and possibly really, really hoping that it's Sonny's. (Although he will probably change his mind about that just in time for Julian or Fluke or whoever to kill Ava and frame Sonny for it.) I think that's partly why they had Michael say Morgan was in denial about Alice not getting a heart today - to reinforce that he's in denial about Ava's pregnancy as well.


But the thing is that Morgan had changed his mind (about the abortion, about Ava and about all of it, except for letting Sonny off the hook). He went over to Sonny's to tell him that he was ready to accept the baby no matter who the father was because he loved Ava enough to do it. The only thing that changed that was when he saw Ava there and she wouldn't leave with him, since Sonny was forceably keeping her there. The writing has been extremely uneven, which doesn't surprise me a bit. Morgan told Rosalie that he wouldn't care if Ava fell off the face of the earth, yet today he still referred to her as his girlfriend and wanted to know when and why Ava wasn't shacked up with Scummy anymore so obviously he still cares a little. I actually was pleased that the news about Ava not living there made its way to Morgan at all, I wasn't really expecting it to, the way they are keeping him so isolated from her, save for the quick run-in at the hospital the last time.


Not that your theory isn't very plausible, I do think Morgan is in denial about a lot of things. I just think they're trying to keep the focus on Morgan not being the father right now so that it might be somewhat of a surprise if he ends up being the father. Again, the writing, shitty and all over the place.


All that being said, Morgan was a delicious bunch of yummy werewolf scruffy scrumptiousness today. I never know if I want to cuddle him or rip his clothes off. Okay, probably both.


It really is abysmal the way they made KMc look, because I'm not even a fan and I thought she looked adorable on all the Instagram pics I've seen in the last month. Hair, make-up and wardrobe need to find new jobs. It's like they can't do anything unless they're making a mask.


Skeevy dayplayer's gross and disgusting comment aside, I totally thought he and Sam had chemistry. Why couldn't she have had a drunken hook up with him before he said that?


Where's Ava? I get so bored when she isn't around, especially now that she's free again.

  • Love 2

They should just keep the gag going for years to come.  Morgan starts dating Rosalie, and whoops, she falls for his newly divorced half brother Dante.  Rosalie and Dante are married in Vegas since Rosalie was knocked up on their first try.  Dante's sperm is magic.


15 years down the road, Morgan meets a nice lady at AA. (come on, of course he's drinking at this point).    They get involved, he asks her to move in with him.  She tells him she can't.  She has a secret. She is a lesbian and has never been brave enough to come out.  But than she met his sister Joss and she found the strength to finally embrace who she is.  Her and Joss move to upstate NY, buy a farm and grow corn together.


25 years down the road,  Morgan has been married for 5 years now to a lovely girl.   They live in a village in France, far far away from any of Morgans family.  His son with Ava does occasionally visit (they named him Dominator when Alice passed on, but everyone calls him Dom).  Morgan goes off to work, happy to hear that his wife and son are getting along so well.  They are even planning to go out and see the sights that very day.  But oops, Morgan forgot his wallet on the nightstand.  He finds his wife and son in bed together and is devastated.


Morgan's time in therapy has been quite life changing.  He has discovered that the reason he can't maintain a relationship is because he might not really be into girls.  He figures he has nothing to lose, so he accepts a date from a nice gentlemen a co worker has set him up with.  When he  goes to pick up his date, he finds his mother at the same address.  They discover they have been set up with the same man.  Carly calls dibs, and Morgan sets her on fire.  He denounces his entire family, and becomes a monk.

  • Love 16

They should just keep the gag going for years to come.  Morgan starts dating Rosalie, and whoops, she falls for his newly divorced half brother Dante.  Rosalie and Dante are married in Vegas since Rosalie was knocked up on their first try.  Dante's sperm is magic.


15 years down the road, Morgan meets a nice lady at AA. (come on, of course he's drinking at this point).    They get involved, he asks her to move in with him.  She tells him she can't.  She has a secret. She is a lesbian and has never been brave enough to come out.  But than she met his sister Joss and she found the strength to finally embrace who she is.  Her and Joss move to upstate NY, buy a farm and grow corn together.


25 years down the road,  Morgan has been married for 5 years now to a lovely girl.   They live in a village in France, far far away from any of Morgans family.  His son with Ava does occasionally visit (they named him Dominator when Alice passed on, but everyone calls him Dom).  Morgan goes off to work, happy to hear that his wife and son are getting along so well.  They are even planning to go out and see the sights that very day.  But oops, Morgan forgot his wallet on the nightstand.  He finds his wife and son in bed together and is devastated.


Morgan's time in therapy has been quite life changing.  He has discovered that the reason he can't maintain a relationship is because he might not really be into girls.  He figures he has nothing to lose, so he accepts a date from a nice gentlemen a co worker has set him up with.  When he  goes to pick up his date, he finds his mother at the same address.  They discover they have been set up with the same man.  Carly calls dibs, and Morgan sets her on fire.  He denounces his entire family, and becomes a monk.


Your post is a thing of beauty!

Now, if only it could all come to pass.....especially the part where he sets Carly on fire.....

Just imagine the BOOM all that silicone would make!

  • Love 1

Love Ned, and he makes Olivia tolerable. Screw you, Sonny.

Poor delusional Michael spouting to Morgan what a good father Sonny is. Can't wait for him to find out about AJ so he can eat crow.

I wonder if Victor is responsible for the car crash, which is why Robin looks so scared to see Patrick there. At least with Robin's obvious lie about Jason, it will be her fault once Patrick and Sam get together. Stupid ass writers.

  • Love 2

Was that even Robin? Her repetitions made me feel that she was a robot with a limited number of preprogrammed responses to anyone who got into the lab and tried to speak to her. The story of her engrossing work is beyond lame. Why is it taking so long? Frozen embryos can be thawed and ready for transplant in an hour. Also, in academia and scientific research, even the smallest project has umpteen PhDs, post-docs, and grad students assigned to it, and they publish interim papers, write their dissertations etc. Robin would need assistants with medical and/or scientific credentials who would be collaborating with her, and whom she would be training so that if something happens to her, the work could go on....where are they?


I'm sure the government would have found out about her lab and its purposes, and it would need licenses from the state, etc. If it IS Robin whom we are seeing, it's possible the government IS aware of and supporting her work for its own purposes, and that's the only way it is kept super-secret. Perhaps Robin is afraid of what the Government might do if she abandoned her work for her family.


The time delay element only makes sense to me if Robin is actually cloning and then nurturing the cloned objects to a certain pre-chosen maturation in the egg-like structures. She's not unfreezing much of anything. Probably the original bodies are frozen and kept that way. The new bodies will have some new DNA, I believe I read.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
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The story of her engrossing work is beyond lame. Why is it taking so long? Frozen embryos can be thawed and ready for transplant in an hour.


It's not the unfreezing that's the problem.  It's that, you know, Helena and Jason were both dead due to bullet wounds prior to freezing (I dunno what the excuse is with Stavros) so Robin is basically trying to cure being dead.  Kinda tough. 


She should ask her former stepfather David Hayward to consult.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 4

You needn't pack anything for the Barge, rur. It's a cruise ship, actually, and everything is provided. :)

At least that's been my experience during my lengthy stays. I'm heading out again, as it sounds like the show has managed to jump the shark even more than it had previously, and staying for the Robin story further will just aggravate me ... Didn't think even MORE shark-jumping was even possible!

Yes, I've been back on the barge, and it's lovely. For afternoon's entertainment, there is an enactment -- not to be confused with an re-enactment -- of "Off screen GH," where actors play out all the missed beats of recent storylines. 

I'm tired of soaps pulling extremely outlandish bullshit like bringing someone back from the dead under extreme circumstances like this and then it being excused away because this is "just a soap." Jason had to have been deprived of oxygen for at least an hour before he could have been hooked up to any magical "undeading" machines. Even if by some miracle they were able to get his heart beating again he would almost certainly have catastrophic and irreversible brain damage. This is ridiculous, even if this is "just a soap." Ron knew he was going to bring Jason back eventually so why not just have him "die" in a fire or something so when it's time to bring him back you can say he never really died because he somehow managed to escape. 

Edited by LeftPhalange
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It's a shame imo that even AJ's son is being written as so dumb.


The reason  Michael is so dumb is because he was raised by Scummy and Snarly. Plus  Jason didn't help. He had to be kept from those awful Q's the ones that were evil businessmen women ? When Michael was small he was brainwashed into believing the mob was like Firemen and soldiers keeping everyone safe. Sorry have to go barf now.

TIIC of this show are sooo full of themselves that is how they can do this off the wall stuff. One thing about Jason being without oxygen doesn't matter much he was already brain dead. Just like FrankenRon if they think we want Jason back. Jason's in the egg. What a joke. I want to thank FrankenRon for the swill they expect us to buy. I get so disgusted I am at the gym more and its great for me. TIIC really think they have fooled the fans and it will cause more talk .haha no thanks. Kim is done, stick Patprick with Sam. let Robin go, Danny can be Emma's new baby brother .Sonny, Michael, Morgan Ava I can't .I just can't.

  • Love 3

I'm tired of soaps pulling extremely outlandish bullshit like bringing someone back from the dead under extreme circumstances like this and then it being excused away because this is "just a soap." Jason had to have been deprived of oxygen for at least an hour before he could have been hooked up to any magical "undeading" machines. Even if by some miracle they were able to get his heart beating again he would almost certainly have catastrophic and irreversible brain damage. This is ridiculous, even if this is "just a soap." Ron knew he was going to bring Jason back eventually so why not just have him "die" in a fire or something so when it's time to bring him back you can say he never really died because he somehow managed to escape. 


But then we would have been robbed of the visual of FonDuke casually kicking Jason off the pier like gum off his shoe!

  • Love 4

Okay I love Olivia and think she is one of the most beauiful ladies on the show. I so want her moved away from Sonny. She and Ned are adorable and if only it could just be natural and NOT involve making the moobster jealous.


As far as Robin goes it was very obvious she was lying to get rid of Patrick. I mean who almost cries when they are talking about how happy they are in their work? I bet anything Victor caused the accident b/c of Robin trying to leave or just b/c she was skyping Emma.

It seems like if she REALLY was so married to her work she didn't care about Emma or Patrick then Patrick wanting a divorce wouldn't be a big deal to her. Since she told Patrick she just needed "a little more time" leads me to believe she doesn't really want to be away from her family.

But I want "the dick" to divorce her b/c she deserves a better husband anyway. Let Sam have him b/c I don't care for her either so match made in heaven for me.


I did laugh that the lab boss was so attracted to Sam when for once she was so frumpy with that ridiculous hairdo and not all boobalishious.

  • Love 2

If Sonny using his vast network of goons, finds Micky D's family and gets them to donate his heart, I will dog paddle out to the barge.

Especially when this will cause Morgan to get on the Sonny is a good dad barge.

Good news, at least from the previews:

The Qs track down Sis!Diamond.


The scene with Sam and the director was more painful than the knee in the groin she gave him.


NutmegsMom went deaf every time Patrick asked Robin if she was being held against her will, Victor was threathening her family, yadda yadda, bacause I was yelling "YES, YOU IDIOT!" at the top of my lungs in response.


The napalming of Scrubs is just too awkward.

I have a question about the facility Robin is working at, but it involves logic so probably there is no answer.


If Robin's name is Robin Drake and the director knows she is there wouldn't he find it a tad odd that a Dr. Patrick Drake would be touring and not ask if they were related?

Edited by Cattitude
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Jason isn't even needed on this show, especially when there are 50 characters already roaming around (a significant # of whom are on Team Back from the Dead, already).

Jason was already overplayed, to the point that I don't even really care about him being re-Q'd. I just want some dead people to stay dead, especially him.

So dragging Robin and Patrick through the muck, and inflicting cartoony Cassadines on us, and ignoring all sense and reason and the laws of time and physics, etc. - all in service of bringing back Jason, annoys me endlessly.

I feel like Ron's endgame must be to make us all embarrassed for ever being soap fans? Surely we are being punked at this point ...

  • Love 11


I feel like Ron's endgame must be to make us all embarrassed for ever being soap fans? Surely we are being punked at this point ...

This is why I do not buy into the "Ron Loves Soaps" Thing. He is writing a spoof, not a soap. It is like those bad summer movies where they make fun of the other summer movies:


If He does love soaps he needs to stop writing the "Not Brand Echh"  version  and get back to writing a soap.


(old obscure Marvel Comics Reference I have a rocking chair on Mary Mae's front poach for anyone who gets it.

  • Love 2

The reason  Michael is so dumb is because he was raised by Scummy and Snarly. Plus  Jason didn't help. He had to be kept from those awful Q's the ones that were evil businessmen women ? When Michael was small he was brainwashed into believing the mob was like Firemen and soldiers keeping everyone safe. Sorry have to go barf now.



Yeah, and hopefully he is being written this way now to make the reveal  that much bigger - at least one can hope because months of the same damn conversation where Michael praises Sonny to high heaven is nauseating.

I'm on my DVR and my jaw just dropped at that "fatten something else" line. I thought I was losing my mind.


The thing about Ron is that he does believe that 'the story' will make it all worth it, that Robin is a selfless heroic martyr and a great legacy heroine of the show - but I think he also, simultaneously, believes that she is a sanctimonious hypocrite (just like Cameron and Emma, the little kids he is now having Josslyn and Spencer gleefully tear into onscreen) who should have been there for Patrick, Sabrina and of course the angel Gabriel. I think these two POVs exist concurrently in his mind and he sees it as just being 'balanced' about a character. It's not, it's actually just very confused and sloppy. He loves many of the classic heroes of the show, but more and more he gravitates towards outsize, outlandish vixens and troublemakers and to writing for them instead of most of the 'good guys,' at any age.


This is the most frustrating thing about him, because you cannot peg him as just being another Guza who loathes, fears and resents Robin. Ron is nothing if not contradictory in his impulses. He grew up watching Robin like we all did, he thinks she is a central heroine, he loves Robin in his own backwards way, but he will never truly validate her struggle the same way as he does Patrick's or Sabrina's because that would mean imbalancing the equation in Robin vs. Sabrina, a character of his own creation who he still absolutely adores - he's publicly admitted to weeping over her scenes with the baby and so forth.

Edited by jsbt
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