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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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It's almost like Ron's actually trying to trash Patrick (dun dun DUN - what a plot twist!).

Because I honestly don't see how the audience is expected to think he's being reasonable here. Unless the writers backtrack and claim Robin could actually pack up and go home tomorrow if she wanted...

And even in that case, I would still see that Robin might feel compelled to save Jason's life because (as much as I want him to stay dead) Robin once loved him. (Of course, if nobody's being forced into anything, why can't Robin take breaks and visit her family?)

What I'm saying, people, is that I now have a migraine trying to figure out the damn point of these scenes. To whom are they meant to appeal? It's just frustrating.

Okay, I am begging here...down on my knees...can some kind soul, have mercy on me and provide the transcript of those scenes? Because I can't afford a new television yet, and just based on everyone's posts, I know I'll go apeshit and throw barware at it. Because, yes, I do have barware In my home.


Thank ye kindly.




Hold onto your lunch, GHScorpiosRule, and check your PM box.


I'd say the scenes aren't as bad as we're making them out to be but...yeah...I cannot tell a lie, brace yourself.

Edited by CPP83
  • Love 3

Hold onto your lunch, GHScorpiosRule, and check your PM box.


I'd say the scenes aren't as bad as we're making them out to be but...yeah...I cannot tell a lie, brace yourself.


Thank you, @CPP83 . Fortunately, I've imbibed like 3 fingers of Brandy. The Good French kind, so watched those scenes while inebriated.


Patdick can just FUCKOFF and DIE already. He fucking knows that Robin can't take a day or two to visit with her family. This is just the excuse he's been waiting for to fuck Sam.


And good GOD ALMIGHTY, this show is intent on making Robin look as fugly and frumpy as all get out. I'm convinced she's hiding Pillowena under that lab jacket.


And I continue to be confuzzled as to why, WHY Kimberly agreed to come back to this shitfest. She HAD to know, that the fuckwits in charge would demonize and smear her under that 18 wheeler even more. I'm hoping, praying, that this is her swan song, and I would deliriously sing a happy dance if Michael Sutton were to also appear at the last minute as some prisoner, and Robin saved him and kicked that ASSHOLE she's married to, to the curb.


And I also want a horsie.

  • Love 5

I am completely on Team Patrick in today's episode.  Robin had absolutely no emotional reaction to seeing Patrick today.  None.  She wasn't even really angry, more like irritated.  Patrick, like the rest of us, thought Robin had been whisked away to the Greek island.  Instead, she's only an hour away, and she has made no attempt at all to see him or contact him, and it doesn't look like she cares to do so.  I had no problem with Patrick telling Robin that she wasn't there for him when his son died.  It's not like he knew that Robin was still alive when he got involved with Sabrina or that he cheated on Robin.  Robin wasn't there during the aftermath of Emma's accident either or during the endless barrage of Emma's questions or her pain about losing her mother AND a brother.  All Robin could stammer out was "Why are you here?  You have to leave.  How did you find me?"  You would think that if she hadn't seen her husband for months, she might . . . I don't know, HUG HIM!  Be happy to see him.  Robin was pretty heartless today, but I blame RC because he writes all couples crappy.


I am so sick of NIna.  She is on 24/7.  So it's officially the Nina Show.  It wouldn't be so bad if Nina actually had a tie to a GH character, but she doesn't.  She is just some newbie character that's obsessed with Silas, who to me, is still a new character.  So I don't really care if Nina is obsessed with Silas and then wants to get revenge on Kiki.  THE most pointless character currently on GH, and that's saying a lot.  I can only hope she kills Kiki.


The Niz/Brik storyline is beyond ridiculous.  RC has regurgitated the last storyline he just told for these three.  I mean, literally, the last storyline.  He just swapped out AJ for Ric, but it's the same story:   Liz doesn't want Nikolas.  She chooses another man, and he then moves on to Britt.  Liz loses said man, and now she's alone.  She sees Nikolas with Britt, and then suddenly, Liz wants Nikolas back.  Oh, and Britt has a secret that Liz unmasks.  Ugh.  Meanwhilte, I'm STILL waiting for Michael to find out about Sonny and Carly's lie so that he can disown both of them and rip them to pieces verbally.  Nope.  Instead, it's Nina, all day, every day.


I am not enjoying GH so much lately, and it's because of retread storylines and way too many newbie storylines that are just boring.  OH!  And the fact that RC is devoting tons of airtime to a tween quadrangle.  Yep, that's a major storyline, folks.

Edited by Bishop
  • Love 4

LW has been wearing some really unflattering clothes lately.


she has made no attempt at all to see him or contact him

But she's supposedly been Skyping with Emma all summer, as TeeVee329 pointed out. Don't Emma and Patrick talk? And if Emma and Robin Skype, why can't Patrick and Robin Skype? Ron's "explanations" make everything even worse.


Neither Patrick nor Robin came off very well today, but Patrick was worse. If Robin had had a child with another man during the two-year absence and the baby died, Patrick would be all over her for cheating. So to play the Gabriel card is a bit much.


"This isn't your fault." Uh, Britt, it's entirely Spencer's fault. He set the whole thing up.

  • Love 3

No, Nik is not a good father... Perhaps your child craves limits and stability. Maybe he actually wants rules. Quit drying Liz's tears or flexing or hair gelling and raise your child, Nik.


Nobody in Port Charles, outside of Mac, puts in the slightest effort to raise their children so I don't see why Nik should be any different.


I don't understand why Ron is working so hard to demonize Robin. 


If he is, it's backfiring horrifically.  The only person coming off bad in these scenes is Patrick.


If the end result is a divorce, there are easier ways to do it. Robin and Patrick were apart for two years. That affected their relationship. No one will blink an eye if they reluctantly decide they can't live together anymore.


The obvious time to have broken them up is when Robin came back the last time.  You still could have had Robin interrupt the wedding and her & Patrick getting together again, but then you could have it turn out that, try as they might, they just can't make it work.  Then if Victor Cassadine had to show up and Robin had to go off and unthaw Jason, there could have been a bittersweet parting.  But no, once again, Patrick has to be propped and pimped at all costs... I've said it before and I'll say it again.  The real pet in the whole Patrick/Sabrina/Robin clusterfuck of a story was Jason Thompson/Patrick.  From day one, everything about the story was written to glorify and prop Patrick.


Gotta love how The Insufferable Douchebag tried to make Robin feel guilty for not being at his beck and call when his baby died.


... and if I believed for a second that Patrick had given even two shits about the porr little thing (or his mother, for that matter), I might juuuuusssssst buy his anger.  But as it is it just comes off to me as a handy-dandy excuse for Patrick to dump his old lady and jump Sam's bones while still coming off to others as "righteous".


And to all those coming aboard the "I Hate Patrick" train, from one who has been on it for a good two/three years now, welcome aboard!  ;)

  • Love 1
I am completely on Team Patrick in today's episode.  Robin had absolutely no emotional reaction to seeing Patrick today.  None.  She wasn't even really angry, more like irritated.


Well, one of two things is happening here: (a) the writers have changed the story without telling us, so that Robin isn't being coerced by very dangerous people, and she's just being kind of obstinate and out-of-character cold to her family; or (b) Robin is stunned / irritated / worried for his safety, because Patrick knew she was in a no-win situation and told her he would wait, but has nonsensically changed is mind and is putting himself in danger and whining at her about a bunch of things she can't help - she's not gonna get done and home any faster if he shows up to bitch at her and piss off Victor Cassadine!   


If it's (a), this only works if they have the time with KMc to develop a "has Robin been brainwashed?" or "has Robin lost it from PTSD?" story.  Which they don't. 


If it's (b), Patrick is just being stupid.  It's like if Robin was stationed overseas with the military, in a dangerous zone, and Patrick shows up to whine as to why she won't come home.  She'd be like "um, dude, I can't!  And also you're about to get shot - WTF are you doing here?!"   Because I kinda think the (now-evil) WSB would shoot him in the head for this kind of trespassing. 

  • Love 3

We saw Patrick on the phone with "Robin" a couple of times, mainly bitching at her about the same crap. It isn't as if they haven't had any contact, in fact the last conversation he was basically telling her, over the phone as all gentlemen do, that he was ready to end their marriage so to me I could see why Robin would have been surprised and a little wary to see him all of a sudden.


Robin never told him where she was, so how did he find her, did Victor bring him there to test her? There'd be surely a lot of questions bombarding her, being happy he was there would, to me, not really factor in, at least not at first. 


It's not as if they ran into each other in the middle of the produce section at a Whole Foods.


Not to mention Patrick took Robin's shock and surprise over him being there as a open opportunity to verbally attack her, not really giving her many chances to get a word in edge wise, I wouldn't have hugged the jerk either.


I wish she'd called for the guards to haul his ass out.

Edited by CPP83
  • Love 4

As someone who never even layed eyes on Robin before I thought she just seemed very worried that Victor would discover that Patrick and even more important Sam was there. She seemed very concerned for her FAMILY'S safety and was trying to get rid of "the dick" for his own damn good and her child's good. If she is indeed under duress b/c of implied threats to her family why does the WHERE matter.


I didn't get coldheartness from Robin at all more jumping out of her skin fear and worry.


Of course all I got out of Patrick was giant douchedickery selfishness!

  • Love 7

That's right, I do remember the reference to Robert being in Wisconsin (hardy har, Ron).


So no frozen Cassadines today?  Not even a Helena claw with an ornate ring on it?  Boooooooo!  Ron can't do ANYTHING right!


Sorry TeeVee, but anything where Stavros does not show up is something Ron did right in my book :p I would have been okay with Helena's claw though definitely

I came here tonight to start reading the discussion from today's ep and found I couldn't remember a thing that happened today.  Made me start wondering if I forgot to watch it, but then I remembered, yes, yes I did watch it.  It was... less than compelling.  I dunno, maybe my mind is still awhirl with wondering why Spencer had to come out of Josslyn's room to charge his cell phone.  Does Carly not provide Josslyn with electricity in her room?  Is she Amish or something?

Edited by Fellaway
  • Love 1

Previews...Ned and Olivia are already kissing?  Lame.


Well, it is an Olivia romance. Even with her and Sonny, it seemed pretty quick they first kissed last summer because they hadn't had a romantic vibe for very long. I think it was like a day between Steve singing Hallelujah to her on the bus and then the next episode they had three months later they were in bed already. Alright maybe I'm exaggerating but you get my drift.

Lucas seems very judgmental. And yet, wasn't he uber-aggressive with Brad when they first met? And didn't he come on to Felix as well? I think he needs to take a step back. And forgive Brad already. This grudge seems to be taking *forever*.


I fast-forwarded most of the show. I don't give a crap about the kids. Spencer is *so* annoying. Don't care about Britt and Nik.


I did like the Robert Frank and Nina scenes. She is quite subdued with him.

Previews...Ned and Olivia are already kissing?  Lame.


There are too many characters on this show for anyone to get an organic build-up.  There's just no time to show all that boring stuff like talking, bonding, getting to know each other when there are so much more interesting things to show, like Knots Landing jokes, 8-year-olds mouthing off, and Nina.


I think they should get rid of Olivia.  Putting her in a romance with Ned is a pretty clear signal that she's moved to the way back burner.  Unless someone is a long-term vet (Monica, Mac, Tracy, Anna, etc.) with significant historical ties to the canvas, I don't see the point of keeping former front-burner characters around to appear a couple of times a month.  It's just a time waste.

  • Love 1


But she's supposedly been Skyping with Emma all summer, as TeeVee329 pointed out. Don't Emma and Patrick talk? And if Emma and Robin Skype, why can't Patrick and Robin Skype? Ron's "explanations" make everything even worse.


I feel like there was a scene between Patrick and Emma (maybe when she was asking about the divorce) where she asked him about the fact that he never wanted to talk to mommy when Emma skypes with her.  So, Patrick is the reason that he hasn't talked more to Robin; he hasn't wanted to talk to her.


If the whole thing hadn't made me so mad, I would have chuckled over the fact that Patrick kept going on about Sam. "I'm here for SAM.  Blah blah blah SAM, blah blah SAM."  And Robin was all "whatever, you can't be here."  She clearly wasn't concerned about his attempt to passive aggressively tell her that Sam is better to him than she is.  


I honestly get that he's mad but he was being way obtuse not to pick up on the fact that she was clearly nervous and afraid.  Those scenes did no favors to Patrick.

  • Love 4
I honestly get that he's mad but he was being way obtuse not to pick up on the fact that she was clearly nervous and afraid.  Those scenes did no favors to Patrick.




Obtuse seems to be his default setting, but the fact that he seemed so unaware of Robin's clear distress/anxiety reminded me of Sam watching Silas stumble and literally fall over, eyes unfocused, slurring his words and yet she didn't bat an eye or even ask him if he was okay. 


I mean it's one thing to be upset with someone, but these two have been written to ignore what's right in front of their eyes and would be obvious to a deaf and blind mole. Robin may as well have been the Roadrunner holding up a sign that read "They're everywhere!". It's just another bunch of bs from Ron, making already dumb characters too stupid to function.

  • Love 2


Liz doesn't want Nikolas.  She chooses another man, and he then moves on to Britt.  Liz loses said man, and now she's alone.  She sees Nikolas with Britt, and then suddenly, Liz wants Nikolas back.  Oh, and Britt has a secret that Liz unmasks.  Ugh.


Shit. I just realized that Britt scheming with Spencer is probably going to be the big secret that hangs over her head for months until Liz exposes her and Nik dumps her. Again. So now Ron is recycling a story he just told months ago featuring the same exact people. SMH. I can only hope that Britt gets so desperate to keep her secret that she kills Liz and Spencer. 

Scorpiosrule, Micheal Sutton was at the GH Fan event this weekend. KSt too a picture with him. He still looks amazing. It's on her instagram.



@BestestAuntEver , it's a KNOWN FACT that I'm a technoturd, so I have NO WAY of finding said picture. Can you post it here? or in the media thread for me to drool SWOON over?

It is stunning to me that Patrick is viewed as the bad guy in this because Robin's actions were beyond the pale.  I'm not even much of a Patrick fan, but this "Patrick is a jerk and I want him to die" is laughable.  I have several problems with this stuff, but these are them in a nutshell:


1.  RC deserves all the blame for this crap because as one poster above rightly stated, when Robin left, it was under the impression that she was being held as some kind of prisoner somewhere and that she had no choice.  But that's not exactly how it played out yesterday, which is WHY Patrick was upset.  So was I.


2.  Robin DOES have a choice.  This idea that she has no choice is BS.  If I were Patrick, her husband, the guy who cried and became a drug addict over the loss of his wife, was suddenly playing second fiddle to the previous boyfriend, I'd be pissed.  Wouldn't Robin be too?  Patrick HAS been supportive of Robin's decision to leave.  He did't like it, but he accepted it.  What Patrick is having a problem with since that time is a) Robin didn't feel the need to come home after his daughter was in a car crash (or at least demand to Victor that she be allowed to see Emma); and b) that she felt no compunction to reach out to Patrick after Gabriel died.  Tack on that she's been only ONE HOUR away this WHOLE time, and my head would have exploded too.  Which leads me to my next point.


3.  How is Patrick a bad guy for fathering Gabriel when he thought his wife was DEAD!!!  He didn't cheat on her!  Heck, Mac, Maxie, and Anna were fine with Patrick marrying Sabrina.  So how is Patrick a bad guy for being upset that his wife was not there to help him get through the pain of losing Gabriel?  Would it have been better if Patrick didn't need Robin and just needed to lean on Sabrina?  He didn't.  He needed Robin, which is why when Sam stepped in to fill the gap, Patrick was grateful.


4.  Robin also left Patrick with ALL the questions that Emma and Anna have about Robin's sudden and mysterious need to go off and help "other people" when she just got home.  Patrick has covered for her.  Heck, he's lying to Sam for her.  


Patrick, imo, has done absolutely nothing wrong.  Robin is off trying to save Jason (which is noble), but she's also going to wake up a pair of psychopaths.  How is that a good thing?  Patrick has been left at home to keep Robin's lie from her family and to raise Emma on his own.  During that time, he and his daughter were in a car crash, he lost his son, and now he lost his job.  I don't think Patrick even bothered to tell her that last part because she didn't seem to care yesterday about anything except "Why are you here?" and "You have to leave."  WTF??  She hasn't seen the guy in a number of months, and KNOWS that he's been through a trauma, and THAT'S her response?  I would love to know what the reaction would be if it were the reverse.  What if Patrick was off saving his first love and Robin was left home with her daughter and a tragedy struck, and the first time Robin sees Patrick his response is "What are you doing here?  Go home."  


I do blame RC overall for this mess because he's not even trying to write Robin's reactions in a plausible way, but that certainly doesn't mean that Patrick is the villain in contrast.  He isn't.  His reactions were my reactions, which was basically, WTF?  

Edited by Bishop
  • Love 11

What Patrick is having a problem with since that time is a) Robin didn't feel the need to home after his daughter was in a car crash (or at least demand to Victor that she be allowed to see Emma); and b) that she felt no compunction to reach out to Patrick after Gabriel died.


Considering everything we saw on-screen indicated that Victor facilitated the one phone call we saw between Robin and Patrick, I maintain that IMO Robin doesn't have any control over a) being able to leave the facility and b) being able to reach out to anyone.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 6


b) that she felt no compunction to reach out to Patrick after Gabriel died.


But Patrick himself said that when Robin skypes with Emma he can't bring himself to talk to her so he leaves the room.  How do we know she felt no compunction to reach out to Patrick after Gabriel died?  If he won't talk to her there's not much she can do about that.


I do understand that Patrick is angry and that he's entitled to some anger but Robin's reaction to seeing him wasn't irritation - it was fear.  He knows his wife well enough that he should have picked up on that.

  • Love 8

What if Robin's fear was not at Victor and the WSB, but at Jason? That would explain her reaction to Sam being there. Maybe revived Jason is all rage and anger: Taggert's Anger-Boy (who in some ways I liked better than Jason Q or the Borg that Jason M became),  along the lines of Frankenstein's monster when it was brought to life.


The conflict then when Jason returns is the Jason Q in him trying to take control and this awful rage monster inside: Shout outs to Bruce Banner could easily happen.  

  • Love 1

Considering everything we saw on-screen indicated that Victor facilitated the one phone call we saw between Robin and Patrick, I maintain that IMO Robin doesn't have any control over a) being able to leave the facility and b) being able to reach out to anyone.

I don't agree.  Robin is the only person who can bring back Victor's precious family, and he knows it.  Robin has room to negotiate, and she could demand to see Patrick once a week.  I did think she was being held against her will and unable to reach out to anyone, but not after yesterday.  Yesterday showed that wasn't the case at all, which is WHY Patrick was so livid.


But Patrick himself said that when Robin skypes with Emma he can't bring himself to talk to her so he leaves the room.  How do we know she felt no compunction to reach out to Patrick after Gabriel died?  If he won't talk to her there's not much she can do about that.

No that was after she chose not to return home after Emma's accident.  Patrick was taking Robin's calls, and he was trying to call her himself, leaving messages.  His final straw was when Emma had her accident, and Robin wouldn't come home and then when Gabriel died and Robin wouldn't come home.  After that, he was done.  She had made her choice, and then YESTERDAY, he finds out that this whole time she's only been one hour away.  Yeah, I'd be pissed too.


I do understand that Patrick is angry and that he's entitled to some anger but Robin's reaction to seeing him wasn't irritation - it was fear.  He knows his wife well enough that he should have picked up on that.


I didn't see fear at all.  I saw irritation because her questions were not fear based.  If she was afraid for Patrick or even herself, she would have said "Patrick, it's not safe for you here.  If they find you, they'll hurt you."  I mean she had plenty of time to tell him to leave or to ask why he was there or how he got there and "Why are you with Sam?"  So she had plenty of time to tell him what the danger, if any, was all about.  She didn't.  I got the distinct impression that she was annoyed because she was close to having a breakthrough with Jason, and Patrick was mucking it up.

Edited by Bishop
  • Love 2


she didn't seem to care yesterday about anything except "Why are you here?" and "You have to leave."  WTF??


In Robin's defense, there have been times in my life that I've been so focused on something (else) that it took a considerable amount of time to process what was occurring in front of me. On one of those occasions, I was standing next to an ex-fiance, whom I had lived with, for a good couple of minutes before I even recognized him. 


So, it made sense to me that Robin, who has probably been under some type of house arrest and under constant surveillance,  had a less than joyful response upon encountering her husband. If she had been working hard on a problem and stepped out into the hall, still thinking about whatever, the last person she would expect to see would be Patrick.


I also seem to remember that when Sam and Silas were at the institute that there was an issue with them being seen, or trying to avoid being seen, on security cameras. If those cameras still exist, I can understand Robin's concern with Sam and Patrick being there. 



RC deserves all the blame for this crap


No quibble there. The bottom line is the quality of the writing and consistent characterization. We should see it on screen and understand the character's behaviors based on what we already know about them.  Audiences should not have to create explanations for themselves, based on their own experiences. 

  • Love 1
Obtuse seems to be his default setting


So many characters have to be dumbed down for the stories to work. That should be a clue the stories need better writing, but we're the only ones who seem to care.


3.  How is Patrick a bad guy for fathering Gabriel when he thought his wife was DEAD!!!  He didn't cheat on her!  Heck, Mac, Maxie, and Anna were fine with Patrick marrying Sabrina.  So how is Patrick a bad guy for being upset that his wife was not there to help him get through the pain of losing Gabriel?  Would it have been better if Patrick didn't need Robin and just needed to lean on Sabrina?  He didn't.  He needed Robin, which is why when Sam stepped in to fill the gap, Patrick was grateful.


He's not a bad guy for fathering Gabriel (Robin has never indicated otherwise), he's a bad guy for using Gabriel's death to make Robin feel guilty. It's not Robin's fault the baby died. Patrick knew Robin wasn't allowed to leave the facility. Patrick saw Victor before Robin left. He knows the situation, yet he continues to berate Robin about it. I understand his frustration, but he's reacting to it as if there are no consequences to Robin refusing to help out Victor. Would he rather her mother and father got killed? Or other people near and dear to Robin?


This whole story would have been a lot better if Victor had explicitly said to Robin and Patrick, "If Robin doesn't help me, I'll kill everyone she loves." Then at least there's no question that she's being coerced, and Patrick can STFU about how Robin cares more about Jason than her family. I wish Robin would remind Patrick that he didn't exactly have her back when Lisa was on her psycho rampage.


he finds out that this whole time she's only been one hour away.


She still can't leave. How does being an hour away (or a continent away) change that?

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 13

I don't agree. Robin is the only person who can bring back Victor's precious family, and he knows it. Robin has room to negotiate, and she could demand to see Patrick once a week. I did think she was being held against her will and unable to reach out to anyone, but not after yesterday. Yesterday showed that wasn't the case at all, which is WHY Patrick was so livid.


If Robin really had room to negotiate, she could have insisted the secret lab be set up in Port Charles so she could work for Victor and still be with her family.  Or she could have insisted on having someone she trusted (like her dad or Frisco) accompany her.  Victor was the one who set the rules, the terms.


And do you really believe that if Robin tomorrow was like, "Fuck reviving your crazy family, I'm going home" to Victor, he would just let her leave, considering all that she knows about his plans, the secret lab, the undead Cassadines, etc.?


In conclusion, just because Robin isn't chained to a wall doesn't mean she has the freedom to go and do whatever she wants.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 6

She still can't leave. How does being an hour away (or a continent away) change that?


In Patrick's mind, it makes all the difference, because according to him, she's only an hour away, ergo, it should be NO problem for her to get away and visit her family. As if she's away on some conference or something.


And if I could like your above post a gazillion times, I so would, @dubbel zout

  • Love 3

In Robin's defense, there have been times in my life that I've been so focused on something (else) that it took a considerable amount of time to process what was occurring in front of me. On one of those occasions, I was standing next to an ex-fiance, whom I had lived with, for a good couple of minutes before I even recognized him. 


There is no excuse for Robin's lack of focus because she's telling Patrick that she wants to be with him but she can't be with him, and yet when she finally sees him in the flesh, her reaction is "Why are you here?"  Contrast that reaction with how she was when she was still believed dead and she saw Patrick and Emma and her mother and Mac at the Nurses Ball.  She was desperate to see them and she watched that video over and over again because she did miss them.  Yesterday, she was annoyed.  That's how it seemed to me.  At this point, the marriage is over.  She certainly put that nail in the coffin, and so if she's committed to Jason at this point, then that's fine, but Patrick has no reason at this point to stick around.  Robin didn't show even an ounce of joy at seeing Patrick.  

He's not a bad guy for fathering Gabriel (Robin has never indicated otherwise), he's a bad guy for using Gabriel's death to make Robin feel guilty. It's not Robin's fault the baby died. Patrick knew Robin wasn't allowed to leave the facility. Patrick saw Victor before Robin left. He knows the situation, yet he continues to berate Robin about it. I understand his frustration, but he's reacting to it as if there are no consequences to Robin refusing to help out Victor. Would he rather her mother and father got killed? Or other people near and dear to Robin?


Because it's a false argument, and Robin has much more power than she realizes.  If Victor could find another doctor, he would have already.  He needs Robin.  So no, I don't believe that Victor would kill Robin or her family because if that happens, then Robin has no incentive to help Victor anymore.  HOWEVER, if it's true that Victor has threatened Robin, and she is afraid, that still doesn't explain her lack of empathy for Patrick or the loss of his child.  It's not Patrick's fault his child died either, and wanting to have the person you love most with you at such a difficult time is not unreasonable.  I had more of an issue with Robin's lack of emotion with Patrick.  I certainly had no problem with what Patrick was saying to her.


This whole story would have been a lot better if Victor had explicitly said to Robin and Patrick, "If Robin doesn't help me, I'll kill everyone she loves." Then at least there's no question that she's being coerced, and Patrick can STFU about how Robin cares more about Jason than her family. 

Robin DOES care more about Jason than her family right now because she CHOSE him over her family.  She just got back to her daughter after being "dead" for two years and then she leaves again to save Jason.  When Patrick calls to tell her that Emma was in a car accident, Robin tells him that she can't leave that she's getting close to a breakthrough with Jason.  When Gabriel dies, and Emma is upset that she lost her little brother, Robin still won't come home.  So yeah, I can see why Patrick thinks that Robin cares more about Jason than her family. At first, I'm guessing that Patrick believed she couldn't get away, but now he finds out that she's only an hour away?  At least TRY to make contact.


She still can't leave. How does being an hour away (or a continent away) change that?


How do you know she can't leave?  Patrick and Sam got in with no problem.  Just a few references and an ID card.  She could have at least TRIED to call Patrick.  That's the bigger sticking point for me.  Maybe she can't leave, but she can't try to get a message to Patrick?  The problem with this current storyline with Patrick and Robin is that I don't see any of the desperation to get to her family like she had when she was believed dead.  Robin looks very content with her work and not so much with seeing Patrick.  That's what I saw yesterday, and that's what Patrick saw too.


If Robin really had room to negotiate, she could have insisted the secret lab be set up in Port Charles so she could work for Victor and still be with her family.  Or she could have insisted on having someone she trusted (like her dad or Frisco) accompany her.  Victor was the one who set the rules, the terms.


And do you really believe that if Robin tomorrow was like, "Fuck reviving your crazy family, I'm going home" to Victor, he would just let her leave, considering all that she knows about his plans, the secret lab, the undead Cassadines, etc.?


In conclusion, just because Robin isn't chained to a wall doesn't mean she has the freedom to go and do whatever she wants.

True, but she's also not the prisoner that we all suspected either.  She's walking around a medical facility, no guards at all, and that anyone can get into (see Patrick and Sam), and she's only an hour away.  As for the Victor argument, I would have gone to Nikolas.  Like I said earlier, Robin does have some wiggle room to negotiate because Victor DOES need her.  Her skills are what's going to revive his family, and let me ask this:  If Victor is going to allow Jason to live after he is "awakened," won't that expose Victor anyway?  I mean, unless he plans on killing Robin, Patrick, and Jason - the three people who knows what he was doing - wouldn't the sudden arrival of Helena and Stavros make the rest of PC ask tons of questions?  I mean the more you poke holes in the logic of this storyline, the more the storyline begins to sink.


I don't think that the Robin has NO negotiating room.  She does.  She simply hasn't used it, and considering that she was kept captive for two years already, I would expect her to be much more feisty than she is with Victor.  I think you can negotiate with Victor because she's the only person who can do what he needs to be done.  Yesterday came across as her enjoying the work she was doing rather than being forced to do the work.  I didn't see desperation or fear in Robin yesterday, not to get out, not to see her family, nothing.  She seemed annoyed that Patrick was interrupting her work.  

Edited by Bishop
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think you can negotiate with Victor because she's the only person who can do what he needs to be done.


felt that  from the beginning, Robin did have the upper hand and didn't use it.  And while I'm not crazy about Patrick, I agree with his decision to divorce, primarily for Emma's sake.  That is going to be one confused, angry little girl in the near future.

Robin DOES care more about Jason than her family right now because she CHOSE him over her family.  She just got back to her daughter after being "dead" for two years and then she leaves again to save Jason.  When Patrick calls to tell her that Emma was in a car accident, Robin tells him that she can't leave that she's getting close to a breakthrough with Jason.  When Gabriel dies, and Emma is upset that she lost her little brother, Robin still won't come home.  So yeah, I can see why Patrick thinks that Robin cares more about Jason than her family. At first, I'm guessing that Patrick believed she couldn't get away, but now he finds out that she's only an hour away?  At least TRY to make contact.



I have felt from the beginning that Robin chose Jason over her daughter.  I agree with Bishop. I don't like Patrick, but in this case I agree with him. 

  • Love 2

Let me know when the conversation steers to Sam going humina humina humina when the director confronted her.


Sheesh, my kingdom for a "Look over there!" *bonk* *eyepoke*


When a fricking 9-year-old is more overpowering physically than an adult..... oh wait.


Spencer is male. Sam is female.


On this show, if you want to incapacitate a female, have a male hold her forearm and talk menacing to her. Yeah, that's the death grip.


When a fricking 9-year-old is more overpowering physically than an adult..... oh wait.


When I was watching the Spencer/Froddco flashback yesterday, all I could think about was an old episode of NCIS. In it, Ziva discusses how pressure with the thumb at a specific spot on a victim's hand essentially immobilizes the victim. Considering how many references we've been getting to other shows, I wouldn't be surprised if someone stole Spencer's trick from NCIS. It fits the pattern someone upthread mentioned: superior show on another network being referenced by TIIC. 

If Victor is going to allow Jason to live after he is "awakened," won't that expose Victor anyway?  I mean, unless he plans on killing Robin, Patrick, and Jason - the three people who knows what he was doing - wouldn't the sudden arrival of Helena and Stavros make the rest of PC ask tons of questions?


But at that point, Victor's goal of reviving Helena and Stavros would have been achieved and then there would be no need for secercy about secret labs, frozen bodies, etc.


And while I understand why you might speculate Robin had some negotiation power in this situation, I didn't see anything on-screen that IMO indicated she had and failed to use it.  I saw Victor say, "This is the situation.  If you help me, Jason lives.  If you don't, he dies.  End of story."


I also didn't really see Robin, as you put it, enjoying her work yesterday.  She didn't come skipping out of that lab with a big smile on her face.  She was confused to see Patrick and then concerned someone would see him or Sam.  That didn't strike me as a "Yay, I'm working on reviving frozen people!" attitude.

Edited by TeeVee329
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I have felt from the beginning that Robin chose Jason over her daughter.  I agree with Bishop. I don't like Patrick, but in this case I agree with him. 

I thought Kim Mc played it like Robin felt Jason is a prisoner like she was, and she was his only hope (all the while being in denial that he's dramatically different from the guy she once loved). Then she sees Danny in the park, and thinks of how she's been reunited with her daughter but Jason will never get a chance to know his son if she doesn't at least try to bring him back to life. She hated the idea of leaving her daughter, but I figure she rationalized that Emma is a Devane-Scorpio and could survive her absence like she did during the times Anna was away from her. 


Yes, Robin didn't visit after the accident - but Emma wasn't injured, just shaken up, and had not developed an attachment to Sabrina's baby. The concept was just starting to become real to her. Sabrina wasn't living with them while she was pregnant. We didn't see Emma running around, excited to pick out clothes or decorate a room for the new sibling.  Patrick is acting like Emma was badly hurt and traumatized by the accident and Robin didn't care enough to see her. This seems to be all about his anger that Robin hasn't been present for his wants and needs - like taking care of Emma so he could focus entirely on willing a child to live he never wanted in the first place. It's true that Patrick wasn't cheating on Robin when Gabriel was conceived, but it would still be awkward and painful for both of them (even if that hasn't occurred to him) for her to comfort him like this was a child he had with another woman from before they met. I've truly had enough of Robin experiencing deeply painful situations.  

  • Love 8



Let me know when the conversation steers to Sam going humina humina humina when the director confronted her.

Sheesh, my kingdom for a "Look over there!" *bonk* *eyepoke*

When a fricking 9-year-old is more overpowering physically than an adult..... oh wait.

Spencer is male. Sam is female.


NutmegsDad, it was pathetic. Her cover, the disguise & the way she went about it were ridiculous. Ron can't write for shit. Sam should have had a better excuse in case she got caught or actually had Sabrina's email address & password. Glasses  alone does not make a disguise. Why would she attempt to get access on the  computer at the front desk?


Then has you said, once caught it was all Humina, humina. humina.


I can't believe Ron is paid for this shit.


One of the few times Patrick allowed Robin to talk, she told him she can't leave for a day or even leave for an hour. To me that means she isn't free to come & go at will but I will agree to disagree.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
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