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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Britt wants to salvage "what's left of my relationship with Nikolas"? She's as deluded as her mother. Guess someone needs to explain to her that they don't have a "relationship." He's being nice at at time when he's upset because his son disappeared. She's not relieved to find out that Spencer was okay when he didn't show up to meet her; she's upset that their "plan" didn't work. Apparently all the "parental understanding" she had when she was raising "Ben" went out the window. 


Spencer could not be less funny/more of a brat. The only good part of this little stunt/storyline I liked was seeing Elizabeth drag Spencer out from under Carly's table by his legs. 


For those wondering, the writing for "Scrubs" today is indeed shitty. And the styling of Kim Mc's new haircut on GH is so not an attractive look. I get it, Robin is supposed to seem cold, clinical, and like her work, not her family is her focus. Gotta love that Ron is just having Patrick bitch her out, rather than the two having an actual real conversation.


Blech - that's all I have to say about Carly, NotTodd!Franco, The Nina, and the Lucas 'love triangle.' 

The gay "cat fight" scenes were just...Knots Landing? Really Ron? Can't he just write one of these characters like a fucking human being with a soul? So I'm getting the feeling that now they're going to have both Brad and Felix end up dating Lucas and see who can win his heart, so a mini gay version of the Hunger Games, fantastic. I might actually be on board with that if Brad would end up killing forest. By gosh he was so right about him being a wet, dead fish, glassy eyes and all.


Wait a minute...did Ron really have the Nina bring up a story line from Orphan Black? It just doesn't end...he's such a twitter fame whore desperate for as many retweets as he can get.


Patrick going off on Robin...I wish Helena was around to take him out, he could not have been more horrid. Does she even know about the divorce papers? I bet not. Hell, after his shitty behavior she should be the one filing and saying "so long, bitch!". God, I just want his smug ass to be sat down somewhere and bashed about the head with something heavy and metal.


Nice to see the desk boy wasn't a total idiot and could put three and five together about Sam. Really she's always been a pretty crappy PI when it comes to sneaking around.

  • Love 5

Oh my dear God in Heaven, Nina watches Orphan Black. Apparently so does Tranko since he called her out on it. For a minute there I thought Ron was just gonna steal the Allison/Ainsley scene and think we wouldn't notice.

That's all I got from today.

Oh, also, Lucas in a towel and no Sonny!


ETA CPP83 beat me to it lol

Edited by tveyeonyou
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Does Felix have another character trait besides "80s tv shows wiki?"


Britt metaphorically stamping her foot and complaining that SHE should've been the one to bring Spencer home, not Liz, reminded me of the time Sonny whined "this was supposed to be MY night" when Johnny showed up at his charity ball.


Oh my God, shut up Patrick. Victor is obviously controlling Robin! Mostly I'm just mad at Frank and Ron though for trying to have a Scrubs story when one of the players is not really on the show.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 5

No, Nik is not a good father. When you have to use a damn app to keep track of your one child and can't see that he ran away because he doesn't want you playing Captain Save A Ho to every woman in town but you invite his rival and crush over for lunch, you suck at parenting. Um, he leaped into Britt's arms. Perhaps your child craves limits and stability. Maybe he actually wants rules. Quit drying Liz's tears or flexing or hair gelling and raise your child, Nik. I mean, damn. Nik doesn't even have a job. Unless Professional Woman Chaser is one.

Franco, please. Just get the tumor back. Did Patrick neuter you too? Like I can't.

I'm not even touching that thing with Felix/Brad/Lucas. Except to say if Felix is a tree, then I can see why there are forrest fires.

  • Love 2

No chilling bodies of any kind in the background today.  There's always tomorrow.


Nikolas is the worst father ever. (Omitting evil fathers)  You spend days searching for your son, yet 20 minutes after he returns home, you take your crush into the kitchen and completely dismiss him.  You invite over the one person he has no interest in seeing, Cameron.  You know that his running away wasn't really about Emma, but instead of digging deeper and having private time with you want to have a play date.


Spencer and Britt would be much better off without Nikolas.

  • Love 1

I am not usually on the Patrick is a huge asshole train....But man.  He was a HUGE asshole today.  Stop yelling at her for 2 seconds and maybe she could explain what's going on.  And if she can't, well there is probably a good reason.  Like a psycho Cassadine is forcing her to stay in the facility. 


Today was a HUGE waste of KMc, it was mostly Pat yelling at her.  So if you were excited to see Robin, you'll be disappointed.


Oh Sam, I love you but man you sucked at being a PI today.   Although it was a little amusing that she was still trying to deny being Sam Morgan when she was standing right next to the huge picture with her face on it.  Way to stick to your guns there Sam. But here's a tip from someone that used to do data entry...Always have a backup page ready so you can create a cover story if someone approaches your computer screen when you are surfing the web instead of working.   I was expecting her to just whip out her gun from under that huge hoodie she is wearing and knock the dude on his ass.  There is still tomorrow I guess.


I blacked out through everything else, I am assuming the Brad/Felix/Lucas scene was the same one from a few weeks ago and the editor screwed up?  It sure looked like it to me. 

  • Love 1

The way Tyler is playing Nik he appears to be so bored and disinterested in his child, not that I am interested in him but he isn't my kid. I get he may not want to have to share the majority of his scenes with a small child but seriously dude, put some life into it, he couldn't even work up some tears or heavy breathing at least when he scooped him up. Even his co called "anger" seemed dull and lifeless to me.



I'm not even touching that thing with Felix/Brad/Lucas. Except to say if Felix is a tree, then I can see why there are forrest fires.




That line almost cost me my cookies it was so revolting.


Does Felix have another character trait besides "80s tv shows wiki?"




Apparently he's a tree and likes wood. I want him buried alive in cement, just end it now.



Today was a HUGE waste of KMc, it was mostly Pat yelling at her.  So if you were excited to see Robin, you'll be disappointed.




Absolutely it was, from the hair to her Karate like jacket, to her just letting Patrick verbally berate her all over the hallway about that damn baby he didn't even want and a kid Emma barely had five seconds to bond with and then throwing Anna in her face, a woman who often left Robin because she had to take care of business and wasn't given a choice about it...I wanted her to just haul off and slap him, I hate how she was written to just stand there and look sad and apologize over and over again.


She should have thrown her wedding ring back at him and told him the divorce was so on it might as well be considered an annulment.

Edited by CPP83
  • Love 6

Patrick is an idiot & so are Cartini. It was obvious from KMc's portrayal & the few words that Robin was allowed to say, that she is being held against her will. Her concern was for Patrick & Sam's safety, yet he can't stop being a dick for 1 second to listen. Robin knows about sacrifice you selfish prick.

All the pics I see KMc & her haircut are cute. Then she comes on this shit with paid hairdressers & looks like crap.

I may learn to like MSt is she makes Carly's life miserable. I hate Carly & don't care for LW so it's a winwin for me.

MS/Felix talked about being sexual & all I could do was laugh. Brad's right he's a cold dead fish with no sex appeal. It's time to move the damn story along.

  • Love 3
"You weren't there for the death of the physical reminder of my life during your two year captivity!"




But ah, let us not forget what Ron would have to say about that... "Ffs people she had a cot for crying out loud! Three squares a day! Plus she could entertain herself with shadow puppets, I bet nobody thought about that now did they?!"


If I disliked Patrick before today I think right now I just want him banished from the land.

Edited by CPP83
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I don't understand why Ron is working so hard to demonize Robin. If the end result is a divorce, there are easier ways to do it. Robin and Patrick were apart for two years. That affected their relationship. No one will blink an eye if they reluctantly decide they can't live together anymore.


The nuclear option isn't necessary here, and it's just making fans angry. Though I guess Ron lives for that, because any reaction is better than no reaction, and it allows him to block more people on Twitter.

  • Love 3

Golden Girls is vastly superior comedy.

Knots Landing is vastly superior soap.

Orphan Black is vastly superior sci-fi.


I'm sensing a pattern of RC referencing vastly superior shows to GH.


Though, I'm sure he's sitting in his office somewhere going, "GH and OB are exactly the same! We both have people who look alike and don't get any Emmy love."

  • Love 7

I seriously want to know what the flying figgity fuck GH's hair team did to KMc.  She looks fantastic in her instagram pics, but she looks like straight up horse shit on this show.   


As for the show itself, it was simpy awful.  If you havent watched yet, dont waste your time.  You'd be better off giving yourself a laxative and spending an hour on the pot.  

  • Love 2
I'm wondering how much more pathetic Britt will get.


I don't think there's a ceiling.  (Or would it be floor, in this case?) 


Through all of the Lucas/Brad/Felix scenes, I kept looking at the screen thinking "why would he be interested in either of these guys? Surely he could take a wormhole to NYC and find a wider gay population to choose from?" 

Edited by KerleyQ
  • Love 3

I agree with everything negative said about today's show.


I feel sorry for the gay triangle actors because they had to deliver that awful dialogue.


Patrick will be on my die list for tomorrow.


Sam has NEVER been very good at being a PI, and the actress has never been good at playing subterfuge, feigned innocence, or romance, for that matter. I was suffering secondhand embarrassment for her during her "who, me?" scenes.


 -- a lot of deleted ranting -- 


Who in the hell swears at an 8-year-old, like Britt's been doing for the last couple of days? What kind of writer would put that on paper?(His father saying "You put me through hell," is not the same thing.) 


Ron, you're not even worthy of thinking about Orphan Black, let alone referencing it on the crapfest that was today's show. 

  • Love 3


I'm wondering how much more pathetic Britt will get.



A lot,  Ron seems to think there is some sort of challenge in finding ways to make her ever more ridiculous, juvenile and mildly sociopathic. I'm sure we'll all be super excited when he loses interest in Nik and Liz and decides to repair Nik and Britt. Then they can all die in a fire set by Cameron who frames Spencer for it. No doubt that would be written as wacky hijinx combined with heart-warming whimsy. Sabrina will return to town and adopt Cameron. Because she's that awesome, or something.

Edited by yuggapukka
  • Love 2

Golden Girls is vastly superior comedy.

Knots Landing is vastly superior soap.

Orphan Black is vastly superior sci-fi.


I'm sensing a pattern of RC referencing vastly superior shows to GH.


Though, I'm sure he's sitting in his office somewhere going, "GH and OB are exactly the same! We both have people who look alike and don't get any Emmy love."

I swear I almost choked on a mouthful of iced tea from laughing so hard reading this! Especially the 'GH and OB are exactly the same' with the no Emmy love part! You just won my heart (because it's the only thing I own, lol)  :D

The way Tyler is playing Nik he appears to be so bored and disinterested in his child, not that I am interested in him but he isn't my kid. I get he may not want to have to share the majority of his scenes with a small child but seriously dude, put some life into it, he couldn't even work up some tears or heavy breathing at least when he scooped him up. Even his co called "anger" seemed dull and lifeless to me.


Yup, Tyler sounded angry but nearly angry enough. I shouldn't be surprised or disappointed but I guess I am a little because I know he can do better than that. And he dialogue wasn't helping. You don't use the word "man" in "do you know how much you scared me, man" to 9 year old if you're trying to give him the impression that it was serious.

  • Love 1

I've been sick all day and was confined to my couch so I was stuck watching today's piece of shit episode (because my mom had the remote and wouldn't change the damn channel). I loathed it. Everything about it was fucking terrible.


Felix, Lucas and Brad? YAWN


That little shit with the giant teeth and speech impediment? ANNOYING AS FUCK


Patrick suddenly caring about the sham wow and trying to make Robin feel bad about being held against her will? FUCK YOURSELF


Carly, Nina and Franco? GET OFF MY SCREEN


Did anything else happen? I can't even remember.


And by the way, my mom fell asleep 10 minutes into it. This dreck works better than Ambien for her. It didn't work for me though so fuck this show.

  • Love 7

 He[Patrick] was a HUGE asshole EVERYDAY


There fixed that for you. I gotta say it warms the cockles of my heart to see everyone on the same page with me today. I feel this way about Patdick every damn time his face is on, only difference is today I walked up and almost DID throat punch my TV.

Dude is def dying tomorrow mark my words!


Okay Brad saying Knots Landing is the gateway to gay sex....could he get any more gross.  My gawd to think an actual gay person is writing that embarrassing gay triangle. I don't see how the actors can stand saying all those stereotypes and cliches.


Why does Franco get sooo unlikable in Carly's presence? He gets so stilted and twitchy. RoHo def is better with other actors.


My gawd every character I loathe was on today save Levi. Britt, Brad, Patdick...where is that vodka mamma needs a cocktail for sure now!

  • Love 2
What if Richard Simmons is playing him?​

Don't even put that out there in the universe.


I just don't understand why Robin doesn't just say "I am being held captive, again, and he's going to kill all of you if I don't do what he says. Please get out of here and go home and let me do this so we can all live."  I mean, she isn't supposed to say anything, but Victor isn't going to kill her just for saying that, I don't think, when she is still doing the work.  In fact, I never understood why Robin didn't tell her family that she had to go under threat of death.  It was my biggest problem with this whole story from the beginning - it was not logical to me that Robin wouldn't tell Anna and Robert the full details.  

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Hey, look!  Patrick was a dick to Robin!  I am so shocked and surprised!  No, really!  That's so...totally in-character for him.  


Fuck Ron C. and really, fuck Patrick Drake, who I never did like all that much anyhow since he could never keep his dick in his pants, even when he's 'in love' with someone.  The assiest ass that ever did ass.  It's why I can't get onboard with Samtrick.  I like Sam too much.  Let Patrick stay with Sabrina--I dislike both of them and this way I don't have to look at either of them.


This fucking show.

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The only thing that kept me from having an aneurysm during "the dick's" berating of his wife was her paranoid peeping behind her. All I could think about was Princess Leia's message to Luke R2D2 had stuck in his system where she kept looking over her shoulder. I kept saying "help me Obi One you're our only hope". It was a weird directing choice like some goon was going to pop out and whack Patrick....which wouldn't be a bad thing to me. I found it really funny, not to mention how obtuse it made "the dick" look to not even bother noticing her worry.


I don't think Nik was so bad as a dad. I kind of thought him inviting Liz and Cameron and Emma to dinner was kind of part of Spencer's punishment. I think he seems more normal about how a 9 y/o boy should be about girl problems. I mean we all see how completely ridiculous Ron has Spencer acting imagine if you had to play a dad to THAT. Nik knew all along Spencer wasn't really hurt, but the what ifs were bothering him, after he was safe and hadn't ever been in any real danger I didn't think he acted too unrealistic, other than the way the writers had him just leave the room with Liz without sending Spencer upstairs first, but that was intentional so Britt would be alone with him.

Edited by Cattitude
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I just don't understand why Robin doesn't just say "I am being held captive, again, and he's going to kill all of you if I don't do what he says. Please get out of here and go home and let me do this so we can all live." I mean, she isn't supposed to say anything, but Victor isn't going to kill her just for saying that, I don't think, when she is still doing the work. In fact, I never understood why Robin didn't tell her family that she had to go under threat of death. It was my biggest problem with this whole story from the beginning - it was not logical to me that Robin wouldn't tell Anna and Robert the full details.

This is logical & makes complete sense. Ron doesn't know how to write stories with logic or sense......or pacing, with story arcs, how to end them, etc. He can only write camp, plot points & twitter shout outs.

Wasn't the rumor that fire starter Cam was let go because of his speech. He never had as many lines as current Spencer & I swear his speach is worse. There are multiple times I have no clue what the poor kid is saying.

Because it can't be said enough today, shut up Patprick!

  • Love 5
Okay Brad saying Knots Landing is the gateway to gay sex....could he get any more gross.


I thought sitting on a couch watching Golden Girls was the gateway to gay sex?  Make up your mind, you weirdo writers who think young gay men in their twenties are obsessed with 80s tv! 



It was my biggest problem with this whole story from the beginning - it was not logical to me that Robin wouldn't tell Anna and Robert the full details.


Yes, that literally makes no sense whatsoever.   Even if she was too scared to do it, Patrick  -- if he had two brain cells to rub together, or actually gave a crap about his wife, both of which are seriously up for debate -- should have taken Anna aside at some point and said "Robin is afraid we'll all get targeted by Victor Cassadine, but you need to know what's really going on here ...."    I mean, so much as drop a hint to her parents that Robin is near Cassadines right now and they would be on the case.  But this story requires everyone to be brain dead ...


It was a weird directing choice like some goon was going to pop out and whack Patrick....which wouldn't be a bad thing to me. I found it really funny, not to mention how obtuse it made "the dick" look to not even bother noticing her worry.



If it weren't for the misplaced guilt Robin would feel, I'd be all for this happening. 

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I just don't understand why Robin doesn't just say "I am being held captive, again, and he's going to kill all of you if I don't do what he says. Please get out of here and go home and let me do this so we can all live."  I mean, she isn't supposed to say anything, but Victor isn't going to kill her just for saying that, I don't think, when she is still doing the work.  In fact, I never understood why Robin didn't tell her family that she had to go under threat of death.  It was my biggest problem with this whole story from the beginning - it was not logical to me that Robin wouldn't tell Anna and Robert the full details.

Because Victor didn't threaten to kill Robin if she told anyone that she was being forced. Since Victor is the head of the WSB, which Robert still works for and is currently on assignment for, he told Robin he'd kill her parents, her hubby, her child. Not in direct words, mind you, but the threat was there, and she was being recorded and spied on before she left.

But of course, I wouldn't be surprised if that douchetasticfuckwit has since changed that plot point and will say, oh no! Robin is there of her own free will because she's soooo good and wants to do the right thing and return Jason back to Sam, blah, blah whatthefuckever. Just like how Robin wasn't tortured, y'all! She had a cot and three hot meals a day!

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
  • Love 6
WSB, which Robert still works for and is currently on assignment for,


Well, that also doesn't make sense for the show to write this, because why is Robert working for the WSB after they turned on him and stole years of his life (as he claimed back in 2007 during the Monkey Virus! epidemic, when he said after the WSB finally released him he was working for some other, better, international health agency or something), and also if the WSB is still doing evil things to good people?   And also if it's run by a Cassadine now, and they refused to do anything to Obrecht after what she did to Robin? 


(Maybe this would make more sense if I watched more than, like, once a month ... but maybe not?)

Edited by SlovakPrincess
  • Love 2
Make up your mind, you weirdo writers who think young gay men in their twenties are obsessed with 80s tv!


Well, Ron is a horrible writer who is a middle-aged gay man in his 40s and is obsessed with 80s tv.


Not that there's anything wrong with that.


And by "that" I mean being gay. And not being the head writer of a show who indulges, without restraint, an obsession with "Yes, I'm a teen, but I don't date, so I watch television with my grandmother" 80's television.

  • Love 1

Because Victor didn't threaten to kill Robin if she told anyone that she was being forced. Since Victor is the head of the WSB, which Robert still works for and is currently on assignment for, he told Robin he'd kill her parents, her hubby, her child. Not in direct words, mind you, but the threat was there, and she was being recorded and spied on before she left.


Not that I disagree with your larger point that Victor indirectly threatened everyone around Robin (he totally did!)...but when last we saw Robert, wasn't he off to help Holly rescue Ethan from some con (and presumably get in her English knickers)?  Did we get a name check update on his whereabouts I missed?


Lucas, dude...those two nitwits aren't worth it.  You can do so much better.


Lucas himself is starting to lose some luster.  Dude, when you're in your twenties, you shouldn't need your mom to nag you to get a job doing...whatever you are qualified to do.  You should want one, and want your own place so you don't have to live with a SERIAL KILLER.  So Ron doesn't get any points from me for finally acknowledging his joblessness because it should have been addressed FOREVER ago.

Edited by TeeVee329
Fuck Ron C. and really, fuck Patrick Drake, who I never did like all that much anyhow since he could never keep his dick in his pants, even when he's 'in love' with someone.  The assiest ass that ever did ass.  It's why I can't get onboard with Samtrick.  I like Sam too much.  Let Patrick stay with Sabrina--I dislike both of them and this way I don't have to look at either of them




I want to lock this post up in my mansion and hold it hostage. I could not agree more. Sam's pretty much the only female on the show that appears on a regular basis who I like, putting her with a prick like Patrick would just be killer for me.


It's always, always, about him and the venom he was spewing at Robin proved it, imo. In Patrick Drake's world the entire universe begins and ends with him, he is to be forgiven but can't be bothered to forgive himself, he's to be loved but hardly gives a true, lasting effort in return, he's to be supported but turns a blind eye when the same is asked or required of him. He's vile to me, just utterly vile.  

  • Love 2

Not that I disagree with your larger point that Victor indirectly threatened everyone around Robin (he totally did!)...but when last we saw Robert, wasn't he off to help Holly rescue Ethan from some con (and presumably get in her English knickers)?  Did we get a name check update on his whereabouts I missed?


Yes, but I seem to recall Victor insinuating he had something to do with that and I don't feel like looking it up. I could be wrong, though.

but when last we saw Robert, wasn't he off to help Holly rescue Ethan from some con (and presumably not get in her English knickers)?  Did we get a name check update on his whereabouts I missed?


Fixed that for you.


Robert was name checked as being in Wisconsin. No mention of why he was there or whom he was with.


But that doesn't mean anything, as Ron just did it to make a joke of Tristan going to Y&R.

I was going to watch today but once i read all the comments and realized this was one more round of Ron bashing Robin, I deleted it. When is Ron going to get the message that trashing a fan favorite and the ultimate legacy character is just never going to work.  He shows all kinds of respect for KA having grown up on OLTL and NONE for Kim having done so on GH

  • Love 1

Wow, so I sat down and watched the Patrick/Robin scenes, through my fingers and with my jaw dropped.  Shut up, Patrick, you fucking douchebag.  


What Robin said was absolutely right - there might as well be an ocean or a desert between her and her family because she's not working some 9-to-5 job where she gets to punch in and punch out, she's stuck there, until the thumb of an untrustworthy man and his minions, til the job is done.


And Patrick whining about Emma being super sad about the baby?  When did they happen?  Because all I remember is her having shenanigans with the other kiddies all summer.  Plus, I thought Robin and Emma have been chatting all the time on Skype, RON!

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 8

Okay, I am begging here...down on my knees...can some kind soul, have mercy on me and provide the transcript of those scenes? Because I can't afford a new television yet, and just based on everyone's posts, I know I'll go apeshit and throw barware at it. Because, yes, I do have barware In my home.


Thank ye kindly.

KA having grown up on OLTL


Kim having done so on GH


Your point, right there.  Ass hat still plays the favorites.  Hell, he should he is trying to make Spencer the latter day Starr, with Britt (I think, wasn't totally paying attention to begin with) commenting about Spencer hailing cabs and Jedi Mind-tricking chauffeurs to get around town, a little trick a certain bratty daughter of a media mogul used to pull when she was that age. 

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