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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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He's a Corinthos, and everyone knows Sonny is a mobster. Michael has repeatedly been hurt because of this. It's not unreasonable to think Sabrina and the baby might get hurt if they are around Michael and the rest of the Corinthii. "I can keep you safe" is one of the biggest lies ever told in Port Charles.

Well it's certainly true that Michael can be dangerous by his association to Sonny - although the writers refuse to even consider a storyline like that at all for Michael, but I wouldn't put Michael in the same bucket as Carlos who is actively engaging in very dangerous situations.  Also, if Michael is a danger for just being in Sonny's circles, then so is Dante, Lulu, Morgan, Kiki, Josslyn, Kristina, Molly, etc.  I mean any of his kids could be in danger and thus putting those they care about in danger.  I still wouldn't lump them in with Carlos as a direct danger.

Well it's certainly true that Michael can be dangerous by his association to Sonny - although the writers refuse to even consider a storyline like that at all for Michael, but I wouldn't put Michael in the same bucket as Carlos who is actively engaging in very dangerous situations. Also, if Michael is a danger for just being in Sonny's circles, then so is Dante, Lulu, Morgan, Kiki, Josslyn, Kristina, Molly, etc. I mean any of his kids could be in danger and thus putting those they care about in danger. I still wouldn't lump them in with Carlos as a direct danger.

Didn't a hitman enter his room after he represented the Corinthos family at a meeting for the Five Families? The meeting where he told Ava she couldn't raise Avery and run a mob organization like Sonny because she was a woman.

Michael shouldn't really be CEO of ELQ because of his representation of Sonny at the Five Families and the taking of the Corinthos name. If Tracy Quartermaine was ousted due to mob ties, then I'm sure being associated and taking the name of the self proclaimed Number One Gangsta and hiring a woman who ended up being hired to infiltrate the company just because he banged her once could and should get the board to kick Michael out.

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Dr. Xerox apparently remembered a gunshot at some point after leaving Maxie's surprise engagement party.  Still debating how that affects the he-is-Claudette theory.


Dare I say that, if not for MS going to 11 and almost literally consuming the entire living room set she was on, Nina freaking out over Franco's well-meaning compensatory puppy (which was Dr. O's direct idea, and I need to see him needle her about that) would have been the second best scene of the entire episode.  (First by a mile: Scott bringing some much-needed grumpy levity to Anna and Paul's whatever-the-hell-kind-of-dance-it-is.)  And I'm not a pet guy, but Daisy the puppy just cheerfully licking RoHo's face during nearly all his scenes with her was kind of adorable.


And as for Michael and Felix trying to track down Sabrizzzzzzz...  *snort*  Where was I?  Right, Sabrina...I guess it wasn't bad in and of itself, but I'm just kind of over it.  Just let her show up, let us know whether she had a boy or a girl, and get on with whatever's coming next.

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Wait, I might have missed something. Did Paul walk into that den of friends of Anna and *no one* said *anything* to him, or did they?


The show has brainwashed me because I kept expecting the Anna and Paul scene in the beginning to end. That was like the longest scene since the Lucky/Luke talk in the summer. Thankfully I actually liked her scenes today.


Maxie just needs to admit she didn't watch the Godfather. Nobody watches the Godfather "for the clothes".


I was feeling bad for Nina until she started shouting about her INCREDIBLE PAIN. No, I have that, when I foolishly decide not to skip a scene including her. Did you guys catch that they DON'T KNOW EACH OTHER AFTER ALL? She only said it 5 times so you might have missed it! I find it hilarious that if they break-up for good it will have been the actors who put an end to the Incredible Super Soap Stars pairing of Franco and Nina.


Oh my gosh, show, you cheap bastard, give Dante a new set! And if they are

leaving, then have him mention that he's looking for a house or a new multi-room apartment! It would crack me up if they left and they were like, we've decided to travel the country in a tiny house!


Lulu and Dante's past story is getting shoved under the carpet epically. The only reason it doesn't surpass the shoving going on in the Sonny/Michael scenes is the crime(s) weren't as bad. But really, the dialogue. "We are almost as happy!" The problem wasn't that Dante and Lulu weren't happy, writers. The problem was you turned Dante into a dick and put all the blame on Lulu for it.


If (super, super hot) Griffin is Claudette, then that confrontation scene between Nathan and him is gonna be amazing. Amazing. (I'm turning into Michelle Stafford.)


Michael, shut your mouth when you're not speaking please. And what, Sabrina's never mentioned BFF Felix to Tia Inocencia? Ouch.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 7

Michael shouldn't really be CEO of ELQ because of his representation of Sonny at the Five Families and the taking of the Corinthos name. If Tracy Quartermaine was ousted due to mob ties, then I'm sure being associated and taking the name of the self proclaimed Number One Gangsta and hiring a woman who ended up being hired to infiltrate the company just because he banged her once could and should get the board to kick Michael out.

He also shouldn't be CEO because Jason can't just appoint a CEO. There should be a vote by the shareholders. Even if Michael won - because he has his shares, AJ's shares, Jason's votes and Danny's votes - they still have to go through the motions

  • Love 2

Dare I say that, if not for MS going to 11 and almost literally consuming the entire living room set she was on, Nina freaking out over Franco's well-meaning compensatory puppy


Yeah. That was ridiculous. Does she do that just for soaps or does she think that's good acting in general, I wonder.

I guess I should be happy the writers remembered to invite MAC!!!!! and FELICIA!!!!! to the little surprise party for Maxie, but um, where the heck was Lucas?


And Sam.

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So Maxie brought light and life to the talking tree. Does that mean she's the Geppetto to Nathan's Pinocchio?


Maxie totally knows what you're referencing to, but she only watched Pinocchio for the clothes so she's not quite up on the details.


I realized Franco is in the previews with cute new Jake AND the puppy. Anything else cute they haven't tossed in yet? Maybe give him a teddy bear and a chia pet to complete the picture? Gentle Lover of Gentle Things Franco is here! 


Oh, and they go to the trouble of making sure Sabrina and Carlos always roll their Rs when they say each other's name, but they're in Puerto Rico and her aunt greets the visitors she had no idea were coming in English? Who wants to waste 1 second portraying natural reactions, I guess.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 7

I realized Franco is in the previews with cute new Jake AND the puppy. Anything else cute they haven't tossed in yet? Maybe give him a teddy bear and a chia pet to complete the picture? Gentle Lover of Gentle Things Franco is here! 


UGH.  They tried this same shit with Ford on OLTL, never mind that Princess David Vickers blew David Gregory off the screen with her performance.

  • Love 12
Michael shouldn't really be CEO of ELQ because of his representation of Sonny at the Five Families and the taking of the Corinthos name. If Tracy Quartermaine was ousted due to mob ties, then I'm sure being associated and taking the name of the self proclaimed Number One Gangsta and hiring a woman who ended up being hired to infiltrate the company just because he banged her once could and should get the board to kick Michael out.

Only the wimmins get punished for having mob ties. This is TFGH. Someone needs to remind them that in certain ancient cultures, prisoners were handed over to the women to be dealt with. Females are strong as hell, people!

  • Love 4

where the heck was Lucas?




If (super, super hot) Griffin is Claudette, then that confrontation scene between Nathan and him is gonna be amazing. Amazing. 


I hope Griffin is Claudette solely because I really want to see RP and guy who plays Griffin try to act that shit out. UCG out the wazoo! 


I realized Franco is in the previews with cute new Jake AND the puppy. Anything else cute they haven't tossed in yet? Maybe give him a teddy bear and a chia pet to complete the picture? Gentle Lover of Gentle Things Franco is here! 


They really are doubling down there.


So whoever said that Nathan shot Claudette is probably right since Griffin had a memory flash of a gunshot. Boo, I was hoping it was something more interesting. Still, there better be a flashback so I can see RP try to act that.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Beginning of May.

ulkis, there's really no horrifying fic yet?


Well I checked one place, but the most horrifying thing I found so far was a Franco fic where he had killed Jason and he was musing about his reasons and it turned out he did it because Robin had loved Jason and Franco was in love with Robin. I really wanted to copy and paste the awesomeness for Heatlifer but the site disabled copying, darn it. 




I found this:


Their first kiss is on a Jumbotron on national television.


She tastes like cotton candy, and he tastes like popcorn.


People laugh. Their relationship is deemed ridiculous instead of forbidden.


You're welcome (I actually don't think the prose is bad but I just can't get behind Liz/Franco in anyway).

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 5

Well I checked one place, but the most horrifying thing I found so far was a Franco fic where he had killed Jason and he was musing about his reasons and it turned out he did it because Robin had loved Jason and Franco was in love with Robin. I really wanted to copy and paste the awesomeness for Heatlifer but the site disabled copying, darn it.


I found this:

Their first kiss is on a Jumbotron on national television.

She tastes like cotton candy, and he tastes like popcorn.

People laugh. Their relationship is deemed ridiculous instead of forbidden.

You're welcome (the prose isn't particular bad though).


  • Love 2

He also shouldn't be CEO because Jason can't just appoint a CEO. There should be a vote by the shareholders. Even if Michael won - because he has his shares, AJ's shares, Jason's votes and Danny's votes - they still have to go through the motions

Well, we all know that if Danny himself were allowed to vote that he'd pick the Q's he spends the most time with- Monica and Tracy. I see it in his eyes, he thinks Michael is dumb too. Also, I wouldn't be surprised if AJ's shares were left to Monica, but Michael never bothered to read his will. The last time AJ could've written a will, he knew Michael was a Corinthos. He wanted Michael to help him run the company. He knew leaving Michael his shares was like leaving shares to at least Carly by proxy. AJ was smarter than that.

  • Love 2

A puppy isn't the worst thing Franco could get Nina. At least it wasn't a stuffed animal of some sort. Though at least a stuffed animal wouldn't get its ears blown out by MSt's screeching. Sheesh.


Griffin's haircut makes him look about 12 years old.


I don't mind Jordan being jealous of Anna—Anna is awesome! Who wouldn't be jealous of her?—but for it to be over Andre? (Or any man?) There isn't enough zzz in the world.


I can see Maxie watching The Godfather for the clothes—the men's tailoring is exquisite.


I wonder if the Puerto Rico establishing shot was something they had in the vault from when the show went there in the '90s. Heh.


Maybe Griffin and Lauren need to get together since they both have PTSD due to gunshots.


Scott's tie and pocket square was delightful.


Previews: Ric!!!!!

  • Love 6

By the way, I am beyond bored of Lulu/Dante and Maxie/Nathan being these matching pairs that drama ping pongs between.  First Lulu and Dante had problems and Maxie and Nathan were rock solid.  Now, Lulu and Dante are totally all good, but problems are heading Maxie and Nathan's way.


It irritates me so.


This comment takes me back a year and to my initial excitement when Valerie Spencer first arrived on the scene.  I had a few reasons for welcoming her presence on our screen (none of them to do with Dante and the mess the writers later made of her story).  And one of those reasons was that she injected some welcome variety into the sometimes mind-numbing sameness of the two girlish best friends and their cop significant others.


Dante &  Lulu and Maxie & Nathan still need an injection!! 

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I don't think Matt Cohen is doing a bad job as Griffin (even though I don't watch frequently, so maybe he is doing worse in everything else I am not seeing him in). I thought it was a great idea to cast the guy in the role of a doctor after Jason Thompson left but there is only so much an actor can do when the writers and producers don't care to give your character much of a personality, because they were so focused on Michael Easton's umpteenth character on GH. Look what they did or are doing to well established characters. They are either making them bland as can be, hypocritically, criminal, evil or usually a combo of  the mentioned. Like so many times before, I feel TIIC are mocking me when they introduced Griffin to Mac. They had similar heights, eye color, jaw lines, hair color...and unlike Duke (who I did like, even until the end), he is alive and in town to get to know with a daughter, sister in law and wife to get to know as well

as Robin, with Emma in tow, returning for the Nurse's Ball

. He really should have been Mac's long lost son.

I don't mind Jordan being jealous of Anna—Anna is awesome! Who wouldn't be jealous of her?—but for it to be over Andre? (Or any man?) There isn't enough zzz in the world.


As much as I hate Anna becoming Sonny's latest friend, I kind of want him to wax poetically to Carly about how awesome Anna is, and Carly, in an attempt to bad mouth her like she does any woman that poses any type of competition to her, can't think of a single thing that makes her better than Anna, and the only thing she can come up with is that she is younger than her. Bonus points if Jax comes back and does the same thing and Joss announces she wants to be Anna when she grows up.

  • Love 4

I think they think they're giving Griffin a character. It's just not working. imo.


By the way, I am beyond bored of Lulu/Dante and Maxie/Nathan being these matching pairs that drama ping pongs between.  First Lulu and Dante had problems and Maxie and Nathan were rock solid.  Now, Lulu and Dante are totally all good, but problems are heading Maxie and Nathan's way.


It irritates me so.


replying in the relationship thread

  • Love 1

Maxie totally knows what you're referencing to, but she only watched Pinocchio for the clothes so she's not quite up on the details.


I realized Franco is in the previews with cute new Jake AND the puppy. Anything else cute they haven't tossed in yet? Maybe give him a teddy bear and a chia pet to complete the picture? Gentle Lover of Gentle Things Franco is here! 


Oh, and they go to the trouble of making sure Sabrina and Carlos always roll their Rs when they say each other's name, but they're in Puerto Rico and her aunt greets the visitors she had no idea were coming in English? Who wants to waste 1 second portraying natural reactions, I guess.


It's been THREE years since Franco's stank behind came back from the dead and FV still won't admit that the character does not work! 

Yes, Griffin should have been Mac or even Robert's son, because Duke is D.E.A.D and I don't care about the dead mother!

  • Love 8


Yes, Griffin should have been Mac or even Robert's son...

Oh no, you're not foisting Dr. McDull off on the Scorpio brothers.  I'm so grateful Robert dodged the "Ethan is Robert's son" bullet. 

Franco should take the dog and get out, far away from shrieking Nina.  (I call her Banina, because she's always going bananas.)   What exactly is Franco's limit, the point at where he says he's done?

With all due respect to both Mac Scorpio and John J York, Mac wasn't the most dynamic character and JJY is the wasn't the best actor, but the first decade of his run he had decent writing (and writers that knew to write to people's strengths). I think Matt Cohen has the same type of energy.

Edited by Ambrosefolly
  • Love 5

It's been THREE years since Franco's stank behind came back from the dead and FV still won't admit that the character does not work! 



Three years really?  I wonder when they're contracts are up? I've never watched Nina and Franco for them coming onto the screen.  She's like nails on a chalkboard and he's so aimless. They seemed like a spinoff of GH.  Don't these actors know that their characters and storyline's suck and don't they ever want to act in anything else? 


I guess I should be happy the writers remembered to invite MAC!!!!! and FELICIA!!!!! to the little surprise party for Maxie...


Each time these two actors are on, I can tell that they are grateful to be there; they've practiced their lines, blocking, and direction, and are trying so hard to please. Consequently, both are getting more lines to say. (Contrast that professional attitude with MB's mumbling and reading off the cue-cards while looking away from the other actors.) I'm grateful to see the vets and Monica, Ned, Tracy,  Scott, and Kevin. Show has just ruined Anna--I don't know what Show is trying to tell us with her behavior. Having Duke's purported son appearing just prolongs the agony of witnessing Anna's hyper-loyalty to Duke. Seeing the vets, other than Anna, refreshes my soul and re-involves me in the Show. In real life, Anna would have seized the chance to go live in California with Robin's family. I think.


Jordan's professionalism is being steadily eroded, IMO. Kissing and necking with her boyfriend the shrink in the PCPD Interrogation Room is a new low. Get a room. Strangers can see you through the observation windows in the wall.


Neener's baby rabies are a sight to behold, to make your hair stand on end. Franco should run for the hills. Neener never thinks of the responsibilities she would have if she had a baby. It's just a possession for her. She would dump it and start whining about it intruding on her life.


Scotty always raises my interest with his natty dressing and foxy lawyer logic.


  • Love 1

Oh no, you're not foisting Dr. McDull off on the Scorpio brothers.  I'm so grateful Robert dodged the "Ethan is Robert's son" bullet. 

Franco should take the dog and get out, far away from shrieking Nina.  (I call her Banina, because she's always going bananas.)   What exactly is Franco's limit, the point at where he says he's done?

I think we will know when Liz returns from hopefully an extensive shopping trip to replace her awesome, yet burnt wardrobe. She'll never wear baggy denim again.


Nina until she started shouting about her INCREDIBLE PAIN

And what was with the whole "I put my pain away for you".  What does that mean?  She put it in a box in the closet?  She has a box-o-pain under her bed?


And it would seem as though it would be right there, ready to use against him anytime she wants.  


Nina:  What do you mean you didn't take out the garbage?  I put away my pain for you and you can't take out the garbage?  You don't know me at all.  YOU.  DON'T KNOW. ME.  AT ALL.  

  • Love 10

I feel like Franco is going to end up happy with Daisy and his job and he won't miss Nina one bit.

That's actually the most beautiful love story this show has had in a long time. Then again, it could be almost any animal and it'd be better than Nina. Why is she so much more upset that Franco doesn't want kids than the time Silas cheated on her with Ava and then had a kid with her and found out when she woke up from a 20 year coma? I get forgiveness and moving on, but damn. He doesn't want kids. You can't have kids. Two doctors have told you this. Be glad you actually didn't die in that coma. Although I'd love to see the adoption application.
  • Love 6

She doesn't seem more upset to me. She hasn't tried to rape Franco yet at least.

Maybe the mental hospital helped. She's moved from lists to boxes of pain. Or maybe Dillion needs a bodyguard.

This is super random but where the hell does Michael live now?

He's mentioned an apartment, but I think he's either a nomad or lives in a box. No one really cares about Michael, at least enough to check his living situation.
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Michael's living situation doesn't get to matter until Sabrina comes back


I wanna knooooooooooooow

I thought Micheal was still living at the Q's.


I thought so too but then if he practically apologized for accepting CEO of ELQ wouldn't he have also been all, "oh and my living there and enjoying their mansion, also doesn't mean I'm your son, no worries"?

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