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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Another woman unhinged by lurve. Ugh.

I wish she was unhinged, at least that would be soapy. Neither one of them seems to feel much for the other so I don't see the point of any of this.

The comparison that makes the most sense is Monica/Alan - he actually did try to kill Monica. The difference is that Alan was consumed by his love for her. There was jealousy, rage and obsession - it was incredibly soapy and super f*ed up but there was emotion on a grand scale.

Nik/HaydenRachelNancyetc seem lukewarm at best. Like, she's 'falling in love' because packing up and moving again would be a hassle. And despite Nik's bizarre protestations of lurve, it could not be clearer that he gives zero fucks about this woman. Nik doesn't treat women that he loves this way, he doesn't allow friends/family to treat them this way - hell, he didn't let Lulu treat Claudia this way and they were acquaintances!

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 3

There are so many problems with the Kristina and Parker story, but the main problem is that it's boring as fuck. It's basically: Krissy has a crush on her married professor. Professor thinks Krissy is attractive but isn't going to risk her career and marriage so nothing will happen. Thanks for wasting our time with this, idiots.


Why is Nik such a crapweasel now? I can't help comparing Nik's reaction to Liz outing Hayden's secret to his reaction to Liz outing Britt's secret about Rocco. (And as a special super secret message to Liz: you need a better hobby. How about raising your kids? Actually doing something about getting a roof over their heads? Maybe? You think?) Britt did a truly horrific thing that hurt a lot of people, one of whom was Nik's sister, and her secret needed to come out. But Liz, of course, revealed the secret in the way that allowed for maximum sanctimony on her own part (and also ended up getting Rocco kidnapped in the process.) Nik, still being an okay guy at that point, recognized that Liz was thisclose to having an orgasm over Britt's humiliation and angrily threw her out of Wyndemere. Now here comes Liz again, and it's the same thing, except Hayden's secret is not all that bad and in fact fairly understandable; if I were Fake Bernie Madoff's kid, I'd be trying to hide it too. But not only does Nik not tell Liz to even leave the fucking room so he can talk to his wife, he lets her stand behind him and pop her head out at a weird angle that looks like Nik has a second self-righteous head growing out of what passes for his neck, so that they can yell in tandem about what a liar and a con Hayden is. I think I understand though. Hayden's hideous flaw is that she's neither an attempted murderer nor someone who's keeping quiet about an attempted murder; those kinds of people are the best.


I don't think he was pissed at Liz for enjoying the Britt reveal so much as he was pissed because, really, the reveal wasn't shit Britt was doing to him, and now he was going to lose his fuck buddy.  I never thought he really gave a shit that Britt screwed over his sister.  He's just not that deep anymore.  With the Rebecca Budig reveal, though, he has already been suspicious of her, so he was ready to hear that she was lying to him.  And the Britt reveal was so public, so it was more embarrassing for him.  

  • Love 3

I'm just going to call RachelHaydenGreenlee by Vivian Darkbloom now because PLL doesn't deserve that awesome moniker and someone has to use it. May as well be Rebecca Budig. Because Naomi Dreyfuss sucks. Anyway, Liz's spy tactics suck. Back spacing on someone else's browser history? (Which was something an actual convicted murderer named Jodi Arias did, genius writers.) Stealing a baby's hairbrush to get an unauthorized DNA test done on a baby at your workplace? Leaving work constantly to do... stuff? How does she have a job? Why is Dr O so pissy about giving Dr Michael Easton privlages, yet lets her other staff run free to flirt, lunch, and spy? Like, does Franco do anything besides call Nina, eat lunch with Nina, leave babies in laundry, or talk to Liz? At least Dr Michael Easton, Dr. Cat, and Brad the Lab guy do medical stuff. Even Piph does nothing.

I hate the work ethics of this show and these writers. The Kiki and Morganitis has spread.

  • Love 5

So, HaydenRachelGreenlee is the spawn of TotallyNot!BernieMadoff, the Evilest of All Evil? Wow. Way to criticize, Darkest of Dark Pots and Blackest of Black Kettles that is Port Charles.


Krissy/Parker, if it was Male Professor/Female Student.... creepy?


I'm waiting to see that Scotty's Law Book is product placement for Ovaltine.

Edited by NutmegsDad
  • Love 5

Okay, so peachmangosmom literally just cracked up the minute Nikolas showed up on screen?  Which episode was this again?


I can't remember exactly which one. It was sometime last week. I think it might've been the one where Hayden tries to get him to look more closely at the Helena painting. But yea, he appeared and my mom just started laughing. So amazing!


Krissy/Parker, if it was Male Professor/Female Student.... creepy?


It is creepy. But honestly I'm not actually against student/teacher relationships on tv, but this one just didn't work on any level. I think it was probably mostly because it was obvious from day one that the writers had no idea whatsoever what they were gonna do with them. First Kristina was acting all fearful and mad over Parker and then she was getting all googly eyed and smiley over her; first Parker was acting like a straight-up predator and then she was acting all mother-like. Such a mess from the start. 

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 6

As far as Hayden goes, I don't see her as some people have said, as if she is "failing." I'd have to say "prove it". Simply put, I think a lot of Liz and Sam FF don't like her because she's been up against them the most. But overall, I don't see a lot of complaining about her unless she's up against one of them. And yeah Sam and Liz are probably the two female characters with the largest fanbases, so to them the character of Hayden needs to go. But as far as her "failing".....I don't think so. And I've said it before and I'll say it again: I can remember very clearly how badly Sam was hated in the beginning by the majority of the audience, and she got whitewash after whitewash.

So I can't be bothered to care that Hayden may be getting that, but thus far though, I don't see any whitewashing. So, she has a sob story. So too, does almost every character.

The thing with Liz-Liz ain't being thrown under any bus. Liz came on the show as a backstabbing, lying schemer. Yeah, she was just a teenager, but still, her basic personality had already been set. She was so awful, the writers had her raped as a reason to try and "redeem" her. And no, I don't really think her basic personality suddenly changed, or that she really grew that much as a character. I think the meanness in Liz that made her do the things she's done over the years has always been there.  The sad part about Liz, is not that she's being thrown under any bus. She ISN'T. The sad part is, she was shown such mercy and grace after messing up so badly, and it was just a few months ago. And yet-she cannot see fit to extend to someone else, the very mercy she herself received.

THAT is why I can't stand that character right now. She can rush to judgement of someone else, but God forbid she also turn herself and Nikolas and Laura in for attempted murder/accessories to attempted murder after the fact. It's the worst kind of hypocrisy.

  • Love 10

So, HaydenRachelGreenlee is the spawn of TotallyNot!BernieMadoff, the Evilest of All Evil? Wow. Way to criticize, Darkest of Dark Pots and Blackest of Black Kettles that is Port Charles.


I know, I'm still waiting for the "terrible" part of Hayden's "terrible secret" to be revealed. Her dad was a swindler? Yawn. She's suspected of maybe helping him. Zzzzzzz. I mean, stealing the life savings of working people is an awful thing, but Tracy's been blackmailing her with it, Nik is disgusted, and Liz is delighted because she gets to rat Hayden out, and all three of them have done far worse things. As Scumbags of Port Charles go, Hayden doesn't even crack the top 30.


I'm waiting to see that Scotty's Law Book is product placement for Ovaltine.


Oh no, does that mean that Hershey's Chocolate Syrup is no longer Cam's favorite? But Cam loved Hershey's Chocolate Syrup! He would come home from school every day and have milk with Hershey's Chocolate Syrup in it. Sometimes he'd even have Hershey's Chocolate Syrup in his milk at dinner when he ate spaghetti with his favorite sauce, Prego. Although now that Jake's back, he probably gets all the Hershey's Chocolate Syrup and spaghetti with Prego. Cam has to settle for a thing of Yoplait yogurt and some leftover chicken broth from Shriners Hospitals for Children.

  • Love 9

If I believed Hayden were in league with her dad, I might feel differently. But yeah, I don't get how what she did was so bad. Her dad is a crappy person, just like Bernie Madoff, and he's rotting in jail just like Bernie Madoff. I guess Nik and Liz wanted Hayden/Rachel to kill herself like one of Bernie's sons did.


I liked Hayden from the start, and I also am a Sam fan. What I didn't like was her not getting revenge on Nik and falling in love with him. I know they had chemistry, but this just made it gross. Now I can't look at them together without wishing Nik to get squashed like a bug.


I think others have a problem with RB getting a 4 year contract and air time that they feel should go to more GH characters.

  • Love 7

People on Twitter as well as a site called Daytime Dish have been saying that Griffin is Claudette! I actually made a joke the other day about Finn being Claudette, but other people have sounded pretty serious by saying that Griffin is, even calling him transgendered. What did I miss? I feel like I need to go back and review some clips for any possible details or hints of this.



I tend to skip all things Nathan these days, but Claudette is a French name and Nathan speaks French. So I'm kinda thinking Claudette is French and has an accent? But that would be a logical conclusion, so I'm not sure that applies for GH. Unless Griffin slips and says "pardon moi" instead of "excuse me", I highly doubt he's Claudette.

  • Love 1

I don't think Liz was that awful when she first started! She was a schemer, sure.  But she always had heart.  She and Sarah had mended their relationship before she was raped.  


However, this Hayden thing is unbelievably stupid.  Liz could have compassion, I guess, but Hayden has been badmouthing her all over town and to her face for months.  Hayden did the same thing Liz is doing, taunting Liz about Jakeson, when she was keeping a secret about her identity from Nikolas.  They are two peas in the same pod basically. This story is definitely doing Liz no favors though.  The writing for Liz in the past few years is always one step forward, two steps back.  I don't like that she is a part of this "reveal."  I'm hoping the reason her writing is this annoying is because of BH"s contract negotiations.  


But the real piece of shit is Nik.  He hasn't paid one iota for the Jakeson lie.  He has barely been confronted or insulted. At least Liz had some degree of comeuppance.  Nikolas has faced no consequences at all.  And now he gets to stand there insulting Hayden, the woman he tried to kill!!!!  So dumb.

Edited by tallyrand
  • Love 5

I tend to skip all things Nathan these days, but Claudette is a French name and Nathan speaks French. So I'm kinda thinking Claudette is French and has an accent? But that would be a logical conclusion, so I'm not sure that applies for GH. Unless Griffin slips and says "pardon moi" instead of "excuse me", I highly doubt he's Claudette.

Griffin looks like a Tabby/Tuxedo hybrid. Let's be real here, guys. If Claudette were a Duke spawn, she'd be a Persian cat. You know, all fluffy, with a bow in her hair. Or at least look like that cat the skunk would mack on in those cartoons.

  • Love 3

I tend to skip all things Nathan these days, but Claudette is a French name and Nathan speaks French. So I'm kinda thinking Claudette is French and has an accent? But that would be a logical conclusion, so I'm not sure that applies for GH. Unless Griffin slips and says "pardon moi" instead of "excuse me", I highly doubt he's Claudette.

I don't think we can always determine much through the background of a name and an accent (or lack thereof). Right here on GH we had Magda (German name) as played by super fabulous Donna Mills. Of course, we really knew her as Madeline whom she became known as when she came to America. My point is, German-born Magda had no accent unlike her sister Liesl.

Edited by Syndicate
Hayden did the same thing Liz is doing, taunting Liz about Jakeson, when she was keeping a secret about her identity from Nikolas.


I wouldn't say it's the same thing. Hayden is lying about her own identity, but the lie itself isn't hurting anyone. Whether she's Rachel or Hayden, it doesn't affect anyone else's life at all. Rachel might be a pariah, but so is Hayden. The only person who hasn't treated her like dirt is Curtis. If Nik would marry Hayden, a confirmed con artist, then there's no reason he wouldn't marry Rachel, who might have been a con artist, but as far as we know is only the daughter of one. Liz, on the other hand, was lying about someone's else's identity, keeping half the town from knowing that their son/uncle/husband/father/friend was alive. It hurt Jason himself, since he wanted (albeit in a fairly lackluster fashion) to know who he was, and it would have tricked him into becoming a bigamist. It allowed Nik to continue his illegal takeover of ELQ. It made her own zombie son's already fragile mental state even worse. Hayden is no angel, but there's no comparison between the lie she's telling and the lie Liz told. Liz's absolute glee at finding out Hayden's secret and being able to berate her for being a liar is ridiculous.


Nik berating Hayden is also ridiculous, but no one disputes that, so I don't have much to say about it except to reiterate that I would like him to receive a daily face punch.


Even so, I prefer bad Liz because at least she's interesting. And it's good for Becky Herbst because she gets a lot of screen time. If she were good Liz, we'd see her about as much as we see Lucas, probably.

Edited by fishcakes
  • Love 12
I know, I'm still waiting for the "terrible" part of Hayden's "terrible secret" to be revealed. Her dad was a swindler? Yawn. She's suspected of maybe helping him. Zzzzzzz.

Not to mention, we don't know anyone she's supposed to have helped swindle. If they tied this in to Liz losing her life savings because she took her idiot brother's investment advice, that at least would boost the story somewhat. But it's all strangers, so who cares? I certainly don't.

  • Love 10

I don't hate Hayden because she's been pitted against Sam/Liz. That's nonsensical, especially on a soap. I'm somewhere between despising her because of her gross relationship with Nik and being indifferent because the character is an incoherent mess without a core personality, meaningful ties to the canvas or an interesting background.

If she disappeared tomorrow, I'd be slightly disappointed that two sets of writers wasted a good soap actress and then I'd forget about every dumb story she's had

  • Love 2
meaningful ties to the canvas


It's not a question of giving her a family (not that that's what you're saying)—I repeat my (probably very tiresome) request that not everyone has to be related to someone already on the canvas—but Rebecca Budig desperately needs a better reason to be in Port Charles than she loves the man who tried to murder her. Why does she have nothing going on? Stuff is happening to her, but she's not doing much. Why is everyone on this fakakta show so passive? The pacing of the stories really does a disservice to that aspect. 

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 5

I don't think Liz was that awful when she first started! She was a schemer, sure.  But she always had heart.  She and Sarah had mended their relationship before she was raped.  


However, this Hayden thing is unbelievably stupid.  Liz could have compassion, I guess, but Hayden has been badmouthing her all over town and to her face for months.  Hayden did the same thing Liz is doing, taunting Liz about Jakeson, when she was keeping a secret about her identity from Nikolas.  They are two peas in the same pod basically. This story is definitely doing Liz no favors though.  The writing for Liz in the past few years is always one step forward, two steps back.  I don't like that she is a part of this "reveal."  I'm hoping the reason her writing is this annoying is because of BH"s contract negotiations.  


But the real piece of shit is Nik.  He hasn't paid one iota for the Jakeson lie.  He has barely been confronted or insulted. At least Liz had some degree of comeuppance.  Nikolas has faced no consequences at all.  And now he gets to stand there insulting Hayden, the woman he tried to kill!!!!  So dumb.



But they're not two peas in a pod, unless Hayden knew about a friend trying to murder someone and kept quiet about it.

I don't think we can always determine much through the background of a name and an accent (or lack thereof). Right here on GH we had Magda (German name) as played by super fabulous Donna Mills. Of course, we really knew her as Madeline whom she became known as when she came to America. My point is, German-born Magda had no accent unlike her sister Liesl.


This is true. Still would like to know where in the world someone got that Griffin is Claudette. I don't think there's been any hint of that, and since she probably would have still been a she during med school days, don't you think Lucas would have mentioned being in a co ed dorm?

IDK-it just seems like a ridiculous, unfounded leap.

Not that I'll have any interest in the story if true, because Griffin doesn't particularly interest me now, and it isn't as if he's going to become suddenly more interesting if it's a correct rumor.

  • Love 3

Jason/Tracy were the only interesting part of today. "The morgue is downstairs" had me rolling. 


Liez/Hayden is so boring. Its the same stuff over and over. And Liez talking about "dignity" and "honesty" is really pathetic coming from her. Of course she got to slap Hayden not like Sam got to slap either her or Dikolas.


Monica/Danny so cute <33


I feel dirty for saying this but ME got slightly more interesting. 

  • Love 7

But they're not two peas in a pod, unless Hayden knew about a friend trying to murder someone and kept quiet about it.


This is true. Still would like to know where in the world someone got that Griffin is Claudette. I don't think there's been any hint of that, and since she probably would have still been a she during med school days, don't you think Lucas would have mentioned being in a co ed dorm?

IDK-it just seems like a ridiculous, unfounded leap.

Not that I'll have any interest in the story if true, because Griffin doesn't particularly interest me now, and it isn't as if he's going to become suddenly more interesting if it's a correct rumor.

Not to worry! When we find out that Claudette REALLY IS a French poodle, we'll be even more dumbfounded! I'm not joking! Look at the shoddy reveal for Hayden as an example.

  • Love 1

After all their badmouthing of Hayden and decrying her lies, did Laura and Elizabeth even stop to listen to themselves when they launched into how they had to keep covering up Nikolas', and their, crime?  The hypocrisy on this show continues to be epic.


Team Hayden, all the way.


So, is Nikolas staying at Diane's suite? I mean, I know rooms in a hotel have a certain generic quality, but c'mon, Show!  You've got Geary's money to work with now!


"So... worms, huh?"  I genuinely laughed at that one, something we were supposed to laugh at.  First time for that with this show in a long time, for me.  Usually, I'm laughing at the stuff we're not supposed to find funny.

  • Love 12


Krissy/Parker, if it was Male Professor/Female Student.... creepy?

It is creepy. But honestly I'm not actually against student/teacher relationships on tv, but this one just didn't work on any level. I think it was probably mostly because it was obvious from day one that the writers had no idea whatsoever what they were gonna do with them. First Kristina was acting all fearful and mad over Parker and then she was getting all googly eyed and smiley over her; first Parker was acting like a straight-up predator and then she was acting all mother-like. Such a mess from the start.


I actually found those Th/Fri scenes pretty nuanced. No, there was no good lead up and I bet there won't be great follow-up, either, but I thought they did a good job of showing how complicated it can be when you feel something for someone but know that acting on it would be 100% wrong. That doesn't make the feelings go away, and I liked that Parker was so conflicted. Kristina seems more conflicted over the very idea of being bi, and I like that too. She's in the oftimes traumatic stage of coming to terms with having a queer identity and never having realized it before. I think Lexi captured that intense confusion quite well.

  • Love 4

Well, today the show peeled back another layer to Dr. Finn, and I'm really not sure what to make of it. First, he seems to have a problem with anger as he blew up at Dr. O at the hospital when discussing Tracy's condition. Later, he's seen with a tourniquet wrapped around his arm and injecting himself with one big ass needle. I thought he looked like a very "skilled" drug addict in that scene. 

Edited by Syndicate
  • Love 3

Tracy's "are you kidding? I'm your mother!" was funny.


I'm still kinda hoping Finn is a Cassadine or associated with them. Otherwise, I don't care.


Anna going into league with Sonny for vengeance on Duke's behalf is strange since Sonny is the whole reason Duke became a gangster again but that's GH for you.


Strangely enough Hayden begging Nikolas is less rage inducing than Lulu begging Dante, and I don't think that's just because I care more about the latter characters - Dante was/is supposed to actually love Lulu; Nikolas has been a dick for years and there's no substance to his and Hayden's relationship. So oddly enough it is not as infuriating seeing Hayden beg as it should be. It's still pretty infuriating though.


Even so, I prefer bad Liz because at least she's interesting. And it's good for Becky Herbst because she gets a lot of screen time. If she were good Liz, we'd see her about as much as we see Lucas, probably.


Yeah, but I think if they gave Liz an actual love interest of her own, she could have airtime without the writers resorting to making her so awful.

  • Love 3

Not to worry! When we find out that Claudette REALLY IS a French poodle, we'll be even more dumbfounded! I'm not joking! Look at the shoddy reveal for Hayden as an example.


*nathan walks in holding a leash and a bottle of flea shampoo* "Maxie, I've got something to tell you".....


So, I had the strangest feeling during his first scene with Monica, that *perhaps* Finn isn't Finn at all, but someone masquerading as him. Then today I hear that he's injecting something, and I remember Stavros Cassidine having to inject something to stay alive. You don't think? Nah.

Please, no. Because I really, really do want a true friend for Tracy she can snark with.

I'm thinking she's going to end up having brain surgery to remove the worms, and Griffin will come to the rescue.

Seriously. Emily was a demented fuck in her own way. I remember that lunatic having sex with an amnesiac Nikolas and then lamenting how he didn't remember her, decided to leave him to crazy Mary forever. She also blamed him for them having sex, slapped him and behaved like a damned psycho.  Those two brought out the worst in each other.

  • Love 2

Seriously. Emily was a demented fuck in her own way. I remember that lunatic having sex with an amnesiac Nikolas and then lamenting how he didn't remember her, decided to leave him to crazy Mary forever. She also blamed him for them having sex, slapped him and behaved like a damned psycho.  Those two brought out the worst in each other.


Hey, I never said nothing about her being great. ;) I just want rejected Nikolas.

  • Love 3

Liz's active denial of self-awareness is appalling and she is far too little removed from her latest round of deception to be looking down her self-righteous, hypocritical-to-the-extreme nose at ANYONE ELSE right now.

This is the Elizabeth that drives me crazy.  She loves to uncover other deceivers but can't seem to recognize that SHE is that person, herself.  Let's also remember that if we are going to judge what Hayden has done against what Elizabeth has done, Elizabeth loses by double-digits.  She actively lied about Jakeson's identity for months, denying his child a father and keeping Jakeson away from his family because she was greedy and selfish.  She ALSO knows that Nikolas tried to have Hayden killed and she helped cover it up.  So she's an accessory-after-the-fact.  All Hayden has done is lie about her name, and yes, she deceived her husband, but no one was almost murdered.


I loved how Hayden called Elizabeth out on her crap and how men tend to want to put an ocean between them and her.  She slapped Hayden because she doesn't like hearing the truth thrown in her face while she's spewing it to others.  

  • Love 11

That reminds me, I would love it if they brought Emily back just so she could reject Nik thoroughly.


These Lucky mentions better be going somewhere, dammit.


They need to bring Lucky and Emily both back so they can reject Liz and Nik and then marry each other. But Amber Tamblyn, not Natalia Hufflepuff. And Lucky can be played by whoever isn't Jacob Young.


So your husband has just told you that he doesn't even know who you are. Do you:


a) tearfully tell him you're the woman he loves and who loves him and then beg him to forgive you

b) say, "oh, well, I'm the woman you tried to have killed."

c) punch him in the dick.


Scotty is the only person to ever sell his textbooks because they're a painful reminder of lost love. Most people do it because the semester is over.


I'm liking this new, livelier version of Dr. Michael McClay. Fifth time's the charm I guess. I do wonder why he's injecting himself with a horse needle though. I assume whatever he's injecting will turn out to be either immortality serum or just Vitamin B or something, but the syringe itself is weird.


Your husband says he has to leave and get some air because, "my wife doesn't trust me!" Do you


a) tearfully beg him to stay so you can work this out

b) say, "maybe that's because you had me shot, sport!"

c) punch him in the dick.

  • Love 10

This is the Elizabeth that drives me crazy.  She loves to uncover other deceivers but can't seem to recognize that SHE is that person, herself.  Let's also remember that if we are going to judge what Hayden has done against what Elizabeth has done, Elizabeth loses by double-digits.  She actively lied about Jakeson's identity for months, denying his child a father and keeping Jakeson away from his family because she was greedy and selfish.  She ALSO knows that Nikolas tried to have Hayden killed and she helped cover it up.  So she's an accessory-after-the-fact.  All Hayden has done is lie about her name, and yes, she deceived her husband, but no one was almost murdered.


I loved how Hayden called Elizabeth out on her crap and how men tend to want to put an ocean between them and her.  She slapped Hayden because she doesn't like hearing the truth thrown in her face while she's spewing it to others.  


Here we go again with some chick (Britt, Siobhan, Rebecca, Brooklyn, etcc) talking smack about Elizabeth when they were NOT on screen!  Give me a fucking break.  Hayden has been a class A bitch to Elizabeth since she showed up at her house and claimed Jake Doe was her husband.


ReBu is trolling on twitter for her character to be part of Sam/JaSam rivalry.

I don't care that Nik put put a hit on Hayden and is sleeping with her, since she clearly enjoys it!

  • Love 8

I think Vivian Darkbloom should take D.) Say "maybe that's because you had me shot!" And punch him in the dick. Because good gawd, someone needs to punch Nik in the dick. Wardrobe has punished Liz enough.

These Lucky mentions better be going somewhere, dammit.

For real! I just hope New Lucky doesn't cry, stare at pills, talk about darkness, and is smarter. And leaves his dad in the Wherever. Jacob Young can stay in LA. I can only take him a half hour at a time, surrounded by pretty things. What if Vivian Darkbloom knows Lucky? Someone had to help her become Hayden Barnes. Who else would know how to disappear and reinvent more than a Spencer?
  • Love 1

They need to bring Lucky and Emily both back so they can reject Liz and Nik and then marry each other. But Amber Tamblyn, not Natalia Hufflepuff. And Lucky can be played by whoever isn't Jacob Young.


So your husband has just told you that he doesn't even know who you are. Do you:


a) tearfully tell him you're the woman he loves and who loves him and then beg him to forgive you

b) say, "oh, well, I'm the woman you tried to have killed."

c) punch him in the dick.


Scotty is the only person to ever sell his textbooks because they're a painful reminder of lost love. Most people do it because the semester is over.


I'm liking this new, livelier version of Dr. Michael McClay. Fifth time's the charm I guess. I do wonder why he's injecting himself with a horse needle though. I assume whatever he's injecting will turn out to be either immortality serum or just Vitamin B or something, but the syringe itself is weird.


Your husband says he has to leave and get some air because, "my wife doesn't trust me!" Do you


a) tearfully beg him to stay so you can work this out

b) say, "maybe that's because you had me shot, sport!"

c) punch him in the dick.


Seriously, the more I think about Finn....some of us thought he'd be a Cassadine.

The face in Helena's teapot. The rumor a while back that Stavros/RKK was coming back.

The bearded dragon...there has to be some symbolism there, right?

Helena's will, Lulu's empty envelope, Laura's key, Finn injecting himself(like I remember Stavos doing after being unthawed), the supposed raging at Dr O.

The Carbonic snow comments.

I really am not sure how I feel about it, ...but I do think he COULD be some Cassadine. What was it exactly he said, to Monica, about her research? I don't remember.

  • Love 4
I doubt that Nik's is a legit marriage anyway given she lied about who she is - the whole thing is a fraud


If she legally changed her name, is it fraud? And even if she didn't legally change her name, as long as she's not pretending to be someone she isn't (e.g., she's not claiming to be an existing person, like, say, Emily), wouldn't it be okay?


I can't wait to hear Nik's reply when Rebecca Budig finally admits she knows he tried to kill her. "But you lied! That's so much worse!"

  • Love 6
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