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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I don't understand why everyone is so mad at me lately. Like, big whoop, I said Anna and Sonny should have sex and Lulu should run her hands though Dr Hamilton's hair. Was I the one who came up with a black wig for Maura West? Did I suggest Bryan Craig was a really good actor and should give more to d - 


Ew. Why would you...are you ok?

  • Love 6



Michelle Stafford in her bra pointing at herself. none of you are getting off the hook! And for 10 dollars, you can buy Michelle Stafford in a bra pointing at herself on a mug!



Michelle Stafford in her bra pointing at herself. none of you are getting off the hook! And for 10 dollars, you can buy Michelle Stafford in a bra pointing at herself on a mug!

To be completely accurate, the caption for this shit* really say Michael Easton's fourth first day instead of just Michael Easton's first day.

*I said "should." Siri heard me say "shit." Who am I to argue with her?

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I know very little about cold-blooded creatures, but I'm pretty sure they require oxygen to live.  Hopefully the cast and crew figured that one out before letting the little guy die in a sealed plastic container.  And as interesting as ME's little quirk may be, since environment is so very important to Roxie's survival, why drag her around and stress her out?


So who is Finn for?  I assumed he was brought on to cause havoc with Sam/Jason.  But Monica is as giddy as a schoolgirl around him, and Nina is having problems with Franco, and may become re-obsessed with "Silas".  So far I like Finn more than Silas.


Has Kelly always had those amazing cheekbones?  And was she really inches away from performing a gynecological exam without gloves before being interrupted?


I tend to FF through Sam and Jason, but saw some of their scenes at the diner.  As she giggled and shot him coy looks, he could not have looked more bored and even impatient.  Interesting acting choice.

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Franco casually shambling up to Sam and Jason - two people he spent years terrorizing - to inquire about something that's none of his business really irritated me.  As did the plot setup that Nina is an evil vixen for deceiving a "good man" like Franco (never mind the annoying return of Nina's baby rabies) and the continued table setting to pair him with Liz. 


I'm surprised the show acknowledged the elephant in the room and had the characters note that Dr. Michael Easton is a dead ringer for Silas.  Do we think he is actually connected to the Clays somehow or was it just about cutting complaints off at the pass?


Naomi Dreyfuss?  Show, sometimes it's okay to name a character, like, Jennifer Miller or something.

  • Love 11

Does Tracy seriously have worms like a goddamn dog


I remember a similar storyline on "Grey's Anatomy" slash "Private Practice" - Addison's brother ate some funky fruit in Mexico and he got worms in the brain that gave him seizures and almost killed him and they went to Seattle so Derek could suck them out.

Edited by TeeVee329
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I'm surprised the show acknowledged the elephant in the room and had the characters note that Dr. Michael Easton is a dead ringer for Silas. Do we think he is actually connected to the Clays somehow or was it just about cutting complaints off at the pass?

If they said he looked like McBain, Silas, Caleb, and Stephen Clay, I would have named my first born Frank.

  • Love 10

I honestly don't have a problem with pairing Elizabeth and Franco.  This show (as well as most soaps) has a history of the "good girl" reforming the "bad boy".  Sure this bad boy was a full-blown psycho.  But I missed most of the original Franco stuff, and I think of Franco as Todd.  After all, that's how RH acts the part.  And while Todd was quite the cretin, he had a long and credible rehabilitation on OLTL.  He also has, IMO, great chemistry with RH and the kid who plays Jake.  I would like Elizabeth to have a man who wants her and only her, as long as he treats her and her children well.  And I would like her children to have a father figure who doesn't skip out on them.  My only problem will be further destruction of the character by making her knocked up with the fourth child by a fourth man. 

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It looks like Hamilton will be addressed as Finn. So, he looks like Silas to some of PC's citizens, eh? Tracy didn't have much of a reaction though. It wasn't lost on me that Dr. O seemed to have a problem with Finn beyond violations of hospital rules. She already knows him, doesn't she? 

Edited by Syndicate
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I would like Elizabeth to have a man who wants her and only her, as long as he treats her and her children well. 


Franco certainly treated Aiden well when he kidnapped him when he was born and passed him off to his loony adopted mother.


And "I just think of him as Todd" does not work with me.  In the world of this show, he's a SERIAL KILLER who kidnapped her child, Liz shouldn't want anything to do with him.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 16

This show continuing to try to sell Hayden as worse than Sam, Nikolas and Liz combined or even individually continues to be a joke. Sam attempting to suggest to Alexis that 'a child might be in danger' was a RME moment.


No honey, that was YOUR ass that was the danger.  Sam and Liz smugging and snotting at Hayden over and over is just stupid, especially when it doesn't result in Hayden punching their stupid faces in.


I don't care who Naomi Dreyfuss is, I just want Hayden to get those stupid assholes.

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I'm surprised the show acknowledged the elephant in the room and had the characters note that Dr. Michael Easton is a dead ringer for Silas.  Do we think he is actually connected to the Clays somehow or was it just about cutting complaints off at the pass?


I was afraid we'd get the "you look just like Silas!" nonsense. It's so tiresome. 


If they said he looked like McBain, Silas, Caleb, and Stephen Clay


That's the only way it's tolerable.


Wow, they brought Minae Noji back instead of foisting Nina off on some day player. Nina's going to get pregnant via Franco regardless of what he wants, isn't she? Sigh. So gross.


Why can't Dr. Michael Easton just tell Griffin what drugs Tracy should be taking and Griffin prescribes them?

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Franco certainly treated Aiden well when he kidnapped him when he was born and passed him off to his loony adopted mother.


And "I just think of him as Todd" does not work with me.  In the world of this show, he's a SERIAL KILLER who kidnapped her child, Liz shouldn't want anything to do with him.


Of course it doesn't work for you.  If you notice, I said I.  I, as in me, my, mine, myself.  I attempted to speak for no one other than myself.  I'm expressing a subjective opinion of how I manage to watch this show.  If the show tells me the character of Franco did his dastardly deeds because of a brain tumor, I can either accept it or delete it from my DVR.  For the time being, I will accept it.  It's what most soap viewers do, or we wouldn't still be watching this shit show.

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Yeah, I'm fairly positive Ron's plan was NuDillon as Cheap Romantic Spoiler for Lante. I think they're still testing him with Maxie now but who knows. The guy is a dud and is barely serviceable with her, at Crimson and with Tracy and Paul, AFAIC.

Throwing hunks at Maxie never works and never has, not back when Frons and Guza tried doing it because Frons was deeply uncomfortable with Spinelli and not now. I don't see why putting her with Griffin Munro will be any more interesting than Nathan or all the dead dudes Maxie dated after Lucky, and I think Griffin's alright. They need idiosyncratic or uniquely opposite guys for her and while a Dillon could do it, this one doesn't cut it. I still think upper-crust semi-geeky Michael is her perfect foil.

That logic makes no sense. For one Maxie isn't & never has been a quirky character. Georgie was the quirky one of the 2. Maxie has been the flawed, damaged, scheming, trouble making type who gravitate towards bad boys & cops. Who lived her life on the edge because she lived on borrowed time. It wasn't until she got with spin that she was reduced too a one dimensional character a hot girl too fit with the resident geek when he was anything but. He was a shallow, manipulative, blood profiting clown who worshipped a serial killer & deemed too pass judgment on everyone else. Two characters that were changed too live out some crappy ass writer's wet fantasy for a character who was akin too him in his youth.

OGMaxie would never give someone like Spin the time of day. She had too be dumbed down & complete changed for that shit too work. She was reduced too a helium voiced one dimensional airhead who resembled something out of a Sat morning cartoon. She couldn't stand on her own too feet,couldn't stand up for herself,spent yrs living a lie, being a walking contradiction. She had a toxic dependence on him & there toxicity only rivaled Carly/Jason.

On too Maxie & hot guys never work based on what? Cause last time I checked her & Cooper worked but they ended up nothing but props for Lulu/Logan. They were popular.

Jomax were extremely popular, never given a real Chance thrown under the bus for Spixie so Maxie can continue too live a lie too keep some baboon in her life.

M&M we're fairly popular but this show never gave them a real chance or story.

Naxie are popular & has been since the beginning. They don't have a story or a writer who is invested in them. Shit really haven't had one since they first got together. Not surprising given how Ron & his ADD worked & how he did other popular pairings. Instead of that Ridiculous judge shit could've had the story when he was shot Maxie pulling away cause she was afraid of losing another person in her life. Character driven & rooted in history.

Luxie with JJ was popular all kind of sparkly but never got off the ground.

Her & Griifin seem too amassed a following based on there 1 scene. But I don't know if he is gay or straight.

Frankly Nathan could be the most boring person on earth but that doesn't change that Maxie is finally written as an adult, who resembles a 3 dimension human being which was never going too happen with Spixie.

  • Love 4

OGMaxie would never give someone like Spin the time of day. She had too be dumbed down & complete changed for that shit too work. She was reduced too a helium voiced one dimensional airhead who resembled something out of a Sat morning cartoon. She couldn't stand on her own too feet,couldn't stand up for herself,spent yrs living a lie, being a walking contradiction. She had a toxic dependence on him & there toxicity only rivaled Carly/Jason.


This isn't about Spinelli for me per se, because I don't want them back together. I grew to hate what Spixie became over time, but the way I remember it Kirsten's "OG" Maxie before Spinelli was largely hated due to her dreadful, overbearing intro with Jesse and a series of terrible stories and lame pairings, including the Lucky thing with the drugs and all. Coop was a block of wood, Johnny never really happened. Then they softened the character up and turned her into a screwball comedienne as opposed to a vixen, and the former suited KS' talents.


So on this point and most else we shall agree to disagree. I just don't feel she works with typical hunks - there has to be more to it.

  • Love 7

Not gonna lie, I really did laugh out loud when Alexis gleefully/triumphantly ripped open her blouse and brought forth her chesticles for all to admire. NLG seemed to be enjoying the whole thing. Wine for everyone!



Didn't she pay for those girls? She should be proud, good breasts are like good art: underappreciated.  Remember that, all you men on here. Appreciate your women and the gifts God gave them. Although in Nancy's case, it's what the plastic surgeon gave her. But I digress.


So, worms on the brain for Tracy, huh? I think we all guessed it would be something they'd quickly wrap up, lest Jane should take up precious air time from the iguana or the new musical of Boobs on Parade. Did she and Dr Hamilton at least look at each other, turn beet red, and pretend to not know each other? In spite of that passionate May/December fling they had years ago?

No? Well, crap. Stupid show

 *kicks rocks*

THIS.  It's all I kept thinking about was why couldnt Griffin or Monica prescribe whatever.  So dumb.



Maybe because her situation is going to require her to still be hospitalized until they see what the meds are going to do, and she has to have an attending physician? Which could be Griffin, but if he doesn't know exactly how to treat it-and she were to die while he's trying to get Finn on the phone to consult-that would be a big whoops.

I wouldn't want a doctor signing off on meds for a condition they weren't qualified to treat. But, that's me.

This isn't about Spinelli for me per se, because I don't want them back together. I grew to hate what Spixie became over time, but the way I remember it Kirsten's "OG" Maxie before Spinelli was largely hated due to her dreadful, overbearing intro with Jesse and a series of terrible stories and lame pairings, including the Lucky thing with the drugs and all. Coop was a block of wood, Johnny never really happened. Then they softened the character up and turned her into a screwball comedienne as opposed to a vixen, and the former suited KS' talents.

So on this point and most else we shall agree to disagree. I just don't feel she works with typical hunks - there has to be more to it.

I remember it like this Jesse didn't work should have went with Diego. I remember once the sos ended when she was busted she was like yeah I did it and? Followed by the Mc Hostage & Her & Coop in the vault that her popularity shot up. Coop was never intended it was the response to him with Maxie/KS that got him a contract. She became more popular after the SOS then she was before it. Maxie was a straight up vixen, bad girl at this point. So that doesn't add up.

The screwball comedian crap didn't happen till they went in the Spixie direction & most of it was a joke.

  • Love 1


and she has to have an attending physician? Which could be Griffin, but if he doesn't know exactly how to treat it-and she were to die while he's trying to get Finn on the phone to consult-that would be a big whoops.

But nobody could stop Finn from sitting in the waiting room outside Tracy's door and feed Griffin the information needed.  It just seemed silly that they have to wait a week to get creditation for a "world renown specialist in his field" while Tracy continues to suffer.  If she dies without the treatment, that's malpractice on the hospital as well.  And I bet you ten bucks if Finn had said, "hey, let transfer her to Mercy and I'll treat her there" that Obrecht would have changed her tune pretty fast.  

  • Love 5

This isn't about Spinelli for me per se, because I don't want them back together. I grew to hate what Spixie became over time, but the way I remember it Kirsten's "OG" Maxie before Spinelli was largely hated due to her dreadful, overbearing intro with Jesse and a series of terrible stories and lame pairings, including the Lucky thing with the drugs and all. Coop was a block of wood, Johnny never really happened. Then they softened the character up and turned her into a screwball comedienne as opposed to a vixen, and the former suited KS' talents.


So on this point and most else we shall agree to disagree. I just don't feel she works with typical hunks - there has to be more to it.


I beg to differ about Maxie/Coop. Jason Gerhardt was stiff, but next to Nate, he was Mr. Personality. And by virtue of how they met - the hostage crisis - I seem to remember 3M (what they were called as Coop was Henchman "3") popularity growing fast online.


And I do agree that the hacks had no idea how to write for them post crisis and they became supporting fodder for Lulu/Logan, who seemed dreadful.


Coop was sacrificed - IMO - once the show could not get a Brenda return (his last name was Barrett) and Diego offed him as he did Georgie. Which likely paved the way for the awfulness of Spixie.

  • Love 3

But nobody could stop Finn from sitting in the waiting room outside Tracy's door and feed Griffin the information needed.  It just seemed silly that they have to wait a week to get creditation for a "world renown specialist in his field" while Tracy continues to suffer.  If she dies without the treatment, that's malpractice on the hospital as well.  And I bet you ten bucks if Finn had said, "hey, let transfer her to Mercy and I'll treat her there" that Obrecht would have changed her tune pretty fast.  


Yeah, but him hanging around with his lizard would be even more lame-but I guess it would be a great way to secure his position at GH. It doesn't make much sense though, that if he is in such high demand, that he'd be able to just hang around.

I'm sure in the end, they'll get Dr O to speed it up to allow him to do his thing. It's just minor drama until tomorrow.

Listen I liked this episode. IDEK you guys but I really enjoyed it. These past 2 days have been Sonny free and for that alone I am grateful.


OK so I unironically love Dr. Michael Easton. Where's dubbel zout to share in my feelings and not judge me?!


My mom came into the room at the beginning of this ep. Her observations included wondering why BM looked so puffy, wondering why ME was so skinny, and just full on belly laughing at Nik.


Is ME the reflection in Helena's tea cup?


That was my first thought.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I liked Coop. He and Maxie in the vault were infinitely more watchable for me than any scene she's ever had with Nate. But I also like Maxie's growth/character arc during her relationships with Coop and Spin. Though I frequently found Spin awful and enraging, I thought Maxie's development as a character was pretty positive during that time period

I think Maxie/Jessie, Maxie/Matt and Maxie/Nate have been unbearably dull. I thought Maxie/Johnny had chemistry until the first time they kissed - then, it all disappeared.

I think Maxie/JJLucky had tons of potential and I agree that she's more interesting opposite more off-beat guys. At this point, I'd settle for seeing her opposite an actual actor

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 7

I like they're letting ME's natural dryness be a part of the character.


YES! ME is at his best when he can let that natural dryness out. I love it. Whatever, I'm embracing it!


Oh also I thought MSt was actually really good in that scene where she was talking about losing her baby and whatnot. It was actually understated, which is how it should be. I ffwd the Nina/Franco scenes though because idgaf about that shit. 

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Is ME the reflection in Helena's tea cup?

Ooooh, never thought of that.  Are we thinking that he may still turn out to be a long lost Cassadine??  I just thought it was Nik, since he killed grandma with a cup of tea and she's not really dead so she's letting him know that she knows what he did.  



I like they're letting ME's natural dryness be a part of the character.

I didn't mind it so much since he was dealing with Tracy and Obrecht, but I just kept thinking he was basically playing Silas Clay, just with a different specialty, which makes me wonder why he was fired in the first place.  



I thought MSt was actually really good in that scene where she was talking about losing her baby

I actually thought she did a good job the whole episode.  When Franco basically talked her into giving up her idea of a baby so they could be just the two of them, you could see the pain in her face that it's really not what she wanted.  I felt the heartbreak so I give kudos to MSt for that.  


Anyone else feel like punching JAson in the face with the whole, "why didn't you immediately tell me about the book" nonsense that he was spewing at Liz.  Shut up Jason.  


Also BH's hair was absolutely gorgeous today.  

  • Love 4

Did Jason know that Liz was at the reading of Helena's will? Liz should have told him about the book, but on the other hand, he has a working voice box. Why didn't he ask Liz what she got? Is he not allowed to be proactive anywhere in his existence? Ugh.

That seems like a typical Jason thing, though, not to inquire. Plus I don't think he knew, Liz didn't even know till last minute.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 3

I don't understand why everyone is so mad at me lately. Like, big whoop, I said Anna and Sonny should have sex and Lulu should run her hands though Dr Hamilton's hair. Was I the one who came up with a black wig for Maura West? Did I suggest Bryan Craig was a really good actor and should give more to d -

Why do you hate me?

  • Love 2

I don't think asking someone, especially an ex, what they received in a bequest is polite/expected.

But since she was running around talking about her son with Jasus whenever anyone brought up Danny, she does have to deal with him as a co-parent and she should've told him about the book and that she's decided to involve Franco

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 6

I don't blame Jason for being a bit perturbed that Franco, SERIAL KILLER, knew about the Jake storybook before he did. 

I refuse to address Lizard as an annoying peripheral, one-note character on OLTL that kept chasing after a stuffed beaver.


Hey now, I loved Roxy when - ironically enough - she wasn't propping a character played by Michael Easton.  Ditto Morris.

  • Love 5
I don't think asking someone, especially an ex, what they received in a bequest is polite/expected.


It's Helena, so I don't think it's as rude as it might otherwise be. And, Jason has had his own dealings with her, so showing some curiosity wouldn't be out of line.



I don't blame Jason for being a bit perturbed that Franco, SERIAL KILLER, knew about the Jake storybook before he did.

I agree, if he didn't know Liz was supposed to get something. (How could her invite be last minute if everyone else's was months ago?) Otherwise, he could have asked. It's so annoying that he just lets stuff happen. I hate his passivity.

Edited by dubbel zout
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