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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Oh good, Helena's curse is ramping up.  Because we haven't seen the Sam is a victim or Sam is in peril story enough.  I swear she has become the most boring character




I'm really neutral about Sam most days. I hate her when she goes around getting physical with people and then has the self righteousness to act holier than thou when others get physical with her. I hate her singing Jason or Sonny's praises, in any form. I thought she was most interesting in the periods before Jason, when Jason was dead, and when she and Jason were on the outs. In short, I think Jason brings Sam down, and vice versa, if I'm being completely honest. I have liked her best with the Qs though(cannot stand her with her mother or sisters, mainly because I hate her mother and one of her sisters), and I think she fits with them. So unfortunately, since AJ's dead and she and Ned wouldn't click I don' t think, it means JaSam.

More's the pity, because if the show tried, they really could create better pairings for both Jason and Sam.

Edited by IWantCandy71
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You know who really deserved these, "you are a rank weed" speeches from Laura? Friggin Dante.


Okay, first Sam trips over air several times and now she worked overtime to cut herself on smooth stone. I'm starting to think she should just stay inside her house.


Bah tomorrow looked mildly interesting. Of course that one gets pre-empted. I'm gonna blame it on Helena.

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Surprisingly, I enjoyed Dillon today.  Loved his verbal smackdown of Dr. Mays.

I know, right!  I had to rewind and watch it again because it was so good.  When he started with, "first off, you will address me as Mr. Quartermain" and I was all wow, finally, he remembers who he is.  



aven't been on here in awhile, but is Dr. Monroe or Munro, Dukes son??

That's what I'm putting my money on.


So Jason lugs the giant, heavy plaque around with him, then conveniently forgets to bring it with him when he leaves, just so that Sam can get her finger caught on it.  Oy show.  

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This show is bound and determined to get me to hate some of my all-time favorite soap women.  First, Anna trots off to Sonny to give him the lowdown on a government operation, then tells him she respects him.  Now Laura is calling Hayden the floral equivalent of trailer trash.  Laura, this is the woman your son tried to have murdered.  Please to be remembering that.  Also, low, uncalled for blow.


Oh, and Sam, that attitude you gave Hayden at the door is the attitude you should be giving Nikolas.  I guess, by the pricking of her finger, Helena's curse commences!


Interesting music cues today.  I watch with the captions on, and with Andre and Anna, the lyrics played "destined to be" during a pause, and when Michael reached for his phone to call Sabrina, it said "still not over you."  Foreshadowing, or I'm reading a whole lot more into it than intended.


This right here. Laura has become repelant, I can't deal with her anymore. Now I'm itching for the truth of her sorry son's murdering ass to come out just so Hayden can call her and Liz out on their utter hipocrisy. 


And Sam, you're fighting the wrong fight,

Edited by Bawoman
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Carly and Jason talking about Q history in the family crypt is quite appropriate considering most of them are buried there. Don't you like to be reminded of how Ron decided it would be a good idea to kill AJ again instead of having him build a strong relationship with Michael and become frenemies/fuck buddies with Carly again? Why do that when you can have Carly paired up with a motherfucking rancid piece of shit serial killer played by Soap Royalty Roger Howarth and have Sonny murder AJ- with an assist from Ava - and then see the two of them whine about how hard their lives are and then fuck in a crypt. Don't complain about the high quality tv being presented to us. This is excellence at its finest.

I would like to marry both you and this post in a beautiful polyamorous wedding ceremony that is nonsensically invaded by a ranting, idiot gunman

Edited by Oracle42
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This show continues to be an utter fail at romance.

Jason and Sam just discovered each other recently.

Instead of consistently (keyword: consistently. Not random 30 sec scenes every so often) allowing these characters to bond, have long, meaningful conversations, do activities together (dating, family time, stupid investigations, fighting a common enemy [whether that's Liz or Nik, I don't care], this show decided to focus on Jake and Samara Morgan and now Hayden/Nik's dumb shit.

Meanwhile, Sam is on a Forgiveness Tour and has no issues with anything or anyone. *throws flower petals in the air*

And now she pricked her damn finger so she's in danger, guys!!!!!!!


  • Love 4

Meanwhile, Sam is on a Forgiveness Tour and has no issues with anything or anyone. *throws flower petals in the air*


Well, except for the woman her cousin shot in the head.


I couldn't believe Laura's speech implying Nikolas was absolutely devoted to Hayden but Hayden would somehow BETRAY and ABANDON him. By what, stealing the company he got back in the first place?


my conversation with my aunt about GH today:


aunt: what's up with that Paul? didn't he shoot Sonny? But now he's good.

me: I think we're supposed to ignore that. Hey, at least it's Sonny. He shot AJ and Dante and they wanted us to forget about that.

aunt: how did he not go to jail for that!

me: he didn't know.

aunt: how would you feel if your dad shot you in the chest?!

me: I'd be mad, even if it wasn't an accident.

aunt: it wasn't an accident! it doesn't matter who he thought it was!

me: trust me, I don't disagree. But that's why it's like, who cares why Paul shot Sonny.

aunt: I hope they get rid of him!

me: who, Paul or Sonny?

aunt: both! 

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 14

I am okay with the writers separating Sam and Jason for now. They are in the dating stage and should be giving each other some space. However, I am not okay with Sam and this Helena curse thing that is starting to happen now. 



Helena cursed Sam when she was on her "deathbed" (because, suuure, Helena's dead for real, show) back in November.


This show is soo slow that I was expecting them to get to the curse around Christmas time or next year. 

This shw

  • Love 1

Well, except for the woman her cousin shot in the head.



To be fair, Sam is the only one in that room that doen't know that


I feel like the're trying to give Laura some edge, which I can sort of get, but she's not coming of well at all. She's just coming off as an overbearing, hypocritical, nosy bitch. She needs a boyfriend...very very badly. 

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So Laura can genuinely apologize to Sam but neither Nik or Liez can. And I didn't even need an apology from Laura to Sam. 


Whats with them dropping something and picking it back up months later. Like this curse with Sam. Ridiculous. We just had to spend a month on Jake hating Sam and her being in a basement for a week. 

  • Love 8

"I can't take Carly seriously. It's what happens when you've watched a character since Day 1."

The only reason I can enjoy scenes like the ones between Carly and Sonny is the fact that I've only dropped in over the years, and have no emotional investment in the characters' history.

A part of me is jealous. For real. I've been watching this show since like, birth (thanks, grammy!!), so it's a gift and a curse, in a way.

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Okay, first Sam trips over air several times and now she worked overtime to cut herself on smooth stone. I'm starting to think she should just stay inside her house.


She was inside Liz's house when she fell down the stairs and accidentally blew it up. Not even being encased in bubble wrap and lying in bed will prevent her from being a klutz.

  • Love 5

Have these new writers done anything decent in the romance department? They rushed through the Scrubs reunion even though TIIC knew JT was leaving, they keep trying to pretend Morgan/Kiki are a thing, they seriously seem to be contemplating Franco/Liz, Val/Lulu/Dante got even WORSE while they were writing it - and they failed to take advantage of Lulu actually having chemistry with Johnny, Michael is apperently on hold until he gets tossed back at Sabrina and Heatlifer already covered the crap writing for Jason/Sam

This is them bringing romance back to GH? I mean, I appreciate that it's less of a live action cartoon but it's boring and badly written and everyone is varying flavors of unlikeable without having any discernible characteristics - just an hour of blaaaaaaaah

Edited by Oracle42
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Well, there was that week during sweeps when she couldn't figure out how to get out of the basement.


All this talk of Helena's curse-- help a barge-dweller out. Did they read the will yet? Did we see it or was their a convenient cut away?

The will reading is supposed to be on tomorrow's show, but we'll see it Monday instead. Nancy Reagan's funeral will preempt GH tomorrow.

More fodder for the Lucas/Griffin spec I care more about than 80% of what's on the show.  Because no mention of the Lucas connections were made, right?  So you could have Brad and Griffin becoming friends and Lucas finds out and it's AWKWARD because he and Griffin used to bone.


Keep hope alive!


This episode was decent. I'm tired of Laura's Hayden hate though. It's just ridiulous.


Oh and I forgot to mention this yesterday, but what was with the secrecy over the sex of Sabrina's baby? Michael asked Felix about it and he said Sabrina didn't mention it in the letter and then Paul asked Carlos and Carlos quickly changed the subject. That combined with Carlos' weird expression and Sabrina acting worried after the baby was born has me curious (and terrified) where that's going.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I could appreciate if Laura didn't like Hayden just because she thinks her son is being stupid in insisting on pursuing a romantic relationship with someone he had shot.  You know, kind of a "I don't want you in this relationship because it's going to end up blowing up your life," thing?  But leave it to this show to skip over that angle and go directly to it being more of a blame the victim situation.  Her exasperation should lie completely with her son, and him pursuing this relationship should be a symptom, to her, that he's really messed up.  

  • Love 9

Laura gets points for finally offering Sam a decent apology, unlike those other two freaks, but then those points are taken away because she continues to act like Hayden is too good for her precious son.


There's zero reasons why Sam should have agreed to investigated Hayden in the first place, but if she really wants to continue the investigation she can whether Nik likes it or not. 


Sam has reached her "I'm in peril" quota for the year so the writers need to stop this shit. Also, it would be nice if some of the repetitive Nik/Hayden/Laura scenes were cut so we could see Sam and Jason (and Danny) spending more time together. 


I hope Lucas and Griffin start having sex and Brad leaves or dies. 


  • Love 8

There's zero reasons why Sam should have agreed to investigated Hayden in the first place, but if she really wants to continue the investigation she can whether Nik likes it or not.


I hope Lucas and Griffin start having sex and Brad leaves or dies. 


Sam begging Nik's permission to continue investigating was so dumb. She's checking into Hayden's past, not performing surgery on her. A signed consent form isn't necessary. If it's just a matter of getting paid, I'm sure Liz will hire her. It's not as if Liz has any household expenses any longer.


I don't hate Brad any more, but I've never seen any real chem between him and Lucas, so I'd be happy enough if that marriage never happened. I don't know about Lucas and Griffin though. Griffin is about half-dullard, half creeper. What was with the bizarro, "I will stare at you and not say anything and then you will know my true meaning," to Brad? Followed by actual staring. For a minute there I thought he was going to leap on Brad and either kiss him or murder him, not sure which.


But can I say how stupid it is that Griffin can't just log into the medical records and look at Tracy's test results? We've seen a million times that any hospital employee can look at anyone's medical records, mostly so they can change the DNA paternity test results, so it's not realistic that one neurosurgeon can't look at the MRIs of the patient of another neurosurgeon without both of them entering the secret code and turning their keys simultaneously.

  • Love 3

I don't hate Brad any more, but I've never seen any real chem between him and Lucas, so I'd be happy enough if that marriage never happened. I don't know about Lucas and Griffin though. Griffin is about half-dullard, half creeper. 


I don't necessary need for Lucas and Griffin to start dating or anything but Lucas deserves more screen time and if he's hooking up with a contract character maybe he'll get it. 

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Too bad Monica didn't tell Jason the Q version of how Carly came into their lives. Her gassing on about Jason's "integrity" was too much.


Could Dr. Mays be any more of a cliché? Good grief.


I love how Tracy was wheeled to the OR in front of everyone, but somehow she's back in the same room and no one saw her. Color me shocked Tracy had a bandage on her forehead and not her wrist, where most brain biopsies at GH occur.

  • Love 5

 Now Laura is calling Hayden the floral equivalent of trailer trash.  Laura, this is the woman your son tried to have murdered.  Please to be remembering that. 

This doesn't bother me too much because I think Laura has always been motivated (subconsciously, if not consciously) by guilt where Nik is concerned. He was raised by the Cassadines, and one time when Stavros was back from the dead (the Julie-to-Emme recast time) Stavros acknowledged to Laura and Luke that he'd had Nikolas shot because he was disloyal. Nikolas still brings up Laura abandoning him (as a tool of manipulation) from time to time. Her behavior regarding him (towards Hayden, but not only that) comes off to me as truly warped by guilt, that he has become what he is due to his DNA and the lack of influence from her in his childhood and early teen years. Plus she knows why/how Hayden appeared on the scene. It's not like Hayden was some young and innocent girl, as Emily was when Monica and Alan decided to adopt her.

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Watched yesterday's episode earlier tonight, still need to watch today but now there's no rush due to the pre-emption. Still liking the Tracy story, but Dr. Griffin can't act. His lines to Anna were abysmal.


Carly was nauseating, but hey what else is new?


I think the show thinks it's being clever for some reason about not announcing the sex of Sabrina's baby. My thought: who the hell cares? If you go with the soap law of mostly switching gender every time, we're due for a girl since the last baby born was Leo and Avery before that. Plus, I wouldn't think Sabrina would have another boy after Gabriel. But again, this plot is so stupid I can't bring myself to care.

  • Love 4

I'm dreading the return of Sabrina and that baby, whatever sex it is.  The parallel I see them trying to make between Michael/Sabrina/Carrrlos and Sonny/Carly/AJ makes me siiick.

Conjoined twins, a zombie, or a ghost are the only acceptable forms of new Corinthos related spawn. Carrrrlos is no AJ. I don't think AJ would've shot a cat. Hit one dog with a car and you're branded for life. Poor AJ. And yes, I did just call Jason a dog. Woof.

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Here we go - 


Soap Opera Digest ‏@SoapDigest  1h1 hour ago

GH PRE-EMPTED TOMORROW: http://www.soapoperadigest.com/content/gh-pre-empted-tomorrow



Where, at the funeral, The Will of Helena will be read, which relates how Jason apprehended John Hinkley himself, Carly kept the President stable on the way to the hospital, and Sonny removed the bullet. Himself. With his bare hands.

  • Love 4

This doesn't bother me too much because I think Laura has always been motivated (subconsciously, if not consciously) by guilt where Nik is concerned. He was raised by the Cassadines, and one time when Stavros was back from the dead (the Julie-to-Emme recast time) Stavros acknowledged to Laura and Luke that he'd had Nikolas shot because he was disloyal. Nikolas still brings up Laura abandoning him (as a tool of manipulation) from time to time. Her behavior regarding him (towards Hayden, but not only that) comes off to me as truly warped by guilt, that he has become what he is due to his DNA and the lack of influence from her in his childhood and early teen years. Plus she knows why/how Hayden appeared on the scene. It's not like Hayden was some young and innocent girl, as Emily was when Monica and Alan decided to adopt her.

I could accept that if we were talking about Nik sleeping with Luz while she was engaged to Lucky - but he tried to murder this woman. He hired someone to blow her brains out of the back of her skull and Laura is hissing at dumb-ass Rebecca Budug character instead of trying to have Nikolas sent to Ferncliff? No.

FFS. SA/JP have managed to combine RC's aggressively offensive OOC writing with Wolfe's ability to bore the audience into a coma

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