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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I'm confused.  Do Fluke and Mickey think that by blowing up Julian's family that will somehow make him want to keep quiet?


It's foolproof, Jerry!


I think they very unsubtly implied that Rosalie was the real source of Nina's dysfunction a week or so ago. Oh, if Rosalie wasn't whispering in her ear Nina would've given all this up! It's Rosalie's fault she wants to (comically) rape Silas! They always have to force these escape hatches on these OTT characters - oh, someone else is just a hypocrite, oh, someone else made them do it, oh, they have feelings too. Ron is far from the only guy in soaps today to do this, but he's currently one of the most prevalent.

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I have a question about Nina drugging Silas.  A few years ago I had abdominal surgery and was on a liquids only diet for a week.  I had to crush my daily medications and dissolve them in liquid.  No matter what I tried I could ALWAYS taste the pills in my drink.  I have never had scotch or whiskey (are they the same?).  Is scotch strong enough to cover the taste of a pill that is crushed into it?



Is scotch strong enough to cover the taste of a pill that is crushed into it?


Scotch is whisky with a "smoky" flavor. If someone weren't  a scotch drinker, then he or she would probably attribute the nasty taste of the drink to the scotch. But a scotch drinker would know. In fact, as a scotch drinker, I can distinguish "my" brand from other brands, and can tell generally good scotch from bad (and imagine that devoted drinkers of any specific adult beverage can do the same). That's the first thing that's irritating me about this whole story -- that Silas can't tell that HIS scotch in HIS house doesn't taste right. So TIIC are starting a story out with a bad premise and then adding what appears to be spousal rape to it. 


Edited by rur
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I'm in NYC and the news break was only the first 4 minutes. I got the rest of the show.


Yeah, I meant to say the end of the opening.  Fingers typing faster than brain is working.


I'm thinking Nina is going to go after Ava's baby. I'm looking forward to it. That's where the anvils seem to be falling for me.


My money's on the embryo still in play...because Ron will want to never actually have Lulu carry her own child.

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The Sam/Sonny scenes were so weird.




Weren't they just? I mean his scenes with everyone are often weird, but I didn't get the point at all.


He even told Sam not to let the Nina get in the way of her and Silas' relationship because of what he's going through with Olivia...in what world are the two situations slightly comparable?


Sam is dealing with her boyfriend cray cray wife coming back from the dead and trying to ruin their relationship while Sonny "lost it" and ended up boning Ava in a crypt and "wrecking" poor daft arsed Olivia's dreams of being his official, forever, squeeze.


Yeah, I can totally see where you'd get them confused... I guess when no one is around to make it all about Sonny the poor dear must find a way to make it all about him all on his own.

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Jesus, Dobson (and I think Guza thought he was being ironic; Bridget and Jerome DOBSON created Santa Barbara, the soap NLG was on prior to GH and also where Guza was once a staff writer - and Bridget Dobson is the daughter of Frank and Doris Hursley, who created time rival GH, ironically...). That crap gave me nightmares for eons.


How dare Alexis besmirch the Almighty S&C and have Sonny's spawn, so she HAD TO be taken down 100 pegs. That is essentially what it came down to.


Taking my answer to this to the GH History thread.


If Franco is so desperate to keep Sonny away from Carly he should just revert back to his murderous ways and kill him, then frame someone else...like Levi.


Fixed your spelling for you...  ;)

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IMHO, VA has smoking hot chemistry with WdV and the dude playing Mickey, but she has none with SBl.   


And again IMHO, he didnt have chemistry with LW or NLG either.   I think he actually is a good actor when given something to work with, but if he's going to stick around they need find someone he has chemistry with.  

Edited by Tiger
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Is Julian getting hotter?


Olivia's "When has that ever stopped you?" in response to Carly saying that Sonny was none of her business made me like Olivia again.  For a minute. 


I didn't think I could dislike Nina more.  I was wrong.  And it's not even a fun villain to watch kind of hate - it's more like she's so annoying I can't stand to watch her. 

I like Roger Howarth, and I'm looking forward to seeing his character get involved in story lines that aren't 100% about his love for Carly.  Although I would prefer he not continue to be involved with anything related to Nina (see above).

  • Love 5

I think Blakemore is a decent performer. He's not an amazing actor and he can't elevate the generally very paltry scripts they give him, but he's got such presence which stands out when he isn't just doing Shawn's usual routine these days, which is playing the sanctimonious hitman who goes around lecturing other criminals, teenagers, etc., telling them to stay in school or stop selling drugs. He's absolutely unwatchable doing that, which is a shame because Sean Blakemore is possibly the most beautiful man on daytime.


I thought he had a lot of chemistry with Laura Wright, but I dunno where that would have gone long-term. The Alexis pairing - I still have a lot of affection for Nancy, but that was just insulting.

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(*although I did find it interesting that the writers stuck in the part about evicting Julian on a morals clause . . . however, considering the morals of the owners and most of the known tenants, a whole 'nuther can of worms could be opened there . . . )


I think it was Ava that was evicted on a morals clause (sleeping with Morgan which didn't sit well with Carly), Julian was just tossed out because Scummy and Olivia were being petty little bitches. So I have no sympathy whatsoever for Olivia. Although I'm always down with anyone shading/truthtelling Carly. Still loving Jeromes back on the same team. WdV seems to be pretty happy about it too, according to Twitter.


Regarding Ava, I'll go on the record right now as saying I liked her outfit. I think she can wear a lot of things that others just can't. It was light and summery, and after being held captive for all this time, I sure she just wanted to be comfortable.


Sam, why are you even bothering to tell Sonny about your relationship? He doesn't care, and taking love advice from Sonny is the worst idea ever.


Nina/Silas. Don't know, don't care.

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I think you can do a fair bit with Shawn - he supposedly actually has a science degree of some sort, so maybe make him a WSB agent by night, professor or HS teacher by day. Something positive. But they don't want to do that. His role is specifically designed to marginalize him, because RC and FV have minimal interest in more than a token black sub-canvas.

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Shawn has been a total waste of a character, IMO. It didn't help that he came on as a mercenary vet with PTSD and Molly "cured" him basically by being nice to him. Now he's Sonny's flunky, and that's going nowhere. Shawn's only skill is making a mean BLT. What do you do with that?

I'd like a mean BLT.  Tried to get one today at work cafeteria at 11:45am and they said they were out of bacon.  Oh the horrors!


I missed the first 7 mins of today's show due to breaking news.  Anything good happen?

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I get the impression the people at ABC assume that viewers only tune in once a month.  This is why we get flashbacks from yesterday's episode, Nina's daily waving around her list o' revenge, and Sonny musing over the paternity of Ava's baby.  But that was super-stupid how Jordan summed up her plotline by identifying herself on a recorder with her badge number and why she's in Mickey D's room and "planting" the recorder while Mickey is in the room.  It looked like one of those old Folger's coffee commercials, "We've secretly replaced the fabulous coffee they serve here with Folger's Instant".  Yeah, that's some secret agent stuff going on there.

  • Love 7
Is Julian getting hotter?




Yes, yes he is, and he's about to get bombarded by the shrieking hypocrites of PC so I will need at least ten shirtless scenes, six pant less scenes, and a fairly gratuitous scene with sweat droplets running down his body to all the right places to make up for it.


And I thought William had been wasted on AMC as Michael C.

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I get the impression the people at ABC assume that viewers only tune in once a month.  This is why we get flashbacks from yesterday's episode, Nina's daily waving around her list o' revenge, and Sonny musing over the paternity of Ava's baby.  But that was super-stupid how Jordan summed up her plotline by identifying herself on a recorder with her badge number and why she's in Mickey D's room and "planting" the recorder while Mickey is in the room.  It looked like one of those old Folger's coffee commercials, "We've secretly replaced the fabulous coffee they serve here with Folger's Instant".  Yeah, that's some secret agent stuff going on there.


Today was particularly bad on that score.  Granted, the only parts I watched were Juilan/Ava and the Alexis household.  But I had to hear Molly tell Alexis that she only came back because Julian was gone, Julian tell Ava that he ran two businesses, one that was a front for the other.  Other stuff, too.  This is another reason we need more friends on this show--people should be summing up previous episodes by having conversations with their friends, not by talking to themselves aloud or having bizarre conversations in which they say aloud something the other person clearly already knows.


Ava and Julian are awesome.  They're such good frienemy siblings.  I also love MW and have been very annoyed I've had to ff her for the last few months because Sonny.  The Alexis stuff was whatever, but watchable.  There was nothing else I could bring myself to look at.

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I didn't think I could dislike Nina more.  I was wrong.  And it's not even a fun villain to watch kind of hate - it's more like she's so annoying I can't stand to watch her.



This is my first go round watching this actress. She went from victim to rapist in the time it takes MB to spit out a line.  At first, I enjoyed her breathing some life into Silas' scenes but I am 'shocked' that this character that NO ONE CARES about has been allotted so much airtime. She did breathe some life in the Silas scenes but she seems to have scarfed down the airtime from the general show which has an overall detrimental effect.  Stupid business move. It's like a losing sports team paying tons of money midyear for a player (no one wanted to pay for before the season began) to save the team; the player doesn't produce and the team still sucks.

Edited by sunnyface
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But her clearly stated goal was to sleep with the drugged Silas to replace the baby she lost.




For some reason I thought of a freshly thawed out Jason returning to PC holding a baby and asking around whose it is, it was trapped in his ice block with him, and it turns out to be Silas and the Nina's kid somehow. Then we could have some more scenes with Robin attempting to wrangle a baby determined to snatch her bald.



This is another reason we need more friends on this show




Ron has made it loud and clear that "friends" are not necessary on this show. It just complicates things and it takes time away from all the unfortunate/disgusting sex and betrayals and lies and stupid shit people end up doing because they have no one to tell them to "snap the fuck out of it".


I mean if Sam had a real friend to turn to why would she have spent so much time trying to figure out if Sonny was actually listening to her or finding out ways to interject his troubles with Olivia into the conversation before she got the hint and left him alone?


I actually believe if Silas had a friend that might have made some things involving he and the Nina actually tolerable. It would have been nice to see him unloading on a guy friend who then was all too happy to tell him to "Wake the hell up you idiot, she's going Fatal Attraction on your ass before the end of the month, mark my words".


As long as no one is friends with "My friends all call me 'Kiki'" Lauren "Living Ad for Birth Control" Jerome.

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I think Blakemore is a decent performer. He's not an amazing actor and he can't elevate the generally very paltry scripts they give him, but he's got such presence which stands out when he isn't just doing Shawn's usual routine these days, which is playing the sanctimonious hitman who goes around lecturing other criminals, teenagers, etc., telling them to stay in school or stop selling drugs. He's absolutely unwatchable doing that, which is a shame because Sean Blakemore is possibly the most beautiful man on daytime.


I thought he had a lot of chemistry with Laura Wright, but I dunno where that would have gone long-term. The Alexis pairing - I still have a lot of affection for Nancy, but that was just insulting.

Shawn Blakemore is a beautiful man, but his character is ugly. I would love to see the actor involved with someone he has legit chemistry with instead of being paired with the only other brown person on the show just because. ( as someone who is mixed race, it has always bugged me that there are so few mixed race couples on tv. I need to be represented!) 

As for the character? He needs to focus more on his sandwich artistry, work on his aim and leave Jordan alone. 

  • Love 8
I think you can do a fair bit with Shawn - he supposedly actually has a science degree of some sort, so maybe make him a WSB agent by night, professor or HS teacher by day. Something positive. But they don't want to do that.


That's exactly the problem: They don't want to make Shawn more than Sonny's flunky. So what do you do with him in that capacity? That's why he's such a waste, IMO. They don't even make him effective as Sonny's enforcer. Say what you want about Jason, but he could kill the person he was aiming at.

  • Love 7

I think Shawn, soldier with PTSD and a science degree and a past, is a better character that can write himself. The fact that he is played by a goregous, talented actor shows balls dropped by multiple regimes. He would be awesome as a forensic scientist for the PCPD, as opposed to a Sonny lackey. I'd rather see him have scenes with Anna, figuring out cases, than missing targets.

  • Love 3

That's exactly the problem: They don't want to make Shawn more than Sonny's flunky. So what do you do with him in that capacity? That's why he's such a waste, IMO. They don't even make him effective as Sonny's enforcer. Say what you want about Jason, but he could kill the person he was aiming at.


Well, sure, but Jason mostly killed red-shirts.

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I actually believe if Silas had a friend that might have made some things involving he and the Nina actually tolerable. It would have been nice to see him unloading on a guy friend who then was all too happy to tell him to "Wake the hell up you idiot, she's going Fatal Attraction on your ass before the end of the month, mark my words".




As I started reading this, I was thinking "it would have been cool if, instead of this 'did Patrick kill Rafe' thing, Silas and Patrick had become friends while working together at the hospital."  Then, I got to the rest of it, and, let's face it, Patrick would have never caught on to Nina.  Obviously whack job women are his Kryptonite. They can be wearing a fucking sign, and he'd have still taken that Scotch drink even quicker than Silas did. Of course, after the drugging, Silas and Patrick could have sat at the bar at the Floating Rib going "damn, who could have seen that coming?" 


I think Shawn, soldier with PTSD and a science degree and a past, is a better character that can write himself. The fact that he is played by a goregous, talented actor shows balls dropped by multiple regimes. He would be awesome as a forensic scientist for the PCPD, as opposed to a Sonny lackey. I'd rather see him have scenes with Anna, figuring out cases, than missing targets.



I so badly wanted him to go to work with Sam as a PI back before he became the mob flunky.  


Shawn's hypocricy when it comes to Jordan makes me see red.  I cannot WAIT until he finds out she's an undercover agent, hopefully while she's arresting his ass.



Imagine how much better this would be if Shawn was also undercover (which is another thing I wanted for him back when he wasn't awful).  His not wanting her involved with Julian would make sense (and not make him a flaming hypocrite), and we'd have an eventual moment where they find out that they're both working undercover (say for different agencies).  Shawn could have been so much more interesting, and, instead, they wiped his personality clean and he imprinted on Sonny.  Major character fail. 


While I'm glad we finally have someone, at least, undercover, there have been multiple characters who just scream for an undercover role, and we never get them.  And I hate that Ron decided that the answer to fans wanting to see someone like Julian be revealed to be undercover was to bring on a new female character we're not invested in to play the part instead, so he can have skeevy scenes like her potentially having sex with creepy guys to get information.  (Side note: Honey, please, if you're thinking of getting THAT up close and personal to the guy you're trying to bust, invest in better tech.  Yeah, he totally won't notice that recorder the size of a small brick on you when he starts groping.  Idiot.) 

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As I started reading this, I was thinking "it would have been cool if, instead of this 'did Patrick kill Rafe' thing, Silas and Patrick had become friends while working together at the hospital."  Then, I got to the rest of it, and, let's face it, Patrick would have never caught on to Nina.  Obviously whack job women are his Kryptonite. They can be wearing a fucking sign, and he'd have still taken that Scotch drink even quicker than Silas did. Of course, after the drugging, Silas and Patrick could have sat at the bar at the Floating Rib going "damn, who could have seen that coming?"




*Snorts* I actually too thought of a Silas and Patrick friendship. I mean they're both doctors and they aren't in the mob business for one, heck they could have brought Silas on as someone Patrick used to go to med school with and they already had a buddy relationship from the get go, and that also could have made things far more intriguing/less shitty if Patrick found himself getting even more chummy with Sam and Silas notices and then you have that aspect which actually, to me, is what makes for a far better soap story and not nearly as one sided, and shitty.


But yeah, you're right, Patrick would have been the worst wing-man for Silas when it comes to figuring out the Nina's true plans. He and Silas would have been sharing sips of the spiked drink and wondering aloud about its "peculiar" taste while the Nina twirled her mustache in the background and cackled heartily.

Edited by CPP83
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I don't know if that would be awesome or terrifying.

After yesterday, I'm positive Nina can lift them both. Like how awesome of a trainer is Rosalie? Yeah, she may get annoying. But after seeing her rocking bikini bod and knowing she trained a woman in a coma to be able to power lift the dead weight that is Silas, I'm like we need your workout video. I'm a believer.

 And I hate that Ron decided that the answer to fans wanting to see someone like Julian be revealed to be undercover was to bring on a new female character we're not invested in to play the part instead, so he can have skeevy scenes like her potentially having sex with creepy guys to get information.


To be honest, I'm already more invested in Jordan than I am in Julian. Her character is paper thin, maybe even thinner, but I like the actress a lot. I just wish she weren't going to be paired with Shawn, who I can't bring myself to really give a crap about.

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I've always been sort of neutral on Olivia, but her slurring to Ned about being a Brenda-bot was enough to earn my undying love. "Legions and legions of small brunettes with big boobies who are like, 'Oh, Sonny! Whatever you do! Whatever you say I'll just make an excuse for you!'"


Can we keep her and Ned? If they'll just pop up once a week to snark about Sonny and look shiny together, I'll forgive Ron everything.

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I think Jordan is beautiful but like Shawn, has little to no personality. It just screams of "okay, these are the black people, this is them together, are you fucking happy?" I can't gauge the actress's skills based on this extremely lame material, beyond her chemistry with William deVry, etc. Unless something happens to open the character up and deepen her, there are black female characters with a history on this show who I'd rather see.


I still cannot with Ned and Olivia. I love them both, especially Olivia, but having it literally be Ned and Lois all over again - and happen overnight - is a fail for me. Olivia is basically the same character, give or take a few details. It's ridiculous to pair them!

Edited by jsbt
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