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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Guys, I'm confused. Admittedly, I drink a lot, especially when watching this show, but I thought that when Sonny went to the brownstone to kill Ava, he knew that the baby was either his or Morgan's. He was willing to kill either his child or his grandchild, because he hated Ava that much. I'm almost sure that's right, because that was after he had been holding Ava hostage. Or are y'all talking about something else?

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I gotta say, I loved the Sam/Spin/Maxie/baby scenes.  It seemed like the actors kind of broke character, and it came across as KeMo & BA cooing with KS over her adorable child.  Really cute.


Ric and Sonny hating on Jake was kind of hilarious.  I actually laughed out loud when Sonny asked how Jake's "chip" worked and whether you used a remote with it.  (I'm just glad some writer out there understands how ludicrous this whole brainwashing nonsense is.)  If I have to choose between Sonny & Ric getting along, and Ric locking Sonny's wife in a panic room and obsessively scheming to take down his brother, I'll choose Option A. 


TeCa is very cute with the baby but I can't get down with Sabrina being a Nanny to Avery after that history.  I'm hoping she steps down after the commotion with nuKiki tomorrow.


Dante and Nathan, and the gratuitous shirtless scenes.  Yeah.  I'm with that.  Can't even remember what the hell they said.

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I think most of the people who both watch and post both find something to like and say so. But I think most of the posts here also don't say the show is super fantastic because it's not. imo. It's a guilty pleasure at times. And certainly when Ron and Frank first came on most people liked the first year and a half and said so. I remember because I felt left out cause I felt cranky at a lot of the changes on the show at the time, heh.

And we mostly always at least elaborate and explain why we dislike the things we dislike. There are GH boards out there with just posts going 'this sucks and blows' and that's it.

And I honestly think Nina and Franco are together or apart are two of the worst characters this show has ever had and they need to go. I'm not being snarky there just for the sake of being snarky. Some things people do get pulled into group think; but sometimes things simply are genuinely that disliked.

Edited by ulkis
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I think it's easy to forget that people watch the show for different reasons. I watch bc I've watched since I was a child. It's nostalgic. I'm not watching because I think it's a quality show right now. So most of my commentary is bitching and then I like to remember the amazing 80s and 90s and cry sparkly tears.

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A bit late to the party, but ... Honestly, as someone who does (mostly) enjoy the show, I do feel the same way sometimes. On the whole, though, I find the board quite hilarious and I find myself agreeing with a large number of their points ... I just don't feel those points categorically "destroy" the show. Could the show be better? Hell yes. Everything can always be better. But I'm still entertained. Maybe that's because I try to concentrate on the positives, even when I have this strong suspicion it will go to the dogs in the near future (e.g. Michael rightfully hates Sonny/Carly and managed to outwit them). I think the Fluke plot is full of holes big enough to drive a truck through, but I also find it's a rare instance of an umbrella storyline that's connected most of the cast and brought some decent performances (albeit not from Tony Geary). I dislike Roger Howarth and Michelle Stafford's lazy portrayals but think they have good chemistry together. I don't think Ryan Paevey is much of an actor but damn if he isn't pretty. I welcome the flimsiest excuse to get the men out of their clothes. I don't even hate AJ being brought back from the dead only to be killed off again, because 1) AJ was redeemed to some extent and allowed to build a relationship with his son, and 2) his murder set up the Michael Quartermaine transformation and exposed Sonny for the murderous scumbag he is. Brad and Lucas don't get nearly enough airtime, but they are a sexy couple who bring it when they are on. Maura West is an absolutely brilliant addition to the cast and she works so well in this role and opposite most of her screen partners. And I could go on but in short, there's a lot to enjoy about this show. It's not perfect, but it's not the pits either. I'll never understand the calls for its cancellation.


Michael has been emphatic that he is Avery's brother. He has never once tried to claim to be her dad. And he is not trying to parent her but to keep her away from the dangerous lifestyle of a remorseless mob boss.


Sonny would likely not have hesitated to kill a pregnant woman if she wasn't carrying his child. Sabrina did try to commit a heinous crime against an innocent baby, and there's no excuse or justification for that, but she had just watched her tiny infant son die a slow and excruciating death thanks to Ava (or she believed). I am no Sabrina fan and think her portrayer is a weak actress, but imagine what watching Gabriel's death did to her psyche. I mean, she had a break from reality where she couldn't even accept that he had died in that awful, awful way.


That's not saying Kiki isn't right, because I think the gracious thing would be for Sabrina to stay away from the baby she tried to kill. It definitely won't be in Michael's favor.

This is an awesome post and I thank you for posting it.   More, please!

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I gotta say, I loved the Sam/Spin/Maxie/baby scenes.  It seemed like the actors kind of broke character, and it came across as KeMo & BA cooing with KS over her adorable child.  Really cute.


Ric and Sonny hating on Jake was kind of hilarious.  I actually laughed out loud when Sonny asked how Jake's "chip" worked and whether you used a remote with it.  (I'm just glad some writer out there understands how ludicrous this whole brainwashing nonsense is.)  If I have to choose between Sonny & Ric getting along, and Ric locking Sonny's wife in a panic room and obsessively scheming to take down his brother, I'll choose Option A. 


TeCa is very cute with the baby but I can't get down with Sabrina being a Nanny to Avery after that history.  I'm hoping she steps down after the commotion with nuKiki tomorrow.


Dante and Nathan, and the gratuitous shirtless scenes.  Yeah.  I'm with that.  Can't even remember what the hell they said.

I hope Sabrina doesn't step down. Kiki is a moron who is supporting someone who would've killed her mother and has no business raising a child not to mention Sonny is no model of sanity. Kiki needs to have a seat, still can't believe she has the gall to say Micheal is the bad son when she is supporting a man who pointed Sonny to her mother's direction. And why the Hell would she believe Sonny tried to save her mother?

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I get that a lot of people post on here to vent about their issues and I do not deny that a lot of the negative posts are funny as hell, but they are negative.



What's wrong with negative if that's the genuine, real emotion/reaction that someone is feeling? "Negative" and "positive" are quite vague terms, I think. I'm fairly sure that some of the "negative" reactions may be tendered if the show presents the characters as woefully clueless or not catching on to some highly obvious situation or pattern. One often-used snarky shortcut for expressing this reaction is: "the stupid--it burns". Some examples of this negative reaction include the fact that apparently nobody in PC was catching on to the initials "AJ" in blood as "Ava Jerome" as well as "AJ Quartermaine". Another example: neither Sam nor Liz figuring out that Jake is Jason Redux. When we are presented with characters who seem unusually dense like that, it is intensely annoying. Personally, my reaction to intensely annoying situations (i.e., "the stupid--it burns") that persist on the show is anger, because I have a feeling that the writers aren't respecting the intelligence level of the viewers either.


So if we viewers are feeling genuine distasteful feelings about the way the show is being written, what are we supposed to do? Stay completely quiet but endure it? Stop watching the show? Those aren't options I want to use when I'm feeling the stupid burning. So I speak out.

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I hope Sabrina doesn't step down. Kiki is a moron who is supporting someone who would've killed her mother and has no business raising a child not to mention Sonny is no model of sanity. Kiki needs to have a seat, still can't believe she has the gall to say Micheal is the bad son when she is supporting a man who pointed Sonny to her mother's direction. And why the Hell would she believe Sonny tried to save her mother?

Out of all Ron's plots the last 3+ years, it's this 'Kiki thinks Sonny is ah-mah-zing' that makes the least sense. There have been a large number of things that Ron has done that made little sense, but if I squint and fanwank hard enough I can come up with something possibly resembling an explanation. But I can't do this with Kiki's current behavior. What makes it even more baffling is that it's a 180¤ degree turn from the last week KA played her.

And HE's statement on Twitter about Keeks wanting Avery to have that father-daughter relationship that she didn't have just doesn't work for me.

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Wait, what? Jakeson is Jason? That's what's been going on?


This reminds me of Ben being Glory, except this is really stupid.


Wait.....Ben is Glory? Are you saying they have a connection somehow?


And I don't mean to be rude but we don't know if he would have killed her or not since it was his child, so to say he would def have killed her isn't something we can know. I've also heard over and over how if Morgan didn't tow Sonny's line he'd turn on him, yet when he DIDN'T tow Sonny's line by not taking Avery to the island he was totally fine with it. So yah I still chose to believe Sonny wouldn't shoot a pregnant woman.


Well, unless it's Carly, who was giving birth to Morgan at the time, but he actually meant to murder Lorenzo instead, so, bygones.

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I thought about this, but I just don't see Anna being the Queen to someone's King



Which is how this show should be centered


and I want a Dolphin (I never get the friggin pony so what the hell)

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Thank you.  I get that a lot of people post on here to vent about their issues and I do not deny that a lot of the negative posts are funny as hell, but they are negative.


I get what you're saying...but I'm also not planning to edit what I write because I'm worried it's too negative, you know? 


I will say this, and I've said it before - I think the show is a huge mess right now, a real low point of this Cartini era, but I still prefer it to the Guza era with the laser-focus on the Sonny/Carly/Jason trinity.  At least with Ron's writing, there's enough variety of characters and story that there tends to always be something I'm at least semi-interested in.

Edited by TeeVee329
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God help me - I actually see potential with Michael/Sabrina pairing. Now the that actress is paired with someone age appropriate, the character is working. And AJ was so freaking adorable with both of them!


I appreciate having a place to vent my frustrations and share my positive opinions as well. I see plenty of both comments on the boards and, even if I don't like what someone says, I still respect their right to express their opinion.


I will admit to still having a shred of hope for the Patrick character. I am a longtime Scrubs fan, as any reader of my fanfics will know, and already came up with several different ways they could have explained KMc's absence without destroying either character. There is still a way out, the writers just have to use their brains to find it.

Edited by cmahorror
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Out of all Ron's plots the last 3+ years, it's this 'Kiki thinks Sonny is ah-mah-zing' that makes the least sense. There have been a large number of things that Ron has done that made little sense, but if I squint and fanwank hard enough I can come up with something possibly resembling an explanation. But I can't do this with Kiki's current behavior. What makes it even more baffling is that it's a 180¤ degree turn from the last week KA played her.

And HE's statement on Twitter about Keeks wanting Avery to have that father-daughter relationship that she didn't have just doesn't work for me.

In HE's defense she is probably happy she has a job,if she takes to Twitter and blasts her character or the writing she's likely fired. She has to secretly feel that Kiki is a hypocrite a moron and so on and so on but there are characters with worse morals and are monsters(Sonny,Carly, Dr O, Helena) and Dumber characters(Morgan) than Kiki

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In HE's defense she is probably happy she has a job,if she takes to Twitter and blasts her character or the writing she's likely fired.


I think the only one that can do that and get away with it currently is NLG.

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On Spinelli.... to paraphrase Hank Hill, "That boy just ain't right." And now that he's still talking with Ellie makes me think his "breakup" wasn't so much a breakup. At this point, I don't know what's going on, but I'm wagering that Georgie is more Lante than Spixie, and they'll be bringing this back for some God-awful reason.

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Guys, I'm confused. Admittedly, I drink a lot, especially when watching this show, but I thought that when Sonny went to the brownstone to kill Ava, he knew that the baby was either his or Morgan's. He was willing to kill either his child or his grandchild, because he hated Ava that much. I'm almost sure that's right, because that was after he had been holding Ava hostage. Or are y'all talking about something else?


Sonny went to the brownstone after Morgan snitched on Ava to retrieve her. He didn't go there to kill her, but when he got there the baby was already born and gone so she wasn't pregnant anymore. That is why he was going to shoot her but Michael came in and stopped him.

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And I don't mean to be rude but we don't know if he would have killed her or not since it was his child, so to say he would def have killed her isn't something we can know.



Well, we can only take his word for it.  And since Sonny said numerous times that the only reason he wasn't killing her while she was pregnant was because it was possibly his kid (never mind that the other option was that it was his grandchild), I'm going to have to take him at his word that, yes, he would have killed her ass if that wasn't his spawn she was incubating. 

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Well, we can only take his word for it.  And since Sonny said numerous times that the only reason he wasn't killing her while she was pregnant was because it was possibly his kid (never mind that the other option was that it was his grandchild), I'm going to have to take him at his word that, yes, he would have killed her ass if that wasn't his spawn she was incubating. 


And also because he is also one of the only main characters besides Franco who we have seen shooting people in the chest to kill them, more than once.


I mean I do think there is a chance Sonny would have relented about killing a pregnant woman. But he didn't seem to think he would have.


Thank you.  I get that a lot of people post on here to vent about their issues and I do not deny that a lot of the negative posts are funny as hell, but they are negative.

I get what you're saying...but I'm also not planning to edit what I write because I'm worried it's too negative, you know? 


I will say this, and I've said it before - I think the show is a huge mess right now, a real low point of this Cartini era, but I still prefer it to the Guza era with the laser-focus on the Sonny/Carly/Jason trinity.  At least with Ron's writing, there's enough variety of characters and story that there tends to always be something I'm at least semi-interested in.


I don't not sympathize. There are times when I've seen some posts and I'm like "okay, time to stop torturing yourself." But also I have been, as I'm sure we most of us have been, at many message boards and I've never seen "please start posting the way I want you to post" work. So people can say that if they want but I don't think it's gonna work. But whatever, it's no skin off my back.


and that is my last post on the subject, I promise.

Edited by ulkis
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As much as I hate to admit it, I think Ron might be on to something here. I think he is writing this so that the legion of Sonny fans who populated Facebook and other places, and who seem to have the ears of  The REAL Powers that Be for years and years now are kept happy thinking that Sonny is the hero, while in the meantime those of us who hate Sonny are also getting the awesome MWOP. This is as many layers as I have ever seen Ron write, and while like much of his work it is rushed (and I am no longer sure if that is Ron's fault or the short attention span of today's generation) it is better then most anything else he has written in a long time

I am getting the same vibe from Maxie-Nathan-Spin, while the vocal Spixe fans can cheer for the little weasel, others can cheer on Nathan, Would I have preferred Ron to play this in classic soap fashion using Johnny as the third leg in order to do the Good Boy-Bad Boy-Torn Girl rift that goes all the way back though Scotty-Luke-Laura and Jason Q-Jagger-Karen (and maybe longer)  ? You bet but as long as this stays layered (which is hard with RP's limited acting skills and the unfortunate continuance of ditzy Maxie that KSt has to play) then it may not be too bad


I mostly agree with the above. Or at least, that's what I hope is going on. What makes me doubt it (in re Michael's story) is that there don't seem to be enough characters on Team Michael. I'd like to see Olivia on his side, and Bobbi, and some others who aren't Quartermaines. I'd like to see other people feeling torn (like oh say, Carly, or Morgan, or Kiki). That would make me feel more comfortable that Ron is intentionally writing for both factions of the show's audience.


He might be wooden but he is MY very special Log...so to speak;)


I don't see Nathan as wooden. The actor is green, but I've seen steady improvement and this triangle is his first storyline that looks like it might have some legs. There's an earnestness in his performance I find appealing (even when he has his shirt on).


ICGS, let's not forget that I like Spencer.  Not just that I don't hate him, but I actually like him!  ​It's a tough row to hoe.  I think there's been a lot more positivity on here lately than we've had in a while - most of us are enjoying Michael, some like Nina and Franco, a few enjoy Sonny, Lucas and Brad are a hit with a lot of us, there's some support for Maxie/ Nathan or Maxie/Spinelli, and of course my aforementioned appreciation of Spencer.  The Legion of Doom, however - not sure I've seen anyone who is a huge fan of that!



I want to jump in the positivity pool.

I like Carly. No, really. I hate a lot of things she does, and I hate that the writers have put her back together with Sonny, but I like Carly. I've liked her since SJB's original recipe Carly. I couldn't watch Tamara Brown in the role, but I like LW's version. I think I like the character in the same way that I liked the Sami Brady character on DOOL. I want her to stop screwing up and be better, and actively root for it, even though I know I'm playing a fool's game.

I like Spencer and all the little kids, but the writers need to give them a more age appropriate storyline (and reduced screen time). I've wanted to say something about the actor who plays Spencer for a long time. When I see people comment on his speech impediment, it makes me uncomfortable. Spencer has a speech/language disorder, because the real little boy who plays him has one. I'm sure NB's parents have him in speech therapy. Speech problems are not resolved overnight. It can take years and sometimes they're never fully resolved, witness Barbara Walters. I understand why little ham can grate; he just doesn't happen to grate on my nerves. I think I like him, in part, because I see the real little kid having a hell of a good time "acting" (which is why I like Ciara Brady on Days of Our Lives, especially when she gets to be naughty and sneaky).


I like Sabrina, now that she's in Michael's orbit, rather than Patrick's. Michael's storyline has made me happier with this show than I've been in decades (I hate the mob stuff). 

I still like Patrick and Sam, even together. I like Spinelli, too, the little weirdo (I think because I like Brad Anderson). I love Maxie, even when I want to dope slap her. I'll always love Liz and I don't even judge her for being fickle, because I consider so much of that to be writer error. 

Wow, this positivity is exhausting. I need coffee.


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I didn't hate Spinelli this much until now. Assertive is not the word. His bouncing around and having to be dragged out by Sam was embarrassing. I was embarrassed for him. Spinelli, is what mid-thirties? Yuck.


Yesterday I was trying to figure out how old Spinelli is supposed to be and, after he had to be dragged out of the room by Sam, I settled on 15. The immaturity in him is very strong, the strongest of anyone maybe, and that's truly saying something when you have Maxie, Franco, and Nina on this show.


I feel if Anna Devane dictated the decisions I made in my real life, I would become a 100x better of a person. I imagine she would tell me to stop watching GH though.


No doubt that would be Anna's #1 piece of advice to all of us.


Kiki shouldn't be Bitching and calling Sabrina Pyscho when she is in the corner of a horrible piece of shit like sonny.


Yea exactly. I mean if Kiki had tried to get custody herself, supported Michael, or just at the very least not have actively supported (to an insane degree) Sonny while calling Michael the devil, then she would no doubt have the right to chastise Michael and Sabrina right now. But she gave that right up when she become Sonny's bitch. 


Here is my issue with both Michael and Sabrina. They aren't that good.


They really are though. On this show, they're good people. And really even in real life I would consider them good. They've both made mistakes, no doubt, some pretty big ones, but they have changed and grown and shown actual remorse for those things. They have real jobs that aren't of the criminal variety. They've never killed someone in cold blood. They aren't misogynistic. They care about people other than themselves. On a show with Dr. O, Franco, Nina, Ava, Sonny, Jason, Helena, Luke, hell even Nik and Carly, they're practically saints.


I get what you're saying...but I'm also not planning to edit what I write because I'm worried it's too negative, you know?

This. I'm sorry that some people are disheartened by what others post, but just as they are free to love everything about this show and express that, others are free to hate everything and express that. That's kind of the point of a message board! And I agree with others that have said they really don't see non-stop negativity here. Mostly I see really good snark mixed with some negativity and a good bit of positivity. Hell, almost every post includes all three! It's pretty balanced IMO.


I will say this, and I've said it before - I think the show is a huge mess right now, a real low point of this Cartini era, but I still prefer it to the Guza era with the laser-focus on the Sonny/Carly/Jason trinity.  At least with Ron's writing, there's enough variety of characters and story that there tends to always be something I'm at least semi-interested in.

Also this. I enjoy the show much more now than I did during the worst Guza years. I left because of my rage then and I have yet to drop it this time around. OK, not true, I dropped it for a bit over the summer but that was because it was boring and I had better stuff to do, but I didn't hate it the way I did during those dark Guza years.


I don't see Nathan as wooden. The actor is green, but I've seen steady improvement and this triangle is his first storyline that looks like it might have some legs. There's an earnestness in his performance I find appealing (even when he has his shirt on).

I agree. Honestly most of the time I just truly do not think RP is worse than most of the rest of the actors. And currently there's like at least 3 actors I think are far worse than him. But I love earnestness in an actor and he definitely has that so I'm biased.


About the 'mob shootout,' next time they should all just go West Side Story with it and then afterwards act like it never happened. That's the kind of camp/cheese I could get behind. 

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I like Spencer and all the little kids, but the writers need to give them a more age appropriate storyline (and reduced screen time). I've wanted to say something about the actor who plays Spencer for a long time. When I see people comment on his speech impediment, it makes me uncomfortable. Spencer has a speech/language disorder, because the real little boy who plays him has one. I'm sure NB's parents have him in speech therapy. Speech problems are not resolved overnight. It can take years and sometimes they're never fully resolved, witness Barbara Walters. I understand why little ham can grate; he just doesn't happen to grate on my nerves. I think I like him, in part, because I see the real little kid having a hell of a good time "acting" (which is why I like Ciara Brady on Days of Our Lives, especially when she gets to be naughty and sneaky).



Honestly, I think Ron is the one taking advantage of the kid's lisp, that he thinks it sounds cute and-or funny to give the kid with the lisp all this pop culture heavy dialogue, and that's more what I'm making fun of than the lisp in and of itself. But I get that that's definitely splitting hairs on my part.


I like Carly. No, really. I hate a lot of things she does, and I hate that the writers have put her back together with Sonny, but I like Carly. I've liked her since SJB's original recipe Carly. I couldn't watch Tamara Brown in the role, but I like LW's version. I think I like the character in the same way that I liked the Sami Brady character on DOOL. I want her to stop screwing up and be better, and actively root for it, even though I know I'm playing a fool's game.



I don't love her or anything and I think she is pretty infuriating right now. ("Miiiichael let me whine about you taking Sonny's daughter but meanwhile my daughter is off foraging for nuts") but I wouldn't actually want her off the show. (Or, at least, it doesn't make much difference to me.) Yeah, most of the characters say she has a big strong heart who loves her kids but it's actually usually prefaced by "Carly is an annoying psycho but . . . " And unlike Sonny and Jason she is not actually a killer, although obviously she took advantage of the benefits of Sonny and Jason being killers. But I just see/saw Carly as your usual soap vixen. Sonny and Jason were/are supposed to be killers with hearts of gold.

Edited by ulkis
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I think Ron missed an opportunity to take Carly in a interesting direction by having her legimiately torn between Michael and Sonny.  And Laura Wright could play it.  But her being so ride-or-die with Sonny (and with Jake(son), come to think of it) over her son is not appealing in the slightest.  Losing Michael should have broken her, but she's completely shrugged it off.

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I don't see Nathan as wooden. The actor is green, but I've seen steady improvement and this triangle is his first storyline that looks like it might have some legs. There's an earnestness in his performance I find appealing (even when he has his shirt on).


Oh I'm right there with you. I do kind of think the last couple of weeks he hasn't been as good until yesterday he was back up to normal. I don't think he's bad (obviously:P) I was being facetious.


He was MEOW! sexy in the locker room......wait was someone else there too? LOL

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. . . " And unlike Sonny and Jason she is not actually a killer, although obviously she took advantage of the benefits of Sonny and Jason being killers.



Well, except for that one time, she came to some shindig on Jason's arm, like some Mob Moll, and Jason wasn't there for a minute, and she gave his guy/goon the order to shoot (I can't remember who it was), as if she was in charge of the Mafia; she had to repeat the order twice, I think,  And whoever shot the rifle, he sucked, because it was Brenda who got shot in the arm.


I remember Jason ripping her a new one, for thinking she had any power or say to give any kind of orders to his men. I believe this was the year that Sonny was not on the show. And Jason and Robin had broken up Cujo was still riding high on breaking up Robin and Jason.

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Hmm you're right sounds familiar. Wasn't that at the event on the docks when people were protesting some ELQ thing? That's the only time I recall Brenda being shot in the arm. And it was in 1998 (the glorious year Sonny was not on the show) so it lines up about right.

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I know he is calling her his sister now one day in but I highly doubt he'll have her call him Michael her whole life.


I don't see Michael ever having Avery call him anything but Michael. I think calling her AJ is satisfying enough for him, and anyway, there are too many people who know that Sonny (for now) is Avery's father. It's kind of creepy to me that Michael would want Avery to call him Dad.


Wait.....Ben is Glory? Are you saying they have a connection somehow?


I don't remember. Do they?


As long as Sabrina doesn't harbor a secret desire to kill Avery now—and all things point to no—I don't see the problem of her being Avery's nanny. (I'm using soap logic here; IRL, I'd slap Sabrina with a restraining order at the very least.)

Edited by dubbel zout
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I've wanted to say something about the actor who plays Spencer for a long time. When I see people comment on his speech impediment,

Does he? If he does then I feel sorry for the little chap and wish Ron would stop exploiting him. I also wonder if it is an affection that Ron and Frank like as they recreate Nathan Lane.  But I do agree wholeheartedly that age appropriate story lines would go a long way. Remember when Lucky and Sly sold worms? Give Spencer a dog, some big Mastiff that scares everyone else but is a gentle giant with him, stuff like that

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This is the last I'm going to say on the subject because I'm beginning to feel like. well, I won't say.


Firstly, I never said that anyone *had* to "post the way I want them to post" nor did I say that anyone had to stop posting any particular way including, as I see it, negatively, albeit in a snarky way.  EVER.  


I apologize. It was rude of me.

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Wait.....Ben is Glory? Are you saying they have a connection somehow?



I don't remember. Do they?



I remember. He was subletting from her.


omg... Imagine Morgan trying to get that?

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Well, except for that one time, she came to some shindig on Jason's arm, like some Mob Moll, and Jason wasn't there for a minute, and she gave his guy/goon the order to shoot (I can't remember who it was), as if she was in charge of the Mafia; she had to repeat the order twice, I think,  And whoever shot the rifle, he sucked, because it was Brenda who got shot in the arm.


I remember Jason ripping her a new one, for thinking she had any power or say to give any kind of orders to his men. I believe this was the year that Sonny was not on the show. And Jason and Robin had broken up Cujo was still riding high on breaking up Robin and Jason.

She also ran the mob for a few weeks in the fall of 2002 when everyone thought Sonny was dead. I think Roy "shot" him the moment he saw Brenda open the church doors and step out in the rain to the tune of "Amazing Grace". Anyway, she carried around a bat and I think she even hit someone with it during a meeting of the five families. Good times!

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I remember that. Cringeworthy scene. Yeah, the mob bosses are going to be terrified of Tamara Braun carrying a baseball bat.

As if you all didn't already think I have issues, I thought Tamara's Carly swinging that bat around was sexy as hell.

Edited by Tiger
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I remember that. Cringeworthy scene. Yeah, the mob bosses are going to be terrified of Tamara Braun carrying a baseball bat.


Thank be to the GODS I was spared all that. I'm pretty sure I went to the Barge after Laura went cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs, which was in 2002, right? And didn't return until Robin came back in 2005.

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Thank be to the GODS I was spared all that. I'm pretty sure I went to the Barge after Laura went cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs, which was in 2002, right? And didn't return until Robin came back in 2005.

Yup; Brenda's return, Sonny's "death", and Carly running the mob happened literally right after Laura left.

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I remember. He was subletting from her.


Part of the joke on the show was that nobody could remember that Ben was Glory and vice versa. Remember? ;-)



I thought Tamara's Carly swinging that bat around was sexy as hell.


I loved that. Carly as mob boss was hilarious.

Edited by dubbel zout
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Honestly, I think Ron is the one taking advantage of the kid's lisp, that he thinks it sounds cute and-or funny to give the kid with the lisp all this pop culture heavy dialogue, and that's more what I'm making fun of than the lisp in and of itself. But I get that that's definitely splitting hairs on my part.


I totally agree on Spencer's dialogue being ridiculous. Either someone here, or someone on Twitter, pointed out that when Spencer was first in the hospital and woke up to see Nik, it would have been so nice if he'd said, "Daddy," instead of "Father." I strained my neck, nodding in agreement. It would be nice if Spencer's injury and experience at Shriner's resulted in him toning it down, a bit. The writers have an on-camera motivation for Spencer to stop being quite so hoity-toity.

Also? Didn't Spencer used to be friends with Liz's boys, in an almost cousin sense (I guess it is a cousin-sense where invisible Aiden is concerned), before this baby love triangle popped up, between Cam, Emma and Spencer? I'd like to see Cam and Spencer develop a friendship (or redevelop), because this deep rivalry between two prepubescent boys over a prepubescent girl was played out, before it began.

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As long as Sabrina doesn't harbor a secret desire to kill Avery now—and all things point to no—I don't see the problem of her being Avery's nanny. (I'm using soap logic here; IRL, I'd slap Sabrina with a restraining order at the very least.)


I agree.  I can't believe I am about to defend Sabrina but the entire reason she gave Ava the wrong meds was because she believed Ava had caused the accident that ultimately resulted in her son's death.  Now that she is fully aware that Ava was not responsible for the accident, why would she pose any sort of threat to Avery?  I get why Kiki wouldn't like her - I can see that's not the sort of thing you get over anytime soon but she is being kind of hypocritical.  Sonny did a lot more harm to Ava than Sabrina did.  Sonny was going to kill her but Kiki seems to accept that in the end Sonny tried to save her.  Well Sabrina also had a change of heart and made sure Jordan knew what she had done so she could let Ava know.  In the end, Avery and Ava were just fine.  I don't like Kiki needs to sing Sabrina's praise or be her friend, but insisting she is a continuing danger to Avery doesn't make any sense.



I'm sorry, PATRICK SPARKLES. He SPARKLES. One of the biggest assholes on the show SPARKLES.


I wouldn't have chosen to phrase it that way but I get what Sam meant. Sam's recent romantic history is with the Borg and Dr. Downer.  For all his faults, Patrick does smile and is much more light hearted (whether or not he should be given the situation with Robin is a different issue).

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Also? Didn't Spencer used to be friends with Liz's boys, in an almost cousin sense (I guess it is a cousin-sense where invisible Aiden is concerned), before this baby love triangle popped up, between Cam, Emma and Spencer?



Yes. Back in the summer of 2013? The Summer after AJ returned, when Liz was dating AJ, and Nik was trying to get her to stop seeing him, Cam and Spencer were like best friends, hanging out, playing together.  I remember it was Cam who got Nik's phone that had that video of Tracy and Nik? talking about how AJ had slept with Cujo; something Nik was "debating/thinking about" letting Liz know. Or something.


Point is, Cam and Spencer were friends. And then the petulant douchetastic fuckwit had to ruin it.

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I wouldn't have chosen to phrase it that way but I get what Sam meant. Sam's recent romantic history is with the Borg and Dr. Downer. For all his faults, Patrick does smile and is much more light hearted (whether or not he should be given the situation with Robin is a different issue).

My point is less about Sam and more about the fact that he has no reason to be sparkling. He just got divorced (was it official? We never saw 'cause Ron doesn't care!) from his "longtime love" who told him that she's leaving for good 'cause she's broken. Patrick hasn't spoken to her. Their daughter hasn't seen or spoken to her. And that's just the beginning w/o getting into Sabrina, Shamwow, the Cassadine crew, Jason, Faison, I could go on.

I'm just under the belief that if a writer is going to go with despair, you can't really pretend it never happened and just plant a smile on the character and move on. It's lazy.

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I really don't understand why Kiki is supporting Sonny in the custody dispute. The man wanted to kill her mother and Michael stopped him. The way this story is going is that I am afraid that the writers will have Kiki do a trifecta and bone Sonny the instant that he and Snarly break up.

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I get why Kiki wouldn't like her - I can see that's not the sort of thing you get over anytime soon but she is being kind of hypocritical.  Sonny did a lot more harm to Ava than Sabrina did.


Not that I like defending Kiki, but in her slight defense, she saw first hand what Sabrina did to her. She saw her mother in unbearable physical pain. As someone who has seen their own mother in that type of agony, I can say it stays with you for quite a while. I still say that night at the hospital was one of the worst nights of my entire life. I wanted to run away, but I literally couldn't. And I'm sorry, just because Ava and Avery are now fine from that incident, doesn't mean it was all, oh well, no big deal. I've seen many posts referencing the fact that Ava forgave Sabrina. Yes, this is true. But that doesn't mean she necessarily would be okay with Sabrina being Avery's nanny if she knew about it, as fierce a mother bear as she is. She didn't want Michael to get custody, she wanted Kiki. 


As far as Kiki defending Sonny, I don't know why everyone is trying to understand the logic behind it. There is none. It's a plot point. Nothing more, nothing less. Ron doesn't write any other way.

Edited by tvgoddess
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I really don't understand why Kiki is supporting Sonny in the custody dispute. The man wanted to kill her mother and Michael stopped him. The way this story is going is that I am afraid that the writers will have Kiki do a trifecta and bone Sonny the instant that he and Snarly break up.

I would love if Carly & Morgan walked in on Sonny banging Kiki. I would howl with laughter so loud that the astronauts on the international space station would hear me.

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My point is less about Sam and more about the fact that he has no reason to be sparkling.


Ah!  Gotcha.  I can't disagree with that.



But that doesn't mean she necessarily would be okay with Sabrina being Avery's nanny if she knew about it, as fierce a mother bear as she is. She didn't want Michael to get custody, she wanted Kiki.


I agree that Ava wouldn't want Sabrina as nanny.  But if Kiki is really concerned about what Ava would want, she would never have gotten behind Sonny getting custody.  I would be willing to bet if Ava were required to choose between Sonny being in charge of Avery and Sabrina being around her, Ava would choose Sabrina all day long.   But I also agree with you that it is probably futile to try to understand the logic.

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 But I also agree with you that it is probably futile to try to understand the logic.


Exactly. How many times did we say that Carly would never be with the man who had her precious son raped? That was shot to hell.

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