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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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so I'm on vacation and had some time this morning. Decided to catch up on Monday/Tuesday and could not stop laughing. Unfortunately it wasn't in a 'Ha Ha that's really funny!' Kind of way, but rather in a 'hoy shit I can't believe they went there' way.

Peter Sr: AVENGE ME!!!!

maxie: I killed him. I didn't even think about it.

Nathan: yeah he's dead. Now let's make out

Stavros: embryo! My child! Ice Princess! You're MINE!

Victor: if I'm going to die, I'll take you to hell with me!

Robin: Jason you're alive! I knew it, I knew my amazing doctor abilities created the perfect drug to bring you back from the dead!

Me: just shoot me now.



And "The Soup - Live"'s Clip of the Week goes to.... Maxie and Nathan realizing they're having a romantic moment over the dead bodies (literally) of the Harrods. Runner-up was Felicia explaining to Mac the Aztec Jewels/ Peter Harrod connection.


"AVENGE ME!" got robbed!

Edited by NutmegsDad
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Hmmm...Hells commanding Jason not to shoot her and him compiling...could he have been subjected to some good old-fashioned Cassadine brainwashing?


I am kinda annoyed how obsessed the Cassadines are with Jason.

I know! Robin? I get that. She's proven pretty useful in bringing the the Cassidines back from various states of mostly dead. What does Jason bring to the table? 


See I see a woman who loves both her children, realizes she's made some (ok a lot) mistakes and wants to rectify by helping them in any way she can.

Lucky for us that her "help" isn't in the traditional parenting sense! 

Helena is my bitch. I hope she runs into Fluke and says, "Who the fuck is this imposter?" Someone has to have a brain in Port Chuck, and I hope it's her.


If she shoots him in the head immediately (steps over him without hesitation and continues on her way),  and ends this dragged out bullshit, I will carry that damn baby for her! 

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    I am kinda annoyed how obsessed the Cassadines are with Jason.

I know! Robin? I get that. She's proven pretty useful in bringing the the Cassidines back from various states of mostly dead. What does Jason bring to the table?

In the hands of a better writer, and back when soaps thought long term I can almost see it: If Jason now has some of Jason Q in him, he could be an access point to the Q money, the Cassidines have on occasion needed influxes of cash, and their relationship/rivalry with the Q's pre-dates the Spencer/Scorpio connection (remember Alexandria was after the ice princess first) further as Jason Q/Jason M he could get close to both the Scorpios and Spencers which would give Helene some measure of revenge. It would need to be a long term plot (which is next to impossible in todays short attention span era: IIRC the Ice Princess Story and the Grant/Spy story both ran for nearly a year)  and handled skillfully by the head writer......oh wait...forget it.


And overall I rather they be obsessed with Jason than Sonny. 

Edited by Fylaki
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If she shoots him in the head immediately (steps over him without hesitation and continues on her way),  and ends this dragged out bullshit, I will carry that damn baby for her! 


Steps over his dead body, jabs her heel into his eye, either or!

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From the little I watched, very little I got the impression Victor was going to turn Jason into a real frankenRon, oh sorry Frankenstein monster. kill, kill, kill. Oh that's Jason anyway isn't it ? Plus I would love it if Helena did in fluke any way she wants, gun spikes etc, etc, etc. Just do it. I may have to watch some of the guns ,shooting as I do like this Lulu. Just not the way Ron writes her. I watched five minutes at the gym until the machine without a tv was free, Today who knows. Did ReRon really make Obrecht the hero in this ? the real Anna would have rescued them by herself. FrankenRon tiic are going backwards. I am really surprised gobstopped really that they didn't have sonny ride in on a white horse and do the job. Tiic are the ones that turned the police into the keystone cops.

Edited by testardo
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 Tiic are the ones that turned the police into the keystone cops.


Actually I think just Anna. Dante and Nathan still get to be BAMF sometimes. I really loved the scene after they shot the door when Dante and Nathan kicked it open and the camera angle was from outside....why Hello there big boys MEOW!


Even though Lulu and Maxie weren't shown as helpless the boys still got to save them too.

Anna pretty much screwed up everything she touched, she looks like a total incompetent

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After all, Anna cleared the whole building.


Where did those people go? Wasn't the front door that they all shot at the only way to get out? I don't need to see it, but the only people we saw leaving were Lulu, Dante, Maxie, Nathan, Dr. O, and Anna. Helena we know is in the tunnels, and Jason and Robin of course survived the blast somehow. But what about every else?


And overall I rather [the Cassadines] be obsessed with Jason than Sonny.


I love how consistent the total ignoring of Sonny has been. On paper, Sonny and the Cassadines should be fighting all the time, given the power structure of PC. But they've rarely interacted. Alexis is the only Cassadine who has any concern for Sonny, and that's only because of Kristina.

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If I remember correctly, Robin has asked Jason for two things in the past 10 years, once was to be her sperm donor and the other was to help her hide when she thought that her hiv meds weren't working. Both times Jason turned her down so I really don't see where Sam is coming from in saying that Jason would drop everything for Robin when he didn't.

Exactly, he never really got over her selfish Michael betrayal. Jason did more for Brenda, even ,marrying her and running off to her when she's in danger.

Edited by Artsda
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Where did those people go? Wasn't the front door that they all shot at the only way to get out? I don't need to see it, but the only people we saw leaving were Lulu, Dante, Maxie, Nathan, Dr. O, and Anna. Helena we know is in the tunnels, and Jason and Robin of course survived the blast somehow. But what about every else?





I love how consistent the total ignoring of Sonny has been. On paper, Sonny and the Cassadines should be fighting all the time, given the power structure of PC. But they've rarely interacted. Alexis is the only Cassadine who has any concern for Sonny, and that's only because of Kristina.



The only time I can recall Helena and Sonny interacting, Hells casually dismissed the greasy little shit by stating "we once had a gardener named Corinthos."

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t would need to be a long term plot (which is next to impossible in todays short attention span era: IIRC the Ice Princess Story and the Grant/Spy story both ran for nearly a year)  and handled skillfully by the head writer......oh wait...forget it.



Pathetic asshat , Ron would say that this Fluke story has been going on for a year or more.


Me: yeah, because it HAS NOT been handled skillfully, written logically or with continuity. This story has also been horribly paced.



If I remember correctly, Robin has asked Jason for two things in the past 10 years, once was to be her sperm donor and the other was to help her hide when she thought that her hiv meds weren't working. Both times Jason turned her down so I really don't see where Sam is coming from in saying that Jason would drop everything for Robin when he didn't.


Exactly, he never really got over her selfish Michael betrayal. Jason did more for Brenda, even ,marrying her and running off to her when she's in danger.



Preach!! Robin has put Jason first since her return however Jason has put Carly & everyone else first since the Micheal reveal. Ron is going to give us all  3 hots & a cot for pointing out the lies & weaknesses in his writing, use of history & story. 

Edited by BestestAuntEver
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The only time I can recall Helena and Sonny interacting, Hells casually dismissed the greasy little shit by stating "we once had a gardener named Corinthos."


It was one of the best burns ever uttered on this show.  Helena, as portrayed by Constance Towers, is the best thing ever.  


I like that they are trying to make the cops BAMFs, but it would mean more if Dante wasn't a Sonny suck up, and Anna, who thinks her relationship with Duke differers from any other complicated relationship in PC. Where is Duke anyway? 

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I think Robin's reveal of Micheal wasn't selfish at all. But the not caring AJ was alive or murdered by Sonny was bad writing, as was Jason being a major dick to her for years.

Sam, please. Let's correct two huge things from yesterday.

You loved McBain first after Jason, mostly because Jason was being a massive dick to you because you guys thought you'd been raped by Franco and were pregnant for him and not Jason. Silas, no.

Also, it was Carly Benson Corinthos to the fourth power Alcazar Jax who came between you and Jason. Not Robin. Never Robin. Carly crashed your honeymoon, infant in tow. She also crashed Jason's hospital room post surgery against your wishes. She banged the guy who stole you and Jason's baby. Carly came between you two. Carly. By the way, I also want you to remember what Jason was doing the night he was "killed." Saving Sonny's ass again. Remember that when or if your hubs returns. Oh and um as Patrick if there's anything he needs to tell you.

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Where is Duke anyway? 


I just watched the St. Jasus dock roll and you could have knocked me over with a feather. Duke...DUKE! was evil and menacing. WTH?

The only Duke I've seen on TFGH is SideShowBob in a kilt, haven't missed HIM, but evil mencing Duke I could get behind!

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I just watched the St. Jasus dock roll and you could have knocked me over with a feather. Duke...DUKE! was evil and menacing. WTH?


Sorry, Cattitude, That wasn't Duke; it was Faison in the FonDuke mask. 

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You loved McBain first after Jason, mostly because Jason was being a massive dick to you because you guys thought you'd been raped by Franco and were pregnant for him and not Jason. Silas, no.


Sam never loved McBain by words or by actions, IMO.  I'm sure that's where the writers were eventually headed, but the PP lawsuit stopped that before they even got close to any love stuff.  IA about Carly, though.  Ron wants to create extra drama where there is none.  Sam & Robin were friendly acquaintances, perhaps a bit more when they tried to hook up Mac & Alexis.  Ron thinks up stupid unnecessary plot points & this was just another one.

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I'm still trying to figure out why she's running to Scarsdale, solo, guns a'blazing. I get the personal/professional connections inside, but that's not her jurisdiction. Where were the local authorities? Where was any *known* back-up? She's darn lucky those were Robert's guys inside.


Hell, Victor neutralized her within how many minutes? She's lucky Liesl was overcome by motherly concern. Otherwise, her boney buns would have been toast right there, at Victor's desk.


How did Victor neutralize Anna? She was putting him in cuffs when Obrecht told her to get out of the way because she wanted to shoot him.

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How did Victor neutralize Anna? She was putting him in cuffs when Obrecht told her to get out of the way because she wanted to shoot him.


Victor had a gun drawn on Anna and it seemed clear he'd have gotten the upper hand if Dr. O had not dropped that object distracting him. It was really Dr. O who handled Victor not Anna, even in the end Anna let an unarmed cuffed man get shot.



BTW any ideas why Dr. O fibbed about Victor? She let Anna think he never started talking again and set the bomb himself. If Victor really did die why would Dr. O keep the info that he woke up for a second from Anna?

Edited by Cattitude
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Victor had a gun drawn on Anna and it seemed clear he'd have gotten the upper hand if Dr. O had not dropped that object distracting him.


It was a standoff, Anna came bursting into the room gun drawn too.  I didn't see him having the upper hand.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Somebody up thread asked where were the local police and why was Anna alone


Well for 1:  Anna didn't have proof as she told Obrecht when she asked.  Just Obrecht's word that Nathan was there.


So she was trying to get proof by sending a wired Obrecht in.

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Can I just ask what sane pregnant woman lounges around the house in a short, tight pencil skirt and peep toe pumps?  I will concede that the skirt did look to be ponte...


Referring to Ava in the opener.

Edited by gigi-
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It was a standoff, Anna came bursting into the room gun drawn too.  I didn't see him having the upper hand.


I just always see any situation where the bad guy has a gun and the good guy has a gun as the bad guy having the upper hand b/c 9 times out of 10 the good guy will always give up their guns in favor of...something. While the bad guy usually has nothing to lose so in the end when double guns drawn bad guy almost always wins out hence upper hand.

Edited by Cattitude
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BTW any ideas why Dr. O fibbed about Victor? She let Anna think he never started talking again and set the bomb himself. If Victor really did die why would Dr. O keep the info that he woke up for a second from Anna?


I suspect that is so when Victor starts lurking around Anna will have no idea that he didn't die when Dr. O. shot him.  Ron C. hasn't had a new idea since he started teething.

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Silas looked like he wanted to stab himself in the ear with a fork during breakfast with Kiki, or maybe I'm projecting my own feelings...good lord she is just intolerable. As a daughter, as a girlfriend, as a living, breathing person.


I did get a kick out of Michael's expressions when Kiki was explaining herself, or trying to.


Everything else didn't interest me in the slightest, I couldn't even muster up the energy to dislike anything. It was all such nonsense pertaining to characters I cannot stand.

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Ok I will admit I didn't like today's episode, but I did like that Dante called Olivia to say they were okay and Olivia passed the message around.


I think part of me not liking the episode had to do with my no good horribly bad morning grocery shopping.

Edited by jennifer6973
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Sweet baby Jasus this episode is terrible.  What awful thing did I do to be subjected to Nina in spandex?!?


I think im going to go outside and pick up the dog poo instead of finishing this pile of crap.


ETA: I guess wardrobe couldn't be bothered to find suits that fit MB and CD.  Even worse is that sorry excuse for a knot for Michael's tie.  

Edited by Tiger
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Lets see, the show wants men walking around half naked, having sex in the showers and now Nina in Spandex exercising in the ART ROOM, why doesn't just create a gym set (or convert Sonny's boxing ring set to that) and be done with. That you can have men walk around half naked without it looking completely out of place. 

Edited by Ambrosefolly
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Silas looked like he wanted to stab himself in the ear with a fork during breakfast with Kiki, or maybe I'm projecting my own feelings...good lord she is just intolerable. As a daughter, as a girlfriend, as a living, breathing person.




Everything else didn't interest me in the slightest, I couldn't even muster up the energy to dislike anything. It was all such nonsense pertaining to characters I cannot stand.

A) Hahahaha! Awesome!   B) Thanks for the info - that's what I thought. The previews for today included Kiki blah blah-ing, Sonny, and Carly greeting NotTodd!Franco in her bed sweetly, and I was just like, "My eyes! My eyes!!!" Horrible and a let-down after seeing Robin be defiant and threatening w/Helena, and three cops along with a Spencer daughter and Jones daughter shooting a door to save themselves instead of being saved by Nik's back-up team or St. Jasus or employees of Sonny. 


Also: Of course Carly is focused on her serial killer boyfriend in the bedroom while her beloved cousin Lulu is missing.

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At first I was all "ew Nina is thrusting her hips in the air" but then her random exercises while she was talking legitimately cracked me up.


lol Morgan reading how to be a good dad for dummies.


I've realized why Michael looks so weird in suits. It makes his head seem even teenier than it already is.


Damn, Rosalie, nice dress. That would work on any other man but Michael. And probably not Silas.


Speaking of him, I'm actually grateful that he told Kiki all this stuff was none of her damn business. And damn, I cannot stand the way Kristen Alderson arches her damn palms. I need her to wear Brenda-length sleeves to cover that up, it's so damn irritating. And why why why must everyone defer to her friendship with Franco? Can't her ass defer to the fact that everyone hates him for good reason? I hate her and the fact that she's gonna come between Michael and Morgan, whose relationship I actually care about now. (Yes, just a couple of days ago I was saying she and Morgan had chemistry. I don't have to be consistent dammit.)


Laughing at happy cheery Franco. Hope he goes berserk. And finally, he was dressed in an actual big boy suit. 


Olivia's hair looked fantastic. However, what was the point of her and Sonny being together? Not that I'm not grateful in the end it turned out to be pointless, but seriously, he used her as a bedwarmer and then cheated on her. Maybe there could be a little frostiness there? Jeez loise.


I love how Sonny was like, "I'm so glad Morgan might be coming around! Now let's make those plans to kidnap Ava!" And lol at his hasty shout-out to girlchild.

Edited by ulkis
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Why didn't they just have the Nina working out to "Let's Get Physical" complete with leotard and legwarmers, since Ron is such an 80s fan. Seeing her doing pelvic thrusts off the floor...it's a good thing I wasn't eating at the time.


If I have to see that nauseating clip of Carly and Sonny screwing each other one more time...



Nothing good is going to come out of Shawn and Max trying to get Ava for Sonny. What could go wrong with Shawn leading the charge.




As first seen on the TV show "Orphan Black", I would actually enjoy seeing Ava pull an Alison like rape whistle/pepper spray to the face attack should those two idiots try to snatch her.

Edited by CPP83
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Olivia's hair looked fantastic. However, what was the point of her and Sonny being together? Not that I'm not grateful in the end it turned out to be pointless, but seriously, he used her as a bedwarmer and then cheated on her. Maybe there could be a little frostiness there? Jeez loise.



Women aren't allowed to be angry at Sonny.  He can screw around of them, shoot their kids, shoot them, be shot because of him, kill their bio kids fathers, lie to said bio kid's face for months, tell them that if their one baby mama dies because of the other baby mama then he will kill that baby mama.....but its all good because he is just that awesome of a person.  They'll be kissing his ass again (and in Carly's case literally) because he has dimples and is cute with kids so what ever heinous acts he commits are fine and you now the poor widdle guy IS scared of small spaces and is bipolar so he definitely needs to be mommied by all the women he screws.

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what was the point of her and Sonny being together? Not that I'm not grateful in the end it turned out to be pointless, but seriously, he used her as a bedwarmer and then cheated on her. Maybe there could be a little frostiness there?

Olivia pretty much gave up once Lulu was kidnapped, and Olivia and Sonny united in their concern. Well, Olivia's concern. You know Sonny would try to hit that if he weren't worried Carly would barge in. Ugh, he's despicable.

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OMG, I love you all!


Nina in spandex made me rooooooll my eyes and I also loved Morgan reading 'Being a Dad' for Dummies. Loved it!


I liked Lauren with Silas at their breakfast.


Nina continues to be cray-cray. She's turning into Nigel Exposition - lol!


I see bad things happening at Robert Frank's birthday party. I really liked Carly's blue dress - form-fitting and very flattering.


I wonder what Sabrina *really* gave to Ava in the form of those pills. Hmmmmm. And damn, Olivia looked great too! 

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