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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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6 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

For me, it's not about what Liz is currently doing. It's the fact that the writers will not allow Sam to hate Liz. And it takes away something from her character. She has no attitude, no spunk, no conflict. Everything is just zen in her world. 

And it's not like Liez doesn't already have enough people there kissing her ass. The writers are trolling. 

Edited by LeftPhalange
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LOL at Carly saying Liz uses every dirty trick in the book to keep her hold on Jason. Like Carly never resorts to manipulation when it comes to men. And this time it was Franco calling, not Liz. I hate Franco being so prominent in this ridiculous story, but it's not out of line for the father of one of Liz's sons to know she's flatlining at the moment. IOW, shut up, Carly.

11 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

the writers will not allow Sam to hate Liz. And it takes away something from her character. She has no attitude, no spunk, no conflict.

They can be cordial to each other because of the kids, but there's no other reason for them to have any contact. 

Edited by dubbel zout
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4 minutes ago, LeftPhalange said:

And it's not like Liez doesn't already have enough people there kissing her ass. The writers are trolling. 

It is one of the biggest troll jobs I've ever seen. Liz is dying during JaSam's wedding. Give me a fucking break.

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And the ironic coda to the whole wedding march was that the groom quickly decamped to run off and clean up Elizabeth's mess and take care of her boys while the bride got to have ribs in the company of Spinelli.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
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Was that flashback of Ava messing with Morgan's meds the longest ever? Good grief.

"Perks wasn't that busy, so I left early." Uh, I don't think that's the way business works, Morgan, but whatever.

Ugh, Lauren IS enabling Morgan, but everyone is so afraid poor Morgan will shatter that they won't say anything.

Sam going on about happiness means something gigantically bad is on its way. Thanks for those anvils, Show.

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6 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Sam going on about happiness means something gigantically bad is on its way. Thanks for those anvils, Show.

Sam has been talking about happiness for more than three years. They won't let her do or react to anything. We will see.

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38 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

They can be cordial to each other because of the kids, but there's no other reason for them to have any contact. 

Sure there is. It's a soap and there's supposed to be conflict. I don't need Sam to go after her with the jagged end of a beer bottle or a pool cue (I love you Sam/Carly barfight!) but there should be something.

The Hayden/Liz sniping doesn't have half the foundation Sam/Liz does and it's idiotically constant. It's not even about making Sam "good", it's just an unwillingness to write for the actual character and I'm beyond sick of it

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11 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:


Sam going on about happiness means something gigantically bad is on its way. Thanks for those anvils, Show.

I want some drama and some action(preferably well written drama and action but I know that's asking for way too much from these talentless hacks)but I don't want it connected to her pregnancy. Seriously I'm tired of the soap kids being dragged out to introduce stories. 

I don't want Sam's baby kidnapped or in danger in and outside the womb. I want Sam to have a story about something different where her kids are mentioned in passing not the focus and talk. 

Am I really asking too much. 

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6 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

I never thought I'd miss her yelling, but I do. Something needs to happen. Mature!Sam! has got to go.

She won't cause the writers don't know how to write for her character. 

Hell they can't even write for the legacy characters. 

Thy name is bitter. 

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1 minute ago, Jazzy24 said:

She won't cause the writers don't know how to write for her character. 

Hell they can't even write for the legacy characters. 

Thy name is bitter. 

Oh, trust me, I know. It's not just Sam. It's everyone. It's unfortunate bc I used to enjoy her scenes and she's been trapped in a half-hour sitcom for years now. 

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I only watched the Dillon/Tracy, Dillon/Kiki, and Kiki/Ava scenes. Probably should have skipped the Kiki/Ava ones.

I still really like Dillon/Kiki, but I'm getting real tired of this triangle so if there is no movement there in like 2 weeks I'm gonna start skipping their scenes, too.

This Liz story could actually be good/interesting, but making it all about Hayden and Franco just ruined it completely. I hate Liz, but for fuck's sake a story about her having a long lost sister and being severely injured should be about her and not the sister and fucking Franco.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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In other news, I continue to hate how Jake gets singled out as the special plot point snowflake among Liz's kids while Cameron* and Aiden fade into obscurity at Grams' house.  All the (worried) talk about him and the preview of him with Jason tomorrow irritated me to no end.

* And what if, instead of Franco, we had a SORASed Cam leading this story.  That'd rule!

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3 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

* And what if, instead of Franco, we had a SORASed Cam leading this story.  That'd rule!

Bonus points if SORASed Cam refused Franco entrance to Liz's hospital room and any information about her treatment, and then go his SORASed brothers to stand guard and make it stick.

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5 hours ago, ulkis said:

 the moment I thought was weird was when everyone started dancing* for two seconds and then immediately stopped.

Was there even music? Maybe there was, and I wasn't paying attention. But I like to imagine that they were all told there was no budget for music so they should all just dance to their current earworms.

The wedding was only marginally less sad than Lucas and Brad's until the pathetic wedding dinner. Sam and Jason celebrating their wedding at The Floating Rib? Fine. Sam having to celebrate with Spinelli? Oh honey, come here, let me hold you. If Jason had to leave to go to the hospital, the least he could have done was kill Franco while he was there. It's not as if Franco wasn't asking for it.

Pecks or Perks, either way the hat is a dumb idea.

I really like Dollar Store Dillon now. I don't know when that happened.

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 the moment I thought was weird was when everyone started dancing

The director did a good job cutting out Molly's and Kristina's "Saturday Night Fever" dancing in the background, while Jason was talking with Michael(?).  It was hella distracting.

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Griffin's hair cut looks very good on him.

I wanted Sonny and Ava to reply to Kiki, "just adding coffee-table screwing to our repertoire."

I'd be cool with Ava and Tracy teaming up to expose Morgan as a fool, which would cause Kiki to end things with him herself.

Edited by ulkis
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1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

Bonus points if SORASed Cam refused Franco entrance to Liz's hospital room and any information about her treatment, and then go his SORASed brothers to stand guard and make it stick.

SORASed Cam would probably have a problem with the guy who kidnapped his little brother


Ava/Sonny deserve each other

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The focus of the storyline is apparently meant to be on Liz/Jason/Sam, where Liz is in the hospital suffering physical and emotional pain knowing that JaSam are getting married. So why are we havjng to endure boring drawn-out stories like the following:

  • Endless succession of scenes in which Franco yaps, emotes, and yammers meaningless lines to a comatose silent Liz
  • A complex parallel storyline about Hatechel/Rebecca Budig developing from the mistaken premise that she caused Elizabeth's accident. Endless scenes with Hatechel and newbies like Naomi her mom, Curtis, Jordan, day players in the PCPD and the hospital, Dr Finn, Franco.
  • Boring scenes with Franco and his mother crazy Heather

We did get some  actual wedding  scenes, but they were dominated by Sonny, Carly, and Spinelli, who arguably were more important and had more lines than the bridal couple.

The Liz/Jason/Sam storyline is just a topsoil for the other stories that feature the pets that we love to hate. It serves as an excuse to write for all the pets and newbies connected to Hatechel and Freako, and bowimg to Sonny and Carly too whenever possible.

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2 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

In other news, I continue to hate how Jake gets singled out as the special plot point snowflake among Liz's kids

It's because of who his father is.  Which is extra funny given Danny doesn't get that same snowflake status and his mother is supposed to be Jason's twu luv. 

But, for real, if they at least revisited what happened to Jake while he was on Cassadine Island, it would make sense.  But Moppet Jake for the sake of being "My Son, My Son, Stay Away From My Son" Moppet Jake is just a snore.

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It kills me every time Carly, Sonny and Jason judge Franco for being a serial killer.  Franco may be a "Freak" who killed people.  However, he was mentally ill and had a brain tumor.  Franco is ashamed and is haunted by his past actions. (Not that I think he is a great guy to hang around with an/or date.)

Sonny and Jason kill for business purposes.  They kill for power and profit.  Carly supports and benefits from the power and money their murdering provides.  When Sonny and Jason kill they feel it is justified and that they live by a "code" and for them they are honorable men.  They have no problem with the fact that to hold on to their power, they will need to kill again.  They have a much higher body count than Franco and their is no end in sight.

 If it's a contest (from hell) over who is the worst murderer I would say Sonny and Jason are the worst.  Port Charles would be a much better place without Sonny, Jason, Carly and Franco.

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1 hour ago, movingtargetgal said:

It kills me every time Carly, Sonny and Jason judge Franco for being a serial killer.  Franco may be a "Freak" who killed people.  However, he was mentally ill and had a brain tumor.  Franco is ashamed and is haunted by his past actions. (Not that I think he is a great guy to hang around with an/or date.)

Sonny and Jason kill for business purposes.  They kill for power and profit.  Carly supports and benefits from the power and money their murdering provides.  When Sonny and Jason kill they feel it is justified and that they live by a "code" and for them they are honorable men.  They have no problem with the fact that to hold on to their power, they will need to kill again.  They have a much higher body count than Franco and their is no end in sight.

 If it's a contest (from hell) over who is the worst murderer I would say Sonny and Jason are the worst.  Port Charles would be a much better place without Sonny, Jason, Carly and Franco.

Franco sure didn't seem ashamed or haunted by his actions the time he asked Sam to get a coffee with him and say hi to Danny.  Or when he called her a barn animal.  Or the last time when he came into her hospital room uninvited and asked how he could make her better. 

And I don't think Jason is judging Franco for being a serial killer.  I think he reserves his judgement for Franco being the man that locked him in a room on his honeymoon and made him watch him "rape" his wife.  

Edited by mybabyaidan
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5 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

I keep telling everyone, that baby is not theirs.  It's totally the StavLu embryo.  

Stop mentioning that thing! I'm trying to will it out of existence with the power of my mind and my brain is perilously close to exploding!

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9 hours ago, Aurora2 said:

Meh!  I still like her and I liked her scenes yesterday.  Good to see the theme finally played of the keen, young cop vs the experienced ex cop.  That's important for both her as a rookie and for Curtis's POV, too.

As well, in her key scene at the end, she did a really good job of highlighting that it's still hard for a woman in the uniformed professions like policing.

But you make one point with which I agree - not playing the Spencer family connection the way it should be played.

I like Valerie, too, and really don't know why she's fired upon so badly every time she appears in an episode.  Given the magnitude of transgressions of other characters, Valerie's still pretty tame to me.

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30 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

I keep telling everyone, that baby is not theirs.  It's totally the StavLu embryo.  

1. Djksskjskaajsjsksksks. 

2. This show has had Sam in a bubble for so long. I'd be shocked if they "tainted" this baby.

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Dear TFGH,

Thank you for having Jason say, out loud, that Sam shouldn't have to ever be anywhere near Franco. It would've been better if her useless father had murdered him but I appreciate this small acknowledgment of the fact that she shouldn't have to share breathing room with the guy who violated her  while she was on her honeymoon. 

Dear TFGH,

WTF is wrong with you? I know I requested more female friendships - but I did not ask for, or want, that bullshit "true friends" speech that Sam just gave Carly and Sonny. Are you fuckin serious with this shit?  


I need somebody to get inspired by Clockwork Orange and force the writers to watch some any pre-RC episodes of this show 

Edited by Oracle42
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This show would be 1000% better if EVERY character were allowed to:

know the awful shit other people do

call each other out for that bad shit again and again even if it happened 10 years ago

if warranted, hate that other person for as long as they wanted and not get torn down for it

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22 minutes ago, Michel said:

I like Valerie, too, and really don't know why she's fired upon so badly every time she appears in an episode.  Given the magnitude of transgressions of other characters, Valerie's still pretty tame to me.

I like her potential and I want to like the character. I just need better writing - or even decent writing. She's received very little character development and what there has been, hasn't been good.  I do think she was great the one time they let her have a sense of humor with the candy/pregnancy test scenes - but there hasn't been much of that

I actually think Luke and his capers would have been a better fit for this actress and having Lulu get jealous over that instead of ruining Dante with a gross, pointless affair would have been much more interesting story

Edited by Oracle42
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9 minutes ago, Michel said:

I like Valerie, too, and really don't know why she's fired upon so badly every time she appears in an episode.  Given the magnitude of transgressions of other characters, Valerie's still pretty tame to me.

It's not necessarily about her transgressions, or lack of. It's about an actor's charisma, acting, as well. Otherwise everyone would love Sabrina and Nathan.

6 minutes ago, Oracle42 said:

WTF is wrong with you? I know I requested more female friendships - but I did not ask for, or want, that bullshit "true friends" speech that Sam just gave Carly and Sonny. Are you fuckin serious with this shit?  I need somebody to get inspired by Clockwork Orange and force the writers to watch some any pre-RC episodes of this show 

Seriously. The funny thing is, you just know S/C and Jasam will now go another 6 months without a scene together.

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On 9/7/2016 at 9:30 PM, mybabyaidan said:

Franco sure didn't seem ashamed or haunted by his actions the time he asked Sam to get a coffee with him and say hi to Danny.  Or when he called her a barn animal.  Or the last time when he came into her hospital room uninvited and asked how he could make her better. 

He also joked that he didn't feel that bad after all that he tied Lulu to a bomb after Scott told him about Lulu killing Logan. I think the only time we've seen him act guilty was that ridiculous crying scene where he thought he was Jason and cried "I'm sorry" like a wailing cat.

Edited by ulkis
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I'm shocked the writers went for subtlety with Sam's speech about finally being confident in her happiness.../sarcasm

The only thing missing from that scene was an Helena-shaped anvil literally hanging over her head.

In other news, Carly has the least amount of self-awareness in the history of the world.  *Elizabeth* always manipulated Jason?  Can someone drop a laundry cart full of vodka on her head?  Lord...

Edited by Cheyanne11
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16 minutes ago, Oracle42 said:

WTF is wrong with you? I know I requested more female friendships - but I did not ask for, or want, that bullshit "true friends" speech that Sam just gave Carly and Sonny. Are you fuckin serious with this shit?  

That and Sonny talking about "protecting your family" made me want to throw a bunch of towels out my window.

Also, Mo has been SO out of it these past few episodes. 

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4 hours ago, fishcakes said:

The wedding was only marginally less sad than Lucas and Brad's until the pathetic wedding dinner.

I really like Dollar Store Dillon now. I don't know when that happened.

Oh, Lucas and Brad's was waaaay sadder.  Jason and Sam got multiple days and a special guest, Lucas and Brad got five minutes and a police search going on in the background.

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47 minutes ago, mybabyaidan said:

Franco sure didn't seem ashamed or haunted by his actions the time he asked Sam to get a coffee with him and say hi to Danny.  Or when he called her a barn animal.  Or the last time when he came into her hospital room uninvited and asked how he could make her better. 

And I don't think Jason is judging Franco for being a serial killer.  I think he reserves his judgement for Franco being the man that locked him in a room on his honeymoon and made him watch him "rape" his wife.  

Meh. Jason and Sonny have ZERO room to be judgemental of Franco. They have MURDERED JUST AS MANY PEOPLE AS FRANCO. maybe more. Michael, Sam, Monica, Tracy, Maxie, Bobbie, Lulu, Dante, and other non mob citizens want to judge Franco? I'm cool with that. 

3 minutes ago, ulkis said:

It's not necessarily about her transgressions, or lack of. It's about an actor's charisma, acting, as well. Otherwise everyone would love Sabrina and Nathan.

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1 hour ago, stlbf said:

Meh. Jason and Sonny have ZERO room to be judgemental of Franco. They have MURDERED JUST AS MANY PEOPLE AS FRANCO. 

We don't know the body count of either Jason or Franco. Sam's not a killer. Being an enabler isn't cool, but it's a different level, imo.

Also, Franco also had people raped and/or sexually assaulted, and Jason and Sam haven't.

But even if they decided to let bygones be bygones because they're no better than him, Franco is now accusing Jason of not doing what's best for Jake, which is zero of Franco's business.

Plus, Jason and Sam are not judging him because they think they're perfect and Franco is not, they're judging him because he stalked them. Franco wasn't one of their victims looking for vengeance. If he was, then I'd say they had no right to judge, but that wasn't the case.

Edited by ulkis
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Plus, Jason and Sam are not judging him because they think they're perfect

And yet that is TOTALLY the attitude they carry.  Not just with Franco, but with everyone.  It rolls off Jason, in particular, in waves.  He probably sneers at Audrey.

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This Dillon/Morgan/Kiki triangle is such a huge waste of time. I appreciate that Dillon is deciding to move on from her, but I know it won't last. Even if Kiki and Morgan break up they're going to get back together once it comes out that Ava switched his meds.

Ava and Sonny have the same *conversations* over and over and over and over again. Shut the fuck up and die.

When Sam was telling Spin that she and Liez were making progress I was like "when?" Sam hasn't punched Liez in the throat repeatedly, which is unfortunate, but it's not like they're having in depth heart-to-heart conversations about their history. Has Liez even offered Jason and Sam a sincere apology for what she's done?

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29 minutes ago, Vella said:

And yet that is TOTALLY the attitude they carry.  Not just with Franco, but with everyone.  It rolls off Jason, in particular, in waves.  He probably sneers at Audrey.

Sam was okay with Jason checking up on Liz. I thought that was implausible that that would be her stance, but it was, and it's not the stance of someone who thinks they're better than everyone.

I've been watching a bunch of 00s Jason clips. As much as BM bugs me, he has nothing on SBu Jason's self-righteosness. 

Edited by ulkis
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They despise Franco. I think they've earned that

8 minutes ago, LeftPhalange said:

Has Liez even offered Jason and Sam a sincere apology for what she's done?

I think she stopped accusing Sam of "stealing" Jason - so...... y'know, bygones.

Edited by Oracle42
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Yet she doesn't respect Sam or her privacy, thinks nothing of telling Franco the SERIAL KILLER that Sam is pregnant not even two seconds after Jason told Liz they weren't telling anyone. I don't think she's capable of offering a sincere apology for what she's done because she didn't think what she did was wrong. And no one around her is telling her that it was. Except Carly, that one time. But Liz hates Carly, so it was in one ear and out the other.

Edited by LexieLily
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1 hour ago, ulkis said:

We don't know the body count of either Jason or Franco. Sam's not a killer. Being an enabler isn't cool, but it's a different level, imo.

Also, Franco also had people raped and/or sexually assaulted, and Jason and Sam haven't.

But even if they decided to let bygones be bygones because they're no better than him, Franco is now accusing Jason of not doing what's best for Jake, which is zero of Franco's business.

Plus, Jason and Sam are not judging him because they think they're perfect and Franco is not, they're judging him because he stalked them. Franco wasn't one of their victims looking for vengeance. If he was, then I'd say they had no right to judge, but that wasn't the case.

Oh, so the fact that the Mob slaughters are off screen makes Sonny and his hitman Jason not as bad MURDERERS? Sam has every right to be as hateful as she wants to be with Franco. He did horrible things to her. Jason can go suck a rancid bushel of lemons. Rape? Sonny supposedly runs the brothels. How many underaged girls is he trafficking in them? Jason was his right hand man for the better part of 2 decades. He had to know what was going on in the empire. Long time viewers should remember that Sonny had no issues with grasping on to an underage Karen Wexler and getting to work as a dancer for him. Getting her hooked on drugs to keep her with him and working. Nope. Sonny and Jason really shouldn't be throwing stones while living in glass houses. Especially if Jason now has some, if not all of his memories back. He isn't going to the DA and confessing sins to the court. Nope. He is hanging out with his "former" boss, a notorious mob kingpin. Funsie! At least Franco confessed to his sins. More than what St Jasus of PC has done. 

There are plenty of people in PC to be judgemental with Franco. I just say that Sonny and Jason need to SHUT THE FUCK UP when it comes to him. Don't care if he ruined Jason's life. Jason has ruined countless other lives himself. Call it karma. 

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Most people know I am not a Jason fan first. But I forever give him a free pass when it comes to Franco. That greasy haired bastard needs to die again.
 Ron thought he can make anyone love Franco cause Roger is playing him. He thought wrong. Sonny and Jason both have done terrible things. I hate on them both and I used to hate when Sam would defend some of Jason's undefendable activities.

But I just can't with this Franco is off limits from them talking shit or whatever they want to about him cause he had a brain tumor. Jason has had numerous brain surgeries, dashboards stuck in his brain and a chip implanted. People still talk shit about him.

I don't buy that brain tumor excuse for Franco cause he has still done shitty shit since it was removed. Sam should never buy that excuse either cause the last person they removed a brain tumor from and deemed him all better was Manny and Sam ended up with a bullet in her back and a fucked up uterus.

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32 minutes ago, stlbf said:

Oh, so the fact that the Mob slaughters are off screen makes Sonny and his hitman Jason not as bad MURDERERS?

I did not say that. I said we don't know how many people either Franco and Jason murdered off-screen.



Sonny supposedly runs the brothels. How many underaged girls is he trafficking in them?

No, he isn't. There's been no indication that he does that. I hate him, but there hasn't. 




He isn't going to the DA and confessing sins to the court. Nope. He is hanging out with his "former" boss, a notorious mob kingpin. Funsie! At least Franco confessed to his sins

To who? Not to the courts, either.

I confess, I'm mostly just arguing because of an unholy love of playing devil's advocate. The other tiny bit is because while Jason and Sonny deteriorated into crap characters, they were once popular. Franco never was.

Edited by ulkis
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So far as I can tell the Corinthos mob is involved in gambling, extortion, smuggling, racketeering and tax evasion. I'm most bothered by the tax evasion - paying for fireworks doesn't make up for tax evasion, Sonny!

Also? I don't care about the unnumbered deaths of random mobsters. I do care about the PC denizens that Franco hurt before and after his tumor. I care that he decided to come live in their town and gets in their faces and continues to be a creepy, whiny gross sociopath despite being "cured". 

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