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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Upon my "pay attention to the scenes I missed" rewatch, I gotta say, Michelle Stafford needs to stop her weird experimentation action. "I - remember - when - you - used -to - point - to youuuuuur- heeeeeead- right here." gaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. 


Also, what is more annoying as a nickname, "Mikey" or "J".

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I finally watched yesterday's episode and paid attention. Awesome Writer was back in the cage. Shut up, Anna. My God, is this the same woman who was just being awesome in November? I hope the Quartermaines get her fired when they learn that Ava Jerome's initials are AJ. I now want every scene with dumb characters to end with Julian kicking in the door and shooting people. Oh no, not Luke. Like Duke wasn't Faison in a mask and Robin wasn't alive? Like AJ killed Connie and Carlos killed AJ? Okay, commish.

And I just can't with TG anymore. It's been too long. He doesn't care anymore. I don't care anymore. Just kill this story now before my brain explodes. I'm ready for Jordan to be the commisioner and Anna can go get deprogrammed. Clearly, something happened to her.

Don't even go there with the Maxie crap. I'm done. So done.

What happened to Anna is the same thing that happened to most not all of the characters FrankenRon . TG makes his own choices he can go forever. All the cops on this show have been turned into the keystone Kops. Jordans turn is coming.She of course has to be paid less so they can keep her without destroying her YET ! MAxie is a brian dead idiot ,  enough said. I can't for the whole show. What exactly was Jordan doing to Mickey's face after Julian left? didn't watch yesterday.

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A whole different thing that annoyed me about the Nina/Nathan scenes was the lack of any acknowledgment or awkwardness about the fact that the last time Nina and Nathan interacted, he was five.  As she said, she was away at college when Dr. O gave him to Magda and then she was off married to Silas.  So her passing herself off as some kind of expert on Nathan's personality or quirks doesn't work for me.  It's another Ron shortcut.

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I'm not sure we can call what MS is doing "acting".  


I'm appreciating Morgan more and more - I really like that he has a personality and actual interests.  Even if his biggest interest is professional wrestling; at least that has been consistent.  Morgan seems to be one of the few characters who isn't just whoever the writers need him to be that day (recently; obviously, at first, his character was a mess).  He seems like an actual.. character.  I'm not articulating it well, but I feel like he could be an actual person, rather than a plot point.  Of course there are exceptions, but I think that in the last few months, Morgan has been a really consistent character, and I kind of like who he is.  Of course, him hating Sonny may be influencing my opinion of him.  


taking my reply to the history thread.

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I know I enjoy my soap even more when I have to figure out a character's general mood, thoughts, or feelings by deciphering which way they pop an eyebrow or twitch to one side.


Ryan really needs a strong actor to help him carry a scene, imo, and Michelle doesn't cut the mustard, she doesn't even cut the mustard seed. It's as if they're both the extreme examples of underacting and overacting, and together they really do seem to defy all logic. I'm afraid if they're in a scene too long together a black hole will be ripped in the time and space continuum and somehow Sonny will be involved.


Watching Michelle Stafford yesterday made this quote from "Friends" pop up in my head:  "Rachel, it's not that your friend is bad. It's - it's that she's so bad she makes me want to push my finger through my eye, into my brain, and swirl it around."

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I actually like that Nina calls Silas "Si" and Rosalie "Ro".


Heh, come to think of it, if Morgan & Rosalie do get together their ship name should be RoMo.  Hopefully they wont suck as much as that dumbass down in Dallas.

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Also, what is more annoying as a nickname, "Mikey" or "J".

I've learned to tune out Mikey. Even thou we never heard it before it is a nickname younger brother would use for Micheal.

"J", bothers me. I haven't been able to pinpoint why, exactly. The character already has to names "James" & "Nathan", calling him "J" on top of it irks me some reason.

I bow to everyone still watching the MSt scenes closely. Excluding her scenes with RoHo (I'm amazed they don't suck together), I either FF or tune out her out.

I don't know if it is the writers or MSt but you all are right, she's giving a lot of people nicknames.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
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Nathan and the Nina are a worse brother/sister pairing than Sonny/Courtney


  I disagree. As heinous as Nina is (to put it mildly) and ITA that she has no business giving anyone relationship advice, as far as I'm concerned, Nathan and Nina will never be close to being like the barware-throwing, cop-killing, everything-ruining assholes that are/were Sonny and Courtney, separately and together.

Edited by DollEyes
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I have no problem with Michelle Stafford; my problem is with the Nina character.  GH already has its quota of crazies and doesn't need another one. No one, not even her erstwhile son Franco, is going to out crazy Heather Webber. Nina's sociopathic tendencies are neither novel nor entertaining.  We have already endured Papa Z and Claudia Zachara. We have Ava who is all about ME< ME< ME. And then there is Sonny who is all about ME>ME>ME. And then there is also Carly.  GH does NOT need another egomaniac. 


I am hoping we get some resolution in the Nina storyline and the character gets a change in medications so she can be integrated into the fabric of the show.  Maybe she can set her sights on Sonny.  MS would tower over MB so that won't happen.

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Thank God it wasn't Shawn.  He'd have ended up shooting himself in the rear.



And that would have been a bad thing?   I'd welcome the comedy gold of Shawn accidentally shooting himself in the ass. 

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Yes she is, it's one of the many reasons I just cannot stand her. She is mediocre at best, imo, and somehow, I guess because the Nina was pretty much a blank slate, she's decided to make this "character", and I use that term as loosely as Sonny uses a moral code, have every single over the top reaction that she can think of.


I swear it's as if in the middle of her scenes she pauses and grins gleefully as she comes up with some new way to flail or wave or jerk or twitch or wither or slither or moan or groan or arch or perch or jump or leap or "jazz hands!" or spasm or spit or cough or cry or giggle or grin or laugh or crazy eye stare down someone. She is absolutely exhausting to watch.


Word to the Wordy. word word!   I have never agreed with a post more - ugh that character is bad enough and the actress is so over the top she has landed face down on the other side!


I can do nothing but FF through all her scenes.


OTH, Julian's scene's I watch in slo mo.....

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It's hilarious that they actually have Tony Geary literally skyping from Europe, but he is clearly wearing some sort of brace and is heavily medicated.  The real issue however is why is he wearing a wimmins blouse?!?

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I disagree. As heinous as Nina is (to put it mildly) and ITA that she has no business giving anyone relationship advice, as far as I'm concerned, Nathan and Nina will never be close to being like the barware-throwing, cop-killing, everything-ruining assholes that are/were Sonny and Courtney, separately and together.




For me it's the combination of the actors and their characters. I have not disliked any female on this show as I have come to dislike the Nina, and I dislike Michelle more, and Ryan, try as he might he just isn't a good actor, imo, and because he's so weak when he's in scenes with Michelle they don't help each other elevate they just sink lower and lower and lower.


For all of Courtney and Sonny's flaws, their so many, many flaws, and the actors that played them they still could hold up a scene, apparently Nathan needs to hold up his own eyebrow to get a message across.

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For me it's the combination of the actors and their characters. I have not disliked any female on this show as I have come to dislike the Nina, and I dislike Michelle more, and Ryan, try as he might he just isn't a good actor, imo, and because he's so weak when he's in scenes with Michelle they don't help each other elevate they just sink lower and lower and lower.

For me the big difference is that Ryan is a newbie actor and is clearly trying to get better (he is better than when he began, however small that is) Michelle has been around for decades and I can't figure out why.  She does not improve and instead gets worse and worse. Seeing her play Nina is like seeing a mediocre ball player in the last year of his career: wasn't good to start and now just bad

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So there's room in the budget for a bedroom set for Joss?  (And, of course it's yellow, because Ron will beat that corn thing to death.)

Better that than all pink and unicorns just because she's a girl. (But the corn thing will continue to get beaten to death.)


Carly, you and Franco keep having the same conversation because you keep bringing it up. Good grief. 


A picture of SWSNBN?! WTF?!?!


LOL at Nik thinking his asshole son was kidnapped. Nik is a terrible parent; he doesn't know his son but at all. 

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Julian calling notLuke a "bitch" was the highlight of the week for me. Now he's going to toy with Sonny about getting Ava out from under his nose, beautiful. BAMF Julian is all win, win win win.

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Aside from Joss being a bitch to Freakco and Julian calling "Luke" a bitch, this episode sucked.


That said, what an awesome ending.  I love that Ava is back to being a badass.   I hated the simpering, quivering, twitchy whiner they turned her into.

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Better that than all pink and unicorns just because she's a girl. (But the corn thing will continue to get beaten to death.)


Carly, you and Franco keep having the same conversation because you keep bringing it up. Good grief. 


A picture of SWSNBN?! WTF?!?!


LOL at Nik thinking his asshole son was kidnapped. Nik is a terrible parent; he doesn't know his son but at all. 


Nik was annoying because if he was kidnapped there would have been a damn ransom by now.


I will have everyone know Dominic Zamprogna owns a pair of glasses just like Anna/Finola and they should have worn them together lol.


Liz's hair looks great.


I guess Carly doesn't keep any pictures of Courtney around the house since Joss didn't recognize her. muahahaha.


Was it just me or were FH and DZ playing it like they didn't really have a hard time believing it could be Luke? Or maybe they just wanted to have lunch already and were rushing through their lines, heh. I did think it was kinda weird of Anna to say "oh I didn't know you discuss with your dad who he hires" when Dante said Sonny would welcome Luke with open arms if Luke wanted in, unless she was just needling him. Doesn't everyone in town know that?


I know Britt is the adult in all this and blah blah but I just want Spencer punished so bad. I hate this brat. He's almost as bad as Redrum Michael.


The Gentle Farmer Flannel Franco style is back I see. Also, how am I supposed to buy that Julian is scared of Luke when Fluke is dressed like Blanche from Golden Girls and he sounds like he's about die? And "peace out bitch?" REALLY?


So what was more horrifying?  The picture of SWSNBN?  Or Joss telling the story of Sonny shooting Dante using stuffed animals?



lol why in the world was she doing that? I totally missed that. But I'm gonna say, Courtney even though I didn't see the latter. I just KNOW.


That said, what an awesome ending.  I love that Ava is back to being a badass.   I hated the simpering, quivering, twitchy whiner they turned her into.



And she looks great today to boot.

Edited by ulkis
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Peace out, bitch! I love it. Julian is channeling his inner Jesse Pinkman.


Much prefer Ava in bad ass mode than in a sex triangle with a father and son.


That's all I have. The rest of the episode sucked.

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The Gentle Farmer Flannel Franco style is back I see. Also, how am I supposed to buy that Julian is scared of Luke when Fluke is dressed like Blanche from Golden Girls and he sounds like he's about die? And "peace out bitch?" REALLY?


Excellent post!  But this bit is pure gold.  The Gentle Farmer Flannel Franco style - perfect description.


And now you have me wishing we could sic Sophia on BlancheLuke.  He go down like Dullivia's week old manicotti.

Edited by boes
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OMG, shut up Ron!


Soaps In Depth ABC ‏@soapsindepthabc  43m
Carly, every time you say "family is the most important thing to me," I'm gonna say... "You're dating Franco" to prove that untrue. #GH

Ron Carlivati ‏@carlivatiron  42m
.@soapsindepthabc Hey! She's not dating the tumor!


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LOL at Nik thinking his asshole son was kidnapped. Nik is a terrible parent; he doesn't know his son but at all.


Spencer being kidnapped would play out like that O. Henry story The Ransom of Red Chief. The kidnappers would have many regrets......

Nicholas needs to hire some sort of Mary Poppins/Super Nanny hybrid to get that kid in line. I wonder if Helena would like Spencer or not? They could write an interesting story with those two characters I think. 

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Spencer should make himself useful and kill Franco. 


Is Ava calling Fake Luke because she plans on double crossing Julian? I hope so and then I hope he kills her in retaliation. 


Britt is pathetic.


STFU Nik. This idiot really expects the entire police department to drop everything so they can find his brat son.

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Joss having a bedroom set when vets live in the park or at the Metro Court rubbed me the wrong way. The commish & DA living at the Metro Court for 2+ years is rediculous.

I agree that Joss' room was yellow with green furniture in order to symbolize corn.

Children talking about their stuff animals shooting each other in the chest isn't cute or funny.

I giggled when they showed Courtney's picture because all I could think about was many in the GH universe going "WTF!!!"

Do 8 year old boys carry wallets, today?

I'm so happy MW is away from MB. I'm not even a fangirl but her character was withering being isolated in Sonny's world.

Yeah, no Nina or Sonny today!

Ron is a fucking idiot

Edited by BestestAuntEver
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Ron Carlivati ‏@carlivatiron  42m

.@soapsindepthabc Hey! She's not dating the tumor!

That's for sure: with the tumor Franco was interesting, if not the terrifying that James Franco and Guza wanted him to be, without the tumor he's a dud.


Truthfully Carly may be better off dating the tumor, at least that Franco had a spine and balls

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My nephew did, of course it was made of duct tape that he made at Cub Scouts.

I've seen those. Those are neat. I don't remember them being as bulky as a regular wallet thou.

I know it's for plot point but why would Spencer wonder around Carly's house? He doesn't know the house & Joss mentioned the house was full. Bobbie or Lucas could have seen him. I hate that the viewer has to shut down their brain & any part that deals with logic for Ron's stories to work.

I was happy to see PS/Brad without having to see Felix.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
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Spencer being kidnapped would play out like that O. Henry story The Ransom of Red Chief. The kidnappers would have many regrets......

Nicholas needs to hire some sort of Mary Poppins/Super Nanny hybrid to get that kid in line. I wonder if Helena would like Spencer or not? They could write an interesting story with those two characters I think. 


Perhaps she would like his ingenuity but I recall she approved of Nik dating Liz once because she said Liz was of a better breed than Courtney. I would love for Helena to tell him he was just the townie offspring of the sister of a gangster and have Spencer choke on his chocolate bar.

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Liz's hair looks great.



One of the few things I got out of today's show. 


I guess Carly doesn't keep any pictures of Courtney around the house since Joss didn't recognize her. muahahaha.



Maybe her face is obscured by the snow globe she's staring into in all the pictures Carly has? 


If Carly wasn't so busy dealing with all the murdering men in her life, she might notice that her daughter is harboring a runaway.  


And, if Nik stops to think, he has to know this isn't a kidnapping.  Not only would he have gotten a ransom demand by now, but Spencer likely would have been marked down a few times at this point.  "OK, how about $100,000, then?  If you do it in the next half hour, I'll knock another 10 percent off.  Just, please, come get him." 


Britt's an idiot.  Does it surprise her how upset Nik is that his son is missing?  Did she think that once Spencer went missing, she and Nik would go on a lighthearted romantic journey through town with all sorts of laughs, kisses, and groping as they figure out where the little scamp went?  She gets more useless by the day. 

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Britt's an idiot.  Does it surprise her how upset Nik is that his son is missing?  Did she think that once Spencer went missing, she and Nik would go on a lighthearted romantic journey through town with all sorts of laughs, kisses, and groping as they figure out where the little scamp went?  She gets more useless by the day.



Heh, yeah, when I was watching I was thinking, gee, can't believe the plan to pretend Nik's son is missing hasn't gotten him horny. Of course . . . it is Nik, so maybe I can cut Britt and Spencer a little slack thinking that might work.


If Carly wasn't so busy dealing with all the murdering men in her life, she might notice that her daughter is harboring a runaway.



Joss actually did point that out; smart girl. 

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I liked Julian saying Peace out, bitch to Fluke because well.... if you're going to wear Blanche's clothes and her boyfriend's hat, you're going to get talked down to. Ava won points with me, but she has a long way to go because she framed AJ for killing Connie. And she had Crypt Sex.

Oh shut up, Dickolas. I hate your face.

Ron, no. Put that picture away. No. Just say no to Courtney.

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Ron, no. Put that picture away. No. Just say no to Courtney.



If he's planning on giving her the ghost!Courtney treatment then she had better be coming back to slap the hell out of Nik for ruining their kid and being a shitty father, it would be the most useful thing she would ever have done alive or dead.

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That loud screech you heard before? That was me when Sir Spence-a-lot pulled out a picture of She Who Must NEVER Be Named.

I think we're owed at least a week of Julian in as little clothes as possible in return. Either than or a ton of bleach to wash SWMNBN's imagine out of my brain.

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If he's planning on giving her the ghost!Courtney treatment then she had better be coming back to slap the hell out of Nik for ruining their kid and being a shitty father, it would be the most useful thing she would ever have done alive or dead.


IDK, I still think the most useful thing SWMNBN ever did was die.  It will be hard to top that one in my eyes.

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Britt's an idiot. Does it surprise her how upset Nik is that his son is missing? Did she think that once Spencer went missing, she and Nik would go on a lighthearted romantic journey through town with all sorts of laughs, kisses, and groping as they figure out where the little scamp went? She gets more useless by the day.


Given how grief-stricken she was when Dr. O kidnapped Ben, she really should know better. 


I guess it's my fault for expressing relief that the story of Britt scheming to get Nik back was starting out on a light-hearted note because this spiraled into stupid crap super fast.  I really wish she was going to fess up tomorrow, but you know she won't.  Oh, Britt, girl!

Edited by TeeVee329
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IDK, I still think the most useful thing SWMNBN ever did was die.  It will be hard to top that one in my eyes.




Well that's true, but if she could drag that dumb ass of a prince back to hell with her, I might be okay with that.

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So what was more horrifying?  The picture of SWSNBN?  Or Joss telling the story of Sonny shooting Dante using stuffed animals?


lol why in the world was she doing that? I totally missed that. But I'm gonna say, Courtney even though I didn't see the latter. I just KNOW.


Okay now I know the context of the scene. It seems REALLY random of them to drop that in there, so dare I hope that is foreshadowing? Like Dante really likes him but the cops will be forced to arrest him because he killed AJ and he is an evil blight upon the world?!

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Britt's an idiot.  Does it surprise her how upset Nik is that his son is missing?  Did she think that once Spencer went missing, she and Nik would go on a lighthearted romantic journey through town with all sorts of laughs, kisses, and groping as they figure out where the little scamp went?  She gets more useless by the day.


Britt is truly pathetic. I hope Spencer really does get kidnapped. 

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Spencer being kidnapped would play out like that O. Henry story The Ransom of Red Chief.



It would also be a better storyline. 


And one that could naturally lead into the need to ship him off to a military school. Really far away. For a long, long time.

Edited by rur
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Wow Mickey isn't an organ donor? Didn't see that coming- are we going to see another shooting so Alice can get her heart?

Ava has a brain! At least someone does. I can't believe the writers ruined Nik and Britt. She said that she was devastated about Ben but yet she's doing this. There are better ways of going about this without draining city resources.

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