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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Today when Liez met Sam at the door wearing her sexy turquoise dressing gown she did everything she could to make it appear to Sam that she and Jason were just going to bed down for the night. Jason himself came along a couple of minutes later and specifically made the point to Sam that he was staying in another suite down the hall. Liez never informed her, and put her bitchface on when Jason clarified to Sam. I think Liez is putting on her "poor little me" act at every opportunity, even when her mouth is saying how independent she wants to be. She WAS scared about the stalker, but increasingly seems to think it is her son.

None of this is any of Sam's business. Liz isn't required to tell Sam why they are there. There's no poor little me act going on, she's worried about her son. She hasn't even talked about how this stalker stuff is effecting her, mainly because I don't think she really thinks that they are in danger, and the NYE thing wasn't just a one time thing.  Nothing onscreen has indicated that Liz thinks Jake is making all this up. She still thinks he saw someone on NYE, but even told Jason that she thinks they should go home because he hasn't seen anyone at the house, and there were no finger prints on the picture. Liz knows that Jake is lying about Sam breaking the picture. That's it.

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Sam is wonderful, perfect amazing


Well, she's swilling straight vodka and isn't parenting her child at the moment, so I wouldn't say she's perfect. But I like it, she seems more Sam like this to me. And I'd be over the whole damn thing too and head right to the bar for a drink. She and I are very much alike in that way.


The rescue was definitely UCG. The slap, the yelling, the CPR (lame CPR, Emme) the scooching, all of it. I'm still trying to decide if I want to go back and watch the 7 (I had 8, I watched last Wednesday's so now I'm at Scrubs wedding) eps on my DVR. That's a lot of suck to take in.

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Kristina's reveal of trying to trade sex for a better grade caught me off guard. One thing about her is that when something bad happens, she always ends up making poor decisions that cause the situation to get worse. There's still a lot I think she isn't saying as evident by the text from the professor, but I guess we'll find out whenever the hell she shows back up. 

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The writers might as well have had neon signs flashing across the screen today that Sam is wonderful, perfect amazing, and Liz is an evil lying bitch. Good lord, the propping for this character is beyond anything I've ever seen. When a character has to be propped as much as she is, something isn't working.


The actress and/or her character are so low-energy and sleep-inducing monotonal, mostly phoning her performance in. Same black clothes most of the time, and shapeless hair that she never braids or pins or styles, preferring to let it flop in her eyes. The character has hardly any interactions with her child, teaching and guiding him. When we see the character she's either playing at being Goth Nancy Drew detective or manuvering a man to bed (was Patrick, now just Jason, mostly). Nothing else seems to happen in Sam's monotonous life. Does she think or reflect about anything else at all  besides Jason?  Her timing is rude and outrageous (e.g., interrupting the doctor in his dressing gown as he waits for his paramour for hot hotel sex, earnestly pleading with him that he MUST HELP HER and please sign the legal paper that she fans in his face.) I can't imagine that Sam has a voter registration card, for example, or watches the evening news (or weather) regularly.


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The actress and/or her character are so low-energy and sleep-inducing monotonal, mostly phoning her performance in. Same black clothes most of the time, and shapeless hair that she never braids or pins or styles, preferring to let it flop in her eyes. The character has hardly any interactions with her child, teaching and guiding him. When we see the character she's either playing at being Goth Nancy Drew detective or manuvering a man to bed (was Patrick, now just Jason, mostly). Nothing else seems to happen in Sam's monotonous life. Does she think or reflect about anything else at all  besides Jason?  Her timing is rude and outrageous (e.g., interrupting the doctor in his dressing gown as he waits for his paramour for hot hotel sex, earnestly pleading with him that he MUST HELP HER and please sign the legal paper that she fans in his face.) I can't imagine that Sam has a voter registration card, for example, or watches the evening news (or weather) regularly.



But she does love her Guns and Ammo magazines.

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Nothing else seems to happen in Sam's monotonous life. Does she think or reflect about anything else at all  besides Jason?


Did you not see today's show? She had a lengthy conversation with Kristina about what's going on with her school situation, advised her to come clean to Sonny/Alexis, ultimately choosing to stay quiet but advising her and giving her rules of guidance and telling her she needed to check in. None of it had anything whatsoever to do with Jason.




So is mayor belafonte up Olivia's ass for breastfeeding? Why is Olivia still on contract again!?!? This is what they're doing with her?!?!


Oh god, this is that very personal issue they were talking about in Spoilers. I'm cringing already.

Edited by tvgoddess
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So is mayor belafonte up Olivia's ass for breastfeeding? Why is Olivia still on contract again!?!? This is what they're doing with her?!?!


THAT's the topical, sensitive, personal story the spoilers mentioned that required recasting Mayor Lomax?  I feel a rage blackout coming on.


Hey, Scotty remembered he has a son who's not Franco!

Edited by TeeVee329
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So is mayor belafonte up Olivia's ass for breastfeeding? Why is Olivia still on contract again!?!? This is what they're doing with her?!?!



RobertFucking!Scorpio and Anna!


Sorry, that's the only thing that got my interest in that promo.


And ye Gods! What'd Shari do to her hair?

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So is mayor belafonte up Olivia's ass for breastfeeding?


Oh, FFS. This is one time I will welcome a diatribe from Olivia. News flash to Mayor Belafonte: In New York State, a woman can breastfeed anywhere in public and can't be told to leave.


Why is this story?

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Oh, FFS. This is one time I will welcome a diatribe from Olivia. News flash to Mayor Belafonte: In New York State, a woman can breastfeed anywhere in public and can't be told to leave.


Why is this story?

These writers have no stories so they pull whatever they read in the local newspaper

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When we see the character she's either playing at being Goth Nancy Drew detective


AKA Her job.



I forgot the part I laughed at today, when Jason asked Jake what he meant by Sam not being as good as they think she is...Lil Jake's delivery was UCG.   "Because.....she's......not"   It was like he was speaking to a brain damaged adult that couldn't understand English.  Hilarious.  And kind of fitting at times when it comes to Jason.

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Huh.  Absolutely nothing against Shari Belafonte, but since I had no idea who she was playing until  it got mentioned here...why recast Mayor Lomax in the first place?  Wasn't her original actress plenty bitchy enough in her own right?

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I haven't seen a Spencer this hammy since Luke left.  From Lulu standing in the doorway screeching at Valerie only eight feet away, to being unable to tilt the chair and drag it out, to the ridiculous fake slap, everything was so cringeworthy it belongs on The Soup. 


I think Madam Mayor got replaced because they want to do a triangle of Jordan/Maddox/ and the mayor. 

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AKA Her job.



I forgot the part I laughed at today, when Jason asked Jake what he meant by Sam not being as good as they think she is...Lil Jake's delivery was UCG.   "Because.....she's......not"   It was like he was speaking to a brain damaged adult that couldn't understand English.  Hilarious.  And kind of fitting at times when it comes to Jason.


Sam was not hired to do jack shit and is still up Jason's ass 24 x 7.  

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If Kristina is Sonny's smartest kid (by reputation) I think it's pretty hopeless. I understand that in most places "pre-law" is usually just a basic bachelor's degree with emphasis on English, history, Poli Sci. Speech, Psychology, etc.If Kristina can't even hack that, she probably won't measure up on the LSAT either. And I must say, her reasoning skills are pretty poor if she thinks sleeping with professors is a practical way to make up for lack of study.


What a sad little runt you are, Kristina.

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Sam is not up Jason's ass. Otherwise we would see more than 30 second clips of her and Jason together.


I would also hope as a Danny fan that he can finally get to spend some fucking alone time with his father. He can't help that he isn't mentally unstable like his brother.


That Jake actor needs to go. He is terrible.  They brought him back because he supposedly looked just like Steve Burton. Well he is gone now and they need to find a capable child actor if they insist on giving him a story.

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So Alexis told Sonny that he might get respect from Kristina's generation if he'd enroll in college. What a novel idea! What would Sonny study? Let's guess: CRIMINAL JUSTICE? But Sonny is propped so much on this show that he would probably opt for Divinity School or Child Psychology (since babies love the actor). I suppose he could research new coffee strains with a degree in Biology or be a PE teacher (with his gym). I wonder how many credits a crime boss automatically gets for life experience, including for wounds, organizing mob wars, prison time, and trials?

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Don't hate me, but Nina is beginning to grow on me again. I enjoy her over-investment in Crimson, despite thinking the only thing that qualifies her is looking good in a dress. Darn it, I want her and Maxie to succeed! I even, kind of, sort of, liked her and Franco's love scene a few weeks back. It would all be so much easier to take if that character wasn't FRANCO.


I hated how Carlos manipulated Sabrina into going with him -- saying he'd get himself killed otherwise? That's horrible. Yet when she showed up, I still wanted to root for those two crazy kids. It's okay to have horrible morals when enjoying fiction, right?


Yep, this has definitely been a "why is Olivia still on this show" month. She wasn't wrong in what she said to Lulu, that their problems extended beyond and before the cheating, but she was certainly not saying it in anywhere close to a good manner. Lulu gets zero blame for Dante cheating. She gets blame for lying to her husband, but that does not force her husband into another woman's pants. Nor does it force that woman into their bed.


Love seeing Scorpios together but, "supposedly Hornsby's back to connect with his son, Dillon" rather than "my former son-in-law, Dillon" enraged me a little. Are connections that hard to work into scripts?


Can Genie Francis be allowed to do her own hair, please? For the sake of follicles everywhere? Also, when is Laura going to get a storyline other than scolding her children?


This is what happens to Johnny when he's no longer the sanest in his family because everyone else is dead, huh? Not sure whether I'm pro or against Werewolf Johnny.


Now that Sam knows Jason is alive and wants him back, I've lost all interest in her. I never had any before Jason died. She just gets so pathetic/desparate for Jason. Even the DNA lab analyst is convinced the former mob hitman is a good man worth saving now?


I'm still invested in Jason/Liz/ZombieJake/Stalker somehow. I know we all want him to hurry up and get all his memories back, but I still like Jake more than Jason 2.0. I will only accept the latter's return if it comes with Jason 1.0. I honestly loved Liz's catty "come back later" bit. Classic soap. And ZombieJake is sooo, sooo bad that I find him hilarious. If only he could reunite with Bitch, please Cameron. Ha ha ha, they really are Liz's kids, aren't they? A family of look-throwers that can turn you to stone.


OMG, Lulu throwing open the door to the Rescue Cabin just as she's about to rescue Valerie? I LOL'd. That doesn't happen often.

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Sam was not hired to do jack shit and is still up Jason's ass 24 x 7.

The post I responded to was not referring to any single instance of "Nancy drewing" it was a pretty blanket statement. And Sam is a licensed PI. It's show canon, it's her profession.

But if we are referring to her finding the witness, no she was not hired....but even IF she wasn't still in love with her HUSBAND (the hussy!) he is the father of her child. And she didn't get involved until she heard for a fact that Nikolas lied to the police. She would have done the same thing for anyone she cared about that was being falsely accused. She's done it before, she will do it again. And for someone that is up Jason's ass 24/7 she sure does walk away from him a lot. Actually now that I think about it, her knocking on his hotel door is the first time in a while SHE has gone looking for HIM. Every other time he finds or runs into her.

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Only the cabin basement would have blown up anyway.


I don't think it is necessarily OOC of Lulu to go nuts on the woman who, as she perceives it, ruined her life. It's just gonna drive me crazy if the writers/Dante don't take into account how Dante's callous, cold attitude towards Lulu influenced her to turn to Johnny.


I also don't think it's OOC for Lulu to jump impulsively into a situation without thinking of the possible consequences - or to become fixated on an idea to the exclusion of other considerations.  Hasn't that tendency always been part of Lulu's character?  A prime example would be the ill-fated bordello story in 2011 - for which she took a lot of heat from fans, BTW, including some Lante fans.  Or to a lesser extent but still an impulsive decision - her entering a business partnership re the Haunted Star with Johnny in 2012. 


Yes, with all the baby stories and focus on happy family times, that side of Lulu was minimized for a while.  However, this year, it has resurfaced and has escalated, starting with Lulu's rush to Luke's side from Valerie's PA apartment in March.  This continued with her spur-of-the -moment decision to rush off to BC, again without considering all the factors or thinking of the implications of her hasty departure from PC.   Yes, right now, she is most definitely acting out of considerable emotional duress, and that stress has accentuated her already highly impulsive, single-minded thinking.  


So, even though the current circumstances have intensified her reaction, I still see that reaction as being very typically Lulu and a prime example of how she fails to think through the potential consequences of her actions. 

Edited by Aurora2
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My new years resolution (that I just made up right now) is to try and limit how much I participate in this mess, specifically going back and forth with certain people. It's pointless at this point and I don't want to contribute to this board being taken over by Sam vs Liez posts.  


Me too. I actually made a point not to respond as much as I used to be.



There is really nothing about the show that is interesting at the moment. No storyline that has fans sitting at the edge of their sit or really caring about what's going on. 

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I would also hope as a Danny fan that he can finally get to spend some fucking alone time with his father. He can't help that he isn't mentally unstable like his brother.

Nope. Jason can stay away from that kid and I think we're suppose to assume that Jason spends time with Danny off screen which is where Danny can stay off screen away from the writers horrible writing.

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So, even though the current circumstances have intensified her reaction, I still see that reaction as being very typically Lulu and a prime example of how she fails to think through the potential consequences of her actions.

I think you're right and that actually makes this whole affair story even worse because Dante knows this about Lulu. He knew about her impulsive tendencies and ridiculous, blind devotion to her father - he knew that when he married her.

But even given those issues, she's never been tempted to betray their relationship by cheating. It's as completely out of character for her as it was for him. Dante's suspicion that she was cheating with Mayo wasn't just dumb and badly plotted, it flew in the face of everything that's been established about that relationship

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TheGourmez it won't let me favorite your fabulous post so I just wanted to give you a +1 here for that.


I think Liez is putting on her "poor little me" act at every opportunity, even when her mouth is saying how independent she wants to be.


I started watching this show in 2003 and Liz has been like this since then and it's the #1 reason why I can not stand her.


Well, she's swilling straight vodka and isn't parenting her child at the moment, so I wouldn't say she's perfect. But I like it, she seems more Sam like this to me. And I'd be over the whole damn thing too and head right to the bar for a drink. She and I are very much alike in that way.


I am loving Sam again. Well expect for the scenes with Dr. Cheating Husband, those were an embarrassment and Sam was insufferable in them. But Sam's reactions to Liz's immaturity and the way she's responding to Jason are really awesome and it's reminding me of the Sam I loved back in the day.


So is mayor belafonte up Olivia's ass for breastfeeding? 


I can't. I just. Like how does one even respond to that? I'm laughing but also crying.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Although not gonna lie, the breastfeeding crap will be worth it if Olivia somehow forces Dante to participate in a rally or something.



I think you're right and that actually makes this whole affair story even worse because Dante knows this about Lulu. He knew about her impulsive tendencies and ridiculous, blind devotion to her father - he knew that when he married her.

But even given those issues, she's never been tempted to betray their relationship by cheating. It's as completely out of character for her as it was for him. Dante's suspicion that she was cheating with Mayo wasn't just dumb and badly plotted, it flew in the face of everything that's been established about that relationship


I mean, I think it's fair for Dante to be like wtf, you took your impulsive tendencies a little too far there re: siccing Johnny on Valerie, but like I said before, Dante needs to self-examine how his "hey bitch, how long did you expect me to wait" attitude contributed to that.


Also, I think it's fair for him to expect her to put aside the blind devotion to a man who isn't particularly devoted to her in return once they got married, but he has to speak up about it, even if it seems like something that should be fairly obvious.

Edited by ulkis
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Is this seriously what we're getting with 2 female HWs?


The important topical issue they're going to cover is public breastfeeding. Public. Breastfeeding.

And here, "public" is the business partially owned by the woman doing the feeding

Edited by Oracle42
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I would also hope as a Danny fan that he can finally get to spend some fucking alone time with his father. He can't help that he isn't mentally unstable like his brother.


Its hilarious to me that after Jason was so mad at Liz for keeping him from Sam and Danny, that he basically acts like Danny doesn't exist. 

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I think you're right and that actually makes this whole affair story even worse because Dante knows this about Lulu. He knew about her impulsive tendencies and ridiculous, blind devotion to her father - he knew that when he married her.

But even given those issues, she's never been tempted to betray their relationship by cheating. It's as completely out of character for her as it was for him. Dante's suspicion that she was cheating with Mayo wasn't just dumb and badly plotted, it flew in the face of everything that's been established about that relationship


Good point.   As well, I know that one of the current mantras making the rounds right now is that Lulu is being sacrificed to make Valerie look good.  While I do think that the writers are trying to correct some of the terribly undeveloped, plot-point writing many complained about for Valerie early in the story, I don't see an improvement in her writing as a conscious attempt to discredit Lulu for two reasons.  I see the improvements and clarification of Valerie's POV more as a separate attempt to correct, at least in a small way, the significantly bad writing she had for months.  But now to those two Lulu-related reasons: 


1.  What Lulu is doing right now is classic Lulu - impulsive, narrowly-focused decision-making in a time of crisis.  Because this is so in character for Lulu, I can't say her doing this right now is especially far-fetched, so I can't get all bent out shape over Lulu being damaged - certainly not by being written OOC as Dante has been. And I'm certainly not seeing how this in-character, but unflattering, writing for Lulu advantages Valerie all that much.


2.  IMO, there is someone else who is set to benefit more than Valerie  by a focus on Lulu's natural inclinations causing her to mess up.  Yup, that's right - Dante!  Let's face it - our one-time admired hero has gone off the rails in this story.   However, I don't need a program to know that the writers' focus is about to turn to the process of putting Dante and Lulu back together again.  Now some will say that all the king's horses and all the king's men won't be able to put this Humpty Dumpty back together again.  That's moot - because a Lante reunion is happening - whether we are ready for it for not. 


So what does this certain reunion have to do with having Lulu mess up in this revenge story?  My twisted thinking is telling me that the writers want to give Lulu something significant for which she needs to apologize to at least partly counter Dante's sins.  Dante has messed up so badly that the playing field can never be even, but this way Lulu comes to rebuiding process with something she, too, has to acknowledge and for which she needs to examine her own motives and actions.


If the sins are all Dante's, the reunion process is less likely to focus on the real examination of the issues that have existed between Dante and Lulu beyond the cheating mess.  And there are issues - more about those another time.  If the sins are all Dante's, any reunion will be mostly relegated to Dante's grovelling for favor.  Now, I know that's just what a lot of you would like to see.  And, very short term, that might be cathartic to watch.  However, what kind of future story does this create?  What kind of couple would they be if penitent Dante is reduced to the role of the Prince Consort walking three paces behind his noble Queen?  

Edited by Aurora2
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Its hilarious to me that after Jason was so mad at Liz for keeping him from Sam and Danny, that he basically acts like Danny doesn't exist.

How is Jason acting like Danny doesn't exist, because he isn't shown on screen with him or constantly mentioning him.

Since a lot of relevant things happen off screen what makes you think Jason doesn't spend time with Danny off screen?

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If the sins are all Dante's, the reunion process is less likely to focus on the real examination of the issues that have existed between Dante and Lulu beyond the cheating mess.  And there are issues - more about those another time.  If the sins are all Dante's, any reunion will be mostly relegated to Dante's grovelling for favor.  Now, I know that's just what a lot of you would like to see.  And, very short term, that might be cathartic to watch.  However, what kind of future story does this create?  What kind of couple would they be if penitent Dante is reduced to the role of the Prince Consort walking three paces behind his noble Queen?  


I think the problem with this story is that I think it would be fine if Dante said, "there's only so long I can be sorry", at a certain point. But he did ONE month after Lulu found out the truth, and also, he never put aside his friendship or contact with Valerie. If they had actually shown him stay away from Valerie and meanwhile, Lulu's breaking into his e-mails, that would make sense from his POV to say stuff like, "I can't be constantly wondering if she's breaking into my private stuff" or whatever it was he said. I mean, he let Valerie into the loft the day after Lulu found out the truth. That was, quite frankly, insane of him, if what he really wanted was to make it up to Lulu. All they had to do was show him turning her away and it would have shown effort on his part.


All they had to do was show him be sincerely be contrite - and they did, for a while, but then Lulu found out the truth and he seemed angry at her for being angry.


I wish the story had been more about Lulu's sins than Dante's, since for most of the relationship he has done more of the effort. Not all, but more. But that's not the story they wrote.


And I still don't understand the inexplicable decision for Lulu not to sleep with Johnny. If they wanted to put a real wrench in the Lulu/Dante reunion, that would have done it.


Oh, and it would be fine if it were Lulu and Dante talking about their mutual sins - but they way they've set it up, it's now more about Lulu begging for Dante's forgiveness, which boggles my mind. Maybe I'm wrong and there will be mutual groveling, but right now, it doesn't look like that's the case.

Edited by ulkis
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Regarding Krissy and the Professor: why do we assume the Professor is a "he"? Krissy never mentioned gender at all, referring to him/her as "Professor" or "Parker." Could this be the "fluid sexuality" storyline we were threatened with, um, promised? Now THAT would certainly send Sonny over the edge! And I'd pay to see THAT!

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I don't think Dante has to just accept Lulu's worst tendencies (especially her weird beliefs about "being a Spencer") but I tend to call bullshit when someone gets mad at the person they married for - acting like the person they married.

Edited by Oracle42
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What kind of couple would they be if penitent Dante is reduced to the role of the Prince Consort walking three paces behind his noble Queen?



Excuse me but this is the very reason I just can't with Lulu (besides the fact that I can't stand her as Luke's spawn). From the get-go Lulu has been imperious, demanding, screaming, accusing, arrogant, self-righteous, vain, impulsive, judgmental, mean, vengeful and vindictive. I don't approve of Dante cheating on her, although IMO she bore some responsibility. Lulu is a loud-mouthed, rebellious, sullen Princess without an ounce of humility or gentleness. And she has been tempted by other men--for example, Dillon and Johnny (although her relationship with Dante was under stress at the time, I admit). Lulu looks very feminine and appealing, but she stings like a wasp and has a strong need to try to control any relationship she has with a man, except her Daddy (who is uncontrollable).


She doesn't want to follow anybody's rules--even the law. Defiant, she harbored and fully protected Johnny (who proved to be a very dangerous criminal) for days. I'm not sure why she rescued Val, given her previous behavior.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
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How is Jason acting like Danny doesn't exist, because he isn't shown on screen with him or constantly mentioning him.

Since a lot of relevant things happen off screen what makes you think Jason doesn't spend time with Danny off screen?

He doesn't mention him at all, and until its mentioned that he's spending time with him offscreen, I'm not going to just assume its happening because I believe that is something they would mention. 


Jason wasn't even planning on seeing Danny for Christmas until he ran into them at the park. I have no doubt they will eventually start having scenes, but its funny to me because Jason acted like Liz was such a horrible person for keeping him from Danny, and yet, Danny isn't even on his list of priorities. He doesn't actively seek him out. I mean, I'm sure its just lazy writing, but its funny to me.

Edited by MissE
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Excuse me but this is the very reason I just can't with Lulu (besides the fact that I can't stand her as Luke's spawn). From the get-go Lulu has been imperious, demanding, screaming, accusing, arrogant, self-righteous, vain, impulsive, judgmental, mean, vengeful and vindictive. I don't approve of Dante cheating on her, although IMO she bore some responsibility. Lulu is a loud-mouthed, rebellious, sullen Princess without an ounce of humility or gentleness. And she has been tempted by other men--for example, Dillon and Johnny (although her relationship with Dante was under stress at the time, I admit). 


At this point I don't know if you're serious or not with these posts, but no, she was never tempted by either! She barely wanted to kiss Johnny. The ONLY person she has wanted for the last 6 and a half years is Dante. I wish I could say she was tempted by Johnny, but she wasn't.

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He doesn't mention him at all, and until its mentioned that he's spending time with him offscreen, I'm not going to just assume its happening because I believe that is something they would mention.


...so it's okay to assume that Liz is spending oodles of quality time with Cameron and Aiden off-screen, but not okay to assume Jason is spending any time with Danny?


I don't know why I ask.  I don't care, about Liz and Jason, Sam and Jason, or Jason himself.

Edited by TeeVee329
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