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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Her first scene back was in August visiting Dante and Lulu and talking about the baby with them. Then later she had a scene with Julian and Alexis, telling him what she had named the baby.


Didn't Olivia then see Julian on the docks later? Or was that a different day? It had to have been a day or two after the first meeting, though.

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Hey! It's Passanante's first show! *click*

"Sonny! Come back to me! Say something!"



"Sonny lives? You're DEADTOME, Passanante!"

And if Sonny's truly paralyzed, I want to see him in Davros' manuvering unit, since he has more children spawn than Daleks in the universe.

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Didn't Olivia then see Julian on the docks later? Or was that a different day? It had to have been a day or two after the first meeting, though.


It was a couple of episodes after she stopped by to see him at the apartment, but yeah I guess it was only a day or two later. I don't know, the time before all the episodes of people crying around Sonny's bedside seem so long ago . . . 


I'm so tired of these stupid ass paralysis Emmy bait stories. Sonny isn't going to stay paralyzed for any significant amount of time so STFU and lets move on.


I don't think it's emmy-bait story per se. I think it's more, "feel bad for Sonny" bait story. If a participation trophy* comes his way, all the better.


*What I'm calling the daytime emmys - at least in the soap category - now.

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If Kiki is Nina's coma baby


I don't think she is.  I think they're going for a "look at these scrappy outsiders form their own little family" thing, which...no.  Franco's a SERIAL KILLER, Nina's a loon, and Kiki's a-nnoying.  I don't care about their "family".



In order to make the character work, I think the writers need to revisit Franco's past.  What if Franco was not a serial killer and tormentor of Jason?  What if Paul and whoever he is working with, Helena and Faison for example, have implanted or altered Franco's memories so he THINKS he was a killer or was programed to kill? What if Franco's tumor was concealing some sort of mind control device and when it was removed his behavior reverted back to "normal".   Helena has a history of using mind control on Lucky and Jason, why not Franco? 


Helena and mind control could be a way to explain the behavior changes of half the citizens of Port Charles.

Edited by movingtargetgal
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I don't think she is.  I think they're going for a "look at these scrappy outsiders form their own little family" thing, which...no.  Franco's a SERIAL KILLER, Nina's a loon, and Kiki's a-nnoying.  I don't care about their "family".

I think what you mean is Todd, his outsider significant other - who is a redhead not a blond this time; and the female part of the couple is always replaceable anyway - and Starr, I mean 'character played by KA,' I mean character played by someone who sort of looks similar to KA if you squint. WHY DON'T YOU LOVE THEM YET?????

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Previews...Nikolas is acting smug as hell considering he a) did in fact try to kill someone, b) apparently doesn't feel even slightly bad about it, and c) is now trying to bang the woman he tried to kill into submission.  Slap him, Laura!


Also?  Fuckin' Felix, shut up, gawd.

Edited by TeeVee329
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"The sooner we're all married, the better."


Ugh, she's so gross. Could her reaction to the news of the engagement be any more obvious? Psycho.


I'm glad that Laura called out Nik, but it really doesn't matter. He doesn't care a damn thing about what he's doing. I would say that he and Liz deserve each other, but I wouldn't want either one to have any comfort or happiness.


So, I'm guessing that either Kiki inherited her mother's ability to drink anyone under the table, or that HE just can't act drunk believably on any level and they didn't want her to even try.


If we have to have mob, I'm glad that at least we have the Jeromes to look at. They're pretty. Unlike Scarly, who both looked like that crazy Tanning Mom. Seriously, their skin must be as leathery as a catcher's mitt.


Love that adorable little Baby Avery.

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"The sooner we're all married, the better."


Ugh, she's so gross. Could her reaction to the news of the engagement be any more obvious? Psycho.


Oh Liz.  She's been married and divorced enough times to know that a wedding ring isn't an unbreakable lifetime commitment, especially since if and when it comes out that he's Jason, their marriage would be in-the fuck-valid, as would Patrick and Sam's.

Edited by TeeVee329
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I'm glad that Laura called out Nik, but it really doesn't matter. He doesn't care a damn thing about what he's doing. I would say that he and Liz deserve each other, but I wouldn't want either one to have any comfort or happiness.

I think he cares, otherwise he would just tell her to go away. If Nik tries to guilt her tomorrow by saying she's always loved Lucky better than him, then he will truly have stolen Morgan's current #1 spot of whiny douche.

Edited by ulkikis
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I think he cares, otherwise he would just tell her to go away. If Nik tries to guilt her tomorrow by saying she's always loved Lucky better than him, then he will truly have stolen Morgan's current #1 spot of whiny douche.


I meant that he doesn't have any guilt or remorse over trying to have Hayden killed. I don't care how he feels about Liz because I don't care about Liz.

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Nik, Liz, Nina, Franco, Sonny, Carly, Kiki, Sabrina, Ava, Morgan, and Michael (for starters) all need to be sucked into a giant sinkhole, never to be seen again. Patrick and Sam also suck right now, but I think they can be rehabilitated. The rest? <crickets>

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The more batshit crazy Liz becomes, the more I fear that stupid rumor of her being all Laura-lite and catatonic as people will no doubt wait at how poooooooooooor Lizzie is "broken" or whatever may have merit.


Still, as I said, I was totally NOT surprised to read such crap. I just wished Liz wouldn't be whitewashed again. I pray I'm wrong and she will get her comeuppance, but I'm not too confident there.

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Oh Liz.  She's been married and divorced enough times to know that a wedding ring isn't an unbreakable lifetime commitment, especially since if and when it comes out that he's Jason, their marriage would be in-the fuck-valid, as would Patrick and Sam's.

I still find her cheerleading hilarious because Sam and Patrick (besides that one scene) don't find her behavior odd at all.

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"'Im happy that KiKi finally has a purpose. She is now Franco and Nina's surrogate daughter."


Comments from elsewhere. You guys, I cannot.




Also, you gotta love how the show was all, "Check it out, Kiki has a job doing -- PSYCH, just kidding, she has no job!".

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Oh Liz.  She's been married and divorced enough times to know that a wedding ring isn't an unbreakable lifetime commitment

Which is one reason why I don't understand her rush to get a ring on it. And as noted, she knows the marriage will be declared invalid the moment the secret comes out.


"'Im happy that KiKi finally has a purpose. She is now Franco and Nina's surrogate daughter."

Comments from elsewhere. You guys, I cannot.


Someone at ABC is writing this.

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Ugh, I didn't realize Nikolas said, "come on, don't pretend you're not into this." Yes, who wouldn't be into having their head clamped by his hands and having one's face chewed off.

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Ugh, I didn't realize Nikolas said, "come on, don't pretend you're not into this." Yes, who wouldn't be into having their head clamped by his hands and having one's face chewed off.


Yep, it was kind of buried but he totally said it. He wasn't quite as grabby as yesterday, but it was still just really ick. And that makes me mad, I think they could have done some good things with this story. But as I've said many times before, they're writing it wrong.

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Nik, Liz, Nina, Franco, Sonny, Carly, Kiki, Sabrina, Ava, Morgan, and Michael (for starters) all need to be sucked into a giant sinkhole


They're already in a giant sinkhole.  They're on the Sonny Never Loses Hour.

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Ugh, I didn't realize Nikolas said, "come on, don't pretend you're not into this." Yes, who wouldn't be into having their head clamped by his hands and having one's face chewed off.



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Sonny isn't going to stay paralyzed for any significant amount of time so STFU and lets move on.

Yeah, he'll be up and impregnating half of Port Charles' wimmen in no time.

Edited by ciarra
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I'm so tired of these stupid ass paralysis Emmy bait stories. Sonny isn't going to stay paralyzed for any significant amount of time so STFU and lets move on.

Seriously. Moobster is going to be paralyzed for 10 minutes until he can miraculously walk in time for his wedding to Carly. Gag.

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I haven't been watching the show for the last couple weeks, except in snippets.  What little I've seen and what I've read don't inspire me to come back full time, though I will check back in come November for the "Please, finally!" Jason reveal to see if these writers, at least, will have people suffer lasting ramifications for their actions.  I'm not hopeful, but I'm not willing to declare it hopeless... yet.


A couple questions for you stronger than me folks still fighting the good fight:  Is it known that Sloane has been murdered?  Did Paul secrete his body somewhere or left it out in the open to be found?


Also, any indication that we'll find out what was in the letter Luke left Laura?

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As to what is in that letter from Luke to Laura - the writers probably had no idea what to put in it at the time. They intentionally left it unknown to us viewers so they could use its contents as a future plot device. That way they could make that letter say anything that would be needed at any point going forward to spice up some plot line or other. Yes I'm that cynical, considering all then retconning they've done and all the back-from-the-dead characters running around in Port Charles.

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why the  good mobster can't run his organization in said chair. I am sure that there were a ton of villans who have done that.

Frank Smith, apparently!



Is it known that Sloane has been murdered?

Not yet.  I'm betting Paul has it on ice somewhere until he can find a way to pin it on Anna.

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Frank Smith, apparently!


Not yet.  I'm betting Paul has it on ice somewhere until he can find a way to pin it on Anna.


Oh, Sloane doesn't need to be kept on ice. He'd do fine staying stiff on his own.


Speaking of ice, why hasn't Nik just gotten out dad's old Valentini's garage with smoke machine freezer for Hayden? It would be better than killing her.

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Still, as I said, I was totally NOT surprised to read such crap. I just wished Liz wouldn't be whitewashed again. I pray I'm wrong and she will get her comeuppance, but I'm not too confident there.


Serious question - what should her comeuppance be?  I'm pretty sure Jason will dump her and Carly and Sam will have their chance to yell at her.  But on top of that, is there any other punishment she should get?  If Sonny, Ava, Franco and countless others aren't going to jail for cold-blooded murder, I don't see this as a jailing offense.  Unless there is a morality clause, she hasn't done anything job related to get her fired and being a liar won't get her children taken from her (if it did, Carly wouldn't have raised any of her kids).  Pretty much all that is left is town pariah which she will be for at least awhile but that never sticks in soaps.  

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Serious question - what should her comeuppance be?  I'm pretty sure Jason will dump her and Carly and Sam will have their chance to yell at her.  But on top of that, is there any other punishment she should get?  If Sonny, Ava, Franco and countless others aren't going to jail for cold-blooded murder, I don't see this as a jailing offense.  Unless there is a morality clause, she hasn't done anything job related to get her fired and being a liar won't get her children taken from her (if it did, Carly wouldn't have raised any of her kids).  Pretty much all that is left is town pariah which she will be for at least awhile but that never sticks in soaps.  


I think she should go to Shadybrook for a while. Yeah, there's definitely no comparison between her and Sonny, Ava, Franco, etc, but I have higher expectations for the supposed-to-be-not-sociopath-characters. Same with Dante, I want all his friend and family calling his ass out on cheating, even though that's not far on the crime scale in P.C.

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Serious question - what should her comeuppance be?  I'm pretty sure Jason will dump her and Carly and Sam will have their chance to yell at her.  But on top of that, is there any other punishment she should get?  If Sonny, Ava, Franco and countless others aren't going to jail for cold-blooded murder, I don't see this as a jailing offense.  Unless there is a morality clause, she hasn't done anything job related to get her fired and being a liar won't get her children taken from her (if it did, Carly wouldn't have raised any of her kids).  Pretty much all that is left is town pariah which she will be for at least awhile but that never sticks in soaps.  


I would say taking her away from nursing (either a suspension or leave of abscense) would be a punishment. I could see her going back into painting and MAYBE modeling for Deception with Laura(!!) in town.


They need to address why Sabrina can be kicked out of GH but still be able to go before the Board to get Michael his clinic, but that may have been RC-asshattery.

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Even if Sonny is  stuck in a wheelchair, that is no reason why the  good mobster can't run his organization in said chair. I am sure that there were a ton of villans who have done that.


If it means that Sonny will be picked up with his wheelchair by a remote helicopter  and tossed into a smokestack., I'm all for it.

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Serious question - what should her comeuppance be? 


I would like for all of the men in PC to stop putting Liez up on a pedestal like she's some sort of unattainable goddess. She's trash like everyone else. She also needs to develop a condition that will prevent her from ever EVER getting pregnant again. EVER. She needs to stay single and dick free for a good long while and when someone (preferably some dude that I don't care about) finally gets stuck with her she has to stay with that man forever and be sprayed with a potion that will prevent her from lusting after other men. 


Or she could just die. 

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Which is one reason why I don't understand her rush to get a ring on it. And as noted, she knows the marriage will be declared invalid the moment the secret comes out.



I still want to know how someone who does not even know his own name can get a valid marriage license. 

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What the hell happened to the Brad and Rosalie marriage we still don't know why

I feel like I should copy and paste my answer from above.

Contrary to what Nathan Varni said, it's not about Jason. Sonny, Carly, their children, ex loves, Franco, Neens or Greenlee, therefore it doesn't matter on GH.

I wish they hadn't dropped them because it was the only thing outside of Robin's return that I would watch. The Scorpio deck on the barge is great fun thou.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
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"'Im happy that KiKi finally has a purpose. She is now Franco and Nina's surrogate daughter."


Comments from elsewhere. You guys, I cannot.


As someone who enjoys Franco and Nina (not unconditionally, mind you) I'm not buying this being Kiki's purpose. Kiki's purpose was to keep Kristen Alderson onscreen after the Prospect Park fiasco. That's her purpose. Making her a mob princess was just another way of inflicting pain on us, the viewing audience. Kiki does not need to have a maternity/paternity switch. I could list on the reasons why but I'm just going with the most important reason: I fucking HATE that shit. It's one of the things that turned me off Days - the endless, ever-changing paternity to pander to the audience and whatever actor/character was flavor of the month. 


If Passante wants to make Chez-Silas-Kebab the Island of Misfit Toys, I'll take it over the Carbon Monoxide House of Love. Kiki should be a mess and when she pointed out that Julian and Ava haven't so much as sent her an e-card for a month I cheered. Not because I like Kiki but because it's the truth. The parents of Port Charles spend more time yakking about how much they love their children than they do actually being parents. If Robin rolled into town tomorrow and delivered the same message to, well, everyone, I'd cheer that, too.


As movingtargetgal pointed out, the show needs to deal with Franco's serial killing. Yes, they lamed it away with a brain tumor. They apparently (I wasn't watching) treated us to a Who's the Daddy with him because ... yeah, no reason for that crap.


Franco never made sense. Not even when James Franco played him and that's because he existed to make Jason the Holy Hitman more heroic. Ok, show, you win. A hitman is better than a serial killer. Because a hitman doesn't pick his victims and is just doing a job. That's so much better! 

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Kiki should be a mess and when she pointed out that Julian and Ava haven't so much as sent her an e-card for a month I cheered. Not because I like Kiki but because it's the truth. 


To be fair to Ava, she has reclaimed her possession, I mean HER BABY!!!, and she's also drinking all of the alcohol in PC and running the raggedy Jerome mob. There's no time for her to reach out to Kiki.

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It doesn't mean much coming from Ava, but I believe her when she said she was giving Kiki her space. Under the circumstances that occurred, there really wasn't much else to say or do. In the time since Kiki found out, Ava's been mainly securing her freedom and trying to regain custody of Avery. Of course, I loathe Kiki so when she said that Ava hadn't reached out to her, my reaction was - smart woman.

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Serious question - what should her comeuppance be?  


Good question. Justice is so borked on this show. Purposely kill an unarmed man but "save" a boatload of people - it's even! Plant the aforementioned bomb but have a brain chip - no worries. Serial killer with a brain tumor - can you do community service for a bit? 


Liz is concealing Jakeson's identity and she's helping Nik cover up the Hayden whatever. Conspiracy after the fact for attempted murder? Serious crime, that except this is Port Charles. Not telling Jakeson his real identity? Is that criminal? (Serious question.) I don't think it is. It's creepy and selfish without a doubt.


The only people who have a legitimate beef with Liz are: Monica, Tracey, Sam, Daniel and Jacob. (Sonny and Carly don't get to bitch about anyone "keeping them" from anyone.) What Liz has done to the Q's, her son, Sam and Daniel is cruel. It's also nuts. Putting aside my Jason hate, I don't understand Liz's motivation or reasoning. Ok, she feels really guilty and she's scared she's going to be caught. That's not a reason to keep going. Nik is manipulating her, yes. She's also a grown woman so that doesn't work. Her behavior is nonsensical and bizarre.  The reveal will be entertaining if only to finally understand what this was all about. If she claims it was love for Jason, I say shoot her. (Ok, maybe not.)


The only comeuppance that would make sense to me would be Ferncliff and some real therapy. 

No, I believed Ava too. I don't know what Julian's excuse is though. I guess plot point for Kiki to cry about having no family.


Julian is kinda useless. He's just there to bed Alexis and occasionally pretend to be Sam's father. Oh, and listen to Ava. 

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The only people who have a legitimate beef with Liz are: Monica, Tracey, Sam, Daniel and Jacob. (Sonny and Carly don't get to bitch about anyone "keeping them" from anyone.) 


I'd also add Michael to that list. 

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