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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I think the letter

is going to lead into the short break Genie Francis is taking.


If the letter is Luke declaring his undying love or at least asking Laura to join him somewhere, that is a clever fuck-you to Geary from Ron. It's also close to what I would have done. Doesn't excuse Monday's show though, or the last six months/two years.


Watch Ron not tell us what's in the letter, though, or at least what it all means. "I thought I had more time!"

Edited by jsbt
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Curious as to the general opinion, not just of Liz's actions, but the basic idea that Liz doesn't have to "pay" for anything she's done or going to do, because no one else in town pays. I've seen this on Twitter by a few, and I think it's an interesting stance to take. First off, because one of the basic traits of soaps is that someone is backstabbing/plotting/doing someone else wrong.

We're allowed as an audience to root for the one being messed over, or to root for the one doing the messing, but either way, it's not wrong to want the "villain" to get their dues. I don't think the fact that other characters seem to never get payback should be an issue. I personally think all shows are uneven that way. There are always characters who suffer more, justly or unjustly, and always those who seem to never suffer, those whose schemes always backfire, etc, etc. If the characters were always "even", it would kill a lot of the suspense and enjoyment of the story for me, knowing the one doing the wrong would eventually have to "pay" for certain, and that the wrongs would always be righted.

THe fact that some characters literally get away with murder, and some are perpetual underdogs, keeps it interesting for me. At any rate, I think "paying" can be interpreted a number of ways. Maybe someone gets away with getting someone fired, for instance, but the audience sees this person has no friends or anyone that truly loves them, while the one he/she got fired is surrounded by loved ones. I think in essence, that character "pays" because the victory they think they achieved, is actually hollow. I could go on with examples. But anyway, yeah I think Liz should pay, but I think how she should pay, and how she likely WILL pay, is that Jakeson will reject her, and half the town will hate her, at least for a while. She'll probably get slapped a lot, and IMO she has it coming.

But I don't think she's gone too far to come back from it.

Anyone else agree or disagree?

I think Liz should stay with Jake/Jason she deserves that hitman.

I honestly don't care if Liz ever pays because the story is stupid, Liz and Jason is stupid, the writing is on a whole different level of stupid and I don't want Sam near it.

Liz is not going to pay everyone except the raging beast Carly is going to line up and console her Sam's own cousin is on Liz's side.

I just don't care about this story at all, I just need Sam freed from this stupid boring story. Liz can keep Jason he's not a prize no matter what GH tries to sell us.

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Joking aside (mostly), I think the real reason is that Kiki is basically Morgan's only friend and confidant. Other than Big Alice. Fuck you, Alice!


True, but if he just broke up with her and told her he changed his mind, he doesn't want to commit to an exclusive relationship (again) at 22 years old, they could still be friends! This all makes no sense. :weeps:


OTOH, maybe that's why they introduced the super-awkward/casual intimate Dillon/Morgan scenes. It's a run-up to their buzzed jerk-off/blowie sesh. I'm dead serious, a storyline about Red Dot Sale Dillon and Morgan having confused gay hook-ups would be more contemporary and more interesting than at least 70% of what's currently on this show.


I would really enjoy everyone's reaction if that happened, especially Tracy and Sonny's. Needs to happen!

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If the letter is Luke declaring his undying love or at least asking Laura to join him somewhere, that is a clever fuck-you to Geary from Ron. It's also close to what I would have done. Doesn't excuse Monday's show though, or the last six months/two years.

Watch Ron not tell us what's in the letter, though, or at least what it all means. "I thought I had more time!"

This must be why Geary's already like, "I can come back!"

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I fell asleep sometime during Laura's lunch with Carly & Sonny. Did dream a Laura flashback to the mystery envelope? 


no, you did not. She did have a flashback. And no, it is dumb they have not revealed what is in it yet. You have ONE last chance to grab one possible viewer who returned and you friggin blew it GH.

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True, but if he just broke up with her and told her he changed his mind, he doesn't want to commit to an exclusive relationship (again) at 22 years old, they could still be friends! This all makes no sense. :weeps:


I'm not sure she'd want to stay friends if he dumped her for her aunt, though lol.

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I'm not sure she'd want to stay friends if he dumped her for her aunt, though lol.


This creature would. Oh, she'd pretend to be outraged and use it as an excuse to cry on Michael's shoulders a little, but she'd eventually be all "I'm your ex-wife Morgan! It was such a deep and intimate relationship! You can tell me anything!"

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Every time Kiki talks about her love and trust for "Aunt Denise," who she met two weeks ago, my teeth try to kill themselves. Actually, any time she says "Aunt Denise" at all. You don't know her!

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I still thirst for Kiki to walk in on Morgan and AvaDenise.  And then she can run to the Q mansion in tears to confide in Michael only to walk in on him and Sabrina.


She can walk in on Michael doin' Sabrina in the butt in the boathouse, just like Morgan and Kiki used to! I'm sorry, it's been a long month.


Any time anyone says "Aunt Denise," "one kiss," or "Franco" on this show lately I pretty much wish I was dead. It's doing things to my mind.

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I think Liz should stay with Jake/Jason she deserves that hitman.

I honestly don't care if Liz ever pays because the story is stupid, Liz and Jason is stupid, the writing is on a whole different level of stupid and I don't want Sam near it.

Liz is not going to pay everyone except the raging beast Carly is going to line up and console her Sam's own cousin is on Liz's side.

I just don't care about this story at all, I just need Sam freed from this stupid boring story. Liz can keep Jason he's not a prize no matter what GH tries to sell us.


That's pretty much how I feel. Liz is screwing all these people over and she STILL isn't interesting. I'll never get the hype over this character-even her badness is duller than dirt.

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She heard, very clearly, that Jake knows Lucky is his father (and Cam and Aiden are his brothers/children of Liz and Lucky). Danny is no longer a baby; he's a kid capable of talking, and he knows his Daddy is Jason. Does she not get that the two of them being introduced as brothers would be really confusing, especially for a...3-year-old? who knows his Mommy is not Jake's Mommy.This desire of hers for Jake and Danny to be insta-besties or whatever is dumb.


I don't think it's some dumb, beyond ridiculous for a mother to want her son to get to know his brother. She doesn't want them to be instant besties, but I think she believes that, just like Danny being around the Q's, it would be good for him to be close to his "dead" father's side of the family. I'm not sure what's so whacked out about that idea. Given that Liz had no problem introducing Jake to Monica and calling her his grandmother makes me think this idea that demon Jake would be too traumatized to be introduced to another brother a completely ridiculous Liz fabrication that she's using solely because she doesn't want Sam to be hanging around, which might mean she hangs around Jakeson, which might cause his memories to come back destroying Liz's demented and horrible plan to keep Jason for herself.


Kids on soaps and in real life get introduced to half-brothers and extended family all the time. It's not going to warp fragile three year old Danny's mind to be introduced to a half-brother.



Also, it's not unreasonable to think that seeing Sam around Jake would make a mother painfully remember Sam being involved with Jake's previous kidnappings - one as almost an accomplice, the other as co-rescuer. Sam glosses over a lot of stuff because she's so focused on "Danny gets to have a brother now, yay!!"


I do think it's unreasonable and I don't think it has anything to do with Liz's desire to keep Danny and Jake apart, and keep Sam away. Liz and Sam have interacted plenty since what Sam did and Liz has had no problem with it. Seeing Sam would Jake should not affect her. And even Liz did have a problem with it, there's no reason Sam needs to be hands on with Jake for Jake and Danny to get to know each other.

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Maybe the letter is how Luke spotted poor Robin on Cassadine Island playing nanny to all the test tube babies Helena uses for spare parts. But naturally he had to take off to find himself again so maybe she can pass it along to Anna? I never could have dreamed this show would get so bad after Guza. I have zero hopes for the new writing team but I feel a responsiblity to my fellow posters to stick it out to the bitter end!

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Watch Ron not tell us what's in the letter, though, or at least what it all means. "I thought I had more time!"


Laura read it during a commercial break. 


Oh, I agree...it just sucks. Sam talks like little Jake has been back for weeks/months and Elizabeth just doesn't want to commit to "the brothers" forming a relationship. Even aside from Elizabeth and Nik's secret, it seems like Sam is operating without a brain. She heard, very clearly, that Jake knows Lucky is his father (and Cam and Aiden are his brothers/children of Liz and Lucky). Danny is no longer a baby; he's a kid capable of talking, and he knows his Daddy is Jason. Does she not get that the two of them being introduced as brothers would be really confusing, especially for a...3-year-old? who knows his Mommy is not Jake's Mommy.This desire of hers for Jake and Danny to be insta-besties or whatever is dumb. I I could see them being introduced as new friends or even "both grandsons of Monica" -  but all the "they're both sons of the great Jason" is just too much especially because baby Danny spent maybe one day with Jason and since Jake doesn't remember Elizabeth being his mom *before* then he sure as hell doesn't remember ever meeting Jason. 


Also, it's not unreasonable to think that seeing Sam around Jake would make a mother painfully remember Sam being involved with Jake's previous kidnappings - one as almost an accomplice, the other as co-rescuer. Sam glosses over a lot of stuff because she's so focused on "Danny gets to have a brother now, yay!!"


I agree that it's stupid Sam is pressing this hard for Danny and Jake to bond right away.  But it's all a damn plot point anyway for this f-ing Jakeson nonsense.  It's just another reason for Liz's deer in a headlight looks and guilt face.  I REALLY hope this is the first story the new writers fix.  I want Liz to realize the joy of getting her kid back and come clean.  This secret is stupid, and as much as I hate Liz, I still contend that this is complete character assassination and Liz fans AND Becky deserve better. 


AS for Liz being uncomfortable with Sam being around Jake after the shit from 2007....That was all dealt with years ago.  Liz and Sam reached a place where they could co exist for Lucky's sake and Sam was around Jake a lot back then.  Sam and Lucky even went on camping trips with the boys.  So to use that as an excuse now doesn't fly.  The ONLY reason Liz doesn't want Sam around now is because of the lie. 


Ok, now for todays show.  I didn't see anything wrong with Sam telling Patrick what Liz did.....Patrick is her boyfriend, the man she lives with, it's not like she told some random stranger Liz's misdeeds.  I actually think Patrick might know what Sam did, he didn't ask her to elaborate when she mentioned her mistakes.  But that's my interpretation.   And Sam didn't rail against Liz, she made it clear that it's another part of their past.  But geez, I was all for SamTrick at the beginning, but now....that beginning and last scene were just bad.


I didn't pay attention to any of the Franco/Nina/Ric/Silas/Morgan/Denava nonsense.  The Laura/Sonny/Carly scenes were stupid, and only there to make Laura feel guilty about the Jason secret.

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Do I think Liz should pay for not outing Jake is really Jason?  Nope.  Not one tiny bit.  Jake has had numerous flashbacks and his lazy ass still can't admit to himself that HE is Jason Morgan.    Jake walked into Liz's home and had the flashback of picking up a small yellow motorcycle and his lazy ass still can't deal with being Jason Morgan while staring into his son's eyes.  If Jason gets snippy with Liz about his true identity, he can remember all of his own dirty lies and crap and have a seat.


Sam, STFU about Jake and Danny.  Jake has been home less than forty-eight hours and Liz is the one that decides what the child can and can not handle.


Liz should have flat out told Monica and Michael that Jake has been told by Lucky that he is his father and for them to be careful around the child since he just spent four years with Helena of all people.


Lawd.  Michael is smarter than Big Jake when it comes to Hayden and Nik.  


Nik had better be the one that folks really go after since he has known the truth about Jake / Jason for months and Liz only found out the truth in May.

Edited by Darklazr
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If I thought Liz's reasons to not encourage Danny/Jake was out of motherly concern for her just-returned-from-the-dead spawn, it would be fine.


But it seems like she wants to keep Sam and Danny at arm's length because her chance at having more of Jakeson's acrobatics with her would be at risk, and as we know by now, Liz is all about what she wants and needs and screw everyone and everything else.


Too bad that "everyone else" includes her own kid.


I hope the new hacks have this explode in her face in a hurry. It's past time.

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Only known since May? It's July.

Jake was missing for three days and Liz was still using that as a shield 7(?) years later when Sam found out about the switched maternity test results.

Nik should get raked over the coals for what he's done to his cousin. But Liz is playing house with a man that she knows is married and that she believes would leave her if she told him the truth. That's on her, not Nik

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I care about Liz as a character and think she deserves so much better from this show. But based on what she is doing now, Liz can get fucked. I want everyone in town to drag her ass, but I know Jason will go easy on her again.

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I'm pretending that all that time Sam spent with Jake years ago never happened. She watched him get kidnapped by a crazy woman and didn't do anything about it. That should NEVER be forgiven and she should NEVER be allowed to be around Jake for one second. And, Elizabeth shouldn't around Danny. She kept him from his parents. But I like Liz and I hate Sam.

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Nik and Liz both need to get dragged for keeping this shit a secret. Then they keep adding other people to this mess like Lucky and Laura.


Jason/Jake should deal with Liz.


Sam gets to skin Nik's bitch ass.


As far as the kids go, I am fine if Sam is never around Zombie Jake. That little fucker has been nothing but a pain in her ass since his conception. If she wasn't trying to have Danny have a relationship with his ass people would still be on her ass.


Also Sam always encouraged Jason to have a relationship with the zombie even when they broke up.

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I honestly don't care if Liz ever pays because the story is stupid

It's just an example of characters never, ever, ever learning from their past mistakes. 

Patrick & Sam said it themselves, Liz couldn't keep a secret this big for long. If she was smart (which I recognize wouldn't happen) she would get in front of this, reveal the Jake secret by other means.

She's got kid-Jake's bloodwork, maybe she saw something suspiciously familiar and goes through Jake's medical records (or Jasons) and "wow" Jake is Jason. 

Ask Patrick to compare Jake's brain scans to Jason's, for... reasons. "Wow" Jake is Jason.

She and Nic still live with the specter of Hayden waking up and spilling all, (and the ELQ battle would be...something) but she wouldn't be in a constant state of panic. But then again, I can't comprehend why any woman would sacrifice a parking spot for Jason, let alone something actually important, like their dignity, their kids emotional health, their friends, etc.


And just once, I wish one of Jason's sons would display characteristics of pre-brain injury Jason. (studious, interested in biology-although given the creeps new Kid Jake gives some folks, perhaps an interest in biology would read as serial killer).


I dislike Nina so much, that I'm rooting for Ric to get her committed and steal all her money. 

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I care about Liz as a character and think she deserves so much better from this show. But based on what she is doing now, Liz can get fucked. I want everyone in town to drag her ass, but I know Jason will go easy on her again.


Monica needs to be first in line.  Liz was standing in a room today with her child, who was miraculously returned to her, and denying that opportunity to another mother.  That's the grossest part of this whole thing for me.

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Monica needs to be first in line.  Liz was standing in a room today with her child, who was miraculously returned to her, and denying that opportunity to another mother.  That's the grossest part of this whole thing for me.


The whole "I've basically been raping you and named you after our thought-dead son" thing is what's worst for me.


I basically despised Steve Burton's Jason, and I hated the original Jason/Sam pairing with a passion. I had a brief stint of liking Liz and Jason in the mid-2000s, and I thought they got a raw deal thanks to Frons, Bob Guza and the mob. I am all for bringing Jake back from the dead. But nothing justifies what Liz is doing, and in this case I absolutely side with Sam and Jason. It's just reprehensible.

Edited by jsbt
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Speaking as someone who doesn't consider Liz or Sam a favorite of mine, there is no excuse for Liz here. She needs to have consequences for sleeping with another woman's husband, keeping a son from his father, and a mother from her child.

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I don't think it's some dumb, beyond ridiculous for a mother to want her son to get to know his brother. She doesn't want them to be instant besties, but I think she believes that, just like Danny being around the Q's, it would be good for him to be close to his "dead" father's side of the family. I'm not sure what's so whacked out about that idea. Given that Liz had no problem introducing Jake to Monica and calling her his grandmother makes me think this idea that demon Jake would be too traumatized to be introduced to another brother 


I do think it's unreasonable and I don't think it has anything to do with Liz's desire to keep Danny and Jake apart, and keep Sam away. Liz and Sam have interacted plenty since what Sam did and Liz has had no problem with it. Seeing Sam would Jake should not affect her. And even Liz did have a problem with it, there's no reason Sam needs to be hands on with Jake for Jake and Danny to get to know each other.




I agree that it's stupid Sam is pressing this hard for Danny and Jake to bond right away.  But it's all a damn plot point anyway for this f-ing Jakeson nonsense.  It's just another reason for Liz's deer in a headlight looks and guilt face.  I REALLY hope this is the first story the new writers fix.  I want Liz to realize the joy of getting her kid back and come clean.  This secret is stupid, and as much as I hate Liz, I still contend that this is complete character assassination and Liz fans AND Becky deserve better. 


AS for Liz being uncomfortable with Sam being around Jake after the shit from 2007....That was all dealt with years ago.  Liz and Sam reached a place where they could co exist for Lucky's sake and Sam was around Jake a lot back then.  Sam and Lucky even went on camping trips with the boys.  So to use that as an excuse now doesn't fly.  The ONLY reason Liz doesn't want Sam around now is because of the lie. 


A) I don't think it's dumb or whacked out for Sam to want Jake and Danny to meet - it's the way she's talking about it and going about it. 'Oh, Danny and Jake need to be close brothers because they're each other's link to Jason. I'm concerned that (a few minutes after I saw Jake alive for the first time) Elizabeth seemed hesitant instead of eager/excited for Jake and Danny to start being brothers. Patrick, do something about this please.' Also, Danny does know his father's family - we've seen him spend time with Monica, Tracy, Michael, Ned. Legally speaking, Jake is NOT Jason's child. I don't think Jake would be 'too traumatized' to be introduced to Danny. What I'm saying is both boys are not old enough/mature enough to understand science/reproduction and how they can be brothers when Jake has been told Elizabeth and Lucky are his parents, and Danny understands that Sam is his Mommy and Jason Morgan 'in Heaven' is his Daddy. 


B) What I meant is that reasoning should occur to Sam; Sam was never alone with little Jake because of her history of endangering him/him and Cam. Liz was okay with Sam and Lucky dating and them taking the boys camping, knowing Lucky was always with them. 


C) Agreed, except I do mostly like Liz and think Becky's a great actress.


D) I didn't say Elizabeth is using Sam's history as an excuse; I'm saying in her place (and without Jake/son as a factor, dead or alive) I would consider it a very valid reason. Right now Sam's talking to Patrick and acting in public like she never hated Liz's innocent child/wanted him gone from their lives. I feel about Sam's talk/behavior re: little Jake right now roughlyhow other people felt about Sabrina becoming baby AJ's nanny after she gave Ava those (premature labor?) pills.

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Speaking as someone who doesn't consider Liz or Sam a favorite of mine, there is no excuse for Liz here. She needs to have consequences for sleeping with another woman's husband, keeping a son from his father, and a mother from her child.

Liz is doing Sam and Danny a favor.

As a SamFF I hope Liz gets to keep Jake/Jason forever. Though I feel for Monica she doesn't deserve that.

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I don't care if Liz does or doesn't pay for keeping the truth about Jason a secret. Fuck him. This is his karma for 20+ years of him being a sainted hit man with everyone in town kissing his ass. And it's hilarious.

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Can I join you? I will bring the chocolate cake. 


I started watching in 1980, in the height of Luke and Laura madness. Their wedding was on my birthday, actually. There are so many amazing Luke moments from that time period (and beyond) that it was extremely disappointing to not have his last episode include some sort of montage. It's not difficult to do. Shit, I'd have gone over there to produce the montage for them! It just felt like it was just any other story, not the final scenes of a legacy character, and a character that helped put GH into iconic status. 


Yes!  Here's the link to my playlist.  It's not the greatest, and it's not quite in the right order, but it's still kind of fun.  :)



Edited by CoolWhipLite
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I don't care if Liz does or doesn't pay for keeping the truth about Jason a secret. Fuck him. This is his karma for 20+ years of him being a sainted hit man with everyone in town kissing his ass. And it's hilarious.

People are still kissing the sainted hitman's ass and it's annoying.

I can't even laugh at this because it's sad everything about the story is sad. I wish I could find some type of emotion except boredom about this story(and I'm not even watching)because my fav(Sam)is stuck in the crapfest but I just don't.

I still love Ric be and Molly needs more scenes.

I don't even know why they write for Patrick and Sam cause it's obvious the writers don't care about the relationship tyey don't even try.

I wish we got more Quatermaine scenes.

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Monica needs to be first in line. to skin Nik's bitch ass.


And then Sam gets to skin Nik's bitch ass.

This is much better - must see TV in fact. Nikolas knew 'Jake's' true identity way before Liz did, was Monica's/is Sam's family, and kept that truth from them. This is a mega betrayal of the memory of his so-called great love Emily and her family, and a betrayal of cousin Sam because he's had many opportunities to come clean - including when Sam held up Jason's wedding band and asked Nik to explain. Nikolas chose to offer the truth to Liz and withhold the same info from Jason's family, all for selfish reasons. And he did so after being outraged and vindictive when his son was kept away from him. Liz should not get a pass for her lies, but this all started with Nikolas and they better find that out!!

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This is much better - must see TV in fact. Nikolas knew 'Jake's' true identity way before Liz did, was Monica's/is Sam's family, and kept that truth from them. This is a mega betrayal of the memory of his so-called great love Emily and her family, and a betrayal of cousin Sam because he's had many opportunities to come clean - including when Sam held up Jason's wedding band and asked Nik to explain. Nikolas chose to offer the truth to Liz and withhold the same info from Jason's family, all for selfish reasons. And he did so after being outraged and vindictive when his son was kept away from him. Liz should not get a pass for her lies, but this all started with Nikolas and they better find that out!!

Both Nik and Liz should face some kind of consequences unless the new writers want to pretend everything that Ron wrote never happened, which I'd be OK with.

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Monica heard that "my grandson" is alive - from Michael (Luke told him) - so they decided to go to Liz's to see the kid and give him a gift they picked out for him. And no, they did not bring gifts for Jake's brothers. I really wonder if Monica is just going to grin big and call him "my grandson" or "Jason's son" from now on whenever she's around the kid. Lucky who? 


Jakeson and Michael also talked about Nikolas re :ELQ and Jakeson's identity off to the side, yes.

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I don't care if Liz does or doesn't pay for keeping the truth about Jason a secret. Fuck him. This is his karma for 20+ years of him being a sainted hit man with everyone in town kissing his ass. And it's hilarious.


Hey, I've been vocal in wishing the Holy Hitman was still fish food. But the facts as they stand are he's alive, his mother is being denied the same reunion Liz got with Jake Jr, because Liz knows he wouldn't choose her with all the facts, and another son is being denied his father, as shitty as a killer for a father is.


So while Jason deserves misery, Monica and Danny don't, and Liz is disgusting.

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I don't care if Liz does or doesn't pay for keeping the truth about Jason a secret. Fuck him. This is his karma for 20+ years of him being a sainted hit man with everyone in town kissing his ass. And it's hilarious.


I think Liz (and Nik! Even more so than her cause Liz is coming across as desperate, Nik just comes across as calculating) deserves to pay for what she's doing to Sam and Monica. Keeping Jason away from Danny though? She's doing that kid a favor.

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Liz doesn't want Jake and Danny around each other because it might trigger Jakeson's memory. She's terrified he'll figure it out, which is ridiculous, because somewhere along the line the secret will come out. There's no way it won't. 


Monica is always scarily intense and needy when it comes to Jason, and her being with Jake is no different.


"I had a long talk with Morgan; it's all going to work out." Oh, Sonny. You are adorable when you think you have any influence over anyone, least of all your idiot son Morgan.


Nina's story is unbearable. Poor Rick Hearst. Poor us.


I loved Silas busting Morgan and Ava. How does she keep her wig on while boinking? You know Morgan is a hair-puller.


I loved Sam's bra. Is there anyway to find out where it's from?

Edited by dubbel zout
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I loved Sam's bra. Is there anyway to find out where it's from?

It was cute, but way way too small. Like distractingly small (obviously). I kept thinking she really needs to go in for a professional bra fitting. (I recommend it for any women). The majority of women are wearing the wrong size. And that bra, while cute, was at least two cup sizes small-- if I had to guess.


I think there's a fashion thread here-- or check this out. (it has TheNina's blouse from today-- but nothing about the bra)

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This is much better - must see TV in fact. Nikolas knew 'Jake's' true identity way before Liz did, was Monica's/is Sam's family, and kept that truth from them. This is a mega betrayal of the memory of his so-called great love Emily and her family, and a betrayal of cousin Sam because he's had many opportunities to come clean - including when Sam held up Jason's wedding band and asked Nik to explain. Nikolas chose to offer the truth to Liz and withhold the same info from Jason's family, all for selfish reasons. And he did so after being outraged and vindictive when his son was kept away from him. Liz should not get a pass for her lies, but this all started with Nikolas and they better find that out!!


Oh, believe me, I thirst - THIRST - for Nikolas' comeuppance, but that doesn't excuse Liz's current behavior at all.  


Liz has a better idea of what Monica must feel as mother who grieved for her child - who lost not just Jason, but ALL her children, every single one BRUTALLY MURDERED before their times - than anyone and that is on her.


Monica heard that "my grandson" is alive


I hope the quotation marks aren't because Monica and Little Jake aren't related by blood.  I may not like Monica's fawning about Jason, but Little Jake is her grandson.

Edited by TeeVee329
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I hope the quotation marks aren't because Monica and Little Jake aren't related by blood.  I may not like Monica's fawning about Jason, but Little Jake is her grandson.



I think it's more about that being all she's going to call him "my grandson," instead of just Jake, especially when, as others have mentioned, it would be confusing to dumb the whole story of his biological father on him right off the bat after he's back.  

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Oh, believe me, I thirst - THIRST - for Nikolas' comeuppance, but that doesn't excuse Liz's current behavior at all.  


Liz has a better idea of what Monica must feel as mother who grieved for her child - who lost not just Jason, but ALL her children, every single one BRUTALLY MURDERED before their times - than anyone and that is on her.



I hope the quotation marks aren't because Monica and Little Jake aren't related by blood.  I may not like Monica's fawning about Jason, but Little Jake is her grandson.

A) You make me smile - I like 'thirst'


B) I agree that Liz must know, re: deaths of AJ and Emily and Monica's relationships with them. But re: Jason - since becoming Jason Morgan, he mostly tolerated Monica, rarely acting like a son who cared for/loved his mother. It's not even remotely close to Liz and her toddler. Monica became Jason's mom because she stopped hating him and because his birth mother died. Also, Jason got shot and was presumed dead because he chose to be a professional criminal, period. I don't feel he was brutally murdered. 


C) The quote was because Monica only said "Jake" when meeting him face-to-face. When she appeared on Liz's doorstep, when she was talking to him at the table, it was all "my grandson," as if he's a new possession-extension/connection to Jason instead of a person. 

Edited by Bringonthedrama
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I think it's more about that being all she's going to call him "my grandson," instead of just Jake, especially when, as others have mentioned, it would be confusing to dumb the whole story of his biological father on him right off the bat after he's back.  


There are many, many folks who have experience with biological and adopted relatives and have never had their head explode or whatever. So I don't buy it. It's all back to the lie. And Liz can't have her cake and eat it, too. Either Lucky is Jake Jr.'s father and Jason is but a sperm donor making her little fantasy even more inexcusable or Jason is the daddy and part of the family Liz is all about deluding herself to get. And Lucky was just her substitute since she couldn't have Jason.


Woman needs to make a decision. Actually, she needs to be smacked, but let's start easy and go with the decision as to whom is whom in Little Jake's life.

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But re: Jason - since becoming Jason Morgan, he mostly tolerated Monica, rarely acting like a son who cared for/loved his mother. It's not even remotely close to Liz and her toddler. Monica became Jason's mom because she stopped hating him and because his birth mother died. Also, Jason got shot and was presumed dead because he chose to be a professional criminal, period. I don't feel he was brutally murdered. 


C) The quote was because Monica only said "Jake" when meeting him face-to-face. When she appeared on Liz's doorstep, when she was talking to him at the table, it was all "my grandson," as if he's a new possession-extension/connection to Jason instead of a person. 


How Monica became his mom (and after the events you mentioned, she spent years being his mom) and how Jason treated her after getting Morgan-ed is besides the point for me.  She's his mom.  She would be happy that he was alive.  The dismissals by Liz (and Nikolas) that the Q's are, like, totally over his death are bogus.  Would Liz ever have gotten over Jake's death?


I concede your point about Jason getting killed because of the mob, but he did still die young and the rest of Monica's kids, including Dawn who Liz probably does not know about, did die brutally.


And I guess I'm fine with Monica being excited about meeting the grandson she never knew about until after he was dead.  And if Liz wanted more control over the situation, maybe she should have called Monica instead of stopping over at Nik's to talk about Rebecca Budig.

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Also, Danny does know his father's family - we've seen him spend time with Monica, Tracy, Michael, Ned. Legally speaking, Jake is NOT Jason's child. I don't think Jake would be 'too traumatized' to be introduced to Danny. What I'm saying is both boys are not old enough/mature enough to understand science/reproduction and how they can be brothers when Jake has been told Elizabeth and Lucky are his parents, and Danny understands that Sam is his Mommy and Jason Morgan 'in Heaven' is his Daddy.


The fact that Liz wants Jason to raise Jake with her, to me, negates the idea that, because Jason isn't Jake's legal father, he and his whole family's relation to Jake doesn't count. If Liz wants Jason to be the kid's father in every way than that comes with the extended family, legal or not. Just like just because Sonny is Michael's legal father, doesn't negate AJ and the rest of the Quartermaines connection to him.


I don't think either one have to be mature or enough or understand biology to be introduced as brothers. Like I said plenty of kids in real life and on soaps have half and step siblings. I don't think Molly had to be mature enough or understand exactly how adult things work to understand that Kristina was her sister, even though they had different fathers. Emma didn't need a masters in biology to be able to comprehend the several different half siblings she's been preparing for the last couple of years. There's a way to explain adult things to kids without their needing to understand every aspect of it.



B) What I meant is that reasoning should occur to Sam; Sam was never alone with little Jake because of her history of endangering him/him and Cam. Liz was okay with Sam and Lucky dating and them taking the boys camping, knowing Lucky was always with them


And is there some reason Liz couldn't be present to supervise while Danny and Jake bonded? Sam is not suggesting she needs to be alone with Jake.



Right now Sam's talking to Patrick and acting in public like she never hated Liz's innocent child/wanted him gone from their lives.


But why should she have to bring that up? Monica resented Jason as a child, but grew to love him. I don't think every time she talks about missing him she has to talk about the resentment she used to feel for him. Sam resented Jake at one time, but she's more then since grown beyond that and I don't think it's necessary for her to bring up resenting him, when talking about wanting him to bond with his brother.



Monica heard that "my grandson" is alive - from Michael (Luke told him) - so they decided to go to Liz's to see the kid and give him a gift they picked out for him. And no, they did not bring gifts for Jake's brothers. I really wonder if Monica is just going to grin big and call him "my grandson" or "Jason's son" from now on whenever she's around the kid. Lucky who?


Why is grandson in quotes? He is her grandson. Her referencing that isn't some slight against Lucky. When Laura showed up it's not like Monica was like "What the hell are you doing here, you're not his real grandmother." I think she's aware that Lucky is Jake's legal father, but Jason is still his biological father. And, honestly, fuck Lucky. He decided to fob his responsibility to his kids so his psycho ex and Jason could raise them. So, I don't see why everyone is beholden to talk about Lucky, the great dad, whenever they're around Jake. Who knows maybe Monica would leave little Jake alone if she had someone else to fawn over, like the son Liz is selfishly keeping from her.




B) I agree that Liz must know, re: deaths of AJ and Emily and Monica's relationships with them. But re: Jason - since becoming Jason Morgan, he mostly tolerated Monica, rarely acting like a son who cared for/loved his mother. It's not even remotely close to Liz and her toddler. Monica became Jason's mom because she stopped hating him and because his birth mother died. Also, Jason got shot and was presumed dead because he chose to be a professional criminal, period. I don't feel he was brutally murdered.

C) The quote was because Monica only said "Jake" when meeting him face-to-face. When she appeared on Liz's doorstep, when she was talking to him at the table, it was all "my grandson," as if he's a new possession-extension/connection to Jason instead of a person.


I think it's a little unfair to try and make some contest of which mother's grief actually counts. Though if we're going to go down that road maybe Liz's grief for Jake shouldn't have counted because she "only" raised Jake for a few years while Monica was Jason's mother (it doesn't matter the circumstances of his biological mother's death, Monica was still his mother in every way that counts) for a hell of a lot longer. And despite the fact that he only "tolerated" Monica, he was still forging a relationship with her, and she still loved him dearly. And it's not like Jason was Jason Morgan his entire life. As Jason Q he loved his mother very much.


Maybe Monica wanted to avoid the confusion of calling him Jake with big Jake in the room and didn't want to keep calling him little Jake (which is a nickname I find annoying.) This was her first meeting with Jake. If she's only calling him her grandson years and years later than maybe there's a problem.

Edited by FilmTVGeek80
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So, I did my standard viewing today, holding the FF button so much I developed a cramp in my index finger, but that aside, how disappointing that Monica and Laura barely acknowledged each other.  These are two women who used to be incredibly close.  


I don't think Laura's read the letter yet.


Did anyone else do a little ahhhhh when Laura said she'd had breakfast with Elton?   Just me then, okay.


Carly needs to just shut it with her judgmental eye rolling.

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Liz doesn't want Sam and her son around Jake because she is deranged and fucked-up with guilt about the horrible thing she's done, and she's terrified she'll get caught.


Also, and this is the biggest reason right now IMO, she wants Jason and his thrice-amnesiac, Glock wonder-dick exclusively to herself and her son, not his kid with someone else. She thinks life is now operating on Liason Standard Time. There have been many times in my viewing history that I could give a fuck about Sam, but Liz isn't just trying to cockblock Sam, she's cutting off Jason's very young son from his father.


It's sick.

Edited by jsbt
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Liz doesn't want Sam and her son around Jake because she is deranged and fucked-up with guilt about the horrible thing she's done, and she's terrified she'll get caught.

Also, and this is the biggest reason right now IMO, she wants Jason and his thrice-amnesiac, Glock wonder-dick exclusively to herself and her son, not his kid with someone else. She thinks life is now operating on Liason Standard Time. There have been many times in my viewing history that I could give a fuck about Sam, but Liz isn't just trying to cockblock Sam, she's cutting off Jason's very young son from his father.

It's sick.

I don't even think Liz is acting guilty. She's acting fearful of being caught. She really doesn't give a crap about Sam or Danny, thanks to Ron's glorious writing skills.

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