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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Noooooooooooooooooooo @ Courtney stinking up our screens.


Spencer is so fucking annoying. 


Patrick/Emma were really cute with that song.


I love how it took Elizabeth 0.2 seconds to accept it was Jason. All because he called himself Jake. Yes, that seems like sound proof.

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If this show is really trying to sell that Nik and Liz are just OH SO EMOTIONAL and just have to keep Sam/Patrick/Emma together because they're just the perfect little family..... LOLOLOLOL. GTFO.

Also, thanks, Ron, for completely shitting on Robin's relationships with both Liz and Nik. You're such a doll.

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Ugh, it's way, way, WAY too soon for Brad and Lucas to be getting married.  You know the terms to get me on-side, Ron, an appearance by Lucas' med school pal Lyle and Ellie's police officer cousin Trout at the ceremony.


Nikolas' reasons for keeping quiet about Jake(son) make no goddamn sense.  And, of course, he's off chasing poon instead of parenting his brat.


That "Dear Future Husband" was the song for Lulu, Maxie, Valerie et. al's dance number speaks volumes.


I totally forgot Piph and Milo were a thing.

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Shit warmed over a second time is still not going to fool anyone into thinking it's chocolate cake, Ron.                 


He really has no new material, all he keeps doing is rehashing the same ridiculousness but with even less success, imho. Every time something has actually not been terrible he just ramrods it straight into the ground and beats it to death with his overinflated ego.   


Every single routine is so cringe-worthy and bad and sad and I have secondhand embarrassment for the actors.


The singing...holy Moses the godawful singing...


And just who came up with that deplorable number that they then forced the women to perform? I just...no words.


Spencer is truly a sociopath, there's just nothing good or likeable about his psycho backside and he really needs to just go away. 


Ron has managed to turn what was once a merely annoyingly precocious kid into a budding serial killer, fantastic, what fun. How do those darn Emmys just keep slipping through his fingers again...? /Sarcasm just can't even cut it at this point.


So Brad and Lucas are now engaged (seriously, WTELF) and then five seconds later they race off and we won't see them again for another two or three months until suddenly they're in a panic and running around preparing to be married. I knew Ron would never give them any justice as a real couple but this is just beyond the pale.


And then they go and throw ghost!Courtney into the mix... but then I guess when the train-wreck has already happened what's one more derailed car...

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That "Dear Future Husband" was the song for Lulu, Maxie, Valerie et. al's dance number speaks volumes.


Oh, the sweet sweet subtlety. 

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I think Liz more than got hers when her child had to die because she has a reading comprehension problem.


There. Fixed.


If nothing else, I didn't see Jason telling Liz he was going to murder her 'cause her dumb self can't read. Threats rate a bullet in the head, but her leaving the damn door unlocked doesn't? Pull my other leg, writers, its going to sleep.

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What? What? SPILL!

In no soap universe would Liz and Nik NOT be concerned about where Robin is now or how she revived Jason or why Robin didn't tell everyone Jason is alive.

In no soap universe would Liz and Nik be so passionate about Sam and Patrick staying together as a family.

In no soap universe would Sam's happiness be >>>>> Robin to Nik or Liz.

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So Brad and Lucas are now engaged (seriously, WTELF) and then five seconds later they race off and we won't see them again for another two or three months until suddenly they're in a panic and running around preparing to be married. I knew Ron would never give them any justice as a real couple but this is just beyond the pale.


Even worse, given the rumors that

ABC asked for a wedding to take place during the live episodes, I sadly think the show is gonna marry them off in two weeks.

In no soap universe would Liz and Nik be so passionate about Sam and Patrick staying together as a family.


I don't think Nikolas gives a shit about Sam and Patrick, he's just trying to justify all his garbage.

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There. Fixed.


If nothing else, I didn't see Jason telling Liz he was going to murder her 'cause her dumb self can't read. Threats rate a bullet in the head, but her leaving the damn door unlocked doesn't? Pull my other leg, writers, its going to sleep.



Taking response to the History Thread.

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I don't think Nikolas gives a shit about Sam and Patrick, he's just trying to justify all his garbage.

I honestly couldn't tell you what Nik is trying to do or what's real anymore. He makes no sense. Liz makes no sense. It's another episode filled with "Sam and Patrick are so happy!!!! They deserve to be happy!!!! Look at the happy!!!!"

They have Patrick and Emma performing during the NB, the NB!!!, and have Emma running up to Sam like our hearts are supposed to melt.

While Emma's mother is a prisoner.

Are we supposed to forget that? Like, it's incredibly insulting.

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I don't think Nikolas gives a shit about Sam and Patrick, he's just trying to justify all his garbage.


There is no way that anyone who's known Sam for more than the five minutes it takes for her to talk about Jake/Jason believes that she wouldn't want to know he was alive

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There is no way that anyone who's known Sam for more than the five minutes it takes for her to talk about Jake/Jason believes that she wouldn't want to know he was alive

Nik talking about Jason and how he treated Sam/Danny was classic considering he knows NOTHING about their relationship. And coming from a Cassadine, of all people.

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Even worse, given the rumors that

ABC asked for a wedding to take place during the live episodes, I sadly think the show is gonna marry them off in two weeks.


I don't think Nikolas gives a shit about Sam and Patrick, he's just trying to justify all his garbage.



Seriously...? I...I...wow. I am speechless.


Nik is a selfish, self-serving butt-munch, imho. He isn't a good father, or brother, or cousin, or person frankly.

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Nik talking about Jason and how he treated Sam/Danny was classic considering he knows NOTHING about their relationship. And coming from a Cassadine, of all people.


Hell, coming from NIK of all people. The hideous Spencer only exists because Nik screwed SWSNBN when he got impatient waiting for Emily to recover from the trauma of being raped by a guy who looked exactly like him

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Hell, coming from NIK of all people. The hideous Spencer only exists because Nik screwed SWSNBN when he got impatient waiting for Emily to recover from the trauma of being raped by a guy who looked exactly like him

THIS. No wonder he thinks Patrick is the perfect male specimen.

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I enjoyed the show except for Spencer. My God. Nikolas, instead of worrying about ELQ, RAISE YOUR DAMN SON!


I was so proud of Emma for telling him that it's not his face that repulses her, but his hideous personality. Who would have thunk it that a nine year old girl is more mature and self-assured than all of the adult women on this show. Sad.


TeCa is a beautiful woman and I think she has a nice voice.

Edited by BinkyMimo88
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So Liz and Nik's excuse is seriously that Patrick and Sam are happy and make a great family with Emma and Danny (haven't watched yet)? Like either of them have ever given a fuck about that. Nik just wants ELQ for…reasons, and Liz wants any excuse she can muster to fuck Jason one more time. I can't wait for the inevitable "you and Sam shouldn't be friends" or "Sam, you should keep your distance from Jake" talk Liz will certainly have with one or both of them.

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I enjoyed the show except for Spencer. My God. Nikolas, instead of worrying about ELQ, RAISE YOUR DAMN SON!


I was so proud of Emma for telling him that it's not his face that repulses her, but his hideous personality. Who would have thunk it that a nine year old girl is more mature and self-assured than all of the adult women on this show. Sad.



Please tell me this is the way Emma told him:




            I don't love you.



            Is it because of my face?

                          (sobs uncontrollably like a

                           consumptive baby)

            Oh Christine, this face which taints our love!



            I don't dislike you because of your vomit-inducing face; 

            I dislike you for whole BUNCHES of reasons!

            You sing under pitch.

            You cry like a pathetic little emo kid.  You killed two

            people THAT I KNOW ABOUT.  You pretty much have nothing going

            for you.


(source: http://www.broadwayabridged.com/scripts/phantom.html  )

Edited by ulkis
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So. I squealed audibly and clapped like a circus seal during the Anna/Duke tango.

F'ing Ron.  What was the point of bringing him back if he was just going to be ruined?

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I cannot wait for this shit to explode in both Nik and Liz's faces. And it will. It always does. Liz is the poster child of NO GROWTH. And Nik? Is just nasty. Maybe the horror that is Niz should be attempted again, because these two asses need containment. Stat. They deserve each other.

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Oh, Elizabeth (Ron).  You couldn't add Monica's name to the list of people who might be interested to know Jason is alive?


I am unconvinced that Elizabeth is going to spill the beans on who Jake is.  Who you think you're foolin', Show?  She will lie, she will convince Nicholas, unnecessarily apparently, to continue to lie, and down the road, when the truth comes out, Nicholas, the only one who understood her poor wooby heart throughout her ordeal, will be the man she turns to to pick up the pieces.  Or something.  Yes, I think we're being setup for an eventual Elizabeth/Nicholas redux.  Joy.


So Nicholas was planning on taking over ELQ before Helena blackmailed him into it?  Why, Show, why?  Just give us a reason, any reason!


Seriously, someone - anyone - needs to take Spencer in hand, because dropping sandbags onto a stage where people are performing (including the love of his life, guh) - is not normal childish hijinks.  That's a crime.  Also, we're to believe he got all that set up on the spur of the moment?  Pull the other one, Show.

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So. I squealed audibly and clapped like a circus seal during the Anna/Duke tango.

F'ing Ron.  What was the point of bringing him back if he was just going to be ruined?


You could say this about a lot of characters during the past two years. 

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I am unconvinced that Elizabeth is going to spill the beans on who Jake is.

Sam and Perfect Sparkly Patrick's love is just far too great to ruin, you know?

Edited by HeatLifer
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At least we were prepared for it.

No matter how much advance notice we get, are we ever prepared for that?


Why am I imagining Brian Frons DVR-ing GH for the first time in since 2012?

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So Liz " I will be with you Ric as long as you're honest. Because I can't tolerate dishonesty" Webber is now going to keep the Jakeson secret? No. Just, no.


Ron may have finally driven me to the barge for the first time since the The Taupe took over the show in 2008. 



Actually they were lamer than last years number.

Anybody else get a Village People vibe from them? A doctor, a banker, a cop, a pizza delivery guy. 

Edited by sacrebleu
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And why do I have the feeling that Nik, who has been keeping the Jason secret for how long now, will act like he's being such a "good friend" to Liz by letting her twist his arm to keep the secret?  "Well, I don't know....I guess if it's really important to you..."  Putting in the work now in the hopes that, when this eventually blows up and Jason ends up back with his weepy wife, he can catch Liz on the rebound? 

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My Mom during Spencer's video "What is wrong with the writers?!"


My daughter said the same thing, which is a big problem for the show and the soap genre, in general. Soaps aren't only not attracting teenagers, they're driving them away.


I cannot wait for this shit to explode in both Nik and Liz's faces. And it will. It always does. Liz is the poster child of NO GROWTH. And Nik? Is just nasty. Maybe the horror that is Niz should be attempted again, because these two asses need containment. Stat. They deserve each other.


You know, I seriously love Nik and Liz (and Lucky and Emily) because I've loved them since they were kids. This is one of those storylines I don't engage with, because I refuse to start hating them.

I can't understand why Ron and Frank want to ruin two complex characters, who have been played by the same two talented actors (well, except for the times that Tyler left and what's his face played Nik) for 20 years or so. Then again, today's whole episode, in my opinion, shows their utter contempt for the series, the genre, their cast, and the audience. Ugh. 

Edited by General Days
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Anybody else get a Village People vibe from them? A doctor, a banker, a cop, a pizza delivery guy. 


More like an homage to terrible porn. It was gross



I do not believe for a second that Liz is going to reveal Jake's identity. But even if she was? Why on Earth would she do it onstage during the televised Nurses Ball? 

Edited by Oracle42
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Am I wrong for wanting Julian to be a part of the Magic Wands? Actually they were lamer than last years number.


I'm surprised Will deVry didn't force his way into the number by hook or crook.

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BTW, to whoever is telling TPTB that you like to watch Milo do shirtless one-armed push ups, would you mind, please, pretty please, seriously I mean it please, stop? Okthxbye.

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I liked Jordan having an appropriate reaction to seeing her son strip.

I loved the Anna/Duke tango--there was so much joy on FH's face it was infectious--I grinned like a loon.

Though I hated the song, I thought the Haunted Starlets did a good job with their number. And hey, KeMo learned the words this year!

Everything else pretty much sucked: too early for a CoJones proposal, Jake forgave Carly too easily, Spencer was Spencer, Nik and Liz pretended to GAF about Sam and Sam/Patrick together, and SWMNBN returned.

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I see I got a long-ass night ahead of me.

I don't know about them being long, but you'll get zoomed-in close ups of six of them.


Oh wait, nevermind.

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And why do I have the feeling that Nik, who has been keeping the Jason secret for how long now, will act like he's being such a "good friend" to Liz by letting her twist his arm to keep the secret?  


If Nikolas is now full-on Cassadine evil or whatever, he should have just said he wanted to poison the well with Jake(son) if he can't have Liz for himself.  That would have at least been honest.

Edited by TeeVee329
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There was one cute moment in today's show. It was when Lucy was on the stage in her undies and Emma tried to cover Cam's eyes.

BTW Lucy still has a slamming body.

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Does it feel to anyone else that the nurses ball has completely lost all its charm, and now it's one perfunctory point to be checked off after another perfunctory point to be checked off?


Red carpet with strained dialogue. Check.

Opening number "Welcome to the Nurses Ball" by Felix, Epiphany, Sabrina, Liz, and extras. Check.

Followed immediately by Dr. O's crashing the stage and performing. Check.

All girl number. Check

Guys stripping. Check.

Tango. Check.

Lucy in her underwear. Check.


Even the most spontaneous and one of the more enjoyable moments from that year -- Britt and Brad's ice cream assisted commentary -- became a forced and strained thing to check off this year.


It's time to put a fork in the nurses ball.  It's done. YMMV.

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Oh, Elizabeth (Ron).  You couldn't add Monica's name to the list of people who might be interested to know Jason is alive?


I am unconvinced that Elizabeth is going to spill the beans on who Jake is.  Who you think you're foolin', Show?  She will lie, she will convince Nicholas, unnecessarily apparently, to continue to lie, and down the road, when the truth comes out, Nicholas, the only one who understood her poor wooby heart throughout her ordeal, will be the man she turns to to pick up the pieces.  Or something.  Yes, I think we're being setup for an eventual Elizabeth/Nicholas redux.  Joy.

If Elizabeth really, honestly goes along with this, then IMO, she'll be just as bad as Nikolas, if not worse.  (No, not really.  Nikolas has known longer, so he'll still be worse.)  At that point, they'll both be bad enough to deserve each other.  Ugh.

Edited by Donny Ketchum
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