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S05.E02: The Price

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In an effort to protect Emma, Regina steps up in a surprising way that will test her mettle as a force for good. King Arthur and Queen Guinevere throw a royal ball to welcome the heroes to Camelot, but when the celebration takes a deadly turn, David and Robin must leap into action or lose a crucial asset in the fight to save Emma. Back in Storybrooke, Hook deploys a tried-and-true technique in hopes of bringing Emma back to the light while the heroes discover that some unexpected baggage has followed them home from Camelot.



My thoughts on the episode:


Sneezy’s frozen/stone body lashed to the top of the car… Dopey trapped in a tree. Dwarves are dropping like flies in season 5.  I’m so glad they are sticking together to the point of carrying Sneezy around with them.  A true brotherhood.


Why does everyone use “its complicated” to avoid explaining what happened?  Or “I wish I could <answer you>.”  I don’t understand why the Dark Swan/the show writers must take everyone’s memories and then see if they can fight off whatever new peril awaits.  This memory loss contrivance is tiresome, mainly because it keeps happening over and over – are they trying to say that all curses that transport to other realms must cause memory loss?


Lana was so cute when she saw the pendant.  I loved her pleased expression.  Too bad the pendant blew Regina’s cover.
I also enjoyed Regina’s dancing lesson with Charming.  And yes, her dress was too evil (i.e. clevilage.)  Obviously Saviors wear more modest attire.


Yay for more Charming and Snow in the show, with something to say and do.  It’s about time.  I especially enjoyed Charming’s effort to help Henry woo the young damsel. 


The demon was kind of lame but I liked the boatman Charon – he looked cool.  Show writers:  please show us more of Hades/the Underworld.  In fact I’d love to see all the gods and goddesses. 


Favorite Quotes:
Granny - “I like any party I don’t have to cater.”
Doc - “If I go to the ball I’ll just get stuck being Grumpy’s wingman.”  Now that is something I’d like to see, by the way.  Show writers: please give us more minor character moments.


I liked the episode well enough, at least we had some moments with lots of different characters.

  • Love 4

Huh.  It’s another scene reversal from last season.


So, when Hook left Emma because “This isn’t who I am,” was her smile supposed to to be pleased, or sinister?  I’m not sure.


Yay.  Scenes where Charming and Snow are taking care of and encouraging Regina.  Lovely.  After all, we’ve definitely gotten our fill our Snow/Charming/Emma family scenes.  And, it’s not at all bizarre or creepy that the stepdaughter Regina’ repeatedly tried to kill is faux parenting her. 


It’s absolutely ridiculous that Regina doesn’t know how to dance.  Because It’s not like her father was a prince married to someone determined to make her daughter queen, or anything.    As for Leopold and Regina not dancing?  It’s hard to dance with someone who’s a pile of sulking pout in the corner.



Does Rumple have some responsibility for Regina?  Yes.  But, seriously, can’t we have a single scene where Regina doesn’t blame someone else for her life?   Because lots of her Evil Queen reputation were her own choices. 


I do think it’s funny that either Emma or Regina (probably Regina, considering the episode and it’s Henry, talking.)  got Henry a “You saved us!”  present.


Maybe it’s because I’m not particularly enthralled with Regina’s every sad face or other-blaming, but this episode was dull.  Oh, look.  There’s Regina.  She’s sad.  She’s worried.  She’s insecure.  She’s sad again. 


I’d enjoy Emma yelling at Regina a whole lot more, if I didn’t think it was basically so that we would understand how wrong Emma was by the end of the arc.


Oh, crap.  Leroy’s brain’s joined the “Regina’s an awesome hero!” hive.

Edited by Mari
  • Love 11

So gross. Charming teaching Regina how to dance when thanks to her he never got to teach his daughter, and in fact still hasn’t ever danced with her except for in a nightmare? Blech. And we’re really supposed to believe that Cora didn’t teach her daughter, the baby she freaking named Queen, the woman she made marry a king, to dance? Whatever.


And thanks for ripping off an awesome part of Guardians of the Galaxy, Show. What a bunch of a-holes, and not in the good way.

I had the same GotG thought.

That terrible song they kept playing as the "modern" music matched the terrible quality of the episode.

I enjoyed hearing "Only You" twice, even if I do think it's an odd choice for Henry.  Not because of his age, I love lots of music from "before my time", it just didn't seem to fit somehow.

Heh. I'm sorry that my comment is directly above yours, aquarian1.

Edited by Curio
  • Love 2

Wow. Between calling out Regina on how she blames everyone else for issues and proofing into the little black dress to seduce Hook, I think I'm starting to like Dark Swan. I'm so over Regina being the new savior.

The ball was lovely. All the outfits were gorgeous. Emma could have been wearing a wedding dress. Oh, if only...

Henry and Violet have me intrigued. I wonder who she really is.

I'm just going to come right out and say I don't trust Guinevere. Maybe it's because I'm too familiar with her past incarnations but if Arthur seems skeevy, I'm definitely getting a similar vibe from Guinevere. Especially in the last scene...

  • Love 9

I think I am going to hurl. 


Regina, YOU ARE A TERRIBLE SAVIOR! Where do I even start! She uses the dagger against Emma, she manipulates, she lies, she continues to blame other people for her terrible choices, she relishes in the praise of being the savior, but when it comes down to it, she does not step up unless its to help her precious Prince of Blandness. And, oh yeah, ITS HER FUCKING FAULT EMMA STARTED GOING BAD! God!


So Percival is one of Regina`s victims? So of course he is villanised and killed off instantly. Of course. He should know by now that all people victimized by Regina need to bow and scrape at her feet, not try to take revenge! Silly Percival. 


And then, to make things worse, she ripped off the awesome ending of Guardians of the Galaxy! Sorry Regina and company. That is the last straw. 

  • Love 12

So Emma starts her assent to darkness to save Robin. Also Regina a asshole for saying she's asking Emma while sa Ying she could use the dagger. Emma gave her the dagger to protect people because for some reason she trusts Regina and she returns that show of trust by saying I'm asking instead of forcing you with the dagger. Fuck you Regina I thought that was really shitty.

  • Love 11
InsertWordHere, on 04 Oct 2015 - 8:01 PM, said:InsertWordHere, on 04 Oct 2015 - 8:01 PM, said:InsertWordHere, on 04 Oct 2015 - 8:01 PM, said:

So gross. Charming teaching Regina how to dance when thanks to her he never got to teach his daughter, and in fact still hasn’t ever danced with her except for in a nightmare? Blech. And we’re really supposed to believe that Cora didn’t teach her daughter, the baby she freaking named Queen, the woman she made marry a king, to dance? Whatever.


And thanks for ripping off an awesome part of Guardians of the Galaxy, Show. What a bunch of a-holes, and not in the good way.


Yeah, Cora would never have tolerated Regina being unable to dance.


And why does dancing on this show involve women going limp and men swinging 'em around?


It's official - Robin Hood is the Butt Monkey of this show.  Poor shmuck.


So Percival the Pure tried to kill Regina because she killed his whole village.  Guess he wasn't so pure.


What with the Fury and Charon showing up, there's a big part of me that hopes Hades and Hercules show up soon.  Also the Muses.  Maybe for the second have of the season.  Maybe with Phil screaming at everyone that they're not true heroes.  Because that would be cathartic.


A big part of me wished the Fury screamed "I've been beaten by the power of love!" as she was destroyed.  Wasn't expecting a Fury.  What with the tree imagery, I was expecting a Dryad or a Nymph.


And why do I have the feeling The Big Bad is going to be Guinevere?  Maybe not through deliberated malice but through paranoia.


In conclusion - When's Madam Mim showing up?


And I kill for a Once/Guardians crossover.  Maybe a retelling of The Korvac Saga from The Avengers comics, when The Avengers and Guardians team up to fight an omnipotent man who just wants to live a normal life in The Hamptons.


Oh, I just remembered.  What was that song Henry was playing for Violet at the end?

Edited by bmoore4026
  • Love 1

I thought Oliver and Felicity's relationship was the most propped up thing on tv but this takes the cake.

I will say I'm still hella confused about everything. I half way think Emma doesn't remember why she's angry at everyone and is probably using antagonistic tactics to get them to help her with breaking the curse for good.

I want Dark Swan to drag everyone every week and for her to not so accidentally drop that jar so Rumple can just die already. Belle deserves better. lol

Henry and Violet are cute but don't really care for them. Outlaw Queen looked cute on the dance floor as well.

Next week we'll probably get Emma dragging her daddy for whatever he did in Camelot I assume?

On a shallow note all the women looked beautiful in their gowns especially Emma and Snow. (I loved their little scene. I'm shocked they gave them a minute from the Regina show.) Also yes Emma keep kissing the crap out of Hook if that's what stops you from turning.

Oh and "You look." "I know." Those two.

  • Love 6

So Percival is one of Regina`s victims? So of course he is villanised and killed off instantly. Of course. He should know by now that all people victimized by Regina need to bow and scrape at her feet, not try to take revenge! Silly Percival. 


And Percival actually seemed like a decent guy, not an annoying pest like Owen. This show makes us root for the Six-Fingered Man to kill Inigo Montoya.

  • Love 17

Nice that at least someone called Regina out on her blaming other people for her own problems, but once again the narrative supports Regina wholly and she doesn't actually gain any self awareness.  I've seen a lot of villains get redeemed in my many years of reading and watching scifi/fantasy in particular, and I've never seen someone need so much handholding and constant reassurance as Regina.  I'm supposed to root for someone who can't do the right thing unless everyone is telling her to do it and that they belive in her?  And in the same episode where she used magic to control someone against her will several times and was amused by it?  I was actually kind of going along with the pretend savior thing, not liking it but willing to see where they were going with it, right up until Regina gloated about getting used to controlling Emma.  Once again the writers demonstrate they do not understand the difference between sass and being an unmitigated asshole.  


The resolution made absolutely no sense.  They have one established rule for magic on this show, all magic comes with a price, and they constantly find a way to subvert it and get themselves out of any consequences.  It's boring and kills the drama.


I did enjoy the Captain Swan scenes, the dwarves, the Snow/Emma moment, but overall, bleh.  Hopefully now that we've gotten the mandatory Regina ass kissing episode out of the way we can move on to more interesting dynamics.  

  • Love 9

I feel bad for Percival. It sounded to me like he had a very legit reason to want to murder Regina right in her stupid face. But of course, we're supposed to be ok with him being run through and everyone basically being like "fuck that guy".


Why did the writers think we wanted to see Henry have a love interest? No one wants to see that. No one cares.


I'm disappointed by how dull Emma is as the Dark One. She seems more like she has a headache and people won't stop talking to her. I kind of want Hook to stop whining about Savior Emma and to get on board with evil Emma. He was a villain a lot longer than he was a hero. I'm not even saying he has to be up to no good. He could just be evil adjacent and hang out with evil Emma.

  • Love 6

Who tied up Adam and Eddy? This episode had lots of Charming family moments. Snow and Emma actually got to be in a scene alone together.


There was lots to like:

David got to talk for more than two seconds. His scary line regarding Regina's dress was funny.

Henry didn't bug me. His earbud scene with Violet was actually kind of cute. I like when they incorporate modern technology to freak people out.

Hook and Emma got two kisses! They also got to dance. I like Emma's house. I hope we spent lots more time there.

Hook and Belle...it makes sense that they would bond.

Sir Percival catching on to Regina. That was a good scene. And he got to stab Robin (wish Emma's magic hadn't worked...Robin is still pretty useless).


Didn't like:

The words "Regina" and "Savior" grouped together.

Apparently, friendship is its own kind of magic. This is not My Little Pony. Holding hands should not have defeated the fury.


I do still kind of wish that the first ten eps were devoted to Camelot with the back half being about Dark Swan in Storybrooke. The jumping back and forth hasn't added anything yet.


  • Love 3

Most of this episode was pure, unadulterated crap and just... weird. The writing given to Regina was just awful. It's nice to know that after everything that's happened, her mind hits murder first. Don't think we'll forget that disgusting grin she gave Emma when she said, "I could get used to this!" either. All that Woegina junk in the present about no one believing in her to be a leader was unwatchable. To top it all off, she blames it on a comatose Mr. Gold. What the heck?!

I found the story to be plain confusing. The focus kept switching so freaking much. Even the flashbacks/present day sort of melded together. A lot of it just didn't make any sense. Including:

* The dialogue should have said Regina was rusty with dancing, not that she didn't know at all. There's no way on earth that Cora never gave her dancing lessons.

* Arthur just totally downplayed the fact Percival was killed while attempting to murder one of the guests then almost killing another one. WTH?

* Defeating the Fury was extremely stupid as well. All I can hope for is that it took 1/5 of all their souls to the underworld and Hades is the Big Bad in 5B. 

* Dopey turning into a flipping tree. Gosh that was dumb.

* If Regina was able to unstone Sneezy this whole time, why did she wait so long?


There were a few minor points in the episode I was okay with. Mostly toward the end. Shockingly Henry and Violet were part of the tolerable sections of this episode. There was also those 15 seconds where Snow and Emma were getting ready for their first ball together. Even though I wasn't too thrilled with the content, I liked seeing Hook and Belle talking about their commonality regarding Dark One romance. This episode explained why Rumple always asked for a price, which yeah okay. The funniest part was Sneezy tied on top of the van.


Villain Trust Bomb of the Week: "That's your problem Regina - you're always blaming someone else."

Edited by KingOfHearts
  • Love 15

So Emma healed Robin. And she launches herself at Hook.  Dark magic makes her... horny?


Which I guess fits with trying to seduce him at her new fancy house too, but still, weird.  So many questions, but that bit stuck out and confuzzled me a tad.


I think the implication is that becoming dark allowed her the freedom to do what she wants.  No inhibitions.  Instant gratification.

  • Love 5

I enjoyed hearing "Only You" twice, even if I do think it's an odd choice for Henry. Not because of his age, I love lots of music from "before my time", it just didn't seem to fit somehow.

I LOVE Yaz and was super stoked to hear the song! I'm a child of the 80s and with this show trying to keep Storybooke in that general time frame, it made total sense to me. It would have been interesting if it had been a Beyonce song, though.

  • Love 3
So Percival the Pure tried to kill Regina because she killed his whole village.  Guess he wasn't so pure.


Poor Percival, though I'm hoping they'll figure out a way to bring him back. They also mucked up the timeline, because now, I just don't understand where Camelot falls and how long Arthur has been king.


So Emma healed Robin. And she launches herself at Hook.  Dark magic makes her... horny?

I thought it was her own attempt at TLK, actually. She does magic, Rumple is in her head, she wants to get rid of him. So this would be an episode where both she and Hook tried it and it didn't work for whatever reason.

  • Love 5

If you hand wave the Regina nonsense, I thought it was a pretty great episode.

For all the complaining we've done in the spoiler thread about A&E adding a dozen characters too many to the seasons, they sure are being offed fast. Sir Kay last week, Percival this week. I liked shady Percival :( so I'm sad to see him go. We'll probably see them in flashbacks but I won't mind. Percival was pretty sneaky using the necklace to spy on the Nevengers like that.

So that makes 2 shady people who were in Arthur's company. Hmmm...

Everyone looked so pretty and handsome.

Everything CS was great. So emma also tried to kinda TLK Killy in the flashbacks? So the TLK isn't working because they're basically trying too hard to make it work? Or Emma's already getting lured into liking the darkness?

We got to see some Mama Snow, and at least she talked about first balls with Emma. Yeah, it was no daddy-daughter first dance, but I'll take what I can get at this point.

Captain Beauty brotp FTW! Didn't take Belle for a person who drinks Rum.

Henry and his crush were cute. I liked the inclusion of the music bit.

Good mix of action and other stuff. Robin almost bit the dust...twice! Sneezy got momentarily turned into a tree. They ripped off GotG.

And they included the Styx/The River of Styx. Makes me wonder if we'll visit Greek mythology next. Hints of that realm have been dropped just like Camelot had been.

Regina got yelled at by Emma. Rightfully so. And of course Regina was quick to abuse the dagger's power. But like I said, I'm ignoring the stuff.

Interesting ending. So uniting the two parts of the sword will allow the Dark One to cut oneself off completely from any "weaknesses?"

At least Charming got some action! But what happened to the "heroes don't kill" clause that's been in effect since season 2?

* I actually think they're handling the memory loss stuff better than they have in previous arcs.

* What was up with the creepy (?) music that was playing when Arthur and Guinevere were holding hands at the round table at the end?

Edited by HoodlumSheep
  • Love 5

I actually like that reaction because I immediately assumed that she was kissing him one last time before she wasn't Emma anymore because she had a good idea the price that she would pay.


Ok, I could buy that. At least for that scene. She was also raring to go in Storybrooke too though. Just a new facet to the darkness, I guess? Rumple was never shown as extra randy from the darkness or anything...

I LOVE Yaz and was super stoked to hear the song! I'm a child of the 80s and with this show trying to keep Storybooke in that general time frame, it made total sense to me. It would have been interesting if it had been a Beyonce song, though.

Would have been even more interesting to hear some Rap.  After all didn't Henry live in present day NY a little while ago?

  • Love 2

I thought the episode was very cute and I don't usually like cute.   Morrison looks like she is having fun playing evil and I am enjoying Evil Savior Queen.    Heck for the first time I saw chemistry between Regina and Robin.  Who knew Robin getting stabbed would make him more likable.    I am also getting alright with Emma and Hook and liked their scenes.  I also enjoyed the scene between Hook and Belle.  


Oh and it looks like Henry likes girls.  I was starting to worry. 

  • Love 1

Most of this episode was pure, unadulterated crap and just... weird. The writing given to Regina was just awful. It's nice to know that after everything that's happened, her mind hits murder first. Don't think we'll forget that disgusting grin she gave Emma when she said, "I could get used to this!" either. All that Woegina junk in the present about no one believing in her to be a leader was unwatchable. To top it all off, she blames it on a comatose Mr. Gold. What the heck?!


* If Regina was able to unstone Sneezy this whole time, why did she wait so long?

Well, somebody liked it.  "Queen of Hope" is trending on twitter.  


Why didn't she unstone Sneezy?    Because he's not Robin, and the town hadn't demonstrated sufficient amounts of suckupitude to make her think it was worth it, until they were willing to die with her.



I thought it was her own attempt at TLK, actually. She does magic, Rumple is in her head, she wants to get rid of him. So this would be an episode where both she and Hook tried it and it didn't work for whatever reason.

THat's how I saw it.


In the last episode, kissing Hook and hugging Henry made phantom Rumple go away.  I think she was trying to ward off the evil.

I enjoyed it okay despite the excess Woegina, but I knew it was a Regina-centric going i, so maybe that helped.



  • Dark Swan is the best — sniping at Regina and calling her on her shit. More please.
  • Love a ball, love all the characters being at a ball, love the costumes at the ball
  • Snowing doing actual things and having actual dialogue
  • I wasn’t really into the Dwarves coming along, but their delight at everything they’d been missing out on was pretty great
  • Aww Grandpa David helping out Henry with the ladies
  • I’m glad Emma finally has her own house, even if it is under weird circumstances

Not so much:

  • Since when has anyone ever had to pay the “price” for magic ever?
  • I do not understand how the linking-hands thing beat the demon, nor why another one wouldn’t just come afterwards to collect the debt
  • Regina is STILL blaming other people for her problems?
  • LOL at Belle carting that rose jar everywhere with her.
  • Henry listens to Yaz? No wonder he has no friends his age
  • God Robin is useless
  • Love 9


I'm just going to come right out and say I don't trust Guinevere. Maybe it's because I'm too familiar with her past incarnations but if Arthur seems skeevy, I'm definitely getting a similar vibe from Guinevere. Especially in the last scene...

Yes, Arthur seems alright but Guinevere seems overly naive, like she's acting. You know, kind of like how Zarian should have been.


Just because Regina was willing to die doesn't necessarily mean she's the best choice for Savior, Grumpy. She didn't even save the day technically. The five of them did. I didn't understand why Grumpy was telling Belle to see the glass as half full either. Isn't his trademark to be the "half empty" one?


I rolled my eyes when the announcer in Camelot addressed "Mary Margaret". I don't understand why she can't use her birth name in a land people might know her better as such.

  • Love 10

On the positive side, I thought the Hook/Belle scenes were fun. We got a nice Emma/Snow scene, and Emma looked lovely at the ball. She looked like a Wood Nymph. 


Also interesting that DarkSwan is still into Hook. Guess she does not count him as a member of club "failed me". 



And I kill for a Once/Guardians crossover.  Maybe a retelling of The Korvac Saga from The Avengers comics, when The Avengers and Guardians team up to fight an omnipotent man who just wants to live a normal life in The Hamptons.

I would be really interested in some kind of Marvel cross over. I feel like the Marvel characters, both from the movies and the comics, deal with way freakier things than the Dark One on a pretty regular basis. Especially in the comics. Alas, most of them have had it way harder than Regina. And Regina is the only woobie allowed in this here universe! 

Edited by tennisgurl
  • Love 3

I loved those scenes with Hook and Belle. He really does work well with the Princesses. Both looked like kicked puppies.

Also I forgot to say Guinevere is probably the ultimate big bad this season. Of course another woman will be the big bad. I bet the show will blame her for her affair with Lancelot in the end by saying she manipulated him or something. I really hope they don't go there. Unless of course it's not really Guinevere.

  • Love 5

The CS and Hook and Belle scenes made the episode worth while for me. Wow, the dark magic really does make Emma horny! I felt bad for Charming having to watch Emma mack on Hook. I'm happy that Hook was able to resist Emma's advances. She must not be that angry with him for what happened in the missing time, and it did look like she was happy when he resisted her. Still not sure what is going on there. I'm also not sure why the Hook and Emma kiss didn't have any TLK effect, because I do believe they are true loves.

Why did it take Regina so long to unfreeze Sneezy? The scene with Charming teaching Regina to dance was annoying, but at least we got to see Snow helping Emma get ready for the ball. I wonder why Emma's dress was so plain compared to the other dresses? She did look very pretty and natural though, especially with the flowers in her hair. I also loved Emma getting to say "I know" to Hook, an exact reversal from him saying it on their first date.

  • Love 4
  • Henry listens to Yaz? No wonder he has no friends his age


I just figure he spent years stuck with the music that the original curse magicked into the juke box.  


He can probably sing the words to every early eighties song.


I rolled my eyes when the announcer in Camelot addressed "Mary Margaret". I don't understand why she can't use her birth name in a land people might know her better as such.

I think they're trying to be incognito?  Maybe?  I'm not sure why they think they need to be secretive about even that, but it's the only thing I could come up with, other than "Writer's fail."

  • Love 2
But what happened to the "heroes don't kill" clause that's been in effect since season 2?


Killing is okay if it's to save Regina.


So, I have a problem with the dagger and the control. I thought you had to issue the command or something, which isn't exactly what we got.


And Emma starting down her path by doing Regina yet another favor. Saving Regina tethered her to the darkness, saving Robin starts her downward spiral.


In conclusion, Emma needs to stay away from anything that has to do with Regina.


I hate Snow. There's no going back on this. When a swirly monster of darkness is threatening to take your daughter, you stay there and don't say a word, but Regina?   Yeah! ,,l,,

  • Love 7

They sure like killing off Knights of the Round Table. First Lancelot, then Kay, and now Percival.


I wonder why Emma's dress was so plain compared to the other dresses?

I'm guessing she wanted to draw the least amount of attention to herself as possible.


Does anyone else think that Fury has a lot more people to visit? She really hasn't been doing her job. There's people everywhere not paying the price. I wonder why she waited until they got to Storybrooke to collect.

Edited by KingOfHearts
  • Love 6

I just figure he spent years stuck with the music that the original curse magicked into the juke box.  


He can probably sing the words to every early eighties song.


I figured this too. And I may be reading too much into things, but if you think about the lyrics of the song, "All I needed was the love you gave..." Gives me hope that a TLK might eventually be part of this mess.  Although the song also says, "This is going to take a long time..." so it may be a while :P

  • Love 3

Was that Charming giving minors alcohol? LOL! I really kind of enjoyed the episode. Dark Swan got to tell off Regina...awesome. The ball was lovely. Didn't care for all the Woegina focus, but it was inevitable, I suppose. I know Kilian will find a way to get to Emma. He's not giving up. And he's getting advice from Belle, which is smart. I wish the Charmings were more supportive of Hook. I hate seeing Emma hanging out at her house alone. The scene outside the diner reminded me of the episode where Hook was looking in at everyone having fun.

Edited by OnceUponAJen
  • Love 8

Am I supposed to be rooting for Emma to stay evil and blow off the rest of these morons forever?  I'm pretty sure that the only one who cares about her at all is Hook. Everyone else is too busy worrying about Regina's inexplicable lack of dance instruction. Because it can't be said enough: Cora would NEVER have allowed that to happen.


Okay, likes:


Hook/Belle bonding over loving the Dark One. It's such an obvious beat but I was concerned that the show would miss it.


Captain Swan kisses.


Henry's little romance, with Charming giving him a shove to get started.


The 3 seconds of Emma/Snow getting ready for the ball.


Dislikes: That would be a very long list, so I'll spare you all. I did not care for this episode.

Edited by Panopticon
  • Love 10

Yes, Arthur seems alright but Guinevere seems overly naive, like she's acting. You know, kind of like how Zarian should have been.


Arthur is the farthest thing from alright that I can think of (except Regina).  He is blithely ok with his loyal knight being killed.  Regina was the Evil Queen but everyone deserves a second chance.  He is blindly believing in this prophecy to a stupid degree.  I'm with Guinevere on this one.  I don't care if that puts her at odds with Storybrooke.  Most of them are idiots lately anyway. 

Even though as others have said, the Woegina was strong in this episode, I still found it to be quite a bit more fun than this show has been for me in a while.  I like Dark Swan, and I do get the impression that Emma is baiting Regina and Hook toward some end in present day Storybrook, which at least makes it seem like someone knows what's going on.  And dressing everybody up and having a couple of CS kisses certainly doesn't hurt things.


Poor Percival, though.  (Also, that necklace was hella ugly.)

  • Love 4


Arthur is the farthest thing from alright that I can think of (except Regina).  He is blithely ok with his loyal knight being killed.  Regina was the Evil Queen but everyone deserves a second chance.  He is blindly believing in this prophecy to a stupid degree.  I'm with Guinevere on this one.  I don't care if that puts her at odds with Storybrooke.  Most of them are idiots lately anyway.

True. At least in that last scene with Guinevere he seemed to be the less shady of the two. Other than that, he's not too bright regardless of whether his intentions are dubious or not.

  • Love 2

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