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S32: Previews and Speculation

Way Wes Jr

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I would be surprised if Kyle did, but not Tai. I think Tai would have already used his idol to save someone if Scot hadn't dissuaded him. I think he's even more likely to use it to save someone in the dipshit alliance if Scot sweet talks him. 


I'm still not convinced Tai would use his idol to save Jason, but I'm most likely giving him way too much credit. He's a very bad player and, as you mentioned, he seems to have a blind spot when it come to big guys.


The new preview starts with a medical evacuation or so it seems.  Is this an old clip from a previous episode they added to create drama or is there one expected?  I ask because real life has kept me too busy to keep track of spoilers more than reading here.  


Those are all old clips. I think they're just obsessed with talking about how everyone keeps almost dying this season. They think that's what the audience likes. But there most likely is another medevac coming. In the season-long promo after the premiere there appeared to be one at night.

Edited by peachmangosteen

Yet there was Julia hanging out with Scot. Hmmmmmm!?!?!


The edit plus social media makes it pretty clear that Julia really likes Scot and Jason. It's what made me give up on liking or rooting for her.


I'm about 90% sure the women's alliance won't last even one more vote. Cydney clearly doesn't want to actually work with women and Julia inexplicably loves Scot/Jason, so I suspect those two will go right back to them now. Michele will surely follow since Julia is her main alliance.


I still think Michele is getting a winner's edit, but I have been noticing that she has gotten no personal time. It's been all strategy. But she gets a ton of strategy confessionals, so she's still my #1 pick for winner.


Aubry gets a nice balance of person and strategy airtime, but for some reason I can't really see her winning. Honestly it feels almost impossible based on how the alliances are shaking out.


I am really worried Scot could be a potential winner. His edit is giving me major Mike in WA vibes. I'm scared!


Tai is definitely getting the biggest edit, but I just can't see him winning, if only because I can't imagine anyone would allow him to get that far. But I guess he could win his way there and he does have an idol.

Edited by peachmangosteen

Jeff's tease next week.




Looks like we have a battle of the sexes brewing. What can you say about next week’s episode?
I’m gonna give you a different tease … the compass of morality stares Tai straight in the face.


I am guessing this has something to do with the super idol and whether or not Tai is willing to combine his with Jason's. 

So basically the women's alliance is probably done. Julia seems very close to Scot/Jason outside of the game, so I'm also thinking she goes back to working with them. kind of disappointed that, even with last nights vote, there's still so little game play going on. Debbie or Aubry would be my picks to go next week, outside chance Joe.

And I won't be surprised if the super idol gets played. Of course it has to be Jason that has it.

It will be interesting to see if Michele, Juia and Cydney re-group with Scot and Jason next week.  Strategically it is not a bad play as those two are setting themselves up nicely as goats.  Another interesting note to that is according to Nick on EW, Julia and Michele tried to get Jason voted out last night (hence Tai's random vote) but the plan was scuttled when Debbie said that Joe was locked on Nick. 




I don't MIND a sprinkle of a celebrity here or there in Regular Survivor.  I get such a huge kick of Taj from SWV being in the Tocantins season.  I saw it years after it actually aired and I was so tickled by that.  I was such a huge fan of SWV in the mid to late 1990s, so it's like a niche thing that felt like a personal shoutout.  


Celebrity Survivor is an interesting idea.  I was going to type that maybe it would help eliminate the sympathy stories or the "He/She doesn't need the money!" arguments, but then I realized, it totally wouldn't.  Instead that would all be amped up x100.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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Looks like we have a battle of the sexes brewing. What can you say about next week’s episode?

I’m gonna give you a different tease … the compass of morality stares Tai straight in the face.


I am guessing this has something to do with the super idol and whether or not Tai is willing to combine his with Jason's. 


That's exactly what I was thinking, too. Although I don't know how in the hell that has anything to do with morality, but it's coming from Jeff and it's about Tai, so I can believe it would look that way to them.

I want to like Julia but shes probably a Bitch if she likes those two assclowns of Scot and Jason. I've heard that Michelle and Nick might be dating, couple that with recent pictures on Social media of Julia and Michelle watching the Alecia boot episode with those bullies and I'm thinking both girls suck personality wise most likely

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I'm kind of surprised they want to do a celebrity season, given how both the Australian and South African celebrity seasons turned out. In Australia, multiple people later claimed they were told the show was Celebrity Mole, DWTS's Kym Johnson voted herself off first, and one player was accused of trying to bribe the others to swing a vote in their favour; in South Africa, something like four people quit, including one guy who said his penis was going to fall off. It's a recipe for a trainwreck.

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New preview:




Scot and Jason remain horrible. It seems like all the women are down for staying together except Julia. Oh, Julia. I hope they don't try to get rid of her for it though. 


I'm just waiting for the day when Jason gets the votes but uses his fucking idol.

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If a celebrity version went like that, I'd totally watch it.

Does it need to be said again that Jason and Scot are insufferable? Really disappointed in Julia. I wish a woman's alliance would stick together for once. I don't know if she's swayed by thinking she can beat Jason or Scot in the end, but turning on the ladies could very well cost her. Makes me re-think liking her.

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If it's true that Joe scuttled a blindside of Kyle, fuck Joe. Fuck Joe. Fuck Joe. That actually makes more sense than Cydney thinking getting rid of Nick was a "big move". On the other hand, who cares whether Joe wanted to go along or not? They had the votes to boot Kyle with Cydney, Julia, Michele, Tai, Debbie and Aubry. What are Kyle, Scot, Nick and Joe going to do about it? Kyle isn’t going to know to play his idol, and Tai obviously wasn't going to play the super idol on him. Not much of a "women's alliance" if they are letting this dude tell them what to do. But, still, fuck Joe.

Edited by azshadowwalker

Yea I personally don't really think Nick's version of events is totally accurate because it honestly doesn't really make any sense. I can easily see Julia/Michele wanting to change the target to Jason because keeping Nick would be much better for them, but I don't see why Debbie would tell them no and use Joe not being able to remember a new plan as a reason.

Edited by peachmangosteen

The person shown as in trouble during the preview is more often a not a red herring. The editors do like to set up their decoy boots. So I will be very surprised if Julia does on fact end up getting voted out.  I will also say that if Julia does in fact flip back to the Brawns she won't be doing it alone.  If she flips it is because Michele is flipping back as well. I just don't see these two turning on each other just yet.  It wouldn't shock me if Cydney flips back as well.

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The only reason I can see Debbie saying no is because she sees herself as a Strategic Mastermind. Maybe because Nick was creeped out by her. Maybe she knew he had specifically mentioned getting rid of her because she was so annoying and doing the hard sell. Maybe Joe was just her excuse to keep the target on Nick. Of course, fuck Debbie, too. But keeping Kyle around is just one of many reasons I say that.

Previews always lie, it is an ironclad rule of Survivor.  I'll never forget when Probst promised, in the mid-merge of HvV, "and Sandra takes over the game!"  I was so excited for it because I loved Sandra.  And she did nothing.  And after this disillusioning moment, I noticed that every single other preview was also a total lie.

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Confessional count update:


Tai: 32

Scot: 30
Aubry: 30

Jason: 29

Michele: 21

Cydney: 20

Joe: 12

Julia: 10


With the exception of poor Julia and Joe this is a pretty balanced edit, confessional wise.


Aubry had 10 confessionals in this ep so now I'm wondering if she might go the way of Nick and be voted off in the next ep.

Edited by peachmangosteen

Already screaming. Having a toddler tantrum inside my head right now, actually! 


Honestly, how is this amount of all-round horrible supposed to be entertaining? Now I'm just looking forward to the reunion show, really (and we all know how awful that usually is).

Edited by violet and green

The issue here isn't just that the Three Wankers have a superidol, it's that the rest of the players still don't really know what the SI is or how it works (unless Neal told Aubry the rules, I forget).  So they can lord it over everyone until the final five and by then it'll be too late.


Tai and Julia are both playing a decent strategy since obviously either would win a F3 vote against Scot or Jason.  Of course, if it's a surprise F2 due to another medivac, then they're both screwed and we the audience are also screwed.

  • Love 3

Press images are out. I want to discuss them without having to go to the spoiler thread, so sorry about the spoiler tags!


It looks like there's an individual RC this time. I'm interested in seeing that. Especially if one of the women wins. Would be interesting to see who they'd pick to come along with them.


There's an advantage. Blerg. And with Jeff's quote that the audience will be screaming at their tvs I am convinced Scot or Jason will get it.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I wonder if Jeff secretly hates Scot and Jason. He mentioned in the EW interview this week that, in casting, they were completely different than they are now and he was caught off guard by how they are coming across. He also believes they would have been better off separated as they bring out the worst in each other. But saying 'the audience will be screaming at their TV', and if it's because they survive another week? Yeah, I don't think he's a fan. I honestly hope the women just vote for one of them. Even if the idol is used, at least it'll be out of play.

  • Love 3

I wonder if Jeff secretly hates Scot and Jason. He mentioned in the EW interview this week that, in casting, they were completely different than they are now and he was caught off guard by how they are coming across. He also believes they would have been better off separated as they bring out the worst in each other. But saying 'the audience will be screaming at their TV', and if it's because they survive another week? Yeah, I don't think he's a fan. I honestly hope the women just vote for one of them. Even if the idol is used, at least it'll be out of play.



That is exactly how I take his tease.  Scot and Jason survive and it's due to total stupidity from from majority alliance and Tai.   And they continue to trust Julia.  All screamable.  

"Just when you think you are safe, oops there goes another blind side."    Who thinks they are safe?


 I would like to think it is one of the guys since they just love those two idols and feel very secure with them.  We would not scream at our TV if one of them were booted.  Screams of joy, surely, but I did not get the impression Jeff was referring to gleeful yelps.  


Julia?  Could she foolishly think that joining the men, or pretending to, makes her feel safe?   


Joe is in a world of his own so he probably does feel safe.  Moving on.  


Something happens that we will not like.  What would that be? I am not invested enough to be gripped by emotion with anything short of Scot or Jason going. 


Or is this Jeff hyping this episode because there is nothing else to hype this season and he cannot contain himself?  

Edited by wings707

OK so the new preview combined with Jeff's tease has me thinking maybe Tai tells the women+Joe he's with them and then at TC he combines his idol with Jason's to save whichever of Scot/Jason gets the votes and one of the women goes.. This would be a literal nightmare imo.


Or maybe Tai and Julia both say they're voting with the women+Joe but they actually vote with Scot/Jason and one of the women goes.


But then again, let me look at it from a positive/optimistic view: In the preview Jason is shown saying that his group is unstoppable or whatever and then after the vote Jeff says, "Just when you think you are safe, oops there goes another blind side." So maybe Jason/Scot think Tai/Julia are with them but Tai/Julia actually join with the women+Joe to vote out Jason/Scot.

I was just watching the preview again and if we assume the shots from TC are new and not from previous TCs then the IC winner is either Joe or Cydney as everyone else is shown and none of them are wearing the necklace. Although I guess conceivably the winner could give their immunity away, but I don't see that happening.


If it's Cydney that wins the IC then I bet dollars to donuts that Aubry is booted.

Press images are out. I want to discuss them without having to go to the spoiler thread, so sorry about the spoiler tags!


It looks like there's an individual RC this time. I'm interested in seeing that. Especially if one of the women wins. Would be interesting to see who they'd pick to come along with them.


There's an advantage. Blerg. And with Jeff's quote that the audience will be screaming at their tvs I am convinced Scot or Jason will get it.



I love IRs too.  They can say a lot but all too often they are predictable.  Now if Julia wins, that could cause some tension.  There won't be a hidden clue on this one so that takes some excitement out.  And yes, Scot or Jason getting an advantage is scream worthy. 

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I was just watching the preview again and if we assume the shots from TC are new and not from previous TCs then the IC winner is either Joe or Cydney as everyone else is shown and none of them are wearing the necklace. Although I guess conceivably the winner could give their immunity away, but I don't see that happening.


If it's Cydney that wins the IC then I bet dollars to donuts that Aubry is booted.


They PS theI. necklace I thought u knew that from yrs of watching.

Edited by thehepburn

(I'm assuming that text above is supposed to convey "they Photoshop out the immunity necklace".  


Oh! I couldn't figure out what that said.


And yea they have actually spoiled IC winners in previews before because you could see the person wearing the necklace at TC so no they don't photoshop it out. They spoil a lot in previews actually but I think it's usually because they're a) lazy and b) they know not too many people are gonna look as closely at the previews as we (or maybe it's just me!) do.


But honestly those could all be old shots. It's impossible to tell really since they all always wear the same clothes/have the same hair/etc.

I'm thinking it'll be Cydney, Aubry, or Joe going.


I think it'll be Cydney or Aubry as well. I can't really see the boys wasting a vote on Joe! And I think they are going to get their way this time unfortunately.

Edited by peachmangosteen

Jason himself has been spoiling things since the start of the season (fans have even asked Jeff to intervene) and we know how thee CBS web monkeys have spoiled in the past. Last season alone we figured out a lot of pre merge boots based on promos and pics alone. So I believe this is legit, and that's why Jeff says we will be screaming. However, since the super idol can be used after the vote is read, I wonder if Jason will be arrogant enough to give it away to someone else, knowing Tai is naive enough to probably combine the idols. I still hope the super idol doesn't work or get used and blows up in TPTB face.

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