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Season 2 Discussion


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I thought they did a good job with the episode and it turned out better than I expected. Was sooo glad Junior didn't have to say, "Dy-no-mite!" as back in the day I thought that single over-used expression just about killed the show. I thought they were giving a respectful and funny nod to a show that in its time was very culturally important. I watched "Good Times" as a kid and it gave me a glimpse into and understanding of a world I didn't know at all because I grew up in an isolated Appalachian culture that was nearly 100% white. 

What I liked most was how, when we came back into Dre's world, there were lots of family photos in frames in the background of shots, and for breakfast they had eggs and maybe bacon -- not "mystery meat" and not the Evans' ever-present oatmeal! Also, on the table was a big bowl of fruit and on the plates everyone had blueberries and strawberries


On 5/13/2016 at 8:37 AM, wait.what said:

I loved the, "take three, two's not enough, four will kill ya. Eh, aspirin is weird."  Haha I tell me family the same thing all the time. 

Except she wasn't talking about aspirin. Didn't she tell Junior to take 3 Tylenols? (I think it was Tylenol). Tylenol and aspirin are not the same medicine. They're not even in the same family of medicines. That's some lazy writing. A surgeon would never use "aspirin" as a generic term for "pain reliever/fever reducer." Listening to people do that is one of my pet peeves, in fact.


On 5/12/2016 at 0:57 PM, peeayebee said:

Loved Diane saying, "I don't feel good, Mommy. I'm weak." It sounded like a normal sick person statement, but we know that she had said you can't catch weakness.

Junior: Why would you undo all the good you've done? Don't Phantom Menace yourself.

The kids' performances were great in this episode. I loved them all calling for Mom when Dre was standing right in front of them. And I liked the fort Dre created.

And for some reason, the scene with Junior's declaration that he couldn't take pills had me in hysterics. Dre's shock and horror that Junior took liquid medicine ("That's for babies!"),  and Junior refusing to be embarrassed or ashamed. Don't ever change, Junior! 

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On 5/19/2016 at 11:55 AM, Dee said:

I hope Lucy isn't gone for good. She was a nice counterpoint for the misogyny of work scenes.


On 5/20/2016 at 8:05 PM, luckyroll3 said:


I'm kinda hoping Lucy will still be there next season because she's been documenting all the misogyny and other inappropriate shit the boss has said and HR will force him to keep her on instead of dealing with a law suit. 

Oh for god's sake. It's a sitcom and the work scenes are played over-the-top to show how ridiculous the staff can be. But I see "misogyny" has entered the hive mind, so I guess we can expect more about the "misogyny" of Dre's office.

On "The Cleveland Show, " a running gag was that Cleveland couldn't figure out if his son Junior was smart or stupid, depending on his actions. I think that this show had the same attitude with Bow. I can understand that she might not be comfortable/competent arranging a school fundraiser, but I've been under the impression that she's a good doctor. Except that when she comes home in the opening scenes, she sounds surprised about being told she has a "geriatric" womb -- wouldn't a doctor know a pregnant woman over 40 has special risks (even if that's not her specialty)? 

Laughed out loud at Ruby's "dusty womb" comment and the one about how the baby will be loved,  just after Bow complains about her current children. 

While I agree that the "Good Times" homage was good, it creeped me out at some of the casting they had to do -- the actors playing Tracy Ellis Ross's children at her brothers here

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Except that when she comes home in the opening scenes, she sounds surprised about being told she has a "geriatric" womb -- wouldn't a doctor know a pregnant woman over 40 has special risks (even if that's not her specialty)? 

I'm sure she does know, but I guess it's like when someone points out your wrinkles and gray hairs. It shouldn't be a shock if you're up in age, but it still stings to hear it.

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23 hours ago, SmithW6079 said:


Oh for god's sake. It's a sitcom and the work scenes are played over-the-top to show how ridiculous the staff can be. But I see "misogyny" has entered the hive mind, so I guess we can expect more about the "misogyny" of Dre's office.


I didn't take the OP to be saying that Lucy was actually documenting the boss's misogyny. (Maybe misogyny is too strong a word, but the remarks he makes are at least "sexist".) Lucy calls them out in a funny way, or reacts to them with a WTF face, and the fact that often the guys don't even seem aware of how off those remarks are is funny as well. 

Edited by RedHawk
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On 5/24/2016 at 7:10 PM, SmithW6079 said:


Oh for god's sake. It's a sitcom and the work scenes are played over-the-top to show how ridiculous the staff can be. But I see "misogyny" has entered the hive mind, so I guess we can expect more about the "misogyny" of Dre's office.

On "The Cleveland Show, " a running gag was that Cleveland couldn't figure out if his son Junior was smart or stupid, depending on his actions. I think that this show had the same attitude with Bow. I can understand that she might not be comfortable/competent arranging a school fundraiser, but I've been under the impression that she's a good doctor. Except that when she comes home in the opening scenes, she sounds surprised about being told she has a  "geriatric" womb -- wouldn't a doctor know a pregnant woman over 40 has special risks (even if that's not her specialty)? 

Laughed out loud at Ruby's "dusty womb" comment and the one about how the baby will be loved,  just after Bow complains about her current children. 

While I agree that the "Good Times" homage was good, it creeped me out at some of the casting they had to do -- the actors playing Tracy Ellis Ross's children at her brothers here

As someone who just had a perfectly healthy baby at 41. I assure that 1. Geriatric womb isn't a medical term, 2. There aren't any special risk, and if by risk you mean birth defects, and other chromosome disorders, the risk doesn't rise much. 3. You're considered AMA (Advanced maternal age) if you're pregnant after 35, and sometimes 33. 


I wonder if Tracee's pregnant. I know that she's over 45, but Janet has changed the game. 

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I had my son at 40, with no pregnancy or birth complications, but in my last months, I had to go in twice a week to get my blood pressure checked and the baby's heart monitored.  And every.single.time I went in they explained that due to my "advanced age" they had to hook me up.  Every single time.  I knew from the start that my age was going to be somewhat of a factor, but geeze Louise, the running commentary about age does start to get to you after awhile.

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Just had my first baby at 37.  Yes, they (doctors, lab staff, etc) keep telling you about your Advanced Maternal Age.  I was at a party where a bunch of my friends (who happened to be all pregnant at the same time with their first kids and over the age of 35) were talking about it.   It's not something you want to hear constantly.  I thought the geriatric comment was funny.  

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Could the "Good Times-ish" episode be a foreshadowing of future events in the Johnson family? Perhaps pregnant Bo has to take an extended leave from work resulting in less pay, and Dre gets laid off. Thus everyone has to sacrifice their pricey habits and hilarity ensues? It might work and be entertaining for 2-3 episodes but I'd hope not longer. I just don't know where they're going with the new baby story line and to quote Charlie, I'm "not a fan" of the idea.

Edited by RedHawk
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My co-worker had her first and only child at 47 and her husband  54.  There were some medical issues with both her and her son but it was many years ago and they are both perfectly healthy.  The issue now, though, is that her son is a 20 year old college student and just figured out his parents will most likely not be around to see his own children grow up and he's become depressive as they are a very tight knit family.  It's pretty sad.  Why he just figured this out I have no idea.

15 hours ago, Driad said:

The "dessert" lines could have been used to show that some very poor families did (do) not eat the most nutritious food, sometimes because local stores did not carry affordable good quality fruits and vegetables.  I have known some poor families who ate a lot of sugary foods; they just did not necessarily call it dessert.

I took it as a joke about white people being wealthy enough to have two "meals", one right after another, while the Evans family is struggling to put "mystery meat" on the table.

Edited by ItCouldBeWorse
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On Saturday, May 21, 2016 at 5:26 PM, QQQQ said:

I'm 45 and to this day, I can't look at an iron without thinking about the episode where we learn Penny's bio mom uses one to abuse her. Still don't own an iron... Am glad that wasn't referenced in Dre's dream.

For real.  

I'm 44 and I recently ran across an episode of Good Times.  A few minutes in I realized it was THE episode and I couldn't have changed the channel any faster.  I'm traumatized by that episode.  

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Dre's head looked better with more hair! Amazing how much more proportional he looked. 

I'm aware of Good Times but I was little and it wasn't something my family watched. (Basically, my folks all but hated TV. Don't know where they went wrong.) Junior was funny -- I could picture JJ delivering the evening turtleneck line.

Dreading the baby storyline.

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The hubby and I are not a fan of this latest development. If I was therapist, I'd say it's because growing up I moved a lot and watched a lot of TV so I don't like change in my TV. Especially kids since kids, I now realize, coincided with a show going downhill. I associated kids with the downhill slide growing up. The only show I can think of in recent memory that added a kid and it was fine is Friday Night Lights. They pretty much ignored Gracie Bell. 

I mostly love this show except when it fails to rise above standard sitcom tropes. I see a lot of eye rolling in my future. 

What bratty kids. They were so over the top. Sick or not, they were ridiculous. 

Yeah for Bow and Ruby bonding. Please let it last.

Not a fan of the medicine shots. 

So good to have Charlie back. I about died when he said The Toy was a documentary. 

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Terrible episode, it just didn't work at all. Not even close. Jokes didn't work. Nothing worked. It seemed like a way for the actors to play dress up and that's it. Missed opportunity. The comedy of their version "Good Times" felt forced, unfunny plus the laugh track killed it altogether for me. 

Remember The Wayans Bros episode that parody Good Times, that was hilarious! This black-ish episode was weak and unfunny.

And man only two seasons in and they're already pulling pregnancy storyline. I'm dreading it already.

On 9/25/2015 at 4:49 PM, mojito said:


* It annoys me that there's a word that can't even be pronounced when it's referred to. It's like it's sacred and that's pathetic, because generation after generation is preserving the word and teaching the young that they should be offended by it. I was called "nigger" 15 years ago. Didn't move me one bit. The man had no authority or power over me and it was meaningless to me. Time to let the word go and stop making it so damned "special".


Now get off my lawn.

wow. i applaud you good sir. good for you. word are only what you make it.


this episode was recommended to me and i rolled my eyes because i'm so sick of the overreaction of saying a word i grew up with that everyone said. but then i did research on it and i saw fishburn, the oldest of the group, say with complete placidness that the younger generations (like me and my brother) use it more frequently and mean nothing offensive by it. so by that, i chose to look at the episode.

and i'm glad i did. it was HILARIOUS, and i certainly agreed that the use of the word "color" for people is very offensive, and i have challenged my own parents about the NAACP. i'm also glad that the blackish crew conceded because the man certainly proved a strong point. the list of "who gets to say it, who doesn't" scene was also funny as well.

the two things i am grateful for in this episode is that it showed all viewings of the word "nigga", not just one, and how the most popular ideal of the word (the father's ideal) was actually the most offensive. everyone had their own views, but it was the father who actually was running around and pushing his own onto others and not bothering to listen to anyone else's opinions. and i for one can say this is so true. i have tried time and time again to explain my side of the table to people who have the same views as the father and they always react just like him. i'm grateful that his son in the shower exposed him and opened his eyes to what he was doing.

the second thing i am grateful for is that there is no cemented conclusion at the end of the story. it's just all in the air for a clean, open discussion that blackish left and that was so refreshing. as for me, i firmly agree with the oldest daughter. she doesn't really see the big deal because everyone says it and no-one cares. it's the new generation and the future ones that will continue to take the power out of the word. history isn't something you can change of the past, but it's what you make it. it was once a word that separated the human race. now it is used to bring together the human race. if that isn't a beautiful "FXXK YOU" to the racists i don't know what is.

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