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S10.E17: Broken Records

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Hahaha...now that's funny The Mighty Peanut. Wonder if the psychic read the PI's mind?


She was able to access Meghan's thoughts via her magic #headband.

You are making my night, cherry slushie and talula! But you're both wrong.

The psychic said Brooks was threatening to sue her.



I just spewed lime water (shout out to Shannon..a whole lime!) on my screen.

Edited by cherry slushie
  • Love 6

What do we make of this? Vicki, the coffee enema lady who wears the club detox shirt and referred them to Dr. Zermeno. and Dr. Zermeno, the go-to expert for Brooks diagnosis. All promoting the same thing, CLUB DETOX JUICE!  Hmm, Maybe that's got something to do with all the "juicing" talk. This whole season has been an infomercial for  Club Detox! They think we're stupid.



Edited by freeradical
  • Love 7

I would rather watch episodes of the Bubrow's PALACE than this does he/doesn't he crap any day of the week, especially if they show contractors making blunders! LOL I think I would prefer watching anything the other HWs have to offer, no matter how mundane at this point. LOL

I agree...I'm sick of this storyline...bring on the Dubrow's palace, lol...bet there's plenty of construction mistakes being made and who knows what's being buried under all that cement?

I can't believe Terry and Heather missed an opportunity to have a show starring their house being built!!! I'd have watched that!

Edited by talula
  • Love 5

Actually he IS trained to read scans/reports. ALL Medical Drs. receive it, including PS. Yes, Radiologists have far more training but that does not mean that a PS Dr. would not be able to understand the size or location of a "mass" or understand the terminology of the report. Terry would have had far more understanding and has more medical education than a "Family Dr." has so by your way of thinking, Terry would understand the scan/report better than this resveratrol Dr. Z. 


Shannon speaks with/in a whinny voice and I get the feeling that is just her normal way of speaking, not that she is a whinny person.

I had a repeat show on in the background and I thought at first it was Jill Zarin and then Bethenny talking. Shannon does have that east coast sound down. (yes, whiney don't jump on me)

Then all we have to do is sit back and wait for Brooks to be charged w/ fraud.

Mystery/not a mystery solved.

Naw, he has a notebook with tabs. It must be true.

  • Love 6

She was able to access Meghan's thoughts via her magic #headband.

Duh...notice the matching headbands...that's how Megs has been doing it. The psychic and Megs are communicating by sending brain wave back & forth through the #headbands, lol.


I just spewed lime water (shout out to Shannon..a whole lime!) on my screen.

Was Shannon there with the limes...no wonder you spit up!!!
  • Love 8

Duh...notice the matching headbands...that's how Megs has been doing it. The psychic and Megs are communicating by sending brain wave back & forth through the #headbands, lol.


Was Shannon there with the limes...no wonder you spit up!!!

Shannon would never give up her limes, nor squeeze them herself, unless she has no choice via a fatty, sugary rib pub that DAVID!?! took her to on her BIRTHDAY! *sniff*

Edited by cherry slushie
  • Love 4

Shannon @ Dinner: One exercises for 2 hrs so one can enjoy something other than ones alcohol during dinner. I've been waiting all season for David to snap! He sits obediently while she hammers another nail into his inferiority complex.


For my own sanity I re wrote the dinner script. {With her wholistic ways, David puts her conjured up anxiety to bed with some bs nutrition explanation} David speaks: “dear, the fat in food binds to the gray goose in the small intestine & virtually no fat is absorbed - the added lime will straight shoot Vitamin C to your inner child too so it's a good thing your drinking again tonight”. Shannon gasps: “ohh reaahhly?-because Dr. Oz says..” David interrupts in his sheepish voice:  “ pumpkin, please eat fat tonight, so I can enjoy my own fatty meal without sighs and angst emanating from your face” Shannon guffahs: “but David should you really be listening to your own tired answers? OR... Dr. Oz's expla” David swift motions interrupt Shannons words. David : jumps up from his ocean view chair (arms thrown up in 'touchdown' fashion-brandishing  fists full of meatballs) `Screams- “ F%#$ off you two bit -self worth sucking- pig!!” | CUT to Shannon's Talking Head | Shannon( with meatball sauce in her hair): “David really surprised me when he interrupted my nonsense to pretend he had some validity tonight. (side eye sniffles) He reaahhhly needs to work on that or I doubt there's any hope for our marriage”. | CUT to David's Talking Head | David's repeatedly stabbing his eye with meatball on fork: “Shannon knows me better than I do & she deserves to not be interrupted”. END SCENE.

IMO she f's with his sanity. She doesn't want a loving husband, she wants to be miserable and get kudos for prolonging both of their misery. He cheated, you stayed, get over yourself. I don't what's worse.. how he appears pussy whipped by her or that there seems to be a slight glimmer of plotting her death in his eyes.


I'm off to watch the next 35 mins of this episode...

  • Love 5

It will be interesting IF these reports about a Brooks/Andy interview are true but I am not sure that it would be fair because no one could question or comment on what he has to say. LOL


He is still a DR. and was trained to read reports and scans. Part of his job/practice is reconstructive PS due to the effects from a cancer diagnosis, surgery and recovery from different cancers so I am sure he can read a medical history report and any possible scan accompanying it.

Not to mention that Plastic Surgeons don't just do "Vanity" surgeries. When my hubby had his aortic disection , and developed compartment syndrome, he had a fasciotomy. When the fasciotomy was healed up enough it was a plastic surgeon who did his skin grafts to close it up. I was there when he looked at the scans of my husbands legs befoe the surgery. Bottom line, Plastic surgeons are trained and actually do a lot of things besides nose jobs.  

Edited by JennyMominFL
  • Love 15

It will be interesting IF these reports about a Brooks/Andy interview are true but I am not sure that it would be fair because no one could question or comment on what he has to say. LOL


Giving that man a platform of any kind is perverse in every possible way, IMO.   I don't particularly care if he were to throw Vicki under the bus because she brought him into the show to begin with. 


Andy Cohen and the production people must have it in for Vicki to even consider this. 

If Vickie is involved in a cancer hoax to promote Detox Cleanse, who would want her as a product spokesperson in the future?

Add to that - who would trust her with their money and insurance needs after that,  not to mention the Vicki's Vodka lawsuit?  It's like she's forgotten about the core business that made her successful to begin with.

  • Love 7

I thought the dication software mistook "c-m" as "e-m" b/c there are several letters that sound alike.

My husband hates dragon software for dictation....the things it has typed. I used to print off his dictation and proof read it. We would laugh at some of the stupid errors dragon made. Thank gawd, he has an assistant for that now.

As a family practice doctor, he would never attempt to verify scans. Yes, he knows if there is a problem, but he leaves it up to the specialist.

I think Shannon is having her face tweaked.....it's not just her nose.

I cannot tolerate Magnum Megan, PI

  • Love 4

If Vickie is involved in a cancer hoax to promote Detox Cleanse, who would want her as a product spokesperson in the future?

Lizzie also does a video testimonial on the detox home page. She joined after she broke her rib, I wonder if Vicki/Brooks introduced her to the club?  LOL

Giving that man a platform of any kind is perverse in every possible way, IMO.   I don't particularly care if he were to throw Vicki under the bus because she brought him into the show to begin with. 


Andy Cohen and the production people must have it in for Vicki to even consider this. 

Add to that - who would trust her with their money and insurance needs after that,  not to mention the Vicki's Vodka lawsuit?  It's like she's forgotten about the core business that made her successful to begin with.

Allowing Brooks to have his say without any feedback/questions/comments from the HWs would be wrong, just plain wrong IMO. He is nothing more than a bit player IMO, despite the fact that most of the season has been about him and his cancer claim. Maybe we should call him Brookista instead of Brooks now. LOL


I can't see a legit business hiring her to promote their products/services after seeing her on the show. The key word is "legit" IMO. LOL

  • Love 1

I don't get it.

I haven't seen all of the episodes.

Vicki said that she made Brooks a notebook WITH tabs to help him keep track of his medical info. Shannon was all confused because if they had the information why couldn't they get it to her contacts. I was waiting for the mysterious notebook to appear at the reunion but with Brooks breaking up with Vicki the notebook will probably never appear. I've been waiting for a RHoNJ Danielle Stab "tha book" slam down for weeks. 

  • Love 5

My husband hates dragon software for dictation....the things it has typed. I used to print off his dictation and proof read it. We would laugh at some of the stupid errors dragon made. Thank gawd, he has an assistant for that now.

As a family practice doctor, he would never attempt to verify scans. Yes, he knows if there is a problem, but he leaves it up to the specialist.

I think Shannon is having her face tweaked.....it's not just her nose.

I cannot tolerate Magnum Megan, PI



My husband hates dragon software for dictation....the things it has typed. I used to print off his dictation and proof read it. We would laugh at some of the stupid errors dragon made. Thank gawd, he has an assistant for that now.

As a family practice doctor, he would never attempt to verify scans. Yes, he knows if there is a problem, but he leaves it up to the specialist.

I think Shannon is having her face tweaked.....it's not just her nose.

I cannot tolerate Magnum Megan, PI

Does your husband send a patient the report via e-mail?  I  noticed the doctor from the Radar story said the run ons could occur with incompatible software.  She had no explanation for the misspelling and wrong terminology.  Thanks in advance for answering.

  • Love 1

Lizzie also does a video testimonial on the detox home page. She joined after she broke her rib, I wonder if Vicki/Brooks introduced her to the club?  LOL

Allowing Brooks to have his say without any feedback/questions/comments from the HWs would be wrong, just plain wrong IMO. He is nothing more than a bit player IMO, despite the fact that most of the season has been about him and his cancer claim. Maybe we should call him Brookista instead of Brooks now. LOL


I can't see a legit business hiring her to promote their products/services after seeing her on the show. The key word is "legit" IMO. LOL

I feel bad for Vickie...I know she did it to herself. It seems everything she worked for is fading away. Her reputation as a business woman relied on trust and at this point who is going to trust her? It's as if she believed she was invincible. Partying around and having fun is one thing. Her temper tantrums and codependency on Brooks were quite another. We may have just witnessed the downfall of a long time original housewife.

Giving Brooks a platform is just like Andy! Andy better not let him go unchecked. Experts should be interviewed to refute or back up what Brooks says. If he's throwing Vickie under the bus she should be given a chance to give her side also. I do not agree with Brooks getting his own interview either.

  • Love 5

What do we make of this? Vicki, the coffee enema lady who wears the club detox shirt and referred them to Dr. Zermeno. and Dr. Zermeno, the go-to expert for Brooks diagnosis. All promoting the same thing, CLUB DETOX JUICE!  Hmm, Maybe that's got something to do with all the "juicing" talk. This whole season has been an infomercial for  Club Detox! They think we're stupid.



Remember Heather & Tamra meeting at an organic juice bar? When was that? Wondering if it was at one of the 2 juice bars associated with ClubDetox too...

  • Love 3

Total bullshit about the errors in the report being legit. At this point, Brooks needs to just GO AWAY, hang low for awhile, and just stop talking. Everything he does just makes him seem less and less credible. 


I don't believe Brooks had cancer ever. I believe his family members have had cancer, and he took their records somehow to use as his own. But who knows. As far as suing Meghan, I definitely see why he would love the idea, but she hasn't done anything to sue for. The only thing would be if she KNEW he had cancer and was purposely trying to make him look like a liar. But it's pretty clear that she truly doesn't know anything. Plus, Brooks would have to prove he had cancer, that Meghan knew that, and purposely tried to discredit him. But you can't really sue someone for exposing you as a liar. That's like suing a cop who pulls you over for speeding and getting mad that the cop wouldn't let you speed. 


I think Meghan is great. I love that she had the guts to expose Brooks and Vicki for trying to force a storyline. More people should do that. 

  • Love 4

I feel bad for Vickie...I know she did it to herself. It seems everything she worked for is fading away. Her reputation as a business woman relied on trust and at this point who is going to trust her? It's as if she believed she was invincible. Partying around and having fun is one thing. Her temper tantrums and codependency on Brooks were quite another. We may have just witnessed the downfall of a long time original housewife.

Giving Brooks a platform is just like Andy! Andy better not let him go unchecked. Experts should be interviewed to refute or back up what Brooks says. If he's throwing Vickie under the bus she should be given a chance to give her side also. I do not agree with Brooks getting his own interview either.

When Vicki uncerimounusly  dumped Donn they  gave him his own video segment and Vicki apologized for the way she treated him.  I don't think they need to bring Briana on and yet she is in OC this week so she will be on.  Talk about a bit player. Briana doesn't even know Shannon or Meghan or even Heather.  I think Brooks will go after Meghan and to a lesser degree Tamra.  I would be surprised if he went after Shannon.  Without Brooks what storyline does Vicki have next year?


Vicki has outlived her usefulness.  Even her son has little or no desire to be on the show.  Vicki's only hope is to come back with Jeana next year so she can dump on her.  They do need a cast of at least six or seven.

  • Love 4

When Vicki uncerimounusly  dumped Donn they  gave him his own video segment and Vicki apologized for the way she treated him.  I don't think they need to bring Briana on and yet she is in OC this week so she will be on.  Talk about a bit player. Briana doesn't even know Shannon or Meghan or even Heather.  I think Brooks will go after Meghan and to a lesser degree Tamra.  I would be surprised if he went after Shannon.  Without Brooks what storyline does Vicki have next year?


Vicki has outlived her usefulness.  Even her son has little or no desire to be on the show.  Vicki's only hope is to come back with Jeana next year so she can dump on her.  They do need a cast of at least six or seven.

I am not so sure that Brooks won't dump on Vicki. Didn't he tweet something about her not being loyal to him like he has been to her not that long ago, after they broke up? IF he is really done with her, he may just reveal or hint at something not so nice about Vicki that we don't know about. I can see Brooks playing dirty to get even.


That Bravo/Andy gave Donn a video segment was not all that odd in that he was on the show for years and was married to Vicki, Brooks was not married to her and only lived with her for about a year. Also, Vicki made some scandalous comments about Donn ON camera, she has not done that to Brooks. She has always defended him no matter what he has said or done.


If Brooks defends Vicki, I will put money on them getting back together as soon as the lawsuit is over if not before, if he does not, they are really done. Also, if Vicki doesn't defend Brooks at all cost, they are really done.  JMO

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 4

I feel bad for Vickie...I know she did it to herself. It seems everything she worked for is fading away. Her reputation as a business woman relied on trust and at this point who is going to trust her? It's as if she believed she was invincible. Partying around and having fun is one thing. Her temper tantrums and codependency on Brooks were quite another. We may have just witnessed the downfall of a long time original housewife.

Giving Brooks a platform is just like Andy! Andy better not let him go unchecked. Experts should be interviewed to refute or back up what Brooks says. If he's throwing Vickie under the bus she should be given a chance to give her side also. I do not agree with Brooks getting his own interview either.

It's hard to figure out the motivation of this alleged interview, unless there will be experts there to jump in at every turn, since there seems to be so much hinkiness associated with this storyline, and not in a good way. 

  • Love 2

Let's review Vicki has a recorded telephone conversation about no endorsements. http://radaronline.com/exclusives/2014/09/vicki-gunvalson-brooks-ayers-audio-tape-cheating-freak-horror-movie/  Thanks Talula


October 15,16th Brooks tweets photos and talks of chemo October 17th he endorses Club Detox on Twitter


December 18th here is Vicki picking up her Club Detox  https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10152575165598513


Strange she said she started in January and just when did she do the 21 day detox and fast with juices?  Was she waiting for the check to clear?  Filming to start? Hmm.. on vacation in Mexico she was detoxing?   Vicki claims in her testimonial she started in January.  Could Vicki be lying?


I think Vicki will escape unscathed at the Reunion over the endorsement scam.  Tsk, tsk.


The question seems to be who would fake illness.  What better way to gain sympathy then for Brooks to emphasize illness and in the process pick up an endorsement that gets air time.  I would like to see no more product placement on RH.  I swear we saw the Evine studio repeatedly it is just becoming an infomercial.  This particular foray may have some unforeseen consequences.

  • Love 3
What I don't get is what justice she's looking for.  Let's say Brooks is lying about what he's saying, and I'm not leaning one way or the other on this because I don't care enough.  But let's say he's lying.  What justice would be remotely involved in the revelation?  Wouldn't justice involve some kind of legal ramification?  Is she just looking for some way to officially discredit Brooks somehow?  And why?  What business is it of hers?   No cancer, no Justice?  Is that the new chant??


Good question!    I would guess it's just to discredit Brooks [and probably Vickie in the process]  and give herself a storyline.  She's the new girl trying to take down the top HW.



I believe this.  I can see the little hamsters running Meghan's brain saying, "How dare they present a cancer storyline when the cancer storyline is mine!  After all, I'm having to deal with cancer through my ex-wife-in-law who is practically my blood kin and I'm having to read all of her medical records and endure her chemo by proxy.  The cancer storyline is mine, mine, mine!!!  I must make sure justice is served and prove that charlatan and his miserable old bitch are fakes at all cost!!!"  Yes, I believe that crazy heffa feels this way.

Edited by swankie
  • Love 14

In Dr's office: When Dr. says 'unless these were faked', Brooks does a blow back in chair move & hand up to face motion he interrupts with scratching face. These are the moments I wished I was a professional profiler. Actually it would help me decipher how much of each of these actors is reality and how much for show.

He might have scratched his face because it itched.

One of the symptoms of Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma is a red itchy rash.

Brooks' face is definitely red, especially around his cheeks.

  • Love 4

I agree...I'm sick of this storyline...bring on the Dubrow's palace, lol...bet there's plenty of construction mistakes being made and who knows what's being buried under all that cement?

I can't believe Terry and Heather missed an opportunity to have a show starring their house being built!!! I'd have watched that!

I wish they would bury the cancer/not cancer storyline deep underneath the Dubrows' house, never to be seen again. 

  • Love 6

I wish they would bury the cancer/not cancer storyline deep underneath the Dubrows' house, never to be seen again.

I love any show about buying/building/reconstructing houses. Heather could have done a great job showing how she designed the house and oversaw the construction. What she could do since she may have missed the boat on a TV show about her new home is write a book about it like the one Barbra Streisand did with lots of photos and illustrations. Love the book!


  • Love 2

Y'all, I just don't know anymore. I posted a few pages back that I thought Brooks was in remission during the filming of this season and was perpetrating some kind of scam, but......I just don't know. And it's nothing that Brooks has done to make me wonder. It is the media and message board attention to this that has started to make me feel uneasy. It is very possible the man IS fighting cancer; he is noticeably thinner and has odd facial coloration. And everyone is hell bent on making him prove he has cancer and wants to lynch him up if he doesn't. Even the housewives have stated things like, "Well I hope he does have cancer and is not lying." Think about that for a minute: people are hoping the man HAS cancer. Shouldn't we be hoping he doesn't have cancer and it is a scam?!

I don't know...and I don't quite know how to express it, but for me personally, all the speculation has turned ghoulish and unseemly. I'm not pointing fingers at anyone, I have snarked my share, and I appreciate good snarking and opinion sharing, but damn.......a whole season of a show and pages upon pages of disputing that a man has cancer and being livid at the thought that he doesn't, makes me feel unsettled and icky.

I get it, it's about the possible scam. Nobody wants to see a con artist get away with anything. For whatever reasons, Brooks has pinged our collective bullshit monitors since day one, what with the lack of job, Hallmark endearments, and need for the gift of teeth. But what if the man truly does have cancer and has had to put up with this speculation circus? What if the reason all his and Vicki's information and explanations don't make sense is because they are just fucking dumb?

I don't know. What I do know is that I hate Bravo for this entire storyline.

  • Love 17

Brooks Scan was scheduled for-July 1, 2015


Lastly, please keep Brooks in your prayers on July 1st, as he will have another scan to see how he is progressing with his current treatment and we are hopeful it is working. Thank you everyone for all your love and support for him. He sincerely appreciates it.

Vicki: True Friends Are There for You When Life Happens

Vicki dishes on this week's RHOC and explains why she supported Shannon.

by Vicki Gunvalson June 30, 2015 • 12:00 PM ET


Brooks did not share this scan with Tamra. The one he shared with her was dated April 8th. When I blow up the page I do not get a 2015. Instead it appears to be 2010????

Not sure the exact date Vicki & Brooks shared his scan report with Tamra. It had to around the day before Heather & Terry appeared on a home shopping channel to sell there skin care line.

Edited by talula

Since I'm dealing with a bout of insomnia tonight, I decided to watch this episode again.  As I'm watching, it hit me.  Ever since Meghan has been relegated from Hayley's disciplinarian to just friend, she talks to Hayley in a teenage voice.  It sounds exactly like Alyson Hannigan in American Pie;


 "Like this one time...at band camp..."  


I noticed it in the consignment prom dress shopping scene from last week, but thought it was just a fluke.  


Not a fluke.  


"Like this one time..at band camp..I rented a bus for the prom."

"Like this one time..at band camp, I made chicken teryaki with cashews."


Meghan is strange.

Edited by cherry slushie
  • Love 10
It is very possible the man IS fighting cancer; he is noticeably thinner and has odd facial coloration.



He was probably planning to move on to a new (younger?) conquest.  Losing weight on purpose? Working out (maybe), bragging about a juice fast.  I think he looks better than (gagggg) ever.  His most recent appearance on RHOC looked like someone was heavy-handed with the orangey/tan blusher.  Other than that, his coloring seemed fine.

  • Love 4

I would love it if Brooks sued Meghan.  Because, of course, then he would have to prove he has cancer, and he'd have to show results of a BIOPSY, not some "hinky" (my new favorite word), fake, copied-and-pasted, error-filled report. 


So of course he won't.  He's just putting it out there to bolster his case.  Oldest trick in the book.

  • Love 7

When it comes to diagnosing cancer, this is how the Oncologist explained to me why it was taking so long to diagnose the cancer my daughter had. He said that it is like having all the ingredients for baking a cake, but you don't know what kind of cake it is supposed to be. 

I really liked Shannon back when she first began the show, but not so much these days. She seems like she tries to be so cool, so with-it, and she gets so very loud, like she needs to seek lots of attention. No matter where she is, or whom she is with, I don't like her acting so fake. At least it seems fake to me.

  • Love 1

I don't get why anyone is using her as a spokesperson in the first place. If I saw Vicki prommoting a product I wouldn't buy it just because she is the spokesperson!

It's not just Vicki! If you go to the website it's endorsed by Bravo with the RHOC logo photo and everything.

Then,there is the Doctor Vicki and. Brooks went to on the show, Dr. Zermeno and his testimonial endorsing the juice. These people do endorsements all the time but they don't keep it a secret, act like they are going to a brand new doctor who their "coffee enema" lady sent them to, and use him as validation of the "unless it was fake" cancer report. Then it turns out they are all part of a pyramid scheme juicing scam! Whether Brooks has cancer or not, and I hope he doesn't, I don't have the words to express how I feel about the insidiously evil product placement it turns out this season was about. I'm gaining a whole new respect for Meghan because hers is the only photo not on the juice advertisement.

Edited by freeradical
  • Love 10

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