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Kris: Pimp Momager

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Der. Since she was in that horrible accident in Thailand. Don't you remember, she told Kim her neck hurt.

Oh yeah! The one where Kim barely looked up from her salad? " oh, my mom is hurt?"

Nice outfit on the Dr...jesus christ..can't she pretend to dress professionally for 30 minutes?

If Yeezus can dress down in hoodies and pleather, why is the pot doc held to a higher standard?

And another reason to hate Kris is her blatant using of her mother ( though it looks like MJ might be a bit of a famewhore herself) to have a storyline and to try and make Bruce look like a

stick in the mud. The purpose of MM is to control pain, not give you an excuse to look giddy and silly as if you were 16 again. Kris is detestable.

Edited by iwasish
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Just wanted to add to the medical Marijuana bit. Kris said something like it's so great to finally see her mom let loose and be pain free. Ummm...if her mom already had the Rx, I would assume she's been taking those gummies, so either Kris hasn't seen her since she got the Rx and has been taking them all this time OR Kris is FOS and making it out like her mom just took it for the first time. Basically I think it was a stupid storyline and Kris just wanted a Rx for herself. Not to mention a plug for the doc. And totally agree about trying to make Bruce look like the stick in the mud. So glad Kourtney and Scott were back on the show. Kris can't carry any storyline.

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Just wanted to add to the medical Marijuana bit. Kris said something like it's so great to finally see her mom let loose and be pain free. Ummm...if her mom already had the Rx, I would assume she's been taking those gummies, so either Kris hasn't seen her since she got the Rx and has been taking them all this time OR Kris is FOS and making it out like her mom just took it for the first time. Basically I think it was a stupid storyline and Kris just wanted a Rx for herself. Not to mention a plug for the doc. And totally agree about trying to make Bruce look like the stick in the mud. So glad Kourtney and Scott were back on the show. Kris can't carry any storyline.

Kris is probably backing some MM manufacturer, soon they'll be advertising it under the Kardashian label, maybe stoner Rob will finally make a success of something?

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This really pisses me off. MM is a hard enough sell in the states that have finally approved it. And there actually ARE people who benefit from it for appetite, etc. It's been shown to absolutely help HIV positive people. They make a joke of it for a story line. And since they didn't smoke it who's to say that they were actual MM gummybears.Was this supposed to be MJ's first one? Because if it isn't, then it doesn't seem like it works for her.


BTW, Bruce's first response was absolutely spot on.

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Yeah that scene in the episode looked more like people doing it for the high of high, not for actual medical purpose. Sadly I think this would deter people from legalizing it for people who could actually benefit from it.

It also felt not real at all to me. Like it felt very over acted on both kris and her moms parts. But hey, not surprised.

A couple seasons ago Kris was blathering about how she rarely ever saw her mom, now she's dragged out for MM story lines. And how obnoxious was Kim with her tour? Since they are dumping that house, I doubt baby 2 is in the future, not if she's trying lose 20 more lbs.

I am so offended by the "MM" storyline. Yup, it's hilarious especially when there are actual medical reasons for the prescription not some bullshit neck pain/storyline to prove how "cool" Kris is. I have a prescription for the MM pills for a serious medical problem. You can't imagine the dirty looks and hassle Walgreens gives me due to idiots like Kris using it to get high. Honestly I hate it. I hate the way it makes me feel. I hate having to take it when my kids are around. Mostly I hate being sick and losing 40 pounds in three months because I can't keep anything down. Yes, it does help a lot. In fact it's kind of a miracle. I've cut way back on it and look forward to the day I can dump the remaining pills down the toilet because I am better and not as a ratings ploy. Such assholes.

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I am so offended by the "MM" storyline. Yup, it's hilarious especially when there are actual medical reasons for the prescription not some bullshit neck pain/storyline to prove how "cool" Kris is. I have a prescription for the MM pills for a serious medical problem. You can't imagine the dirty looks and hassle Walgreens gives me due to idiots like Kris using it to get high. Honestly I hate it. I hate the way it makes me feel. I hate having to take it when my kids are around. Mostly I hate being sick and losing 40 pounds in three months because I can't keep anything down. Yes, it does help a lot. In fact it's kind of a miracle. I've cut way back on it and look forward to the day I can dump the remaining pills down the toilet because I am better and not as a ratings ploy. Such assholes.

Your story and so many others like it are why Kris Jenner is an idiot. This episode gave so much ammunition to people who are against the use of MM and might push those on the fence over to the other side. And the more I think about MJ, the more I think she's as big a fame whore as her daughter. Married at 17/18 for 2 months? Did Kris even know that? And nice smug attitude towards Bruce.

And Stafford, I wish you a speedy recovery and will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

Edited by iwasish
I love to see Kris cry the ugly cry!!! Same with Kim! Kim's breakdown over her marriage to Kris and how she "felt bad" "like really bad" " do you think I don't feel bad!?" " really really bad?" And Kris "It's torture for me to be here in Thailand, when one of my kids is in a bad place" "it's torture for me" " I can hardly enjoy my Vogue cover, I mean Kim's Vogue cover, that's how tortured I am!" Anyone one want to bet that Kris' "letting go lantern" had fat Rob in it? It did seem to have some difficulty getting lift.

iwasish, you're on fire today! This cracked me up more than I care to admit.

I also love watching Kris cry because her face is basically silly putty being held together by staples. It is fascinating!

Kim's ugly cry is always good for a laugh. Watching her try to squeeze out a tear, as the inflatable raft where her mouth should be, expands, is the stuff of nightmares.

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I beleive the MJ storyline was in poor taste.  I know there are a lot of kids (under 18), girls especially, that watch the show.  Now MM is legal in California, but not in all states.  What message is this sending to these kids????  That "it's ok for their mom and grandma but not me?  I need to gain weight, my back hurts, my neck is stiff."


Just irks me that Kris is getting away with this shit!

Your story and so many others like it are why Kris Jenner is an idiot. This episode gave so much ammunition to people who are against the use of MM and might push those on the fence over to the other side. And the more I think about MJ, the more I think she's as big a fame whore as her daughter. Married at 17/18 for 2 months? Did Kris even know that? And nice smug attitude towards Bruce.

And Stafford, I wish you a speedy recovery and will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

Wow - 3 generations there married as teens. North may be next. I know I would want to escape those narcissistic parents ASAP.

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Kim's a thirty something 2x loser at marriage with one illegitmate kid. If I were her mom, I'd be happy to have her take care of her own shower, rehearsal, wedding and honeymoon without any help from me.

From what I've read and heard her and the genius pretty much made a mess of things on their own. I'm not surprised. As a guest, I don't want to have to pay my own way to a destination wedding and wait to be surprised when I get there as to where I'm staying and where I'll end up.  


And really for a couple who can afford a 20 million dollar house... they should have picked up the airfare tab, or at least chartered an airplane to transport  everyone. Cheap, cheap, cheap.

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Her daughters are adults with very strong personalities and Kris is finding out that they're all going to end up hating her unless she backs off with her control.

I want to smack Kris and tell her your kids are almost all grown. Run your business then enjoy your freedom! (I want to smack her for a lot of other reasons too.)


Seriously, Kris has a nice figure, as long as she doesn't have any more work, her face looks good. She has lots of energy. All the cash she needs. If I were in her shoes, I'd be traveling the world.  Buying beautiful custom clothes. I don't believe there is an age limit for clothes or style if it is done well. Meeting eligible men with class and sophistication.  Just because you don't go to clubs with 20 or 30 somethings doesn't make you boring or irrelevant.  Take some lessons and become a show host or get some acting roles. Learn trapeze or painting. Go out and have a blast. She's making us energetic, good looking 50-somethings look bad.  


And if she wants to look younger she needs to stand up straight. Kris is doing the slouchy, neck sticking out like ET thing. Makes you look old.

  • Love 1

I want to smack Kris and tell her your kids are almost all grown. Run your business then enjoy your freedom! (I want to smack her for a lot of other reasons too.)


Seriously, Kris has a nice figure, as long as she doesn't have any more work, her face looks good. She has lots of energy. All the cash she needs. If I were in her shoes, I'd be traveling the world.  Buying beautiful custom clothes. I don't believe there is an age limit for clothes or style if it is done well. Meeting eligible men with class and sophistication.  Just because you don't go to clubs with 20 or 30 somethings doesn't make you boring or irrelevant.  Take some lessons and become a show host or get some acting roles. Learn trapeze or painting. Go out and have a blast. She's making us energetic, good looking 50-somethings look bad.  


And if she wants to look younger she needs to stand up straight. Kris is doing the slouchy, neck sticking out like ET thing. Makes you look old.

That's cause she has chronic neck pain, hence the MM prescription. The ever present never empty goblet O' wine might be part of the reason she's starting to slack off on her PR duties.

Yeah, she's trying to keep up with Kendall. Kendall probably wanted her gone. She was doing fine on her own before mom showed up flashing people.



Yeah, there's a pic of Kris hugging Miley's mom and the dress rides up and exposes her ass.

Maybe Kanye didn't want her around in Australia and poor Kendall got to have pimp mom tag a long with her.

Kris is a true genius at marketing and managing her daughters, albeit shamelessly. All of them -- and especially Kim -- owe their immense fortunes and fame to her. But Kris is not content to stay behind the scenes counting her millions. She wants to compete with them and share the limelight. So she tries to market herself as being as sexy and daring as her daughters and it's just embarrassing. She's actually a very attractive, vibrant and youthful looking woman for her age but she can't seem to accept that she's not a contemporary of her children. I'm definitely not someone who thinks every woman over 50 has to be matronly or sedate looking but I do think it's important to retain some dignity and know when to say when. Being 58 years old and wearing a dress so short that your butt cheeks show when you reach over to hug someone is way beyond the point of "when". That's when you're at the point of ugh-ville.

  • Love 5

Kris is a true genius at marketing and managing her daughters, albeit shamelessly. All of them -- and especially Kim -- owe their immense fortunes and fame to her. But Kris is not content to stay behind the scenes counting her millions. She wants to compete with them and share the limelight. So she tries to market herself as being as sexy and daring as her daughters and it's just embarrassing. She's actually a very attractive, vibrant and youthful looking woman for her age but she can't seem to accept that she's not a contemporary of her children. I'm definitely not someone who thinks every woman over 50 has to be matronly or sedate looking but I do think it's important to retain some dignity and know when to say when. Being 58 years old and wearing a dress so short that your butt cheeks show when you reach over to hug someone is way beyond the point of "when". That's when you're at the point of ugh-ville.

I think Kris' problem is that she was born too late. She's the driving force behind the entire thing, & if she was in her 20s when reality shows became big, she would have been the reality star which probably would have been her dream life. It must kill her that she is just too old to be what she always wanted to be.

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They both look absolutely insane.

Kris has considered Bruce a millstone around her neck for years. He had no interest in the step and repeat, red carpet, celebrity party scene and that is what she has craved for years. She wants to be Kim, with a well known celebrity husband/bf to escort her to all the hot social scenes. Now is her chance to be what she always wanted to be....but she'll have to settle for being a GILF (Granny I'd Like to Fuck)

Well, she is back on the market - though I can only imagine what sort of pervert she's hoping to attract in that outfit.

I think she stole Britney's outfit. All she needs is the pigtails!

I'm sure there's someone in the wings. Probably a few years younger and looking to make money. The winery guy, one of Khloe's rapper buddies? Someone not adverse to selling his dignity by being on the arm of a middle aged wannabe centerfold.

Edited by iwasish
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Bringing this over from the Kim thread to continue it here:


Except I don't think she is living life "balls to the walls."   I think she is chasing this dream of what she thinks will make her happy.   She wants to be famous and attend all these red carpet events.   What she wants is external to herself.   SO it will never be enough.   She won't be famous "enough" because someone will always be more famous than she.  Or someone new will come along and get all the attention.  She won't attend the "best" red carpet event because there will always be a more prestigious one the next night.   Etc. Etc.   So she will expend all this time and energy trying to be "happy" but she will never be fulfilled.



None of these people are happy the way they are.   And it shows.   Kim can't accept she is a larger girl.   SO she crams herself into too small clothing trying to convince everyone she is a size 2.    Kris dresses like she is in her 20s because she can't accept she is 60 and a grandmother.    The whole damn lot of them go under the knife to "fix" things that might not necessarily need fixing.    They are all trying to have this "perfect life" with some outwardly defined idea of what "perfect" is, so they are constantly miserable because they don't have it.    Instead of accepting the world as is, they spend all this time and energy trying to change themselves.  It must be exhausting.   And depressing.


Good god, I just talked myself into feeling sorry for this horrible family.   If they gave up the fame strumpeting, and accepted they are never going to be A List (never in a million years) but can be perfectly happy living a more comfortable lifestyle that a good chunk of Americans, they would all probably be a lot happy.   And not having to wear all that spanx probably a lot more comfortable too.

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Like her daughter Kim she wore her black overcoat draped over her shoulders and she accessorised with a Chanel bottle shaped bag, which we thought was big last season but whatever.

Her youthful look was completed with black boots and we might be mistaken but we’re pretty sure she was also wearing nude fishnet tights *shudder*.




Fishnets? I'm Kris's age and wore fishnets in middle school, that was back in 1968. If you wore them the first time when you were young, they should never be worn again by you when you're old! Looking at you, granny! And bring your hem down, you're not 18. Jerry Hall is also 58 and has more class in her little finger than Kris can ever hope to obtain.

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