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Kris: Pimp Momager

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Say what you will about Momanager Kris, but she does get her name and face out there - even where she absolutely doesn't belong.  Tonight's Dateline is a good example.  By virtue of having been married to Robert Kardashian, she is now newsworthy enough to be interviewed as a reference in the O.J. case?  Are we to be treated to their pillow talk?  At least the others were directly involved.


"Dateline, ABC, June 11, 9:00-11:00 P.M.:

The People vs. O.J. Simpson: What the Jury Never Heard
Exclusive interviews include reality-TV personality Kris Jenner, juror Lon Cryer, TV personality Kato Kaelin and a key witness; attorneys Carl Douglas and Alan Dershowitz reveal defense tactics and strategy."

Kris didn't testify during the trial so why she was featured on Dateline, talking about Nicole's marriage and their friendship, I do not know. At the end of the show the host outlined where the major players in the case are today and what they're doing: attys on both sides, LAPD, Simpson/Brown family, Kato, etc. Each description was a few sentences, and some had updated video footage.  When it came to Kris Jenner what he said was "Well, you know" and then moved on to the next person. If I'm interpreting young-ese correctly, I believe that's where one would insert "Oh, snap!"


(I've always been curious re the look on Robert Kardashian's face when the verdict was announced. He was standing right next to OJ, and the entire defense team was jubilant. RK, on the other hand, looked STUNNED and unhappy.)

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(I've always been curious re the look on Robert Kardashian's face when the verdict was announced. He was standing right next to OJ, and the entire defense team was jubilant. RK, on the other hand, looked STUNNED and unhappy.)


I've always wondered about that, too. Maybe he was the only member of the dream team with a conscience (the others just cared about a victory). I think he knew OJ was guilty.

Edited by lizzy07
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In a weird way I always respected Rob Sr.'s loyalty to OJ, even though he was guilty as sin.

I thought Kris came off really well in the interview. I didn't have a problem with her being featured on the special. Her and Rob Sr. were OJ and Nicole's closest friends and there was the aspect of Rob Sr. being part of the defense team.

I will say that after watching the footage of Rob Sr. there is no way I believe he's Khloe's father.

In a weird way I always respected Rob Sr.'s loyalty to OJ, even though he was guilty as sin.

I thought Kris came off really well in the interview. I didn't have a problem with her being featured on the special. Her and Rob Sr. were OJ and Nicole's closest friends and there was the aspect of Rob Sr. being part of the defense team.

I will say that after watching the footage of Rob Sr. there is no way I believe he's Khloe's father.


Yeah -- On the other hand, he's definitely Kourtney's father!! She looks *exactly* like him. Out of all four kids, she looks most like him.

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N's In Paris is the name of Kanye's big hit.  Obviously that word gets bandied about quite often in the West-Kardashian home.  I fail to get the righteous indignation from Kris and Kim.  Also, blackface isn't quite as racially charged in Europe.  Anybody else, I would have felt more sympathy for, but not the Kardashians.


Is Kim Kardashian an international draw?  I was hoping that it was only America where she was famous for being a talentless whore.

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They also didn't seem to get that these things were said by comedians. The comedian made a very crude, tasteless joke, but I can't believe they haven't heard tasteless, crass jokes here in the U.S.  It has been reported that the man in blackface was actually hired by the billionaire who "bought" Kim for the night.  It was supposed to be a joke.  Again, crass, crude and utterly tasteless but not a statement on European race relations. 


Why was Kris there?  Is it a twofer?  You buy Kim and get Kris as a bonus.  

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N's In Paris is the name of Kanye's big hit.  Obviously that word gets bandied about quite often in the West-Kardashian home.  I fail to get the righteous indignation from Kris and Kim.  Also, blackface isn't quite as racially charged in Europe.  Anybody else, I would have felt more sympathy for, but not the Kardashians.


Is Kim Kardashian an international draw?  I was hoping that it was only America where she was famous for being a talentless whore.

LMAO at "big hit!"


The image of Kim in black dress socks and her overcoat sitting slack jawed on the couch texting while Kris "discovered" she had been robbed? Hysterical. She barely turned a hair.

I noticed also that they sort of ignored the old guy that hired them, the way it was edited made it seem it was the younger guy Wolfgang who was their contact.

Edited by iwasish

Kris didn't even try to pretend to be gracious. I don't believe that in all their traveling they have never been robbed before.

I did think that Kim's reaction was hysterical, she couldn't have cared less, because it wasn't her stuff, if it had been, she'd have shit a brick.

Kris's ass was huge at the ball. Kim's backfat was very noticeable in her dress.

I doubt all those people were there to see Kim. I think they were there to watch the arrival of people to the ball.

Kris said everything she had of value was stolen, a couple pair of sunglasses and a purse and shoes. GMAB. I noticed that Wolfgang while he was sympathetic, he didn't apologize.

The whole incident shows their ignorance of the world outside of the U.S.

Edited by iwasish

N**gas in Paris reached #5 on the US Billboard Hot 100, so that's a top 10 hit. It also won two Grammy's and is 4x platinum.

I listen to the radio everyday to and from work. I never heard that song on any of the stations I listen to. But I'll take your word it was a success. Even more of a reason the comedian's riff on the title should have been laughed off. If Kim ever had any quality I thought mildly endearing it was that she could laugh at herself. That's long gone. She's a humorless stick in the mud, who has a vastly over inflated ego that is eclipsing her vastly inflated ass. She received a nice fat check to appear and to be gracious and polite. I'm sure it more than covered any momentary discomfort or inconvenience she and her mother (why she was so outraged I don't know) suffered. Next time, I suggest she stay home and feed her daughter and put her down for a nap, and not whore herself out to an old man needing his ego stroked. A mother doesn't do such things. MILF or not.

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I listen to the radio and never heard his "hit song" either.

I'm sure there's an audience out there for idiotically named songs by egotistical creative geniuses.

Watching that clip of him lumbering around stage in a overcoat and what appeared to be Kim's rhinestone enhanced make up protector (that thing women wear over their face to protect their makeup when putting on a dress) and combat boots, mumbling nonsensically... brought to mind poor Shia Le Beouf. But then at least Shia has gotten himself some help.  

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I listen to the radio and never heard his "hit song" either.



I'm sure there's an audience out there for idiotically named songs by egotistical creative geniuses.

Watching that clip of him lumbering around stage in a overcoat and what appeared to be Kim's rhinestone enhanced make up protector (that thing women wear over their face to protect their makeup when putting on a dress) and combat boots, mumbling nonsensically... brought to mind poor Shia Le Beouf. But then at least Shia has gotten himself some help.  

It's not a song you would hear on a "top 40" type of radio station, I think you would only hear it on a rap station (not something I personally listen to) & I honestly don't understand why some people consider Kanye to be such a genius. His raps sound like complete crap to me.

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It's not a song you would hear on a "top 40" type of radio station, I think you would only hear it on a rap station (not something I personally listen to) & I honestly don't understand why some people consider Kanye to be such a genius. His raps sound like complete crap to me.

I've listened to some rap, it's not my cup of tea. But I've heard a few songs that are catchy and interesting. His music is dark and bleak and down right nasty. And listening to someone who drives around in a Lamborghini, is obsessed with expensive fashion and the good life, sing about being "kept down" because he's black  and because he's banging a white girl, makes me want to toss my morning bagel out the window.

  • Love 5
I listen to the radio and never heard his "hit song" either.

IWASISH, ON 02 JUL 2014 - 06:24 AM, SAID:

I'm sure there's an audience out there for idiotically named songs by egotistical creative geniuses.

Watching that clip of him lumbering around stage in a overcoat and what appeared to be Kim's rhinestone enhanced make up protector (that thing women wear over their face to protect their makeup when putting on a dress) and combat boots, mumbling nonsensically... brought to mind poor Shia Le Beouf. But then at least Shia has gotten himself some help. 


It's not a song you would hear on a "top 40" type of radio station, I think you would only hear it on a rap station (not something I personally listen to) & I honestly don't understand why some people consider Kanye to be such a genius. His raps sound like complete crap to me.


I think it's fine if you don't like his music or rap, but I don't think it's necessary to insult those who do like it. Musical taste is personal. 


The song was played extensively on Top 40 stations. I can't speak to why some may have heard it and others haven't. But, a song doesn't sell four million+ copies and make it to the Billboard top 10 without help from pop/Top 40 radio. Many people changed the title to "NiNJas" in Paris to make it more palatable and easier to sing along. 


I am a reformed Kanye fan and he gives plenty to snark on without having to reduce his extensive musical accomplishments. 

Edited by tvallthetime
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I think it's fine if you don't like his music or rap, but I don't think it's necessary to insult those who do like it. Musical taste is personal. 


The song was played extensively on Top 40 stations. I can't speak to why some may have heard it and others haven't. But, a song doesn't sell four million+ copies and make it to the Billboard top 10 without help from pop/Top 40 radio. Many people changed the title to "NiNJas" in Paris to make it more palatable and easier to sing along. 


I am a reformed Kanye fan and he gives plenty to snark on without having to reduce his extensive musical accomplishments. 

The sad thing is whatever accomplishments he had are being overshadowed by his recent behavior and marriage to and association with the family of someone whose whole life and beliefs and reason for getting up in the morning is the antithesis of what he allegedly believes in. And I'm sorry but if someone writes song,  and releases it to the listening public to make a profit, then anyone is free to sing that song, repeating the lyrics as written and tough titties if others feel offended because they aren't  of the same race as the song writer.  He's certainly not making life easier for his daughter. Will she be allowed to sing song as written or does she have to censor herself since she's only half black?

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Uh, isn't Kris 60+ years old? She's just now learning you can't control people and deciding to learn how to deal with it? How are these women so emotionally stunted? I guess you can blame Kris for messing up her children, but what the fuck happened with Kris? Someone needs to do a study of this family the way they did with the Hiltons...it would be interesting to know how all this mess got started.


Pulled this from the Rob thread, I didn't want to lead it totally off topic.


Kris is interesting, in a way. She's the ultimate star fucker. She attached herself to Robert Kardashain (who was already friends with famous people). When that crashed and burned, she found herself someone much more famous with legitimate fame. By all accounts, she was the driving force behind Bruce having a more visible star presence more than a decade after his Olympics. When it was obvious she couldn't use his name anymore, she started with her cash cow, Kim. My guess is she saw the attention Brody was starting to get and knew she couldn't use that to her advantage, but she had a whole fleet of daughters she could use to her advantage. There's nothing that any of her daughters do that she hasn't had a piece of. Her son? Well, he's just collateral damage. 

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Kris..cozying up to Bieber? Really? If I saw that twerp lighting up a cigar while wearing an oversized baseball cap and a couple of pubes under his nose that he is trying to pass off as a moustache, I'd fall down laughing.  But then those two idiots Kim and Kanye are right up his ass too. What a sell out Kanye turned out to be. Going after the Bieber's fan base. Maybe pimpmama can get Biebs to duet with Kanye!!!!

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As soon as Khloe made the comment to Kris about Lamar's pictures still being on the wall, Kris should have had them taken down. For all her talk about family and sticking together and supporting each other, and regardless of her affection for Lamar, chances of him ever being in that home again are slim and none. If she is so concerned for Khloe and the stress she is under, get rid of the fucking pictures. I'll bet there's not one pic of any of Kim's exes, especially The Hump.

I recall Kim getting all pissy with Khloe because she didn't remove pics of Reggie from her house fast enough when she started dating Hump.

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I should never ever watch this show if only for the one reason that when I watch Kris, I want to see her get her feelings hurt and stomped on and watch her hurt face scrunch up and then the best thing is to see tears, funny tears running down her cheeks. I shouldn't watch that because I'm enjoying that way too much, it's not Christian of me, it's not even humanitarian to dislike someone so intensely that you take great joy in their misery. It all makes me feel like such a bad person but so far hasn't stopped me yet from watching (just in case she has a meltdown again).

I love to see Kris cry the ugly cry!!! Same with Kim!  Kim's  breakdown over her marriage to Kris and how she "felt bad" "like really bad" " do you think I don't feel bad!?" " really really bad?" And Kris "It's torture for me to be here in Thailand, when one of my kids is in a bad place" "it's torture for me" " I can hardly enjoy my Vogue cover, I mean Kim's Vogue cover, that's how tortured I am!"   Anyone one want to bet that Kris' "letting go lantern" had fat Rob in it? It did seem to have some difficulty getting lift. 


Nothing makes me happier than a good Kris or Kim cry. Drunken Scott antics are the only other thing that comes close and the previews of him jumping around the beds in the hotel in Paris and carrying on have me quivering with anticipation!!   

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So Kris and her mom get some medical marijuana and act like fools. It's kind of sad that Kris has pretty much ignored her mom over the years and now with the show she drags her out and uses her for laughs. I guess her mom is that desperate for her daughters attention.

Why use this topic as a storyline? I hope the whole story line is faked, but if it isn't, is it legal for someone who has a prescription for MM, to share it with someone else who has no medical need for it? And I thought that MM was processed in such a way that you didn't get a high from it?

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I cannot stand Kris Jenner. Just seeing her fucking fake face makes my hatred of her grow white hot.

I hope there is fall out from her taking the MM, regardless of whether the bit was fake or not.

There is so much controversy over MM, whether or not it's all it's supposed to be, that for her to make a skit out of it is ridiculous. Making a joke out of it gives critics of legalizing it ammunition, cause she's doing exactly what their argument is. I don't know if it or isn't the answer to some peoples pain issues. But these idiots could be ruining something for someone who really needs it. Assholes.

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I've totally been to that doctor's office for a card, lol. She  has ads plastered all over L.A for MM prescriptions, and has several other doctors on staff working for her, so she rarely needs to be there in person. But, Kris Kardashian isn't just any ol' person. 


They get people in and out of there so quickly with new cards and renewals, it's like a factory operation. They've got it down pat. 

Edited by tvallthetime

I've totally been to that doctor's office for a card, lol. She  has ads plastered all over L.A for MM prescriptions, and has several other doctors on staff working for her, so she rarely needs to be there in person. But, Kris Kardashian isn't just any ol' person. 


They get people in and out of there so quickly with new cards and renewals, it's like a factory operation. They've got it down pat.

Kris has chronic neck pain? Since when? She just disgusts me.

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