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S31: Spencer Bledsoe

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Meet Spencer Bledsoe from Survivor: Cagayan (Season 28), who returns to play on Survivor Cambodia: Second Chance.


This Survivor: Cagayan castaway began his journey on the dysfunctional Luzon Tribe but was able to gain a substantial amount of power after the tribe switch. After Kass betrayed him, Spencer and Tony Vlachos worked together and, eventually, the Chicago native advanced to the Final Four.



Here is your Spencer Bledsoe topic.

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Spencer may have been cocky last time, but I also thought he was all sorts of adorable.  Plus, anytime someone can stick it to Probst and prove him wrong I'm a fan.  On the subject of being cocky, that was the impression Spencer gave me pre-game, but he actually seemed more mellow on the show tonight.  I thought he did well in taking a back seat with strategy and not drawing attention to himself.  Of course, he may have already had his pre-game alliance locked up.  I did think that he, Stephen, and Joe would have the biggest targets coming in, but so far Spencer may be able to keep that target off of him for awhile.  


Next week will be interesting, since I think Terry thought they'd be working together, but they voted total opposite.

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Spencer looked ready to lose his lunch after that challenge. I am thrilled he survived but think long term they may be sorry for keeping him around. I believe he will be way more of a physical and strategic threat than Shirin, who I believe was only good for being annoying and being in someone's alliance. She would be no threat, other than maybe being a flip flipper. In ep 1, Spencer came across as someone that can adapt to change and the game. I think he'll be fine if he takes a backseat for awhile. I can only imagine coming in with the image of being a huge fan fave from a very popular season, only to get Cesternino'd out of the game.

What is with the tears? Heck, Rob had no problem telling Lex he was getting rid of him even after Lex saved Amber. It's a game folks. Why I'm not sure I like super fans anymore.

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Spencer never struck me as cocky.  Well, maybe when he first hit the beach..but it didn't take long for him to get real about the game.


I think he works hard at being objective about himself and others - both the good and the bad.  I adore Spencer and hope he goes far. 

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I'm not sure if cocky is the right word, but he does have a certain uppitiness about him and a way of talking of other people as if he truly thinks they are all idiots and not only in the game. I read him as full of himself his first season. Now I see that he stops looking around him and connecting with people when he feels he's in a secure position (his feeling was wrong). That to me seems the exact opposite of what the truly great at Survivor do. I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, but it doesn't seem like he has really learned from his previous appearance. Maybe it would have been better for him to wait a bit longer before coming back. Or not. It's not all strategy, it's also how you relate to people, and that seems to be his Kryptonite. 

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Spencer is arrogant. He thinks he knows everything that is happening and is pretty easily blindsided. He has not been saved because of his smooth words but because he is needed for challenges. Tasha/Kass kept Spencer because they needed him for challenges. Ta Koe kept him for the same reason.

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or maybe they kept him because they didn't want a man/woman imbalance in favour of the women. Granted, we have seen nothing about that, but I just don't see Terry going for a majority female tribe. 

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There was one talking head of Spencer this episode, after he went fishing with Jeremy, where the way he described his awe and joy at "being part of this" (paraphrasing, forgot the exact wording) was very reminiscent of one by Stephen after he first bonded with JT back in the day. 

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I am glad Spencer is still in the game, but I am disappointed that, so far, his game play has been entirely getting lucky.  While he probably was a smarter option to get rid of over Woo, I'm glad it didn't work out that way.  But he's been voted for at 3 of the 4 TC he's been to.  I am hoping that once the merge happens, we see a little more game play, a little less clinging to other people.  I would have expected different from Spencer.  


Kelley and Jeremy seem to be doing very well in their second chances, and Joe appears to be trying to play the strategic/social game better.  But seeing how some of the other recent Survivors haven't fared as well, I do think that having a cut off for AS isn't a bad idea.  It'll never happen, but I think having a few more seasons down the road to re-group and have people forget about you might have done a world of good for some of these people.

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I am glad Spencer is still in the game, but I am disappointed that, so far, his game play has been entirely getting lucky.  While he probably was a smarter option to get rid of over Woo, I'm glad it didn't work out that way.  But he's been voted for at 3 of the 4 TC he's been to.  I am hoping that once the merge happens, we see a little more game play, a little less clinging to other people.  I would have expected different from Spencer.


That was pretty much his game in Cagayan though. Great irony about Spencer and the way the editors present him, like he's all strategy and no emotional/social game when it's the reverse. He's little strategy, pretty much all social game. Considering how well he's spoken of in exit interviews, people seem to like him just enough to give him to want to give him three days more than the other person. And that can be dangerous because when things flip, the next alliance can decide they like him enough to give him the three extra days over YOU. Like if Shirin had stayed, I have the feeling that she would annoyed people enough to give some cover to Monica/the remaining Ta Keo.

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I think Spencer is a pretty amazing player. He has been at the bottom of the heap (bad tribe or in the minority) time and time again in BOTH seasons, yet he consistently emerges successful. And that hasn't been by luck. It's been by strategy and/or arguing his case really, really well.

And, let's not forget about Kass!  Kass is a lot like Abi, IMO.  She is a player who navigates the game alone and makes decisions accordingly.  She turned on Spencer several times during their original season yet he managed to survive and go very far.


As far as making big moves, I recall this as a discussion point during his season.  Someone (may have even been Spencer himself...can't recall), talked about how he had a hard time getting people to go along with his ideas and that it probably had a lot to do with age.  He doesn't come across as a leader per se - likely because he is so young.


All things considered, to rebound from the worst situations - which Spencer was put in through no fault of his own, I think he has done an excellent job both seasons.

Edited by Jextella
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All things considered, to rebound from the worst situations - which Spencer was put in through no fault of his own, I think he has done an excellent job both seasons.

I think I would quibble a bit that Spencer is blameless for getting into bad situations.  Certainly it wasn't entirely his fault -- lots of Survivor is a roll of the dice.  In his first season, the dice came up "J" and "Tia."


But is social game has never been great. We've seen this season that he has to remind himself to interact with the meatbags and and interested in their little meatbag stories.


He ended up doing well in Cagayan.  I don't think he's a bad player at all.  But to this point, I think his game has been incomplete. We'll see how long his new emotion chip lasts :)

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It's funny, because while his social game is definitely not great, so far it's consistently been just not the worst. Either he is lucky that there's always been someone worst who could be voted for, or he's an evil genius who knows how to appear bad enough socially to not be considered a real threat while always making sure that there is a better option to target based on all the usual criterias (social, physical, strategic, etc.). My money is on the first theory, but as always I'd loved for my low expectations to be proven wrong :-) 

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Honestly, I don't think Spencer's social game was bad either season!  I just don't see it.  People seemed to like him during his season and they seem to like him now.


In his video when he went to the ranch after being booted, he got a king's welcome (in contrast with Kass - who ZERO people came to greet her) and EVERYONE said they were rooting for him and would have voted for him had he made it to the end.


And, so far in this season, we've seen several say in their talking heads that they really like Spencer - Jeremy and Savage in particular.  And, we know SHirin liked him. And Stephen Fishbach said in one of his recent People blogs that Spencer was actually really personable around camp.  He talked about his family, girlfriend, and career aspirations, etc.


Not only that, Spencer tells us as much himself.  He said last week working with his arch nemesis, Kass, will dictate the rest of his Survivor career.  He bunked with the devila, played nice, and it paid off.


I think there is much we don't see, but I believe Spencer is generally well-liked.


This, by the way, has a lot of irony for me.  Kass kept Spencer over J'Tia and couldn't shake him after that (after repeated attempts).  I think history will repeat itself.  She kept Spencer over Woo and I think it will bite her in the hiney.


Her talking head a few weeks ago said it all. The winner of this game will be someone who changes their game from the first time they played.  Kass has shown she hasn't done that.  Spencer has.

Edited by Jextella
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I believe someone else brought this up either here or in an ep thread and I agree, Spencer's actually better at the social game than the strategic game. It's weird because the narrative tries to paint it the opposite way, but I thing there's more evidence that Spencer gets by time and again due to his social game and that his strategic game actually kinda sucks.


Her talking head a few weeks ago said it all. The winner of this game will be someone who changes their game from the first time they played.  Kass has shown she hasn't done that.  Spencer has.


I don't really agree. I think Kass has most definitely changed up her gameplay. (Up until this point at least. The promo for the merge ep is suggesting she may go back to old ways.) And Spencer imo really hasn't at all. He's in the same place he was in Cagayan, at the bottom with no real alliance and getting by every week because someone else decides to target another player over him.

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I still can't believe that Kass kept Spencer over Woo after all the talking she did. It seems like she did it just to make the game more exciting and give her more airtime. I think she is going to regret this move. I think Spencer has more people on his side than Kass. Although, she appears to be more well liked (and, happier) this season. Also, the Spencer (winners) edit with the swooping music makes me think Spencer will Outlast Kass. I'm curious to see how it plays out and how far the both of them go. So far, they are both on a good path and obviously have made the merge but will they make the Final 5?!

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I still can't believe that Kass kept Spencer over Woo after all the talking she did. It seems like she did it just to make the game more exciting and give her more airtime.
Responding over in the Kass thread.
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There's something about Spencer that reads as authentic.  Even when he is talking about how to change/manage his behavior, it comes across as sincere, not conniving.


Yeah, I think he's a natural at the social game, he just doesn't know it.  Which may, actually, be part of why it's effective.

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I believe someone else brought this up either here or in an ep thread and I agree, Spencer's actually better at the social game than the strategic game. It's weird because the narrative tries to paint it the opposite way, but I thing there's more evidence that Spencer gets by time and again due to his social game and that his strategic game actually kinda sucks.



I don't really agree. I think Kass has most definitely changed up her gameplay. (Up until this point at least. The promo for the merge ep is suggesting she may go back to old ways.) And Spencer imo really hasn't at all. He's in the same place he was in Cagayan, at the bottom with no real alliance and getting by every week because someone else decides to target another player over him.


I agree about Spencer's social game being better than his strategic game. And I think his strategic game is a little weak ONLY because he is so young and people look at him that way and because in both seasons, he's been on either really sucky tribes OR he has been put in the minority position by virtue of tribe swaps and/or merges.


In fact, the only two times I think Spencer has put himself at the bottom of the pile was when he did so well at immunity challenges during his season - and when he and Shirin played the game too fast and hard at the beginning of the current season.


All the rest have been bad luck draws.


As to Kass, I agree that Kass started out trying to be a more personable, relatable person in an attempt to change up her game play, but it hasn't lasted long.  She is now back to her old ways.  Honestly, going with Spencer over Woo was de ja vu.  Exact duplicate event as their first season together.


Another thing I find interesting about Spencer is that aside from his time with Shirin, people seem to have forgotten how well he did at challenges during his season.  IMO, Spencer is one of the biggest threats on the island based on history and yet people choose to keep him over people like Woo.  Did they forget he was a challenge beast?  Spencer is definately doing something right in the social game-play realm.  And, maybe his youthful ways are helping him seem non-threatening.

Edited by Jextella
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Maybe it's me, but I think being a social person and having a good social game in Survivor are different things.  Being one doesn't necessarily mean you're also the other.


Spencer seems like friendly and likable guy. I'm sure I'd enjoy his company if I were ever around him.


But in Survivor, likability is nice, but you have to make other tribe members want to ally with you. You have to convince them it's in their best interests (whatever those interests are) to work with you, and that you will work with them.


I have not seen that out of Spencer. Maybe my criteria for what makes a good social game is different.

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I wouldn't classify Spencer as an alliance-building leader by any means, and yes, that definately counts for something. But, I do chalk it up to age.  I'd like to see Spencer play when he is around 40.


And, my new ah-ha moment is what Stephen Fishback said.  Strategy is based on emotions (he explains this really well in his blog about Monica's departure).  You can't have alliances if people don't trust you.  Spencer may not be a leader, but he is demonstrating that likeability can lead to care which in turn can lead to alliance building and hence longevity.

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One point in favor of the argument that Spencer has a good social game is that he's managed to survive three tribal councils where he was someone's target. Clearly people can see why it would be good for their games if he were gone, but there are never enough of them to get him out. No, he hasn't made any explicit moves to save himself (aside from voting the way he's told to), but I would say that that's even more of a testament to his social game. People spare him—as opposed to him engineering someone else's boot—because they like having him around camp and because he never appears to be the biggest immediate threat. I doubt it's something that he's doing completely consciously, but I don't think it needs to be.

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Just saw a You Tube video of Kass talking about her "game".  Can't find the link now but she says Spencer reminders her of a giraffe trying to ice skate in challenges.  I adore Spencer but this is probably an apt description of the "visual".

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Just saw a You Tube video of Kass talking about her "game".  Can't find the link now but she says Spencer reminders her of a giraffe trying to ice skate in challenges.  I adore Spencer but this is probably an apt description of the "visual".


Kass too, now that you mention it....

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Kass too, now that you mention it....

No, Kass isn't tall enough...she's a llama trying to ice skate!

Spencer has done pretty well on the aiming and puzzle stuff this time around though.  Maybe as long as his feet are stationary?

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Yes, I'm another "I find Spencer fascinating" person.  It's hard for me to talk about how good or bad someone is at strategy; I mostly just care about personality.


I find Spencer a fascinating case on Survivor because I don't think we ever see people like Spencer on this show.  I'm basing this mostly on Cagayan which I guess is his more 'natural', unfiltered personality.  I found it hysterical that Spencer absolutely could not hide any frustrations with other people at all.  He has no manipulative bone in his body.  He doesn't hide how he feels.  He's constantly upset.  (Obviously he is majorly improving that this round.)  He reminds me of Frank Grimes.  Let's say Woo is the Homer Simpson of the game.  Then Spencer is sooooo Frank Grimes.  And that's why he's fascinating.  We're now watching a season of Frank Grimes trying to tolerate the Homers.   (Now I'm remembering why the Frank Grimes analogy is so funny.  J'Tia was ACTUALLY a Nuclear Safety inspector like Homer is.  Hahahahhahahaha.)  http://simpsons.wikia.com/wiki/Frank_Grimes.  Also, Jeff admits that he absolutely did not want Spencer on the show and had to be convinced.   (Or something like that, that he had no chance of winning, etc.)


It's also funny how they keep playing that Cagayan clip over, and over again.  Spencer:  "Kass - zero chance of winning this game" in the midst of her Tribal Council vote against Sarah (I believe).  It's the crux of Spencer.  I think it's hilarious that he said that and totally right.  But he was just so indignant.  It's funny.


I'm pretty sure he did well in immunity challenges in Cagayan, too.  I'll never forget a challenge towards the end of the game, where there was only 5 players left I think.  When he won, he fell to the ground with his hands on his head.  So dramatic like Willem Dafoe in Apocalypse Now.  

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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 He has no manipulative bone in his body.  He doesn't hide how he feels.  He's constantly upset.  



Having trouble editing the quote...


I just wanted to say, maybe not manipulative but he is very strategic to my mind (I say this as a thoroughly unstrategic person). I like him immensely and his staying in this season despite a few close calls is part of what makes me so happy at the end of every episode.


But I'm sure he said, last season he was in, that he lay awake all night every night thinking through possibilities and what would happen if xyz happened, and his head was basically just full of strategising so that he barely slept.


Anyway, hooray Spencer is still in!

Edited by violet and green
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I just wanted to say, maybe not manipulative but he is very strategic to my mind (I say this as a thoroughly unstrategic person).


I feel like Spencer gets credited for being strategic, but so far I haven't seen him do anything that actually is strategic. Thinking about strategy isn't meaningful, IMHO. Many of them do that, and thinking about possibilities doesn't mean being right about possibilities or being able to pull off possibilities. And I'm not seeing any sign that Spencer can actually execute strategy. He seems like a run-of-the-mill floater to me.

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MsBlueJay, I had to laugh when you mentioned Frank Grimes, because I was thinking that's who Stephen reminded me of, with Joe being Homer.  Especially that episode before the merge where Stephen broke down crying that he couldn't convince anyone to make a move; it reminded me of the scene where Frank finally snapped and kept saying 'that's okay, I'm Homer Simpson!'


Spencer is an interesting one this season.  He looked ready to go at the cast reveal and I was expecting some really big game play and moves coming from him.  I don't know if this is a case where he maybe came back to soon, or was ostracized going into the second boot on his losing tribe thanks to Shirin so it scared him to make any move...I don't know, I was just expecting something bigger and better from Spencer.  I don't know going forward how Survivor will handle future AS seasons and if Spencer would ever get another chance.  Right now, he reminds me of how Woo was in Cagayan, and Jeremy is his Tony.  I know he may be feeling comfortable sitting with a majority for now, and that's why we aren't seeing anything from him.  But I'm a bit disappointed, I must say.

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Spencer is sitting in with an alliance being run by someone (Jeremy) he cannot beat. So if Spencer wants to actually win the game, he's going to need to seize it from Jeremy. It is very rare that someone can make a power shift happen just by waiting and waiting, at least if they're not holding an idol. Typically, you have to set the pieces in motion. That means he needs relationships outside of the alliance and that's what I'm not seeing him build right now. Floating can be an effective, active strategy, but all I'm seeing from Spencer is just plain old floating.

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I realized tonight that Spencer is everything Stephen THINKS he himself is.  He's the strategic expert who knows the game. The difference is that Spencer isn't so far up his own ass he doesn't realize the problems with relying too much on theory. He's also physically in decent shape, even if he's no physical monster like Joe--he's got just enough to not come off as pathetic. He's played a very laid back game up until he got that hard on to get Stephen out, but even there I think he survived it okay because he didn't get specifically pegged as a target because of it.  


I have no idea how him vs. Jeremy will pan out (because they probably will skew to different sides now), but it will be interesting viewing.

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I don't know. Spencer is seemingly falling into the same trap that Stephen was. Actually he's probably worse off , because Jeremy had to keep Stephen safe while Spencer is seemingly working to keep Jeremy safe.


I think the real difference is that Stephen overthinks everything and falls on his face a lot whereas Spence is more smooth with the moves he makes. Or to put it simply, Stephen is more proactive while Spencer is reactive.

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I realized tonight that Spencer is everything Stephen THINKS he himself is. He's the strategic expert who knows the game. The difference is that Spencer isn't so far up his own ass he doesn't realize the problems with relying too much on theory. He's also physically in decent shape, even if he's no physical monster like Joe--he's got just enough to not come off as pathetic. He's played a very laid back game up until he got that hard on to get Stephen out, but even there I think he survived it okay because he didn't get specifically pegged as a target because of it.

I have no idea how him vs. Jeremy will pan out (because they probably will skew to different sides now), but it will be interesting viewing.

Well it is to his benefit that he played late in the game with someone else who was running the game and managed it well, despite having to deal with others who did not listen to him. We will see if this time, in his true second chance, he can prevail. I hope so. I like Spencer even if he doesn't seem to be playing quite as well as he did in his first season, though not badly, just a bit more passively. This last move, notwithstanding. More of this please,,Spencer.

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Oddly enough, both Vytas & Stephen said they were really good friends with Spencer outside of the game. And, both said they were surprised that Spencer turned on them. Of course, it's all a game. The friends the Survivor cast makes always gets tricky when they play together after the friendships form. I guess it all started with Rob & Lex. Such a long time ago.

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Welcome to the game, Spencer.  Finally made a move and wasn't the one having someone pull moves for him to keep him in the game.  I feel like he suddenly realized where he was and what he was supposed to be doing.


Spencer didn't have a choice.  His alliance was booted early into the game (Shirin) and then several weeks of swaps, etc. he didn't have time to bond with others.  He was always the odd-man out.  I give him tons of credit for managing to last as long as he has.


Oddly enough, both Vytas & Stephen said they were really good friends with Spencer outside of the game. And, both said they were surprised that Spencer turned on them. Of course, it's all a game. The friends the Survivor cast makes always gets tricky when they play together after the friendships form. I guess it all started with Rob & Lex. Such a long time ago.

I can't wait for the reunion because I'm super curious about relationships outside the show.  I thought I had read Spencer was close with Stephen, but I wasn't sure.  He posted on Twitter that he and Shirin are friends for life.


I think biding your time and laying as low as possible and making inroads into existing alliances and listening to people is good stratgey for now - rather than big moves, pyrrhic victories, and painting a larger target on his back.


Given merges, etc.  This is really the only strategy Spencer had available to him.


Spencer is sitting in with an alliance being run by someone (Jeremy) he cannot beat. So if Spencer wants to actually win the game, he's going to need to seize it from Jeremy. It is very rare that someone can make a power shift happen just by waiting and waiting, at least if they're not holding an idol. Typically, you have to set the pieces in motion. That means he needs relationships outside of the alliance and that's what I'm not seeing him build right now. Floating can be an effective, active strategy, but all I'm seeing from Spencer is just plain old floating.


Part of me thinks they should have gotten rid of Jeremy rather than Fishbach.  People must not see him as big a threat as Stephen.  And, that could actually be true.  If I were Spencer, I would have wanted Stephen gone as soon as possible with Joe next because of the remaining males, Spencer was a good candidate for the oters to eliminate.


And, while Jeremy has been calm and loyal, I think Stephen is the one devising the plans.  Jeremy just wants his shield. It will be interesting to see what Jeremy does the remainder of the season.  I'm also really curious to see if Tasha and Spencer work together in the end. They've both been on a teetering fence with Jeremy.  Could be the solidify aliiances with him or they work together.

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Spencer really should work to get Tasha on his side, if she isn't already. For any chance of Spencer winning, Jeremy has to go to Ponderosa. I am sure Spencer knows this.


I find the Spencer & Joe and Spencer & Tasha relationships interesting.  I find this season fascinating and I am loving the fluid voting blocks (not the same as floating since they are impacting the game and not just going with the flow--not toeing the party (alliance) line.


Despite me liking Jeremy, Spencer remains my favorite. I would be happy with either one winning.

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For any chance of Spencer winning, Jeremy has to go to Ponderosa. I am sure Spencer knows this.


I hope he does, but I'm not entirely convinced he knows this. I have a feeling Spencer will go back to voting with Jeremy now. He might try to take him out before F3 though, I hope so at least, but I'm not even entirely convinced he will.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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For any chance of Spencer winning, Jeremy has to go to Ponderosa. I am sure Spencer knows this.
That's my question mark. Did Spencer target Stephen to break the Jeremy/Stephen/Kimmi alliance so that he can vote out Jeremy or did Spencer target Stephen so that he can replace him in the alliance? If it's the former, I think it's good play and welcome to the game. If it's the latter, then I'll still stop calling him a floater, but he's basically Colby in Australia (is there a term for when a player plays to help another player win instead of to get the win him/herself?). 
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It's probably the latter. Why else would he make Tasha the secondary option if Stephen won immunity?

Hell even in the ponderosa video Ciera said the only reason she targeted Stephen instead of Jeremy was because of Spencer.

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I think Spencer (who everyone says is very intelligent) will play off targeting Stephen as "he was to close to you and I worried that the 3 of you (including Tasha) would exclude me or are using me". Basically something like he wanted to take Stephen's place and they were too similar to both stay in the game (they have the same "role"). That all can be the excuse while he covertly works with Joe (and Tasha??) to get Jeremy out. I hope Spencer is paranoid enough to realize Jeremy must have another idol since he wasted one on Stephen (which Spencer can also use as the "jealous friend" or threat against me). People don't waste idols on friends who are less of a threat when there is so much game left to play.


I'm having a hard time saying what I want to say. Sorry for the wordiness. Essentially, I hope Spencer is playing Jeremy and playing to win rather than playing for 2nd place. I can see how Spencer could explain his actions to Jeremy but we won't know until it all plays out.

Edited by Vicky8675309
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