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S31: Kelley Wentworth

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I thought she was playing a good game in the first episode, but I'm finding her overrated now. She's in there with Spencer for me as a player who thinks about strategy and talks about strategy but then (at least so far) isn't actually doing anything other than finding shelter in the majority. I don't respect her voting for Kass because Kass didn't have the numbers and was gone. So what. That doesn't mean the best/safest thing to do is just to blend in. If the Brolliance doesn't fragment, Kelley's on the outs and is going to have to hope she knows exactly when her number is up, so she can use her idol AND that the balance is such that using her idol doesn't just buy her three more days. She needs to be chiseling away at the cracks no matter what. Voting Tasha and being obviously not part of the Brolliance signals that she's available and open for someone to use for a power shift as well as courageous enough to follow through on a risk, which in turn gives people cover to make it. 


Meanwhile, Abi and Ciera are both on Savage's sh*tlist, probably ahead of her. Is joining the vote against Tasha really going to cause her to be voted out next when she otherwise wouldn't have been? Right now, Wentworth is reminding me of Sierra--someone who talks about moves and thinks about moves but is never able to get the numbers together to make them and so marches along with the majority vote until her vote out.

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I just want to see if she plays the idol. So far, it looks like neither she or Jeremy have told anyone about the HII. Wouldn't it be funny if they used it at the same time. Since, grabbing the idol she's been pretty quiet. She's had a few confessionals but I guess she laying low and hiding behind the guys. Of course, the guys don't know that. She isn't causing problems and doesn't seem to be on anyone's radar. I could see her in the Final 3. There are 13 people left and a lot could still happen until then.

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I have high hopes for Kelley, so I will be very disappointed if she doesn't make any big moves.  I was really hoping that we would get good, solid game play this season, but so far, I haven't been impressed.  Of course, the pre-game alliances haven't helped, and neither did certain people setting their sights on someone before the game started or holding a stupid grudge or smarter logic.  I know there's a lot of people at the merge, but really, that is the perfect time to make the move when you have the numbers.  I mean, I understand that with that many people there's still the possibility they might flip back or that someone else can reel them in.  So maybe it is smart strategy to wait.  But it's why I appreciate Ciera trying to stir some stuff up and call people out.  What she should do is call out the Ta'Keo 5 alliance and ask people point blank where they stand and what their plan is once the outsiders are gone.  No one will obviously give an honest answer, but maybe it would wake some people up.  I'm hopeful Kelley gets a plan together, but given things Kass said in her interview about the broalliance not letting anyone out of their sight, as well as the bonds people have with Jeremy, I just don't know if she will make a move or get people to wake up.  In an alliance of 9, someone is on the bottom.  It's like last season all over again, when that stupid group of six didn't seem to think that someone would eventually have to get voted off from their group (and that it just might have been them).

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I thought she was playing a good game in the first episode, but I'm finding her overrated now. She's in there with Spencer for me as a player who thinks about strategy and talks about strategy but then (at least so far) isn't actually doing anything other than finding shelter in the majority. I don't respect her voting for Kass because Kass didn't have the numbers and was gone. So what. That doesn't mean the best/safest thing to do is just to blend in. If the Brolliance doesn't fragment, Kelley's on the outs and is going to have to hope she knows exactly when her number is up, so she can use her idol AND that the balance is such that using her idol doesn't just buy her three more days. She needs to be chiseling away at the cracks no matter what. Voting Tasha and being obviously not part of the Brolliance signals that she's available and open for someone to use for a power shift as well as courageous enough to follow through on a risk, which in turn gives people cover to make it. 


Meanwhile, Abi and Ciera are both on Savage's sh*tlist, probably ahead of her. Is joining the vote against Tasha really going to cause her to be voted out next when she otherwise wouldn't have been? Right now, Wentworth is reminding me of Sierra--someone who talks about moves and thinks about moves but is never able to get the numbers together to make them and so marches along with the majority vote until her vote out.


I think Kelley is playing well considering her situation.  She started on the shit tribe that completely fell to pieces and is way down in numbers.  She wormed her way in on the second tribe she was in, enough to not only put her ahead of Terry and get an (illusory) Final 5 deal, but also to get Joe to stick his neck out to try to save her ahead of Kimmi.  According to a great deal of people on this board, Monica having the unbelievable temerity to (very quietly) suggest so heinously dishonorable an act as voting out one (vastly more threatening) member of the enemy alliance over another (to someone who stood only to gain from the idea) was laughably, contemptibly piss-poor gameplay that got her deservedly voted out--really, she brought it on herself!--so it's hard to see Joe suggesting voting out Kimmi (a member of the alliance) over Kelley (not a member of the alliance) to Jeremy and Stephen (who stood to gain nothing from this) as anything but a preposterously dangerous risk to take, so Kelley must have done something right to provoke this reckless death-wish daring from Joe.  More seriously, it does seem she's playing a very good social game--we've seen she's friendly with Tasha (joking around with her at challenges), friendly with Joe, friendly with Ciera and Abi and Kass, seems like she's friendly with everyone--and is connected to Joe and thereby the highly visible swing-vote duo of Joe and Spencer, without being visibly a swing vote herself.  She has an idol which she has wisely kept secret, and if she's not in the dominant alliance, she seems to be last on their hit list, and so well-positioned to be part of any flips that might happen.


I don't think I've ever heard her talking about a "big move" actually.  Just playing the social game, which is to say, the actual game.  I personally think voting for Tasha would have been a very bad move, pointlessly drawing attention to herself.  She's out there just enough, I think.

Edited by KimberStormer
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I don't think I've ever heard her talking about a "big move" actually.  Just playing the social game, which is to say, the actual game.
I don't know if she has, but I'm thinking more in terms of how she was being talked about as a likely winner after episode 1 and still seems to have a lot of buzz as a potential winner. I don't think she's a bad player, but I think she's playing very cautiously. She's not coming across as having any kind of strategy for how she's going to advance from where she is now to being in a position to get to final Tribal Council. To me, her current gameplay seems far more likely to get her to a mid-jury point than to a final Tribal Council. That's what I mean by saying she's overrated. 
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This is the Kelley I've been waiting for!  Go girl!  And I hope this shakes things up and makes people think.  Please let this season continue down this path of greatness.  Last season I got so excited when Jenn played her idol, only to be vastly disappointed the following week when it was obvious that core group was not budging (and of all core groups not to budge, it had to be one of the worst ones).


The vote is always split because of an idol.  They did that last week.  This week, they didn't, and Savage paid by being voted out with 3 votes.  Apparently they didn't think she had an idol because she hadn't played it yet (it was this weeks secret scene).  Since when has that mattered or stopped a vote split?  Just glad it worked out the way it did.

Edited by LadyChatts
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Should she not win this season, and should she ever want to return for another season, I think this episode cemented her chances for a third-time-is-the-charm season, assuming that there is one.


That was amazeballs!

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Possibly an unpopular opinion: Kelley's not playing that great. She:


  • had to use her idol fairly early
  • seems incapable of getting people to vote with her
  • is on the bottom, no matter how many times she votes with the majority (see votes prior to the Savage vote)


Contrast with Jeremy, who now has the only (found) idol: he's locked down in a solid alliance, he's persuasive enough to get people off Fishbach, he's nowhere close to having to use his idol. 


Either Jeremy's playing a game for the ages, or Kelley's just not very good. 


I sure hope I'm proven wrong. We'll see!

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I think the comparison to Jeremy is like comparing apples to oranges. Jeremy started off on an alpha male tribe that's working to protect the men. Kelley started on a much weaker and more volatile tribe.

Jeremy has pretty much had everything go his way, always surrounded by his original alliance. Jeremy underestimated Kelley and what was supposed to be an easy elimination because he believed he was the only one ballsy enough to get an idol due to it being during a challenge. A truly smart player wouldn't make the mistake not to split the vote. As a former ally of hers, he should know better.

Kelley has had a lot more adversity in game than he has and therefore I respect her survival more than his and I say this as a fan of both of theirs.

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I keep having this impression that Kelley could be on either side and she doesn't even have to be aligned with Ciera and Abi. I don't even know how she found herself in that position.  Joe confides in her and always wants to protect her.  I don't know.  Maybe Jeremy doesn't trust her or something.  I feel like Kelley is faking this loyalty for some reason.  


She voted for Kass last tribal.  I think she's just using these alliances to further her own ends which I guess is working up til now.

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Kelley ended up there after Ta Kao 2. She was in a five person alliance with Kass, Ciera, Joe and Keith. Keith is not a strategic genius and was put off by Ciera and Kass's loud behavior around camp. Joe was actively protecting Kelley after the second swap and sees her as a vote he can work with. He kept that contact this episode.


That said, Kelley has not been as loud and obnoxious as Ciera so I think she is in a good place to talk to others because they don't see her as someone who is going to be running around announcing what she is doing. She is playing a good social game but is seen as Joe's Woo. Jeremy is on to her role in Joe's game and that could be problematic for her.


She voted for Kass so that she didn't burn bridges, just like she didn't say that Joe was the one talking to her. Kass knew she was going to vote for her and why and there does not seem to be an animosity regarding that vote.

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IMHO, she found herself in that position for two reasons: the tribes she ended up on and the fact that she's a small woman. She was briefly on a tribe with Jeremy/Tasha/Stephen, but she was positioned as dead woman walking, and that tribe didn't go to Tribal Council (which was good but also meant no bonds were forged). by contrast, Spencer was with Jeremy/Stephen/Kimmi and then had the odd interaction with Savage that resulted in Savage promising to never vote Spencer out but NOT Kass/Ciera even though Savage was nominally doing it as part of begging for his Survivor life). Wigles was also on a tribe with Jeremy/Stephen/Kimmi and voted with Savage.


Then you add onto that a lot of people in the Brolliance seem to be actively looking for strong men to ally with, and it gives Joe/Spencer more wiggle room. 

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Wentworth was one of the few people who wasn't running around searching under every stone – which I thought strange, since she was now an even bigger target.


That was from Stephen's blog. Why the hell is she not looking for the HII?  She's still in danger.

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Maybe because she was never seen looking for one before and she ended up having one. Perhaps she doesn't want to paint an even bigger target on her back.

Maybe because she was never seen looking for one before and she ended up having one. Perhaps she doesn't want to paint an even bigger target on her back.

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I just re-watched the Savage blindside (Thank you Kelley Wentworth) clip* on the cbs site and omg it is just as delicious now as it was then. The rejoice by Kelley and Abi as he is leaving is awesome. Usually it is so quiet and solemn but this blindside was celebrated. Kelley became a favorite of mine in that instant (already liked her but now a favorite).


It was on the Behind the Scenes Second Chance Tribal Council Shockers clip (#1 shocker, lol)

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Kelley's long description of how she managed to get this idol unseen reminded me of why Survivor is the best unscripted sitcom in television history. 

Totally agree.


Many seem to have a knack for delivering engaging talking-head segments.  Kelley, Spencer, Stephen, Kass, Cierra....they are able to articulate their thoughts and emotions really really well, and it works.  Others, on the other hand, fall flat because they don't have this ability, e.g. Savage, Kimmi, Kelly, Keith, and Joe, for example.


Some are in the middle, e.g. Jeremy, Deitz, Abi, Tasha.

Edited by Jextella
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I have to say I'm really disappointed that the 3 amigas alliance didn't work out.  It is the downside of idols.  And, in this case, the person who was spared by the idol only made it one more boot anyway.  But I really enjoyed the trio of Abi/Wentworth/Ciera, and really wish they had been able to get numbers when Kass was still in the game.  They made it more interesting that what we have now.  I am enjoying this season, and in the post HvsV era it is one of the better ones (I still would rank HvsV and Cagayan above it, however).  But something about it I'm just not feeling.  Maybe it is the lack of game play or the fact that there's too much talk about 'evolution' that isn't really evolution or that some of these people are really sucking at their second chances.  


Anyway, before I get too off topic, I will say that one of the highlights has been Kelley.  I came into this season not a fan and was finding her completely overrated, not seeing the appeal or how the heck she even made it back on when she did so poorly.  But she's certainly going to end this season as one of my all time favorites.  And she is someone I could stand seeing back a third time.  I really believe she could have been running the show had she gotten a better start with numbers and alliances going into the merge, rather than being on the bottom and having to work her way up.  And even now, I wouldn't say she's in a great spot, except for the idol.  Hopefully she doesn't go home with it in her pocket.

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Totally agree.


Many seem to have a knack for delivering engaging talking-head segments.  Kelley, Spencer, Stephen, Kass, Cierra....they are able to articulate their thoughts and emotions really really well, and it works.  Others, on the other hand, fall flat because they don't have this ability, e.g. Savage, Kimmi, Kelly, Keith, and Joe, for example.


Some are in the middle, e.g. Jeremy, Deitz, Abi, Tasha.


It's interesting, I would rank people differently for confessional skillz.  Spencer, Stephen, Ciera, I agree are very good.  I personally think Savage is a sort of Coach-like master of the unintentionally hilarious pompous bullshit talking head, and I really enjoy Keith's take on things when he gets a chance to share it--it's sort of orthagonal to the others' but that's sort of great.  I always want more of Jeremy, I feel like he doesn't get enough time to quite develop his statements as much as he would with a few more moments to speak. 


Kelley I would put in the middle.  I love her, and she's fun in confessionals, but she definitely TURNS IT ON in a way that feels, I don't know, a little strained?  That sounds way more judgmental than I mean it, though.  It's just, like, she's being entertaining on purpose, because that's fun for her--she enjoys those confessionals, and has a ball.  Which is great, but I don't think she's as natural a performer that way as, for example, Courtney Yates (whose confessionals belong in some Survivor Valhalla).  I like Kelley best when she's playing Survivor, actually--when she's wheeling and dealing with people, trying to put some numbers together.  She and Spencer working on this Stephen blindside were both so excellently entertaining to me this week--forcing Joe to get up out of his funk and play, dragging Abi kicking and screaming into seeing reason, it was just great, great TV.


(Talking about this has made me reflect that people who are good at confessionals are also pretty good at tribal, which I would have thought a totally different skillset.  Maybe I'm wrong about that, have to think about it some more.)

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Totally agree.

Many seem to have a knack for delivering engaging talking-head segments. Kelley, Spencer, Stephen, Kass, Cierra....they are able to articulate their thoughts and emotions really really well, and it works. Others, on the other hand, fall flat because they don't have this ability, e.g. Savage, Kimmi, Kelly, Keith, and Joe, for example.

Some are in the middle, e.g. Jeremy, Deitz, Abi, Tasha.

The one I would disagree from your list is Keith. I think he's friggin hilarious. His line about people asking him if Survivor is fun was great. I think what I like most about Keith as a viewer is that he is so off-the-cuff. You never know what you're going to get from him. I'm guessing this is what makes him most frustrating as a player too lol

It's interesting, I would rank people differently for confessional skillz. Spencer, Stephen, Ciera, I agree are very good. I personally think Savage is a sort of Coach-like master of the unintentionally hilarious pompous bullshit talking head, and I really enjoy Keith's take on things when he gets a chance to share it--it's sort of orthagonal to the others' but that's sort of great. I always want more of Jeremy, I feel like he doesn't get enough time to quite develop his statements as much as he would with a few more moments to speak.

Kelley I would put in the middle. I love her, and she's fun in confessionals, but she definitely TURNS IT ON in a way that feels, I don't know, a little strained? That sounds way more judgmental than I mean it, though. It's just, like, she's being entertaining on purpose, because that's fun for her--she enjoys those confessionals, and has a ball. Which is great, but I don't think she's as natural a performer that way as, for example, Courtney Yates (whose confessionals belong in some Survivor Valhalla). I like Kelley best when she's playing Survivor, actually--when she's wheeling and dealing with people, trying to put some numbers together. She and Spencer working on this Stephen blindside were both so excellently entertaining to me this week--forcing Joe to get up out of his funk and play, dragging Abi kicking and screaming into seeing reason, it was just great, great TV.

(Talking about this has made me reflect that people who are good at confessionals are also pretty good at tribal, which I would have thought a totally different skillset. Maybe I'm wrong about that, have to think about it some more.)

I agree with you about pretty much everyone. I do think Jeremy is very dry and honestly pretty much bores me in his confessionals. Though I confess a part of that is that he sort of bores me as a player as well. Maybe it's the Joe-fan in me talking but he seems so spirited and fun on Twitter that I feel like he should (and maybe could) be more fun in confessionals and I'm not sure why he isn't).

Abi is good in a bad way...she has a lot to say but most of it annoys me.

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I personally think Savage is a sort of Coach-like master of the unintentionally hilarious pompous bullshit talking head


Man, can you imagine what the editors would have done if Coach was the one that gave that ridiculous 'model in my apartment' speech? I bet Probst was behind them when they were cutting it, to make sure there was no shenanigans, and Savage's beautiful story got the Criterion treatment.

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I didn't care for her 'we all have an equal chance to win now ' comment, because as boring as immunity runs can be, they can also throw a curve ball into the game and make people have to turn on each other (it was the only highlight last season post merge when Mike went on his streak).


I hope it is brought up in her exit interviews as to whether she would have played her idol when Savage was blindsided if Joe hadn't clued her in that they were all voting for her.  


Now, onto another remark tonight that I don't agree with-this girl is no goat.  Kelley is as deserving to be sitting in the final 3 as Spencer, Jeremy, and Tasha.  She was on a losing tribe for the first two votes, found herself in a minority during both tribes swaps (yet at least attempted to stay integrated in the group during the first swap, while her other tribe member was off fishing and confident they'd never get rid of him), and wound up at the bottom of the pile at the merge.  Had a wonderful idol play, and despite still being in the minority, managed to hang on and be in the majority for some votes.  She has a lot to be proud of, and I don't get the vibe that she's putting on a front for what she thinks the fans want or padding her Survivor resume.


Jeremy mentioned in his twitter that the goat comment was more about strategic play-but seriously, Spencer has followed his lead.  He made one blindside.  Tasha's done nothing since the merge except follow Jeremy.  And he left her in the dark with the Wigles vote.  Kelley is my pick to win, and I'm really hoping she pulls it off.

Edited by LadyChatts
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Seriously, like as far as strategic play goes, I have been much more impressed with Kelley in other situations than when she played that idol.  I mean good for her for playing it at the right time, but in conversation, trying to put votes together, is where I've loved Kelley.


I did like seeing, at long last, some interaction between her and Jeremy ("Day 33, Kels", all that.)  I wish I could see those two wheel and deal together.  Even if it was totally lying on both sides, I think it would be fascinating to see.

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Jeremy mentioned in his twitter that the goat comment was more about strategic play-


He said that in reference to Keith, not her. He didn't agree or disagree with what Tasha said, he just mostly stayed silent. Only adding in stuff to stick with the flow of the conversation.


I'm on the fence about her game. Because at times, it was sloppy, yet after her idol play, she hasn't really been in danger. Regardless of the outcome of this game, she has shown that she can play and that actually was her father that was the hindrance.

Edited by Oscirus
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Now, onto another remark tonight that I don't agree with-this girl is no goat.  Kelley is as deserving to be sitting in the final 3 as Spencer, Jeremy, and Tasha.  She was on a losing tribe for the first two votes, found herself in a minority during both tribes swaps (yet at least attempted to stay integrated in the group during the first swap, while her other tribe member was off fishing and confident they'd never get rid of him), and wound up at the bottom of the pile at the merge.  Had a wonderful idol play, and despite still being in the minority, managed to hang on and be in the majority for some votes.  She has a lot to be proud of, and I don't get the vibe that she's putting on a front for what she thinks the fans want or padding her Survivor resume.

I completely agree. And Kass and Ciera would almost certainly vote for her if she were at the end. I could also see her getting votes from Abi and Joe, which gets her very close to the six she would need to win outright, though four would be enough if the other two people get three each.


I was thinking about who I would vote for in a Kelley vs. Jeremy situation at final tribal council (whoever else is sitting there at the end is an irrelevance to me in this scenario). I think I've decided that it would have to be Kelley for precisely the reasons @LadyChatts outlined above. Kelley has had more to overcome. It's not Jeremy's fault the original Bayon had the numbers at the merge, or that he was never at the bottom after any tribal swaps. If he gets to the end, it will be on the back of an excellent strategic and social game. But, while Kelley lucked in not having to go to Tribal Council between Day 6 and the merge, it also meant that she had a much harder time establishing herself in other people's plans. Jeremy has not had to deal with anything as challenging as being on the wrong side of a 9-3 split.

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I'm frankly surprised she and Keith weren't targeted first to go before Abi. It must be that exhausting to work with Abi that they left bigger threats in the game than her. Then again, according to Tasha, it will be an abomination if Wentworth ends up in the finals.


 I could also see her getting votes from Abi 

Abi has a confessional where she said she wouldn't want to sit with Kelley in the F3, so if she had the chance, she would actually target her to go home. That's probably one of the videos I've seen of Abi in which she's shown self-awareness. She admits that Kelley has a better resume than her, and has played the game better than her. So yeah, if Wentworth ends in F3, she'll get Abi's vote.


I can also see her getting Kimmi's vote, depending on who she sits next to. It's not shown much during the show, but Kimmi has had nice things to say about Wentworth in her recent THs.

Edited by slowpoked
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I think it came down to Abi being unpredictable.  How that vote went could have affected the whole game.  Spencer knew both sides were potentially looking for Abi's vote, so she was in the middle.  It probably didn't help that Tasha/Jeremy practically shooed her away at camp to try and talk strategy.  Spencer went on the reward with Keith/Wentworth, so he knew what they were planning.  I do think the editing last night really left a lot out, but I guess that might be the new norm.  Throw the edit in one direction to make it look like someone is going, just so you can have the #blindside at the end of the episode.  And quite honestly, Abi's blindside was as shocking as Joe's from my perspective.  I really did think Keith was going, but Abi's been on the block more times than anyone this season.  Had it been Jeremy?  Now that would have been shocking.

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According to Stephen, Kelley is masterfully working the jury.  I just hope she gets a chance to do when it actually counts




Wentworth is a standout at jury interactions. Of course, she can never say anything to us, but she's always looking over with muggy, over-the-top reactions, involving us in her gameplay. Wentworth knows how to play the jury better than anybody, which is remarkable since she never even saw that phase of the game.

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My favorites always get jinxed so for that reason alone she won't make it.  And my gut feeling said she was going to win, which is right when I don't want it to be, but wrong when I do.


However, Kelley is certainly someone I wouldn't object to seeing back a 3rd time!  As long as her dad stays home.

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Well after watching her periscope with her mom last night it is they cast the wrong parent for her back in SJDS. Her mom is hilarious and had quite a few opinions on Kelley's tribemates this season.

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I think I love Kelley even more after this. On the tribal council after she idoled out Savage:



But apparently that wasn’t the only f-bomb that was dropped at tribal council. It is said that after Wentworth successfully played her idol, she shouted out, in celebratory warning to the rest of her tribe-mates, “Don’t f**k with me!”.

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That sounds like Tasha's "fueled by HATE" exclamation, and kind of stupid.  I don't know why people jab at the other players.  It not like anyone's intimidated by Tasha or Kelley.  


Social game, people.  Don't be a sore winner.  

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That sounds like Tasha's "fueled by HATE" exclamation, and kind of stupid.  I don't know why people jab at the other players.  It not like anyone's intimidated by Tasha or Kelley.  


Social game, people.  Don't be a sore winner.

I don't mind a little trahstalk here and there. This is a game after all, and sometimes people get fired up. And they play mind games. I don't mind a little bravado. Guys do it all the time and no one, or very few, mind it at all. It's similar to Joe's "i don't mind the storm so i dont care about the better shelter."

It kind of gives more context to the first scene on the Witches Coven episode where upon getting back at camp, Kelley started apologizing and said "I just got fired up during tribal, that's all..."

Also, Joe gets a lot of credit for being the source of info that she was going home and therefore told her she was going home, through Ciera. But apparently, it wasn't only Joe who told her she's going home but most everybody at camp, thinking there's no harm in telling her anyway because there's no way she can change her fate. From Kelley's viewpoint, I can easily seehow she viewed that as disrespect and therefore she was fired up during tribal.

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I think it's different in Kelley's case. Per what we both saw and the exit interviews, the other castaways were blatantly dismissing Kelley, Ciera, and Abi. So that's a way for Kelley to assert that she's an active player and not someone to be disregarded. (Also, probably a genuine emotional outburst.)


Although I also think Tasha's "fueled by hate" stuff sounds freaking hysterical and makes me like Tasha more.

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I think Kelley excels at playing to the audience. She plays with the camera man and even talks with the audience as if they're there. It's a good strategy to guarantee that she'll be bought back. But if she loses this time around, next time she's on she should probably concentrate more on plotting her next move and less on engaging the audience.

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Hoping Kelley pulls it off tomorrow!


Oh man, me too. I've been preparing myself for the inevitable disappointment for awhile though, so I don't think I'll be too broken up when she inevitably loses.


I think Kelley excels at playing to the audience. She plays with the camera man and even talks with the audience as if they're there. It's a good strategy to guarantee that she'll be bought back. But if she loses this time around, next time she's on she should probably concentrate more on plotting her next move and less on engaging the audience.


I'd say she's a rare player who is both being a good TV character and playing a good game. I think she's played exceptionally well and she's certainly plotted her moves and been an active player, all while giving good confessional.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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After watching her Ponderosa, I think there's a chance she would have beat Jeremy if she'd made it to FTC. I definitely think she would have beat Tasha and Spencer. I knew she was considered to be playing well, but I did not realize exactly how well liked she was. 

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