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S31: Keith Nale

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Meet Keith Nale from Survivor: San Juan del Sur (Season 29), who returns to play on Survivor Cambodia: Second Chance.


There's no hiding that Keith didn't know much about the game before entering Survivor: San Juan del Sur. After all, he himself admitted to entering the game so he could join his son, Wesley Nale, for the fun ride.


Never was his lack of strategy more evident than when Keith told everyone to “stick to the plan” at Tribal Council, inadvertently revealing right then and there that a plan was in place.



Here is you Keith Nale topic.

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Considering he called PG "Phoebe" I'm thinking he still doesn't know anything about the game.  I mean, if you can't even learn people's names in advance, I don't know if that says much about our game play.  Too bad they aren't on the same tribe, I would love to see Keith cast a vote for her and see if he did, in fact, write down Phoebe or not.


I like Keith.  He's a clueless old guy, but I like him.  I voted for him.  While there are a couple others I would have wanted back over him, I'm happy.  I actually think is clueless enough but not dangerous enough with his votes that he could be an asset to somebody.  Assuming he knows not to shout out "stick to the plan" at TC again.

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I suspect that Keith chews and spitting is a natural thing for him. The number of folks who chew where I work is huge. Never, ever take a sip out of a random cup lying around. They seems to spit or need to spit even when they don't have chew in.

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I had to go look for this theead and found it buried way down on the second page.


And I just wanted to say that I awwwweed when we saw him wiping a tear when Jeff was talking about family. That's all I've got but yeah. Doesn't mean I want him to go far, but then again I wouldn't mind if he did.


He's been a good character in the background so far. 

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Keith is another one with invisible edit. He was such a character before but a bad player. This time I think he wanted to stay out of trouble and just said yes to whomever was in charge. I guess he'll go far because no one is worried about him. Maybe, Top 5 or 6.

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Agree, it's nice to see some fun.


And I always forget how Keith is very efficient in challenges. But we hear him so rarely that when he started asking about the tuk tuk I had no idea who was talking. 

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Agree, it's nice to see some fun.


And I always forget how Keith is very efficient in challenges. But we hear him so rarely that when he started asking about the tuk tuk I had no idea who was talking. 


I loved the shot of him staring blankly into space while they were all strategizing about potential votes. 


I can't help enjoying Keith, his voice cracks me up. I was dying when he was fighting with Kimmy about the fire in the last episode (or the one before.) Yer dunnnn, Kymmay, yer dunn! 

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Moments like last night are why I'm glad Keith is there and that I'm not sorry for voting for him.  While I do love people who are strategic in their game play and not just latching onto the strongest alliance, I appreciate that Keith is providing a nice balance (that isn't completely invisible).  He mentioned he'll go with whatever alliance gets him the furthest, which could translate into him being an open vote to another group that looks more promising for a higher placement.  I forgot he was a bit of a challenge beast.  However, I love that he is treating this like a vacation and just enjoying the experience for what it is.  Not causing any drama, ruffling feathers, strategizing and over playing.  He's a no nonsense guy and tells it like it is.  I loved seeing him driving that tuk tuk.

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He might get cut at Final 4 or 5 like last time. He might win an Individual Immunity challenge to help further he cause. He hadn't been much of a factor edit wise & doesn't seem to be in the majority alliance. He's a yes man and loyal. Nothing wrong with that but this season there are just too many peoples that the show is concentrating on game wise.

Edited by ByaNose
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Keith has fine motor skills. He was good in his season on any challenge requiring a delicate touch and balance. I really like the guy. His big innocent eyes and general disinterest in strategizing make him a nice counterbalance. I just enjoy seeing him there, in the background or not, like a bit of colorful wildlife; and I always enjoy his straight-to-the-point THs, so hope we start getting some now the numbers are thinning down and they're all in one spot - but his eyes speak volumes, anyway.

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I think Keith would be fun to have on a tribe. (Or fun to have sitting next to you in a sports bar, for that matter, if he had a spittoon.)  But it would be terrified needing him for some complex strategic move.


I hope he gets the chance to accidentally torpedo someone else's best-laid plans before the end.

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I think he is playing the same with a HII. Unfortunatly, I don't think any of it is being shown. I'm guessing the night he gets a lot of confessionals is the day he gets voted out. You probably could say the same for Wilgglesworth & Kimmi. The three of them along Monica got no airtime or storyline. I am curious out of the current three who will last the longest. Keith might have a better shot if he won II. Could another ball challenge be in his future? <insert ball jokes right here> LOL!!!

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That's funny that he zoned out Jeff's 'rattling on' and didn't hear about the extra advantage until Spencer and Stephen went for it.  


That's probably why he does well in so many of the endurance/focus challenges.  He can successfully zone Jeff out!


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Kelly said that she did not hear Jeff say there was a time limit to get her foot up because she ignores Jeff.


I call bullshit.  KWiggler tried at least 2-3 times before Jeff called time, but her perch kept rocking; she was barely getting an inch or so of clearance before putting her foot back down again.  Even so, she eventually got up on one foot - just too late.

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How could there not be a time limit, though?  


Jeff said, "This is a live transition.  There is no touching.  This is it.  Go to one foot."
"Five.... "

"Four.... "


"Two... "

"One... ""

"Kelly, gotta get it up..."

"Kelly, you're out.  You took too long."  

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Of course there was a time limit, but I could easily see her (or anyone else) being so focused that they tuned out Jeff saying all those things, doesn't seem so unthinkable to me. But if you don't buy it, you don't buy it, that's fine, I don't have any problem buying though, that's all I'm saying.

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Keith has fine motor skills. He was good in his season on any challenge requiring a delicate touch and balance. I really like the guy. His big innocent eyes and general disinterest in strategizing make him a nice counterbalance. I just enjoy seeing him there, in the background or not, like a bit of colorful wildlife; and I always enjoy his straight-to-the-point THs, so hope we start getting some now the numbers are thinning down and they're all in one spot - but his eyes speak volumes, anyway.

I love this description, that is exactly how I see Keith, just an all around sweet guy.
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I like how in the balance challenge Jeff said about Joe(?) awkwardly regaining his balance, "It doesn't have to be pretty!", then the editors cut to Keith spitting off the dock.

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I have a certain fondness for Keith, if for no other reason than age - he's one year older than I, and I would dearly LOVE to see a fellow old fart win.


Also - although there's only a year between us, my SO says Keith looks at least ten years older - so having him around is a not-insignificant weekly ego booster for me.  :>

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Keith cannot win this game. The person who is going to be bitter is Andrew and the Kass, Stephen, Ciera's of the jury are not voting for someone who has not done anything strategic in the game. Keith has given some great sound bites and has been fun to watch but he is a strategic novice. He is not likely to go on an immunity run this season.


I like him. He is fun to listen to and watch but he has no chance in hell of winning this game.

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I have a certain fondness for Keith ... 


I do too and really I don't know why. He, like Spencer, is someone that I would think I would hate but, like Spencer again, for some reason I just have such a fondness for him. He's just adorable to me!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Now I wish they had brought out Keith's 5th cousin from his daddy's side just to hear him keep saying it.


Also, gotta give it up for Keith that he was toe to toe with the golden boy for over an hour when everyone else had long since dropped out.  I'd love to see him go on an immunity run to the end, and as he's casting his vote at the final 4 for the last vote off, with the immunity necklace on, turn to everyone and say 'and you thought it was Joe you had to worry about'.  I don't know what he's got going on up there, but I've enjoyed him.  He's provided some great moments and bonus clip footage this season.

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Keith seems to either win II or be a close second. He was the same in SJD, too. He's often overlooked for his challenge abilities. I think he might end up in the same spot as before. In a Final 4-5 with all the woman and will get cut loose.

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I'd love to see him go on an immunity run to the end, and as he's casting his vote at the final 4 for the last vote off, with the immunity necklace on, turn to everyone and say 'and you thought it was Joe you had to worry about'.
But based on everything that's happened to this point, it was Joe they had to worry about. Keith was (until now) at best the runner up. But Keith also wasn't near the win in the water balancing challenge or the foot fetish challenge and I don't think anyone fears doing a puzzle challenge or memory challenge against Keith. So while Keith certainly could go on an immunity run if he gets the right set of challenges, he also may not. 
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But based on everything that's happened to this point, it was Joe they had to worry about. Keith was (until now) at best the runner up. But Keith also wasn't near the win in the water balancing challenge or the foot fetish challenge and I don't think anyone fears doing a puzzle challenge or memory challenge against Keith. So while Keith certainly could go on an immunity run if he gets the right set of challenges, he also may not.

Yeah... but wouldn't it be cool if Keith has simply been sandbagging on the mental challenges to reduce the target on his back, the same way Jeremy's (supposedly) been sandbagging on the physical? It's mind-boggling to me how many people discount a person's intelligence simply because of the presence of a Southern accent. ;)

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Keith cannot win this game. The person who is going to be bitter is Andrew and the Kass, Stephen, Ciera's of the jury are not voting for someone who has not done anything strategic in the game. Keith has given some great sound bites and has been fun to watch but he is a strategic novice. He is not likely to go on an immunity run this season.

I like him. He is fun to listen to and watch but he has no chance in hell of winning this game.

Keith, Kimmi and Abi at FTC. Who wins?

I don't think Keith has much of a chance, but it is not totally impossible. Only Abi has absolutely zero chance of winning, IMHO.

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Keith, Kimmi and Abi at FTC. Who wins?



In that scenario, I think Keith has a very good chance.  Not only is he a challenge beast in his own right, but he played the biggest part in getting the almighty Joe out.  Also, related to that, he was the only one in the shelter-improvement temptation to actually be community-minded and not selfish (ahem, Tasha).  He worked against the Joe threat without being a jerk about it (ahem, Stephen, Kelley).


But I understand Kimmi has a compelling "story" of family hardship and seems well-liked.


Not sure either one is articulate enough to make their best case, though.

Edited by Special K
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If I was on the jury of a Keith, Kimmi, Abi final three, I would award it to Keith no questions. I can just imagine the number of Survivor fans' minds that would blow if Keith won. :) :) :)


  • Abi? Uh-uh, not happening, now way in fucking HELL would I vote for Abi. She's a bitchy useless appendage who celebrates other's victories as her own. Reward her? I'd rather spay her.
  • Kimmi? Doubtful; Kimmi's game play has been average or a shade better than average across the three primary facets of the game (physical/social/strategic), but superlative in none. Successful implementation of an all-female alliance might bump her up higher on the strategic, assuming she can hold it together longer than a Cher/Gregg Allman marriage; at this late stage in the game, however, I don't know if even that would be enough. One thing I know for sure: if Kimmi starts playing the "I need/deserve it more" card, I'm out on her. I utterly despise current-day trends toward abuse of the D-Word.
  • Keith? In this scenario he's the last remaining challenge monster, and has a decent-to-good social rapport with the Jury members. Likely weak on the strategic - but if Keith can spin it so he comes off as at least as strategically sound as his competition, why wouldn't you award the win to him?
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I love Keith!  I will miss him and his TH after this season is over.  He's a nice break from the people who are out strategizing every second, and don't seem like they are enjoying the experience around them.  He may not be a master strategist, but I applauded his efforts tonight to try and get something going.  And his comment about being on Mars vs a temple and Cambodia, I loved.  Little nervous about his rambling on at the RC, but I guess he doesn't forget Tasha's name when it counts.

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Final six! This is getting exciting, Keith has been my long-shot favorite from the start.  He won my heart in his first season carrying some woman with a sprained ankle around camp like she was  a feather pillow.  I should have guessed he was a fireman, but didn't know that until this episode.  I'm so glad he won the temple reward since he seemed to appreciate it so much. 


I understood what he was telling Jeff about his reward picks, Kelley because she picked him and his wife on her reward, and Spencer because he didn't get to go on that reward with his girlfriend. Keith's romantic heart thought that was sadder than Tasha not going with her cousin or even Jeremy not going with his wife. Keith must be one of those," Awww,  young love," people.

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Keith, Kimmi and Abi at FTC. Who wins?

I don't think Keith has much of a chance, but it is not totally impossible. Only Abi has absolutely zero chance of winning, IMHO.


The viewers as the final tribal council would be entertaining as hell.

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I am loving the Ponderosa videos tonight.  Keith, happy with his pancakes and beer:)  I love that apparently they must have been let out to go shopping before Keith showed up and Joe bought him a Tuk Tuk teeshirt.  That was wonderful!  Also, Joe grooming Keith and talking about how he had hair coming out of everywhere.  Then Keith hanging with the locals. 


So many didn't want to see him back, but wow, I'm glad we voted Keith back in! And I'll vote for him every damn time going forward <spit emoji>!

Edited by pennben
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The only thing I didn't like was Keith just giving up.  At least Kelley tried to fight (and fight for him).  I really would have hated for him to go out the way he would have in the Kimmi boot.  Hopefully they find a better solution to that type of scenario so someone isn't Paschal-d out. 


Other than that, it was a pleasure watching him this season!  it's great to see the amount of respect he has from his fellow castaways.  I love how he keeps it real.  Perhaps one of my all time favorite Keith moments is Jeremy trying to get his attention and Keith not even noticing.  I felt like Jeremy could have went over and 'accidentally' dropped something in front of him and he still wasn't going to notice.  I'm also glad Jeff mentioned his incident during that same challenge where Joe passed out.


I'm curious why he seemed teary tonight at the reunion, though some of the castaways looked out of it.  I don't know if it was just the emotion of the season ending, and for probably many of them this being their only return, or what.  Jeff said something about the reunion being emotional, so I thought maybe something happened with Keith.

Edited by LadyChatts
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I just have to join the chorus.  Love that Keith.  Just a really sweet guy.  And in his own way, he tries hard.


I think the thing with the fake idol should be a warning to the producers, though.  Keith said at the reunion and at Ponderosa that he didn't want to do anything with it because he's seen it happen and he didn't want to look like a fool.  Sure, go ahead and make a mockery of Jason's "fucking stick", but there have been other fake idol situations (Jamie in China, Randy in Gabon) which were edited as humiliating for no reason at all and no wonder people are gun shy about it after that kind of thing.  It's one thing to try something crazy knowing it probably won't work, it's another to try something crazy knowing it probably won't work and you'll get shit on by the editors for it as well.


Anyway, wanted to give Keith a big hug today.  Keep on being you, Keith Nale.

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He'll always be one of my very favorite Survivors, a gentleman to his very core, even through his knee jerk reaction to just hand the game to a "single mother."  It was just so Keith that he looked almost exactly the same at the reunion as he did during the show.  What you see is what you get with Keith and it's all good as far as I can see.

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One of the things I liked about Keith was how he said that  Survivor isn't "fun" but that it's a great "adventure."  I really appreciate that.  You know, that something is worth doing and worth experiencing even if it's not pleasurable or fun.  He said as much in that great TH during the monsoon when he was holding a blanket over his head.


I think that's a great perspective and a good model for (ahem) younger generations.  Well, all of us, really.

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