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S31: Jeff Varner

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Meet Jeff Varner from Survivor: The Australian Outback (Season 2), who returns to play on Survivor Cambodia: Second Chance.


On Survivor: The Australian Outback, Jeff was considered a big threat at the merge, which is why he was targeted and ended up in 10th place.


This castaway wasn't afraid to play dirty, and his most memorable moment was stepping down from Immunity Challenge for peanut butter. That's right—peanut butter, people! Jeff jumped off a pole for that gooey goodness, which is something he still considers his biggest game mistake.



Here is your Jeff Varner topic.

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Another old schooler I'm happy made it back.  I didn't like Outback to the extent a lot of fans did, but I thought some of the more memorable/entertaining people were voted off pre-jury.  Jeff would have made it a little more lively.  It's been interesting reading some of his pre-game interviews.  He seems to be aligned with everyone, and definitely knows how to troll.  I feel like that could be his downfall, if he plays too hard and makes people not to trust him.

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I remember it. because I screamed at my (dvd, I didn't watch it live), tv that WHY ARE YOU JUMPING FOR FREAKING PEANUT BUTTER?! Like he knew he was a target, that was the entire thing. Kucha knew that they were all going for Colby (and Colby was acting he had votes for him when it was actually Jerri, so Jerri had to be all nice for the three days). Ogakor were ALL on Jeff. Up comes Immunity, and Probst is all like Peanut Butter, and Varner is like oh my word, I want some Peanut Butter.


Amber goes, well if you're not going to out stand us, you might as well go for it.Colby goes "come to the Dark Side." and Jeff even says ... but not if y'all are going to vote me off.... then someone else says something, and. down goes Varner. then gets voted out. I was mad.

here is the youtube link



seriously. I am so so so happy that he is back. 

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Jeff and his confessionals were one of the best parts of last night.  I like how pereceptive he is of how much the game has changed, and that he really needs to be very aware and in the mix.  I am a little concerned if he's jumping sides and plotting too hard he might be deemed a threat and get voted off.


I forgot how well Ogakor played Colby having had previous votes against him.

Edited by LadyChatts
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My memory of MOST past seasons is pretty weak.  I do remember LOVING Colby, but I don't remember Jeff very much nor him jumping off a pole for peanut butter.


I am loving him this season, though.  What a great attitude and pleasant demeanor.  Anyone know what he does for a day job?

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I remembered Jeff, and him being voted out due to having a previous vote cast again him.  I also remembered he was quite the little trouble maker at Kucha.  I didn't remember him, until this campaigning, that he jumped off the pole for peanut butter, or that Kimmi was the one who blabbed to the Ogakor tribe that he had a previous vote against him.  Outback wasn't a favorite season of mine, but Jeff always stood out to me.  I'm happy he's back. 

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I remember Varner very well from the outback. He caused some trouble & he would have made more if an impact if he had made the jury. The reason he is remembered because the Outback is the highest rated season that will never be matched. I know he did local news and it seemed like he wanted to be considered serious and sort of stepped away from Survivor. Now, it looks like he's in it to win it. And, having some fun along the way. He's like Kelley, "sneaky-sneaky" LOL!!!

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I never watched Australian Outback.  But from what I've seen from Jeff so far, I think he's definitely showing that he's adjusting fairly well to the new-school style of gameplay.


I just hope he doesn't play too hard, too quickly, or he might be out of here sooner than he probably expects.

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Winston, I think I saw a stat that the series premier of Survivor Borneo got something like 15 million viewers... and that skyrocketed to 55 million or so for the season finale.  Talk about a show soaring in popularity! 


As you said, the second season piggy-backed on that fantastic finish, but couldn't hold all those viewers. 

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I knew people who quit watching Survivor during the second season, and were upset that CBS moved it to Thursdays-because that was when NBC had the powerful Thursday night comedy block, which featured Friends at the time.  What did we ever do without DVR?  I know Jeff has said that Survivor: Africa no doubt took a hit because of the 9/11 attacks.  After experiencing something like that, and it still very much being a topic on every news program, who wants to watch a bunch of people laying around the desert complaining of being hot, tired, and hungry?  He also said that the location likely hampered viewing.  They were very restricted where they could venture off to, and it wasn't like they could go swimming like they could during Borneo or Outback.  And their food/water supply was more limited than that of Borneo/Outback.  Outback got lucky being the second season, getting the Superbowl premiere pimp spot and being the second season to ever air in the series.  The ending was certainly a direct contrast to season one.  It does make me wonder, if you took the same cast and location, but instead of season 2 it was say, season 5 or 6, would it have been as popular?  Would airing a few seasons later impacted it?  I guess we could say that with any season, though.


I remember watching a special that aired just prior to Outback's premiere (it was something Jenna/Gervase hosted; kind of a sneak peek of the new season and catching up with the season one cast).  Anyway, this scene of Tina talking about wanting to keep all the fun, happy people around and get rid of all the nasty people first made me roll my eyes and think that this was going to be a Big Brother season one repeat, where everyone was super nice, super aware of the cameras, and would go out of their way not to hurt anyone's feelings-even if it meant losing a million dollars.  In addition, I love some of the earlier castaways that were voted off prior to the merge/jury (Maralyn, Kimmi, Jeff).  I would have rather kept them around and lost Amber, Elisabeth, Keith, and Tina early on.

Edited by LadyChatts
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I give credit to the casting team. I remember before the outback aired people were billing Jeff as the next Richard Hatch, Mad dog as the next Rudy and so on. I remember people saying the outback season would fail. I think it was smart they had charismatic cast members who had their own memorable moments. Plus the cast was everywhere the day after they were voted

Off. The cast was everywhere. Most of it was

Luck you hear about cast members like Russell Swan who auditioned for the second season, but made it on for a much later season or someone like Katie Gallagher who was a finalist for Africa.

Edited by choclatechip45
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I love Varner!  Though I worried about him during that challenge.  That looked rough.  With all the airtime he's getting, and coming across as a puppet master/lead strategist/flip flopper, I worry they are setting him up for a huge blindside or downfall.  He's a big highlight for me, and I'm super happy he's back.  Hope he doesn't have an early exit again.

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Some highlights from Varner's now infamous, deleted Periscope chat on 10/4/15




    implies that he liked 2 tribes over 3 tribes format ("the answer will be obvious next wk")
    Wigles was the mother of the group
    Abi is more annoying than Shitrin
    the cast is close after finals
    fave season are HvV, PI
    might join Wine n Cheese for one evening
    Braceletgate was an accident
    learned that Probst is the 21st playa. can ruin ur game in a sec. he learned this.
    S31 is much harder than S2. loved both.
    aquadumps are the more freeing thing ever
    Treemailgate was a joke. People against Terry used that.
    disappointed in Tasha since he saw her in S28 and was a fan
    Joe is "something else" but plz play the game, not just challenges. said he even wrote that down at some pt. (The Touchy Subject challenge?)
    always wanted to go on Big Brother. ' i play it in my mind'
    Joe is the better physical playa than Woo. Neither are strategic. 'joe is hung. he's a ladies man and the ladies love him'' Colby on the other hand was little bitty. Varner has never actually seen Joe's "banana."
    still talking a LOT about farting in abi's face. it might be coming up. he's so gassy. he ' farted all the time'
    the person who smelled the worst is not on his tribe yet and he wont talk about HER out loud
    he's sometimes on reddit
    he has next wk's treemail
    his family knows how he did

from RHAP:



Varner: "At the end of the day Savage stole that woman from
his roommate. It was a story of infidelity, yet everyone was crying."

Edited by wonald
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So, does Varner not like the 3 tribe format because he gets screwed by it at some point? Heck, his current tribe is 0-2.  


Is he really just now learning this about Probst?


So treemailgate was really a vindictive Shirin calling Terry out after all.


I think Jeff would be a lot of fun on BB, mainly because we'd get to see him on the feeds.  I also think he would do well at it.  I remember way back to S2, when the final 4 of BB had Sue, Alicia, Jeff, and Gervase crash the house for the night.  Jeff said Dr. Will was his God, and I thought those two would be so much fun to watch play a game together.  Not counting the few people who have crossed the streams of CBS reality already, I'm honestly surprised CBS has never done more intense crossovers.  Like throwing a group of Survivors in the BB house for the summer, or taking a group of BB hamsters and stranding them on Survivor island.  Since both are different games, and one is way longer, it would be interesting to see how each would adapt.  Having a house full of Survivor ex-castaways is sure better than what's been going into the BB the last few seasons. 

Edited by LadyChatts
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I'm tickled by the thought of Varner going into the Big Brother house too. He's probably an even more entertaining guy unfiltered.


I always wonder why Big Brother producers haven't ever tried getting about eight to ten ex-Survivor players and putting them in a house, especially since I think that's one twist that could actually result in a small ratings bump as I imagine some Survivor fans might try Big Brother out. 

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Jeff played in Season 2 when Probst was more quiet and stayed out of challenges more. We know he has watched the show, he referenced the spy shack last week, and so he has heard Probst but I am sure he kept falling back on his own experience when Probst was less involved. I suspect that Probst has become a great deal more aggressive in tribal, something that we don't reall see but we have heard referenced.

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learned that Probst is the 21st playa. can ruin ur game in a sec. he learned this.


I would love to hear more about this from Varner.  Maybe one of the interviewers can raise the issue, after Varner's season ends.  

Sounds like Varner and Joe either a) end up on the same tribe after the shuffle or b) both make merge.  Otherwise, how would Jeff know how Joe plays (or doesn't play) the game?


Also, it's pretty clear that not all the cast is very close after the game.  Shirin, e.g., already has some unflattering things to say about Woo, Abi and Terry, as a few examples. 

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Jeff played in Season 2 when Probst was more quiet and stayed out of challenges more. We know he has watched the show, he referenced the spy shack last week, and so he has heard Probst but I am sure he kept falling back on his own experience when Probst was less involved. I suspect that Probst has become a great deal more aggressive in tribal, something that we don't reall see but we have heard referenced.


Very true.  I tend to forget about old school Probst vs new school Probst (in keeping with the theme of old school vs new school this season).  I'm trying to think when it was that Probst got more in your face and annoying at both challenges and at TC with his prodding.  So for the old schoolers having Jeff give the constant update on how behind you are at a challenge, or (like we saw tonight) calling your tribe out in front of others because you got called a rat and he just has to know what is up is probably something to get use to.


I don't know what is up with Varner.  He is all over the place.  Tonight I guess made sense flip flopping since he screwed up at the end of the challenge.  But he hasn't voted consistently yet.  Each vote is with a different group than the previous, or the vote goes off track from what he said it was going to be.  He seemed a little too calm in saying that Savage and Tasha were in a power position; I fully expected one of them getting blindsided.  But I wonder if Varner is giving them false hope and letting them think they are in control, then plans on re-taking the leadership position.  He's kind of a loose cannon.  I still find him funny to watch-I loved seeing him curse in the rain, and acting offended at being called a rat by Tasha.  I agreed with him that Savage and Tasha should have offered him a better deal than just the jury when they came to him.  It'll be interesting next week.

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I agreed with him that Savage and Tasha should have offered him a better deal than just the jury when they came to him.  It'll be interesting next week.


He took the deal, right?  Because at that point he was worried there was a target on his back (because of his stupid actions at the end of the challenge) so he was willing to take any offer that included "I don't get voted out now."  Savage and Tasha made the right offer.

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Do you guys remember Bubba from Survivor Vanuatu he was caught whispering something to one of the guys on his old tribe just when the swap happened and he got voted out for it. I thought about that when Jeff got called out last night for being a rat but fortunately for him he got away with it last night lol

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Very true.  I tend to forget about old school Probst vs new school Probst (in keeping with the theme of old school vs new school this season).  I'm trying to think when it was that Probst got more in your face and annoying at both challenges and at TC with his prodding.  So for the old schoolers having Jeff give the constant update on how behind you are at a challenge, or (like we saw tonight) calling your tribe out in front of others because you got called a rat and he just has to know what is up is probably something to get use to.


I don't know what is up with Varner.  He is all over the place.  Tonight I guess made sense flip flopping since he screwed up at the end of the challenge.  But he hasn't voted consistently yet.  Each vote is with a different group than the previous, or the vote goes off track from what he said it was going to be.  He seemed a little too calm in saying that Savage and Tasha were in a power position; I fully expected one of them getting blindsided.  But I wonder if Varner is giving them false hope and letting them think they are in control, then plans on re-taking the leadership position.  He's kind of a loose cannon.  I still find him funny to watch-I loved seeing him curse in the rain, and acting offended at being called a rat by Tasha.  I agreed with him that Savage and Tasha should have offered him a better deal than just the jury when they came to him.  It'll be interesting next week.



Jeff's transformation really becomes noticable in Season 10. But I swear he went from Peachy to "shut up Jeff" in Cook Islands, when he was doing his thing, and  Penner turns around and goes, basically "shut up." and Jeff goes "Penner, getting annoyed by... me!" . it's like he didn't realise until that moment, he could totally get involved. (this is challenges)


tribal councils... Palau..for sure.(but i think it started to really fester in Vanuatu). 


I am glad Varner is safe for another week. I need this man to at least make the jury

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Am I remembering right that Jeff was criticizing Spencer and Shirin last week for playing too hard?  Not that they weren't, but he's probably not the best person to cast stones for that.

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Never saw him before, but he seems pretty cocky, which is actually unusual for an old school player. I'm still on the fence on whether I want him to go far or whether I want him to go down in flames.  

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To all of the Varner fans that are smitten with his North Carolina accent. I am completely surprised to find out there are people who find it charming.

I grew up in the same county as Varner and worked very hard to eliminate it when I went to college and later moved away from home.

I always felt that people subtracted intelligence points and viewed me as a bumpkin because of it. I never saw it as something that could win me points with anyone.

It took me about ten years to speak in a more neutral dialect of American English. I remember cringing whenever I slipped and pronounced a short [e] as an .

People from Guilford County routinely pronounce the word "pen" as "pin." Listen for his e's and i's.

Granted, Varner is an educated man and that tends to make a southern accent much softer and subtle.

However, I'm surprised that he didn't work to eliminate it entirely since he was a broadcast journalist.

Edited by ToastnBacon
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However, I'm surprised that he didn't work to eliminate it entirely since he was a broadcast journalist.


varner has talked about what a handicap the southern accent has been in his field of work. he's pretty resentful about it, saying that Dan Rather had a southern accent.

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He took the deal, right?  Because at that point he was worried there was a target on his back (because of his stupid actions at the end of the challenge) so he was willing to take any offer that included "I don't get voted out now."  Savage and Tasha made the right offer.


I think they offered it to him before the meltdown at TC.  It didn't sound like he wanted to take it and wanted to keep the Ta'Keo 4 strong.  However, considering how much Varner changes his mind and flip flops by the second, he might have gone with them meltdown or not.


Do you guys remember Bubba from Survivor Vanuatu he was caught whispering something to one of the guys on his old tribe just when the swap happened and he got voted out for it. I thought about that when Jeff got called out last night for being a rat but fortunately for him he got away with it last night lol



Bubba was so arrogant when he was still part of the Lopevi tribe and the "fat five" had control, that I loved seeing his downfall come from his own stupidity.  I am so glad he was out before the merge.  Never has the nickname Bubba been more fitting for a person.

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varner has talked about what a handicap the southern accent has been in his field of work. he's pretty resentful about it, saying that Dan Rather had a southern accent.

I'm sure it was an incredible handicap for him. When you flip on a local news station in the South, the news anchors are usually from another part of the country, or speaking in a neutral dialect.

I hated all the cultural baggage that was attached to being from the South. People form an opinion of you when they hear that accent and most of the time, it is very negative.

I get extremely frustrated with Southerners who wallow in Southern Pride and propagate the myth that southern and redneck are synonymous.

I could drop guys like Jeff Foxworthy and Larry the Cable Guy into a deep fryer.

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To all of the Varner fans that are smitten with his North Carolina accent. I am completely surprised to find out there are people who find it charming.I grew up in the same county as Varner and worked very hard to eliminate it when I went to college and later moved away from home. I always felt that people subtracted intelligence points and viewed me as a bumpkin because of it. I never saw it as something that could win me points with anyone.



I'm sure it was an incredible handicap for him. When you flip on a local news station in the South, the news anchors are usually from another part of the country, or speaking in a neutral dialect.I hated all the cultural baggage that was attached to being from the South. People form an opinion of you when they hear that accent and most of the time, it is very negative.

When I was in college I tried to do the same thing - de-Southernize my speech as much as possible - until I came to a few conclusions:

  • Being Southern is nothing to be ashamed of.
  • In a business setting, you can use it. It's amazing how often other people underestimate you on account of an accent. It's also amazing when you get the opportunity to blow such narrow-minded jerks out of the water - and people like that have a tendency to give you LOTS of opportunities. :)
  • Get out of the South, and it works pretty well in social situations too. But I digress.... ;>
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<p><p><p>When I was in college I tried to do the same thing - de-Southernize my speech as much as possible - until I came to a few conclusions:

  • Being Southern is nothing to be ashamed of.
  • In a business setting, you can use it. It's amazing how often other people underestimate you on account of an accent. It's also amazing when you get the opportunity to blow such narrow-minded jerks out of the water - and people like that have a tendency to give you LOTS of opportunities. :)
  • Get out of the South, and it works pretty well in social situations too. But I digress.... ;>
Point taken, and I think it is the prime reason I find it so frustrating. There isn't anything to be ashamed of about being a Southerner.

Good on you for coming to peace with it, and learning how to use it to your advantage.

I wasn't able to cope with the stereotypes in that manner and wanted to make my professional interactions easier.

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I don't find a Southern accent particularly attractive.  When I hear Jeff speak I don't hear 'southern' so much as I hear 'effeminate'.   Not that there's anything wrong with that.  

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I don't find a Southern accent particularly attractive.  When I hear Jeff speak I don't hear 'southern' so much as I hear 'effeminate'.   Not that there's anything wrong with that.  

Y'all can bite me.  It's sexy as hail.

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Jeff's transformation really becomes noticable in Season 10. But I swear he went from Peachy to "shut up Jeff" in Cook Islands, when he was doing his thing, and  Penner turns around and goes, basically "shut up." and Jeff goes "Penner, getting annoyed by... me!" . it's like he didn't realise until that moment, he could totally get involved. (this is challenges)


tribal councils... Palau..for sure.(but i think it started to really fester in Vanuatu). 


I am glad Varner is safe for another week. I need this man to at least make the jury


Yes!  I don't remember him from his other season(s?) but I like him her.  He's my favorite so far and I'm totally po'd that a twist I don't like anyway - the 3rd team with no shelter, food, bad beach - is probably gonna take him down. 

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I don't find a Southern accent particularly attractive.  When I hear Jeff speak I don't hear 'southern' so much as I hear 'effeminate'.   Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Varner's accent isn't heavy compared to many from Guilford County, North Carolina.

A person's education and exposure to other parts parts of the country will significantly ease a regional dialect in most cases.

I don't find any regional dialect to be attractive if it is heavy, and that isn't just a Southern accent. The same goes for New Yorkers, New Englanders, Minnesotans and Californians.

I probably have a bigger chip on my shoulder about this than most. I had a tough time with my job until I learned to speak English with a neutral American dialect.

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Yeah, there's no US accent I find particularly attractive but Australian and British accents I do.  Weird how common that is.  Maybe because most Brits and Aussies we hear look like Hugh Grant and Keith Urban, while most southerners and Minnesotans we encounter are characters in shows like Here Comes Honey Boo Boo and Fargo. 

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When I hear Jeff speak I don't hear 'southern' so much as I hear 'effeminate'.   Not that there's anything wrong with that.


Varner's accent isn't heavy compared to many from Guilford County, North Carolina.


Yeah, I think the not-too-heavy accent just kind of gives his somewhat sassy tone a lighter touch. Like it softens it somehow to my ears? I don't know what it is, but I'm one who loves to hear him speak. 


A super-heavy NC accent (thinking of Clay Aiken as an example) gets tiresome in a hurry, but a mild one sounds pleasant to me. 


I don't find any regional dialect to be attractive if it is heavy, and that isn't just a Southern accent. The same goes for New Yorkers, New Englanders, Minnesotans and Californians.


Agreed with all of those. Plus, living in Philadelphia with a close proximity to south Jersey, I'm surrounded by a dialect that is just murder on the ears if it's super heavy. 


He's my favorite so far and I'm totally po'd that a twist I don't like anyway - the 3rd team with no shelter, food, bad beach - is probably gonna take him down.


His odds are not looking good right now. He's got crazy flip-flopping, "look at me wrong and I'll vote you out" Abi, Tasha who has apparently set her target squarely on him going forward, Woo who is upset about being left out of the loop, and Andrew "challenge strength trumps all" Savage. 


No way will Savage go for eliminating Woo over Jeff and I'm pretty sure I heard him say in this episode that Abi's stronger in challenges (speaking of accents, Savage's pronunciation of "challenges" drives me batty!) than someone, maybe PG? But based on body shape alone, I'm sure he'll see her as superior to Varner in challenges. 


This tribal swap was the worst thing that could have happened to him even without the added burden of the shitty camp and no food. 

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I really think it was crappy they had to start from scratch, and didn't even get rice.  Doesn't seem far that they weren't given a chance to have anything.  They should have been allowed to go back to their old camps and grab at least one thing that would make it a little easier.  Or, since they want to repeat things from the past, give them the 'haves camp' from Survivor Fiji.  They are already miserable with each other, why make it any harder?  I liked the twist of 3 tribes for a season like this, but not that the 3rd tribe is literally screwed.  Varner has an uphill battle, and it didn't help he got caught mouthing something to his former tribe member.  That will likely continue to haunt him.  


I really don't understand how Abi is considered stronger in challenges than PG.

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Well, next week Varner & the tribe are going to find out if Abi is a help or hindrance during a challenge. Her previous season she sat out if most if them. Now, she doesn't have a choice. Also, Varner looks like he's going to die whole doing the challenges. It should be interesting to see if they come in at least 2nd next week.

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Who knows how they rank challenge skills out there.  Terry called Keith a "first round draft pick".  I don't recall Keith being a challenge monster.  

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Varner said in his pregame interviews that he had a recently diagnosed with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and that he was struggling with that at Ponderosa. He is not able to handle the physical challenges. I was surprised that they let him play knowing that. 

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