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S31: Abi-Maria Gomes


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She must be horrible to play Survivor with because in her mind it's always all about her. And if god forbids she's not taken into account, players don't CONSTANTLY massage her ego, etc., she just turns on them. So despite being unlikeable she's not even good as goat. Her only quality is that she's decent after being voted off, and if she had been voted earlier maybe I wouldn't mind her as much as I do. But it does say something about a perfect goat on paper that people would rather get rid of her rather than bear with her six more days. I'm actually impressed she was able to stay in the game that long (I guess each voting block had to get to know her before the 'huh, huh, no', overtook the 'we can use her! she's perfect! she'll never win!' camp.


I get why some find her entertaining - yes, she did influence the game - but for me she felt more like sand or pebbles in your shoes - poor contestants already don't eat, don't sleep, have it rough emotionally AND are supposed to mollycoddle Abi, who will nevertheless turn on them when SHE decides to, logic be damned (Tasha was the nanny of all nannies to Abi, but still, a few weeks later, for no clear reason, she's "dead to Abi" (tm Abi)). Well, to quote Abi, "Abi is dead to me" and if she ever came back, I hope she'll have an invisible edit - a la Randy because her gameplay is so nonsensical that while it wrecks havoc on all the other players' gameplay, it's so senseless that I cannot even enjoy it. And I realize I'm a bit of a hypocrite, because I gave way more pass to Sugar for screwing up so many players' game, but maybe it was Sugar's sunny personality, or who she screwed over, or the way she did it, but somehow I still think Sugar is kind of alright and Abi is kind of nasty. That's only my opinion, it's subjective, I'm not saying it's the truth of all truths, and I know that YMMV etc. Abi was instrumental this season, but not in a good way, because I still don't get what her game was supposed to be. The goatiest goat that ever goated? Kimmi seems as good a goat, except more pleasant on a day to day basis, and her vote is predictable. The firecracker? Only in her mind, apparently all the other players saw her as more as a time bomb - with good reason! So, not strategic, not loyal, not funny, not self-aware until voted off... What indeed was her game plan? Seriously... just be as disruptive as possible?       


And I really hope she was joking about who she wanted to take to FTC - she couldn't be that blind to people, could she!?  

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And I really hope she was joking about who she wanted to take to FTC - she couldn't be that blind to people, could she!?  


Seriously? Kimmie and Tasha are exactly the right people she should want tot take to the F3. Not that I think she would win mind you but she would have a hell of a lot better chance than being up against Jeremy, Spencer, Kelley and Keith. I also diagree that she had no strategic game (not that is great but it ain't bad), but that has never been Abi's problem.  It is her social game that is and always will be her problem.

Edited by LanceM
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I guess I don't know how to explain the Abi I know versus the Abi on TV. They are two entirely different people.
I don't buy it. Per Abi's interviews, she hasn't been capable of watching herself on TV and understanding why she's so disliked by the other Survivors. Her interviews are sad in their lack of self-awareness (and I don't mean sad in the sense of pathetic, but sad in the sense that they make me feel really bad for her). 


I'm sure her behavior is completely different in real life when she's fed, comfortable, and not having to worry about people scheming against her. But I think the inability to empathize with another person's POV is core Abi. I suspect when she's in real life conflicts, similar behaviors to Survivor Abi appear, although probably not as extreme. 

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There is no doubt in my mind that Abi is playing the villain role for the camera during confessionals. I also think that yes during the game she has instigated things just for the sake of instigating things, such as during the premerge when she ran up to Terry and Varrner to find out what they were talking about.  However the paranoia that she shows during the game that drives everyone crazy I believe is 100% real. What is interesting to me is that in bother her seasons everyone was dreading when she went to Ponderosa because they thought she was going to stir up shit. Stephen said in her Ponderosa video that they had all internalized that was going to cause drama when the exact opposite happened. 


EDIT: I see Abi is hanging out with her favorite moldy clown tonight.



Edited by LanceM
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Seriously? Kimmie and Tasha are exactly the right people she should want tot take to the F3. Not that I think she would win mind you but she would have a hell of a lot better chance than being up against Jeremy, Spencer, Kelley and Keith. I also diagree that she had no strategic game (not that is great but it ain't bad), but that has never been Abi's problem.  It is her social game that is and always will be her problem.

Hey, sorry I didn't express myself well, I didn't mean her choices but the fact that she thought she was running the game, i.e. taking people with her, whereas as I see it she was used as a tool - hence my "blind to people" by which I meant how people in the game view her. Sorry, not sure if I'm making myself clearer...

Edited by NutMeg
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Seriously.  Abi missed the lesson about "if you can't say something nice, don't say it at all" ... and "do unto others as you would have them do unto you".


She takes everything personally and delivers the same in return.   Putting the psychology that underlies this tendency aside, she lacks common civility.   Not cool.  I'd like her more if she hadn't said such mean things to people.

That part of her social game is totally killing her, and then it bleeds into real life too, that's why people walk on egg shells around her.  It would be just a throw away kind of thing that happens in the game, but too many people make these exact comments, not verbatim, but these exact comments that make me believe that's how she generally behaves.  I also think it's funny how Ciera looked worried at Savage when Abi name started showing up, and then when she commended how well she sleeps with Abi around (since she is to be the only person who can tolerate Abi to sleep in the same room). 


I'm guess this was how she was on Phillipines too? 

That part of her social game is totally killing her, and then it bleeds into real life too, that's why people walk on egg shells around her.  It would be just a throw away kind of thing that happens in the game, but too many people make these exact comments, not verbatim, but these exact comments that make me believe that's how she generally behaves.  I also think it's funny how Ciera looked worried at Savage when Abi name started showing up, and then when she commended how well she sleeps with Abi around (since she is to be the only person who can tolerate Abi to sleep in the same room). 


I'm guess this was how she was on Phillipines too? 


Do you know her in real life?  I am not sure how you can make such a statement. She seems to get along fine with people ouside the game. Even the people that played with her say this.


(Honestly I will never understand why people think they can psychoanalyze someone as to how they are in their real life based on a highly edited tv show)

Edited by LanceM
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^ never did I say I knew for a fact that happened or did I say I know her from real life.  If you bother to read the next few sentences, I referenced the people who have said that like Wigglesworth (didn't say her name exactly) when they were in Ponderosa. 


I'm sorry you're so offended at what I said about someone on TV.

Edited by interesting
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I've been traveling so I'm just catching up on video links.  I don't think it would be possible for Abi to have a better entrance to Ponderosa than fireworks going off behind her!    Also, I don't think there could have been a better co-host for Survivor Talk with Dalton Ross than Courtney Yates.  Forgive me, but I laughed out loud along with Dalton and Courtney when Abi said something to the effect of 'I don't want to be bitter, but Tasha should have drowned'...I think it was the delivery and surprise that caught me off guard and made me laugh like they did. I think it's clear that Abi didn't mean it literally.


Anyway, based solely on interviews from other contestants here and in the Philippines season, there are two Abis, the one in the game (generally impossible to deal with), and the one outside the game (perfectly lovely and fun).

NutMeg, on 12 Dec 2015 - 10:11 PM, said:

Hey, sorry I didn't express myself well, I didn't mean her choices but the fact that she thought she was running the game, i.e. taking people with her, whereas as I see it she was used as a tool - hence my "blind to people" by which I meant how people in the game view her. Sorry, not sure if I'm making myself clearer...


Abi was never a tool--if people are right about Spencer's motivations, this is why he decided she had to go.  She was like the One Ring or something, everyone thought they could use her, to their eventual doom.  If I were in school I would write a paper for my feminist media criticism class called ABI-MARIA GOMES: THE ETERNAL SUBJECT, about how almost everyone in the game tried to objectify her (not, I mean, ogling her body or whatever, but like you say, using her as a tool) but Abi does not get used.  She isn't thinking that way, she's not playing that way, she never has, she presumably never will (I have to say that unlike a lot of you I can't imagine she would go out for a third time, even if the producers wanted her, which I honestly don't feel they would).  Call it delusional, OK, but Abi always played from a kind of assumption of strength, from the viewpoint of "what helps me", taking as axiomatic that as long as she's there she should be trying to win.  That doesn't mean she made the right decisions--she made terrible decisions, many times.  But I admire that she always asserts her subjectivity; she is her own viewpoint character, not a supporting role in the Survivor Drama.  It's like the opposite of Joe's "I know I'm going home, it's OK" and Kimmi's apparent strategy (which I have been solemnly informed is brilliant, incisive Survivor play) of "get in as best I can with the power players, get carried, and hope".  It's like...Denise and Todd voted the same every time.  Why was Todd carrying, and Denise being carried?  A lot of it is just mindset.  Todd saw himself as an actor, Denise saw herself as acted upon.  Abi never had the actual power that Todd had (because of her terrrrrrrrible social game) but she always saw herself as someone who acts.  Even at this late date, this world expects women to be acted upon, so this defiance of that--this, I might better say, unconsciousness of that (because I've never seen any evidence that the thought of being a good little alliance soldier ever crossed Abi's mind)--well, I admire it!  In Ancient Greece, every hero had their hamartia, every hero's story was also a cautionary tale; and that's Abi to me.  A tragic hero.

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KimberStormer, I think Abi got used quite a bit this season.  Just not usually very long by the same person or alliance/voting block. 


From what I've seen, everyone out there found her difficult to impossible to work with.  That is why her vote was up for grabs so often.  Abi drama repeatedly sprang up, seemingly out of nowhere, where she butt heads with other player(s).  Some other person would placate her, play up to her hurt feelings, and win her vote.  But then, usually sooner rather than later, the same dynamic would come up.  Abi would come into conflict with her erstwhile friend/ally.  She again would suddenly turn into a ship without a harbor, prey for some other person to use.  


For both her seasons, the common refrain from other players has been that Abi is nearly impossible to deal with.  Her first season, even Denise -- one of the coolest, calmest, most empathetic players I've seen on Survivor -- found her impossible to tolerate.  Pete kept her under check then, though he too talked about how hard that was. 


This season Ciera and Kelley did the best job managing her.  They also pretty well marooned themselves after merge, though.  So Abi had almost no one else to turn to at that point.  As soon as more options opened up, seems to me we started seeing the old Abi again.


Now just like in the Bill Withers song, the 'using' didn't go only one way.  Abi used others to go far into the game.  Twice.  But both seasons ended the same, after following the same general pattern.  Enough players got sick enough of her that they eventually clipped her, even though they could all beat her. 


I personally didn't like her at first this season... felt sympathy for her in the mid pre-merge game... and then came back full circle to where I started.  She's too emotionally tiring for my taste.  She can probably often go real deep in the game.  I think she can never win it though. 

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I think Abi could be a good player. Listening to her interviews, she has the seemingly has the strategy part down. But that execution, wow! I get what people are saying about her being used and there's a huge advantage to being in the swing position so that you can be used. But at some point, ya gotta commit to someone or something.  Also at some point you should probably stop holding it over people's heads that they owe you.

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Abi was never a tool--if people are right about Spencer's motivations, this is why he decided she had to go.  She was like the One Ring or something, everyone thought they could use her, to their eventual doom.  If I were in school I would write a paper for my feminist media criticism class called ABI-MARIA GOMES: THE ETERNAL SUBJECT, about how almost everyone in the game tried to objectify her (not, I mean, ogling her body or whatever, but like you say, using her as a tool) but Abi does not get used.  She isn't thinking that way, she's not playing that way, she never has, she presumably never will (I have to say that unlike a lot of you I can't imagine she would go out for a third time, even if the producers wanted her, which I honestly don't feel they would).  Call it delusional, OK, but Abi always played from a kind of assumption of strength, from the viewpoint of "what helps me", taking as axiomatic that as long as she's there she should be trying to win.  That doesn't mean she made the right decisions--she made terrible decisions, many times.  But I admire that she always asserts her subjectivity; she is her own viewpoint character, not a supporting role in the Survivor Drama.  It's like the opposite of Joe's "I know I'm going home, it's OK" and Kimmi's apparent strategy (which I have been solemnly informed is brilliant, incisive Survivor play) of "get in as best I can with the power players, get carried, and hope".  It's like...Denise and Todd voted the same every time.  Why was Todd carrying, and Denise being carried?  A lot of it is just mindset.  Todd saw himself as an actor, Denise saw herself as acted upon.  Abi never had the actual power that Todd had (because of her terrrrrrrrible social game) but she always saw herself as someone who acts.  Even at this late date, this world expects women to be acted upon, so this defiance of that--this, I might better say, unconsciousness of that (because I've never seen any evidence that the thought of being a good little alliance soldier ever crossed Abi's mind)--well, I admire it!  In Ancient Greece, every hero had their hamartia, every hero's story was also a cautionary tale; and that's Abi to me.  A tragic hero.


I think there is something to this, but I don't think its a simple one-note story for Abi.  The ability to trust others vs not wanting to be used are two different things - although the line between the two is fuzzy at times.  My thoughts are that Abi falls in both camps. 


While Abi did write her own story on Survivor, it was not a story that intersected with the game.  Her inability to trust and/or desire not to be used kept her so far out of the game that we had two productions going on.  One was the Abi Maria Gomez story in which Abi was the lead and the other was the story of the game of Survivor.  I think of a shallow tray with drops of water and oil when I think of Abi's relationship to the game.   I appreciate this side of Abi, for sure, but it was counterproductive for all involved. 


I respect Abi's desire to avoid being duped or being used as a tool.  Mostly, however, I think Abi is just a distrustful person. So much so that she took herself out of the game by acting out a one-person production.

Edited by Jextella
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Now that I've had two doses of Abi and have been both amused and appalled at her game, I'm trying to give myself some perspective.  I just put on Survivor: Nicaragua -- curious to see how I feel about the Brazilian Dragon after revisiting NaOnka and Shannon Elkins (both of whom I remember as being particularly vile people).


In about three episodes, I'm going to wonder why I'm mistreating myself like this

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Jextella, on 13 Dec 2015 - 07:17 AM, said:

I think there is something to this, but I don't think its a simple one-note story for Abi.  The ability to trust others vs not wanting to be used are two different things - although the line between the two is fuzzy at times.  My thoughts are that Abi falls in both camps. 


LanceM, on 13 Dec 2015 - 08:58 AM, said:

Everybody uses each other as a tool out there. Abi used Tasha and Savage as tools to get rid of Peih-Gee and Woo.  They used Abi to get themselves to the merge. That is kind of the name of the game. 


No, totally--this is kind of what I meant by her "tragic flaw".  It's both her strength and her weakness that she always thought only of herself.  I don't know if anyone can truly be a floaty flippy alliance of one and win the game, but if it's even possible, you'd have to be very very very charming and politic, with a great social game, and that's obviously not Abi.

So I'm the only one who thinks her Survivor villain persona is an act?  Including the clueless victim part?  


She has to be lying in one set of interviews because you can't purposely play the villain (entrance interview story) AND be clueless why people dislike you (exit interview story).  

Sure you can.  I have a friend who is very much like her - always in conflict with her friends, family and coworkers, yet presumes to lecture me on how to treat people when I remark that I was annoyed with a woman in the line at the grocery store.  And she actually has very few friends, because many of them are "dead to her."  When discussing this season of Survivor, and Ponderosa, on the one hand she agrees with me that Savage is acting like childish baby, and then tells me, proudly and with no irony, that that's how she would behave, because she couldn't get over other people who treated her mean during the game that quickly.  It's always different when it's happening to her than to someone else, and she just honestly doesn't get it.

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Abi sees it as she approached people to advance her game.
But she did. We saw her initiate the flip to Terry back at Ta Keo. I don't know if she's accurate about literally approaching Tasha/Savage at Angkor versus being approached, but she was the one in the position of power at that point, and we saw that she chose to flip to them on her own for her own benefit. Even at new new new Ta Keo, while she was approached by Ciera, she still chose to flip for her own agenda. People want to be able to simply use her for numbers, but they can't because she's not afraid to make a move for her own benefit. 


That doesn't mean she can't be used. Parvati used Russell in HvV. But Russell was still an active agent. The two concepts aren't in opposition.

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Theoretically, I've been aware for a while that we all react to contestants according to our various experiences. I've often enough been mildly amused or seriously entertained by players who were almost universally despised (mostly on TAR forum). And while it seems that there is a consensus that Abi's game was not a winning game, the range of reactions from very entertained by her to finding her totally despicable is, I think, a reflection of our bagagge more that it is of her and her TV edit.


I for one had bad experiences, IRL, with people who had absolutely no empathy and who I read as completely phony (one was a coworker, deemed delightful by the big boss, but hard to work with on shared projects on a day-to-day basis, one was a former man in my life).


So that's where I'm coming from in all my comments on Abi. Obviously, she triggers a powerful reaction in me, because I cannot stand much of her. Part of it is on her, because I don't see her as a good player. But part of it is on me too, because there had been numerous bad players in the past (hello, Sierra from last season, totally forgotten until someone mentioned her name in one of these threats) that never had my shackles in such overdrive. So yeah, she reminds me of people with whom my interactions were at best hostile, and at worst painful. Still, I find it extremely interesting to read all the reactions to her persona in Survivor, and if I "like" both posts which match my thinking and those that are the polar opposite, it's not because I'm fickle, it's because I find good arguments in both sides of the spectrum - the wealth of opinions made me reflect, didn't they? And that is one of the strong points in favor of this forum :-)

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I've been traveling so I'm just catching up on video links.  I don't think it would be possible for Abi to have a better entrance to Ponderosa than fireworks going off behind her!    Also, I don't think there could have been a better co-host for Survivor Talk with Dalton Ross than Courtney Yates.  Forgive me, but I laughed out loud along with Dalton and Courtney when Abi said something to the effect of 'I don't want to be bitter, but Tasha should have drowned'...I think it was the delivery and surprise that caught me off guard and made me laugh like they did. I think it's clear that Abi didn't mean it literally.


Anyway, based solely on interviews from other contestants here and in the Philippines season, there are two Abis, the one in the game (generally impossible to deal with), and the one outside the game (perfectly lovely and fun).

I've read/heard the same about Abi.  I watched a bit of Rob Has a Podcast. His wife was on.  She was clearly a fan and said that Abi turns up the drama when cameras are rolling but when they aren't she is a great person.


I just watched her Ponderosa.  She talks about being a fighter since the day she was born.   I am an exceptionally sensitive person - have been since birth according to my mother.  I'm grappling with that now and could relate to Abi when she was talking about how she's been a fighter since birth.  I know I was born with some sort of wierd sensitivity gene and Abi probably was too. 


I'm learning to pause and consider the possibility that my interpretation of others' words and/or actions doesn't always align with the intent behind them.  Abi would do well to recognize to do the same and realize that maybe she's fighting battles that were never there...life would be far easier.


Then again, maybe her Ponderosa moment was just for show :(.

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So that's where I'm coming from in all my comments on Abi. Obviously, she triggers a powerful reaction in me, because I cannot stand much of her. Part of it is on her, because I don't see her as a good player. But part of it is on me too, because there had been numerous bad players in the past (hello, Sierra from last season, totally forgotten until someone mentioned her name in one of these threats) that never had my shackles in such overdrive.


I'm in the same boat, Nutmeg.  There are certainly people I find downright unpleasant (Russell, etc.) or by whom I would be quite taken aback (watching RobbZ try to throttle someone in a challenge) but they don't hit hot buttons.  I think the closest person I can recall who hit my buttons in the same way was Naonka, but a) she sort of had her "teeth pulled" for me when she quit, so I can sort of laugh her off now; b) she was unpleasant to people, but she owned it in a way Abi does not.  Abi owns her mischief-making and causing chaos, seeing them as aspects of a "firecracker," "tell it like it is" personality--and those aren't things that really bother me--but unless she's the best actress ever, she really doesn't seem to understand why people dislike her or say she's annoying.  

I had posted about my reaction to her back on about page 3 or so, and thought I was done, but it was really her Ponderosa interview of "whyyyyyyyyyyyyy do people find me annoying?" that made feel feel I had to re-explore my reactions!  

Edited by Jobiska

Haven't listened to the video but he looks incredibly beautiful in that shot.


I guess the reason I would rather not have Abi in the game is because she's instrumental in bouncing the characters I like.  I was unlucky she bounced Woo and Peih-Gee.  Much luckier she kept Jeremy and Spencer.  It's that simple.  Peih-Gee and her fans waited so long for this chance.  It's a shame.  Oh well.  


I think other players looked at her as a potential tool because they're probably thinking, it's clear you're not going to win because of your social game.  Even worse, you are not trying to change or improve your social game at all.  Hence, you won't win.  So how else would players approach her?  They'd probably want to work with her or if they know they cannot handle the drama they'd steer clear.


I understand she doesn't want to be an instrument for people to use, but rather be instrumental, but when your voting is based on perceived emotional slights (Peih-Gee, Woo) it might seem like a strange way to play to others.  (Taking gameplay personally - punishing people for playing the game, for example.) It got Abi quite far this season.  But not far enough.  Abi's way of play seems to reward the contestants who are tough enough to work with bullies and know how to placate them (Tasha) but it definitely is bad for the contestants who have no idea how to react to bullying or react extremely poorly (Peih-Gee, Woo).  


Abi's passive aggressive .  That's the term that people seem to be searching for.  I've been reading a lot about communication and now I spot passive aggressiveness all the time.  I spot it in myself.  It's a poor form of communication.  It puts people on edge and it makes them not trust you.  Sure, it might get you what you want some of the time.  But it shows a lack of trust and respect in the people you're communicating with in my opinion.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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I love this photo, and Abi's comment. They spent last night at the Sheraton LAX and have been partying it up since then. :)


I love that picture! Despite Andrew's cliquishness and beanie obssession, it looks like he has some sense of humor.


I see that Abi and PG have also made up last night. I wonder if it's the same with Shirin, or they're still on bad terms.

Is it scary that Abi almost looks like she could be their daughter?


Anyway, CBS, look at that, watch Ponderosa, and think sitcom (or Big Brother for the feeds watchers).


I wonder if it's the same with Shirin, or they're still on bad terms.



I wonder too.  She seems to be one that really knows how to hold a grudge, and cuts anyone out that doesn't side with her.  Someone on Shirin's twitter mentioned that they'd love to throw eggs that the dirty 30 and Shirin said that's her dream job.  Spencer mentioned they are friends for life, but I figure that;s only until he doesn't agree with her on something and then he's on the un-friend list.

Edited by LadyChatts
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Someone on Shirin's twitter mentioned that they'd love to throw eggs that the dirty 30 and Shirin said that's her dream job.
No, she said it was her dream job to throw eggs at some members of the World's Apart cast. I think that's an important distinction because the dirty thirty hashtag was generally the Jenn/Hali crew whereas World's Apart could be interpreted as Dan, Will, Rodney. No one's ever been deluded that Shirin was friendly with the whole World's Apart crew.


She does seem to be a grudge holder, but I wouldn't be shocked if she eventually reconciled with Abi. Her main issues with Abi seemed to be the same issues everyone else had of dealing with Abi's in-game paranoia and resulting need to be the center of the Survivor universe. 

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No, she said it was her dream job to throw eggs at some members of the World's Apart cast. I think that's an important distinction because the dirty thirty hashtag was generally the Jenn/Hali crew whereas World's Apart could be interpreted as Dan, Will, Rodney. No one's ever been deluded that Shirin was friendly with the whole World's Apart crew.


She does seem to be a grudge holder, but I wouldn't be shocked if she eventually reconciled with Abi. Her main issues with Abi seemed to be the same issues everyone else had of dealing with Abi's in-game paranoia and resulting need to be the center of the Survivor universe. 



Since they use that hashtag so much (I think Max is the biggest culprit) I tend to forget their season actually had a name :P  

The only smart one in that whole cast is Hali who doesn't post on social media at all. She also seems to be one of the few people on that cast who actually has a job as well.


I had actually wondered if she had written that whole cast off, but I saw a pic of her and Jenn at a Halloween party together.  She deleted her twitter after Survivor was over, and I never see or hear anything about her really.  I guess for some life really does go on after Survivor.  I did like some of the jokes Stephen and Cochran were making at the dirty 30s expense (Stephen said he couldn't wait to find out if they were as annoying in person as they were on SM, and Cochran said the difference between a family reunion and the dirty 30 was that family reunions eventually end).  Kass and Tyson had some jabs in there, too.  All in good fun, but I always felt that particular cast really bought into their hype about being the closest ever a little too much.  I do love that some of the comments on the SM accounts I follow that shows pics of them together in someone's hometown every week are 'don't you guys have jobs?'

The only smart one in that whole cast is Hali who doesn't post on social media at all. She also seems to be one of the few people on that cast who actually has a job as well.

I think Hali works in the legal world, no? So that probably doesn't allow for a lot of free time, and also not much room for making a fool of herself on SM.

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In the CBS green room thing? I laughed out loud about the bit where Abi, reading social media has to ask the rest of the room


"Whats a hoot?  They are saying I'm a 'hoot'.  


I wondered occasionally if language wasn't a bit of the communication problem.


That said I think I'm a pretty good sincere etc. person but in some highly stressful political situations in the office world I've gotten a little paranoid and its not a good feeling.  It can make you a little crazy and I'm pretty sure I would not be at my best on Survivor.  I just don't hold up well to that kind of interpersonal stress.  Its not like you can go home and drink a glass of wine and think about it. 

Edited by marys1000
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