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S31: Abi-Maria Gomes


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He complained that the editors didn't show him crying over the love of his wife, they didn't show him being funny, they didn't show him juggling enough.


The thing is, if they had showed more scenes of him boo hooing over missing his wife, it would have made me hate him even more, you chose to play Survivor buddy, turn off the water works and play. I think they showed plenty of scenes of him trying to be funny, every single one of them fell flat and was at least as cringe worthy as anything else he said. As for juggling, doesn't do anything for me, but ymmv on that one.

The thing is, if they had showed more scenes of him boo hooing over missing his wife, it would have made me hate him even more, you chose to play Survivor buddy, turn off the water works and play. I think they showed plenty of scenes of him trying to be funny, every single one of them fell flat and was at least as cringe worthy as anything else he said. As for juggling, doesn't do anything for me, but ymmv on that one.

You don't think "your mother's a whore" is a thigh-slapper? Why isn't "shut your mouth and listen" America's new catch phrase?

I'll be curious to see how Abi feels about her own edit. I haven't rewatched her first season, but it seems like she's getting the same treatment she got before with an extra side of "I'm going to be different" quotes.

Oh yeah, Abi does have an amazing ass, no doubt about it.


How did we not see this foreshadowing coming??  They make a point to show us she has a great ass, and then tonight, it was an ass cramp that led to her demise in the immunity challenge. 


I thought she did great at this challenge, and looked stunning and stoic while doing it.  Not that I was rooting for Joe to be at risk, but I was rooting for her to win tonight.

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How did we not see this foreshadowing coming??  They make a point to show us she has a great ass, and then tonight, it was an ass cramp that led to her demise in the immunity challenge. 


I thought she did great at this challenge, and looked stunning and stoic while doing it.  Not that I was rooting for Joe to be at risk, but I was rooting for her to win tonight.

It was her foot that cramped up.

I've been thinking about Survivor today and have been reading comments in various threads that say Abi is a goat. However she seems to be a deciding influence/factor in determining most of the boots:

Vytas--don't remember but I think Jeff went with Abi and the "new-school" players so team Abi won (not sure how much was driven by her)
Shirin---Abi's doing
Peih-Gee--Abi's doing again
Jeff---Abi but mainly because he was injured (imo)
Monica--I don't remember (I don't think it was Abi's tribe so she didn't have a chance to influence the decision)
Terry (quit)
Woo---Abi strikes again
Kass--I think this was the only time Abi wasn't a factor
Andrew--Abi strikes again

Kelly--Abi again (with others but still Abi endorsed her after Stephen threw her name out after his 1st suggestion didn't go over well). Abi talked about Kelly's great social game.


Obviously other people were involved but the ultimate decision always seemed to involve Abi (what she would agree to or to keep her calm or whatever)


I have mixed feelings about Abi but I do find her entertaining. I don't see her as weak and I think she has had a major influence on the game.

Edited by Vicky8675309
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It's about perception. If Abi went to the end against Kelley and/or Ciera, I think she would have a chance. I think in that match up, it would depend on who did the best FTC speech. But for whatever reason, this group has decided they do not want to respect the three women. So it won't matter if Abi objectively plays a better game in terms of controlling who's voted off, protecting herself, and challenge performance. No one on the jury will vote for her because of how she's perceived.

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I totally agree with you and was just posting about a thought that popped into my head.


I wonder if she even consciously using this as a strategy (I don't think so). I see Jeremy as winning and would be ok with that since he has played a great social and strategic game however I would hope that the others would clue into this (heck, Ciera pointed it out incase any were blind to it). I'm hoping (but doubtful) that Spencer and some of the others will do something about it. It has to be soon otherwise he will be to protected by idols and they won't have numbers. Yeah, Jeremy has this game on lock down. Good for him but I hope it isn't that predictable. I maybe wrong and someone could win but I don't see how that would happen. It just seem obvious that if joe doesn't win the IC then joe should go but if Joe wins the IC then Jeremy should go. However people see him as an ally and worry about their numbers (shifting voting blocks could help). Don't get me wrong, I like Jeremy and Joe but the other players should realize they can't win against them.


Anyway, Abi will likely get very far in the game, imo, but like Russell Hantz (except she probably isn't strategic…at least not on purpose) she most likely won't win at the end (I guess that is why is is a goat) due to her crappy social game. She has "picked" almost all of the boots, created drama, and delivered some hilarious lines. I'm liking her more than I did early in the game and have to give her props for her contributions to this season. Plus she impressed me at the last IC.


It's sad the women ("3 witches") aren't valued/respected for their contribution to the game. Maybe some of the others respect them but the editing doesn't show it. If those 3 made it to the end, and any of them won then I wouldn't be upset. I wouldn't be upset if one won against other players but I don't see it happening. Earlier in the season I hadn't seen their contributions to this season's game but now I have.

Edited by Vicky8675309
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Ngl, a Ciera/Abi/Kelley final 3 would be my dream come true for this season, and it would be hard for me to pick a winner between them at this point.  They've all played actively and independently, which is how I like my players to play.  Ciera took control when threatened and is working her ass off; Kelley hustled for the idol and has had excellent social connection from what I've seen; and of course Typhoon Abi has crushed all in her path.  I don't think any of them has played as well as Jeremy so far, but if they somehow made it to the end it would presumably be some epic game-flipping, and they'd certainly all deserve to be there. 


Of course now I've cursed it by saying this.  Dangit. 

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It's about perception. If Abi went to the end against Kelley and/or Ciera, I think she would have a chance. I think in that match up, it would depend on who did the best FTC speech. But for whatever reason, this group has decided they do not want to respect the three women. So it won't matter if Abi objectively plays a better game in terms of controlling who's voted off, protecting herself, and challenge performance. No one on the jury will vote for her because of how she's perceived.

I feel like that perception would change if the women made it to the end.  I think some of these players appear to underestimate them but I don't think they're so narrow minded or sexist to not appreciate when they got beat.  They even showed appreciation for the Andrew blindside.  

I don't think Abi is not respected because she is a woman. I think she is not respected because of how she treated people. She has thrown tantrums, targeted people who had the audacity to not like how she has treated them and flipped on e ery alliance she has been in. She has acted like a brat and she is not respected for that reason.

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When people want to make deals with the girls, they go to Ciera,

Wasn't that just Stephen? Stephen was closest to Ciera of that group, which is why he was pushing for Wentworth to get voted out. Joe was supposed to be closer to Kelley, although he also was socializing with Ciera.


Abi's biggest influence was in the events at Ta Keo, so I agree that she's the least likely of the three women to win. But if that trio made it to the end, it seems likely Abi would pick up some immunity victories along the way... possibly even have a mini-immunity run. Combine that with a good speech, and I don't think it's impossible she could pull out a win against Ciera or Kelley. I don't think it's likely mind you, but I don't think it's impossible.


She has thrown tantrums, targeted people who had the audacity to not like how she has treated them and flipped on every alliance she has been in.
But who hasn't flipped at this point? Stephen/Jeremy/Kimmi targeted Monica because they didn't like her and flipped on her. Kimmi's also targeting the Boss Witches because she doesn't like them. Stephen/Jeremy/Spencer flipped on Kimmi/Tasha. Keith/Joe flipped on Ciera/Kass/Kelley. Tasha's the only person left who has (so far) never flipped on anyone (ironic, since she's the one who's supposed to be playing the devil's game this season per pre-season hype). 


I also wouldn't describe Abi's behavior as tantrum throwing. She's been difficult to deal with, but it seems more in the Stephen paranoia sense than in the Savage cursing people out sense. She's not yelling at people or swearing at them or throwing things at them. Abi treated Peih-Gee and Woo poorly, but it really did seem to me that Abi was not intentionally being horrible. I am positive that in Abi's head, she honestly thought she was trying to work with people fairly and give them an honest chance. She just really lacked self-awareness because she was so worried about being betrayed. (which is my whole theory on why Abi seems to be genuinely more relaxed right now... she is being targeted and no one can meaningfully betray her, so there's nothing to be suspicious of)

Edited by Zuleikha
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I think we have seen plenty regarding how people feel about Abi. Tasha was relieved to not have to deal with Abi. Andrew ignored her once he was out of Angkor and didn't have to worry about needing her vote. Spencer and Kelly appeared to have nothing to do with her after the merge. Abi stabbed Spencer in the back pretty badly and was not aligned with Kelly but was a mere vote for her alliance. Her comment to Andrew when he was voted out probably gives good insight into how she interacts with folks. Her comment to Stephen when he was bummed about losing gives us decent insight into how Abi is socializing, ie not well.


Kelley is seen as being tight with Joe and we have seen Joe talking to Kelley. Kelley managed to work her way in to the Bayon alliance at her new tribe. Unfortunately she was with the bottom of the Bayon alliance with Kass and Ciera and Keith, who I think was a vote but not really tightly aligned with anyone. Kelley and Spencer worked together at Ta Keo and I think get along fine. Spenser probably relied on that connection to stay with Jeremy and Stephen in voting out Kelly Wiglesworth.


Ciera appears as if she was low on the Bayon totem pole but we have seen people reach out to talk to her and work with her. I don't think she is in a good place because she stirs the pot too much and in a very non-subtle manner.

Edited by ProfCrash

Mostly true, but mostly condescending to, and dismissive of the views of, a large part of the viewing audience. So she's really aiming for the villain image !?

To be fair to Abi though, she was hit with a lot of personal attacks and cyberbullied on her Twitter and Instagram after the episode. She's only human, so she hit back. It got so personal one poster actually implored people to punch her and Kelley on the face for what they apparently did to Joe. As if they killed the poor guy.


Yeah, yeah I know. It's just internet tough people and most are probably harmless, but still. I don't blame her for feeling hurt and/or scared regardless. It's not like her comment came unprovoked.

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Kelley's been getting it from both the Joe fans and people thinking she was a horrible human being for not picking Jeremy for the family visit.  I did see Abi asking for help because there was a fight that broke out on her IG account-almost 1000 comments of people going back and forth about Joe.  Despite his popularity, I wonder if they were expecting the backlash.  I thought Abi's remarks about Joe's looks were out of line, but I believe she might have thought it was coming across more as a joke than being mean (I could totally be wrong about that).  Many people have tried winning the voting confessional comedy one liner contest through the years.  It's a game and I respect that, and I respect that Joe was too much of a threat to keep around.  I wish he was still in the game, but physically I worry about him.  Maybe he would have bounced back, but I would have hated to see him push himself through the next challenge and end up getting medically removed from the game.  


I'm not the biggest Abi fan but I do have to give her credit-I think she holds the record for most TC this season where she's escaped the vote.  And she often finds herself as the one who holds the power in a crucial vote.  Joe mentioned that Abi's comments might have stemmed from a fight they had prior to the Stephen vote.  It was coming down to Joe and Abi, but the plan was to blindside Stephen.  Joe had said that people seemed to be catering to Abi and that anytime someone walked off without her to start talking she got offended and suspicious.  I'll have to go try to find the interview, but anyway, he said he didn't really want to cater to her and mentioned that he told her they had to pretend it was one of them going so he was going to throw her under the bus at tribal to keep throwing Stephen off.  It seemed like that started the tiff between them.  He didn't seem too fond of Abi.  But not everyone in life is going to gel.  Abi seems popular with enough Survivors, some of whom are my personal faves, that I can't believe she's a complete villain.  

I felt terribly sorry for Abi after seeing her mother's face contort as she spat, 'Focus' during that reward challenge. Abi became meek and apologetic in that challenge. A lot of things make sense.


With 'You're moldy' (ha) I think she was just being her wicked self and playing her role. I quite enjoy Abi playing up to the cameras with her terrible comments. She's giving villain. Plus a bit of spite. 'You look like a clown' was really unnecessary.


She's obviously got an extremely prickly personality and would be hell to live with in close quarters, but I enjoy her continued presence on the show. It's quite funny she's still there - they should've got her out first in Ta Keo if they had any sense, but they were all playing the long game far too soon.

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She wants to play again and is doing her best to live up to her edit.


She basically said as much on twitter.


To be fair to Abi though, she was hit with a lot of personal attacks and cyberbullied on her Twitter and Instagram after the episode. She's only human, so she hit back. It got so personal one poster actually implored people to punch her and Kelley on the face for what they apparently did to Joe. As if they killed the poor guy.


I believe she's been getting death threats as well, which is just mind-boggling. Do Joe's fans think that's something he would commend?


Man do I love Abi.  That is beautiful.


It really is. I don't know if you have, but if you haven't, you should go read some of her tweets. She's got a lot of gems there!


Oh, Abi, every time I'm about to hate her again, she just pulls me back to the love. I'd never ever want to play Survivor with her, but I think I'd have a blast sitting on the couch and watching Survivor with her.


This. Man, what a riot it would be to just hang out with her and watch Survivor and rip on everyone. Where's cooksdelight? Hook me up with an Abi date!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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She would scare me to be out there playing the game with her.  She does seem fun, and though I think she's crossed the line at different points this season, I appreciate having a lively character who is willing to play it up for the cameras.  Normally I hate those types that are there for the sake of getting camera time.  But why else was Abi voted back on?  If she hadn't been such a villain during Philippines, and instead was just boring and flying UTR, would she even have been considered, much less voted back?  If reminds me of PG saying in her day after vid that she hoped the fans weren't disappointed with her because she wasn't the same person who played back in China.  People wanted Kass back because of the Chaos Kass.  So I think Abi is giving the fans who voted her in what they want, and also playing up the role of villain for the camera.  I'd be surprised if she ever got a 3rd shot.  Honestly, I think going forward, most of these full AS seasons will be the second chance format, except for maybe some themed alumni edition, like another BvsW or all winners edition.


Death threats over voting someone out of a game that requires people to be voted off are going too far.  I even though Will getting death threats last season because of his remarks to Shirin was out of line.  I didn't like her comments about Joe's looks (but it could be because I'm one of those (not so much anymore) teenagers she's talking about).  But I don't hate her for voting him off.

Edited by LadyChatts
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peachmangosteen, on 04 Dec 2015 - 3:18 PM, said:

It really is. I don't know if you have, but if you haven't, you should go read some of her tweets. She's got a lot of gems there!


I've blocked Twitter because it makes me feel bad, generally speaking, so I'm especially glad to get this perfect gem from Abi hand-delivered, as it were.


slowpoked, on 04 Dec 2015 - 4:18 PM, said:

This is a nice tribute to Abi's witchcraft. She's a witch, after all...


SO great!

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I felt terribly sorry for Abi after seeing her mother's face contort as she spat, 'Focus' during that reward challenge. Abi became meek and apologetic in that challenge. A lot of things make sense.


Under pressure, Abi's mom turned into one of the parents I've seen ejected during Little League games.

I could just see her in the wings at a beauty pageant, furiously hissing at a little Abi performing onstage.

It explains a lot of Abi's behavior, although it does not excuse it.

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Does anyone have a link to all the death threats that Abi and Kelley have supposedly been receiving on twitter? Or to even one? Because I've looked at Abi's twitter mentions going back to before the last episode and while I see people tweeting a lot of very rude things to her, I see nothing that even comes close to a death threat. All I see is one tweet where Abi claims she got death threats, Kelley Wentworth saying that people were calling her mean, and then Wentworth's moron father Dale fanning the flames by suggesting that Joe is somehow obligated to publicly ask people to stop threatening Abi and Kelley and referring to Joe's fans as Joe's Hos, which he spells "hoes" because see above re: moron. (He also uses an inordinate amount of emojis for a 56-year-old man -- and holy crap, how is he only 56? I would have guessed at least ten years older -- but that's neither here nor there.)


If someone has a link to an actual threat, then I'd be interested in seeing that, but I've asked for one every time some reality show contestant behaves badly on a show, gets social media blowback, and then claims they've been threatened -- Dawn from Caramoans, Will (or his wife, I guess) from Worlds Apart, The Country Girls from TAR All-Stars, Elizabeth Whatsherface from Masterchef 5 -- and no one has ever produced one. I know that anonymous trolls do say terrible things up to and including death threats to people they don't know on the internet, but those get screencapped and live forever somewhere, if only on reddit.


I don't think anyone should receive death threats for any reason and certainly not over a game, but I also don't think people should claim their lives have been threatened when all that's really happened is that they've been insulted.

I saw one guy giving her a hard time today on her private Facebook page and I told him he knows nothing about where she lives or how she lives... and I do... and he needs to mind his own business. It had something to do with a clip that wasn't shown where Joe threatened to punch Abi in the face. He was joking, and she knew that. They were going back and forth, bantering, and this guy who posted was taking it seriously. We suggested she block him. I don't understand people who ask to be a friend on FB then trash the person.

FWIW, Abi posted on facebook that she doesn't believe Joe was actually serious when he said that he wanted to "punch Abi in the face" and that it was clearly just a figure speech.  


As far as the "death threats" go I have not read the literally thousands of posts people have made on twitter, facebook and instagram since the episode ran but I am not shocked in the least that this has happened. I don't believe that Abi, Kelley, Dale and Kelley's mother, etc. are all just making this stuff up. This stuff happens on social media all the time. Are they actual threats? No,most likely not.  just idiots being idiots hiding behind a keyboard.

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I don't think I've seen any death threats, but I can believe it.  Dawn got them, Will and Dan got them last season (maybe Rodney, too?)  Between Joe's popularity, Abi's comments (and her being extremely polarizing with fans), and it looking like they were cheering Joe passing out and the faces at TC, I get where it comes from.  I know there've been more Survivors and reality show contestants that have caught the wrath because of a fan base or something stupid they said/did (maybe repeatedly).  But I also agree it is likely just idiots hiding behind the keyboard.  Sometimes it is better to wait it out and not feed the trolls too much.  I love Joe, and even if he didn't win, he'll still be one of the most popular to ever play.  And if anyone is absolutely guaranteed a 3rd shot from this season his name is at the top of the list.  He went for being a threat.  He made some missteps to get there.  The only thing I didn't care for, besides Abi's clown comment and him needing to cut his hair, was everyone looked pissed that he might actually pull off another immunity win and then cheering the second he dropped the idol (before realizing he passed out).  But, I get things are done and said in the heat of the moment.  I don't believe Joe would ever really punch Abi or push Spencer off a cliff for voting him off.  

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