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Worst Cooks In America: Celebrity Edition

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I accidentally ( I swear, I turned on the TV and there is was)   stumbled upon a few minutes of Kendra's reality  show.  She was backstage at "Worst Cooks", so I watched a little. 

Kendra and the others were talking to a producer, who was explaining the show.  Kendra asked if they were supposed to be good or terrible - because the name of the show might imply that they were competing to be bad.  The producer explained that they were looking for "most improved", and talked about wanting them to be fun and entertaining.  The way she was pep-talking them was interesting.   It was pretty clear to me that they were pushing the slapstick "Lucy and Ethel in the kitchen"  type of moments. 

I think I would prefer a show with more of a DWTS mentality - a cooking school kind of show, where celebrities who sincerely wanted to learn to cook ( as opposed to just wanting to be on TV) took lessons and learned to cook.  Fewer jokes, less drama, less over-the-top ACTING.  Maybe "celebrities"  who aren't all actors and reality show rejects.  Maybe some newscasters, athletes, singers.   But a real competition, more of the lessons making it on tv and less of the  celebs trying so hard to be funny.


As a child , I had kind of a crush on Greg Brady.  It's gone now.  He's a tool.

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I'm afraid that you won't see any true celebs doing Worst Cooks (or Dancing With The Stars, et. al.) because they probably get what they need from their regular gigs (attention, fame, money).  I recognize about half of the people on this version WCIA, a few I had to google because I was thinking "Who?  Why are they "celebrities"?


I'm sure the producers told all the contestants to play up their ineptitude to focus on the "worst cooks" angle and had them doing really stupid things - like throwing whole carrots, with green tops in a pot of boiling water, or cutting veggies like they've never seen a knife before, or acting like they've never used or tasted cinnamon before.


However, the ex-bachelor guy, is either very good at playing stupid, or he is a textbook himbo.  The guy thinks a tilapia and hard boiled eggs is a meal - which sounds like the daily diet of every gym-douche I've ever met.  And I don't get the "he's so pretty" aspect. *Shrug*


Totally agree that Barry Williams is coming across as desperate, smarmy and creepy in a "lecherous old uncle" kind of way.  I only crushed on Mike Brady as a kid, so I'm ok with Barry being a jackhole.

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Now I'm trying to decide if they spoiled the ending during the interstitial about sandwiches. I stopped watching after the axing so I didn't see the clips for next week's show but if they are learning about building sandwiches they totally spoiled Barry staying. 

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This was a good show the first couple seasons when they had "real" people and started with basic lessons like knife skills drills instead of assigning complicated dishes to be done in 45 minutes by people who are supposed to be incompetent in the kitchen.  Then they started adding wannabes from some low level casting agency and now the show has deteriorated to ridiculous and boring. 


I don't find the bachelor guy particularly attractive.  He's cute in an ordinary way but I wouldn't look at him twice if I saw him in a group.  Having Anne fuss over him is awkward at best.  I suppose they couldn't have Rachael do it because she's married but watching Anne pretend to be interested is embarrassing.


That bit with Rachael and the guy who accidentally dumped too many spices into his dish seemed very phony.  He acted like he didn't know what to do and she told him there was no solution to the problem.  Hadn't either of them ever heard of a spoon?  There was nothing stopping him from scooping some back out.  It wasn't like he dumped stuff into a pot of liquid. 

Edited by mlp
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This was a good show the first couple seasons when they had "real" people and started with basic lessons like knife skills drills instead of assigning complicated dishes to be done in 45 minutes by people who are supposed to be incompetent in the kitchen.  Then they started adding wannabes from some low level casting agency and now the show has deteriorated to ridiculous and boring.


I agree, what a difference between this and the first season when Joshie won.  All the contestants were characters but at least it was somewhat genuine.  I didn't even mind last season's cast like Kortni or David.  I really believed they were bad cooks, and quirky, and relatively amusing in a creepy/weird way in real life too.  Even that season with Carla and her "I love you Bobby Flay" was hysterical compared to this!

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I totally thought it was going Jaleel and Jwowin the finale, so I was sort of surprised. Though no one who peeled and sliced that eggplant beautifully in the first episode would be flummoxed by carrots!

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Yeah, I'm pretty sure now that all of the "celebrities" were contracted for a specific number of episodes and they know exactly who's going home each week. I absolutely don't buy Urkle going out before Barry. Did we even get a closeup of their chopped veggies after they were done?  I thought the first episode was amusing but I could barely be bothered to look up at the tv when this episode was on, so I'm really not sure.

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I did not put this on my DVR, thought I did.  I will catch a re run.  Ridiculous show but an occasional train wreck when I awake at 2am is welcome.  


 I am going to guess the guy with no upper lip that Anne "adores" will be there.  I know his name but just hate to type it.  

Edited by wings707
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Ugh why have anyone against Anne.  She's going to win - it's HER show.  What does Chris Souless bring? How is he a celeb at all. He's not even sexy - just this brainless blob that talks.  He makes Kendra look smart.  Ugh Barry Wiliams too. 

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I have this sneaking suspicion that no one wants to be paired up against Anne because she automatically wins and is probably obnoxious to work alongside.  I got the feeling that Bobby, Robert and Tyler all backed out because of that.  Rachael doesn't seem to care although I get the feeling they tolerate each other.

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I have this sneaking suspicion that no one wants to be paired up against Anne because she automatically wins and is probably obnoxious to work alongside.  I got the feeling that Bobby, Robert and Tyler all backed out because of that.  Rachael doesn't seem to care although I get the feeling they tolerate each other.

These guys are rich and successful. I doubt being beat on Food Network's lamest reality competition really bothers them all that much. I think they move on strictly because they've all got better projects, where they are the main star and don't have to share a lead.

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Crucial said:

Ugh why have anyone against Anne.  She's going to win - it's HER show.


Snarklepuss said:

I have this sneaking suspicion that no one wants to be paired up against Anne because she automatically wins and is probably obnoxious to work alongside.


Bobby Flay hosted seasons 3, 4, and 5 and won seasons 4 and 5 so Anne doesn't automatically win. (source)  Anne worked on Mario Batalli's Iron Chef team for years and admittedly Mario was the focal point but she wasn't always this current incarnation of a screaming banshee.

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I was really shocked that Dean Cain was eliminated as I thought he was the biggest "name" on the show and had a real career. I believe that he will be the adoptive dad/uncle on the new Supergirl show. I thought he was a big "get" for the show compared to all of the other contestants. However, in reading the above comments about maybe he was only contracted for one show that made sense to me. Also, if the stated intent of the show is to demonstrate how much the contestants improve than they should KEEP the worst of the worst (which he pointed out he therefore won....). Makes no sense if Jaleel and JWOW can already cook then they should have been eliminated.

Still like Dean Cain. I think less of the other contestants than I may have when I started watching the episode.

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Yeah, I'm pretty sure now that all of the "celebrities" were contracted for a specific number of episodes and they know exactly who's going home each week. I absolutely don't buy Urkle going out before Barry. Did we even get a closeup of their chopped veggies after they were done? I thought the first episode was amusing but I could barely be bothered to look up at the tv when this episode was on, so I'm really not sure.

Further proof is that RR asked who was responsible for B before announcing a winner. Way to run a blind judging.

Edited by Lnmop
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These guys are rich and successful. I doubt being beat on Food Network's lamest reality competition really bothers them all that much. I think they move on strictly because they've all got better projects, where they are the main star and don't have to share a lead.


Oh it's not getting beaten by Anne that I think bothers them, it's her that bothers them.  I just based my opinion on the irritated looks on Bobby's, Tyler's and Robert's faces at Anne's constant "in their face" taunting, gloating and acting like she was the best teacher and was going to beat their pants off, blah blah blah, and the fact that they left was just the logical conclusion.  She got obnoxious enough for me to watch, but the looks on their faces in response said it all.  She seems to have fun with the show but it didn't seem to me like any of her opponents enjoyed it so much or more specifically her all that much.  Bobby seemed to enjoy himself more his first season than his second.  It looks like Anne has toned that stuff down somewhat this season.  I think she knows she better not start that crap up with Rachael or she'd get a double dose of it in return, LOL.

Edited by Snarklepuss
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It's an act with Anne--I think they're smart enough to know that.


She wouldn't have been able to work under Batali all those years if she was really some raging ego-maniac. 


I suppose I could see her poking at Irvine. He's a bit bloated up--a guy who isn't really anywhere as successful as you'd think.  But Flay and Florence have real world successes I doubt she'd not respect (although "Bobby's Burger Palace" is actually fairly pathetic if you've ever eaten there--his other restaurants are more serious).

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I like Anne, a lot.  A friend of mine (set stylist) has worked with several FN chefs. She only has good things to say about her.  


Anne's persona on this show is most likely calculated to add some drama.  I like her edges and it works well in this format.  


I don't think the order of their eliminations has been determined ahead of time other than Dean contracted to go first.  It looked fishy when Rachael asked who was "B" though.  My guess is they wanted the cocky Jaleel  gone, no matter what.    


I never watched the show Barry was on so I know nothing about him other than what I have seen here.  He does not seem too bright and does not appear to be acting that role either.  Bless his heart. 

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Ugh, after a second episode I officially pronounce this season a total dud.  I couldn't stay awake and Mr. Snarklepuss got up half way through.  I don't care if these are so-called "celebrities", I don't find them amusing or entertaining to watch in the least - more like pathetic.


ITA. Halfway through the show, I turned to my daughter and said, "The thing I like best about this season is that there are only three on each team.  They get rid of one player from each team each week.  So we only have to suffer through two more weeks of this."  Then they announced that they have changed things and only one person goes home each week.  


Four more weeks!


I think it will be no more weeks for me.   

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I will watch this until the end, especially since it is only 4 more shows.  It is definitely a dud but when it comes to reality cooking shows that do not involve cake I am there.  

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It looks like my TiFaux recorded this show so I had to watch.  I must have had it left over from earlier seasons, which I sort of enjoyed.  I am probably about as bad a chef as these guys are, though I can follow a recipe.


I think it's because they don't have recipes other than their notes and Anne screaming at them that causes so much "hijinx" and bad cooking.


I have never heard of Kendra Wilkinson, but I do happen to know who all the other people are.  I don't think I've seen them on anything since "Did I do that" guy - Urkel.


People are commenting on Greg Brady's cluelessness, but I almost felt like he was having some senior moments.  I don't know if that's true but it wouldn't surprise me if his memory is fading.  PS I'm about the same age.

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It's an act with Anne--I think they're smart enough to know that.


She wouldn't have been able to work under Batali all those years if she was really some raging ego-maniac. 


I suppose I could see her poking at Irvine. He's a bit bloated up--a guy who isn't really anywhere as successful as you'd think.  But Flay and Florence have real world successes I doubt she'd not respect (although "Bobby's Burger Palace" is actually fairly pathetic if you've ever eaten there--his other restaurants are more serious).


Oh, it's not even that she comes off as an ego-maniac but more of a major pain in the ass.  Why would she put on an act like that, though?  For what purpose?  I don't find it entertaining in the least.  It just makes her look annoying, not like she's engaging in good natured teasing (which is what I suspect she thinks it looks like).  And I don't even dislike her, either.  Even if it was an act none of them got into the act with her so it looked like it didn't go over too well.  And yes, I've eaten at "Bobby's Burger Palace" plus his restaurant at Mohegan Sun (Bar Americain) and neither one really impressed me that much, to be honest.

Edited by Snarklepuss
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I don't find that Chris guy attractive in the least. I wonder how much extra Anne is getting paid to act all turned on by him. (She's probably gagging behind her back.)


I actually like Anne because I think she's rockin' chef and I used to like her cooking show on FN. That swaggery, OTT bravado competitive spirit does get a little old, though. She uses it when she participates on cooking competition show and she was insufferable on that short-lived show where she recruited new chefs for restaurants. She seems to have toned it down a bit since getting her ass handed to her more than once.


How funny the generations of viewers are. The only ones I am familiar with are Barry and Kendra. I've seen Jeeni Wow very briefly. The rest I have no clue about.


I'm kinda rooting for Kendra FTW. I think her "dumb playboy bunny" rap is more of an act (kinda like Anne.) I think Kendra's a whole lot sharper than she lets on. (I mean, that's still not saying a lot, but you get it.)


I would have loved to see one of the Kardashians as a contestant. Aren't Kris and Khloe supposed to be "seasoned cooks?" LOL!

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just started watching this show.  Never watch the Bachelor or Jersey show but know the rest at lest by name.  Found Kendra adorable. Liked JWow.  Barry Williams seems okay to me just cheesy (hasn't be always been?).  Just glad I don't have to try the food *g

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Was trying to find something to watch to kill time and gave this another try.  I lasted 3 minutes before Barry Williams was on and so I was gone.  There's something odd about his face and manner of speaking that I find really uncomfortable.

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Anne says there is a patty melt sandwich named after her.   Then she describes it as a cheeseburger with grilled onions, grilled on rye bread. In other words, a patty melt.


And could we stop pretending that Chris S is the most gorgeous man who ever lived?   He got 25 women on the Bachelor to pretend that he was, and I didn't believe It then. 

Edited by backformore
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I never watched The Brady Bunch so I had no pre-conceived ideas about Barry Williams.  I actually find him the least annoying of the remaining "celebrities."  


Chris reminds me of the kid in every high school who is cute enough and nice enough to be liked but not very bright so he has a girlfriend who does his homework for him. He does nothing for me.


I think Ellen is the most obnoxious.  She is always aware of the cameras and always ON and not nearly as amusing as she seems to think she is.  And her messy hair hanging over the food is nasty.  


I'm not sure why I keep watching this.  It's like watching a big yucky bug that you can't take your eyes off because it's oddly fascinating.

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Do you think production told all the women to drool all over Chris? It’s ridiculous how they act around him, and what was with Chris and all the sex talk? Hearing him talking about impressing Anne with his meat is just stupid, show, WE KNOW ANNE IS A LESBIAN. At least we won't have to listen to it any more.

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Wait - there are people who have never seen this?







Ha ha ha!  I have not been living under a rock so I have seen that intro and know about it but never watched.   I was busy being single in and my my 20s.  And now you gave me an ear worm.  Damn.   ***waves fist in air***

Was trying to find something to watch to kill time and gave this another try.  I lasted 3 minutes before Barry Williams was on and so I was gone.  There's something odd about his face and manner of speaking that I find really uncomfortable.



I agree.  I cannot put my finger on it without using words like dork.  I am usually more articulate than that!  


I am just happy Chris is gone so I don't have to hear about how "hot" he is, makes me wonder if there is something wrong with my eyes.


Your eyes are just fine.  

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I made it about halfway through the show and lost steam. I'm glad to hear that the guy with no upper lip is gone; I kept trying to think of which rodent he looked like.

Since I couldn't go any longer after all the try-hard talking heads between each quiz show answer, I missed what was the magical part of the first episode of this series - the celebridiots cooking and eating each others' food. Was it as terrible as before?

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Was trying to find something to watch to kill time and gave this another try.  I lasted 3 minutes before Barry Williams was on and so I was gone.  There's something odd about his face and manner of speaking that I find really uncomfortable.

I think it's just that he's still ACTING the part of Greg Brady.  The wide-eyed overdone expressions, the sitcom - like lines, delivered in the teenager Greg voice and mannerisms.     It's like there's no real person there, just the character he used to play a very long time ago.

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I FF'd past most of the first episode, but the last two haven't bothered me that much.  I think it's that, despite having a cast of Z-list celebrities, there's not as much hammy acting as we see on the Original Version.  Except for Anne pretending to swoon over Chris, who not only seems to be one of the dimmest bulbs I've ever seen, but is not even close to being the hunk he thinks he is.  He's actually kind of creepy looking to me. 


They still appear to me to have more skills than they pretended in the beginning.  They're putting out, for the most part, what seems to be reasonably good food after only 3 episodes.


And when Rachael Ray comes off as the calmest person in the room, hell has officially frozen over.  Going for the ice skates.

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I have renewed faith in the authenticity of this show.  Chris being eliminated was a shocker.  I thought he would be F2 with all flirting complete with digital stars in his teeth.  When the lesbian producer and star of the show acts like she wants to fuck him what else would I think?  I was sooooooo wrong and happy to be so.  

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I think it's just that he's still ACTING the part of Greg Brady. The wide-eyed overdone expressions, the sitcom - like lines, delivered in the teenager Greg voice and mannerisms. It's like there's no real person there, just the character he used to play a very long time ago.


I think it's the hair.


While I'm focusing on the superficial, Kendra must have one hell of a skin care regimen, especially considering what I imagine her party girl life must be (have been?) like. So dewy and glowing.

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I think it's the hair.


While I'm focusing on the superficial, Kendra must have one hell of a skin care regimen, especially considering what I imagine her party girl life must be (have been?) like. So dewy and glowing.



Spray on make up that is heavy enough to cover tattoos.  I don't know anything much about her but she may have not led an unhealthy life just because she was a bunny.  

Edited by wings707
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Oh, show, show, show.  


Derrr, that's an artichoke?

Is my water hot enough for potato chips?


And if you've never heard of a "mandolin," it seens unlikely you'd simply figure it out.


Bring me a blergadooni.  Is this it?!  YES!



I always like an egg challenge because I'm a decent cook but haven't mastered my own favorite:  runny yoke, crispy brown ruffled edges.  (Suggestions appreciated.)

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This episode was an easy one to determine in advance. It was obvious that Anne's team was scheduled to drop a has-been to keep the numbers even, and it was a good bet it would be one of the two dolts, I mean guys. As others have stated something about the Brady guy is off, he skeeves me out. But the himbo , who apparently has turned Anne straight, was so over the top annoying that it was a pleasure to see him leave. Does Anne really think that acting like she wants the future 3rd rate male porn star to throw her the high hard one somehow benefits the show ? it just cheapens an already cheap and gimmicky show.

When this season started, if someone had told me that the former Jersey Shore bimbette would be the most mature and capable of the bunch I would have laughed. But sadly she is the only one who has yet to be a total embarassment in either behavior or intelligence.

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I think most of them know a lot more about cooking than they're letting on.  I have friends that don't cook and I KNOW they'd never be able to identify fennel or figs.


I'm 3 years younger than Barry Williams and watched the Brady Bunch when I was a kid, so it is kind of disappointing to see how much of a dweeb he is in real life.  I think he's acting dweeb-ier for the show but some of that I don't think you can fake.


And add me to the list of people who is just not seeing it with this "Bachelor" dude.  He's just not that good looking plus his personality seems like a total snore.  He's on a show where it would probably be encouraged for him to act quirky or funny and he's just a big zero.  I think the joke was on him when the comment was made about there at least being 2 smart people on the team.


And when Rachael Ray comes off as the calmest person in the room, hell has officially frozen over.  Going for the ice skates.


I know, I've said that myself before - Rachael is positively calm on this show - for her that is.  She and Anne actually seem to like each other.  I especially find Anne a lot less abrasive working alongside Rachael than with any of her former male competitors.  Perhaps that's because she likes women, LOL.  Speaking of that I also found the stuff with Anne and Chris to be a little off and manufactured considering Anne's orientation.  He's already creepy enough and then to have that with Anne going on was just a little too much, IMO.

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Was trying to find something to watch to kill time and gave this another try.  I lasted 3 minutes before Barry Williams was on and so I was gone.  There's something odd about his face and manner of speaking that I find really uncomfortable.

I had the same thoughts about BW's face. At first he reminded me of Howdy Doody without the freckles. Then after watching him again I noticed he's got two elongated dimples in his cheeks that remind me of parenthesis.


Like this: ( ).

Edited by preeya
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I FF'd past most of the first episode, but the last two haven't bothered me that much.  I think it's that, despite having a cast of Z-list celebrities, there's not as much hammy acting as we see on the Original Version.  Except for Anne pretending to swoon over Chris, who not only seems to be one of the dimmest bulbs I've ever seen, but is not even close to being the hunk he thinks he is.  He's actually kind of creepy looking to me.


And when Rachael Ray comes off as the calmest person in the room, hell has officially frozen over.  Going for the ice skates.



So glad that boring soulless guy is gone.  I could not hear him speak it was awful.  Ugh Barry Williams is going to win this thing.  He's on Anne's team and he's the "star"  Why else would she get him.  I find him awful, well this who show is.  I have to stop watching it.  It's an awful trainwreck to watch.  I really hope it's Kendra and JayWow because they are the only two I would root and want to watch.  I find Anne to be a obnoxious on this show.  It's her show so what ever.  I need to stop watching.

Edited by Crucial
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So.... Barry went from being too clueless to know how to trim and peel carrots in week one to now creating a sophisticated sandwich and edible fruit salad? I smell a set-up.


I don't understand why, but I like Kendra. I've seen her on other shows  I like her spirit. I guess that since her husband is either too long in the tooth or not talented enough to remain in the NFL, she's got to make a living somehow.


I think Barry and Kendra will be the finalists. They are the most *notable* stars of the group, unless I'm missing something. I believe that Barry will probably win, since her the biggest "name" and on Anne's team. I feel like Rachael is there because she's contractually obligated to FN to show her face x-number of times a season.

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I had the same thoughts about BW's face. At first he reminded me of Howdy Doody without the freckles. Then after watching him again I noticed he's got two elongated dimples in his cheeks that remind me of parenthesis.


Like this: ( ).


Yeah, poor Barry, age hasn't been kind to his face.  He wasn't a bad looking kid, either!  Makes me wonder how today's young stars will look in 30, 40 years.  I suppose he could have some plastic surgery but that could end up looking just as creepy!


I am leaning toward him and Kendra in the finals too - The fact that they've already saved him when it was clear that he should go home is making me think he was chosen in advance for that.

And yes to Rachael being there to fulfill obligations - She doesn't seem as enthusiastic on this show like she is on some others.  Perhaps it's because it's just that bad that she can't contain her lack of enthusiasm!  And I wouldn't blame her, I'm embarrassed with myself for continuing to watch it.  I sure hope next season (if there is one) is not this awful! 

Edited by Snarklepuss
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I'm wondering if this show isn't an indication of something happening between Rachel and Guy. They used to do the "versus" shows with kids and celebrities. Now Rachel does the kids show by herself and they've dumped her into this show with Anne, which is essentially the same thing.

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I'm wondering if this show isn't an indication of something happening between Rachel and Guy. They used to do the "versus" shows with kids and celebrities. Now Rachel does the kids show by herself and they've dumped her into this show with Anne, which is essentially the same thing.



Yes it is.  Guy cheated on the last kids comp..  Rachael was very upset of course.  I have no link; I was told by someone who worked with them, (friend).   I don't like Guy and you can be sure they will never work together again!  

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