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S04.E14: We Mourn, We Weep, We Love Again

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Ok, they got me. I was convinced by the title that Lily was going to have a miscarriage this episode. 


I did like it, though. There was almost no forward momentum, but it did what I think this show is best at - introspection, defining and clarifying relationships, showing moments and connections and emotions. Most shows wouldn't spend an entire episode talking about the emotional ramifications now of a plotline from a season ago. When Bay said "you're my mom"? I almost cried too. And I'm glad that she had that moment of realization at the interview - I thought they were heading right into "here's another time Bay gets shafted by having taken the fall for Daphne", but even if she doesn't get that job, she got something huge out  of that conversation.


And good lord, John and the products. As soon as Glen held up the golf club I knew exactly what it was. :D  Of course, my kid walked in just before that when Glen was describing the herbal Viagra. (sigh)

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I find it hard to like Regina. Now she's all about her new boyfriend and his kid and doesn't 'get' that deciding to move and not consulting her bio daughter might hurt her? Ookay. Poor Bay. Giving the plan up at the last minute to move her new family into her house, and paying rent, does not exonerate her from the parenting fail. 


John's ego took a hit. Boo hoo. Lots of people with money troubles don't have the option to cash in on former celebrity status. 


Daphne's enthusiast thinking that she's going to make a big difference because of what she's accomplished so far definitely makes me see her as John's daughter. I liked that paramedic giving her a reality check.

  • Love 3

I find it hard to like Regina. Now she's all about her new boyfriend and his kid and doesn't 'get' that deciding to move and not consulting her bio daughter might hurt her? Ookay. Poor Bay. Giving the plan up at the last minute to move her new family into her house, and paying rent, does not exonerate her from the parenting fail. 


I can understand Regina's comment about how Bay was going to move to California anyway.  But she did make a point of seeking out Daphne to get her reaction to moving in with Will, so it seems odd that it didn't even occur to her to talk to Bay.

Poor Bay. She has to go through so much, and it seems like she goes through so much alone. Like, of course she has trouble with Angelo`s birthday Regina! How is she blowing off poor Bay to hang out with her new boyfriend. 


Also, Regina and her BF are terrible liars, and come off as majorly shady together when they are trying to avoid talking about the past. How he has not been caught by now is beyond me. 


I thought Daphne was going to do something to screw up with the paramedics, but I actually liked what we got from her. 

  • Love 3

would they really let a student- a non medical person- ride in an ambulance during several shifts? And stand in the way in accident scenes? I mean this show! Any why? So she can be appointed Safety Captain of her Dorm? Who writes this shit? Daffe and Regina spying on the kid's mom was the worst writing I have ever seen in my life Fake Fake Fake! The whole AA meeting, the drug dealer....please.


it was bad enough last week that they just walked into a special needs school. Well imagine you are Bay: you were switched at birth-  your bio father dies of an anuerism -then your bio brother knocks up his girlfriend with a Down Syndrome baby, while your bio mother is seeing a guy who is hiding from the law who kidnapped his kid from his mother and your rich adopted dad is now broke and didn't realize it and you had to go to jail for your switched sister who really committed the felony AND you were the victim of Date Rape AND your boyfriend broke up with you. If I were Bay, I would kill myself. 


I used to love this show but it gets more cliche' and ridiculous week after week. It's so damn stupid.

Edited by Rigoletto22
  • Love 4

I liked this episode, despite some stupid parts.

The bad:

A) I detest the kidnapping storyline and dread the inevitable conclusion. Now john and Katherine are going to be sheltering a kidnapper, too.

B) Completely unrealistic for Mingo to just be ok Daphne is ditching their spring break plans at the last minute. They had hotel reservations and I assume plane reservations, too. I understand why she wanted to go on the Mexico trip but I think there would be much bigger consequences for their relationship. The least she could have done is invite him too.

The good:

-bay and regina.

- bay excited about her future and not being punished more for her mistakes.

-john and Katherine connecting and being honest with each other.

-the focus on the main premise of the show, the switch. The teasing ("I'm the real Latina"), acknowledgement that there are lasting issues (Regina still treats daphne like her real daughter), and the work on building the relationships.

Made me really remember why I love this show.

Edited by betha
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I liked it. I like the quieter episodes, and they stayed mostly away from the romantic plots and focused on family.


RE the overload on Bay, I agree, but I don't think it's unrealistic to have a school give a tour to prospective parents, and I think ride-alongs are part of medical training, though probably not for undergrads.


I was actually impressed that they bluntly said that the EMT job was rote and boring, not heroic and meaningful. It's not exactly what people want to hear, but it's such a bubble-popping, get real kind of non-TV thing to say!


Regina and Eric are of course headed for trouble. Why neither has ever thought about getting legal advice, I do not know.


I also liked that they basically explained why the car wash had worked. People came by just to see John, til his glory faded. It actually made sense to me.


I'm not denying the show's many flaws. Just saying I enjoyed this one more than usual, so I'm giving it the half-full rather than the half-empty reading.


Do people really get rid of a rug just because it has one small stain on it?

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Catherine said it was an antique rug, so they should get it cleaned or repaired by an expert.  It would be expensive, but not as expensive as buying another antique rug that size. 


Of course, the only reason they were even considering product sponsorship was that they are short on money for the first time ever, so I guess they still think in terms of replace rather than clean, repair, or just live with the stain.  They could save a lot of money if they just rearrange the living room and cover it with the couch or floor lamp or something.

Edited by izabella

Once again, Bay has to grovel and beg for any ounce of affection Regina might bestow.


You're going to that recital because it's important to your boyfriend's son, Regina? And, to you, there's no question that his recital trumps the activity that is extremely important to your daughter? Said activity being a memorial dinner marking the birthday of her father, who died within the past year? Regina acting like Bay asking her to come to the dinner instead of the recital was totally unreasonble was bad enough, but when she was like, "Because it's important to Will," I nearly screamed, "AND THIS IS IMPORTANT TO YOUR DAUGHTER!"


She was effectively saying that Bay is not a priority in her life. What is important to Bay not only matters less than what is important to her boyfriend's son, it matters so much less that Bay thinking otherwise is treated as completely out of line.




Anyway. Deep breath.


When John and Kathryn were rich and shelling out money without thought, it at least made some sense when these characters were running off to the Galapagos Islands or whatever other educational or volunteer or just travelly things they were doing. But travel is expensive, and travel for education and/or volunteer work isn't actually any cheaper, unless you go for a really long stretch of time-- six months to a year at minimum-- or perhaps if you have specialized (usually medical) qualifications or get REALLY, REALLY creative*.


It's not like these guys live in San Diego and can just drive down to Mexico City, this trip (not to mention Daphne's originally planned Spring Break trip) is expensive, especially with all these kids going last minute. (Do they even have passports? Melody got one at the beginning of the episode, and I guess Bay would have one since she went to the Galapagos, but what about Daphne and Travis

and Emmett



*Once I managed to make 9 weeks of volunteer work on the Thai-Burmese border not cost much: I helped lobby my university for a special grant for a group of students to travel to the Thai-Burmese border for two weeks. Those sorts of educational trips through the university usually cost thousands of dollars, but we managed to get the grant approved. It didn't cover food while we were there, but it covered the cost of a plane ticket, up to $2000. Students whose applications were approved to go on the trip were to buy their own plane tickets, which was reimbursed by the university. When I found out that school didn't care about the exact dates of the plane tickets, as long as they were to and from Thailand and arrived before the beginning of the trip and left after the end of it, I got a plane ticket that arrived two and a half months early. Because I was so involved in the Free Burma Project, I managed to find a little-known volunteer program that didn't cost any money once you arrived in Mae Sot; it flew under the radar because technically the work it was doing was illegal in Thailand, because the volunteers were teaching English to illegal Burmese refugees who weren't, in theory, allowed to be in Thailand at all.  So seriously, making a short-term volunteering affordable requires a big combination of hard work beforehand and sheer luck.

Edited by Anisky
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I always enjoy scenes between Bay and Regina, even when they're emotional, but Regina makes it hard because she sometimes treats Bay like crap and then I think maybe Bay would be better off accepting that she and Regina will never be close and moving on.

This isn't the first time Regina took care to discuss a major life decision with Daphne and made sure she was okay with it, but didn't even bother running it by Bay. She did the same thing when she went to rehab and then again when she moved into Angelo's condo after rehab. And Bay had to be the one to confront her and demand Regina acknowledge her then, just like she had to do here. It's like Regina doesn't think she owes Bay the same consideration she does Daphne and Bay has to continuously beg to be considered as her daughter and it's really kind of sad.

And then Regina acts surprised that Bay is affected by her neglect, like she really can't understand why Bay might be upset? It's like sometimes Regina forgets Bay is a person--a person she gave birth to, with actual feelings. I honestly thought Bay and Regina had evolved in their relationship and that Regina was past treating Bay like some distant cousin, but sometimes she's so clueless. And why does Daphne get to know the truth about Eric but Bay has to be lied to?

I did like that Bay came to the realization that she didn't really deal with Angelo's death because she was too busy pretending she was okay. It seems like Bay has a tendency to bottle up her emotions because she's more concerned with other people's feelings and doesn't think hers are as valid as theirs. She did the same thing with the rape. She was worried about how Tank and Emmett were dealing with everything but never really stopped to deal with it herself.

Is it really that difficult to become a dorm safety captain? Is that even a thing? Wouldn't it more likely just consist of maybe knowing where the first aid kit is and how to evacuate the floor in case of emergency? Disaster training and ambulance ride alongs seem a bit intense.

If the Kennishes are at the point of selling off their businesses, maybe it's time to sell their gigantic house as well. Poor John, his ego is really taking a hit this season. First he realizes he can no longer be the guy who takes care of everything money-wise and know he's forced to face the reality that no one really cares who he is anymore.

Glad this episode was baby drama free.

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I have to admit I was confused about all the talk about Regina moving "to the suburbs". Aren't they supposed to live in Mission Hills? That basically IS the suburbs,unless you want to make"the city" all the way to the I-435 loop. It's certainly not downtown, at least.


I was thinking about Regina's treatment of Bay, and I wonder if it's the writers trying to go back to their early lives without hanging a lampshade on it. For Bay, Daphne, and the Kennishes, the relationships they have with each other are all still very new. It's only been 3 years since they found out about each other. But Regina has known for an extra decade or so beyond that. She didn't have the big revelation, the huge emotional impact - for her, that happened over ten years earlier, and secretly to herself, and she's been stalking Bay ever since. So to her, it might seem like no big deal that Bay's her daughter, and it was baked into her from the beginning that she had to be standoffish from Bay, to not care too much, because then she couldn't get any closer. So by the time she met Bay, she was already used to treating Bay like a) someone she knew and therefore didn't need to get to know better, and b) someone she literally could not allow herself to get close to or show too much interest in. That would take a really, really long time to get over. I'm impressed if that is the rationale behind the writing of her character, but I wish they would make it more explicit because in the meantime it's hurting Bay over and over again. 

Edited by stopeslite
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I liked the Bay parts, and I think the acting has a lot to do with it.  She feels real to me, more so than Daphne.  Regina is starting to get on my last nerve.  I think even more than the move that isn't going to happen (didn't she say on the phone that they signed a lease?) I really recoiled from her ditching plans she explicitly made with Bay in favor of her boyfriend's son, as Anisky mentioned.  You just don't do that, not with friends, especially not with your child.  That's stupid teenage behavior,  and Regina has to be pushing 50.  Poor role modeling.  She was also fairly rude when telling Bay to drop it in regards to the interviewer coming to the coffee house.  All for a relationship that is built on a lie, a crime, and that will go down in flames.   Nice that they had a delayed remembrance, but damage done.

  • Love 3

I liked the Bay parts, and I think the acting has a lot to do with it. She feels real to me, more so than Daphne. Regina is starting to get on my last nerve. I think even more than the move that isn't going to happen (didn't she say on the phone that they signed a lease?) I really recoiled from her ditching plans she explicitly made with Bay in favor of her boyfriend's son, as Anisky mentioned. You just don't do that, not with friends, especially not with your child. That's stupid teenage behavior, and Regina has to be pushing 50. Poor role modeling. She was also fairly rude when telling Bay to drop it in regards to the interviewer coming to the coffee house. All for a relationship that is built on a lie, a crime, and that will go down in flames. Nice that they had a delayed remembrance, but damage done.

I thought Regina was rude saying she couldn't cancel with Will at the last minute, when she was doing the same thing to Bay. It wasn't like Bay casually suggested dinner and Regina turned her down. Bay and Regina made specific plans to do it days earlier. I guess you could say Bay's older and should understand?

Edited by KaveDweller
  • Love 1

I'm so tired of Regina's shit towards Bay, to be honest. Am I supposed to feel bad for Regina because she knew about the switch and had to accept Bay was never going to be hers blah blah blah so she became emotionally closed off to her? Because I don't. It makes Regina look consistently awful in how she treats Bay as an afterthought. Either she really is that oblivious in Bay's feelings for her or she just doesn't care, but neither option is a good look. It's like yes, shock, Regina. Bay cares about what you do! 


I just cannot anymore. She never tells Bay anything, never says goodbye etc and then wonders why on earth Bay is upset. Glad to know Bay is supposed to be okay with whatever scraps Regina deems to send her way. 

  • Love 5

I have to admit I was confused about all the talk about Regina moving "to the suburbs". Aren't they supposed to live in Mission Hills? That basically IS the suburbs,unless you want to make"the city" all the way to the I-435 loop. It's certainly not downtown, at least.

Bay said that the place Regina picked was "the suburbs of the suburbs," so they had used it to show how far out it was going to be.

The Regina/Bay conversation would be more touching if I thought it would stick. But it seems like every few months we get a moment like that and then it all goes reverts back to Regina treating Bay like an afterthought. Meh.

Had they planned it? I didn't see that part (although I did miss a couple of minutes). It seemed more like Bay just assumed that there would be something special because of his birthday, but neither Regina or Daphne had been in on any plan-making.

Yeah, Bay was with Regina when she got an alert on the phone that his birthday was coming up. She suggested they have dinner to honor him and Regina said yes.

The first time we saw her mention it to Daphne was the scene where Daphne said she couldn't go, but it seemed like there had been a conversation between them too. I wasn't as annoyed by Daphne blowing her off though.

Edited by KaveDweller
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Why is Daphne spending so much time "training" for dorm safety captain, and jetting off to spring break, when she FAILED chemistry and lost her scholarship?  Does she think passing chemistry will be easier next time if she does absolutely NO studying before then to better prepare herself?  


She told Melody that this semester was so much more FUN, squeal!  Yes, I suppose if you don't study and spend all your time with MIngo and whatnot, it is a lot more fun.

Edited by izabella
  • Love 5

When Regina said "because this is important to him" I wish Bay had replied "This is important to me."  I know we could tell, but she didn't actually say the words.

I like this thinking, although I wish she had replied, "This is important to me, and, unlike him, I am actually your child." I also liked that she threw in that Regina could spend one night remembering her dead husband. At this point I will not feel sorry for Regina if she ends up spending time in jail with her boyfriend for being an accessory after he inevitably gets caught.

  • Love 3

For once, I could actually see Regina's side. After all, the recital can't be changed or moved. As they could celebrate Angelo's birthday (who is not alive to attend) any day they want to. It makes sense to move the celebration to a day when they all could attend.


I swear the writers must be reading my posts here - first they addressed Daphne's seemingly pro-life/Chip Coto birth control contradiction last week and now this week they took my idea of the Kennish's using their fame for endorsement deals to earn money. :) If I didn't know it took a while to film these episodes, I'd swear they were reading my mind.


During Daphne's ride-along I kept thinking they were going to find her boyfriend in a drunken car accident somewhere. I can't see anything else happening with that character.

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Why is Daphne spending so much time "training" for dorm safety captain, and jetting off to spring break, when she FAILED chemistry and lost her scholarship?  Does she think passing chemistry will be easier next time if she does absolutely NO studying before then to better prepare herself?  


She told Melody that this semester was so much more FUN, squeal!  Yes, I suppose if you don't study and spend all your time with MIngo and whatnot, it is a lot more fun.


Her pre-med experience is being portrayed so very unrealistically.  It would be boring to view I suppose if all she did was study yet it should be brought up much more.  She seriously needs tutoring, or at least should be doing online versions of it.  To get into medical school you don't just have to pass chemistry and physics and math, you need pretty many As because it is that competitive.  Not to mention basic sciences get ever so much harder in medical school.  If she doesn't take her studies much more seriously, she can probably forget the physician's assistant route, too.

  • Love 1

Ah, thanks. So Regina totally went back on her word to Bay - gross.



When did Daphne learn these magical diagnostic skills that would allow her to ID the potential head injury with minimal effort?


I believe it was because that was the only person lying flat on the ground. "Hello, person who is lying down! I think you may have a major head injury!" 

I have never seen such a drill on a college campus for a dorm, especially one that invested in fake blood and other props to make it look more realistic. I have never heard of a "dorm safety officer". I do not understand anything about Daphne's "college" experience. 

  • Love 2

For once, I could actually see Regina's side. After all, the recital can't be changed or moved. As they could celebrate Angelo's birthday (who is not alive to attend) any day they want to. It makes sense to move the celebration to a day when they all could attend.

I could see Regina's side if she and Bay had not made the plans beforehand and if, say, Regina had been dating Eric for years or they were actually married and thus Will would be her stepson. But she was giving Bay attitude about plans she forgot about, and, for a kid who's been in her life under a year. And this is after Regina left Bay in the store by herself to go help Eric with school stuff for Will. I was also annoyed that she was rude to Bay (about her upcoming interview) because she's protecting her boyfriend's secret. I really hope her devotion to her new boyfriend and his son comes back to bite her.

  • Love 3

I really hate how Regina doesn't treat Bay as a daughter. Having said that it seemed to me that the recital plans were made before Bay brought up the birthday and Regina didn't think they fell on the same night so she accidentally double booked. 

I agree that it looks as though it was an accidental double booking, and I really don't have an issue with Regina maintaining her commitment to the 10 year old with whom she's bonded.  I do have an issue with the way Regina acted and the fact that she couldn't be bothered to even try to address how important it clearly was to Bay.  She should have offered to get together with Bay after the recital (how late could a grade-schooler's recital run?) to acknowledge the actual birthday and also have the dinner soon after during the week.  That would have at least shown that Regina was taking Bay's upset seriously.  As it was, Regina seemed to just blow her off as if Bay was being 100% unreasonable and that the honoring of her dead father was no big deal.


I have a real issues with how, after three years of knowing each other, Regina still hasn't begun to accept Bay as a real family member.  Even if you want to say it was because Regina spent over a decade keeping her attachment and feeling in check, she's had more than enough time to work on that and Bay has been hurt by it repeatedly.  Bay being hurt ought to be sufficient motivation for Regina to get her butt in gear.

  • Love 1

I have never seen such a drill on a college campus for a dorm, especially one that invested in fake blood and other props to make it look more realistic. I have never heard of a "dorm safety officer". I do not understand anything about Daphne's "college" experience. 

Not to mention that this apparently wasn't even some drill everyone was taking part in to be better prepared in case of an emergency.  The whole thing -- actors, fake injuries, etc., was set up just to test Daphne for "dorm safety officer."  What???

  • Love 4

Not to beat a dead horse (too much) but with Regina, she also had that line about how she never remembered Angelo's birthday when he was alive, either.  I believe it.  She's a little on the self-absorbed side.  I understand she was impaired for quite a while and the relationship fell apart, but still, you generally remember your partner's birthday.  She's just a little too cavalier with Bay's feelings. The boyfriend's kid will have an endless amount of recitals, plays, sports events, etc. and Bay has had an unusually rough time including taking the fall for Daphne, rape, break-up, and just needed time with her distant and dismissive mom.  What she doesn't need is more rejection.  Daphne isn't falling far from the tree either with her lack of concern for the feelings of the person who is making her whole life possible.  Okay, done with my horse-beating. 

  • Love 2

I could see Regina's side if she and Bay had not made the plans beforehand and if, say, Regina had been dating Eric for years or they were actually married and thus Will would be her stepson. But she was giving Bay attitude about plans she forgot about, and, for a kid who's been in her life under a year. And this is after Regina left Bay in the store by herself to go help Eric with school stuff for Will. I was also annoyed that she was rude to Bay (about her upcoming interview) because she's protecting her boyfriend's secret. I really hope her devotion to her new boyfriend and his son comes back to bite her.


I can't stand Regina when it comes to Bay.  She has never showed as much interest in Bay as she does Will.  Bay is always an after-thought and has been from the start.  Frankly, she's an asshole when it comes to Bay and doesn't seem to think of her as her daughter at all.  Honestly, Bay would have been 100 times better off if she'd never found Regina.

Not to beat a dead horse (too much) but with Regina, she also had that line about how she never remembered Angelo's birthday when he was alive, either.  I believe it.  She's a little on the self-absorbed side.  I understand she was impaired for quite a while and the relationship fell apart, but still, you generally remember your partner's birthday.  She's just a little too cavalier with Bay's feelings. The boyfriend's kid will have an endless amount of recitals, plays, sports events, etc. and Bay has had an unusually rough time including taking the fall for Daphne, rape, break-up, and just needed time with her distant and dismissive momWhat she doesn't need is more rejection.  Daphne isn't falling far from the tree either with her lack of concern for the feelings of the person who is making her whole life possible.  Okay, done with my horse-beating. 


This, so much this.  Regina keeps finding new ways to reject Bay.  And considering that Daphne would have a felony record right now instead of being in a pre-med program because Bay took the fall for her, I'd expect Regina to feel at least a tiny bit of goodwill and appreciation for Bay.

  • Love 3

For once, I could actually see Regina's side. After all, the recital can't be changed or moved. As they could celebrate Angelo's birthday (who is not alive to attend) any day they want to. It makes sense to move the celebration to a day when they all could attend.

Same here. And honestly? I'm a little sick of the constantly mythologizing Angelo into anything more than he was to the girls: a sperm donor and an absentee father.

Bay barely knew him and barely had any connection to him. He's not her father, John is. Her and Angelo's only connection is DNA. Likewise, he ran out on Regina + Daphne when Daphne was a baby. The memorial dinner to commemorate the guy's birthday felt more than a little silly. Regina is the only one who has actual memories with him.

Not going to Will's recital would have hurt Will and Eric, two living people Regina is sharing a life with. "Sorry, I had to sit at home with my daughter and biological daughter and remember my deadbeat ex." Not exactly a compelling reason for canceling.

  • Love 1

But she married her deadbeat ex.  At that point, I think it's fair to say Regina had forgiven him and was building a new life together with him. 


In any case, I think Regina's feelings about Angelo don't even matter here.  She should have been there for Bay, as her mother, when this was clearly important to Bay, and very emotional for her.

Edited by izabella
  • Love 4

Not going to Will's recital would have hurt Will and Eric, two living people Regina is sharing a life with. "Sorry, I had to sit at home with my daughter and biological daughter and remember my deadbeat ex." Not exactly a compelling reason for canceling.


She really should have just said she had plans from the beginning though. Maybe she just got distracted and forgot she had other plans (it happens), but then she should have been more apologetic to Bay about it. It came off like she was annoyed by Bay suggesting the dinner when she'd already agreed to it.


Right?? I was expecting them to do a "gather 'round and we'll talk about how everybody performed", but no, it was just for Daphne. ?


I was expecting that too.  I thought maybe it was for some premed class she was taking.   It really seems unnecessary to do all that for safety captain. What kind of disasters to they expect to happen?  

  • Love 2

I thought the disaster training made sense, given the parents being up in arms about their kids' safety under Melody's supervision. I assumed she's putting all kinds of rigorous safety training and emergency prevention in place to keep the program afloat...? I think the drill was for everyone, including Daphne as potential safety monitor.

I could see Regina's side if she and Bay had not made the plans beforehand and if, say, Regina had been dating Eric for years or they were actually married and thus Will would be her stepson. But she was giving Bay attitude about plans she forgot about, and, for a kid who's been in her life under a year. And this is after Regina left Bay in the store by herself to go help Eric with school stuff for Will. I was also annoyed that she was rude to Bay (about her upcoming interview) because she's protecting her boyfriend's secret. I really hope her devotion to her new boyfriend and his son comes back to bite her.


That really bugged. Bay's been working at the store for less than one full day and they're going to leave her there alone so they can both go out and buy school supplies? It really takes two of them to do that? Regina's choices are questionable at best. Perhaps it's a good thing that she treats Bay so poorly.

I can see the drill. We all ask what kind of disaster could happen. But, in reality, the number of campus shootings has increased dramatically.


Sure, but wouldn't that drill involve Police and EMTs along with students? And wouldn't the EMTs be the one's doing the diagnosing, not some college freshman who has no training in that area? She's not at all qualified to even triage patients. 

  • Love 6

And wouldn't the EMTs be the one's doing the diagnosing, not some college freshman who has no training in that area? She's not at all qualified to even triage patients.

It reminded me of the scene in Pearl Harbor where Kate Beckinsale is running around writing on wounded soldiers' foreheads with her lipstick. It made sense during, you know, the actual Pearl Harbor. But a college freshman doing it during some kind of mass casualty event (SO common on campuses, wha?) looked ridiculous.

Oh and props to Daphne's magical lip reading abilities in the ambulance - she read the dying guy's lips when he was barely murmuring and when she was seated perpendicular to him (if not behind him). Impressive. In retrospect, they really should have made Daphne very hard of hearing, instead of totally deaf. That way they could at least explain the fact that she can magically understand everyone around her, regardless of how clearly they are speaking/mouthing their mouths or if they are facing her.

  • Love 3

I was really hoping from the previews the accident was either Toby or Lily or both. 


Until 5 years ago, I worked for a college. The whole time I was there we did not do any disaster preparedness drills that involved students being the ones to actually be the main person responsible for an event.  Yes do preparedness drills. Yes involve students who are student police officers or are in housing (RAs). Not just a dorm safety monitor (which doesn't exist and would have been called Residence Hall Safety Monitor given how much housing beats you over the head with the "Dorm implies dormant and these blah blah blah").  I work for a City and our area safety coordinator didn't go through this kind of training. She has a backpack, radio, helmet and vest. 

  • Love 2


That really bugged. Bay's been working at the store for less than one full day and they're going to leave her there alone so they can both go out and buy school supplies? It really takes two of them to do that? Regina's choices are questionable at best. Perhaps it's a good thing that she treats Bay so poorly.


Regina makes kind of poor decisions at times.  Bay should probably stick with Kathryn for nurturing.  Maybe that is much of the point here, that Bay will never be able to have much maternal warmth from Regina, it's like getting blood out of a turnip. 



Oh and props to Daphne's magical lip reading abilities in the ambulance - she read the dying guy's lips when he was barely murmuring and when she was seated perpendicular to him (if not behind him). Impressive. In retrospect, they really should have made Daphne very hard of hearing, instead of totally deaf. That way they could at least explain the fact that she can magically understand everyone around her, regardless of how clearly they are speaking/mouthing their mouths or if they are facing her.


I was thinking that too, that the man's mouth was almost upside down in relation to her. 

Bay's quest to be loved by Regina reminded me that the thing that got the switch to be uncovered was that Bay tested her blood type and found out that she couldn't be the offspring of Kathryn and John. I wonder if Regina resents Bay because she thinks: if Bay had just not blown my cover....


And right from the beginning it was established that Bay didn't feel like she fit in with the Kennishes. It's never been shown that Daphne didn't feel like she fit in with the people she grew up with. Whatever is going on with Bay feeling separate, has been going on her entire life.

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Interesting that they barely mentioned Baby Abby - you know Angelo's supposed legacy? Wouldn't it have been fitting for them to include her in the birthday plans? That is why the baby storyline with him was wasted if they were only using it as a plot device for Season 3. Bleh! Given all the infidelities she brought up when Angelo was alive, I find it difficult to believe that she wouldn't remember his birthday - he was the love of her life for pete's sake.


Regina will never understand anything outside of her relationship of the season. There's plenty of subplots she could be involved in but unwittingly implicating the Kennishes on being accessories to a kidnapping is probably not her best plan. Then again - green card marriages, one night stand pregnancies, dating guys who are wanted for crimes sounds right up her alley.

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And right from the beginning it was established that Bay didn't feel like she fit in with the Kennishes. It's never been shown that Daphne didn't feel like she fit in with the people she grew up with. Whatever is going on with Bay feeling separate, has been going on her entire life.

I've always thought that Bay's whole "I don't fit in with these people" attitude was just teenage sulkiness and her wanting to be a Tortured Artist. She grew up in a rich household, had absolutely zero problems, had loving parents and a stable household. What's she got to rebel against? So she latches on to this moody persona of a misunderstood artist. 

By contrast, Daphne grew up in a single-parent household (said parent was an alcoholic), got meningitis and lost her hearing at a young age, and lived in a low-income neighborhood. She wasn't exactly lucky/privileged. No wonder she was close with her family and felt like she "fit" in her strong community.

I don't believe that DNA causes someone to think "these two loving people whom I've known as Mom and Dad my entire life are not my parents." Bay's only real clue was that her coloring was different than her family. She WANTED to be an non-Kennish. In a sense, she got "lucky" with the switch.

My hugely unpopular opinion is that Bay is obsessed with making Regina out to be her mother. She isn't, not really. Kathryn is her mother. I think Bay has latched onto another persona she wants to be - the Latina artist. Frieda Kahlo reborn. She's trying so hard to create a connection with Regina because she's still convinced that she's not a Kennish.


I wonder if Regina resents Bay because she thinks: if Bay had just not blown my cover....

That'd actually be a really great semi-twist/character development for Regina.


Edited by CleoCaesar
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