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S10.E05: Becoming World Class


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From what I've heard and seen, going black and going blond are two of the WORST thing you can do to your hair in terms of dye because the processes are SO hard on hair.  You might as well say goodbye to your hair and shave it completely off if you want to get rid of it because there is so much wait time for it to grow out (and often, it looks horrible while you do).  Whoever told Madeline that black looks good on her must have hated her guts.  That color looks horrible on her.  If she wanted to go dark, why didn't she go with a natural-looking deep auburn or chocolate?  Both colors would have looked pretty on her and, from the looks of her eyebrows, would have been better colors for her from the beginning.  I'm glad they brought her up a few shades to a warmer, richer brown.  She still needs time to grow into her looks and mature into her dancing.  She doesn't look like a DCC to me at this time.  She may in a few years.


THAT was Mackenzie Swicegood?  I remember her being a VERY pretty cheerleader in her time and boy did my jaw drop when I saw her on the runway!  Her look was NOT flattering to her at all, IMHO.  Brittany Evans was very pretty and I liked her humor in saying something along the lines of "I can't believe I got to walk the runway with a belly".  It kind of pokes fun at the whole weight issue.


Kelly, I think the saying is "A bull in a china SHOP", not "A bull in a china cabinet".


Rose is a pretty girl.  I think when they mean "awkward", they mean she doesn't quite know what to do with her body in terms of the moves and a lot of that has to do with muscle movement.  Also with having dance "maturity", it's not about age or how long a girl dances, I think it has to do with being confident with your dancing and trusting that your body will do what you tell it to.  I don't think Rose quite has either quite yet.  She's a pretty girl and is a decent dancer, but I think she needs to do more dancing, get more practice and PUSH her dancing to the limits of her ability.  If she can do that and come back next year with stronger dancing, she could be on the squad.  Madeline I think needs more of a lot of things.  She needs to mature into her looks and, while that's happening, she really needs to improve on her dancing by doing the same thing as Rose, but also put more work in on muscle memory and picking up new things quickly.  She should also let her hair return to its natural color, let it rest a while (yet take out all the trashed stuff from that horrible black dye job with a good cut), then MAYBE add in some both some highlights and some lowlights to really bring some depth to the color.  A decent haircut wouldn't hurt that girl a bit.  Well, that and some added length!.

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I like Holly's new red hair. I had mentioned previously I thought she needed something to make her stand out a bit more. With shorter, straighter hair than most I see why they went with a bright color. I also think she would have looked good with a richer brown and a different cut, maybe something more asymmetrical like Amy (of the wardrobe malfunction at finals) had this year. That was super cute and swingy.


I think they did the best they could with Madeline. Dyed black hair is a bitch to try to change. My best friend dyed her hair black for a couple years and then had to grow it out when she got tired of it. She is a good-looking girl, but more cute than pretty at this point. Like others I wonder if a little maturity will help more than anything. 


I laughed so hard at Shelbi when she was talking about her friends Breelan and Ashley Pro and working hard to be as good as them. Honey those are not the girls you want to put in Kelli and Judy's minds when they look at you. So OF COURSE Melissa says she's going to fight for Shelbi to make the team. Just stop Melissa. It didn't work out so well last time. Help Megan be bigger and more confident.

Rose made the team because she is pretty and has a good figure. But she looked clumsy to me on all the dances. My guess is she needs a lot more technical training.

Why do these girls always say thing happen for a reason? Do they not understand that the process is very subjective? Does Madeline really accept she didn't make the team because she's not pretty enough and will never get the style? I don't understand. Life can be fairly randomness arbitrary as far as I'm concerned.


Do you mean you can understand why Rose made it into Training Camp?

Because she didn't make the team.


Jax is the Cassie look-a-like and when Kitty was talking about her face, I wondered if she would have said that about Cassie.


I thought the EXACT same thing!


THAT was Mackenzie Swicegood?  I remember her being a VERY pretty cheerleader in her time and boy did my jaw drop when I saw her on the runway!  Her look was NOT flattering to her at all, IMHO.  Brittany Evans was very pretty and I liked her humor in saying something along the lines of "I can't believe I got to walk the runway with a belly".  It kind of pokes fun at the whole weight issue.


Kelly, I think the saying is "A bull in a china SHOP", not "A bull in a china cabinet".


Some people just don't age well, and she's one of them. I don't think it pokes fun at the "weight issue." It was pretty clear to me she was only referring to being pregnant. As far as Kelly's statement, I've heard it both ways..to each his own.

Was the Megan scene edited to make her look bad and Kelli and Judy have a good reason to call her in and a possible chance for her being cut in the future. I remember season 7 and poor Amy's cut being heavily edited to make her look bad. Her sister was on the CMT DCC Making the Team facebook page defending the poor girl. Amy was scared when she was in the office, was in Urgent Care the day before because she got sick trying to lose weight to fit into the uniform, and yes, she did say more than what was shown.


That made me think of Amy too. I think she was just nervous and didn't know what to say. 

Seems like they're cutting at least two girls a week. KaShara said she was tired of getting harped on about her weight over and over. It leads me to believe it wasn't the first time for her (maybe Holly too).


In next weeks previews during cameos Kelli or Judy says something about a girl's leg being too short for the boots  (like they did w/ Vivian). Could be Megan B and she gets cut for it. I wonder who gets called in (or goes in on her own) and Kelli says "so you're telling me tonight is your last night?".

Edited by MrsEVH
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Speaking of Belk, what is it?  Is it a Dallas area boutique?

Belk's a department store owned by the same chain as Bon-ton, Elder-Beerman, Bergner's, Yonkers, etc.


Melissa Rycroft looked like she had some kind of upper lip injection or something weirdly stiff.


Loved seeing the former DCCs walk. They all looked decent, just a teeny bit 'fuller' and slightly less polished. Just goes to show you what a huge perk it is to have the free, high-end hair care, skin care, tanning, cosmetic dentistry, makeup, trainers, gym access, food, etc. that the DCCs get. It could easily cost in the thousands, per week, to maintain all that. 


As a dancer, I loved Crystal Trevino, but somehow when she speaks, she comes off as super snooty and bitchy. Trisha seemed as 'spacey' as ever, but i though she looked great. I honestly don't think Cassie really looked different, except her hair was darker. Makenzie and Sarah looked the same to me. Britney Evans looked exactly the same, just pregnant. I will never comprehend how someone can be so pleasantly even toned and sweetly smiling 24/7. I'd love to find out she eats whipped cream straight from the can or can burp the alphabet or something. I bet Trisha could do both.


I do love that either Kelli isn't holding back, or the editors aren't, and we're hearing a whole lot more honest, critical comments 

Glad they didn't drag Madeline out any longer and cut her. She's just not a good fit. 

  • Love 3

Melissa Rycroft looked like she had some kind of upper lip injection or something weirdly stiff.


 Yup.  I can't even listen to what she's saying now.  Her huge lips are distracting.  And on that note... what exactly is her purpose this season?  Last season she was kind of a coach for the strugglers, giving them extra help and tips.  This season it seems like she's more of an assistant to Kelli.

Do you mean you can understand why Rose made it into Training Camp?

Because she didn't make the team.



I thought the EXACT same thing!



Some people just don't age well, and she's one of them. I don't think it pokes fun at the "weight issue." It was pretty clear to me she was only referring to being pregnant. As far as Kelly's statement, I've heard it both ways..to each his own.

Yes, I meant training camp, not team. Sorry about that.

 Yup.  I can't even listen to what she's saying now.  Her huge lips are distracting.  And on that note... what exactly is her purpose this season?  Last season she was kind of a coach for the strugglers, giving them extra help and tips.  This season it seems like she's more of an assistant to Kelli.

I'm surprised she was even on.  She was on the Dancing With the Stars summer tour and from reading her twitter, she seemed to do a show at night, fly to Dallas early in the morning, appear on the show and then rejoin the tour.   They must have worked around her schedule because I don't think there were a lot of off nights.  She did get injured and she just was an announcer when she couldn't perform.


From reading the spoilers on the training camp thread now closed, it seemed like the cuts were farther in between than they are being shown on the show.   Almost like they weren't really filming weekly.

Yup. I can't even listen to what she's saying now. Her huge lips are distracting. And on that note... what exactly is her purpose this season? Last season she was kind of a coach for the strugglers, giving them extra help and tips. This season it seems like she's more of an assistant to Kelli.

I wondered the same thing! Is anyone else as suspicious as I am that Melissa's being positioned to become an assistant director, or eventually take over from Kelli or something like that??

This is why I think the judges' reactions during auditions when they learned who the top 3 were were heavily edited. The other 2 besides Colby made it into TC on their own so I don't see why they would have made faces.

I thought the judges made the faces just about Colby!

She sounds like Minnie Mouse. Brittany has come a long way since her TCC days.

Maybe it's because I'm Aussie, but that voice to me is incredibly irritating and sounds prissy & so put on!

I'm pretty fed up with Kelli calling girls into her office and berating them for being nervous and afraid. (Or bitching about it behind their backs.) That was unfair what she did to Megan. The "we need leaders" line was bull. A team that is nothing but leaders is a dysfunctional one. Kelli says she wants leaders, but I see her mostly choosing very young women who will follow directions blindly and without question, and yes ma'am everyone left, right, and center. Then, if they muster up some maturity in a year or three, she'll give them some responsibility.

Given that we're seeing so much "business mode" Kelli this year, it's bizarre that she has had so many moments appearing genuinely shocked that the girls could feel nervous or intimidated by her.

And you're right - the team doesn't need "leaders" nearly as much as it needs individuals who are really good at conforming to a narrow ideal. The girls that conform the best aren't really "leaders" as much as what I'd call "stepford girls".

  • Love 1

And no Rose is not pretty. Those eyebrows have been horrendously distracting since her panel interview, though it seems they fixed at least that in the makeovers. She still is not DCC pretty....not even close.

Yep pretty is the last word I'd choose... she's striking though - and has great teeth and a dazzling smile. If she wore thicker foundation to even out her skin tone and more makeup I think she could get the DCC look, but around her eyes she looks red to me like she's constantly emotional.

Personally I like her look - it's just maybe a bit 'organic' for DCC.


I wondered the same thing! Is anyone else as suspicious as I am that Melissa's being positioned to become an assistant director, or eventually take over from Kelli or something like that??


That's what I've been wondering, although I can't see Kelli letting go any time soon.


I love the makeover episodes. But I thought some of these makeovers were failures. Several of the hair colors were still harsh and roots were showing. Some of the hair looked flat and lifeless from too much processing. But it could be that we saw only a part of a series of makeover processes and that the final team members will be fully "transformed" by game day.


I also loved seeing the former DCCs. A Belk runway show - not so much.


It occurs to me that the decision-makers already know who will be on the team, long before we are shown the final choices. They may prolong consideration of a few true on-the-fence candidates during training camp, but I'm pretty sure the extended "will she or won't she make it" is solely for the show. For example, I question whether Madeline and Colbi were ever true candidates; instead I think they were show-fillers.


It takes a long time to shoot those individual meetings with Kelli and Judy, and at the end of a long day and night. It's expensive and not productive in the long run. I wonder if these extended "counseling" scenes are purely for the show.

Edited by pasdetrois

That made me think of Amy too. I think she was just nervous and didn't know what to say. 

Seems like they're cutting at least two girls a week. KaShara said she was tired of getting harped on about her weight over and over. It leads me to believe it wasn't the first time for her (maybe Holly too).


In next weeks previews during cameos Kelli or Judy says something about a girl's leg being too short for the boots  (like they did w/ Vivian). Could be Megan B and she gets cut for it. I wonder who gets called in (or goes in on her own) and Kelli says "so you're telling me tonight is your last night?".

Amy who?

I think if I woke up tomorrow looking like Rose, I'd be able to give myself the DCC look w/ what she has to work with pretty easily. Lighter hair - maybe even a dark blonde (which they already kind of gave her), whispy bangs (her forehead is a little too pronounced), eyebrow shaping , and a lot more makeup in darker shades everywhere but her lips cause her teeth/smile is stunning already and dark lips would be too much. A tan of some form (either spray or real) wouldn't hurt either - as well as some good nails. She needs a more padded bra and needs to work on her shoulder posture too. lol - I know it's a lot of changes, but generally she has a lot more going for her than most of them (long legs and nice figure, big pretty eyes and a beautiful smile, her hair is a nice thick texture as well), she would just need glammed up some and could be a gorgeous DCC. Her personality is very sweet too and even though she did do the JFK/uncle sam mistake I think she comes across as very intelligent compared to a lot of them. Her exchange w/ Kelli when being cut was very professional.

Now the dance issues, those will take some time to fix ;). Hopefully she starts taking a ton of classes and comes back less awkward.

Edited by MyFavShows

I think Rose is very pretty and easily could fit into the DCC look. Of course this is an opinion, as are all comments about prettiness.


Who's the one with the badly teased dark hair (I'm terrible with names)? I think her problem is that she styles it kind of square in the back. It's weird. Even after her makeover, when they came in to practice having done their hair on their own, she was back to the square thing.


Poor Megan. That was so painful. She feeds right into that dumb blond cheerleader stereotype and therefore needs to go.


I have a question about TC in general. They are always talking about learning 50 routines. Do they learn them all in the studio? I know that a lot of college teams have to learn that many routines and the girls are sent a DVD to learn the steps over the summer so when they come in they just clean. It seems a lot more practical.

  • Love 1

What is their obsession this year with constantly mentioning that they can have no more than 36 on the team. I thought they had 37 lockers! And didn't they even take 39 a couple years in a row? 

I think the 'storyline' this season is cutting to 36. Cutting in general. Explains how they can justify cutting vets, then taking in odd choices (Colby/fan vote), then drama for cuts. Not much sugar coating this year, and I think that's far more realistic.


I think MEGAN was pretty, but her inability to speak on the fly with confidence and body language (poise) did her in. Too many other girls were already poised, and if they have to cut a few, MEGAN was a good candidate to cut at this point. If Kelli and Judy intimidate her and cause her to blank out, imagine how much worse it would be the first time a rude fan or reporter tried to catch her off guard and make her look stupid, and then it's all over social and news media. She can learn to handle situations like this better, and try again. It's not a lost cause, IMO. 


I actually think Rose was one of the more "girl next door' naturally pretty ones, sort of like Danielle. She looks more like a model to me than a glamour girl. I prefer that look over the super-styled, bleached, tanned and teased ones.  Best wishes to her. If she wants to come back, I hope she gets additional training and makes it. 


*Edited bc Rose is not Megan.

Edited by RazzleberryPie

I will write more in a few hours but I had to stop by and convey how appalled I am at Kelli Finglasses behavior and remarks this season. It is repulsive to see how she questions whether females breasts are authentic, to jiggle them around in their bras and embarrass young women by forcing them on NATIONAL TELEVISION to disclose if they have been bought or are fake!!! THIS NEEDS TO STOP! Her behavior is classless, disgusting and she should be ashamed of her self. In some companies this could be construed as sexual inappropriate behavior on nation TV. It's just NOT NECESSARY.

Edited by Abigail-S
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I fall into the Rose is pretty camp, but she reminds me of a good friend of mine who is absolutely gorgeous. However I don't know if she's a good fit for the team. She was saying all the right things in Kelli's office, but she looked like she wanted to kill them. I think it's possible to do a job you love for a boss you don't like, but K&J aren't normal bosses and they don't have normal expectations. If Rose made it into the team next year I think she'd get labeled "toxic" like Kelsi and eventually booted or they'd just make her life miserable.

I will write more in a few hours but I had to stop by and convey how appalled I am at Kelli Finglasses behavior and remarks this season. It is repulsive to see how she questions whether females breasts are authentic, to jiggle them around in their bras and embarrass young women by forcing them on NATIONAL TELEVISION to disclose if they have been bought or are fake!!! THIS NEEDS TO STOP! Her behavior is classless, disgusting and she should be ashamed of her self. In some companies this could be construed as sexual inappropriate behavior on nation a TV. It's just NOT NECESSARY.


Really? If you've ever done anything based on appearance and body movement, you're going to get a whole lot of poking and prodding during costume fittings, and a whole lot of really blunt comments on what you look like. If you think this is rough, try ballet or modeling, ESPECIALLY with French or Russian teachers. IMO French are the worst. Rude and dismissive, and don't care. 


DCC are chosen, IMO, 50% on talent, 50% on appearance. Kelli is very up front admitting that they have to touch them when fitting costumes. They have to make sure things fit, look appropriate and won't jiggle out of place dancing that hard in those costumes. Real breasts are typically going to be more 'flexible' and move around more than implants, so she has cause to ask and to touch the way she's doing. By now, those girls know EVERY SINGLE THING they say while filming, and then while filmed by fans if they make it, is amplified and broadcast. They sign a disclosures for the show. They know it's coming, and it they don't want to answer or be fit for the costume, don't show up.


There's no shame in having implants, weaves, veneers, etc., and if your job depends on your appearance, and your natural assets need some improvement, go for it. If you need reconstruction, or just to feel more confident, go for it. If you're happy with your body, don't go for it, but also don't audition for an entertainment team that is based on a certain look. 


If they were nurses, teachers, soldiers, attorneys, sales girls, etc., and their jobs didn't depend on appearance and a specific style of dance performance, this would be sexual harassment. In this case, it is definitely not. It's justified. It's legal. They're chosen and paid to be dancers who are beautiful and sexy, but not trashy. If they don't meet that line, or go past it, there's an issue. Making sure they meet that line is not harassment, and IMO it is necessary to maintain that standard.

  • Love 8

I will write more in a few hours but I had to stop by and convey how appalled I am at Kelli Finglasses behavior and remarks this season. It is repulsive to see how she questions whether females breasts are authentic, to jiggle them around in their bras and embarrass young women by forcing them on NATIONAL TELEVISION to disclose if they have been bought or are fake!!! THIS NEEDS TO STOP! Her behavior is classless, disgusting and she should be ashamed of her self. In some companies this could be construed as sexual inappropriate behavior on nation TV. It's just NOT NECESSARY.

I get what you're saying, but she's literally done this since season 1. And while it can be construed as inappropriate, these girls are essentially paid to dance in a tiny uniform, so it's kind of relevant information. Of course they could make these clarifications when the cameras aren't around, but it makes for good tv so they're always going to include that in the show. It's just part of the formula in my opinion.

Really? If you've ever done anything based on appearance and body movement, you're going to get a whole lot of poking and prodding during costume fittings, and a whole lot of really blunt comments on what you look like. If you think this is rough, try ballet or modeling, ESPECIALLY with French or Russian teachers. IMO French are the worst. Rude and dismissive, and don't care.

DCC are chosen, IMO, 50% on talent, 50% on appearance. Kelli is very up front admitting that they have to touch them when fitting costumes. They have to make sure things fit, look appropriate and won't jiggle out of place dancing that hard in those costumes. Real breasts are typically going to be more 'flexible' and move around more than implants, so she has cause to ask and to touch the way she's doing. By now, those girls know EVERY SINGLE THING they say while filming, and then while filmed by fans if they make it, is amplified and broadcast. They sign a disclosures for the show. They know it's coming, and it they don't want to answer or be fit for the costume, don't show up.

There's no shame in having implants, weaves, veneers, etc., and if your job depends on your appearance, and your natural assets need some improvement, go for it. If you need reconstruction, or just to feel more confident, go for it. If you're happy with your body, don't go for it, but also don't audition for an entertainment team that is based on a certain look.

If they were nurses, teachers, soldiers, attorneys, sales girls, etc., and their jobs didn't depend on appearance and a specific style of dance performance, this would be sexual harassment. In this case, it is definitely not. It's justified. It's legal. They're chosen and paid to be dancers who are beautiful and sexy, but not trashy. If they don't meet that line, or go past it, there's an issue. Making sure they meet that line is not harassment, and IMO it is necessary to maintain that standard.

This. And honestly it could be so much worse. I wartched an episode of "Australia's Next Top Model" the other day and was bowled over by some of the comments about the girls' appearances. But as ugly as I thought some of them were, the modeling industry is based solely on looks, so it is what it is. I couldn't get that upset at the comments when I thought of it that way. Edited by Oranaiche
  • Love 4

I liked Madeline a lot, right from the start.  The black hair was much too harsh for her, but she is 18 years old and, as I (dimly) recall, I thought my purple/red hair looked really good when I was that age.  LOL  Kelli, Judy and Kitty were all critical of her dance style at different times.  I think she could be a future DCC if she looks into some dance classes that focus on the DCC style and comes back in a year or two.  She is still very young and, if being a DCC is truly a life goal for her, she has time to work on the issues that have been addressed and come back when she has grown up as both a dancer and a person. I thought her make-over was a definite improvement over he black wig looking hair and poor make up.  I did think it was cute prior to the make-over when she commented that she didn't know what they envisioned for her but "this isn't it" as she held up her hair.  :)

  • Love 1

Yes, Kelli and Judy sure seem to be enamoured with the no-lips look. I find it very distracting, as in not being able to look away from a train wreck. When Kat was in the office, I also realized how pinched-looing her face is. Madeline doesn't have lips, either. As far as "maturity" in dance style, I alway thought Kelli/Judy meant "sexiness," like curving back and sticking out butt and boobs.

ETA I wonder if some of th no-lip thing is caused by large veneers.

Edited by Hildegard802
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I think her name was Amy Caroline, when she was in the office all she ever said was 'yes ma'am', it was really weird. She got called out for being robotic I think... The office visit seemed like pretty bad editing

Amy (Caroline ) Andrus. She's a former AAIA and is currently a DCRB dancer. I think Kelli said she was bottom heavy. I don't remember if she was cut for that or dancing.


Amy then in TC:



Amy now:


Edited by MrsEVH
  • Love 1

Yes, Kelli and Judy sure seem to be enamoured with the no-lips look. I find it very distracting, as in not being able to look away from a train wreck. When Kat was in the office, I also realized how pinched-looing her face is. Madeline doesn't have lips, either.



I'm not a big fan of having no lips either. I don't think it'd show up much on the field though, so I understand why they're not counting it against them. I've been watching past seasons as well, and there are three no-lip blondes that looks just like Giada DeLaurentis to me. I can't tell them apart and get them all mixed up. This season's Giada lookalike is Kat. I think. 


My favorites for the DCC look and style so far are Taylor, Megan C, and Courtney. Courtney isn't traditionally pretty, but she (and Taylor and Megan C) have great performance charisma IMO. Taylor not as much as the other two, but she looks so DCC to me she's still a favorite.

Edited by bubbls

Amy (Caroline ) Andrus. She's a former AAIA and is currently a DCRB dancer. I think Kelli said she was bottom heavy. I don't remember if she was cut for that or dancing.

Amy then in TC:


Amy now:


What are DCRB dancers? That's a nice photo of Amy in the uniform, but she looks very botoxed to me - am I just imagining that? I remember her from the show.

What are DCRB dancers? That's a nice photo of Amy in the uniform, but she looks very botoxed to me - am I just imagining that? I remember her from the show.

 Dallas Cowboys Rhythm & Blue dancers. They're a hip hop dance squad that performs at Cowboys games but not as prestigious as as the DCC. Used to be all female until 2 years ago when they changed it to co-ed. There have been some girls from DCRB that have auditioned for the DCC. Only one ever made it, Terri Lynn (season 7).



Edited by MrsEVH

Oh, I forgot to say earlier, the most unintentionally hilarious part of the episode for me was when Kelli told them to drink water and weigh in. As if!!!

I caught that, too. That's dehydration weakness waiting to happen. NO WAY would I down more than a sip, which isn't going to be that effective hydration wise, if I were getting ready to weigh in. At that pace, they probably need to down at least a half a bottle of water per water break.

Is anyone else as suspicious as I am that Melissa's being positioned to become an assistant director, or eventually take over from Kelli or something like that??

I don't see that at all. It's going to be many many years before Kelli is ready to give up her position. It is a huge part of her identity, and she enjoys the perceived power and prestige, and the paycheck. When she finally steps down, and I think that is a decade or more away, it will be in favor of someone "worthy," someone was an outstanding DCC for at least 4 years, someone who will make the team her #1 priority in life and basically dedicate her entire existence to it.  I can't see Melissa as a candidate for that. She's got too many other things going on and doesn't think being a DCC is the most important thing that ever happened in her life.


It will be interesting to see who will retire first, Kelli or Judy. My guess would be Judy.

Edited by sleepyjean
  • Love 2

I don't see that at all. It's going to be many many years before Kelli is ready to give up her position. It is a huge part of her identity, and she enjoys the perceived power and prestige, and the paycheck. When she finally steps down, and I think that is a decade or more away, it will be in favor of someone "worthy," someone was an outstanding DCC for at least 4 years, someone who will make the team her #1 priority in life and basically dedicate her entire existence to it.  I can't see Melissa as a candidate for that. She's got too many other things going on and doesn't think being a DCC is the most important thing that ever happened in her life.


It will be interesting to see who will retire first, Kelli or Judy. My guess would be Judy.

 Judy is older so it would probably be her. I looked up Judy and Kelli's bios on wikipedia. Kelli went to college and Judy didn't. I wonder what criteria Judy needed to get her job.  I would have guessed she went to college for dance.

Edited by MrsEVH

I don't see that at all. It's going to be many many years before Kelli is ready to give up her position. It is a huge part of her identity, and she enjoys the perceived power and prestige, and the paycheck. When she finally steps down, and I think that is a decade or more away, it will be in favor of someone "worthy," someone was an outstanding DCC for at least 4 years, someone who will make the team her #1 priority in life and basically dedicate her entire existence to it.  I can't see Melissa as a candidate for that. She's got too many other things going on and doesn't think being a DCC is the most important thing that ever happened in her life.


It will be interesting to see who will retire first, Kelli or Judy. My guess would be Judy.


I agree that Judy would probably step down first, most likely to spend more time with her grandchildren, but they both still have several years left in them.  However, despite the fact that retirement is still several years away for both of these ladies, I wouldn't put it past them to bring someone on board years in advance to "train them up right" in the DCC way.  The moment one or both thought about retirement, they would probably start looking around for a successor (without advertising it of course) and, once found, that person, if amenable (and acceptable to the Dallas Cowboys organization), would start training right away so that they can step right in if something happens as well as providing a smooth transition once the inevitable happens.


I do think that the first people they will look at for one, or both, positions will be someone from the DCC organization as it is currently or at least within the recent past.  The top three ladies who work most intimately with the squad (Judy, Kelly, and Kitty) were all DCC themselves at one point or another and I doubt they would stray too far from that.  Plus, they would probably figure that the best people to guide the group would be people who were already involved with it as they would know what it would be like to be on both sides of the fence.


Upon a rewatch of the latest episode, I realized I really didn't like Madeline's hair as much as I thought I did.  I guess her hair was so fried from dying it that ugly, harsh black, there wasn't much the salon could really do with it other than shave it off.  They did make it look healthier, but not by much.  Madeline should really leave her hair alone color-wise for quite some time, all the while letting it grow out with its natural color and keep trimming off the black as she does so.  Once it's healthy again (and the black is gone), she can add some high- and low-lights to add depth and dimension to it, but do nothing else to it except keep it trimmed to her best advantage.


Rose IS a pretty girl, but needs to work on her dancing.  She, along with first-cut Emily, need some boldness and sassiness when they dance as well as some work with muscle memory (Madeline too).  If they can get that, they'll stand a good shot at making the team.  I don't think Colby will come back.  She didn't have the DCC look from the neck up and neither she nor Emily looked right in the DCC uniform (though I don't think it was because of their weight).  It was like the uniform didn't quite fit them right though they have really good bodies.  There needs to be some rumps and some chest in there to balance out the skin that's shown.  But that's just me at the moment.

Edited by EricaShadows

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