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I'm all for Team Liill, since TIIC will never let Brooke be done with Ridge, they're investing in Sinn for the time being and HT is not available for all practical purposes, even if TIIC hadn't beaten the Batie horse into glue. Li is too good to waste and the fact that she isn't worshipping at the alter of Saint Taylor and Steffy is an added bonus.

I was wondering where this wedding was gonna happen since the Forrester estate would be....awkward, given Carter's history. The restaurant is the first non-Forrester estate wedding in five years (!) but boy, do I miss destination weddings on this show.

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33 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

Vincent Irizzary. He underwent emergency surgery in March to reduce fluid flowing to his brain after an altercation in December left him with a head concussion after he intervened in a domestic matter between two strangers.

OMG, good for him and glad he is ok now.   Did I pick the right emoji for WOW?  

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Bold & Beautiful spoilers for week of July 25:

Bold & Beautiful spoilers for Monday, July 25:

The doctor is in! Soap vet Vincent Irizarry returns to Bold & Beautiful as Dr. Jordan Armstrong.

Wyatt and Liam share a brotherly bond while discussing Steffy, Hope and Bill. 

As Finn fights for his life, Sheila subdues her enraged son with a hidden syringe. Now what will become of Steffy’s beleaguered husband?!

Bold & Beautiful spoilers for Tuesday, July 26:

Ridge and Taylor jet to Monte Carlo to help Steffy through the heartbreak of losing Finn, which can only mean they’ll be spending a lot of time in close proximity. 

Grieving for Li and desperate to get to Steffy, Finn musters up the strength to fight back against Sheila. 

Bold & Beautiful spoilers for Wednesday, July 27:

On the plane, Taylor and Ridge share deep emotions as they rush to Steffy. Of course they do. 

Increasingly desperate to escape the cloying clutches of his psychotic biological mother, Finn ups the ante, pushing Sheila’s buttons to get what he most wants — freedom. 

Bold & Beautiful spoilers for Thursday, July 28:

We’re betting Finn’s never yelled as much in his entire life as he has in the past two weeks — how cathartic! Tune in as the doctor with the unflappable bedside manner unleashes his unyielding fury at Sheila about Steffy.

Finn’s got her on the ropes! Sheila attempts to control the situation, but the damage has been done, and the jig is nearly up!

Bold & Beautiful spoilers for Friday, July 29:

Dollar Bill delivers an unexpected and exceptional gift to an extraordinary person. I hope it's Li and not Katie. There had better be some Billi after last Friday's episode.

Overlooking a beautiful vista in the south of France, Steffy is overcome with emotion remembering Finn. 


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Bold & Beautiful spoilers for the Week of August 15, 2022:

Monday, August 15:

In a shocking and unexpected development, the Forresters are stunned to learn of the death of Sheila Carter. I'm gonna go with she ain't dead. 

Hmm… this is an intriguing teaser: Steffy and Taylor get real with Thomas about Douglas. It almost sounds like they’ll try to dissuade him from his dream of having his son move back in with him full-time. So I am right and he is looking to get full custody of Douglas. Well, considering his track record, I call bullshit and am firmly on Team Hope.

Tuesday, August 16:

When Eric gives his blessing and grants a special request to Thomas, we have to wonder if the reformed obsessive will be welcomed back into the Forrester mansion with open arms. We also have to wonder what happened to his realtor’s quest to find him a home of his own. It must be a tight market in L.A., even for wealthy fashion designers!

Eek! Hide the good dishes (so she doesn’t throw them at his head)! Ridge confesses to Brooke that he kissed Taylor in Monte Carlo. Will Brooke freak out — or shed her trademark single heartbroken tear — when she hears the news? Brooke will cry but forgive him and probably say he and Taylor just got caught up in the news of Finn being alive and reunited with Steffy. Like the good little doormat she always is.

Wednesday, August 17:

In what will undoubtedly be more of a very light nudge, Steffy pushes Taylor to admit that she’s ready for a future with Ridge. But as they say, getting there is only half the battle. That is what they say, right?!? Steffy only doing a very light nudge? Please, she'll have a forklift to push Taylor into Ridge's arms. 

Thomas and Hope get emotional over his plan to live with Douglas. Could they possibly be working this out like two mature, caring adults? It almost sounds like it. On the other hand, the “emotion” could be rage, so there’s that. So again, Thomas is clearly wanting to get full custody of Douglas as that's what living with means. Not your call, Thomas.

Thursday, August 18:

Well, if you don’t get deja vu from this teaser, you haven’t been watching Bold & Beautiful long enough: Taylor and Steffy go on the offensive with Ridge about Brooke’s past transgressions. Here’s a tip, ladies: If he doesn’t see her flaws all on his own, pointing them out isn’t going to help your cause. Oh joy, another round of Brooke-bashing by ladies who live in the thinnest, most fragile of glass houses. 

Deacon wakes up in bed with a complete stranger. Our first thought is, “Oh no, he went on a colossal bender.” Our second thought? “Is this so-called stranger actually the supposedly dead Sheila in disguise?” If so, how will the ex-con handle the fugitive this time around?

Can we please wrap up this Sheila nonsense? Diminishing returns is the understatement of the year.

Friday, August 19:

Carter and Quinn get busted kissing in the Forrester CEO office. Will the person who walks in on them sharing a lip-lock be Paris? Will we finally get a showdown over Carter’s flip-flopping? I'm fine with seeing Quarter but could not care less who sees them kissing. They are free to do as they please at this point.

Finn and Steffy once again demonstrate their great love for one another. Another round of Sinn sexy times, which is fine as Tanner is nice to look at and I continue to be in awe of how amazing Jacquie looks. 

Bold & Beautiful’s new addition arrives today and could lead Deacon to an arrested development! His parole officer has been cast.

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6 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Carter and Quinn get busted kissing in the Forrester CEO office. Will the person who walks in on them sharing a lip-lock be Paris? Will we finally get a showdown over Carter’s flip-flopping?

How would this even be a scandal?! Everyone saw Carter ditch Paris at the aisle weeks ago!

And why wait this long for a "showdown"?

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I was never the least bit sympathetic to Steffy about the Phobeth reveal.

Steffy wanted Hope to leave her daughter ... let me say that again .... her daughter with Steffy because ... um ... it would hurt Steffy to lose her black market illegally adopted baby.  The baby that Hope and Liam thought was dead for nearly a year.  

Thomas willingly gave Hope joint custody of Douglas.  Now he wants sole custody. How will he convince a judge to take custody away from Hope?  "Oh gee your Honor. I was a pretty rotten person. Kind of a psychopath,  I tormented and terrified my very young son and used him as a pawn to convince Hope to marry me. I planned to molly my then wife Hope to have sex. But hey, I'm all better now. So I'd like to rip my son away from his stable loving home with his adopted mother. Because reasons. Because I'm a Forrester and she's a Logan."

Or maybe Ridge will get his friend the family court judge -- who he pressured/blackmailed during the Bill/Katie fight -- to do another little favor and give Thomas sole custody.  Maybe even not allow Hope any visitation.  Remember Sludge's comment about Hope a couple of years ago --"I never liked that one."

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On 8/14/2022 at 8:03 PM, Angeleyes said:

I’m so over the Brooke bashing.

As someone who absolutely loathed Brooke well into the 2010s, I fully agree.

22 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Promo video for this week:

Steffy, ever the hypocrite, talking about Douglas needing to be with his "real' family. It makes me want to take all the sympathetic feelings I had for her when it was revealed Phoebe was Beth away. 

If Steffy was that interested in her nephew being raised by his "real family" (which wow, you know your husband was adopted, right?!), why didn't she step up to the plate when Thomas was threatening to smack this kid or gaslighting him? Raising two infants simultaneously wasn't an issue for her and after Beth went back to Lope, she had space in her house for another kid.

But then, she couldn't use Douglas as bait to play house with Waffles.

19 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

I don't see it as Thomas ripping his son away from Hope and Liam; I see it as Douglas wanting to spend more time with his father.  We'll see how it all ends, but I hope the writers don't drag it out.  

Which he can absolutely still do without ripping custody away from Hope. Hell, if Douglas wanted to move in with Thomas completely, I highly doubt she'd push back at all.

Hope's history of being a selfish, thoughtless brat with a "my way or the highway" attitude is just that: history. In fact, the only time that's been on display at any point since AN's casting was when she was trying to get Douglas out of that toxic environment and told Brooke and Liam both to kick rocks and reminded them Douglas didn't deserve to be punish for who his father is.

As others have pointed out, this doesn't need to be a traditional custody hearing. It's the 20s, and people have all kinds of arrangements to be with their kids. There was even a court case in Canada of two friends with no romantic history being allowed to adopt a child together  Hell, even in the 90a, there were a divorced couple (or possibly a pair of friends who were gay and lesbian, I can't recall) that bought houses next to one another so the kid could see them both.

Time to modernize these old tropes.

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14 minutes ago, nkotb said:

Rena Sofer, AKA Quinn, is leaving. Her last filming date was this past Friday. Quinn was bad a lot, but I always watch when she’s on-screen.


I had to laugh at some of the pieces, including the Quinn, Quarter and Eff-off ones. She's a multi-talented woman with a sense of humor. 

I'll miss Quinn but they weren't really using her.

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15 hours ago, CanaryFan98 said:

I'm a bit surprised then again this show seemed to treat her as an afterthought so its probably for the best.  Who knows how long the rest of the soaps are going to last after Days moves to Peacock.

To be quite frank, when we had five shows cancelled in 4 years, I didn't think any of the remaining shows were gonna last past the 2010s.

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I really hope that was from one of the sites that speculates, and not a clean spoiler. 

I kind of can't see it right now. They're not going to break up Steffy and Finn in the immediate future, after their grand romantic reunion. So, they'd be leaving Liam unattached, which doesn't seem like something they'd do. He's been established, for years as the "must have" man of that generation.  

And, oh God, I just grossed myself out - what if they have Hope off with Thomas and Ridge off with Taylor, and we end up with Liam/Brooke?  I swear I sometimes, over the past couple years, have felt like the show was chem-testing those two, but I try to convince myself I'm just imagining things. But, really, if Ridge does go to Taylor, and Bill is with Li, and Deacon is being a dumbass harboring Sheila, and Eric is with Donna, who would that leave for Brooke? 

I'm going to go vomit now. 

Also, seriously, Hope/Thomas should be the one pairing that can just never happen. It's one thing for her to get along with him for Douglas's sake, but with everything he's done to her, especially keeping her from Beth, he should never, ever be rewarded by finally having her. 

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I saw that and felt absolutely no chemistry between those SC and KKL. Their conversation seemed stilted at best and I sense that Liam looks upon Brooke as a maternal figure, especially as his MIL. (I know that hasn't been a deterrent in the past, but still ... ICK) I also had a similar reaction to SC and RS during that SL, meaning that I didn't pick up any natural chemistry between the two, despite the cringeworthy circumstances. 

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19 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

And, oh God, I just grossed myself out - what if they have Hope off with Thomas and Ridge off with Taylor, and we end up with Liam/Brooke?

That seems like some shit TIIC would do, but putting aside the obvious, they just don't have that kind of chemistry for that to work long term.

I mean, if it kills Lope for good, I won't complain. Much. ;)

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I didn't know where to post this. I read in one of the soap blogs today that RS decided to leave because she felt like "she deserved more." Allegedly, Brad Bell called her and said he really didn't know where TIIC were headed with Quinn and suggested that RS go on recurring status. RS (rightfully so) declined.  Then she said that during the week when she was filming her final episodes BB said he wanted her back, but it was too late. The post didn't state whether the plea came along with the promise of a better SL for Quinn.

I wish RS much success with her ceramics. I would love to see some of her work. I will have to check IG.

I am disappointed because I really wanted a swerve and watch a protracted acrimonious Queric divorce with Quinn fighting Eric for part of the company. I think RS and JMc would have killed it. It would have brought in many more characters and could have been stretched out for months. 

I am so tired, of Sheila, Sinn, Tridge, Steffy and this mess with Douglas. I don't want to see Paris or Zende and Carter on his own is always boring. What's left? I wish the writers would kick in and revisit Li and Bill.  I always enjoy $Bill with Liam and Wyatt. Those three with Li and Finn would be great and TN would get to do some real acting with better scene partners. 

And I see we're in for another Brooke-Taylor catfight this week, only involving crafts paint. Oh, joy! (NOT!)

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16 hours ago, Soapy Goddess said:

I'm sorry to see Rena go too. Since it's too late for her to reconsider, I wonder if they'll recast Quinn? Otherwise I don't know how they'd explain a break-up with Carter. Unless they both ride off into the sunset?

What would be the point of a recast when they did nothing with the original? As for Carter, given the nonentity he's been for most of his existance on the show, would they even need to give him an exit story to explain his disappearance? The next time Wyatt appears in summer of '25, he can just summarize what they've been up to since leaving LA.

22 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

I am so tired, of Sheila, Sinn, Tridge, Steffy and this mess with Douglas. I don't want to see Paris or Zende and Carter on his own is always boring. What's left?

Good question.ive always said the 30 minute time frame is no excuse for the shoddy writing, and I maintain that even more now as the entire B&B backlog up to 1992 and after 2005 is on YouTube for all and sundry to watch for themselves. There are still some of B&B's worst hallmarks like the waffling and men getting away with being piss baby hypocrites*, but at least the women could occasionally show backbone and we got stories that weren't all about who Ridge was boning. The story that kept me hooked on '99 despite tuning in for the teen scene with Amber and Rick was Taylor's health crisis catching tuberculosis while in what would already be a pretty high risk pregnancy with twins. And while Tylo's personal demand kept Tridge out of divorce court in the 2000s, they had other conflicts that Brooke wasn't discussed or thought of, like the drama with Kristen's now-husband Antonio and him telling Taylor he was HIV-positive back when this was still more or less a death sentence.

I just wish the young people here got the chance to tell that kind of a compelling story. Especially Scott Clifton, whose scripts have remained unchanged since before the iPad 2 was released. 

*By the way, why did no on ever tell me how terrible Clarke Garrison was? He might be the one male character I despise more than Liam and only slightly less than Ridge for the shit he pulled on Kristen, then had the nerve to be injured and wounded for merely talking to her ex Mick! At least I take comfort knowing Sally will throw him out on his ass in Season 5 but God, that's still pretty far off for me.

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On 8/18/2022 at 6:17 PM, CanaryFan98 said:

That's true I am surprised we actually have 4 soaps standing now.

I also thought soaps were not going to make it to the 2020's.

I think two factors are at play- the first is that there is a pretty high fail rate for daytime talk shows (even being cheaper than soaps really doesn't help with ad dollars if nobody is watching them), and total viewers in general are going down. It's harder for a network to sniff at a t.v. show that brings in 9-11 million viewer over 5 days if the biggest primetime hits are ranging from 7 to 9 million viewers, with a "massive" hit having 11 million viewers. 

On 8/30/2022 at 6:19 PM, Anna Yolei said:

The next time Wyatt appears in summer of '25, he can just summarize what they've been up to since leaving LA.

Wyatt feels like he's been a nonentity since they decided that they weren't into watching him battle with Liam, and they slotted Thomas into the love quadrangle instead.

On 8/26/2022 at 10:24 PM, KerleyQ said:

Also, seriously, Hope/Thomas should be the one pairing that can just never happen. It's one thing for her to get along with him for Douglas's sake, but with everything he's done to her, especially keeping her from Beth, he should never, ever be rewarded by finally having her. 

I still maintain that they should have ripped off Brent from Guiding Light and had Thomas come back to LA in disguise, hell bent on revenge. 

Edited by methodwriter85
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9 hours ago, methodwriter85 said:

I still maintain that they should have ripped off Brent from Guiding Light and had Thomas come back to LA in disguise, hell bent on revenge. 

Judging by Hope's stupidity w Sheila, he would have to work very hard to "disguise" himself. Could crib from his momma and don glasses and a blond wig and done 🤣

3 hours ago, backhometome said:

So, Sheila is still going to be obsessed with Finn/Hayes. She already "killed" him. What more cans she do. I bet she will kidnap Hayes. Since she already shot his parents.

I dont know what's more repetitive Sheila/Finn or Douglas custody mess. 

I can tolerate Sheila because we all know she won't hesitate to cap a bitch.

I hope it's Ridge next.

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Fall spoilers from sheknows.com

NOTE: I am bored an recovering from my bivalent booster yesterday, so I went down some rabbit holes that had more details. IF they are true, than FINALLY from our lips to Brad Bell's ears. 

Nikki Newman and Deacon try to reach a deal
I have never watched Y&R regularly, but even I find it hard to get my head around that those two were MARRIED? I thought Victor was Nikki's "destiny." Poor Deacon, always the fall-back guy.

But will Nikki unwittingly discover that Deacon has another secret?

The discussion about Thomas' involvement in Douglas' life continues
The scoop is that Brooke, alarmed by Thomas's pocket knife and the threatening way he spoke to her, calls CPS about Douglas living with Thomas full-time. 

Ridge has to come to terms with the reality that a loved one might need more help than he can give
Ya think?
Brooke tells Ridge about her exchange with Thomas. While Ridge has Thomas's back during the visit from CPS, he starts to believe Brooke's account and the tide begins to turn. 

Thomas struggles to contain his feelings

Steffy continues to do what she thinks is best for Taylor
This warrants no explanation or speculation. If anybody is due for a Stephanie-Taylor-level slap to the face, it's this (Erika Jayne's favorite word). I want Sheila, Li, Brooke, and finally, Hope, to form a line.

THIS is what I was referring to in my note. The spumors indicate that Taylor finally gets fed up with Ridge's waffling, as well as continuing run-ins with Brooke, and throws in the towel.

You know Steffy is going to lose her mind. She convinces Taylor to take a solo trip to Aspen to sort out her feelings. This is the springboard to get part of the cast to Aspen for a remote shoot. 

Casting scoops

Rena Sofer has exited her role as Quinn. For more information, continue reading here.
Speaking of ... I read a spumor that Denise R. is coming back to reprise her role as Shauna for a brief visit. Given what I've been reading about "Carter's life is turned upside down" I suspect Quinn may die or be killed off-screen and there is a memorial service held for her? I am more inclined to belief this is a bunch of nothing. 

Django Ferri has taken over the role of Douglas on a permanent basis.

A sneak peek at next week

Ridge ponders his destiny

Aspen, Colorado, is the setting for romance and drama

New circumstances for Bill elicit past memories
Let me guess ... We will see the Aspen balloon ride with Brooke for the 10 millionth time.

Down the Road Preview: Fall Preview

Emboldened, Sheila formulates her own plans, with nothing to lose and everything to gain -- and Finn and Steffy are once again in danger
If Sheila takes out Steffy, I am firmly behind this! Sheila can take out Finn once and finally, for all I care. A custody battle over Hayes between Taylor vs. Li/Bill would be awesome!

In a remote location, the unexpected happens, and circumstances cause Ridge to make a choice

The fight for what is best for Douglas begins, and loyalties and alliances shift unexpectedly
Spumors indicate that Ridge is finally going to end up siding with the "Evil Logans"

In her disguise, Sheila will venture to Steffy and Finn's beach house and possibly reveal herself to the wrong person

Deacon's freedom might be in jeopardy if he gets caught harboring a felon

Bill will side with Liam regarding Douglas while navigating his own romantic relationships
Hopefully, his inner compass will direct Bill away from Katie and Brooke and TO Li.

Eric and Donna will settle in as a couple and become involved in their family's dramas

Zende will continue to design for Forrester Creations and Hope for the Future, with Paris as his muse
So ... if Quinn dies or whatever, PLEASE don't let it result in a ToD between Zende/Paris/Carter. Paris should never speak to Carter again EVER.

Carter's life is turned upside down

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2 hours ago, Angeleyes said:

I’m no fan of Thomas and I think his past abuse of Douglas should have been been more fully revealed. However, calling CPS because he was cutting an apple with a knife? That’s a bit premature. 

Thomas is such a crappy human being, I wouldn't put it past him to call CPS on himself in order to accuse Brooke.

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3 hours ago, Angeleyes said:

I’m no fan of Thomas and I think his past abuse of Douglas should have been been more fully revealed. However, calling CPS because he was cutting an apple with a knife? That’s a bit premature. 

Also, if Brooke does call CPS, couldn't Thomas say he felt threatened because she came to his place?

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On 9/24/2022 at 1:57 PM, CharlizeCat said:

I have never watched Y&R regularly, but even I find it hard to get my head around that those two were MARRIED?

I genuinely forgot that had happened, but i just remembered that the two shows were crossing rather frequently in the mid to late 2000s. Katherine had a two day crossover about the trust Stephanie owned that started FC and  both Rick and Ridge had been with Ashley. I'm genuinely not sure which of them in the Ridge/Ashley pairing dodged the bullet for that ending, even if I still loathe how it did.

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