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Jeopardy! Season 32 (2015-2016)

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Tonight the one guy lost it all in double jeopardy and had 2,400 at the final and Alex said it was "Anyone's game?" The one woman had about 8,000 and the other one had about 11,000. What was Alex talking about? 


As long as it isn't a runaway, everyone still has a chance in FJ. The two women could have bet big money against each other and been wrong.


The game got off to a rocky start with no one recognizing "Miranda" and forgetting more than once that the answers had to begin with "m." But it got exciting towards the end. Rabbit Is Rich was a funny answer, though--did she really think John Updike's "Rabbit" books were about rabbits?

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Tonight the one guy lost it all in double jeopardy and had 2,400 at the final and Alex said it was "Anyone's game?" The one woman had about 8,000 and the other one had about 11,000. What was Alex talking about? 


The two leading contenders would likely bet big in FJ, so if the guy in third bet nothing, and the other two got it wrong, he could end up winning.

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Anyone else find it ironic about how A.T. describes Amelia's cash winnings from yesterday as a "lot of money" -- on the same day that a multi-state lottery drawing for $1.5 billion is taking place ?  I know they tape these shows weeks in advance, but still.


That body part category in the Jeopardy round was way too easy -- thumb drive was a $1000 clue.  WTF ?


Really unimpressive totals at the first commercial break -- the two challengers were both in negative numbers.


I was kind of hoping that there was going to be a Bryan Adams question in the 'Cuts like a Knife' category.


Rutabaga was a $2000 clue in the 'RU' category.  come on.


That 'Masters of Sex' clue in the Showtime Category demanded a BMS -- "Who is Johnson ?"  just didn't cut it.  Who am I kidding -- "Who is Kit Johnson ?" would probably have been accepted.  :)


Couldn't believe that Len missed that Domino theory clue.


FJ was way too easy, was surprised that Megan missed it.


Congrats to 2-day champ Amelia.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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I think Megan just wanted to write something down. I doubt she thought that was correct.


I didn't know FJ either; I know very little children's lit because I didn't enjoy it, even as a kid. I'd never even heard of it. Shame on me, I guess.


The contestants forgot the categories a few times, which doesn't surprise me when there's a lot of board-hopping, but did surprise me since they were pretty much staying in the same


Tonight the one guy lost it all in double jeopardy and had 2,400 at the final and Alex said it was "Anyone's game?" The one woman had about 8,000 and the other one had about 11,000. What was Alex talking about? 


Oh, we've seen that distant-third contestant win many a game. When your opponents are battling each other with high score, sometimes you can sneak in and win if you're the only one who gets FJ right.


The middle guy reminded me of a former boss I had who I hated, so I had a completely unfair dislike of him. It was the way he stood. Not his fault, but I was rooting against him.

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I'm sure glad Megan didn't win. She was annoying and her eyes were "shifty".

Why don't they ever listen? I was screaming Domino! at Len.

Even with his picture, no one knew David Steinberg. Sad. I got the Gucci and Gladstone TS's.

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That 'Masters of Sex' clue in the Showtime Category demanded a BMS -- "Who is Johnson ?"  just didn't cut it.  Who am I kidding -- "Who is Kit Johnson ?" would probably have been accepted.  :)


I know! I was thinking thinking the same - "Which Johnson?" ;-)


FJ was way too easy, was surprised that Megan missed it.


I wasn't sure - never read it, and wasn't sure if the time frame was right, but I remember the cover art had rabbits on it, so I figured it might be right.


Even with his picture, no one knew David Steinberg. Sad.

I kept saying "David...David...David..." but couldn't come up with his last name.  I guess "David Carson" wouldn't have worked.

Edited by Moose135
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Couldn't believe that Len missed that Domino theory clue.

I was surprised at that too. 


TS's I got were ruby-throated, Gladstone and Gucci.


Congrats to Amelia on her second win.

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I didn't know FJ either; I know very little children's lit because I didn't enjoy it, even as a kid. I'd never even heard of it. Shame on me, I guess.


Watership Down isn't a children's book, despite its bunny rabbit characters. It can get very dark and violent. The animated film is even more frightening. Many a parent has made the error of thinking "cartoons + rabbits = fun for the whole family," and ended up with some very upset kids.

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I've never read Watership Down, or really even heard anything about it other than its title, so I had no idea on FJ.


I was rooting for Megan, as a fellow public interest attorney, but she had a couple of wrong answers that really surprised me.  I can't remember the other one, but misidentifying Vivien Leigh as Claudette Colbert despite the picture and the Atlanta reference kind of boggled my mind (and I don't even like Gone With the Wind).


Gucci surprised me a bit as a TS, because I am not remotely into fashion, but Italian + expensive purses led me immediately to it.


I had Bryan Adams in my head as soon as the Cuts Like a Knife category was revealed, so I'm on the same wavelength as someone upthread.

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I was kind of hoping that there was going to be a Bryan Adams question in the 'Cuts like a Knife' category.


I was expecting 'Mercutio' in the Shakespeare M category.


I don't think I ever read Watership Down (or saw the cartoon movie), but it came to me immediately.


I got Gucci. I didn't get David Steinberg. His name just wouldn't come to me. I was thinking, "Richard... Richard..."


I got 'Cantos' re the Ezra Pound clue because 'Cantos' was the answer in todays Yahoo crossword puzzle. Coinkeydink!

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Watership Down isn't a children's book, despite its bunny rabbit characters. It can get very dark and violent. The animated film is even more frightening. Many a parent has made the error of thinking "cartoons + rabbits = fun for the whole family," and ended up with some very upset kids.

The other day, I saw that Watership Down won the Carnegie Medal (literary award for children's and young adult work).  While I read it when I was a "tween," I don't remember thinking it was a kid's book.  I've been meaning to reread it, so I think FJ was reminding me.


I got ruby-throated hummingbird because that's the type that live where I grew up.  My neighbor's cat caught a young one once, and I was able to hold it while we waited for it to go to bird rescue.  Hmm, I don't have many good Jeopardy interview stories, so maybe that would be one!  And then everybody here could comment on how boring I am based on the story.  Kidding :)

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Wow,  Watership Down is one of my favorite books and I didn't get FJ.  However the clue was worded made me think they were looking for a children's book.  I don't think of Watership Down as a children's book. 

Edited by SierraMist
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I haven't read Watership Down, but I know the basics, and I've seen a few covers, so that was my guess. I wasn't sure about 1972 though.


"Macdougal" was my big laugh of the game. Also one of Megan's. She had a rough start, but I'm glad she found her footing by the end.


I don't think beating 70+ Alex at arm wrestling makes Amelia "bizarrely strong."

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Looked like Alex let her win. Not that she wouldn't win anyway, but he went for the laugh. Good call.


"Macdougal" was my big laugh of the game. 

That was hilarious! How about MacDonald? MacConnell? MacDavis?

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I'm scaring myself that I had a lot of tip-of-the-tongue moments. David...David....Bergsomething. And for Domino theory, I kept miming the motion of the dominoes falling as I grasped for the word, though I doubt Alex would have accepted that.

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Even with his picture, no one knew David Steinberg. Sad. I got the Gucci and Gladstone TS's


I wouldn't know David Steinberg if you hit me over the head with him; never even heard of him.  I got Gucci and Gladstone both wrong as well.  I'm not into designers or purses (I've heard of Gucci, but said Prada), and while I can name every British king and queen from Edward the Confessor to Elizabeth II, I'm very hit or miss with Prime Ministers.  If it ain't Churchill, Disreali, Lloyd George or one of the Pitts (or a recent one), I'm at a loss.  Heck, even with knowing a lot about the Napoleonic era, I had no clue that Arthur Wellesley had become Prime Minister until I saw it on Jeopardy.


But I did get Domino Theory so I don't feel too bad.  And ruby-throated and Vivien Leigh.



Edited by proserpina65
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I worked in a bookstore once, and Watership Down was one of the first books I learned to shelve quickly, as it was both oversized  and the author early in the alphabet. The cover was a rabbit, so it was an easy FJ. My Dad read all the Updike books, and as a kid I thought it interesting that he was reading about a "Rabbit" character, and then I skimmed through a bit! NOT a bunny in sight!

  I empathized with the middle guy's frustration at first, and then I actively rooted against him.

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Looked like Alex let her win. Not that she wouldn't win anyway, but he went for the laugh. Good call.Looked like Alex let her win. Not that she wouldn't win anyway, but he went for the laugh. Good call.


I thought that was a jerk move.  If you don't want to arm wrestle her (and risk being beat by a woman), then pick another story from her list.  Or just ask her about her arm wrestling victories.  Don't challenge her then immediately give up.

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I came upon this link today in my facebook feed and have decided instead of wasting time on TV forums or facebook I am going to google every one of the famous people on these colored charts. If you know who all these people are and what works/work they are most famous for and when and where they lived, you will know 50% of the Jeopardy questions or more. I thought you folks would appreciate this article. I found in amazing!


http://waitbutwhy.com/2016/01/horizontal-history.html(really famous people's lifespans) 


if I do this instead of wasting time on facebook and Previously TV, I might know something.


I love these history charts but as an opera lover I am VERY annoyed that Giuseppe Verdi was left out.  

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Not a great game tonight; lots of missed questions and TS's. Amelia was very lucky to pull off that third win, especially after missing two of the DD's. I got Frederick the Great, San Simeon, Gethsemane, Remembrance of Things Past, and aquiline. I guessed Sardinia for FJ, even though it's not that close to Sicily. The questions weren't difficult until that last one!

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Two days in a row that the two challengers are both in negative numbers at the first commercial break.  That doesn't bode well.


Amelia looked great in that blue outfit -- great color on her.  And she's a Whovian too.  Awesome !


The middle contestant, Ellen, should be deducted double the value of that souvlaki clue since she misprounounced it -- twice. Seriously, where are they finding some of these contestants ?


Those were some pretty unimpressive scores going into FJ.  There were a lot of TS, and too many clues left on the boards in each round.


Amelia made the smart bet and played for the tie -- and still came out the sole champ.

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This was a pretty sad game. Lots of TS that I got - I can't even remember them all! I did guess Sardinia for FJ though.


I was a bit annoyed by the calamine lotion question, though. I was surprised at the answer because I had thought calamine lotion was zinc oxide + iron oxide, and I'd never heard of zinc carbonate being used in place of zinc oxide. When I googled it, Wikipedia was the *only* source I could find that even mentioned zinc carbonate being used in calamine lotion.


The horrible attempts at pronouncing souvlaki made me cringe.

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Alex, can I have Lame Game for $2,000, please?

That was a stinker! I thought Ben had promise at first but then he petered out. Poor Ellen didn't have a clue throughout the game, not just FJ. Amelia won by the skin of her teeth but I'm glad. She's a pleasant and nice looking lady.

I got mitt, Remembrance of Things Past (apparently the only thing Proust ever wrote in Jeopardy World), Gethsemane and Mediterranean and Suez.

I wildly guessed Malta for FJ.

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Slow game and poor scores.  They did clear the board in the J! round but left quite a few in the DJ! round.


I didn't write down the TS's I got so of course I don't remember them except for Frederick the Great (a total guess on my part), common (in the Cleopatra category) and Gethsemane which was a very big surprise that it was a TS.


I also guessed Sardinia for FJ; I thought Stromboli was a made-up place until I just looked it up.

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I thought Gethsemane was incredibly easy for the $2000 clue (and none of them knew it)!   Really a pathetic game.  And Amelia was very lucky to still be the champ.  Wasn't the top she had on exactly the same as the top she had on yesterday except it was a different color?  (Today it was blue, and yesterday it was red).  Or did I imagine that?

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I got mitt, Remembrance of Things Past (apparently the only thing Proust ever wrote in Jeopardy World), Gethsemane and Mediterranean and Suez.

So true about Proust. I think the last time he was a clue was also a TS. Strange that contestants have such a problem with him.


I felt bad for Ben when Ellen got a $2K clue going into FJ. Their final scores made it look as though they were neck and neck when in reality he dominated.

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I also guessed Sardinia for FJ; I thought Stromboli was a made-up place until I just looked it up.

I have actually been to Stromboli, which makes it even worse that I didn't know it was the answer! :P

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I'm reading these comments and realizing I know some of what you're talking and nothing of other things...where was I during DJ?  Oh, yeah...my SIL's cat had a stroke and she called to talk about. Why does she always call during "Jeopardy!" ?  But I needed to listen to her talk about Zorro. Sorry I missed DJ, but, really, Zorro IS more important. 

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I have actually been to Stromboli, which makes it even worse that I didn't know it was the answer! :P

I actually knew Stromboli was a volcano (one that's been continuously erupting for around 2000 years!)  but I had no idea it was an island.  I thought it was just a volcano on Sicily itself.


I thought Stromboli was a made-up place until I just looked it up.

Also the name of the evil puppet master in Pinocchio!  And a pretty good pizza-turnover, kind of like a calzone ;-)

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I actually knew Stromboli was a volcano (one that's been continuously erupting for around 2000 years!)  but I had no idea it was an island.  I thought it was just a volcano on Sicily itself.

Also the name of the evil puppet master in Pinocchio!  And a pretty good pizza-turnover, kind of like a calzone ;-)


I thought of the food first..and went with Corsica as island!

I guessed mitten, too.  I hope they would have accepted it.

Mitten here as well! It seems to me that it fits the question. I think I was shouting "COMMON!" in the Antonym and Cleopatra category! Slow game, and too many clues left on the board.

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I got the same TSs as you all: Remembrance of Things Past, Gethsemane, common, aquiline, mitt(en)... I can't remember if there were any others.


I guessed mitten for that clue, I wonder if it would have been accepted.

I said mitten. I'd never heard it referred to as a mitt.


I had no idea for FJ. When Stromboli was shown to be the answer, that was news to me.

Also the name of the evil puppet master in Pinocchio!  And a pretty good pizza-turnover, kind of like a calzone ;-)


Yes, those are the only meanings I had for Stromboli.


I know that Dr Who fans are called Whovians, but my first reaction to hearing that term is that they live in Whoville.

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I got Gethsemane but mispronounced it -  GETHsemane instead of GethSEMane - would it have been accepted?

Yes, but you would have been put in your place by Alex correcting your pronunciation.



I know that Dr Who fans are called Whovians, but my first reaction to hearing that term is that they live in Whoville.

Me too!

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I know Stromboli as the movie that, during filming, Ingrid Bergman & Roberto Rossellini began their affair, had an "out of wedlock" child that caused her to be denounced on the floor of the US Senate as "a powerful influence for evil" in the early 50s, almost ending her career.  I guess that's too long for a clue in FJ, huh?

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Stromboli's are DELICIOUS and I want one right NOW but they are so bad for you. I also guessed Corsica so knew it was going to be wrong if I thought of it.

I didn't realize that Amelia is from Albany. She's practically my neighbor! I mean, it's two hours east but still. Neighbor.

Edited by mojoween
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I guessed mitten for that clue


One of our nicknames is the Mitten State so I'm OK with it

Yes, but you would have been put in your place by Alex correcting your pronunciation.


Get-su-mah-nay, a la francais and completely exaggerated


Although does anyone really know it was pronounced in 33 AD? I'm thinking not

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First I said Lipari, which is in the same island group as Stromboli -but I knew that was wrong because I knew it had to be more of a household name than Lipari. I then though of Pantelleria but that seemed too hard as well.Then I said Lampedusa as my final answer. I was trying to think of known islands off of Sicily.  Sardegna and Corsica are not near Sicily or would not be described as "islands off of Sicily".


It kills me that after I guessed Lipari I didn't think of the most known island there (to Americans anyway due to the food called Stromboli) and I didn't think of it, even though I was there! I also have a photo of it hanging in my den, right next to the TV! I'm kicking myself for that! It's so cool about a few hundred  people live there.  This is because it is so remote. It's hard to get to Lipari from Sicily (Milazzo) but that is the main island of the 8 island group. From Lipari it's a long way to Stromboli. I don't know how they get supplies there. It is beautiful though. I took a boat tour from Lipari and the boat does not like to leave the island until the tourists have seen the volcano give off a puff of eruption.   So the captain of the boat kept yelling "DAI STROMBOLI" which means "Come On Stromboli!" cause they wanted to head back. It sounds like "Die Stromboli" which just cracked me up. 

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