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Jeopardy! Season 32 (2015-2016)


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I like the new champ, too. He looks like he played the father in a 50s or 60s TV show.


I was mad at myself for not getting Harpers Ferry. My guess, which I really didn't think was right but I kinda sorta hoped it was, was George Washington. I thought maybe having a ferry gave him an advantage in later crossing the Potomac during the war. (Aren't you proud of me of admitting this?)

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I thought maybe having a ferry gave him an advantage in later crossing the Potomac during the war. (Aren't you proud of me of admitting this?)

Well, he famously crossed the Delaware River during the war.... but I'm sure he crossed the Potomac a few times, too! Which river was it that George threw a silver dollar across???

Edited by Gimmick Genius
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I like Sam, although I do have a small quibble. They shouldn't have accepted the Manson Group. It was the Manson Family.



Manson Family was a term used by the tabloid press, it wasn't like charges were filed against the Manson Family, or that they were actually related to each other.  'Group' or 'followers' seem perfectly reasonable.

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The new champ snuck up on me. I noticed her score had gotten over $10k and wondered how she did that. She didn't bother me.

Rami reminded me of that Seinfeld episode in which George has to pretend is arm is moving uncontrollably.

I cleaned up on this game, so I enjoyed it. I don't know if it was an easy board or if they just had some categories I liked. I did not, however, do well in that Dewar's category. There was too much math in that one for my ability, I'm good at math on paper but can't do it well in my head.

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Who the hell is Ebenezer Screws? She shouldn't have gotten credit for that.

I noticed that, too, but figured it was just her slurring.


I did not, however, do well in that Dewar's category. There was too much math in that one for my ability, I'm good at math on paper but can't do it well in my head.


Same here. I didn't even try.


I guessed HG Wells for FJ but figured it was wrong. I knew there was another name I was not remembering.

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As soon as they counted Sam's answer for We Three Kings wrong, I had a feeling they would eventually give him credit . I liked him. I thought he had no chance to play FJ when he got to -4000, so kudos to him for at least making it out of the red.

I missed most of the interviews and a few questions due to a weekly test.

As soon as they had the TV military category last night, I knew Gomer Pyle would be the first question.

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A couple of days ago, the answer to a question was "Danny Boy", the contestant answered "Oh Danny Boy" and was ruled correct. But the name of the song isn't "Oh Danny Boy", it's just "Danny Boy", and I thought that should have been dinged. I kept waiting for them to go back and rule it incorrect, but they never did. More inconsistent judging.


Hey now, that inconsistent judging might've helped my answer of "A Londonderry Air" which is the tune to which Danny Boy is most often sung.


I loved the ferry FJ - I knew it right away because I knew Harper's Ferry is where the Shenandoah and the Potomac meet, but also because that's where I once sent my parents for their anniversary.

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Finally, working in a library has come in handy! The Dewey decimal system category was very easy for me. I'm disappointed we didn't get to see the $200 clue in that category.


The friend with whom I was watching had been a librarian for more than 20 years before she retired, and she vehemently disputed Tiombe's answer of "Social Studies".  My online research today has so far verified that my answer of "Social Sciences" was indeed the correct one and that Tiombe's answer should've been ruled incorrect.  So now my friend understand my complaints about Jeopardy's inconsistent judging.

I did not, however, do well in that Dewar's category.


The only one I got right was the first one, where 86 proof liquor is 43% alcohol by volume; I even correctly expressed it as a decimal: .43.


And I got the Beaufort Sea at the last second because I knew he'd devised the wind scale.

Edited by proserpina65
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Likable Sam lasted one day longer than just about all the old farts, oops folks (of which I am one), who manage to make it to the J. stage. Just don't have the reflexes and quick recall to compete with the young whippersnappers anymore. Bring back the Senior Tourney, and we'll see if some of us "still got enuf of it" to make some big bucks!

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Tiombi was the least objectionable. What a sad way to describe a Jeopardy! champ, but true. I guess her misspelling of Purloined fits in with the judges allowing her to mispronounce answers, too.

I originally was going to cheer for Lynsey. Parker is just down the road from me. But then the buzzer flailing started and her use of a despised phrase, "junk in the trunk", made her dead to me.

Ben was an odd combination of timid and aggressive.

I guess Baretta was before their time. I have no idea what the excuse for Harris Tweed being a TS was.

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I've noticed lately contestants giving multiple answers. The guy in the middle did it a couple of times today. I know they can change their answers until Alex rules, but he gave at least three answers for radical. I did well in the angles category, making me not feel so bad about how I did with Dewar's yesterday.

I'm glad Tiombi won again. The third contestant would have been okay if she weren't flailing the buzzer all over the place. She had a good personality and a great smile.

Once again, I have no idea when Tiombi took the lead. I guess I don't watch the scores that closely, but when I noticed she was in the lead and was surprised. She did better in DJ.

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Man, I was really hoping Tiombe would lose.  I'll admit that my dislike of her is based more on the judges accepting outright incorrect answers (Social Studies) and others which were questionable based on her mushmouthed pronunciation (Ebenezer Screws), but regardless of why, I seriously dislike her and can't wait until she's gone.  So she'll probably be a 20 game winner, given my luck lately.

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Yay, Claudia! I really like her. She seems smart and nothing annoying about her.

I'm glad Tiombi's gone. I was terrified that Pee Wee Herman might win.

They didn't seem to know what a palindrome was.

I couldn't drag the the FJ answer out of my brain. My answer was, "that famous place were all the artists are buried".

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I used to be a big-time fan of Poe's, so FJ was super easy. (I'm not NOT a fan now; it's just that I haven't read him in a long time.) I was surprised when Alex said The Cask of Amontillado was more well known than The Purloined Letter. I just see them as equally known. :shrug:

I think "Cask" has been filmed more often and is also the basis for numerous "death traps" in all media. true also of "The Pit and the Pendulum". At least that's my guess.

 The new champ is ALSO from my state, though not as close as the retiring champ. It depresses me that no one knew "I Don't Like Mondays".

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I think "Cask" has been filmed more often and is also the basis for numerous "death traps" in all media. true also of "The Pit and the Pendulum". At least that's my guess.

 The new champ is ALSO from my state, though not as close as the retiring champ. It depresses me that no one knew "I Don't Like Mondays".

Boy howdy, they must have found some great finds in the Atlanta area to have so many recent contestants from there.

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That Mark guy writes for this website, right? Mark Blankenship? I thought that sounded familiar so I looked it up. The wooden bowtie was ridiculous, yet strangely compelling.

I missed Jeopardy today, but you're right!  http://previously.tv/author/mark-blankenship/ That's funny.  If there were any television categories he should have cleaned up on them.

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I still, for what seems like a month now, haven’t seen the show, but I've finally at least checked the archive, and read through the clues from last night's show:


I sucked at recent cinema; Meryl Streep was the only one I knew.


Data dump really surprised me as a TS in a category that spotted the alliteration.  I knew ground game in the same category, but I can see that one going unanswered.  Data dump, I’d have put money on being better known.


No one knowing what the radical sign (square root) was called was also surprising.  Same with tweed.


Not knowing Robert Blake = Baretta less so, but still something I’d have thought at least one contestant could answer. 


For the Spice Girls member,  I thought I was supposed to come up with what the B in Mel B. stood for.


The Poe FJ was an instaget for me; tell me the title refers to a theft, and purloined – one of my favorite words – springs instantly to mind.

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I've been fortunate enough to visit Paris a few times, and finally went to the Pantheon on my most recent trip. Even so, I briefly flirted with the Arc de Triomphe before I remembered (a) one would be interred underneath it, not in it, and (b) the only person so interred is the French Unknown Soldier.

Oh, and I was disappointed (and felt really old) when nobody knew "I Don't Like Mondays".

Edited by Scott
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